Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2014 08:17:55 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: DYLAN'S SUMMER VACATION TWO Chapter 74 DYLAN'S SUMMER VACATION TWO Chapter 74 by Donny Mumford Tuesday I wake up feeling very frisky and well rested. Chubby's right about staying in one night a week to recharge the batteries. Last night was the first time in a couple of weeks I had no sex of any kind, and surprisingly I find it doesn't even bother me. Sex is awesome, but it's not running my life. This must be part of the maturing process, and it's like a breakthrough for me. Sometimes major things just happen to you and the light goes on in your head. It's like now I don't need to have sex every day... it nice to have, but if none is available it's no big deal. Well sure, yesterday I participated in that hot make-out with Seth in the back of the truck. He had an orgasm, but I didn't so I'm not counting that as sex for me, and it barely counts for him. So okay, it's good to know I've got a handle on the sex thing finally, but now I need to get this day started. I already know two things about tonight: One, I have no plans after work except Sonny's scheduled for a haircut, and two, Robby has a pre-seminar meeting after regular work hours. That means I won't be getting together with him again tonight, and I'm kinda okay with that. I'd rather see him, of course, but since I can't it'll just make our next date that much hotter and sexier. Robby's attending a seminar in Boston this weekend and that's what tonight's meeting's about. Maybe it's just me, but Robby's dad could maybe chill-out a little where his business is concerned. I mean, sure you want to take care of business, but there's other things in life too. Robby's dad has apparently convinced Robby to be just as serious about the business as he is. Oh well, I'm just wondering if it's really necessary to have a meeting to prepare for the next meeting? Maybe they should have a meeting to schedule future meetings as well. And maybe I don't know anything about the business world. Haha, that's always a possibility. Well, no sex yesterday, but I did have a very really nice feel-good day, and that was enough to satisfy me. For one thing all of us on Robby's crew like each other, and believe me, having no tension on the job is huge. So that was one feel-good moment, and yesterday was also very cool because at the deli Travis told me right out that Robby's made it clear to him the buddy sex they have is just that, and it will never be more than that. So this tells me that whoever Robby's side sex buddy might be he's also been made aware that Robby loves me and sex he has with anyone else is just casual recreational sex. It's good to know he makes that clear to these bozos... for them it begins and ends as buddy sex. Robby reiterated his deep feelings of love for me too, which is always sweet to hear and qualifies as another feel-good moment. He claims he'd drop all side-sex if I would, and I believe him, but naturally I sidestepped that time bomb for both our benefits. We need more time to get the side-sex out of our systems. We've just turned twenty years old, fer chrissakes. Who in their right mind gets married when they're twenty? Committing to each other exclusively is very much like getting married, so I rest my case on that matter. It's like all of a sudden I'm seeing things on a much more mature level. Another feel-good moment for me happened before Chubby's and my dinner last night when the two of us got a little sentimental with each other. We sorta confirmed our brotherly and unconditional love for one another. Okay, it might have gotten a little sappy, but we confirmed that we're both still the most important person in the other's life. Knowing that is a powerfully comforting feeling for me and I hope it is for Chubby too. So, no sex yesterday, but it was still an awesome, awesome day. Speaking of Chubby, when I walk into the kitchen this sunny morning he's there making coffee. He gives me his magical smile, the one where his face lights up showing how happy he is to see me, so I give him a smile plus a hug and a good-morning kiss. The posse boys have their greeting so why shouldn't I have mine with my brother. That's the way I see it and Chubby's fine with it. As I'm making myself a cup of coffee for myself, Chubby tells me about the latest spat he had with MJ. It happened right after he finished his part-time work for her father last night. Mary Jo and Chubby argue about the nuttiest things, so I ask him, "Why do you two remain boyfriend/girlfriend if you're always fighting?" He chuckles, "Because we like having sex together, why else?" Hmmm, I wonder if that's why I put up with Ray's nonsense for so long? Yeah, that's probably the reason, but those days are behind me. Chubby and I wander out to the balcony to drink our coffees and share a morning cigarette. Cigarettes and coffee go together almost as well as cigarettes and booze. Chubby says, "Actually, as crazy as this sounds, MJ and I kinda like to argue, and we do like each other. It's not like we're mad during a lot of our fights. She's kinda funny, although she doesn't try to be. She's serious about odd notions she has in her head and that entertains me, although it's totally unintentional on her part. And as for her, she likes me because I'm me. " I go, "Very modest of you, but I can't disagree. There's something seriously wrong with anyone who doesn't like you." He grins, "Let's not go down the sentimental path again, bro, I cry too easily." I shrug thinking about Mary Jo being unintentionally funny to Chubby, and realize I had that exact