Date: Thu, 29 May 2014 14:49:59 -0700 From: Rob Roth Subject: Dylan's Summer Vacation Two, Chapter 69 DYLAN'S SUMMER VACATION TWO Chapter 69 By Donny Mumford After our breakfast on the boardwalk, Chubby and I, in a somber mood, walk back to the duplex to pack-up everything we brought with us from home. Our Wildwood vacation is over. At the condo the moms are looking maybe a tad hung over and they've already begun packing. When we come in they look up and do the best they can smiling and attempting to be cheerful, but I'm betting it'll be a quiet ride back home for those two. We all exchange kisses on the cheek and then Chubby rubs Tris' back, asking, "Um, mom, would you like to drive home with me in the Jeep, and Dylan can drive Dee home in the Volvo?" Tris and Dee both say versions of, "Oh that's not necessary, we're fine, really." We offered, but we also understand they don't want their son's thinking they had too much to drink last night. The next hour is no fun as we're all packing stuff and lugging it down to the station wagon and Jeep. Chubby and I parked the cars in a no-parking zone conveniently close to the house. None of us is in a chatty mood because packing to leave after a vacation pretty much sucks. We get it done though, with Chubby muttering to me, "This fucking heat is unbearable," and I go, "Yeah," and then chuckle because all week we loved the bright sun and hot weather... funny how the brain works. We're finally done and as we hug the moms and kiss them goodbye, the cleaning service shows up. It's an extra charge having the place cleaned, but the packing is bad enough and cleaning too would just about ruin the vacation. The moms pull away in the Volvo with Tris driving, both of them waving goodbye and then us guys head to the real-estate office in the Jeep to return the keys. That tasks proves uneventful and now Chubby's driving us away from Wildwood. Much more fun driving towards Wildwood, fer sure. I had a helluva run of good luck this week so I need to get real and stop the gloominess. I brightly exclaim, "It was an awesome week, Chubby. Ya gotta admit it was well worth the aggravation of packing and unpacking all our stuff twice in a week." He glances at me grinning, "Bet I got more ass than you did this week," and I go, "Undoubtedly, bro, you the man." Chubby glances at me again, "Hmmm, that response makes me rethink things. Maybe I didn't get the most ass this week, but if you beat me you've had yourself a helluva hot sexy time." I say, "I didn't beat anybody, you always grossly overestimate my sexual activity. Just because Junior was like a puppy dog following me around doesn't mean we had sex, ya know." He says, "It doesn't mean ya didn't either. Junior told me he was gay around you." I go, "Don't be ridiculous," and he grins at me again, "Okay, maybe I did have more sex this week after all. Ha ha!" I mutter, "And maybe you didn't." Chubby mutters, "Balls, I knew it!" and he laughs. We talk about Wildwood for part of the ride then we stop for lunch at a Burgerking, and when we're at our table eating, Chubby changes the subject, asking, "Do you have any idea which day of the year is pi day?" I swallow some chicken fingers, burp, and go, "We're done with our vacation so you fall back on factoids, is that it?" He goes, "Just asking a simply question," and I mutter, "Hell, I didn't even know there was a day celebrating pie. So, no, of course I don't know which day is pie day." Chubby says, "It's March fourteenth," and I think about that, then say, "Oh, that pi, 3.14." He goes, "Yep, and get this: it's impossible to accurately measure the circumference or area of a circle because we don't know the value of pi. Pi has digits following 3.14 that go on forever in seemingly a random sequence." I swallow Coke, mumbling, "Do tell." He goes, "Get this, the first 144 digits of pi add up to 666, the mark of the beast." I ask, "The devil?" "Exactly," he says, and points his finger at me, "And, Albert Einstein was born on pi, March fourteenth, 1897." I blurt out a laugh, "Get the hell out of here with that BS," and he's like, "I'm serious, he was, and some Japanese guy memorized 42,195 digits of pi and is considered the current pi champion." I mutter, "Yeah, I would think so. The guy must have had a lot of spare time on his hands." Chubby says, "Here's another oddity of pi," I ask, "Oh, is that what these are, oddities of pi?" Chubby says, "Yeah, catchy, huh? Anyway, some guy named, Shanks, in the nineteenth century, worked for years by hand with only a pencil and paper to determine the first 707 digits of pi. It took him years to do it, but unfortunately he made a blunder after the 527th place, and consequently the following digit were all wrong." I go, "Bet that pissed him off royally." Chubby laughs, "This stuff is fascinating, Dylan. There's this ancient guy, Archimedes of Syracuse, in the 200's BC who was calculating pi and got so engrossed in his work he didn't realize the Romans had captured his city. A Roman soldier approached him, and Archimedes yelled at him, 'Don't disturb my circles!" I ask, "What'd the soldier do?" Chubby shrugs, "He cut off Archimedes' head and walked away." I laugh, "All that pi work and what was his reward? He gets his head cut off, talk about being pissed off." As we eat Chubby's got more amazing oddities of pi to share with me, but I'm concentrating on two boys who just sat down two tables over from us, behind Chubby. Something about their body language tells me they're gay. One kid, who could be my age, is facing me with a sunburned face and straw-colored hair cut in a long shaggy flattop. He's not cute so much as he's macho, with maybe too flat of a nose, white eyebrows, and a couple days growth of sexy blond whiskers. He looks tough, although fairly good looking too in that macho way I mentioned. Barrel chested with large biceps and thick hands. It's probably the boy with him who made me think they're gay. He's slim, and while not especially cute, there's nothing especially wrong with him either. Like Junior, this kids ears stick out. I'm looking at his profile, then get a chance to look at him straight on. It looks like he could take off flapping those ears. His plastic frame eyeglasses are halfway down his nose making me think of Ryan, and then he pushes his glasses up with his forefinger exactly like Ryan does. 