WARNING: If it is illegal for you to be reading these stories or you find them disgusting or immoral, please refrain from reading further. Must be 18+ to read! Any characters, places, or people depicted in this story is entirely in the fantasy and imagination of the writer and are in no way meant to portray anyone in real life. Any people, places, or actions depicted in this story that reflect real life events or situations is entirely by accident or coincidence.

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Chapter Eleven  


Promises in the Dark


My phone said it was 3:35. Damn. We were immobilized for 12 hours. I sat up and my stomach felt like I'd through a round in Fight Club. I remembered taking a shower last night, this morning, whenever it was but when I sniffed my pit you sure as hell couldn't tell it. I looked over at James, he was awake and staring at the ceiling.

"I made a deal with God last night" he said, "I promised if he would just let me live, I wouldn't drink again for three months. Right now, I feel like He's still thinking it over."

All of a sudden, my bladder told me I needed to hit the bathroom. This time, the urine was almost normal colored, still a little darker than usual but much better than last night. I guess the sound triggered James because once, again we were fighting over a toilet. I went to kiss him but he shook his head as he flushed the toilet and grabbed his toothbrush and started cleaning the yuck out of his mouth again. I held my hand up and huffed and decided I needed to join him. Afterward, we got back in the shower and cleaned up one more time, then got out and got dressed.

In the living room, Victor was laying on the couch with a Ziplock bag of ice on his head and through the open door of their bedroom I could hear the shower going. I went over and sat in the chair by Victor.

"The secret is water, Victor. Drink a lot of water, gallons." I told him. He nodded and gave me the shush sign with his finger on his lips. Bernie came out of the bedroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist and walked into the kitchen and drank an entire glass of water.

"That makes four, not counting what I swallowed in the shower" he said. He refilled the glass and sat it on the coaster beside the couch for Victor.

"Okay...so, drinking...clearly not our forte" I said "so, what are we doing tonight?"

"I think you and Jimmy Baby better lay low tonight, after that shit you got into last night" Bernie said. Victor laughed then grimaced and held his head.

"I have no idea what you're talking about" I said, though I vaguely seemed to remember arguing with somebody down on the strip, now that he mentioned it.

"I think the line was something like keep your fucking faggot hands off my Jimmy Baby or we'll go get his Aston Martin and run your skanky asses down, I believe I have that right" Bernie said.

"You forgot the part about them being just some pussy ass bitches" Victor croaked, "oh, and you left out where he was yelling all this from."

"Oh, silly me, you're right Victor" he said, then continued, "this was all being shouted from the middle of a table top at Pineapple Willy's. There must have been 500 people there. I'm just glad we outran the police."

Flashes of it was coming back and I felt myself turning red. I looked at James to see if they were pranking me or if it was true; the look on his face nailed it down.

"Oh my God" I said, "I guess we can't go back around that place." The more I wracked my hurting brain the more confused I was.

"Refresh me, what exactly did these persons do to invoke my wrath?" I asked.

"They were just fucking around, being stupid. One of them ran up behind James and started pretending to hump on him. Well, until you knocked him on his ass anyway" Bernie said. "When his friends came at you, you popped the tall one in the nose and when he started bleeding like a stuck pig, you had your tirade and they started screaming for the cops and we all ran."

"Oh my God" I said again. My dad had insisted that I know how to take care of myself, so I guess it all kicked in when I was drunk and pissed off in the middle of the night. "I'm such a fucking idiot" I said, "I'm sorry guys."

"Don't apologize to me, Prince Valiant" James said, flapping his eyelashes, "You protected my honor, my heart melts for thee."

"I wouldn't worry about it" Victor said, "They were as drunk as you were, they probably won't even remember what happened."

"But I saved part of it for eternity" Bernie said, handing me his phone. The video started with the first offender laying on his back on the ground, then a close up of the awesome right hook that may have broken the nose of offender number two, then the camera got shaky as Bernie was running with it. I sat taking it all in for a few minutes.