same thought about Ray. Another major coincidence of life. Hey, maybe Ray and MJ would be the perfect couple for one another. Hee hee, two nuts cases. This morning Chubby's driving us to work so I take the opportunity to text Sonny about his scheduled haircut tonight. He texts back that he's sorry, but could he switch the time until later tonight. There's something he wants to do with his motorbike buddy, Jamison Coyle, and he wants to know if I'll give his friend a free haircut too. Interesting that his friend almost has the same first name as posse boy Jameson Doyle. Sonny says that Bean and maybe Dawg can come over at five-thirty for a haircut in place of him, if it's okay with me. I text him that it's okay with me on all counts. Then I grimace to myself because I was kinda looking forward to a little sex with Sonny tonight, but his buddy being with him eliminates that possibility, but I find it's no big deal to me. So, it looks like no sex last night or tonight. No big deal, like I said, but if I weren't so mature I'd probably be thinking about driving to Wildwood where sex isn't so scarce... haha. Add to this situation Devon's telling me at Sunday's softball game that he's chickening out on satisfying his curiosity about guy-on-guy sex with me, so it looks like sex with him is a no-go too. It seems like I'm not only turning down sexual opportunities lately, but others are also declining the opportunity of sharing a little buddy sex with me. Hmmm, it's not really that important though because I've got my true love, Robby, and that's enough. Further more I know I can turn on some sexy charm if I chose to and stir up a cute buddy sex partner if I wanted to. Not that I need to at the moment. Whether guys know it or not, occasional sex is healthy for mind and body. They just gotta have the balls to try it. On the other hand I don't have the balls to try it with a girl, and guys like Devon and Ray do, so who am I to talk about having balls. Breaking into my thoughts, Chubby goes, "Here's a joke one of the married guys who works for MJ's dad told me: This lady wants to buy a pet for her husband's birthday, but in the pet shop she discovers the pets are all too pricey. She asks the owner if he's got any cheaper pets and the guys tells her he's got a very large frog that he'll sell for fifty dollars. The woman thinks that's a lot of money for a frog, and what the hell kind of pet is that anyway. Then the guys informs her the frog gives awesome blow jobs, so her husband might really like it. Well, the wife really likes that because she hates giving oral sex, but her husband loves it. So she buys the frog and gives it to her husband that night after dinner. She tells him about the frog's special talent for giving head. The husband's a little leery, but the frog goes, "Croak" and the man sees it's big tongue. He decides to give it a try and goes off with the frog for a little privacy, while the wife goes happily to bed. Two o'clock in the morning the husband's still not in bed. The wife goes looking for him and finds the frog and her husband side by side hunched over the kitchen table looking at cook books. She asks what's going on, and the husband says, 'I'll tell you what's going on. If I can somehow teach this fucking frog to cook, your ass is outta here. That's what's going on!!'" I give him a look, and then a little chuckle because the punch line was definitely unexpected, which is what makes a joke funny. Not all jokes are laugh out loud funny, ya know, but I like them all anyway. Chubby parks the Jeep at work and when we get out we give a wave to Terry and Lee, then Chubby goes over to put our lunch in the cooler, and he'll probably tell Lee the frog joke. Inside the locker room I see Seth changing into his work outfit. We bump fist grinning at each other, as Seth excitedly says, "Big mowers on the truck again today, Dylan." I go, "Do tell. You looking forward to cuming in your pants again, is that it?" He goes, "Yeah, that's it exactly," and his body bumps against my side as he rubs my head. I'd like to give him a kiss right here and now because he's so cute and he smells so good. And, he's got a cute way about him as well. When changed into our work clothes we join the guys on the blacktop for a cigarette. Robby comes out and everything goes as usual. It's just another day on the job except in the equipment room Seth cuts his hand badly when it slips on a razor sharp cardboard flap. The flap is on the box of grass clipping bags, and if you've ever cut yourself on cardboard you know painful that is. His hand is bleeding quite a bit from a one inch flap of skin on the pad of his left index finger. It's just below the finger and bleeding badly so I press a clean paper towel on the cut tightly to stem the bleeding and I hold it there to keep the paper towel in place. Seth's face tells the story of his pain, but he's not complaining, just grimacing. Robby rushes over and takes a look, saying, "Dammit, I feel bad for you, Seth, that's gonna need stitches." He using his cell phone to call his boss and Chuck comes to the equipment room a minute later. He gives the wound a cursory look, and like it's no big deal, mumbles, "I'll get one of the office personnel to take you to the emergency room." We're all concerned about Seth and looking on as he sits on the locker room bench. Then Chuck says to us, "What the hell are the rest of you guys gawking at, you all need to get to work." Then he grabs a sterile gauze pad from the first aid kit that's right next to me, saying sarcastically, "A fucking paper towel, Newman! Really?" He replaces the paper towel with the gauze and shows Seth how to