Date: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 10:29:59 -0400 (EDT) From: Subject: DYLAN'S SUMMER VACATION TWO Chapter 89 DYLAN'S SUMMER VACATION TWO Chapter 89 by Donny Mumford My cell phone continues to ring... ring... ring. I'm gawking at the caller ID, not wanting to believe I'm getting a call from Robby's mother. It's nine o'clock at night and Mrs Dickers is calling me... that can't be good. I texted Robby right after work, like four hours ago. He never texted me back and now his mom's calling me. No way there's good news on the other end of this call... ring... ring! Chubby gently takes the cell phone from my hand, and answers it, "Hello." I stare at him holding my breath, my heart thumping. Chubby listens, then he says, "No, he's here, but he was too much of a pussy to answer the call." Hmmm, I'm thinking that it's probably not Robby's mother. Chubby chuckles, "No shit, that's both awesome and not so awesome." He listens as I'm holding my hand out for the cell phone. Chubby turns away from me grinning, as he says, "No, I'm not giving him the phone because he wouldn't answer the fucking thing," then "Ha, ha, ha, you're awesome, Robby. How's your dad doing?" I yell, "Goddammit! Give me my phone, Chubby." He chuckles, saying into the cell phone, "Yeah, that was him." I wrestle the phone from Chubby, not that he put up any resistance. He's still grinning and acting like he was never worried, but he was just as worried as me. I say, "Hi, Robby. How are you?" Robby sounds normal, if a little tired, as he tells me he's okay. The doctors told him he has a level three concussion and will need to stay at the hospital at least one more day for tests. I ask, "What'd Chubby mean when he said something was awesome and not so awesome?" Robby, in that sweet boyish voice of his, says, "Oh, I told him I wasn't injured in the accident other than I have a concussion. Concussions are apparently the flavor of the month in the medical community. That's probably because of the emphasis professional sports has been giving concussions recently. So, I'm not injured, which is awesome, but I do have a concussion, which isn't so awesome." I go, "Oh, I was, you know, a little worried about you because no one seemed to know anything. Is a number three concussion better than a number six or seven, for example?" Robby chuckles, "Apparently number three is as high as it goes. I was knocked unconscious when the car broadsided us so that automatically gets a number 'three' assigned to my concussion." I mutter, "Oh, I see. Can you tell you've been, um, concussed? If that's even a word." Chubby and I are both leaning against the balcony railing now as Robby explains to me what the doctors told him about concussions. I'm so glad he's basically going to be alright that I'm not listening too closely to what he's saying until I hear, 'brain injury'. I go, "Brain injury, you have a brain injury?" Robby says, "That's what a concussion is. My mom wants me to have an MRI although the doctor doesn't think that's necessary." I ask him, "What are your, um, symptoms, if there are any?" He goes, "Like I just told you... I feel weak, I've got a fucking headache, and my balance isn't great when I walk. All three things are directly related to my concussion and it sucks basically." Chubby says, "Ask him if his dad's okay after the surgery." I'm frowning at Chubby, muttering, "Surgery? What surgery?" Robby says, "Dad had a ruptured spleen and they operated on him last night. I saw him a l ittle while ago, he seems sort of okay, but he's still shook up as you'd expect. His left arm is broken, plus a couple of ribs too. The ribs are giving him the most discomfort." I go, "I'm so sorry, Robby, but it's such a relief hearing it wasn't worse for either of you." He goes, "Yeah, we were lucky I guess." I'm like, "Lucky? Some old lady broadsiding you isn't lucky, it's unlucky. Hey, how come you're using your mom's cell phone?" He says, "I don't know where mine is. It's probably in the car some place." I'm like, "Oh, where you using it when the accident happened?" Sounding very tired, he mumbles, "I don't remember anything about the accident. I woke up in the hospital, other than that I know nothing except what I've been told. Um, Dylan, I called to hear your voice and to say I love you, and I'm so sorry I caused you worry, but I'm really tired now so I need to get some sleep. I'll call you tomorrow. Okay?" I nod my head as if he can see me do it, then say, "Of course, Robby, I love you too and I'm so relieved you're okay. And happy birthday! It's probably a birthday you'll want to forget. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Love ya." He mumbles, "Gee, I forgot it was my birthday. Huh! Love you too and yeah, I'll talk to you tomorrow." We hang up and now Chubby's not grinning anymore. He's looking at me with compassion and concern on his face as he takes out his handkerchief and wipes my eyes, then hands me the handkerchief, muttering, "It's clean, the handkerchief's clean." I go, "What?" Then look at the handkerchief as if I've never seen one before. My tears drip off my face and land on my bare chest. I didn't realize I was crying. Wiping my face, I mumble, "He's gonna be alright, and so is his dad." Chubby quietly says, "Yeah, I know." Funny how I feel a little shaky myself and I wasn't in an accident, so I can just imagine what Robby and his dad feel like. Chubby hands me a cold beer and I take a long swallow, then laugh as more tears roll down my face. This is crazy. Shaking my head at Chubby, I go, "I don't know what the fuck I'm doing. Crying like a fool and laughing at the same time." Chubby smiles and then squeezes my hand. I go, "Robby's okay except for having a concussion." Chubby nods his head, saying, "Except for that, how'd you enjoy the play, Mrs Lincoln?" I frown at him. He smiles and then gives me a hug, "You're doing fine, Dylan. I love you, bro." Wiping my eyes with the handkerchief again, I mutter, "Thanks, Chubby," and a memory floats through my brain. I remember it so clearly now that it scares me. I mumble, "Ya know, the last time I felt like this was when you woke up after cracking your head on the sidewalk. You know, during our fight years ago with those fucking Cheves brothers. You were unconscious too. It was scary watching you in the hospital bed." He says, "Oh man, that wasn't much of a fight, more like we got our asses handed to us, not that I remember a goddamn thing about it except what you told me after the fact." Chubby had a concussion too and looking at him in his hospital bed in a coma, or whatever it was, is the single worse experience of my life. He was unconscious, and there were different tubes in him, and the beep beep sound from some machine... it was a scary sight, a friggin' nightmare. I also remember crying with joy when he regained consciousness. It was such a relief knowing Chubby was going to be alright, and especially because now I wasn't going to need to kill the Cheves brothers. My emotions were all fucked up, pretty much the same way they are right now. Chubby hands me a cigarette, I take a drag, then say, "It's going to be alright, isn't it?" as if I need more reassurance. Ya never know what you've got until you think you could lose it. He nods his head, "Yeah, it is. Lets sit down and finish our beers, they'll help you sleep." Huh, I didn't even notice he went inside and got us another beer. We sit down and now the realization begins sinking in that this isn't wishful thinking, it's real and it's going to turn out okay. Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly a calmness comes over me as my body relaxes. I was like a taut wire spring ready to snap and now I'm like a limp rag doll. Jesus, what an awful experience, especially for Robby and his dad. No word on the old lady who caused the accident, not that I have much compassion for her. Looking over at Chubby, he grins and holds up his beer bottle, so I tap it with my bottle, muttering, "All's well that ends well," and we take a big swallow of beer, then I shake my head, saying, "I know I've been acting like a wuss tonight, Chubby. I always get too fucking emotional whenever something really good or really bad happens." Chubby says, "You are not a wuss! Don't say that. You're a loving person who's not afraid to show emotion. You care deeply for the lucky ones you love, and I'm honored to be in that select group." I go, "You're number one in that group, Chubby. Thanks for hanging in with me tonight, it meant a lot to me, bro." He grins, "Well, there are certain inherent requirements that comes with being one of the two greatest best friends and brothers the world has ever known, so... ya know." I grin at him, "You decided we were that years ago," and he says, "Yep, but we didn't used to include that part about 'brothers' because we didn't know back then." I say, "We knew, it just wasn't official yet." Chubby and I get into one of our reminiscing frames of mind and by the time we finish our third and last beer of the night I'm feeling really good again. Everything is right with the world. A bump in the road for sure, but now it's smooth sailing once again. Chubby texts the moms briefly telling them about the accident, but emphasizing it's all good now. We don't want to keep good news from them, just the bad stuff. After a hug and brotherly kiss, Chubby goes up to his condo for some sleep. Five minutes later I'm in bed as well. Emotions take a lot out of you and I for one am exhausted. As I fall asleep my thoughts are good ones following a day full of bad ones. Robby didn't have a very good birthday the first day of his twentieth year, but they'll be many more birthdays and that's the important thing. In the