Date: Sun, 10 Jun 2007 05:05:00 -0400 From: Jake Toksmer Subject: College and Grad School 14 Chapter 14: Spring Break! Ahh... March. Spring Break! My roommates and I decided to go to the beach. I think Bobby suggested it. But in any case, the four of us found a really nice place to rent in the middle of nowhere outside of Destin, FL. It was a huge house and right on the ocean. It was in a nice community of beach houses, and was just amazing. And there was plenty of room for us and their girlfriends. There was the issue of money. And it really irritated me and I almost lost it with Bobby and Will. The four of us were sitting around the table and had planned out the week - buying food and everything in addition to the costs of renting the place for the week. And then Bobby drew a line underneath everything and divided it by four. Four. They were each bringing their girlfriends and yet they divided it by four. "Um, Bobby, I think you did your math wrong," I said. "What?" He said, "You, Dave, Will, me... four." "So you're not bringing Erica, and you two," I indicated Dave and Will, "aren't bringing Sarah and Molly?" Dave spoke up first, "Yeah, Bobby, I think that should be seven, right?" "Why? There's four of us. It's our house. What difference does it make?" "Uh, cost? Hello?" I said. Will then spoke up, "It'll be fine. Molly's friend Megan wants to go. You can take her." "What???" I seriously couldn't believe he'd just said I could take someone I hadn't met. "You take Megan. You two will be in the room with bunk beds anyway. Just take her and ask her to pay you back. And I'm sure you two can hook-up..." and Will and Bobby both chuckled. I think my face must have been turning red. Dave, under the table, put his hand on my leg and I just shut up. Aside from not having the money and barely able to pay for my own way when it was seven or eight of us, I was now expected to pay for two people and get my money back from her? I was pissed. "Will... Bobby... you don't honestly believe that it's right to divide it up like this, do you?" Dave asked them. "You can't really think this is fair, nor that it's fair to expect Jake to stump for someone else, or to get it back from them when it's not his friend you've apparently invited without asking the rest of us." "Well, as much as you stay out all night, Jake," Will said, "I just assumed you wouldn't care who it was we found as an eighth person. Sorry - I was just kidding. I'll get Megan's money, don't worry, and we'll figure out what we're going to do with the rooms." The apology was good. And he meant it, too. I don't think he meant for me to get as riled up and actually figured it would start as a joke with a hint of truth and that I'd be walking away from the weekend with a girlfriend. Molly let it slip when she came over that night that this was, in fact, "the plan." Megan was her friend and Molly had told her about me and Megan wanted to meet me. It was one of those "oh, you'll just love Jake" things and, with good reason as much as I was out, figured it'd be fine. Except I wasn't out with girls (the VAST majority of the time, anyway). As it turned out, Megan and I did get along really well at first. She went to a different college and drove down, and Will and Molly, Megan and I drove down in my car to the house on the beach. Bobby, Erica, Dave, and Sarah were all behind in Bobby's Explorer. It was a nice drive, and we were having a good time. The weather was pretty much perfect, too - it was windows down almost the whole way. We got to the place and it was all the pictures online had indicated and more. And fortunately, we were clean-cut enough to where there were no worries when we picked up the keys. Walking in through the front door there was the main room - seating for at least twelve people actually - and a huge kitchen and dining room table. Off to the right from the front door, right off the main room, was the master bedroom. Will and Molly ran inside like spoiled children, claiming it instantly. Off the back of the house was a nice porch and a swimming pool. The staircase was from in the dining room and ran up back towards the front of the house over the master bedroom. At the top of the stairs was a room directly on the left and one on the right. Both rooms with king/queen size beds and their own bathrooms. Turning right from the room on the right was the hallway/walkway that went back to another bedroom on the left, and on the right, the laundry room. Another staircase went up to a beautiful little sun porch, from which we could see everything around us - way out to sea, up and down the beach, and back towards the road. It was a great house. The last room I mentioned, across from the laundry room, was the room with the bunk beds in it. Megan and I were in there. We dropped our stuff and she shooed me out of the room so she could throw on her bathing suit. I grabbed mine before I was kicked out and stripped in the hallway. I threw everything else into a chair at the end of the hall and went back downstairs. We didn't waste anytime until we were all down in the