apply pressure on the wound with Seth's other hand. Hey, it happened fast and I didn't see the first aid kit, so I'm thinking, 'How 'bout you go fuck yourself, Chuck.' Chuck pats Seth's shoulder, saying, "You'll be fine, son, it's a fucking cut." Us guys are a little bit appalled at Chuck's lack of compassion. Chuck shouts, "The rest of you nitwits need to get working, like I told you. Get your crew moving, Rob." There's lots of blood so us guys are concerned as we begin moving to get the equipment we'll need today. Chuck nods at Seth, muttering to us guys, "His hand didn't get cut off, fer chrissakes, it's a little boo-boo." With that, mister personality goes back to doing whatever it is he does. Robby shakes his head, then tells us, "Load up guys. Seth, you come with me, we'll go over to the office and make sure somebody knows to take you to the hospital." Seth goes, "Thanks, and, um, thanks, Dylan, the paper towel was the quickest way to slow the bleeding. Don't listen to Mister Tanner." Then to the guys in general, he says, "Sorry for letting you guys down this morning, especially with the heavy work schedule we have today. I promise I'll be out to help as quickly as I can get there." Then as he walks away with Robby, muttering to no one in particular, "Who cuts themselves on a piece of cardboard anyway? Christ, what a spastic I am." We all say, "It coulda happened to anybody," as he and Robby leave the building. I think Seth's more embarrassed than anything else, although it's going to hurt like hell getting that cut stitched up. Jerry says, "Seth will have a hard time operating the equipment with that area of his hand being really tender from the cut and the stitches." I'm thinking he's right, and not just for this job, but bagging groceries on his other job too. He could have cut himself almost anywhere except the palm of his hand and still manage okay. I'll think of something because Seth definitely needs the money, which means he needs to work. There's no paid leaves for either of his jobs, although I'm not sure about workman's compensation since he was injured on the job. As I'm starting up the smaller walk behind mower I spot a roll of foam rubber and put it under my arm. Maybe it'll work somehow to relieve the pressure on Seth cut hand when he's operating the equipment. During the first job we all pitch in to make up for Seth's absence, especially Robby, who as supervisor doesn't normally work on the line all day. On a normal day he does about twice as much as any of the other supervisors, but today it's full time. I'm not sure what else is involved in the supervisor's job, but whatever it is Robby will have to do it after regular working hours because he's going balls to the wall this morning running the big walk behind mower. After finishing the landscaping of the first big property we have our coffee break. No sign of Seth so we're not in as upbeat a mood as we were yesterday. Robby tries recreating the atmosphere of yesterday by telling a joke. He goes, "Little Janis was given a tea set for her third birthday and it became her favorite toy. She likes playing like she's having a tea party with her mom, but when her mom goes food shopping she carries tiny tea cups to her dad, who's watching a baseball game on TV. He drinks each tiny cup of water pretending it's delicious tea and complimenting his little girl. This goes on all afternoon until the mom comes home. Janis excitedly tells her mom about the afternoon tea party with daddy. The mom looks at he husband funny so he wants to know why. The mom says, "You realize of course she's too short to reach any water except water from the toilet bowl." Lee says, "Good try, boss, but ya need some sex or curse words in a joke to get it to pop." Robby shrugs, "It's a joke I heard in the supervisors meeting this morning." No one is in the mood for jokes this morning because one of out team got injured, and especially because of the alarming amount of blood, like maybe he cut a vein or something. Add to that the fact we're all working our asses off trying to stay on schedule being shorthanded, and so jokes just don't seem as funny as they normally do. Halfway through the second job Seth gets dropped off by Chuck Tanner. Robby and I go over to him and even though he looks a little pale, he says he's fine. I talked with Robby earlier about letting Seth do my leaf blower duty all day because that can be done with one hand. There's a strap over your shoulder and you can guide the blower with one hand, it's not ideal but it can be done that way. Robby liked that idea for at least today and tomorrow. By Thursday or Friday maybe Seth can use the foam rubber to cushion the pressure on his hand while walking and guiding the smaller walk behind mower. Somebody's got to do these easier jobs and they usually are assigned to a different guy each day to lighter his workload one day a week, but none of the guys will mind giving up their turn of a lighter workload to help out one of our crew. At least Seth can stay on the crew although that's quite a bandage wrapped around his hand. We get through the day okay. It makes us all feel bad seeing Seth winching whenever his injured hand gets jarred, although we never hear a peep out of him... no complaints, no woe is me, no nothing, he just works as hard as he can. Sweaty and tired we ride back to home base with Seth leaning against my side. I put my arm across his shoulder and he actually goes to sleep even with all the noise surrounding us. His shit-box car has an automatic transmission so he can operate that with one hand too. After we change into street clothes I put Seth's work uniform