morning I'm all smiles expecting today will be a day that's so much better than yesterday. Chubby and me rehash the happenings of black Wednesday as we drive to work. When we get there the latest news is posted on the message board. It contains the improved condition of Robby and his dad along with optimistic predictions of a speedy recovery for both. Along with the update are a 'get well' card for each. All the guys sign the cards, and in addition to the 'get well soon' sentiments, some guys add a smart-ass comment, like the one on Robby's card that reads: 'Slacker! Who stays out of work because of a silly concussion. Oh, that's right, you're a baseball player'. That was my smart ass comment on Robby's get well card alluding to the millionaire major league baseball players who won't play the game if they have any kind of little boo boo. A hockey player, on the other hand, can gets eighteen stitches to close a high stick wound on his face, and then he's right back out on the ice skating again. Different toughness levels there. There were other funny remarks on Robby's card, and while the supervisors and managers might feel comfortable adding a smart ass comment to Mister Dickers' get well card, us worker bees do not. Seth laughs when he reads my comment to Robby, then says, "I hope Rob takes that as a joke," and I say, "How else can he take it? He knows I love him." Seth looks down then and scuffs his sneaker on the blacktop. I wish I hadn't mentioned the 'love' part because Seth, like Connor, thinks he's in love with me, but they're not really. They love me the way I love them, which is as a special friend. You can love a friend a great deal, but usually it's not in a sexual sense. What complicates things for us gay guys is we can have buddy sex with our friends, so guys who don't know what romantic love is may confuse the buddy sex with true love. Straight friends don't have that complication of course. I too used to confuse friendship love with true love, but then I discovered true romantic love with Robby and now I can easily differentiate the two. They're quite different while similar in some ways too. You can only truly recognize the difference if you've fallen into true romantic love with someone, then it's, 'Ah, yes, I see'. As the work day moves along on this beautiful Thursday in late August, something occurs to me that's been put to the back of my mind while worrying about Robby and his dad, especially Robby. I like his dad, who's always been very nice to me, but I'm in love with Robby so naturally he's first in my heart as far as his well being is concerned. Anyway, what occurs to me as I'm working alongside the guys is the fact I'm as horny as a dog in heat. Robby and me had awesome lover's sex Monday night, but that is the last sex I've been involved in. Okay, granted it's only been three days, but there isn't going to be any sex with Robby for at least another day and probably longer. What's complicating the issue is the fact Seth's right here working next to me and we're usually messing around the edges of sexuality with each other, so me thinking about that isn't helping subdue my horniness. I don't feel right messing around with Seth, or having buddy sex with anyone as long as Robby's dealing with his concussion. I mean, I want to mess around with Seth and I'd love to have buddy sex, but it doesn't feel right. Before Robby's accident whenever I had occasional buddy sex I could rationalize it away because Robby might be doing the same. Now there's no way to rationalize anything in Robby's current condition. So it's a quandary I find myself in. I know Robby's going to be alright, but he isn't alright now so it doesn't feel right for me to mess around until he's back in action, so to speak. Sonny texted me last night from the basketball game insinuating he's horny for me, and I'm just as horny for that hottie. The memory of him tying me to his desk chair and cutting my hair pops into my head quite often. It was a sub/dom sexy situation that induced a luscious submissive trance in me like I haven't experienced since the days with Ryan when we were in deep sexual heat for each other. While thinking about that I'm weed whacking around the edges of this lawn springing a boner. A boner while weed whacking is quite a trick, let me tell ya, but I've got one in my shorts right now, fer sure. That's how horny I am. I'm super relieved the big mowers aren't on the truck because Seth would want to mess around and, like I said, I'm just not feeling it today. So, it's looking more and more like I'm going to break my record for the most consecutive sexless days in, I don't know, the last two or three years at least. Not a record I'm interesting in breaking, but I don't see anyway around it. The work day is finally over and Chubby's driving us home while bitching about how backed-up he is with his part time work. I don't have much to say about that because I'm dealing with my horniness. The body gets used to certain things and when it's deprived of something it's been used to, that can be a problem. It's a little like a druggie in detox. After dropping me off at my house Chubby's going to get cleaned up and then go directly to his other job. I don't know what I'm going to do tonight. A refreshing shower is the first thing I do, then I sit at my desk, wearing only jockey shorts, calling Robby. Of course he doesn't answer because he and his cell phone were separated somehow at the time of the collision. After some frustration I manage to recover the number of the cell phone Robby used last night, and I call that number. Naturally his mother answers because it's her cell phone. Jeez, why can't something go right for once? Robby's mom is very nice, but a little too overly enthusiastic about, well, about everything. She tells me she's so happy I called, then doesn't let me get a word in as she goes on and on about how sweet it is of me to be concerned about Robby's condition. And then she tells me way too much information about everything that went on yesterday and today, including everyone's initial speculations about Robby's and his dad's injuries before anyone knew anything about their condition. I learn all about the company's general manager who picked her up to drive her to Worcester. Mrs. Dickers tells me what they talked about during the drive, and the traffic problem they ran into, and then she changes the slant of her stream of consciousness monologue to this: "You can just imagine my worry, Dylan. I mean, my youngest son is in the Army so not available to help his mother in this time of need, not to mention my other two men were involved in a horrific traffic accident thru no fault of their own. It was totally caused by that awful, awful woman flying through a red light recklessly. I told my husband I'm going to make it my business to see that woman losing driving privileges before she succeeds in killing someone. Rob was saying a little while ago how marvelous it made him feel talking with you last night. It's so sweet the way you two boys love each other. It's actually a relief to me that some fast and loose girl didn't get her claws into my Rob because he has such a sweet nature. By now she'd be taking terrible advantage of him. You know, Dylan, I was just telling my husband, Robert, that Rob has never been happier or more outgoing then he's been this summer. I did not know either of you boys were gay before Rob told his father and me, and if it were anyone other than you I'd need to be on the alert to make sure he wasn't taken advantage of Rob, but with you, well, it's a perfect match, you and my Rob. My gosh, you make a very handsome couple. I am not suggesting I'm glad Rob's homosexual, but I'm not upset about it either. Robert and I have always said whatever our boys decide to do with their lives we'll support them, and we have. I must tell you though, I'm furious at Dodger for joining the Army. Rob and Dodger have always been the most loving brothers. They're the most attractive boys I think I've ever laid eyes on. Ha ha, I know, I know I'm their mother, but I still believe that to be true and, oh my God, you fit right in with your extraordinary looks, I told Robert just the other day...." I'm getting a headache as Mrs Dickers goes on nonstop. All I wanted to do was talk to Robby. When she needs to inhale, I jump in with, "Are you with Robby now, by any chance, Mrs Dickers?" She says, "Yes, he's been trying to get me to give him the phone, but since you called me, and that was so sweet of you, I thought it only fair to tell you a few of my thoughts. Thank you so much for caring, Dylan. You'd be surprised how often a mother's feelings aren't of interest to anyone. I'm about..." and I hear, "Mom, please!" A pause, then, "Well, I've gone on enough, Dylan. I've enjoyed our conversation immensely. Here's Rob." I go, "Thank you, Mrs. Dickers," but of course that was not actually a conversation we just had. It was a disjointed monologue from Robby's mom with me playing the part of her audience. Then I hear Robby's voice, "Um, hi, Dylan," then he says to his mom, "Okay, thanks, mom," then to me, "Mom says she'll give me some privacy while she visits with my dad. Sorry about mom going on like that, she's been stressed about the accident. When she's stressed she talks nonstop. I love my mom, but sometimes she thinks everything is about her. How are you?" I say, "I'm missing you mostly. Neither work nor play is any fun without you," and he's like, "Oh, come on." I say, "I'm serious, I need you to be back on your feet before I'm going to be able to enjoy myself again." He says, "That's a sweet lie, one I'll pretend you mean." I ask, "Are you being released Friday, um, tomorrow?" He goes, "No, there