main room ready to go out and swim before evening fell. So we went down to the beach. This is boring, isn't it? This is my main problem with writing (and talking)... I get going on a story and I want to include every detail. And were it not for this break I'm doing right now, you'd be hearing about what we ate and what games we played and the movies we watched and the drinks we drank. All highly entertaining... to me. And nothing - not a word - has anything to do with the actual story I meant to write in this chapter. Sorry for wasting your time. We were doing the beach and pool thing, tanning and lying around, drinking a lot, eating very well (we cooked ourselves). And by Monday afternoon, I needed a break from everyone. Megan's endless hitting on me and everyone else's happy-we're-a-couple attitudes were getting a little on my nerves. So in the garage I found two bikes. I took one of them and started riding out towards... anything, really. I rode for about thirty minutes, which isn't that long, but it's a good enough time to go a fair distance. I got off the road I was going down and walked over the little dune-like rise between the road and the beach, finding absolutely nothing when I reached the top. I could see all the way back to our place, and could see in the other direction all the way to the next cluster of whatever it was - either another little community or Destin itself. In any case, I was alone. Utterly alone as far as I could see, and it was nice. Nice, quiet, and peaceful. I walked down to the beach and started walking back towards our place. I walked for about five minutes or so and then looked around. There were a couple of dune-like ridges on either side of me and no one for miles. The road was over the ridge opposite the ocean and there was nowhere for someone to park and then come spoil my solitude. I had left my tennis shoes by a little path of sorts I took over the dune from my bike, so I'd know where to get it when I went back. So all I had on me at that point was my cargo shorts. I had gone commando because... well, why not, really. And they weren't going in the water. So I did what any normal, rational human would do: I took them right off and threw them to the ground. Man, it felt liberating. Sure I was miles from anything and anyone, but just being naked outside was great. And really naked, not just half-naked. It was like I had been camping, but this time I was by myself. I was enjoying it, though - don't get me wrong. I wasn't thinking about anything but me. Peace and quiet. I laid down on the sand and relaxed, sunning myself and sweating up a storm. I flipped over every ten minutes - though I had put sunscreen on my head, chest, arms and legs, this was a first for my dick and my balls to be exposed like this and intentionally sun tanning with them on display. I really didn't want to burn them... ouch! I flipped twice before deciding to jump into the water. I got up, and walked right into the sea, stark naked. I loved it. I swam around and swam out to a little sandbar just off shore, going over a nice deep spot of blue-green water. Out on the sandbar it was really shallow - depending on where I stood I could stand up and the water not really go past my knees. I walked around on the sandbar, looking at interesting things I found in the sand - shells, little fish swimming by, that sort of thing. I looked back up to the beach and scanned. I saw my shorts, lying where I left them, just to the left of a dune I thought blocked me from everything. Just on the other side of that dune, on the right, and just back about 60 feet from the ocean was a small hut. And lying out on the beach, where I hadn't noticed them, was someone sunning him- or herself. I was far enough out all I could see was there was someone there. And it looked like whoever was there was watching me. I tucked down, getting my privates a little more private, and then decided what the hell. I swam back into the darker, deeper water and swam around there a little big. And it got me a little excited. So much so that my dick stiffened up. This would be embarrassing if I didn't go away by the time I got out of the water. So I did what I could to get rid of my erection. Soccer... ooh, David Beckham. Damn, that didn't work. Megan. Oh, there we go. But as I thought about her I thought about how I wanted to get away because I was irritated with her affections and didn't want them, but didn't want to be rude, and that resulted in my little underwater trouble here. Great. Stiffy's back. So I didn't have much of a choice. I stroked underwater - and decided that wouldn't be a good idea, what with the salt in the water. I did what any gay man would do... shoved a couple of my fingers up my ass. That did the trick nicely. I didn't slide them in and out - again, not a good idea - but just moved the two in there around until I felt the pressure build. Let me tell you, doing this while treading water is a very good workout. Anyway, I removed my fingers and gave myself three or four good strokes and shot my load into the Gulf of Mexico. And I