in the bag with Chubby's and mine telling Seth it's one less thing he'll need to deal with tonight. He doesn't even argue, just says he'll do the next wash for the three of us. Off he goes, and Chubby's like, "Let's get going, bro, two days of these big properties is enough for me. I'm beat." Back at the condos I take my time in the shower and then remember Bean and Dawg are due at five-thirty for haircuts so I get out of the shower and dry quickly. Grabbing the first clean pair of underwear, t-shirt, and shorts I see I get dressed walking to the living room. It's twenty of six so, hmmm, the posse boys are usually on time. I peek out the window and see Bean sitting on the front stoop. Tapping on the window gets his attention and he sees me grinning at him. Bean gives me a the middle finger grinning a damn cute grin back at me. Boys shine when they smile or grin. I open the door and he's like, "Hi, Dylan, I wasn't sure you were home from work. Then I saw the Jeep at the curb so I didn't know what the fuck to think." I say, "I'm sorry for keeping you waiting, Bean, come on in, dude." He does and we automatically do the posse greeting with me ruffling his hair, asking, "You ready for Ray's mandated short burr haircut?" He says, "No, not really, although that doesn't make any difference to Ray." In the basement Bean goes right to the half bath taking his shirt off on the way. He drops his shirt on the toilet seat lid and plops his ass down in the chair that's facing away from the sink. I tilt the chair back and turn on the water. Bean looks at me, asking, "Do you think you can do what we talked about at the softball game?" and for the first time I see Bean blush. It's cute because shy is often cute. Bean is rarely shy, but just now he's referring to his request for a blow job and that has him blushing. Bean's a virgin apparently and anxious to experience something that has to do with sex. As far as I'm concerned I can do oral sex, or leave it, where Bean's concerned, but since this is the closest thing to sex that I experienced the past two days I'll probably do it. What the hell, it's no big deal, and I like Bean. Also I feel bad for him because he's over eighteen years old and never had so much as a taste of sex, gay or straight. To tease him, I asks, "Um, Bean, are you referring to oral sex?" He nods his head blushing a deeper shade of red. Us guys break each other's balls all the time, but never in a mean spirited way, so I pretend I misunderstood what he asked me at the softball game, and say, "So, you want to blow me and suck my cock, is that it?" He shakes his head 'no' emphatically pointing to me, then himself. I ask, "What, are we doing pantomime now?" Again he shakes his head 'no', then says, "Ah, I was hoping you would do it to me, Dylan." Running my fingers through his dry hair, I say, "If you're really sure you want to, Bean, I'll do it for you because I like you." He mutters, "Thanks, I like you a lot too, but you won't tell anyone, will you?" I go, "Word of honor, Bean," as I ruffle his hair again enjoying the feel of his hair and scalp. Also it's sexy how the guys sit here docilely and allow me access to their person. Hmmm, Bean's kinda turning me on a little tonight. How odd is that? I'm taking my time wetting his brown hair the same length Devon's was, about an inch and a half on top and touching his ears on the sides. When his hairs soaking wet, laying flat on his head, I begin massaging in the shampoo getting a nice lather going. I enjoy touching guy's, and I like making them happy too. Bean's very average looking, but most guy's have one or two especially nice features in their face. In Bean's case it's his narrow, perfectly shaped eyebrows and his pretty hazel eyes with longish eyelashes. Like I said, most guys around our age have something special about their faces even when the rest of their face might be plain like Beans. He also has a few blemishes, red spots actually, that ruin what would otherwise be very nice, smooth and tight facial skin. His nose, mouth, and chin are out of proportion, each one being either too small or too big. Nose and chin being too big in Bean's case, and his mouth is too small, but like I said, overall he's average looking. Almost all guys fall into that category of average, obviously, and then there are the lucky ones who's genes worked out especially well creating nice looks and even awesomely cute looks on some. The parent's mixture of genes over centuries and centuries dictate who the lucky ones are as far as appearance, and who are the average ones are, and who unfortunately fall short of average.& Bean mutters, "This feels good, Dylan. It's not awkward now having you shampooing my hair because you're gay. If Dawg or one of the posse boys was doing it, it'd be too weird, ya know?" I ask, "Where is Dawg? I thought he was coming with you." He scratches his nose, mumbling, "I don't know, he didn't text me so I just came myself." I wonder if Bean purposely didn't pick Dawg up because he want's to get blown? Haha. Yeah, and it probably took a lot of guts for Bean to ask me to suck his dick, and to actually follow through with it, if he does. I wonder how he worked-up the courage? I'm not insinuating that Bean's gay because I don't believe he is, but many teens won't admit they're gay even to themselves, and even when they know in their hearts they are gay. There's still a stigma attached to it in society, although things are much better in parts of America then they used to be. After rinsing the shampoo out and then roughly towel drying his hair, I finish drying it with the hairdryer brushing his hair back from his forehead. Bean