was a screw up with scheduling and the tests they want to do won't be done until tomorrow. My dad needs to take the test for concussion tomorrow too and we have the same last name, so the scheduling got screwed up. Anyway, Doctor Suznocko says he's pretty sure I'll be released Saturday, assuming the test come out the way he expects." I say, "Saturday? That's disappointing, Robby, but I'll visit you after work tomorrow." He goes, "Oh, Dylan, I'd love to see you, but it's an hour drive each way and you'd be driving in rush hour traffic, plus I can only have fifteen minute visits until I pass the concussion test. I can't let you put yourself through all that for a fifteen minute visit no matter how much I'd love to see you and kiss you." I shrug, "Okay, I'll wait if you insist. Um, do you need a ride home on Saturday?" He says, "No, dad's management guys have us covered. They've set up a schedule of drivers that covers all possibilities, plus my mom can drive if it comes to that." Robby and I talk about general things for a while, things like hospital food, and how the nurses wake Robby up in the night to ask if he needs a sleeping pill, and all the crazy things that go on in a Hospital. His roommate also has a concussion. He got his concussion from being tackled during football practice. It's summer practice for a college team, but Robby can't remember which one. He says he's noticing he forgets things he normally wouldn't forget, so that's another annoying aspect of his concussion. I want to ask him what his hospital roommate looks like, but decide I don't want to know. After fifteen minutes a nurse comes in to take Robby's vital signs, so he tells me, "They do this all the time. It's exasperating. I gotta go, Dylan." I say, "Okay, I love you, Robby and miss you something terrible." He says, "Me too," so I guess he doesn't want to say he loves me with the nurse there, then he says it, "I love you, Dylan." And that's it. Smelling the back of my wrist, I take a deep breath realizing how important Robby is to my happiness. Without the possibility of him delving into a little side sex I don't feel I should either, and of course I can't have my favorite sex because that involves Robby who's unavailable. It's not the end of the world obviously. I can go a week without sex like lots of guys do routinely. I'm oversexed, but I'm not a sex fiend. Unfortunately I can't hang out with Chubby either because he skipped his part time job Tuesday night when we went to the Paw Sox game, and he missed work again last night because he stayed with me waiting for word about Robby. Now he's scrambling to catch up with the work load. I guess I'll be eating dinner alone tonight and tomorrow night. This would be a perfect time for a dinner date with Robby, except no Robby. Getting dressed I think about calling Sonny, but decide not to because I've got this serious mental block about having buddy sex as long as Robby's in the hospital. An annoyance for sure, but I can deal with it. Then, while looking in the refrigerator for something I can cook for my dinner, I get a text from Cory. He hints around about me coming up to North Andover for some bowling. Huh, I suspect he has something else in mind as well, but Chubby's got the Jeep. That's a convenient excuse so I text him back with regrets explaining I have no wheels tonight. Then I wonder about Billy. I assumed he'd be contacting me, although if he does I'm going to tell him I'm not doing any of the stuff he wants me to do. It's just that it's another hit to my ego that he hasn't at least tried to contact me. I know he said it would be three weekends before he was free to meet me in New Hampshire, but I thought he'd at least call, that's all I'm saying. And Willie too. I thought he'd have called by now. Seth's working nights, and Ray is yesterday's news. Maybe I should give Travis a call. No, not really. That would be horrible of me. Hmmm, I wonder if Robby and Travis have been talking since the accident? Yeah, they probably have, but that certainly doesn't constitute buddy sex so that's no help. Then there's the two soldier boys, Dodger and Connor, who I've had a little fun buddy sex with, but why the hell am I going on like this? I mean, I wouldn't do it even if they all called me. I settle on spaghetti for dinner. While putting some water on to boil, my cell phone rings. Checking my caller ID I have to chuckle. It's the missing in action, Vinnie. I answer, "Hi, Vinnie, how come you never answer my texts?" He says, "I'm sorry, Dylan, but I told Robby the reason and he was suppose to tell you." Turning on the heat under the pot of water, I go, "Yeah, Robby told me you didn't want to come for a haircut because in the past it was always with Dodger and it would be too painful seeing me without him, right?" As I'm getting a container of Chubby's marinara sauce out of the freezer, Vinnie says, "That's right, but I'm asking you now if I can have a haircut tonight. Dodger emailed me last Sunday. He said I should just tell you I'm coming, and once I tell you, then I'd feel I have to. You know, because I said I would." What's he saying? I put the sauce in the microwave, muttering, "Uh huh, and is that what this phone call is about?" He hesitates, then says, "Yep." It's kinda funny how shy Vinnie can be without Dodger leading by example. Vinnie says, "It took me until just now to work up the guts to call you. Dodger told me to do it Monday because you'll probably be busy, but you'd be able to make time for me somewhere during the week and now the week's almost over. Don't tell Dodger I didn't call you until Thursday, okay?" I'm getting iceberg lettuce out of the refrigerator to make a salad, as I say, "Well, Vinnie, Dodger's told you to call me before and he's asked me to text you an invitation, which I did on three separate occasions, but you ignored all of those times, so why now?" He says, "Well, yeah, um, because Dodger will be home next week and he doesn't want me to have long hair, it's as simple as that. He wasn't coming home on leave those other times. Plus, this time he explained to me how I can make it almost seem like he's with you and me." I roll my eyes, but giving Vinnie a haircut is something to do tonight anyway, so why not. I go, "How old are you? I mean, you drive, right?" He says, "Of course I drive. I turned eighteen on the fourth of July. My dad says I'm a Yankee doodle dandy." I mutter, "Please tell me he really doesn't call you that." He goes, "Yep, that's what he calls me." I go, "Uh huh, so you're going into your senior year. What courses are you taking?" He goes, "I'm in section AI for advanced physics and science courses." Jesus, only thirty of the brightest juniors get in that senior section. I ask, "Um, Vinnie, you're so smart but you don't act smart all the time. What's up with that?" He mumbles, "I dumb it down to the level of the people I'm with." I laugh, saying, "Hey, I'm not that dumb. You must know Manny Ruez, he's another brainiac." Vinnie's like, "Yep, I like Manny and he is really smart. We worked a science project together last year." I go, "What was the science project?" and Vinnie's like, "I'm sorry, Dylan, but you wouldn't understand it even if I told you. Is it okay if I come over tonight?" I say, "Sure, Vinnie, I've missed you." he mumbles, "Thanks, I missed you too. What time?" I go, "Lets say seven-thirty." he goes, "Thanks, Dylan, I'll see you then." The water's boiling so I drop the spaghetti in and finish making my salad. You know what I'll do, I'll drag-out Vinnie's haircut and try to enjoy myself, like a substitute for having sex. It's a stretch, I know that, but ya gotta make do with what you've got, right? Plus, the posse boys who will be needing 'back to school' haircuts next week, so that's something to look forward to as well. Sex isn't everything. As far as I'm concerned it's really cool giving guys haircuts, so sure, I'd like to have sex every day but there are other hot things to be enjoyed as well. After dinner I clean everything up in the kitchen, then get the downstairs' half bath ready for Vinnie's shampoo, and lastly set up the barber tools for his haircut. Vinnie is one unique kid alright. I wonder if he's told his family he's gay, or if Manny knows he is? None of my business of course, I'm just curious. Sitting on my front step smoking a cigarette, I see Vinnie drive up. He's a small kid, but really cute and he's got a hot little body too. It's smallish, but taut with subtle muscular definition. He gets out of the car and looks up at me with a wave and a cute shy grin. No, I'm not thinking about having sex with him. He's Dodger's boyfriend and Robby's in the hospital, which are two pretty good reasons sex between Vinnie and me is not happening. Plus, I'd never take advantage of Vinnie, or anyone else for that matter. That's not how I roll, to quote nutty Ray. Nah, Ray's not the only one who says that, lots of guys do. I've said it before myself. I'm watching Vinnie come up the steps thinking of the three-way sex Dodger, Vinnie, and I have had in the past. High heat when Dodger's involved. I also liked the cigarette smoking with sex that Dodger insists on. Damn, that's sexy. I don't know why, it just is. Vinnie's wearing a white wife-beater's t-shirt, gym shorts that barely reach past his big nuts, and sandals. He's a hot little Italian kid with a swarthy complexion and lots of dark brown hair. It's been almost three months since his last haircut. He's not tall, but his legs are sexy and so is he actually. Dodger and Vinnie are molten hot together too. It's not out of the range of possibility that during Dodger's two week leave the three of us might find ourselves along in the Dicker's pool house smoking and