Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2012 21:13:12 -0500 From: Paul Tolbert Subject: Sexy Little Things 9 SEXY LITTLE THINGS Chapter 9: Holiday Fiasco Pairing: Dave/Rey WWE SLASH FICTION "Dave, hold the ladder steady OK? I don't wanna fall and break every bone in my body." "Don't worry Rey Rey, I won't let you fall. I should be the one taking down the Christmas lights from the roof though, not you." "What? You don't think I can handle it?" "No, I just meant,'re not 100% right now you know? You still nursing your injury and everything." "Yeah, but that doesn't mean I can't take down some fucking holiday decor from our roof." "OUR roof?!?!?" "I mean your roof Dave." "NO! It's our roof Rey...if you want it to be--" "DAVE!" "Sorry! Sorry Rey. Got distracted." "I told you to be careful with the ladder!! It's very fragile." "I got it Rey. I'll be careful next time." "You SHOULD have been careful the first time. Dummy." "Sure Rey..." "Why don't we take a break? My throat is so dry." "I'll lubricate your throat for you Rey..." "OH ABSOLUTELY DAVE!...With some lemonade. Pervert." "Ha! Can't blame me for trying. Alright, I'll get us some lemonade." ... "Rey?" "Yeah Dave?" "I meant what I said earlier about `our roof'. I want you to move in with me..." "Not sure how to respond to that Dave." "How about `yes'?" "This lemonade is pretty good. You made it?" "Don't try and change the subject." "Look Dave, I'm not sure if now is a good time, especially after what happened at Christmas dinner with our parents. muy malo." "My mom was just...well, concerned." "She flat out told you to find another boyfriend since I'm about ready to make a return to the WWE. Since you're not apart of it anymore, we wouldn't be seeing much of each other anyone once I go back." "And that didn't sit well with your mother..." "No it did not. I'll replace the fine China they broke during the scuffle." "Don't bother. I didn't like it anyway. Besides, I don't think that's a valid excuse not to move in with me. Something else Is holding you back." "I guess so..." "Why?" "Well...I'm just not ready. Moving in together is a big, HUGE, gigantic step in a relationship." "Well, we've been together for like 7 years so..." "True, but...Let's talk about it later. I don't wanna dig myself into a hole I can't climb out of." "OK Rey Rey, I won't pressure you. Fuck I'm hungry. Is there still anymore Fruit Cake?" "Gross Dave." "What?! It's fucking good!" "You'd eat anything wouldn't you?" "Pretty much, except for that funk poison Grilled Shrimp Alfredo Swagger made and fed to Michael Cole." "Is Cole still in the hospital?" "I dun know." "I go look in the fridge. Dave?" "Yes baby?" "You need to train your mom in the gym. She got her ass kicked by mine." "Fuck you Rey." "Save that for later boo." "That fruit cake can wait. What I'm really hungry for right now is your cake." "But it's not even your birthday. You gonna carry me to our bedroom?" "There's that word again. Ours."