swam away... and then kept swimming for a few minutes to make sure any excess leakage had had the chance to float away. There was a BIG problem now, though. I was tired of swimming and thanks to the current by the coast, I had been swept a good hundred yards or so while I'd been trying to get off. So I rode the current into the beach and climbed out of the water. There I was, stark naked, on the beach, with someone in between me and my only item of clothing anywhere nearby. Not much choice but to suck it up and walk back that way. I resolved that I didn't care - I didn't know who this person was and why should I care? I worked out and took very good care of my body; I certainly had nothing to hide. So as I walked back towards my shorts I saw that this person was, in fact, some guy sunning himself on the beach. He was leaning back on his elbows and watching me intently. As I got closer, he waved. I waved back. And don't know why I decided to do what I did next, but I just started walking over to him. As I got closer, I was glad I had - he was hot. Sun-bleached hair, very tan, smooth stomach. Didn't look like he worked out much, but he didn't have an ounce of fat on him. He looked at me the entire time I was walking over to him and spoke up right as I got to him. "You always swim like that?" "No, not always. Just when I'm out in public," I said with a smile. He laughed. "Well, this is not exactly the right place for the public. Actually, it's a private beach... well, it's supposed to be." "Oh... shit, sorry. I didn't know. Wow... um, this is more embarrassing than it already was." But I didn't move. "Don't worry about it. It's SUPPOSED to be private. Doesn't mean it is. My parents own this part, and that little cabin. I'm just staying here to get away for a bit." "Cool. So you don't live here?" "No, I'm from Huntsville, but I like it here. I'm hoping to move out, though, and head out west. Beach here is fine, but there... man... that'd be the best." I sat down next to him, having found it easy to talk to him and thus becoming oblivious to my nudity in front of a total stranger like this. I said, "I've been down the Pacific coast a bit - but the northern Pacific [my trip with Jeremy] - it's gorgeous, but a bit dramatic. Not a lot of calm places like this." "Yeah, maybe. But I still want to go out there. Oh, my name's Eric, by the way." "Nice to meet you, Eric. I'm Jake." We shook hands. We sat sunning ourselves, I naked, for a good long while. I did need to put some more sunscreen on, though - and all I had Eric do was help me with my back. He didn't seem to mind - I figured he was gay or REALLY laid back. He ran back up to the little cabin and came back with a Frisbee, which we tossed around for a bit, and then swam in the ocean. He was easy-going - I had basically forgotten about the fact that I was naked and just enjoyed myself. We had a good time, but eventually I realized after awhile that it was probably getting late and I should head back. I told Eric that I had a good time, thanks for not calling the police, or freaking out that I'd been skinny-dipping. He said, "No problem. Come back any time." We shook hands again and that was that. I walked back around the little dune, grabbed my shorts, and walked back to where I had left my shoes. I didn't bother to put them back on until I had almost reached the top of the big dune separating the beach from the roadway. I rode back to the house where we were all staying, cleaned up, and all of us went out to dinner in Panama City. It was a good time, my absence having been obvious for the afternoon but no more questions asked after I said I had been riding the bike and went to a nice part of the beach alone. The next day I didn't go back to Eric's part of the beach. I stayed with everyone and played in the sand and frolicked in the ocean and all of that. The only time I made it farther than about 100 yards away from the beach house was when Dave and I went to the grocery store to buy food for that night's dinner. What we did do that night, though, and was a lot of fun, was drink ourselves silly. We were definitely causing a ruckus - fortunately, no one was really bothered or the walls and windows were thick in the other houses. About midnight, though, we decided we'd all go out to the beach. Not a big deal, we just had to make sure we were quiet - technically the beach was closed, so going out there was a bit of adventure should one of the neighbors decide to call the cops or something. To make it more illicit, we had just gotten down to the beach when Bobby and Erica all but shouted, "It's Naked Night" and started stripping. We all joined in - all eight of us, getting stark naked on the beach and running around like idiots. We didn't jump into the ocean, but just ran up and down the beach, rolled around in the sand, and basically had a blast! After about 45 minutes or an hour of Naked Night we all grabbed our stuff and laughed and ran back up to the house. We all headed to our bedrooms and started to crash... I hopped into the shower and cleaned the sand off me before