fucking. That thought makes me adjust my junk. Vinnie stops two steps below where I'm sitting. He's got dark peach fuzz on his upper lip and some on his chin. I stare at his face and then into his big dark eyes, watching his longish eyelashes blink. I mutter, "Um, hi Vinnie, you've got some baby whiskers going for ya, don't ya?" He says, "Yep, don't you?" I stand up and flick my cigarette butt, but it goes up and over my shoulder. Vinnie mutters, "That was cool," and I say, "Where's my hello hug and kiss?" He steps up and we hug, then Vinnie gives me a sexy kiss with his soft whiskers tickling my upper lip and chin. Jesus, is that hot! I've got to watch myself. I say, "You're getting all grown up this summer, Vinnie." He gooses my crotch and mutters, "Yep, it happens." Gulping, I grunt, "Don't do that, Vinnie," and he says, "That cock grab was from Dodger. He told me to do it and tell you it's from him." I give him a 'look', then open the front door and we go inside, with me asking, "Do you do everything Dodger tells you to do?" I'm expecting him to say 'Yep', but he says, "No, not everything," and leaves it at that, then says, "I didn't get to shower before coming over so I hope my hair isn't too gross to cut." As we walk downstairs, I say, "Nothing about you is gross, Vinnie, and anyway my new haircut procedure includes shampooing guys' hair before the haircut. It makes for better haircuts." He's like, "Really?" and I go, "Really." Vinnie says, "That sounds cool and, um, kind of sexy. I bet Dodger will like that." We go into the half bath where I tell him, "Take your t-shirt off so it doesn't get wet, and then sit it this chair." He takes off his t-shirt and a wave of Vinnie's scent passes by me making my dick move. I tell myself, 'You will not take advantage of Vinnie'. No matter how much I'd like to get involved sexually with him, I won't do it. That doesn't mean I won't enjoy him to the degree I can. Vinnie says, "The chair's backward. It's facing away from the sink." I go, "Yeah, that's how it works best," so he sits down and I tilt the chair back until it's resting on the rim of the seat, and he goes, Oh, yeah, I see." What I see it that Vinnie needs a booster seat because his head's resting on the back of the chair and not over the sink. Hmmm? I tell him, "Wait here. I need to get something for you to sit on so, um, you'll be more comfortable." He shrugs his sexy slumped shoulders that sort of slump in a rounded way. I resist touching him although I'd like to because he's got awesome pale tan skin that's tight and perfectly smooth. From the storage room I grab an old comforter and bring it back for Vinnie to sit on. He says, "Nice," and I imagine it is soft, but more importantly it brings his head up over the back of the chair so when I tip the chair back again his head's over the sink. I can't resist running my fingers through his think soft hair, massaging his scalp a little in the process. He says, "I'm going to close my eyes and enjoy this treatment. You're making me relax and it feels good, Dylan. Dodger said you'd take good care of me, and like he always says, you're wicked cool. I think so too." Sucking on my lips I'm running my fingers up the back of his head massaging his scalp and then I give in and massage in thin shoulders. His skin feels as good as it looks. One last run of my fingers through his hair and then I turn on the water and let it come up to temperature before wetting his hair and working in shampoo. The shampoo suds are creamy as my fingers rub through his hair pulling it back from his forehead. Vinnie's another guy with a perfect hairline, almost straight across the top of his forehead. Some guys' hairline starts too low or too far back, but Vinnie's is just right. His eyes are closed and he looks so peaceful and relaxed. His longish fine eyelashes and narrow eyebrows go very well with his facial features. Some guys have way to much eyebrow, and in some unfortunate cases the eyebrows meet over the bridge of their nose. That is not a good look generally speaking, an unfortunate quirk of nature. Vinnie's beginnings of whiskers couldn't be any cuter or sexier. I've never seen smoother facial skin, but then this is the first time I've ever studied Vinnie to any degree. I always thought he was a cute hottie, but without specific details as to why that is. Now I see I was right all along. Both Dodger and Vinnie used to be short, but then Dodger had a growth spurt the last year or so and now he's a tiny bit taller than Robby and me. Vinnie didn't have a growth spurt and it doesn't look like he's ever going to so he's stuck at about five foot, six inches. Chubby's an inch taller than that, but I think that's about it for him too. Tris is shorter than Chubby with my mom an inch or two taller than him. I'm five foot, ten inches, which isn't tall, but it's not short either. Mom tells me her father was six foot tall so maybe a gene or two from him helped me grow as tall as I am. I wouldn't want to be any shorter either. Rinsing the shampoo out of Vinnie's hair, then running a comb through his wet clean hair from his forehead back, I take a last long look at his face while wishing Robby was out alley-catting around and Dodger was here with Vinnie and me. I can almost hear Dodger bossing us around with his cute grin and his way of saying bossy things mixed with compliments that make it all sound good and somehow you want to do what he says. Ha ha, Dodger's been an amazing kid from the first day I met him until the last. It'll be fun seeing him again. I can still picture in my head him taking off his Speedo bathing suit and standing naked before me with his four inch cock shriveled even smaller because he just got out of the pool. I didn't have a bathing suit with me that day so he offered me his, skid marks at the crotch and all. Dodger never did wipe his ass properly. Damn, what an original kid he is though! No, there's no way I'm having sex with Dodger's boyfriend unless Dodger is with us. It would be way wrong of me and I'm not doing it. Man am I horny though, and Vinnie isn't doing anything to lesson my horniness. Maybe I'll call Sonny after Vinnie's haircut. I hate doing it with Robby in the hospital, but one sexy time with Sonny will get me over the hump until Robby's back in the saddle. Just one time, that's all. Using a fluffy towel I vigorously rub Vinnie's wet hair getting a lot of the wetness out and then finish drying his hair using a hairbrush and hair dryer. When dry his hair shines. Great head of hair on this kid. I mutter, "Okay, all done, Vinnie, lets adjourn to the barbershop." He goes, "That was awesome, Dylan," so I ask, "Are you glad you finally showed up for a haircut?" He says, "I still feel really weird being here with just you, but Dodger said it'd be sort of like he was here if I do everything the way Dodger and I do it normally when we're getting haircuts from you." I go, "Oh yeah? What's that mean?" He sits on the stool, saying, "You know, like the last time. You blow me and then I fuck you. It's been all summer since the last time I had sex, so Dodger must have known that would be just what I needed to motivate me to overcome my reluctance to come here alone." I laugh, "That Dodger! He was kidding you, Vinnie. Dodger being Dodger, ya know?" He shakes his head, "No, he was serious and that's what we're going to do." I'm staring at him as he shyly looks away. My dick's doing a summersault in my pants and the lips of my ass are squeezing closed, releasing, and squeezing closed again in anticipation of a fat hard cock passing tightly by. Doing a fake cough, I go, "We only do the sex part of a haircut when Dodger's here," and he goes, "Not this time, start the haircut." Oh my God, he's imitating Dodger's bossiness the same way Sonny imitates those BDSM videos. Here's where my will power comes in. I say, "I'm telling you for the last time, we're not doing that." He peeks up at me with his shy grin, muttering, "You're wrong there, Dylan." I take a deep breath combing through his hair, giving me time to think. It definitely is not me taking advantage of Vinnie, and I was going to call Sonny anyway, so I guess if Vinnie insists I won't need to call Sonny. I ask, "What kind of haircut do you want, Vinnie?" He says, "A regular buzz cut for now, and when Dodger's home he wants to give me a GI haircut. He's got a haircut fetish." I go, "Uh huh," and put the half inch guide on the clippers, then say, "Your mother use to get mad at you for having really short hair. She change her mind, or are you just ignoring what she wants?" He says, "Ah, Dylan, don't put it that way. I pay attention to mom, but I'm eighteen now and can have any haircut I want. Anyway, she told me to get it all cut off because she's sick of my mop head." I mumble, "Okay, dude, but I'm going to need to cut part of your mop off with scissors so the clippers don't get clogged up." Vinnie's hair is almost three inches long all over his head which wouldn't be a problem for the clippers with normal hair, but Vinnie's is extra dense." Combing up his three inch long bangs and holding the hair between the index and middle finger of my left hand, I slice through the hairs with my professionally sharp barber scissors and it's a long, "Scrunchhhh," sound as more than two inches of dense dark brown hair falls onto Vinnie's lap. I do the same thing all over his head until all the hair on his head are an uneven three-quarters of an inch long. That was kind of sexy cutting his hair like that. There's lots of Vinnie's hair on his shoulders, his lap, and all around us on the floor. Actually there's more cut hairs on his thighs then his lap because he's wearing those uber short gym shorts. I adjust my junk as I'm