'Ears' has that very clean looking pale white complexion. If he was with his friend when 'straw-hair' got his sunburn, big ears here obviously had on something like SPF 90 sun block. He has brown mousy hair combed in a kinda geeky style, so these two are an unlikely pair. Yeah, except they're feeding each other while grinning at one another and the macho boy has those kinda new clear-colored braces on his teeth. For some reason I think the braces are sexy as all get out. Anyway, those two look like they're in love to me, and it sort of gives me a warm fuzzy feeling thinking that macho boy fell in love with a nerd. Big ears is now running his fingers through the other kid's straw-colored hair, and then holding his thumb and forefinger about an inch and a half apart. Maybe suggesting how long his boyfriend's next flattop should be. Macho boy smiles at ears in the sweetest way with the overhead light glistening off his braces. Damn, that's sexy. They never stop talking to one another and then, from another table, a big heavy-set kid comes over to their table and says something macho boy doesn't like. I can't hear the exchange, but the newcomer is adamant about something as he leans down close and points his finger at macho while talking with an angry expression on his face. This third party is one bad ass looking dude, muscle bound and the classic bully type, but macho merely shrugs, like... go away. The third kid straightens up smirking at macho boy, then swats the back of ear's head knocking his glasses off and they skitter off the table and slide a few feet away on the floor. Macho is up like a cat and lands a roundhouse punch right on the big kid's nose. It was so fast I almost missed it, but I sure heard the crunch of broken nose cartilage. Blood's all over the front of the bully's shirt and he looks shocked that macho wasn't intimidated by him. As the bully stumbles back, macho hits him again and this punch splits the kid's lip. Ears has retrieved his eyeglasses and is trying to pull his boyfriend away, talking to him urgently. Macho backs off, nodding his head at the nerd, asking something, probably about the nerd's glasses. Everyone in the restaurant has stopped eating and is staring at this unexpected development. As ears continues pulling him away, macho yells at the kid on the floor, "Don't ever lay a hand on Brian again or I'll kick your ass worse than this, asshole." He'd knocked the bully further away from our table, but everyone could hear his warning. The whole incident took thirty seconds. Chubby turned around when he heard the bully's nose break, and now the manager's hustling over shouting that he's already called the police. Ears pulls on macho's arm again and he reluctantly follows his boyfriend out of the restaurant as the bully's yelling threats that I can hear, but can't understand much of it because they're garbled and unintelligible words. In addition to a bloody broken nose and split lip, it looks like the would be bully lost a tooth or two from the second punch. Chubby asks, "What happened?" I shrug, "Justice is what happened, rare justice, Chubby." We dump our trash, and as we're leaving we pass two bored-looking cops coming in. I tell Chubby what I saw as we're driving away. Chubby says, "Huh, the bully took offense that two gay kids were showing each other affection, so he was going to put then in their place." I go, "That's how I figure it went down too. Didn't work out too good for the bully though 'cause he thought he'd have some fun hassling a couple of gays and he got his ass handed to him. Just because a kid's gay doesn't mean he's a pussy, ya know." Chubby looks at me, "I never thought being gay meant the guy was a pussy, Dylan. In fact, in your case, I know you're the opposite of pussy and you always have been, and we've had the fights together to prove it too. In case I haven't told you before, I admire everything about you, especially for coming out to the moms and to anyone else who asks. You and Robby both, you've got more guts than a lot of us." I ask, "What do you mean, a lot of us?" He shrugs, "Just speaking in generalities, bro. Nothing specific about anyone in particular." Hmmm, meaning not 'him' in particular, or who else in particular would it be? Think I'll drift away from this potentially touchy topic, not sure if it what Chubby said was a slip of the tongue or just worded awkwardly. I ask, "Um, do you have anything planned for tonight?" He says, "Yeah, unfortunately I do. It's MJ's family annual cookout. All their relatives and me, yawn!" I laugh, "Sounds like fun. MJ introducing you to everyone and you making polite small talk ingratiating yourself to your future in-laws, so to speak." He goes, "Oh gawd!" Then it hit's home that I don't have anything planned for tonight, so as Chubby drives, I text Sonny. "I'm back. Wha'cha doing tonight?' I don't get a reply until we're on the Mass Pike, an hour from home. I dozed off for a hour or so and it made the trip seem shorter for me, but Chubby's getting grumpy from fighting the traffic the last five and a half hours. He hears my cell announcing an incoming text, and asks, "Who's texting?" I read it and tell him, "It's from Sonny. He and his brother want haircuts tonight." What I don't mention is Sonny also said we'd hang out with the posse boys after the haircuts. That means we probably won't get a chance to mess around in a sexy manner. It's ironic that I managed to bumble into a little sex in Wildwood and then my first night back home will be a sexless one. Ironic, but a pain in my ass too, and I don't mean that literally either. Robby texted me while we were packing-up to go home. His text sounded like he's having guilt pangs for blowing me off my first night back, although apparently not enough guilt pangs to change his plans. He merely texted how bad he felt about it. Might have carried a little more weight if he felt so bad he actually changed his plans. Anyway, I text Sonny back asking what time he's coming over with Devon, and why are we hanging out with the posse boys later? He informs me we don't need to spend all night with the posse boys, and he finished with, 'If you get my drift.' Which I do, so maybe it won't be a sexless night after all. We're finally on our street and Chubby drives us around to the back of the condo to unload our stuff. It's a little before six o'clock when we begin unloading the Jeep and putting everything away. Then Chubby goes up to his condo to shower and get ready for his delightful date tonight. The moms told us they're meeting the twins at eight o'clock for one last vacation dinner so everyone is sort of extending the vacation one more night at least. I take the Jeep to get something for my dinner. Al's is a pretty good sub shop in town so I go there and I buy a cheesesteak to take home. No way would I eat in a restaurant by myself. After eating I put a load of dirty laundry in the washing machine and then take a shower. Dressed in flimsy basketball