Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2007 01:30:43 -0800 From: Scott MacIlherron Subject: Alistair's Story, Chapter 2, Gay Male College Disclaimer: This story is pure fiction, a work of the author's imagination. This story contains homosexual relations between men and sexual intercourse. By federal law in the United States of America if you are under the age of 18 it is illegal for you to be reading this right now. Hit the Back button now. Alistair's Story Chapter 2 I woke up after I don't know how long in the nurse's office. No one was around at the time so I assumed that they were in the other room. I groaned and felt my head where I hit it. Just behind and above my right ear there was a big knot. As soon as I touched the knot I regretted it. It was so sore and pain throbbed through it causing me to wince. As the nurse heard my groan she came into the room and said, "So how are you feeling now?" "Just peachy," I said sarcastically. "My head is throbbing and I have a knot on my head the size of an ostrich egg." "Really now, it's not that big," she said. "Now that you're awake I am going to put a cold compress on the bump and then you can leave the office," she said as she reached for a bag with ice in it. After the cold compress was held to my head for awhile the nurse said if I continued to hold it on lump it would help the swelling go down. I got up and gathered my stuff that I assume John brought with him when he took me to the nurses office. As I was walking out the nurse said. "Excuse me Mr. MacNaughton, the man that brought you in left a phone number and said for you to call him and tell him if you are going to live or not." At that she started to chuckle, she said, "Sorry, that's what the note says." "Sorry for troubling you with my minor injury," I said. "Nonsense, if it weren't for stuff like this happening during the day, I wouldn't be working here right now. Have a good day." She then handed me the note which I pocketed then walked out. I started walking toward my truck and thought to my self that I should call him. He was nice enough to bring me to the nurse's office. I also have to let him know that what happened to me was not his fault. He thought he scared me. I'm so stupid; I always ruin things like this because of what happened to me. I know that there are normal people out there and not everyone is trying to take advantage of me. After all this thought I decided that I would call him. I pulled out the note and read it. It really did say `call me and tell me if you are going to live or not.' I looked at the number and then saved it onto my phone. After the whole process of typing his name and saving the correct number I dialed. It rang a couple of times before he picked it up. "Hello," He said. "Hey, it's Alistair." "Feel better, that was a nasty bump you had on your head," He said sincerely. "Well, your note said to tell you if I was alive. Well I'm not really sure if I am talking to you from the after life or not. If this is the after life, it's pretty crappy, looks and feels like where I just left." I said trying to make fun of the issue. "Hey just a minute. Where are you right now?" He said. "I am walking over to my truck, why?" "I just got out of class and we haven't talked about our project yet. I thought that we could meet up at Espresso Metro and figure this out." "OK," I said. "I'll see you there in five minutes." "OK, see you in a few." Then he hung up. I started walking toward the coffee shop from my truck that was parked in William Land Park. I was thinking to myself if I should tell him why I panicked earlier. I continued thinking to myself if I should live a lie or stop living a lie. I had never told anyone what happened that didn't know about the incident or the fact that I was gay. Living in a rural republican county doesn't help much with self confidence about being gay. I have lived all my life in fear that if I told anyone that I would be screamed and yelled at, have the shit kicked out of me, and lose my so called friends. I know, real friends would not care either way but I guess that I have been brain washed by being near so many homophobes. I have heard so many comments such as, "I don't care if people are gay or not, just as long as they keep to themselves and don't publicly display it because that is just disgusting." Or, "Gay people are fine just as long as they keep their distance and don't try to hit on me because if they did I would kick their ass." I arrived at Espresso Metro and sat down to wait for John. Shortly after I sat down John walked up, dropped his bag next to a chair and sat down. "Hey, sorry about this morning when I sacred you. When I grabbed your shoulder you just kind of freaked out. I didn't try to and I feel bad about you getting hurt." He said. I thought about telling him at this point but I kept thinking to myself that he does not need to know that. I know I will just tell him that it wasn't his fault at all and if he asks I won't explain. "No, it's not your fault," I said. "What do you mean, I was the one who grabbed you and scared you." "No, you just don't understand. It was something that happened to me in high school and it is just a reaction to that. Sorry that I scared you though." I said trying to dodge the subject. "What happened to you, did someone beat you up?" He asked inquisitively. OK I thought to my self, this is where you can be vague and dodge the subject. "Yea, something like that, no big deal though. Its ancient history now." "Well it has to be something that still affects you. You freaked out and started panicking when I touched you." He said prying deeper into