putting the comb and scissors down. Vinnie feel's his hair, muttering, "Cool," and then he gets a finger in the back of my shorts at the waistband and pulls me over to him. He's still sitting on the stool, "Get around here in front of me, Dylan." God, the way he said that already has my dick buzzing and my balls rolling around in their sack. I go, "What?" as Vinnie unbuttons my shorts, muttering, "You know damn well what." He pulls down my zipper and drops my shorts to my ankles, then pulls down my underpants, saying, "Step out of them." I'm hooked now as a small trance invades my brain and it's feels so nice, really nice. "Take off your t-shirt too." I do that and Vinnie goes, "Oh my God, a nip ring. That's so cool! When'd you get that?" I mutter, "Last week," and he reaches around me and smacks my ass, then says, "You're the coolest, now get on your knees," so I get on my knees anxious to taste his hot cock. I'm kneeling on Vinnie's hair in front of the stool and it feels silky. Vinnie's brushing cut hairs off his lap and legs with the hairs drifting down and some of it sticks to me and a big clump of his hair drifts around my cock and balls. My cock is tightening-up already. Vinnie gets his gym shorts down, as he's muttering, "This works so much better when Dodger's here telling me what to do next." With his gym shorts halfway down his thighs I see he's wearing a jockstrap for underwear. He reaches over and grabs my ears between the thumb and forefinger of each hand, saying, "The jock strap is Dodger's idea and I've been wearing it since Monday, never knowing which day I'd have the guts to call you. It's probably a little ripe by now, but start licking it. Dodger wants it saturated before you get to suck my cock and I need to email him about every detail, so don't screw up." He thinks I give a shit what Dodger thinks, which isn't the case. Licking Vinnie's jockstrap is something I'm looking forward to doing, so that's no problem for me. With him holding onto my ears he pulls my face into his jockstrap, "Ugh," it's definitely a little ripe, but Vinnie has a strange sweet scent to his skin and his balls have a stronger version of the same scent which elevates it to quite a sexy level. I've never had my faced pressed against his groin before so it's a new scent for me to savor. Pretty hot actually as I lap at his jock and then, starting under his balls, I do long licks up around the front of his mound of cock and balls nestled inside his jock. He's much better endowed than Dodger, not that either of them are responsibility for the size of their dicks one way or the other. Ya gotta make the best of the cards you're dealt. Vinnie keeps my face pressed to his groin by pulling on my ears and it's a hot dominant move although I don't believe Vinnie sees it that way. It's more likely that Dodger does this to Vinnie and Vinnie's imitating his idol. With Dodger there'd also be some hot-shit chatter going along with all this. Whether Vinnie knows he's made dominant move or not it's giving me a boner. His jock is getting saturated with my spit as his cock tightens up to the extent the head is peeking out the top of his jockstrap. The pee slit quivers a little so I lick at it and Vinnie starts squirming on the stool. Letting go of my ears, he cups behind my head with one of his small hands and pulls his jock down, hooking it under my chin, with the other. The scent intensifies noticeably and I have to swallow a moan so not to embarrass myself. With a hand against either side my head Vinnie moves my face around his damp groin area with my nose mostly in his pubic hairs and my lips dragging over the root of his cock that's now flat and very hard against his belly pointing up. My head is full of his odiferous crotch smell now, which is basically all I can smell. He takes his hard boner between his fingers and rubs it around my face, then tries sticking the end of the head in my nose, but it much too big to go up my nostril. Vinnie attempts it a couple of times before realizing there's no fucking way it'll fit. If he's a genius, so is my ass! Finally he unhooks the jockstrap from under my chin, and says, "Okay, you've been a good boy scout, you can suck my cock now." I take hold of it and Vinnie says, "Pull my jockstrap off me first." It's a little awkward, but I get it off, and drop it in his cut hairs on the floor, then gobble in as much of his cock as my mouth can hold and immediately begin licking and sucking on that fat organ. Man, it gets big, and Vinnie' beginning to make quiet groans as he squirms on the stool while running his hands on my back and shoulders. A glob of precum drools from my cock and lands in the cut hair on the floor next to the jockstrap. When Vinnie lets out a long, "Ooooooh, mmmmm," a long string of precum gets sucked down my throat. "Aaaah," he goes, then pushes my face away with the palm of his hand on my forehead. "Let me taste, Dylan," so I get on my feet, lean over and our lips suck together with Vinnie's tongue in my mouth, then my tongue moving from my mouth to his, slurping on his precum. He does it three times before I hear a soft splat of precum from my boner, and then one from Vinnie's... both drop onto his sheared hair. It's getting a little sticky down there with precum and hairs mixing together. Vinnie gasp, then reaches around me to, "SMACK! SMACK!" my ass. "Get your cigarettes," he orders me, but I'm thinking, we can't smoke in the house. I go, "We can't smoke inside, Vinnie," "SMACK!" Again with the smacked ass routine. He says, "You've got a big fan right over there next to the washer/dryer. Open the cellar door and put the fan in the doorway to suck out the smoke." Sounds sensible and I'm in deep enough of a submissive frame of mind to want to please Vinnie. So, with my boner bobbing in front of me I move the big fan over to the door, open the door and turn the fan on. Vinnie sits on his throne like a little prince with a cute face, a hot little body, and uneven cropped hair that he's running his fingers through. Then he holds out his hand, saying, "Cigarettes!" I get my smokes from the pocket of my shorts and give Vinnie my pack of Marlboros and my Bic lighter. Lighting a cigarette, he takes a drag and then reaches up to put his thumb in my mouth, "Suck on my thumb while my balls settle down, okay?" I lean over and suck on his thumb. Hmmm, he must have eaten a chocolate candy bar recently because that's what the pad of his thumb taste like. Exhaled cigarette smoke drifts from his mouth and is attracted to the flow of air heading in the direction of the garage, so this'll work okay. Vinnie takes his thumb out of my mouth, wipes it on my forehead, then passes me his cigarette. It's awesomely lipped as I put the dripping filter between my lips. He lights another one for himself and takes a drag, then as he exhales through his nose and mouth, he says, "Suck my cock again." He sounds exactly like Dodger. He's doing a imitation of Dodger's smirk now too, but his basic shyness doesn't allow him to give me the steady stare that Dodger always does. Dodger, who doesn't have a shy molecule in his body, could stare a hole through you. I exhale smoke in Vinnie's direction, then inhale as I'm getting on my knees. I hold my exhale until his cock's in my mouth and then let the smoke drifts out around the shaft and in among his pubic hairs making them appear to be smoldering. Vinnie blows smoke down into my face, saying, "Lick my nuts." I exhale smoke onto his nuts and then lick under them near his asshole. Vinnie puts his legs over my shoulders and cups both hands behind my head bringing his asshole up and I lick the hairs around it, then lap as much of his ass crack as I can reach. This gets me deep into a submissive frame of mind and now I don't mind moaning because that's what submissive types do. They moan while giving pleasure to their dominant sex partner. That's what it's all about, pleasing them. Of course, in the process my cock gets extra hard too. I flatten my tongue on his asshole and lap over it a number of times before sucking on the lips, then swallowing an acrid taste. My tongue goes into his rectum as Vinnie squeezes his thighs against the side of my head pulling my face tightly against his belly, his boner is hugging his stomach poking up against my cheek, next to my nose. I inhale his sexy scent as his cigarette smoke drifts around my head. A long submissive moan escapes my throat, "Ooooooh, aaah, aaah, mmmm." Then I get my tongue in his ass again with Vinnie tightening his sphincter muscle on my tongue and more precum drools from my cock at the same time a nice drool of it comes out the pee slit of Vinnie's hard boner. His precum slides down the side of my nose and continues around my lips as my tongue fucks his asshole. There's a whining sound of sexual pleasure coming from my throat. Vinnie groans, "Mmmm, ooh, fuck," then he pushes my head away with a string of his precum connecting the side of my nose and the head of his cock. I'm so horny I feel my orgasm building. "Oooh, I'm gonna cum, Vinnie," I'm fighting it off, but "Aaaah, oooh, gawd," my boner trembles and I know the slightest stimulation is gonna bring on a premature ejaculation. I'm just not use to going this many days between orgasms. With his cigarette clamped between his teeth, Vinnie says, "Stand up," as he's pulling me up by my ears. If my cock even brushes against something I'm blowing my load. Vinnie gets his little hand on my balls and squeezes hard. "Ooooow!' I screech, stepping back, "Fuck! Vinnie!" He says, "Do ya feel like climaxing now?" I look down and see my dick's almost limp, so I mutter, "No, I guess not, but that really hurt, Vinnie." he says, "I'm sorry, but you were going to spurt