isn't attractive, but he's a guy so I have the urge to kiss his lips, but I don't. Instead I pat his shoulder, saying, "All done," and he mumbles, "Thanks, that was nice. Heh heh, I wish my hair grew faster so it needed cutting more often. I really like being pampered like this." As we're walking over to the barber stool, he goes, "Ya know, my mom gives me twenty bucks for my haircut and I feel bad not splitting it with you." I'm thinking he'd feel bad taking the money from his mom in the first place, but that's none of my business, so I say, "Buy me a Coke at the basketball game tomorrow night." He sits on the stool, "You got yourself a deal, Dylan." The clippers get turned on and Bean's hair is soon falling all around him covering his shoulders, back, and lap. It's a real short haircut that doesn't look particularly good on Bean because he doesn't have dense hair. With his hair this short you can see his pink scalp in between the hairs. Done his haircut I ruffle through the short bristle of hair on his head dislodging tiny clippings, and them brush his shoulders, back and chest with the palms of my hand. Bean has an average looking slightly skinning body to go with his average looks, but it's a guy's body so it kinda turns me on. I'm feeling all over his torso, supposedly brushing the hair clippings off him. I sort of lean into his back while brushing over the little bit of hair on his chest and I need to fight the urge to kiss the side of his face. Bean has a slight natural scent that's pleasant, but not especially sexy. Still, I'm becoming strangely turned-on by him. He's taller than me so that makes him look thinner too. Wanting to feel more of him I squeeze the back of his neck, then run my fingers up the back of his head feeling sexual aroused. I need to put forth a concerted effort to make myself stop rubbing my hands all over him. Stepping back, I do a fake cough hoping I wasn't too obvious with all the touching, then say, "Well, Bean, it's all done finally. Um, I think I got all the hair clipping off you." Bean mutters, "Thanks, Dylan," as he stands and then does what everybody does, he rubs his head with the palm of his hand, mumbling, "Jesus, that's short." Relived my touching didn't bother him, I go, "You can thank Ray for it being that short, Bean, not me." He says, "None of us blame you, Dylan, we know you're just following orders. It's funny but some of the guys are saying they wish you were our leader. All these years following Ray, we might be ready for a change." I'm like, "Whoa, pump the breaks on that thought, Bean. I appreciate the backing of the guys, but I'm happy to just be a rookie posse member and the posse's personal barber." What I don't say is, 'and the posse's personal sex counselor'. Bean goes, "Yeah, I hear ya, it's just these short burr haircuts that have got the guys grumbling. Um, do we do the other thing now?" I'm strangely anxious to suck his cock by now, so I grin, "Sure, drop your shorts," and he takes off his shorts and underwear quickly, like before he can change his mind maybe. Wow, Bean's got himself a long penis and low hanging nuts with a tidy patch of dark pubic hairs. He says, "I showered before coming over, Dylan, so I'd be clean as possible." I mumble, "That's nice of you, Bean," as I'm staring at his long thin legs. They're very sexy looking. Not much hair on the calves and none on his thighs. Long narrow feet to go along with his long thin cock. Looking at Bean, I say, "You got yourself a nice package there." He plays with himself a little, mumbling, "Yeah, Ray's the only one with a bigger cock than me." I go, "Didn't someone tell me you had a small dick?" and he's like, "That's what they kid me about, meaning it's the opposite. Did ya ever see a thinner dick then this?" as he stretches it out making me adjust my junk. I shrug, "I haven't seen that many dicks, but no, I don't believe I've ever seen a thinner noodle." He appears much more at ease than I expected. He's just standing there messing with his cock. Then he asks, "Um, I'm real interested to see what a blow job feels like, so...?" I go, "Yeah, okay," as I go down on my knees and take his cock from his fingers to stroke it a few time. Bean goes up on his toes making hissing noises through his teeth. "Jesus!" he yells, "No one has ever touched my dick before. That feels awesome." I lick the head a few times, disappointed he doesn't have a scent that registers more with me. Taking it in my mouth, I lick the head and suck on two inches of the shaft as Bean's hands go right to my head with him moaning loudly, "Ooooh, ummm, umm, oooh." His cock is firming up fast so I guess he's randy as hell, so much so that even a gay guy's tongue and lips on his dick is sexy to him. Jesus! His cock is filling with erectile fluids quicker than I've ever seen before, and it's really turning me on. With me licking and sucking his boner Bean can't stand still as he grunts and groans while rubbing my head. Seeing him getting so sexually aroused has a strong effect on me too, and my cock firms up tightly. What the hell's going on here? Bean's never seemed sexy to me before. All I can smell is the bath gel on him now, and he sure looks clean, so that's nice although I don't mind a little raunch now and then. I don't mind much of anything about most guys around my age. I reach behind him and squeeze his fairly flat butt cheeks thinking about putting my finger in his ass, but I'm afraid it'll scare him, and the way I feel right now it might cause me to cum in my pants too. So for those two reasons I don't finger fuck him, although I really want to. "Oooh, Dylan, this is awesome!" He moves