"Y'all have to admit, that punch was something else" I said. They all burst out laughing.

"Yeah, Rocky, whatever" Bernie said snorting.

"There was more, but we'll let James fill you in on that later" Victor said. I wasn't sure I wanted to know, so I let it drop.

We decided due the `excitement' last night, we would go up to the far end of the strip tonight. Nobody was interested in anything having to do with alcohol, so we ended up in Dave and Buster's playing games for an hour or so, then we rode the Sky Wheel. The sun was going down and it had finally been enough time we were feeling human again, so we decided to grab something to eat. We still weren't sure what our stomachs would stand so we got a four-cheese pizza and sweet teas and ate outside at Great White Pizza down near the pier. After dinner we took a walk out on the pier just to enjoy the night and the moonlight on the water, then we called it a night.

It was only about 10:30 when we went to bed but we were still recuperating from the night before. We threw our clothes in a pile and got into bed when I thought about what Victor said earlier.

"What was Victor talking about? He said you'd fill me in later?" I asked.

"Oh...yeah...do you really want to get into that right now?" he asked.

"Was it that bad?" I said, horrified to think what else the drunk me had done.

"No...it's just...well, it's kind of embarrassing..." he said.

"Oh, hell. You've got to tell me now" I said.

"Okay. So, we ran from the police and cut between two of those old beach hotels and lost them and we're all sitting on the beach catching our breath, right?" he said.

"Yeah, I'm with you so far. So, what happened next?" I asked.

"Bernie says `Damn, maybe I shoulda kept that one' to Victor and you came unglued. You got all pissy and told him he had his chance and blew it, then...you wrapped your arms around me and told him and Victor that you and me were soulmates and we were promised to each other until the sun burned out. Then...you kind of fell asleep on with your head on my shoulder...Bernie and Victor laughed it off and we all got up and stumbled back here, halfway carrying each other, then...well, you know the rest" he said.

"Alcohol and me are not a good combination" I said.

"At least not in unregulated quantities" he said, "but, have you ever heard the old saying that the only people who tell the truth are kids and drunks?"

"Yeah" I said. "Some of that was straight up truth, at least from my vantage point. I feel like you are my soulmate, I guess I should have seen how you felt before I started preaching about it to people though."

"I think you kinda hurt Bernie's feelings" James said, still not telling me how he felt.

"I wasn't trying to, but what I said is how I feel on that too. I mean, even if I was thinking that way, I don't think I could ever trust him again. Do you get what I mean?" I asked.

"Yeah. I do actually" he replied.

"You didn't tell me how you feel about me" I pointed out to him.

"No, I didn't, did I?" he said, "Well, good night."

"What? Oh no you don't!" He closed his eyes pretending to be asleep. I started tickling him and told him I wouldn't stop until he told me.

"Okay...okay...okay! Let me catch my breath" he panted. After a few minutes he locked eyes with me and said "You shouldn't even have to ask such stupid questions anyway. If you don't remember I was the one stalking you until you finally gave in. I've wanted you since the first time I met you."

"Yeah, but that was all superficial, all you knew about me was how I looked" I said.

"After the time we've spent together, seeing you with your family, watching you navigate my weird-ass mother and win over my dad, seeing you with Keith – Dude. I love you so much I'd probably just suicide if you ever left me. So, yeah, if that's what you call soulmates, I guess so. We just feel right together."

The perfect answer earned him the perfect oral treatment. I edged him nearly an hour before I allowed him to cum. When he finally did, I was so wound up that I stroked myself about three times and covered my stomach. We lay shoulders and heads touching as we fell asleep holding each other's hand.


Friends and Lovers


We were supposed to be taking a break from our routine, but nobody told my body about that so I found myself up awake at 5am and not able to get back to sleep. I got up and went into the kitchen and made a pot of coffee and took the cup out onto the balcony to sip and watch the waves break on the shore below. Soon I was joined in the twilight by Bernie, who had helped himself to the coffee. We sat quietly for a while with the gentle breeze blowing and the sound of the ocean.