my life. "No, No. Please, I don't want to talk about this. Please just, no." I said putting my foot down. "Hey, sorry man, I didn't mean to pry." He said apologizing. I could tell that he still wanted to find out what had happened to me. "Nah, its ok. Any way lets get started on what we are going to do on this project." I said changing subject. Since we have to do two separate projects if its ok I'll go first, I'm doing my presentation on melodramas and it will go right into your subject of Film and Television." "I was wondering when I saw the paper what a melodrama was." He said. "It's a form of theatre where the audience participates," I explained. "When the villain or villainess comes onto the stage the whole audience boo's and hisses. When the hero comes on, everyone shouts hooray. When the heroin enters everyone says Ahhhhhhh. When anyone enters or exits they have piano music accompanying them. Also every character has his or her own entrance and exit music. When the villain is about to do something bad the piano player rumbles the low notes to give the audience an ominous feeling. Now if you think of the classic villain this is the form of theatre where we get our villain image from. In most of the American melodramas the villain dresses in black, wears a cape, and wears a black top hat. He usually has black hair that is slicked back with a handle bar mustache that he twirls. He walks around very mischievous like, like Groucho Marks. Also the actors ask the audience questions such as the hero, `Should I marry her? Should I?' At that the audience usually replies, `yes, yes.' The villain tells the audience his plot and asks if it is fool proof. They usually shout, `no, don't do it.' In these types of plays you don't always stick just to your lines. You will adlib and make comments about the audience. If the villain doesn't get enough boos and hisses when he enters, he will tell the audience, `you can do better than that,' or, `that was pathetic.' Then he will go out and re enter. This type of play was very popular into the `20's then it started dying. When moving pictures and movies first came out they filmed melodramas. Without melodramas we would not have our TV shows or movies as we know them now." "Wow," he said. "I haven't even put that much thought into mine yet. I still have to do tons or research but it looks like you got you presentation down already." "Well, I've done a melodrama before so I know all about it. I didn't have to do any research. That's why I picked it." I said mater of fact like. "At least I have the first part of my research done for me." He said. "Now I know where to start. Your presentation will be able to segue perfectly into mine. I bet most people's presentations won't be able to do that." "I can help you on research if you want since I don't have to do any of my own." I said. "You don't have to do that." He said trying to be nice. "I can do my research for my part. You just were smart enough to pick something that you knew about." "No, It's really ok. It'll be fun." I said trying to get him to accept. "OK," he said reluctantly. "You can't do all of the research and then just give it to me the results to present. I actually want to do something." "Fine by me," I said. "Well I'll talk on Friday and bring what I found, then we can collaborate and get our presentation set and ready to go way ahead of time." That's when we headed our separate ways to go home. All I could think is I chickened out again. I didn't tell him. Then I started thinking that if I did would he ignore me? Would he not like me? Would he try to beat me? That was my biggest question. I still didn't have that much trust in people even though it had happened so long ago. So I went home to do some research on the history of TV. I hopped onto Google and started searching. The first thing that I found was very interesting; a German named Paul Nipkow developed a disk like a record that transmitted pictures over a wire in 1884. It was called the Nipkow disk. This was the earliest electromechanical TV system. But it was abandoned early on for better versions of the TV. The site was very interesting it had the history of the TV and all its components from the very beginning all the way up until present day. I got a lot of info down on this one site and decided that I was going to stop there because John was adamant that I only help do his project and not do it for him. If I didn't stop myself there I could have continued and done his whole project myself. Yea I'm kinda nerdy that way, if I find something that interests me just a little bit I will find out all the information about it. I was going to keep my word though and stop. Later that night I went to bed and that night all my dreams were filled with John. Everything I dreamed about had John in it and every time in each dream he ended up telling me that he was gay and we got together. In the morning I woke up with my typical morning wood and smiled to myself remembering the dreams that I had during the past night. As I lie there in bed, that smile that I had on my face slowly disappeared as I realized that I would never get John because he wasn't gay. Oh well, I can dream, can't I? Later that day he met up with me after our history class and I gave him the information I had conjured up the night before. Once again we decided to head over the Espresso Metro to talk, go over our projects, and of course to have some good coffee and lunch. As we got there and got in line I got my usual triple shot of espresso and a fiesta burrito. John got a double shot white mocha and some tomato basil soup. We sat there and talked