spunk all over the place too soon. I like when I fuck it out of you because it makes me feel tough and big. He drags on his cigarette while stroking his cock and looking at me. Then he says, "I don't know what we should do next. Dodger always has it all planned out in his head, ya know?" I shrug, my nuts are still aching so I'm a little pissed-off. I mutter, "Yeah, right about now Dodger would tell me to crunch your nuts into dust." Vinnie goes, "No he wouldn't. Don't be mean, Dylan, that's not like you at all." I go, "Don't fret, Vinnie, I'm not gonna retaliate... I know you're only doing what you think Dodger would do, although he never squeezed by nuts as hard as you did." He mutters, "I'm sorry. He never crushed my nuts like that either. I don't know why I did that to you." Staring at him for a second, I say, "Why don't I finish your haircut while you decide what we do next." He's looking at his boner, then says, "Okay, but first can you suck the precum off my cock?" I shrug, then lean down and suck precum out that tastes pretty good so I lick the head and take more of the shaft in my mouth. Vinnie mumbles, "Dude, you like sucking cock almost as much as I do." I'm getting into it again now taking all the shaft I can fit inside my mouth. His cock head is pushing against my gag reflex area so I drop my head and get the head into my throat. It feels good so I go down on it until my face is plastered against his belly with pubic hairs all around my lips. Holding that position I'm working my throat muscles on his cock for a bit, then I begin bobbing my head up and down on his cock feeling it moving and stretching my throat. His cock gets fatter, almost gagging me as Vinnie's groaning and moving all around on the stool. Then he cups behind my head holding my face against his groin area tightly and begins humping his hips fucking my throat. He's frantically thrusting his boner back and forth in my throat while making whining sounds of deep sexual arousal and pleasure. I need to breathe in the worse way, but this has me so turned on I'm not struggling to get free. The fat firm head of his cock plows back and forth in my throat with me gagging and trying to breathe, with very little success. He screeches, slamming his crouch against my face, then holds my face against his stomach in a death hold while moving hips in a thrusting motion even though there no room to thrust. A high breathy sound from Vinnie as his body shakes and his cock begins pumping cum down my throat. He's moaning, "Aaaah, aaah, aaah, Oooooooh!!" as cum gushes from his cock flooding my throat. I really need some air, but he continues humping his hips, moaning, "Mmmmm, ooooh." Now only little spurts of cum shoot down my throat. It's creamy and thick and beginning to clog as I gasp for air. Finally he's spent, letting go of my head and I sit down backwards on the floor, sliding on my ass a little on the cut hairs mixed with precum. I gasp air into my lungs. In a fog I look at my cock that's as hard and tight as can be. I didn't even realize I had a boner. Vinnie goes, "Holy shit! What a climax I just had! That was totally unexpected. I don't think Dodger would have scripted that." Oh great, he got his rocks off now while I've moved up from horny to blue balls status, twice as horny as I was when Vinnie walked in here. Jesus, that was hot! I'm still taking deep breaths between swallowing hard trying to dislodge the clump of thick cum at the back of my throat. I didn't get much of a taste of his cum because it bypassed my taste buds. Vinnie's watching me trying to gulp his cum down my throat, as he's quietly saying, "That might be the wildest orgasm I've ever had. It's been all summer without Dodger's sex so maybe I was, you know, horny." Still sitting on the floor with Vinnie's cut hairs sticking to my ass, I ask him, "Don't you have a fuck buddy?" He shakes his head, "No. I'm too shy to approach anybody. Anyway I don't know anyone who's gay except you, Dodger, and his brother." This might be a good time to ask, "Um, what did Dodger tell you the reason was for him joining the Army? It seems like he did it on a whim." Vinnie goes, "He told me it wasn't a spur of the moment decision, he planned it." I ask, "Why?" Vinnie shrugs his shoulders, "I'm not suppose to tell anyone." I go, "Oh, don't worry, Dodger wouldn't mine you telling me," emphasizing 'me'. Vinnie logically says, "If he wanted you to know he'd have told you himself. You guys email every Sunday." Hmmm, a little bit of logic from the diminutive brainiac. I try another tactic, "Actually he did tell me and I merely wanted to see if he told you the same thing." Vinnie, still sitting on the barber stool, says, "Oh, what'd he say? I'll tell you if he told you the truth or not." Balls! I mutter, "Oh, forget it, Vinnie, you don't know either." He grins, "I do so!" Abandoning my failed attempt at fooling Vinnie, I get up wiping his hair off my ass, then go into the half bath to wash off our precum and sticking hairs. Vinnie's chuckling about something so I give him a grin. Still bare ass naked, I return to the barbershop while drying my ass with a hand towel. Vinnie's smirking cutely at me as I pick up the clippers with the half inch guide attached and turn them on. With my left hand against the back of Vinnie's head I run the clippers down the middle of his head shearing off all but a half inch of his hair. That strip of hair sticks up briskly. His hair is so dense I can't see his scalp, which makes for the best looking buzz cuts... that and a good hairline. There's a sexy something about buzzing a friend's hair, but like I always say, there's a sexual basis of some kind in almost anything you do with a peer. That goes for straights as well as gays, and as I've said before, I for one can almost see why a person would have certain fetishes, and haircutting with a buddy is one of them. The buzzing off of Vinnie's hair goes on for maybe eight minutes with me going over the same area at least twice because there always a few hairs that miraculously survive the first run of the clippers. The front hairline and the crown get more then two passes with the clippers. Then I use the trimmers to outline around his ears and taper the neck line a bit. That's a better look than simply squaring off the neck hairline, or God forbid rounding the neck hairline which woman barbers seem to do often. After brushing hair clippings off Vinnie's slender, slumped shoulder, I ask, "Are we done?" and he goes, "Unfortunately, we are. I shot my load down your throat so I won't be able to fuck you like you seem to want." I act irritated, "I don't 'seem' to want that, you were the one who insisted on it and I was the one who said there's no way we're doing it. Remember?" Vinnie whines, "I'm just going with what Dodger told me, don't blame it on me." Dropping that, I'm getting dressed figuring I'll need to call Sonny because, while I was horny to start with, after this experience with Vinnie I'm hornier than ever. He puts his shirt on, saying, "Thank you for the haircut and especially for sucking me off. Dodger will be disappointed that's all we did and I am too. Maybe if you ask him Dodger will agree to have a three-way with you included, although he's chomping at the bit to have sex with me. He's in love with me which is very different than loving you as his friend." Huh, Vinnie realizes that too. Dressed now, I say, "You're quite right about that, Vinnie. How about helping me clean up here." He goes, "Sure," and we do it together. I'm about ready to jump his bones, but my enormous supply of willpower manages to stop me. Walking up the stairs Vinnie thanks me again. He looks so hot with his buzz cut I run my fingers across his head and then give him a kiss. He smiles and says, "You want it... heh, heh. Wait till I tell Dodger he's right." I mutter, "Don't be silly, and don't be a stranger either. You did fine coming here alone." At the front door he says, "It was okay, but it's better with Dodger here too." I shrug, he waves and he's gone. Dammit! Okay, where's my cell phone? It's in my pocket of course so I take it out and press Sonny's name on my contacts list. As the phone rings I look out the window and see Vinnie coming up the steps. Hitting 'end' I break the connection wondering why Vinnie's coming back so soon. Hmmm, maybe he realizes he's the one who wants it. I'm going to play hard to get just for the fun of it. The bell rings and when I open the door, he says, "My damn car won't start, Dylan. The battery's dead. It's been giving my mom problems lately, so I guess we need a new battery." I say, "I'm sorry about that, Vinnie. Do you want to call a service station for a jump?" He holds up his cell phone, saying. "We have road service on our insurance, I already called them, but the guy won't be here for an hour. Can I wait inside? It's too freaking hot out there." I go, "Of course you can wait in here," but at the same time I'm thinking, 'Damn, now I can't call Sonny until Vinnie leaves, and what the hell are we going to do for the next hour? I ask, "Do you wanna play a computer game?" So we do that and we have some good competition which passes the time nicely, plus Vinnie's enjoyable to look at and I like his scent. He's got a cute naive way about him, although I can see where some of Dodger's personality has worn off on Vinnie. I'm just guessing here but I think he treats me like Dodger treats him. In other words he's complimentary, but bossy at times too. It's like he assumes I'm okay with it, and of course I am. He'll say things like, 'You're awesome at this computer game, better than me,' then in a very matter of fact way, he'll say, 'Come on out on the balcony now because I want a cigarette,' or 