hopping into my bed. I didn't think to put any underwear or any other clothing, even though I was rooming with Megan. She was dressed in what she had been wearing on the beach (for part of the time, anyway) and had passed out. Fast forward to the morning and I wake up when I hear noise in the room. Megan was trying to climb into bed with me. I was not interested, obviously, and when she became forceful I basically shoved her out of my bed. She huffed back over to her bed and climbed back in, passing out again from the best of my knowledge. I got up, put on my bathing suit, and went downstairs to grab some breakfast. Everyone seemed to be asleep but me, so I went and ate on the rooftop deck. By the time I finished about half of the house was awake. Those of us awake went down to the beach and started another spring break day of doing nothing but tanning, playing in the sand, and generally goofing off. I had an early lunch, somewhere around 11AM, and then took a nap. I hadn't slept well and was also trying to avoid Megan. Her drunken advances and my rough rejection were not topics I wanted to deal with at the time, and she was at the beach. So I napped for an hour or two and then went back downstairs. Dave, Sarah, and Erica were there finishing up their lunches and I told them I'd be going for a ride again. And I rode right over to where I had met Eric. I had to ride to where I had parked the bike before, which was a good five to ten minute walk from his part of the beach. I left my shoes and my bathing suit off at the same place, though - where I had left my shoes at the bottom of the dune the last time. I wasn't going to need them - he'd seen me naked and was fine with it, so why not? So I walked over to where I had seen him and he wasn't around. For some reason, I suddenly felt more embarrassed than I had before - standing here naked with no one around when I expected there to be someone. It just made me feel kind of stupid. So I went down into the water and swam out to the sandbar again and swam out a little bit further beyond that this time. It was no nice and relaxing, and I laid on my back to float in the water for a bit. I had put on a lot of high SPF waterproof sunblock, for those of you worried about the delicate bits. My ass was a little red from my last naked day, but nothing bad and not painful. I was definitely hoping that it'd just darken into a nice allover tan. Anyway, I swam for awhile, then, realizing I'd been swept up the coast again by the current decided to head back in. It was further than it had been last time, but no one was around, so no worries heading back. I got to the bit of the beach in front of Eric's little cabin and looked around - not that I could see very far with the dunes on either side and the rise up to the cabin from the beach. But there was definitely no one around. I sat down and sunned myself for a bit, then flipped and did the same again. I was tired from swimming, though, and didn't hear anyone come up to me. I think I was probably on the verge of falling asleep, so it's a good thing I was woken up. "Trespassing again, I see," Eric said. "Yeah, but made sure you'd be able to identify me again," I said back to him. "Hahaha... yeah. You'd be surprised how many naked people DON'T come by this part of the beach." "Oh well," was the only response I could muster, rolling over and taking the beer he was offering me. He sat down and we drank our beers, enjoying the company. We were just talking, enjoying the sunshine, even though it was becoming spotty while we sat there. It looked like it might be one of those Florida storms that roll through almost every afternoon in the summer months, but we waited until the rain actually started coming down before we headed back up to the cabin. It came down pretty suddenly and pretty fiercely. I was soaked by the time we got to the front porch of the cabin. Whatever sand had been on me had been washed off, save for my feet. I sat down on a lounge chair and Eric went inside for a minute, coming back out with a towel for me to dry off and another beer. He sat down on the other lounge chair and we kept talking. It was raining pretty hard but when the thunder and lightning started, we went inside. It was a nice little cabin - nothing special, but still a nice place to have on the beach. It seemed old but he had all the creature comforts. I ran into the bathroom and availed myself before going back out to the main room. The cabin was small - a main room with living area and kitchen along one wall, and two small bedrooms off of the main room. The bathroom was at the far right of the cabin and looked like it might have been an afterthought to the construction. Anyway, I sat down on the couch and Eric sat right next to me. And I mean RIGHT next to me. Granted, it was more of a love seat than a full couch, and there were throw pillows on it, but still... we turned on the television and started watching something. No idea who was playing, but I'm pretty sure it was March Madness. I turned to him and he didn't move. I saw his eyes dart in my direction