his feet constantly as his cock is boned-up really hard already, so I push my head forward on his boner and take it easily into my throat. Feels good going down too, and tastes awesome. I push my head forward on his boner some more and go until my nose presses against his belly surrounded by his fine pubic hairs. Working my throat muscles on his cock for only about five seconds when Bean screeches out and steps back pulling his thin boner from my throat, and then out of my mouth altogether leaving a string of precum in it's wake. He strokes it twice, arches his back, moaning, "Aaaasah," as a long stream of cum shoots over my shoulder. I walk forward on my knees and take his cock, with his fist still around it, and suck a long stream of cum from his balls as he flops around and again pulls his cock from my mouth. It's a damn good thing I'm experienced or my teeth might have done some damage to his nice cock when he keeps yanking it out of my mouth. Bean's still stroking out drools of cum that run over his fingers. His face is red and his lips are tightly together as he strokes himself moaning quietly. I gotta give him props because he had an awesome volume to that orgasm. I'm moving my tongue around in my mouth tasting his cum and deciding it has a pleasant flavor of some sort, but I can't put a name to it other than Bean's cum taste. He's puffing his cheeks out still stroking his cock, but now he's lightly massaging his balls as well, then he rubs all around his groin area. I stand up trying not to laugh as Bean's shaking his head like he can't talk right now. A chuckle does slip out of me as I rub his very short hair grinning at him. He smiles now, pointing at me, "That was beyond belief, Dylan! Holy shit, I never had anything like that, um, climax or whatever it's called. Oh, man, there's still sizzling around my nuts and dick." I shrug, "That might have been the quickest orgasm I've ever seen, Bean," but then remember Connor's first premature ejaculation and concede that one edges out even Bean's. Bean says, "Would you ever consider doing this again, Dylan? You know, if I ask pretty please." I'm shocked, "Right now, you mean?" He goes, "Good god, no! I won't be able to work another load up for a day or two. My balls were right up against my body and they felt hard as golf balls, and it scared the shit outta me at first, and then ka boom! What an awesome fucking climax. My nuts have never been this drained. You swallowed my cock and there was suction when I first tried pulling it out of your throat." I'm picking up his underwear and handing it to him, thinking I'd love to feel that long thin boner of his up my ass. He puts on his underwear, looks at his hand with cum on it, and asks, "Can I use the bathroom to wash my hand?" Crazy question. I go, "Of course you can, Bean, what the fuck's the matter with you?" He giggles, "I'm not thinking straight, Dylan. Jesus, you swallowed my dick." He walks over to the half bath still lightly playing with his gentiles. I'd like to have licked the cum off his hand, but he's too much of a novice for that. Damn, that was more fun than I expected and I've got the boner to prove it. Short and sweet, so damn right I'll do it again. Wonder if he'll go for something a little sexier next time? He comes out of the bath all smiles. "Thanks, Dylan, it was better than I ever imagined. I was nervous, ya know?" I say, "Well, you hid it real good because you seemed calm, cool, and collected to me." He's putting his shorts on, still excited, "Nope, I was so nervous I almost chickened-out, but I'm sure glad I didn't." He's always been a likable kid, although not necessarily the sharpest knife in the drawer. He asks, "Well, would you, Dylan? You know, blow me again some time." I say, "Sure, Bean. Ya wanna try something else too?" He asks, "What?" and I shrug, figuring I can't jump right in suggesting he fuck me, so I say, "I don't know, how about kissing?" He laughs, "Um, no! Haha, you're pulling my chain, right?" I tell him, "No, not really. Gay guys kiss just like straight guys kiss their girls." Tucking his shirt in, he says, "No offense, but I'm not gay. Hey, you sucking my cock, does that make me a little bit gay?" I go, "Don't be silly," and pat his back, "You're a good guy, Bean, that's what matters most." He thinks for a second, then says, "Okay, I'm being unfair. Just because I'm not gay doesn't mean a gay guy like you doesn't want a kiss," and he leans right down and does a nice three second kiss on my lips, totally surprising me. "How was that, Dylan?" I say, "Perfect, Bean, thanks for the kiss," and before I can suggest more, I hear my doorbell ring. It's too early for Sonny. Bean and I look at each other, then he says, "Maybe it's Dawg." We go upstairs together and it is indeed Dawg. All three of us do the posse one arm hug and pat on the back, bumping fist at the same time, then Dawg asks, "What happened, Bean? You said you'd pick me up." Dawg is so soft spoken and sweet. He looks like a bad ass with piercing's and tattoos, but he's actually the opposite. They discuss who should have texted who, and then Dawg says to me, "Oh, Dylan, I've got Bean's baseball glove in the car. I meant to bring it up here with me. Please run down and get it for me. Here's the keys," then he asks Bean about something and I'm thinking, 'What the fuck?' and then remember I'm a posse rookie. I smile to myself, as I mumble, "Sure thing, Dawg," and grin all the way down the steps to retrieve the glove and bring it back up to Dawg. It strikes me as so funny how comfortable Dawg was sending me on his errand. Dawg says, "Thanks, Dylan. Just give it to Bean," and as I hand