shorts and t-shirt I brush my hair and think about John telling me to let my hair grow out for a ponytail. Sonny will be disappointed he can't give me his oddly successful haircut, but too bad. I'm going on that weekend and the last thing I need is to get off on the wrong foot when I get there. I have no intention of growing my hair for a ponytail, of course, but he doesn't need to know that. Next weekend will be a one time adventure for me, although John thinks it's just the first of many. Hell, I don't even know if I'll last the entire weekend, never mind a long term affair being his so-called 'boy'. Downstairs I get the barbershop ready for the Mc Carty boys, making sure to get the hairdryer and the straight back chair into the half baths along with some fresh hand towels. Shampooing the guy's hair, especially Sonny's and Devon's, is sexy to me and I think it is for them too. Hearing the Volvo engine I go thru the garage to greet the moms. The three of us unload the station wagon and pile it in the storage area, but don't put everything where it belongs because they need to get ready for their date tonight, and an hour and a half is cutting it close for them. It took me fifteen minutes to shower and get dressed, but the moms take longer then that deciding what to wear. Sonny and Devon are due at seven o'clock and so I'm outside smoking a cigarette waiting for them. Devon drives up in his mother's car, but no Sonny? I flick my cigarette butt in an awesome arc landing it in the shrubbery. Okay, poor direction, but a nice flick that no one saw, naturally. Devon comes up the steps smiling and looking sexily hot. He goes, "Good to see you, Dylan," and we do the posse greeting with Devon's cheek pressed against mine and the hug has a little crotch bump in it too. Nice, but what's it mean? I pat his back, saying, "You're looking good as usual, Devon," then rubbing my fingers through his hair, I add, "Getting a little shaggy on top though." We walk inside as Devon says, "Yeah it's been awhile. I missed you a week ago Friday when I was due for my haircut, Sonny too." On the way downstairs, I go, "Yeah, I'm sorry about that, Devon, but time got away from me the last day before vacation. Where's Sonny?" He shrugs, "He said he'd be over around eight, if it's okay with you. He's helping a friend of his with the kid's motorbike. The motorcycle gang of two." I go, "And they're not even motorcycles." He grins, and asks, "You still doing shampoos? I really enjoyed it last time." I motion towards the half bath, muttering, "All set-up for you, Devon. The salon treatment for the posse boys... that's my thing, dude." Devon sits on the chair, "You're awesome to do this, Dylan. Glad Ray brought you on board." I squeeze his shoulder, "Yeah, I've enjoyed meeting you guys. How's Annie?" He's like, "Great! We're as tight as ever," but something about the way he said that makes me wonder. It was like forced enthusiasm, or something. Hmmm, wish he'd do or say something to give me a clue what he's thinking about me, if he's even thinking about me, that is. I Tilt the back of the chair to the rim of the sink where I have a hand towel for Devon's neck to lay on. His head is over the sink bowl as I turn on the water and test it until it's nice and warm. Using the hose with a spray attachment at the end I wet his hair running my fingers through it while staring at his cute face. I see similarities in his and Sonny's faces, but they don't especially look alike. I mean, you wouldn't necessarily immediately think 'brothers' if you saw them together, but once you know they are, then you'd go, 'Oh yeah, their chins and nose are similar'. Of course, Sonny has red hair and blue eyes while Devon's are brown and brown. Sonny's cuter, but to me Devon's sexier looking. They both have sexy mouths and perfect teeth, but nowadays most kids have good looking teeth although some are unfortunately not pure white like the McCarty brothers. Devon's teeth make me think about the macho kid wearing braces, and how hot I thought he looked in them. For the life of me I don't know why I think they're hot and sexy though. Glancing at Devon, who has his eyes closed, I ask, "What kind of haircut do you want, Devon?" He opens his eyes, and says, "Oh fuck, yeah, Ray says we're still going with the burr haircuts. He wants me to tell you we're suppose to all get short tight burr haircuts, Sonny too. Ray thinks it's uber cool we all have the same haircuts." I go, "Short and tight. Does he know what he's asking for?" Devon shrugs, "He said close cut on the sides and back and extra short on top." I ask, "How do you feel about that? I'll cut your cut hair the way you tell me to, fuck Ray." He says, "I hate burr haircuts, but Annie said she likes it now. She likes to feel the crisp hairs and I don't want to buck Ray so I'd like the short/tight burr." I'm massaging shampoo into his hair, mumbling, "Okay, whatever you say, Devon, but that's a wicked short haircut." I'm dreading giving Sonny a haircut that short and then telling him he can't cut my hair until after next weekend. That should be fun, but I need to put my foot down where Sonny's concerned. He just takes for granted he'll get his way and I'll show him it ain't that simple. There lots of creamy shampoo lather in Devon's hair and I'm enjoying running my fingers through it. His hair, pretty much all over his head, is about an inch and a half long so there's more shampoo than hair, but I'm basically massaging his scalp. He looks so relaxed as my fingers go from his forehead to the crown, while my other hand massages from the hairline at the back of his neck up to the crown, then the sides with Devon, murmuring, "Ooooh, this feels good, Dylan, you're the best." I smile and lower my head to get a whiff of Devon's scent, but all I can smell is the shampoo. After awhile I can't drag this out any longer so I begin rinsing the shampoo still running my fingers through his wet hair. When his hair is squeaky clean I set the front legs of the chair back on the floor and vigorously rubs his head with a towel, then finish drying it with the hairdryer. I brush his shiny hair until it's very dry. Wanting to feel his head again I massage his dry scalp, getting half a boner now because Devon turns me on. Maybe it's because he's straight and I know I can't have sex with him. Both hands all over his head; he and Sonny have perfectly shaped heads, nice hairlines, and very nice hair. It's fun to shampoo and cut their hair. Devon's eyes are still closed, as he says, "My scalp is tingling and feeling great." I start massaging his shoulders and the back of his neck and up the back of his head. His