and then go back to the tv. Then, finally, slowly, he turned towards me. He just sat there, looking at me. He looked relaxed and, I think, knew what I was about to do. I leaned in and kissed him. After we broke it off he looked a little surprised. "Dude... uh... hmm... yeah, I'm not into that," he said. "Huh?" I replied. "Don't get me wrong, you're a good kisser... very good, actually. But, um, I'm not into that... I'm not gay," he said. "What???" I asked, a little embarrassed. "I'm not gay." I looked at his face, and he wasn't lying. I was SO embarrassed. More embarrassed than I'd ever been, considering I was sitting there naked and my swimsuit, the closest item of clothing I owned, were a good five to ten minutes' walk away. But to get it wrong... I just wanted to crawl under a rock and die. Eric was pretty astute. "Don't worry, I don't care if you are... you look upset." "Well, yeah... I'm, um... yeah, I should probably go." "Jake, it's pouring outside. You're not going anywhere. Just chill. I don't care - I didn't actually think you were gay when we met - it was just when you showed up naked again that I figured you might be. It's cool, though... seriously, don't worry about it." I really felt my nakedness at this point, though, and was kind of trying to hide it now. He got up from the couch and grabbed another two beers from the fridge, handing me one when he sat back down. "That's all I've got... just chill. Relax... it's cool. Now, back to the game." And we went back to watching tv. I calmed down after a short while. It took a little while, which I think is understandable. Plus, since I had thought about kissing him, my dick had started growing and I had gotten an erection fairly quickly. It never quite reached the maximum, but still, I definitely had a stiff dick when he handed me that beer. Once I had calmed down I kind of just went with it, a bit like I had before. I had been naked several times when Dave and I had hung out, and even around our apartment with Bobby and Will... but I know them and I'm not sexually attracted to them. Plus I often had a towel, and if I didn't, I had the ability to get a towel or some clothes or something. Anyway, I went back to just hanging out with Eric. We talked about the game that was on. I honestly don't follow basketball at all, and never have. I just can't get into it. But I can get into any sport with some other fans, so I went ahead and just enjoyed myself the way I normally would. The sun came back out and started drying things up. It was not totally dry when I decided I should really head back, what with it starting to get dark. I got up, got ready to leave, and headed for the door. He said he'd walk with me back to where I left my stuff, so we both headed out of the little cabin. It took a few minutes, and the sand wasn't entirely dry and fluffy like it normally is, but it was fine. We got to where I had put my swimsuit and my shoes, and I put my swimsuit on. It was definitely wet from being out in the rain, and so were my shoes. Once I was dressed I stood back up from tying my shoes and Eric laughed. "Well, I've hung out with you for a couple of days, and for several hours both times, and this is the first time I've seen you NOT naked. It's kinda strange, believe it or not." "Ha! You think it's strange?" We both laughed and said our goodbyes as I we crossed the top of the dune. He pointed out his driveway up to the cabin in case I wanted to ride right up to it if I happened back by. I thanked him for a nice afternoon and the beer, and got on the bike to head back to my own spring break house. Once back at our spring break pad I joined everyone for getting dinner ready. They were shocked I had been gone for so long and that I'd been out in the storm that came through, but didn't ask anything else. Not even Dave suspected anything, it seemed. We all went outside onto the back patio to sit, chat, drink, and cook our food on the grill. We were having steak and grilled vegetables and, you guessed it, more beer. After dinner we played some games - my team won Trivial Pursuit, which is always nice. JAWS was showing on television, and all the girls cuddled into their respective boys, and Megan was not taking "no" for an answer, and cuddled up to me. To be honest, I didn't mind. It was nice to hold onto someone to be quite honest, though I now feel like I was leading her on at that point. I just kept drinking. After the movie everyone headed off to bed. I got ready and climbed into bed, and Megan came over and started making out with me. Since I was pretty drunk, had been horny earlier (well, and naked for several hours), I was feeling a little frisky. I made out with her, and since no one here really wants to hear about it (that includes me), I'll sum it all up and say we had lousy drunk straight sex. The next morning, though, remembering what I had done, I was a little upset with myself. I was also upset with Megan, even though she had been after the very thing we did the night before. But I didn't think about that... I just got up, got cleaned up, threw on my