'Run out to the kitchen and get us a cold drink. What do you have?' He says it in a way that not insulting, but there's no doubt he feels he's in charge between us even though he's in my house and in many ways he's shy. A very strange combination, but then he's been under Dodger's influence for a couple of years now so what do I expect. It's been the better part of an hour, so I ask, "Is the guy going to knock on my door or text when he's here?" Vinnie says, "He's supposed to call. I told him I'd be waiting inside your condo. Maybe I better check on him," and he calls the service station. Frowning, he ends the call, and tells me, "He was already here, but didn't see me so he left. The dispatcher forgot to tell him to call me when he gets here and now it'll be another hour and a half." Oh shit! Well, I guess I'll be whacking off tonight and I haven't needed to do that for months. Looking a Vinnie, I reluctantly ask, "How long of a recovery time do you need between climaxes?" He laughs, "Dodger was right, you do want me to fuck you." I go, "I asked a simple question, Vinnie, don't read anything into it." He laughs, "No, it was not just a simply question, you want it, admit it," so I go, "Okay, I wouldn't mind some buddy sex. I haven't gone without sex all summer, like you, but it's been awhile since I've had some good old fashioned buddy sex." He's sitting in my desk chair smirking cutely with his hands clasped together on his stomach. He says, "I'd love to fuck you, I told you we were going to do it, didn't I?" I shrug, and he says, "You sucked me off so I thought that would be the end of it, but happenstance intervened. Okay, I'll do you the way Dodger does me. Oh man, I can't wait to tell Dodger about this! He's the most awesomely sexy kid in the world." I go, "Well, lets not go off the deep end" I don't know why Vinnie doesn't think I'm sexy, he seems blasé about me, but what the hell does he know. Vinnie says, "Get over here so I can undress you. Dodger undresses me and feels all over my body. He says he loves my little body." Then Vinnie takes his shirt off and holds out his arms put with his fists in the air making muscles, adding, "Not so little, huh?" Nice bicep muscles, so I ask, "Have you been working out?" He's like, "Only all summer. I've been lifting weights to enhance my sex appeal for Dodger." Hmmm, I wasn't concentrating on Vinnie's chest during his haircut because I was studying his face, but he now has more than the subtle muscle definition I remember. It used to be subtle, but now he looks hard and very fit. "Nice body, Vinnie. You're hot, dude." He blushes a little, then mumbles, "Thanks, I think so too." That makes me chuckle, but his body is hot looking. Vinnie wiggles his finger for me to come over to where he's sitting in my desk chair. "Get closer, Dylan. Your legs touching my knees. That's it, just stand there." He pulls my pants down leaving my jockey shorts on and cups my nuts. I say, "Don't crush them again, Vinnie, or playtime is over." He squeezes my balls, asking, "Is playtime over yet?" I mutter, "Don't press your luck," and he squeezes them harder, asking, "How 'bout now. Playtime over?" I grunt and move my feet as I look down at him, then reach over and rub my fingers through his buzz cut. Damn, I want this little shy dynamo to fuck me with that five inch fat cock of his. He squeezes harder and I go ,"Oooh, ow!" He says, "Playtime isn't gonna be over, is it, Dylan? You want it bad just like Dodger said you would. He thinks you're the coolest kid ever, but he knows you can't resist being submissive during sex. Dodger always had his way with you in the end didn't he?" I'm biting my lip wanting to tell Vinnie to fuck off, but I want to get fucked more than I want to tell him to fuck off. It's going on four days now since my last orgasm. I groan, "That hurts, Vinnie," and he tightens his hand some more making me bend forward with a hand on each of his shoulders. My head is just above his and his scent swirls around in my head. It's happened quickly, but I know he's in charge already. Vinnie lets go of my balls and I lean down and kiss his lips. He grins, saying, "Stand up, Dylan. I'm just replicating some of Dodger's and my sex play." I stand up, liking the direction this is going. He pulls down my jockey shorts and I'm surprised to discover I have half a boner. Vinnie puts my cock in his mouth and suck on it awesomely getting me squirming and moaning. It feels so fucking good! Moving my cock in his mouth he rubs the head of my hardening penis against the inside of his cheeks, the back of his throat, the roof of his mouth, and then against his teeth while his lips and tongue are licking and sucking it at the same time... quickly my cock becomes a steel shaft and I'm holding my breath to get my moans of sexual pleasure under control. He deep throats my steel shaft a few times and then takes it out of his mouth. It's pointing up and a little away from my body as a shiver of pleasure zips around my groin. Vinnie says, "How was that?" I nod my head and a moan comes out before I can speak., "Ooooooh, mmmm." My shoulders shudder as a long string of precum drools from the head of my cock. I mutter, "Awesome, Vinnie, that was awesome." He grabs my nuts again and squeezes, asking, "Is this awesome too?" I go, "No," as he squeezes harder, then lets go, and says, "That's what Dodger does to me. I'll be Dodger and you be me. First thing you do as me is take off my sneakers." I ask, "Why?" and he says, "So you can lick my toes of course, or would you rather I squeeze your nuts?" I go, "Dodger licks you're feet?" He says, "No, I lick his. I just told you, you're taking my place and I'm being Dodger. Maybe you'll like licking my toes as much as I like licking his." Naturally I'm thinking about doing Chubby a favor by licking his feet, although Chubby gets more turned-on licking mine. Kneeling down, I take Vinnie's sneaker and sweat sock off. His bare foot is damp and smelly. He wiggles his toes and a prominent foot odor wafts up. Looking up at him to see if he's serious, he says, "Go ahead, lick my toes." I lick across his smelly toes as he again wiggles them. Vinnie says, "I'd think this is a little sick except I do the same for Dodger. All my toes in your mouth now." I can't believe I'm doing this with Vinnie and I'm not sure how we got to this point so quickly. Sucking on his toes a few seconds is all it takes for me to slide into a dreamy trance with my eyelids drooping. Inhaling his foot odor deepens my trance and somewhere in my brain I'm thinking how glad I am Vinnie's car wouldn't start. He's giggling as he pulls his toes out of my mouth and rubs the sole of his foot on my face spreading my saliva from his toes. He mumbles, "I'll be damned, you get the same way I get with Dodger." He takes his foot off my face and stands up pressing his crotch in my face, saying, "Pull my shorts down and suck my cock." It's shocking to me that Vinnie's able to pull this off, but I'm going along for the ride getting more than I expected. Pulling down his shorts I take his limp penis in my fingers surprised he isn't aroused. I'll bet anything he's aroused sexually when he's in my position and Dodger's in Vinnie's position. Oh man he smells sexy so I lean my face against his groin, my nose in his pubic hair, and just enjoy the scent. Vinnie says, "If you want me to fuck you, Dylan, I'll need a boner," and he rubs my shoulders, adding, "You have a sexy body. It's not nearly as athletic as Dodgers, but it's appealing just the same." One last inhale, then I hold his cock to the side and lick his balls. When I've covered them in spit, I suck the low hanging one into my mouth and lick it. I can feel his cock hardening up in my fingers so I push his other ball in my mouth getting most of the scrotum in along with it. He moves his feet, murmuring, "Mmmm, yeaaah." His cock is getting hard quickly now as I slurp on his nuts. Using my fingers I pull his sack of balls out of his mouth and suck his cock into my mouth. It takes less then a minute of sucking and licking to get his cock's as hard as mine. He backs up taking a deep breath, then saying, "This rocks!" He takes his shorts all the way off and kicks them aside, saying, "Get out of your clothes." I'd like to suck his cock some more, but I do what I'm told and pull my t-shirt over my head. Vinnie goes, "Cool!" and touches my nip ring, asking, "When did you say you got this?" I smell the back of my wrist, then mumble, "Last week." He says, "It looks sore," and I nod my head that it is. Standing up I take my shorts and underwear the rest of the way off and Vinnie does what Ryan used to do, he takes hold of my cock in his smallish hand and leads me with it like it's a leash. He tells me, "We're going downstairs where I can smoke a cigarette while fucking you. This is fun!" I lean down and get my cigarettes and lighter from my shorts not even giving a thought to objecting. Both of us bare ass naked as Vinnie pulls on my boner, saying, "Come on, get moving," and I love that authority in his voice. Totally unexpected. As we awkwardly go down the steps a big glob of precum from my cock runs down Vinnie's fist. He giggles, "You're turned on by me, aren't you?" Yeah, I am, but I can't speak at the moment, so he yanks on my cock, asking, "Aren't you?" I manage to mutter, "Uh huh." At the bottom of the steps Vinnie lets go of my boner and it flops up against my belly wetting it with more precum. Vinnie takes my pack of cigarettes and lights two Marlboro lights, then hands me one, saying, "Well, how do I want to fuck you? How about we do the old standby with you on your hands and knees." I look at him through my awesome trance, then take a drag off the cigarette. He's