the glove to Bean, Dawg asks me, "You locked the car again, right?" I blurt out a laugh, then say, "Yeah, but do you want me to run down and double check?" In his quiet way, he says, "Oh, no thank you, I trust you." Bean pats us on the back on his way out. We watch him go for a second, then Dawg, asks, "You ready, Dylan? I've got dinner at home pretty soon." I indeed am ready. Like Bean, Dawg is seeming sexy to me too, and I don't get it. I've never considered either one of them sexy before tonight. I'm pretty sure Dawg isn't up for a blow job, but I wish he was. Downstairs he takes his shirt off and now I remember he's got sort of a square torso. Well, he's short and kinda thick all over, but with some good muscle definition. It's not the body type that normally turns me on although I'm definitely feeling something. That's weird, especially because he's got a half dozen tattoos and about the same number of piercing's, which normally is a major turn-off for me. He sits in the shampoo chair and as I'm running my fingers through his brown hair I'm thinking about the first haircut I gave him. It was at the beginning of the summer when he had a bushy ponytail. Damn, it was fun cutting through all that thick hair. A couple of the guys cut off a lot of Dawg's hair with scissors before I started his haircut, but there was still plenty of hair left to cut down short. Man, that reminds me of the time Dodger cut Vinnie's long hair really short. Dodger had a boner poking out the front of his pants the whole time he was cutting. His cock was a fat, hard four inch tent poll during the entire haircut. Looking at Dawg's piercing's, I ask, "Do you know what a Price Albert is?" Dawg says, "Yep, a pierced dick, but I'd never get one." Fuck, I'm worried about it even more now that even Dawg wouldn't get one. I was hoping he'd say he had one and I could take a look. I have this squirmy feeling about Dawg for some reason and I'd cum in my pants if I could suck his cock with a PA in it. Damn!. This is like something I never felt for Dawg before. I need to adjust my junk. My hand is on his shoulder as I'm wetting his hair and staring at his face. It's almost a cute face, but not quite. He's just starting to grow some hair on his chest and there's the beginnings of whiskers on his face. Actually his body looks kind of interesting now that I look at it again. I'll bet he's really hung too, and I don't know why I even think that. Something about his build maybe. Actually, if I didn't have a boyfriend or two and Dawg came on to me, it'd be so hot if he turned out to be dominant with me in sex, especially with his soft spoken voice. I can just imagine him quietly telling me, 'Get naked, then get the fuck down on all fours, and get your ass over here on your hands and knees. You'll start with rimming my hairy asshole.' Then he's tell me in an even quieter voice, "I want that entire tongue of yours up my ass or you'll get whipped.' Ha ha, what a fantasy. Yeah, but I'm springing a hard boner again just thinking about it. Dawg dominating my ass, oh my God that would be so hot and sexy! And then his big cock, hard as a rock after I sucked it and licked his big hairy balls, would be shoved up my ass. Dammit, I've got to adjust my boner sideways. Wonder why I never noticed how sexy Dawg was earlier, or Bean for that matter? Stretching out Dawg's shampoo as long as I dare, I then rinse and dry his hair and massage his scalp a little. He quietly says, "I'm really getting into these shampoos and haircuts that you give, Dylan. You're really awesome to do this for us posse boys." I say, "I like doing it for you guys, Dawg. Um, am I the only gay guy you know?" He says, "Well, Ray's bi, but other than that, yeah, just you." I'm not going to lead him on because that's not my style, but I'd jump at the chance to experience hot sex with a quiet dominant Dawg. Man, if my fantasy about him were true it'd be the hottest sex I've ever had. That thought makes my dick move even though it's so hard it's almost aching. It's strange I never thought of sex and Dawg in the same sentence before. I'm certainly not going to suggest anything sexy to him, or anybody else, because someone has to approach me with the suggesting of sex, or at least hint that they'd like to mess around sexily with me. I never ask. Hmmm, yeah that's true, except for that time with John in Wildwood. Something about him is so exciting and sexy, but oh fuck, a PA in my dick? I don't know about that. Maybe I'm chickening out with that the same way Devon chickened-out about fucking me. When Dawg hops up onto the barber stool I squeeze the back of his neck, then rub his shoulders as my cock throbs. Dammit, I'm horny! I ask, "Is it okay to give you Ray's mandated haircut? I need to hear it from you, Dawg." He's like, "Oh yeah, definitely! I'm digging that super short haircut. I think it goes with my look, you know, my tattoos and piercing's and all." Squeezing the back of his neck again and running my hand up the back of his head, it's obvious I'm horny as hell, and apparently me blowing Bean only increased my horniness. I refuse to take advantage of Dawg though, even if I could. As I'm cutting his hair he seems sexier and sexier to me for whatever reason. He's not quite cute, but he is certainly an individual who does a lot of things his way, and he does it even though none of his friends have the tattoos or piercing's, certainly not to the extent Dawg takes it. And along that same line of thinking, how about all those years Dawg had a ponytail just because he felt like it... he's a confident kid even though he's quiet. His unusual body scent is really getting