head lulls where ever I move it, totally relaxed. Devon quietly says, "Sonny says you give him a kiss when you cut his hair, how 'bout me?" I stop the massage, shocked. Did I hear what I think I heard? He spoke so quietly. Rubbing my nose with the back of my wrist, I wonder if he's kidding, so I ask tentatively, "Seriously, Devon?" He opens his eyes, turning his head to look me in the eyes, saying, "Yes, seriously." For some reason I feel nervous, so I kiss the side of his forehead and he mumbles, "Nice lips," and leaves it at that. Wow, he smells like Sonny. Taking a deep breath and adjusting my junk, I say, "Okay, then, let's go out and I'll do the haircut now, then ask, "What's everyone into tonight?" Devon gets up, saying, "Thanks for that awesome shampoo, Dylan; thanks for all of it. Oh tonight? Some of the guys are going miniature golfing with their girlfriends and Ray wants his boyfriend there too. I'm suppose to tell you that." I go, "Oh really, gee I wonder why he didn't call me?" Then my mom calls down that she's going up to Tris's. As Devon sits on the stool, I go over to the steps, and call up to mom, "Have a good time, mom, I love ya!" Devon takes his shirt off and hands it to me, as he asks, "What's it like being Ray's boyfriend? I mean, he, um, you know, fucks you up the rear, right?" Dropping his shirt on the washing machine, I start combing through his hair just because I feel like it, not because it needs combing. I go, "Um, well yeah, Ray treats me like he treats Maryann. We make-out and sometimes he wants me to suck his cock or rim him, and then he fucks me hard. Have you ever seen his dick?" Devon's eyes open wide, "I'll say, it's a monster. I can't imagine how you and Maryann can take that big head, but what's rimming mean." I tell him and he looks disgusted, muttering, "Jeez, Dylan, that's, um, gross. No offense." Shrugging, I mumble, "Hey, it feels good to a gay guy, maybe not all gay guys would agree, but for me it's hot." He shocks me again, quietly asking, "Would you ever let me do it to you, the rear-end part, fuck you I mean? I gotta admit I'm curious as hell, wondering if I'd get my rocks off doing it, but I'm afraid Ray would find out even if you'd let me." This is an extremely unlikely situation developing here, so I need to handle it just right. The thought of Devon fucking me has my dick flipping around for joy. I say, "Would I let you fuck me? Hmmm, that's an interesting question, Devon, but as far as Ray goes I'll tell you a secret, um, I think he's dumping me tonight." I don't want Devon thinking I just let anyone fuck me, ya know. He asks, "How about the other thing, you and me doing it?" I shrug, " To be honest with you, when I first met you posse boys I right away thought you were easily the cutest guy in the group, but I don't come on to straight guys, so... ya know. But since you brought the subject up, and you're a damn nice guy and I like you a lot, I'd let you do me." He says, "I'd be really nervous and feeling funny, but like I said, I'm curious how I'd react, but then there's still Ray to consider." I can hardly believe my ears. My hands are shaky as I attach an eighth inch guide to the clippers, I say, "Um, about Ray, ah, like I just told you, and keep it between you and me, but I think Ray's going to dump me. That's probably why he wants to see me tonight. He didn't bother calling me himself though, and instead sent the message with you, so something's up." Devon mutters, "I never thought he'd dump you. I mean, just saying, but you're way cooler than Ray and I'm not taking anything from him when I say that because you're way cooler than anyone I know." I say with a straight face, "Yeah, I hear that all the time," and we chuckle. He goes, "Well, you are," and I squeeze the back of his neck, saying, "No, I'm not, but thank you, it's very nice of you." With my left hand on the top of Devon's head, I try to maintain my cool as I run the clippers halfway up the hairs at the back. The cut leaves an eighth of an inch of hair in the clipper's wake, and wow, it's looking wicked short. Devon asks, "Really? He's going to dump you." I mumble, "I think so." That's little white lie 6061 in my life, but I told the lie to spare Ray from being embarrassed about me dumping him like I'm gently informing him tonight. Devon says, "I'm sorry you're getting dumped, Dylan, but if you're not his boyfriend after tonight could I, you know, maybe when I get my next haircut we could, you know?" I go, "Sure, Devon, I'd actually like that, but I thought Annie said you didn't have a gay bone in your body." He says, "I didn't think I did, but I hadn't met you yet and then when I did it's sorta been on my mind all summer to ask you, but I just now finally had the balls to bring it up. You smell good too, did you know that?" Finished half the back of his head, I begin on the sides, saying, "No, I haven't heard that before," racking up white lie 6062. "What do I smell like?" He's feeling the cut hairs on the back of his head, saying, "Jesus, that's short! Um, I can't describe your smell, but I like it and I think it's, you know, kinda sexy." I say, "Thanks, and, yeah, your hairs wicked short, but blame Ray, not me. It's not how I'd normally cut it for you, but you gave me Ray's orders and I just followed them." He says, "I know, I know." I feel bad cutting his hair this short, but I'm just doing what he asked. Gotta admit though, it's got my dick buzzing as the hairs are sheared off this short. Guess I'm experiencing contradictory sensations here, I feel bad about cutting his hair so short and at the same time it's a bit of a turn-on too. Using a quarter inch guide now I cut the rest of the hairs on the sides and back and then blend it in with the eighth inch hairs. The very short hairs on the sides and back make the hairs on top look substantial by comparison, but not for long. Using the clippers over comb method I cut the hairs on top very short, matching the quarter inch length at the top of the sides and back, then tapering the hairs to about three-eight inch length on top, which is now the length of the longest hairs on his head. As I trim around his ears with the trimmer clippers, Devon feels the hairs on his head, "Shit! I feel scalped." I mutter, "You pretty much are scalped, but it's what you asked for." Done around his ears, I rub the top of his head with both hands getting random clipping of hair flying off. Looking at his hair in the handheld mirror, Devon says, "Annie's gonna love it, but I hate it although I'm not blaming you, Dylan. You're my favorite barber, but because of Ray the haircuts too short for me." He hands me the mirror feeling his