about our upcoming project and that with my research and his put together ours was completed right then and there and now all we had to do was wait for our presentation date to roll around. After we figured out all the little details about our project our conversation turned to normal college talk, classes, professors, sports, and the other usual culprits. Finally our conversation rolled around to parties. "So do you party much?" He asked me. "Once in a while, most of the parties that I go to are not with people my age though." I stated. "Partying with the folks?" He laughed. "No, I belong to a club up where I live called the Mother Lode Scots and they have parties for everything." I explained. "They have parties for Christmas, New Years, Robert Burns Supper, Scottish New Years, Scottish Whiskey tasting, basically anytime that they get a chance to have a party they do. By being a part of the club I am invited to all of the parties. There is lots of drinking, everyone drinks scotch and no one drinks crap scotch, most of all the scotch that we drink is expensive. Like anywhere from $50 a bottle to $200. Other than that I didn't go to many parties in high school. I went to two parties and both were at a friend's house and only 10 to 12 people were there that were all close friends. Even though I party like that I don't smoke pot or drink often even though I like drinking. I know I am a light weight when it comes to drinking because I am not conditioned." When I said conditioned I made the parentheses signs with my fingers. He laughed at that. "Well you are going to have to come to one of mine then we will get you conditioned quickly enough." He mimicked me when he said conditioned. "Tonight I'm having a party at my house, stop by if you want." "OK," I said, "I think I will. Where do you live?" At that point he wrote down the directions to where he lived and handed them to me and told me, "You don't have to bring anything, just show up, if you can?" We had finished our lunches and class was about to start. "I'm pretty sure that I can make it so I will see you then." As I was walking back to my class I kept thinking, `I hope that I don't get too drunk. If I do I might just up and tell people my secret that I have hidden for so long.' I told myself that I was going to have to limit what I drank so I wasn't going to tell anyone anything that I didn't want them to know. My next class was Acting Techniques and I arrived there on time and sat down waiting for the professor to arrive. As I was sitting there a guy walked in and sat down across the room that I had not seen before. He was quite tall maybe 6ft. 2in., at least that's taller than me, well ok only 2in. taller than me. He was not skinny but his height fit his body type perfectly. Anyways beyond that he had good taste in clothing. He was dressed nice. Not look at me nice, but just plain nice unlike everyone else in the class was dressed in jeans and a t-shirt or a skirt. He had his hair done pretty nondescript so you couldn't label him as prep, emo, gay, or hey-look-at-me-I'm-different etc. He wasn't hot like John but more pretty or beautiful. He had a very eloquent and graceful look. I don't know, he just had a different quality about him that I can't quite describe. All this time that I am checking him out he is getting some stuff out of his bag. I also don't realize that I am staring. As he finishes I am watching him and he gets out what he needed and looks up from what was previously occupying him, and looks at me. When he looks up it is one of those awkward moments where you realize that you were staring he realizes that you were staring and he caught the culprit. As soon as that happened, within a split second, I diverted my eyes and felt my cheeks start to get red. All I'm thinking to my self rapidly is, `Oh dam, oh dam, oh dam, he caught me and now I am embarrassed. I know I just won't look at him for a while and maybe he will think nothing of it. Yea that's what I will do.' That's exactly what I did to until our professor came in and told us that we were going to play another theatre game to get us warmed up. "Ok, today we are going to be playing a staring game to warm up by." Our professor said. "And I am going to tell you a little about staring and what we do while we are doing it. In our society it is not considered ok to stare, to take a passing glance, yes, to take a good look, yes, but to stare is considered rude. Well we have to stare sometimes in theatre to make a scene more realistic. Who can tell me that they have watched a movie where two characters that are close to each other and are sitting close talking about a serious subject and one of the actors can't keep his eyes on the other person? He or she will look at the other actor and then dart their eyes away for a bit and then look back. When in real life when people are talking about a serious subject and are close enough to look at one another or it is intimate situation you are not going to dart your eyes around. Now you might think that the audience can't see your eyes but that's wrong. If you are in an intimate scene talking to another actor and your eyes are darting around everywhere but the person you are talking to. The audience sees that and subconsciously doesn't take the scene seriously. So what we are going to work on for a little while is a staring game. Now we are going to be standing up and I am going to pair people up together and after this round I will move people around. I am going to need everyone to stand facing each other and one person's arm's length apart so that will make you anywhere from 2 to 3 feet apart. Now when