like, "No, instead of doggie style, you lay sideways on the chaise lounge with your asshole at the edge." I'm still looking at him so he smacks my ass, saying, "Go ahead, get over there," and he grabs my cock again pulling me to the couch that Chubby and I used to lay on together watching TV. He turns me around by my dick, then pushes my chest and I lay down. Vinnie pulls on my legs until my ass is just off the edge. With smoke pouring out his nostrils, he says, "Get an arm around each leg and pull your legs back against your chest." I put my cigarette between my teeth and pull my legs back and Vinnie smacks my ass hard. "Stay like that, Dylan. Pull your legs back more, feet in the air and keep smoking. This is getting hot now!" He pulls his cigarette from between his lips taking a drag, just looking at me, then casually gives my ass two more hard slaps, "Smack! Smack!" His cigarette goes back between his teeth as he sticks a finger up my ass. Smoke comes out of his mouth with his words, "Damn, I forgot what a hot ass you've got here. I've fucked your ass with Dodger so I should have remembered." His finger massages my prostate as he takes his cigarette from his teeth with his free hand. A long exhale of smoke is directed between my legs to my face. I want him to fuck me so bad I whimper, and Vinnie goes, "That's just how I get when Dodger's teasing me with his finger up my ass. Keep your feet up in the air, don't let them hang down towards your ass." Vinnie reaches over and takes my cigarette from my mouth and a long ash falls on my cheek. "Sorry about that, Dylan," he says and gives my ass two more smacks with, "Slap! Slap!' sounds ringing in my ears. Vinnie lights another cigarette and then gets on the chaise lounge. On his knees he leans over my head, and with cigarette smoke drifting in my face, he says, "Suck my cock some more." I whimper again as the lips of my anus vibrates in anticipation of Vinnie's hard cock soon sliding tightly past them. With an arm around both my thighs and my feet in the air I suck his cock until a long string of precum drool onto my tongue. Vinnie blows smoke in my face withdrawing his cock and it's finally time. He hops off the couch and smacks my ass again, then presses the head of his boner against my asshole spreading the lips and my shoulders do their shudder as I moan, "Mmmmm." Vinnie's grinning around his cigarette, then humps his hips and his fat cock is inside. "Aaaaah!" from me and a soft grunt from Vinnie. Biting on the filter of his cigarette Vinnie holds onto the sides on my thighs and slowly forces his fat cock up my ass. It hurts going in, but at the same time it's the best feeling in the world. "Tight," mutters Vinnie, then a drag on his cigarette and two matching streams of smoke exhale through his nostrils. He asks, "Does this hurt, Dylan? I don't want to hurt you." I shake my head so he leans against me with his pubic hairs flat against my buttocks. Just about laying on me between my legs, totally impaling me with his boner, he blows smoke in my face and grins at me. "Damn, this feels good," he mumbles, then straightens up and withdraws his cock almost all the way out, he hesitates to take his cigarette from his lips, and then pushes his cock back up my ass with me moaning, "Aaaaaah, ooh, ooh, ooh." He asks, "Ready to get fucked, Dylan?" I nod my head real fast like Ryan used to do and Vinnie pulls his cock back and pushes it back in more smoothly. Sensations in my rectum get turned on like a light switch turning on a light, "Mmmmmm, Vinnie, mmmm." Two more steady thrust and then Vinnie pulls out altogether as I go, "Nooooo, ummm." He says, "This is a three cigarette fuck, Dylan. Let me light another cigarette and then I'll fuck you like Dodger fucks me." He puts out his butt and lights a fresh one, mumbling, "I'm getting dizzy from smoking so fast." Back over he comes and when his cock slides back up my ass my whole body shakes. With his cigarette between his teeth, he forces a finger up my ass next to his cock and begins moving his hips thrusting his cock back and forth in my ass with his finger mimicking the motion of his boner. I'm soon writhing on the couch moaning with sexual pleasure as Vinnie's cock and finger stimulate the lips of my anus until I could scream with pleasure. His cock grows as it gets harder and I'm soon humping my ass off the couch as he's driving his cock up my ass. The ash from his cigarette falls off onto my pulsating cock. Precum leaks out continuously. The friction on the lips of my asshole has me making a total fool of myself moaning and groaning as if Vinnie's taking my cherry. My prostate is deliriously alive vibrating pleasure with both Vinnie's cock and his finger stimulating it until I'm in a frenzy, moaning and squirming under his steady thrusting. The steady, "Slap, slap, slap, slap," sound of his crotch against my ass rings in my ears like a beautiful choir. His boner relentlessly driving up my ass with cigarette smoke in the air competing with Vinnie's scent and it's perfection. Nothing has ever been so welcome as Vinnie's finger and cock in my ass. A universe of sexual pleasure that I wish would continue for years, but it takes less then five minutes of fucking to bring on my first climax in four days. It builds quickly and is like a supernova in my brain as my boner lifts up, I squeal like a pig being slaughtered, my body quivering and then everything seems bright as my head comes off the couch and cum pumps up from my balls to shoot up in the air a few feet, then more squeals as more cum is drained from my nuts and joins the world for a brief period in time. I'm still shaking and my cock's still quivering and drools of cum run down my boner, then sadly I return to earth. Vinnie's muttering, "Jesus, that was a hell of a climax," as he continues thrusting his boner in my ass. I savor the spectacular sensations of an overdo orgasm while still loving the cock fucking my ass. Vinnie takes his finger out of my ass and increases the pace of his fucking. I lay here loving every second of it. Then Vinnie grunts, smoke coming out in spurts from both his nose and mouth, he leans against me going, "Oooooh, aah, aaah," and I feel the sloppiness in my ass. It's slippery and awesome in there as Vinnie, red faced, biting halfway though the filter of his cigarette finishes what felt like a smallish orgasm. Holding his cigarette butt away from us, he slumps on me, mumbling, "That was good." Letting go of my legs I wrap them around Vinnie almost like I'm worried he'll pull his cock out. Vinnie's breathing hard, his face a little sweaty. I lay here feeling nice as I rub my fingers through his crisp buzz cut. I'm thinking how great it is that I can cut hair because it has led to some mighty good sex from time to time. Vinnie looks up at me, asking, "How was I? Was that hot or what?" I take a deep breath realizing I really needed that climax. It's not healthy depriving myself of sex like I've been doing lately. That's not helping Robby and it sure isn't helping me. I go, "Vinnie, you're a lifesaver. It's been awhile since I've been fucked and I didn't even realize how much I missed it. You were awesome." He nods his head looking proud, then says, "That's one of the ways Dodger fucks me. I sure miss him." Vinnie has Dodger on the brain and it must be hard for him with Dodger missing in action. I say, "Well, you check with Dodger about this, but if you get real horny and need some sexual relief, I owe ya one, Vinnie. Give me a call and no questions asked." He's like, "That's nice of you, Dylan. Maybe I won't go so long in between haircuts and after the haircut I'll show you different ways Dodger fucks me." That sounds fine now, but when I'm not so horny maybe I won't be so cooperative. Why worry about that now though. Vinnie stands up and I take my legs from around him. He pulls his cock out with both of us going, "Mmmmmm, oooh." As he strokes his limp cock, asking, "How long has it been since you last had sex? Aren't you and Dodger's brother still boyfriends?" Hmmm, it's be embarrassing saying it's been less then four days since I had sex, so I mutter, "Yeah, we're still in love Vinnie, but didn't you hear about the accident?" This got him off his interrogation about my sex life as I explain what happened in Worcester. We go in the half bath to wash our hands, face, my ass, and his dick and then we get dressed and all is right with the world again. This sex has me back to feeling relaxed and sexually satisfied which feels good and right. I get my arm around Vinnie to give him a kiss. We kiss on the lips with Vinnie saying, "I feel kinda like I'm cheating on Dodger with you, Dylan." I shrug, "He told you to fuck me, didn't he?" As we go up the steps, Vinnie says, "Yeah he did, but I didn't realize I'd like it so much. You've got a primo ass." Upstairs we grab sodas from the refrigerator to drink on the balcony. Vinnie continues talking about his favorite topic, Dodger, and I mostly listen enjoying how I feel now after relieving my sexual appetite. Going almost four days without sex because of my worries about Robby was a challenge for me, but I sacrificed for the love of my life so it's worth it. Almost an hour and a half to the minute after Vinnie's last phone call the garage guy calls to say he's at Vinnie's car. We walk down together and five minutes later Vinnie and the garage man drive away. Huh, quite an unexpected development tonight. Hmmm, a Dodger, Vinnie, and me three-way might not be out of the realm of possibilities, fer sure. to be continued... Donny Mumford _thinat20@yahoo.com_ ( Please consider a tax deductible donation to nonprofit Nifty to help with the expenses of maintaining this wonderful story site.