head again, as I kid myself about taking over the posse boys and making Ray a junior member, haha. Devon then surprises me again, asking, "Would you show me what it feels like to kiss a guy on the lips?" Taking the handheld mirror from him, I put it on the table and before he can change his mind I get my arm around his neck, grinning, "Sure, I'm gay and you're cute, so sure I'll show you." He sucks on his lips with a nervous look in his eyes as my lips come to his for a brotherly kiss. Then my tongue slips past his lips and I change the kiss into a wet sexy one. After a few seconds Devon gasps pulling his head away, making me chuckle. Grinning at him again, I say, "You have nice lips too, Devon." He coughs, "Jesus, that was a good kiss, you've had experience, for sure" I go, "A little, yeah, but I didn't even start being sexually active until I was almost eighteen, so I'm a pretty fast learner." He gets up nodding his head slowly as if he's just confirmed something to himself, but what might that be? He asks, "Um, since we're being so open with each other, do you and Sonny ever mess around?" I go, "If we did I sure as hell wouldn't admit it to his brother." Devon shrugs, "He's eighteen now, so he's a legal age for sex. He can do what he wants as far as I'm concerned." I'm like, "Well, anyway I don't kiss and tell, if you know what I mean. It's between me and whomever. I only mentioned Ray and me because it's already a known fact, thanks to Ray, not me." Devon asks, "So, if you and me did it, you wouldn't tell a soul, right?" I go, "Yep, it'd be between you and me, word of honor on that." He bites his bottom lip for a second, then goes, "And you said it'd be alright if I did it to you?" I go, "Yes, Devon, but not now. You're brother's probably on his way." Like I said, I don't want to seem too anxious, and I've got a little willpower working tonight. Devon's slowly rubbing his hand over his very short hair for a nit, then asks, "One more kiss, okay? I'll participate more this time now that I know what to expect. This is, um, so surprising, I never thought... Well, can we do one more kiss?" I say, "Sure," and this time he puts his arms around my neck, mumbling, "Your skin feels amazing," I smile, "Thanks," and our lips come together, then our tongues. Devon doesn't kiss as good as Sonny, and certainly not as good as Junior or Ryan, or the lover's kisses with Robby, but Devon's still pretty good at it. It gets my dick's attention for damn sure. I wonder if his dick is affected, although I don't push my luck by touching it. Our kiss last maybe ten seconds and when we part our combined saliva stretches between his lips and mine. Devon's face is a little flushed as he shakes his head, muttering, "I never would have believed it, Dylan, but kissing you feels very much like kissing Annie, um, only your a better kisser. I don't mean it 'feels' better to me, just that your a better kisser than Annie, that's all. I'm not gay or anything, just curious. You kiss like you really mean it and I confess my pecker sorta moved in my shorts." Hey, this is going very well, but then the doorbell rings, so apparently Sonny's here. I ask, "Are you staying while I do Sonny's hair?" Devon's putting his shirt, "Nah, I gotta get Annie and meets the guys at the miniature golf course. Some date, huh? It's Ray's idea." The doorbell rings again as Devon and I go up the steps. Devon says, "Sonny's impatient, but wait till he sees how short his hair is going to be." He stops on the steps, looks me in the eyes, saying, "Thanks for, you know, everything, Dylan, and I'm excited about us doing it. You're, I don't know, special and, well thanks." I smile and pat his ass, saying, "No problem, Devon, you rock, dude." Opening the door, letting Sonny in, he goes, "Hey, Dylan!" and we do the posse greeting, then he glances at Devon and yells, "Fuck! That's how short Ray wants all the posse boys hair?" Devon says, "Hey bro, keep the f-bombs down! What if Dylan's mom was home! Watch your language." Sonny lowers his voice, saying, "Sorry, Dylan, but is that really how Ray wants our haircut, bro?" Devon shrugs, "Yeah, but he told me this will be the last burr we need to get this summer. Next haircut's just a trim around the ears and back of the neck." He runs his fingers through his brothers orange/red hair, muttering, "Say goodbye to this, Sonny, ha ha." Sonny makes a face, then runs his fingers through his own hair, saying to me, "I'm not getting my hair cut that freakin' short. No way!" Devon's walking out, telling Sonny, "Ray will suspend you and he won't drop the suspension until you get it cut like this, so you might as well get it over with." Sonny goes, "Yeah, I guess you're right. Hey, Devon we'll see you later, I'll bring Dylan with me a little later." They do the posse goodbye, which is just like the posse hello, and Sonny kisses Devon's cheek, "Thanks for the advise, Devon, love ya." Sweet. Sonny and I watch Devon go down the steps, then I close the door and Sonny grabs a fistful of my privates, asking, "How naughty were you on vacation, boyfriend?" I look into his pretty blue eyes wetting my lips, then mumble, "Not naughty at all," and Sonny says, "Liar," squeezing my nuts. His head leans in and we kiss. His lips taste like his brother's and feel the same too, getting my cock firming up. Sonny pushes all the right buttons with me, and he has almost from the first time I met him, although I didn't realize it until later. It starts with his cute face and his slim, but well defined body, and mostly it's his voice and overall attitude which is a combination of a smart-ass confident-dominant manner and a underlying niceness. I think he's extremely likable and he smells good too. Sonny asks, "Did you buy the paddle I told you to get?" I shake my head 'no', saying, "We decided I don't get turned-on that much by getting spanked anymore." He reaches around and gives my ass a pretty good smack, saying, "It's for me, I'm the one who gets turned on by spanking you," and another smack on my ass. I go, "Sonny, don't push it. Quit while you're ahead. I can see I need to set some rules with you" He makes a cute face, saying, "Ah, come on, Dylan, you know I love you. Lets play like we did in my bedroom." Giving him a look, I'm like, "Come on downstairs." On the way downstairs Sonny holds my hand, mumbling, "Be nice, Dylan. Act submissive, you know how turned-on I get when you're submissive to me." I go, "I told you before, it's not an act. It needs to happen on it's own." Seeing the barber stuff, he's like an excited puppy dog, "You get your haircut first. I'm going to cut it just like you did my brother's haircut." I say, "I'm