Date: Sun, 31 Jul 2011 12:45:10 -0500 From: Paul Tolbert Subject: Sexy Little Things - Chapter 3 SEXY LITTLE THINGS Chapter 3: Desperate Houseman Pairing: The Miz/Jack Swagger WWE Slash Fiction "Um ok. This is um...interesting." "What?" "Nothing Jack. It's" "You don't like my cooking, do you?" "No--" "I KNEW IT!" "NO! That's not what I was gonna say. What I meant was--" "What did you mean Mike? I have been slaving ALL WEEK over this Grilled Shrimp Alfredo and--" "I meant, no I don't not like your cooking." "What? That doesn't make any sense. And people say I'm the one with speech issues." "I mean...I DO like your cooking." "But you said that you DIDN'T like it...?" "No, I said, or was gonna say `No baby I DO like your cooking'. This taste VERY good." "You're just saying that to be nice Mike. You don't have too. If it taste awful, then just say so." "No, I'm not trying to be nice. I mean I am trying to be nice. I...really it's...ugh all right fine. It's terrible. There, I said it. This meal is just fucking awful." "I knew it!" "Jack..." "NO! Don't look at me!" "Drama Queen much?" "I knew I should have done Paula Deen instead of Rachel Ray..." "You fucked Rachel Ray?!?" "Dumb-ass! I meant I should have followed a Paula Deen recipe instead of a Rachel Ray one. Idiot." "Relax! I was just joking Jack. You need to ease up sweetie. Nothing to be upset about. How about we order takeout instead OK? I'll cook next time. I know how much you LOVE my meals. I'm a domestic god." "Whatever you say. I just wanted to make you dinner for once. Sorry I messed things up." "Aw Jack Don't pout baby. Save that for the bedroom. Insert devilish smirk." "Wipe that grin of your face buddy. Besides, what are we gonna do about this meal? I'm not gonna just toss it out you know." "Oh I figured as much. Don't worry it will go to good use. I'll put it in a plastic container and give it to Michael Cole."