"Hey, I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings when I was being drunk and stupid the other night" I said.

"No problem. I probably deserved it. I was a turd to you..." he said.

"Anyway, I'm really sorry. I don't have that many real friends and I don't want to run you off" I said.

"Ok, we're cool. Just stop, you're making this all awkward and shit" he said, "Hey, we still have time to run before the sun comes up..."

I took my last swallow of coffee and we put our cups in the sink. He grabbed the key card for the room and we took off. We hit the beach and ran along the beach at the water's edge all the way up to the pier, then turned around and went back and into the condo's gym where we worked out like old times. When we were done, I was in need of a shower. I figured the two of us were stinking up the elevator. He swiped the card and we went in. James and Victor were sitting in our places on the balcony having their coffee. I suddenly felt bad for leaving James there.

"Hey, we just went for a run..." I started.

"Yeah, we watched you guys all the way up toward the pier. I don't see how you could handle it after the purge session last night" he said.

"Superior genetics" I said. James threw his coffee spoon at me.

"Anyway, we went to the pier and then came back and worked out in the gym downstairs" I lifted my arm and said "Wanna smell?"

"You should have come and asked us to go" he said, ignoring my jab.

"It's spring break; we didn't figure you'd want to go. I was going to let you relax, me and Bernie...neither of us could sleep so we decided to run" I said, "would you have gone?" I asked.

"Honestly, probably not" he sighed, "just something about you and Bernie alone together..."

"What the hell does that mean?" I asked. "After what you already know, why are you worried about me and Bernie?"

"Yeah, I know" he said.

"Seriously, all I would do with him now is work out!" I said as I walked away and got into the shower. The door opened a few minutes later and he stepped in with me.

"I'm sorry" he said, "I guess you're not the only one who gets jealous."

He kissed the back of my neck while his hands wandered my chest and stomach. My dick started rising to meet his hand and I could feel his laying in my crack. He stroked me a few times and then turned around and faced the wall. I soaped him up and entered his hungry hole, there was almost no resistance. I was slowly stroking until he told me to fuck him hard; I followed his orders and pressed him up against the shower wall as I impaled him. It was fast and almost animalistic. I pounded him until his moan was one long continuous sound. I reached in front of him and started jacking him off as I pounded his ass. The hot water was starting to go lukewarm so I increased my speed and fucked the shit out of him until I finally hit my point of no return and loaded him until cum was dripping down my shaft and into the shower pan. A minute or so later, he blasted his load against the shower wall. We washed off again in the nearly cold water, then I turned the shower off and dried us off. Bernie and Victor had ordered breakfast delivery from some place and decided to have breakfast on the balcony. We got coffee and went out to join them; luckily, they'd ordered enough for all of us. It was a beautiful morning and we sat watching the early morning sun coming up over the ocean.

"It's so peaceful here" I said.

"You should have heard it earlier, it sounded like somebody was slow-motion strangling a cat to death" Bernie said. Victor lost it, then they both busted out in laughter. James' face was red as a firetruck.

"Yeah, you guys have to be quieter when you're `soul mating' like that" Victor got out with a wheeze between fits of laughter.



We got back on campus around 4pm Sunday evening. I started to think about what I was going to do this summer. When I first started school here, I assumed I'd go back home for the summers and find a job. The more I thought about it, the more I was worried about being away from James for so long. What if he met somebody else? What if I did? I tried to dig out of him what he was planning on doing for the summer. He said his plans weren't set yet, but that his brother Robbie had suggested that they go to Europe and bum around for a couple of months. I told him that sounded awesome and that I hoped one day I would be able go to Europe.

"Let's take a brothers trip" he said. I looked at him like he had literally lost his mind.

"On what? My looks?" I asked.