not getting a haircut today. You can give me a haircut after next weekend." He gets both arms around my neck with his face against mine, our noses pressed together, "Don't be like that, Dylan. Giving you a haircut is one of the coolest things I've ever done and you like it too." Then he gives me an awesome French kiss and my arms go around him. What a great body, as we're tightly together and our cocks grow hard against one another. He licks my lips after the kiss, saying,"I love you. Do you love me yet?" I mutter, "Not yet, Sonny," but I keep hugging him with our faces side by side now. Damn, he smells so boyishly sexy. I rub his hair and up the back of his head; it's shaped just like Devon's. Sonny's such a nice armful. Now I turn my head and kiss his cheek inhaling his sexy aroma. He takes his arms from around my neck and begins squeezing my butt cheeks, murmuring, "I got a boner from kissing and hugging you, Dylan. I want you to take your shirt off." I go, "Okay, but you take you're off too so I can feel your naked body against mine." We let go of each other and pull our shirts off, then immediately get in another embrace. Ah, skin against skin is so fucking sexy and Sonny's scent is so much more noticeable now too. With his lips on my ear, he whispers, "I'm giving you a haircut tonight so you might as well get used to the idea." His brashness and cockiness is so fucking cute. He adds, "We're on an official date, Dylan, so you're the girl and I'm the boy, and girls do what their boyfriends tell them to do." I chuckle, "Have you been talking to Ray again?" He says, "I already told ya, I don't talk to Ray about personal stuff like my boyfriend. That's you, by the way. My first boyfriend, and you like it too." We hug for awhile with Sonny's telling me what we're going to do tonight and me grinning at his audacity. I like hearing his voice. There's a quality to it that's kinda mesmerizing. It's funny the crazy things that excite and sexually arouse me. Rubbing my nose lightly in his hair at the side of his head, "You smell awesome, Sonny, and you're so fucking cute you turn me on. Lets do your shampoo now before you totally talk me into everything you've been saying we're going to do." He puts the palms of his hands on either side of my face, saying slowly, "I'm the guy, so I decide when we do my shampoo, and you do what I say. And look who's calling me cute. You're cuter, and you smell the best of anyone I ever smelled." I smile, "Who else have you smelled, if I'm your first boyfriend?" He goes, "Never mind, just sit on the stool and I'll give you your haircut. Please, Dylan!" Oh what the fuck, he said please, so I sit down because lately I can't help myself around Sonny. He's not surprised he's getting his way, as he says, "Um, that stool's too high, sit in the chair you use for the shampoos. And get the rest of your clothes off too." I'm like, "We're doing naked haircuts?" He goes, "Yep," and pulls my basketball shorts down, adding, "I'm giving you another excellent haircut, then you're going to rim my ass and suck my cock and lastly I'm fucking you until you squeal, like you always do when I fuck you. You squeal because I get you so hot you loose control. And, I'm shooting a large gob of my cum up your ass too, and then you'll suck my cock again. Okay?" I roll my eyes as he pulls down my underwear and rubs all around my groin, muttering, "So nice and smooth, and perfect for you 'cause you're the girl on our date, but my orange pubes need to grow and grow. You'll have your nose in them when my snake goes down your throat." Stepping out of my shorts and underwear that are now at my feet, I say, "Will you please stop all that 'girl' shit. I'm not a girl in any way." He drops his shorts, saying, "Well obviously you're not a girl or I wouldn't be interested in you, never mind being in love with you." His orange underarm hair contrasts so nicely with his pale creamy skin. Then I drop my eyes and look at his seven-plus inch long cock that grows to at least eight inches when it's hard as a bone. His cool foreskin gets dragged off the head by the growth and stiffness of the shaft. He sees me staring at his pale-cream-colored cock, the head still hiding in it's foreskin jacket. Sonny smirks, asking, "Nice, huh? Don't I have an awesome body?" I nod my head, "It's pretty awesome alright," and he holds my face between in hands again and kisses my lips, then says, "Now get the chair out of the bathroom like I told you." That, right there, caused a little trance to drape over me like a puffy cloud. He smacks my bear ass, saying, "Now, please." Oh, I love this feeling so much, it's like a drug to me and I revel in the feeling as I get the chair and bring it out. Sonny points to a spot, saying, "There, please." Putting the chair down, I sit in it feeling dreamy. Sonny rubs my head, saying, "There's no arms on this chair to tie you to so you'll need to pretend your tied. Okay? Isn't this better now?" It is too, so I mutter, "I guess," and he massages my shoulders, asking, "Are you finally feeling submissive to me?" I'm like, "Yeah, a little, Sonny." Standing behind me he gets his arms around my neck and hugs my head with the sides of our faces together, and Sonny mumbling, "Good, that's so sexually arousing to me." He give me a long wet smooch on the side of my forehead, "I love you so much, Dylan. Why don't you dump Ray and be just my boyfriend, you know you have a mad crush on me which will turn to love. Won't it?" Without waiting for an answer he picks up the clippers, "Hmmm, maybe I'll use these," which brings me enough out of my trance to mutter, "You do it better with scissors, Sonny. You don't know how to use clippers." He brings the clippers over, clicks them on and does a little swipe at the hairs at the back of my head, then yells, "Holy shit," and he giggles rubbing his finger where he cut. "These fuckers are dangerous," and he puts the clippers down. "I think I can fix that small bare-spot mistake, Dylan. Hope I can anyway," and I feel the scissor blades against the skin near where the clippers made a very short cut in my hair, probably down to the skin... there was no guide on the clippers. Fuck! Sonny doesn't talk as short clipped hairs shower down my back. He cuts very slow and deliberate so it's possible, with luck, it'll turn out okay. He pushes my head forward until my chin hits my chest, "Keep your head like this until I'm done with the back of your head," and he cuts hairs back there constantly for ten to fifteen minutes with the cut hairs continually sliding down my back. My hair wasn't very long back there to start with so I can't imagine where all the hair