you get nervous a natural way to disarm a situation is to laugh. So I know that many of you are going to stare at each other for a short time and then one of you is going to look away and laugh. And I know some people will not be able to do this exercise once without laughing. Another catch is there is no sound making or talking when I say to start, all you do is stare into the other person's eyes. Now you can't stare literally one eye to one eye because your eyes don't work that way so you can focus on either one of their eyes. The only catch is once you start you can't bounce around from one eye to the other. Ok you and you, you and you, you and you, etc. We got all pared off and I was with this one person that I had conversed very little with before. Our prof. told us to get ready and when he said go he wanted silence and us to stare until we disarmed with a laugh and looked away or till he says to stop. If we do disarm with a laugh we are to try again until he tells the class to take a brake and change partners. "Ooookayyyy," he said this drawn out looking at his watch. "And, go" The class got silent and then everyone started staring. Jesus I didn't think it was going to be this hard. I was trying hard not to laugh and just kept staring. Well I didn't have to wait long because my partner started laughing nervously and looked away. My partner wasn't first to laugh though, other people were laughing around the room. My partner kept trying but he just couldn't do it. He would stare for a couple seconds and laugh and look away. Finally prof. said to stop and he started trading partners around. We repeated this process a couple of times until I got moved to the guy I was staring at in the beginning of class. Oh dam, I started feeling nervous but he showed no signs of being uncomfortable. I was looking everywhere but him until we were told to start. I looked up and oh dam, Jesus Christ, shit in a bucket. He had the most beautiful eyes that I have ever seen, and the oddest color. They were a very light violet color, not a contact violet color but a natural violet color. And the reason I could tell that they weren't contacts was because I was standing so close. At this point I didn't have the slightest urge to laugh because I was so entranced by looking into his eyes. His eyes had a very warm inviting look to them, a reflection of who he was as far as I could tell by just looking at him. It seemed like our eyes were locked for an eternity, but I didn't care because I could stand here to the day I die looking into those eyes. "Ok times up," prof. said breaking the trance. "That was also our longest time yet it was 7 min. Everyone pull the chairs into a circle and we will discuss this" Jesus, I knew it was a long time. The mystery guy with the beautiful eyes didn't say a word but he looked happy although he didn't smile or anything. We sat down and he started going around the circle and asked what we thought of the exercise and what we learned from it and did we improve as we did it more and more. He slowly snaked around to the mystery guy and said, "I'm sorry I didn't get your name yet you just added today or you want to add?" "Eli," he said. "And I added today. "Ok, anyways I noticed that you and Alistair were the only ones that didn't laugh during the last time that we did this can you explain what you did and how you did it? And Alistair just jump in and explain how you did it whenever you can." "Well," said Eli. "Truthfully and honestly, I got lost in his eyes." Oh shit, now I am starting to blush. "His eyes are hard to explain, they are mostly green but around the outside of the Iris there is a band of yellow then it turns into green and near the pupil it turns a more muted color yellow, but a different shade of yellow than the outside ring. Like wolf eyes. Very trusting and comforting. I don't know, it was like I started looking into his eyes and they swallowed me in. That's the best that I can explain it." Dam, now I am staring at the ground blushing completely embarrassed while other people in the class are chuckling about what was said. Oh and by the way did I forget to mention that his voice matches the rest of him? Beautiful and angelic. He was not a tenor but also not a base. He spoke very smoothly and. ahhhh I can't explain it, it was just beautiful. During this time the prof. didn't say a word until he spoke to me. "Alistair, and how did you keep from laughing and stayed so serious the whole time?" Ok I had to stop being embarrassed and tell the class. "Well his eyes are absolutely gorgeous, what can I say." This time it was his turn to blush. "Some of you guys got to see what I am talking about. His eyes are a very light shade of violet and they are not contacts, absolutely beautiful. I had the same experience that Eli had, I got lost in his eyes." Now people were giggling and laughing about what Eli and I said and people wanted to look into our eyes to see what we were talking about. As class was leaving Eli and I had a line of guys and girls wanting to look at our eyes. As they did we both got pretty much the same response as we had talked about in class. My line had finished first so I packed up my stuff and headed outside. As I was heading out that angelic voice that could only belong to Eli called out, "Hey, wait up." Dum, dum, dum....Now what is going to happen next? Now there are 2 people that Alistair likes. Is he wasting his time? Find out next chapter or the one after that. I haven't decided yet. Well please leave me your comments about this story that is unraveling before us. As always you can e-mail me at Hugs and Kisses Scott MacIlherron