"Bumming around Europe is not that expensive; we can stay in hostels and live out of our backpacks" he said.

"Yeah, so only the several thousand in airfare to worry about" I said sarcastically.

"Mom and dad have connections. Don't worry about that" he said.

"Then there's the fact that JJ won't be but 16, and barely that. His birthday is June 1st" I said, "I don't know if my parents would let him go."

"He'd have three chaperones" James said, "I feel like you're making excuses. Are you wanting to be away from me for nearly four months?"

"Let me see if this has any possibility of happening at all" I said, grabbing my cellphone. I dialed up my home number and mom answered.

"Hey mom, let me run something by you. It may sound crazy" I said.

"Okay..." she waited.

"James and Robbie are talking about bumming around Europe for a month or so this summer and they kind of invited me and JJ to come and make it like a brothers' trip" I told her. I held up the phone as she rattled off the same things I'd already said to James. He grabbed my phone and began telling her more of the plan and detail about how it wouldn't cost a fortune.

To my surprise, when he handed me the phone back, she said "Let me run it past your dad and see what he says tonight."

A couple of days later the plan was set. We wouldn't leave until June the 2nd, the day after JJ's birthday, so mom and dad would get to see me for roughly a month before we left.

The rest of the semester went by in a flash. The night before they were coming to pick me up, James and I literally made love all night. I think I got to sleep from 3:00am to about 5:00am when he woke me up for our run and workout. After the gym, we stopped and got breakfast on the way back to the dorm. Dad and JJ were supposed to be here to pick me up around 10, so we made sure the place was cleaned up and ready to move out. We'd already stored our stuff for the summer so we were basically down to sitting at the desks while I waited. James said that Danny was coming to pick him up; I guess he really just liked to drive.

Ten o'clock came too fast; before I knew it there was a knock and JJ came in and picked up my big duffel bag of clothes and dad and I got the rest. James stood by the car as we packed everything inside, then he surprised me with something. He pulled two rings out of his pocket. I wondered when he'd even had the time to get anything like that. He grabbed my hand and put the ring on me and handed me the other one, which I put on him.

"This is a promise that we will stay true to each other until we see each other again" he whispered in my ear. My dad looked somewhere between confused and uncomfortable; JJ just took the opportunity to go ahead and get in the car. I pulled him into a bear hug and whispered "I love you" in his ear.

"June 2nd!" he said. I nodded and went around to get into the car.

"What's happening on June 2nd?" JJ asked. I looked at dad, he said "I figured you might want to be the one to tell him."

"June 2nd, me and you and James and his brother Robbie are going to Europe for about a month" I said.

"Do what?" he asked.

"You heard me; we're going on a brothers trip" I said.

"To Europe?" he said robotically.

"Yes. What's wrong? Please don't tell me you don't want to go..." I said.

"No, it just I don't see how we can afford it. I don't have but $200 in my savings account, and..." I interrupted him.

"All we need to do is go get our passports. James has the airfare covered. We're going to backpack and stay in hostels" I told him.

Now he was starting to get excited. I could see the wheels turning in his brain. Then came the chatter all the way home. Can we go here and can we go there? He sounded like he was running through a list of every place he'd ever read about. I told him we were just going to wing it and have a good time.

"And you're okay with this plan?" he asked dad.

"Yes, JJ. Teddy assures me that you'll be okay with three older brothers to chaperone you" dad told him.

Now, with him so hyped up over the trip, I knew I'd have to find a job or something because he was bouncing off the walls and about to drive me crazy. We both found some temporary jobs and by the time the end of June rolled around, we had new backpacks and shoes and some spending money to boot.

We left early on the 2nd. Dad drove us to Knoxville airport; we took a connecting flight to Atlanta where we met up with James and Robbie at Hartsfield and caught our flight out for London, the first stop on our tour.


Lambodara 12/2/21


James and Ted's Excellent Adventure, coming soon.