coming from that's trickling down my back came. Finally he's at the top of my head in back, at the crown, with the comb his only guide. He closes the scissors slowly, over and over, and the "Scrunch," sound of the scissors cutting hairs is so repetitious it's like a Hindu mantra that supposedly is capable of creating transformation. For me it deepens my trance as Sonny goes about doing whatever he wants. I can't describe how wonderful this feels. Done with the crown, he brushes his hand across my head, muttering, "Not bad," then comes to my left side and gets his finger under my chin pulling my head up and gently puts pressure so I'll tilt my head to the right. He starts cutting hair beginning at my sideburn, closing the scissors slowly like always, creating the mantra, scrunch-sound, that is dragged out because he closes the scissors so slowly, so the sounds like, "Scruuunch." Over and over the soft hair clippings slide off my shoulder with some clippings drifting over my back and others down my chest. I gaze at the little clippings, some of which have landing around my crotch and notice I've got a raging boner. That's undoubtedly adding to the wonderful way I'm feeling, but I didn't even know I had a boner. It's taking Sonny forever with this haircut, but he finally is at the hair on top of the left side of my head and he continues cutting across the top of my head. Lots and lots of tiny clippings falling all around me, "Scruuunch, scrunch, scrunch," until I'm so docile I can hardly keep my head up. I'm floating on warn air thinking Sonny will always be my barber for ever and ever. My cock throbs and I dreamily contemplate having Dodger's full blown haircut fetish, imagining him cuming in his fatigues every week his platoon is sent for GI haircuts. Ha, good for him, although I can't personally imagine spontaneously having a orgasm from a haircut. Sonny moves to my other side and pushes my head over to the left now. He stops and, perhaps because he was concentrating so hard, he just notices my raging boner. Quietly giggles, he reaches down and brushes the clipped hairs off my cock, whispering, "You're a sexy sex machine, Dylan. No matter what you and me do together you always get a boner." His arm goes around my neck as he leans down and licks my lips, then a wet kiss and finally one of the best tongues I've come across is in my mouth licking around in there while his lips kiss mine and a moan comes out of my throat on it's own, "Mmmmm, umm, um," then he's back to his deliberate haircutting. I wish it could go on longer, but he's finally outlining around my ears, followed by his meticulous random snips here and there. "Okay, Dylan, it looks a lot like Devon's" he says, and I realize I was almost asleep and maybe I even was. My eyes were closed in any case, so I open them as Sonny's saying, "Here take a look." He's got the handheld mirror in front of my eyes, his other hand is on my shoulder feeling nice. "What do you think?" I shake my head and focus my eyes and see a very short even haircut, but not the shortest haircut I've ever had. That honor belongs to the haircut Willie insisted on in Key West, and also the haircut he took me to after Key West. I do what everyone does, I rub my hand over my newly barbered hair, staring at in. My trance is drifting away with me thinking, 'Uh oh, a certain person in New York is not going to be pleased, but Ray will be, so one out of two ain't bad, and Robby's used to my short haircuts by now. The idea of both of us wearing flattops like we did the first year we were together isn't going to happen anytime soon. I say, "I don't know how you do it with scissors, Sonny, it should be impossible actually, but this is the third time in a row you've pulled it off. It looks too short, but extremely well done." He says, "Oh, too short, huh? But it's okay for me and my brother to have haircuts like this." I say, "No, that's not what I mean. I mean none of us should have haircuts this short, and we wouldn't except for Ray." He ruffles the short hair on top of my head, saying, "Ray or no Ray, I'd probably cut it like this anyway," and he laughs at that while hugging my shoulders, and me muttering, "Yeah, I suppose you would." He says, "Well, you don't complain and you sprung a boner, so I assume you're enjoying it." I shrug, "I was, Sonny, I'm not complaining. You're an awesome barber." He goes, "And I fixed that mistake those nasty clippers caused too." Using his hands he brushes most of the hair clipping from my body, I get up and with Sonny helping we begin cleaning up the hairs, until I stop, "Wait, we'll clean this up after your haircut." He says, "We don't have time tonight for that, I'll come over Monday when you get home for work. Tonight we need to meet the boys in an hour and I still haven't fucked you yet, and believe me I've been looking forward to this all week." I'm kinda looking forward to it myself so we finish the clean up. Done that, Sonny sits in the chair, and says, "Lay across my lap, Dylan, I'm giving you a spanking for all the fucking around you did in Wildwood. And, because you were suppose to buy a paddle, but ya didn't." Still intent on putting my foot down about something, I go, "Uh un, Sonny, we agreed spanking is getting old, and I'm tired of it." I'm still feeling my hair as Sonny says, "Please, Dylan, it's gets me so hot. I won't do it hard, it'll be like symbolic." Well, there are worse things I can think of then laying across Sonny's sexy bare lap, but I make a production of shaking my head, muttering, "You always have to get your way. You're like a big baby." He says, "Get over here, you know damn well you've got the hot's for me. I can see it in your eyes." These damn eyes of mine are giving away my secrets. I make a face, and Sonny says, "No pouting," which reminds me of Junior. Who's cuter Sonny or Junior? Probably Sonny, plus his dick is more than twice as long as Junior's, and that thought has me playing with myself as I go over and lay across his lap. "That's more like it," Sonny mumbles, as he kneads my butt checks, asking, "How many times did you cheat on me in Wildwood?" I go, "Cheat on you? We're not in a committed relationship, we're sex buddies." He slaps my ass, "Smack!" saying, "Dylan, Dylan, Dylan you know very well I love you and you almost love me too so we need to be faithful. It's the simple truth." I mutter, "Dreamer," and he says, "Bad boy!" then gives me a spanking. The sounds accompany the stinging, "Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!" are all we hear for awhile. Maybe a dozen or so smacks on my ass, which are actually like child's play when compared to John's strapping, but