swimsuit and headed downstairs. I was out on the beach before anyone else got up. It wasn't long before Dave and Sarah came down. They said the rest of the house seemed to be moving and they were going to be coming down. Maybe forty-five minutes later, they were all down there. We spent the day doing the regular beach thing. I didn't try to leave, though I did go on a walk by myself... or that was my intention. I had been walking for about ten minutes when I heard Dave shouting my name. He was running to catch up to me, and so I stopped until he got to where I was and we kept walking. We walked and talked for a bit before heading back. When we returned the girls were all gone on their own walk (they went the other direction) and Bobby and Will were tossing the Frisbee back and forth. Dave and I joined them for a bit, basically until we were all hungry. So we went back up to the house and ate some lunch. I decided to hop in the pool instead of going back down to the beach, and was swimming around when the girls came back. They ate lunch and Molly and Megan decided to swim in the house pool as well. I didn't care... but I was sort of embarrassed by my behavior from the previous night and wasn't the most friendly. Eventually, Molly decided it was uncomfortable or something and excused herself awkwardly. Megan was talking to me, but I was being really short with her. I didn't mean to, it just sort of happened that way. Eventually the topic of last night came up, and what it meant, and my behavior was confusing her and all of that. Stupid girls, lol. I eventually started to lay it out when she said, "I mean, no offense, but you didn't seem to be all that into it." "What do you mean?" "I don't know... I don't mean to say it was bad, I just didn't feel like you were all that into it." "Well, Megan... I'm sorry, I really am... but I wasn't into it." "Why?" In one word, she conveyed a huge sense of hurt and insecurity, which was not what I wanted for her. "Okay, you are pretty, and you're really sweet... but you're really not my type... and-" I said, as she started to interrupt me." "What, so you came just do that and lead me on and-" she almost yelled. And it degenerated into a bit of a screaming match. We weren't screaming, really, but she was very upset and we got off topic. Finally I just said, loud enough to cover her din but not loud enough to be heard even into the house, that I was gay. Then it was a bit of bickering about me really being gay or just not wanting to be with her when, thank goodness, Dave walked out of the house. "What's up?" Dave asked, cheerfully. "Well, Captain Jackass here is telling me last night didn't mean anything and that he's gay." Dave laughed and jumped into the pool. "Well, first, I'm sure it meant something to him," Dave said, "and second, yeah, he's gay." "Seriously?" Her mood was changing. "Yeah," Dave told her. "Oh great," she threw her hands into the air, "my spring break fling is gay. Damn it!" "Yeah... sorry about that," I said. Dave continued the part I didn't want to have to say, "And Meg, you're the only one down here who knows besides me. Not even Sarah knows." "She doesn't?" I asked, figuring he would have told her. "Nope. It's not my place to tell people, man. But seriously," he turned to Megan again, "if you could keep from talking about it - unless you're ready to talk to Bobby and Will, Jake?" "No... I'm not ready for that yet." I don't know why it took me SO much longer to tell my roommates than anyone else, but since they seemed a little homophobic in normal everyday conversations, I still wasn't ready for the apartment to be uncomfortable. I got out of the pool, toweled off, and laid out on a lounge chair for a little bit. A few of the other people in the house came outside and frolicked in the pool for a bit. I stayed for a little while but when I was essentially dry I went back inside and up to my room to take a nap. I fell asleep and didn't hear Megan come into the room later, but woke up when she tapped my shoulder. I was lying on my stomach so I rolled over, blinking from my sleepiness. She leaned in and kissed me. I was shocked, since she had been so mad before, even though she had calmed down after Dave had corroborated the truth when I told her. "Yep. You're gay." There was a twinkle in her eye. I laughed. "Yeah. Sorry about that. I did have fun, though... I hope you did." "Yeah... and now I've got a good story for the grandkids: how I slept with the hot gay guy" she said. "Um, you're not really going to tell your grandchildren about your sex life, right?" We both laughed. And then I said, "You just said I was hot." "Well, yeah. Sheesh. I'd think you'd turn your gay self on!" Our relationship got a lot better - granted, it all revolved around spring break, but the tension was gone, from both of us. The rest of spring break was more or less uneventful. And a couple of days later we headed back to school. Megan never said a word, but everyone noticed us having a lot less tension between us. Bobby and Will totally interpreted it the wrong way, but it didn't matter.