to me too, and there's something else that's attractive to me about him, but what is it? Maybe it's that he's obviously not the slightest bit interested in anything sexual I could bring to him. Finished cutting the hairs on the sides and back of his head I can't resist giving his shoulders a hug and bumping my head against his, asking, "How you holding up, Dawg?" I'd like to press my face against his and have his tongue in my mouth, that's what I'd like. He quietly and casually goes, "Good Dylan, I'm doing good," so I give his shoulders another hug and take a big inhale of his scent right next to his head. My cock is so hard it never stops throbbing, and what the fuck is wrong with me tonight anyway? Luckily my attention and physical contact with Dawg doesn't appear to annoy him, or please him. He's totally nonplus just sitting there apparently unconcerned about any of this. Dawg rarely, if ever, starts a conversation so it's quiet in here except for the buzzing of the clippers as I'm cutting his hair very short on top. I'm still puzzled about the way Dawg is turning me on without doing anything except being exactly who he always is. I just never noticed his scent before, maybe that's it. It gets so crazy that when I'm outlining around his ears with the trimmers, moving his ear safely out of the way, the feel of his ear between my fingers almost makes me shoot off a load in my pants. When totally done the haircut I spend way more time then necessary rubbing his body, supposedly removing hair clippings. His body feels so sexy to me. Not a single hair clipping remains on him as I brush his chest one more time. Wanting to feel more of him, I massage his neck and then his scalp. Dawg sits there, his body loose, seemingly without a care in the world. He doesn't question my actions or complain about them, just sits there patiently waiting for me to tell him when I've finished. I wonder if he'd just sit there waiting patiently until I'm finished sucking his cock too? With all my limited willpower, I stop touching him, saying, "That will do it, Dawg." He slides of the stool, quietly saying, "Thank you, Dylan, that was the best haircut I ever got. I really liked the massage too. I'm all tingly and feeling good." He puts his shirt on, then looks in the mirror. I was so busy fondling him I never passed the handheld mirror to him, and naturally he'd never ask for it. I still have a nice-feeling boner in my pants, but I'm kinda ashamed of myself that I got carried away like that with innocent Dawg. He runs his hand over his head, and says, "So cool looking, Dylan. Thanks again." He's such a nice kid. Most of the posse boys are, but why all of a sudden am I so hot for Dawg and Bean? Oh, I just had a thought. Could it be Dawg kinda captivated me when he, in his quiet manner, sent me on that errand? He did it so naturally, without giving it a second thought. It was just, 'Run down to my car and fetch that glove for me.' And when I got back he casually told me, 'Give it to Bean,' and then he checked to make sure his errand boy remembered to lock his car after fetching the glove. God, I need to adjust my junk! Dawg looks me in the eyes, and says, "The boys are meeting at Sunnydales later tonight to hang out, so I think you better plan on that too." I almost have another accident in my pants when he says that. I grunt out, "Yes, Dawg," and he puts his hand on my shoulder, asking, "Are you alright, Dylan? You look different or something." I want to suck his cock or rim his ass so bad it hurts, but mostly I want him to smack my ass and fuck me. I gulp, "Um, tough day a work today. I'm good." He points at me grinning, "Be there tonight, no excuses. You were gone for a week, I wouldn't want to see you get suspended." He grips my shoulder, surprising me with his strength, and says, "You're awesome." Letting go, he takes a deep breath, and says, "It's been great, but I gotta get home for dinner. Thanks again." My eyes follow him across the floor, then I catch up to him and follow him closely up the steps. He's got an awesome ass. Funny I never noticed it before. At the front door we do the posse goodbye one arm hug, which I probably did a little too much of, but it doesn't faze Dawg. He says, "See you tonight," and he's gone. I shut the door with an overwhelming desire to jerk off. I don't jerk off though, instead I go out on the balcony and smoke a cigarette trying to figure out what's going through my head. For one thing, I need to admit I'm horny. I started off this morning saying it doesn't bother me at all not having sex yesterday, which is obviously an inaccurate assessment on my part. And now, except for that wicked fast, albeit enjoyable oral sex with Bean, there isn't going to be any sex for me tonight either. Not if Sonny shows up with Jamison Coyle like he plans to. Then there's Dawg, right after my oral sex with Bean, sending me on an errand without batting an eye, it was like, 'Of course you'll run this errand for me, now get moving'. Well, that's slightly embellished, but it's how my submissive side must have interpreted it. The question is: will Dawg still seem sexy to me tonight if I in fact go to Sunnydales, which I doubt I will? Maybe I'll go just to see if Dawg still turns me on. Flicking my cigarette butt off my forehead, cursing under my breath, I realize I'm hungry. Whipping my cell phone out I see that Chubby texted me about dinner forty-five minutes ago. I text him explaining about the posse boy haircuts and he informs me he ordered a pizza for us so I need to get my ass upstairs because the pizza will be here any minute. So, that's what I do. to be continued... Donny Mumford