I go, "Ow, ow, ow," with each one to help Sonny get his rocks off. It works too because I feel his cock under me growing hard and that makes my dick get hard, so when Sonny says, "Okay, you've been disciplined now. You may get up and wipe your tears." There aren't any tears, but I pretend there and my smacked ass is stinging and red. Sonny says, "Hey, you got a boner too. We both get a boner from me spanking you so that's cool. Right?" I go, "If you say so, Sonny." He stands and smacks my ass again, saying, "Cutting your hair and spanking you is so much fucking fun, I love it. Okay, you sit in the chair and rim my ass." In deference to my stinging ass, I say, "I'll do it on my knees," and he goes, "Oh, your ass is too sore to sit on it," and he giggles. He's cute. I get on my knees behind him and spread his ass cheeks, then lap behind his nuts and up his ass crack across his asshole bringing up goose bumps on Sonny as his body shivers, with him murmuring, "Oooh." A few more laps up his slightly stale smelling ass crack and I start sucking on his asshole as Sonny squirms some more. He's wiped his ass well, but he hasn't showered since this morning so it's not a pure Sonny scent down here although I still notice it. My cock is drooling precum now because rimming a cute guy's ass is so deliciously submissive it really gets me aroused. When my tongue gets inside his rectum he jumps forward the way Junior always does. Turning around and playing with his ass, he says, "Jesus, Dylan, I almost wasted a good load of cum on your floor." His cock is boner-up good and tight with the head fully out of it protective foreskin covering. Precum drips out of his pee slit so I pick up his cock and suck on the head putting the tip of my tongue at the pee slit that quivers, and I almost lose my load too. Sucking cock of my couple of boyfriends has been one of my favorite things to do for about two years now. Cock's rock! Sonny backs up again pulling the head of his cock out of my mouth. "I need to calm down, Dylan, I'm too hot right now and I don't want to shoot off too soon. It feels so awesome being on the verge of cuming, ya know?" I say, "As a matter of fact I do know 'cause I almost climaxed sucking your big cock." He comes to me as I'm sitting back on my ankles. Smirking cutely at me, he plays with my hair, saying, "You didn't get as excited about this cool haircut I did but you should have. Show me a little love, dude, this is a perfect haircut." I say, "We'll see how perfect you think it is when I give you your haircut." He mutters, "Yeah, I guess I see your point." Sonny rubs his cock head around my mouth leaving a trail of precum outlining my lips. My tongue comes out licking it off as Sonny smiles, "You make me feel so good, Dylan." He bends down and kisses me, I kiss back and our arms go around one another. He's leaning into me moaning quietly and I fall over backwards. We end up with Sonny stretched over my body, me on my back and him on top of me as we kiss and squirm against each other. His body and skin feels so nice, plus his scent's driving me wild. Covered with saliva our lips slide apart, and I murmur, "Fuck me, Sonny." He sucks on his lips nodding his head, then scoots down my body and lifts my legs. The wet head of his hard cock is almost instantly at my asshole pushing against the lips spreading them. More pressure and his cock head disappears up my ass as we both moan, "Ummm, aaah, mmmm, nice." I hold my legs back and Sonny groans pushing his cock slowly up my ass, "Ooooh, it feels so good, Dylan, umm, mmm." It's tight going, but not like John's, Ray's, or even Ryan's. Sonny gets it all the way in, his orange pubic hair tight against my buttocks. He gulps, then reaches down to stroke my boner, and I'm like, "Mmmm, ooh, aah, aah, no Junior, I'm gonna cum." His hips start moving and the sensations are immediate, and awesome. The angle his boner's moving back and forth on my prostate has me in deep sexual pleasure squirming on the floor, the intense sexual sensations keep increasing from the duel stimulation of my anus and prostate, and as the sensations grow and grow it has me writhing on the floor so much Sonny need's to get his arms around my thighs to keep me stable. Sonny drives his cock up my ass time after time with me moaning constantly, "Ooh, ooh, ooh, ash, aaaah, aaaash, oooh." He's making desperate moans himself now and he picks up the speed of his trusts. I'm moaning as sexual sensations are zipping all over my body. My boner's pointing straight at my face when I loose it, squealing out even more embarrassingly than normal as my cock tightens up further, lifting, vibrating and then shooting an arc of cum that goes over my head. It would have hit me right in the face if it hadn't lifted a little. Then muscle contraction and three more spurts of cum shoot out and these three land on me. One, a fast flying stream lands under my chin and the next two smaller ones plop down on my chest, then drools of cum as I shudder from the tremendous sensations associated with climax. Sonny makes a whiny sound slamming his crotch against my ass and I feel the little extra warmth and then the squishiness in my rectum as his orgasm pours into my rectum. His face is red as he grimaces while humping into me with short thrust totally emptying his balls. He's silent doing humps up my wet rectum now, then a deep breath and, "Oh God, that was good, holy fuck!" from Sonny. His eyes half closed as he takes a few deeper breaths, then collapses on top of me pulling his cock out of my ass in the process. It lays wetly next to mine as Sonny snuggles with me. Damn, I know I'm always saying it, but he smells good! I hug him, muttering, "Awesome fuck, Sonny. That long cock of yours was hitting all the right places." He says, "Nobody fucks you as good as me, admit it?" I go, "I don't know, Sonny, has Ray ever fucked you? It's pretty close, but I haven't had that many different sex partners, and you've only had me, so we're pretty inexperienced when you consider the big picture." He lifts his head and looks me in the eyes, "I want you to dump, Ray, and be my boyfriend." I go, "I already told ya, he's dumping me." Sonny settles down on my body again, muttering, "Okay then, good." I've got little itchy hair clippings sticking to me, and now some are sticking to Sonny. I say, "Lets take a quick shower," and Sonny asks, "Together?" I go, "Of course together, is there any other way?" to be continued... Donny Mumford Please consider a tax-deductible donation to Nifty, a nonprofit organization, to help with the expenses of maintaining this huge story site that offers something for everyone. Thank you.