Date: Sun, 06 Jul 2003 16:17:56 -0400 From: Subject: Joseph Andrew Collins - 18 (LJB)(MM 1st anal coll slow)(18!18) The following is a pure work of fiction and is the property of the author. It's a story with some sex, not sex with some story. Please remember this is fiction. Representation of characters and institutions may not be relevant to today's society. I do not ***usually*** acknowledge e-mails, instead using my time to write. I do appreciate hearing from you to let me know if this story is meeting your expectations. Thank you to each of you for your encouraging responses. LJB Joseph Andrew Collins Chapter 18 The rest of my afternoon was spent in a bit of a daze. I managed to report to the House by 4:p.m. to work on my homework assignments and there luckily I ran into Kirk. We had no Supervisor at the study period, but enough senior Brothers passed through that if any of us had a question about anything we were studying, someone was always around to ask. Kirk sat across from me and we both intended to do homework, but my mind was still whirling from my time with Andrew and it didn't take Kirk long to realize I wasn't functioning properly. I found myself being guided by my arm up the stairs of the Pledge wing and into one of the bedrooms. Kirk shut the door, so we wouldn't likely be disturbed. "What is wrong with you ?" he questioned, the concern in his voice evident. I must have stared at him dumbly for a few moments, because the next thing I was aware of was Kirk's question in my mind. "Joe, what's wrong ?" "Andrew loves me." I told him with a certain amount of surprised disbelief in my voice. "Yeah, so ?" he asked. "No, Kirk. You don't understand." I explained, trying to make it clearer to him. "Andrew loves ME. Not as a friend, or a brother, but ME." There was another pause. "Joe, are you just catching on to that ?" Kirk stated. "Of course he loves YOU. I've known that since the first day I saw him look at you. He's always loved you. Did you really not know ?" I thought about what Kirk said. "Well, I guess I knew." I admitted. "I just never let myself think about it. He was Brad's 'big Brother'. He was three years older than me. He was gorgeous and sexy and smart and he was just so far away from a teenage, high school kid like me. I guess I fell in love with him right from the start, but I tried to not seem like some moon struck, lovesick kid. After a while I tucked it away into a private corner no one would see." "Well your corner sprang a leak, my friend." Kirk told me. "As in love as he is with you, it seemed to me you are just as much with him. So now what ? What happens next ?" I thought hard about his question. Then I remembered what Andrew had said. "He told me to think everything over carefully and to remember he was forever." I said. "Wow. If someone I loved said that to me, I'd have some serious decisions to make." Kirk responded. "I can't help you with this, Joe. I don't think anyone can. You have to make up your own mind about what's important to you and what you want. You can do it though. If anyone can do it, you can." Dinner was eaten sitting again amongst the Brothers. Conversation was lively with discussions once more being encouraged, which forced my brothers to take stands and defend their positions. I found it interesting that not only the intelligence of each Pledge was exercised and examined, but that of the Brothers were also put to the test. My 'dumb jock' hypothesis was totally destroyed as each Brother joined in on a pro or con position and defended their view successfully with fervour and intellect. At our nightly meeting, the entire House convened. We were broken into groups consisting of one Pledge and a Brother from each level. The group of four then moved to a location of their own choice, where they could sit and talk in comfort. "Joe, this next hour is an interview." Jim Ford, a fourth year Brother advised me. I also sat with Andy Thompson from 3rd year and David Holmes from second year. Pledge Master Vince approached our group and I stood. "Sit down, Joe." he instructed. "Would you gentlemen mind interviewing Ellis Durham as part of your group ? We have a slight excess of Pledges and I think it would be constructive for him to be interviewed with Joe." There were no objections, so Ellis joined our group. I made certain he was introduced to everyone. "Ellis, I was just informing Joe that this next hour would be an interview between us and the two of you, to help us form an opinion as to how much of Fraternity life you understand and how adaptable we feel you will be to it." Jim explained. "I think you should understand Ellis, a lot of this hour will be directed toward you." Andy informed him. "Joe is a known to us. We have all been able to evaluate him over the course of time and therefore most of the questions we would normally ask him are already answered for us." Ellis nodded his understanding. "That being said," David began, "Joe will you explain to us what you know and understand about 'Fraternity Friday'. "Every third or fourth Friday is declared, 'Fraternity Friday'." I responded. "Every Brother is expected to clear his calendar for that evening and participate in some activity which is chosen for the whole House to do. A group workout in the gym, going out to dinner and the movies, having a private group swim at a rented pool, going bowling, using a rifle or archery range, visiting a geological exhibition, which is the one I attended are some of the things which could happen. It is a time for the Brothers to socialize with each other and mixes year levels and different friend groups together in one overall activity." "What would you see as the purpose of such a regular activity, Ellis ?" Jim asked. "It sounds like a great time for everyone to re-establish themselves with all their other Brothers." he answered with enthusiasm. "Brothers could catch up with those they do not see, or socialize with on a regular basis." "What would you consider the accepted absence frequency for a Brother to these events during a school year ?" Andy asked, looking to Ellis. Ellis paused. "I would expect someone to be absent none." Ellis responded. "I guess there are exceptions, like being very ill, or away for team competitions or family situations, but other than that, I think it would be in everyone's best interests to attend." "Joe, you come back to the House about 1:a.m. on a weekend and find your roommate is entertaining a young lady, apparently for the night. What do you do next ?" David asked. "That's not likely to happen." I declared. "My roommate and I would have established ahead of time a routine of warning each other when we were having possible overnight guests. But if it did, I would either climb into my bed and go to sleep, or find an empty bed in one of the other rooms." "Why not go to the Chapter President, or the senior Advisor ? They have empty beds in their rooms and it would save disturbing a bunch of other Brothers, looking for a bed." Jim pointed out. "They have empty beds, because they are counsellors and see people at all times of the day and night." I responded. "They could need an extra bed at any time. Automatically taking one of those is not the way to go." The three inquisitors each nodded their heads. "May I ask a question of you ?" "Sure." Jim replied. "If the senior Advisor or President had an ongoing relationship, which didn't use the extra bed in their room, but meant there would be two sleeping in the room anyway, how would the arrangement of an extra bed in their room be handled ?" I proposed. The three looked at each other and then they all smiled and snickered. "If the senior Advisor had an ongoing relationship with one of the Brothers," Jim answered with a big smile, "there would be that Brother's bed, which could be used as an extra if necessary, wouldn't you say, Joe ?" I guess I must have blushed unknowingly, because the three of them had a little laugh, while Ellis sat wondering what was going on. "I guess that might work." I finally agreed. The rest of the hour involved hypothetical judgement questions about relationships and men living with each other in close proximity, respecting each other as individuals and the existence of personal spaces of independence. As Andy warned at the start, most questions were directed to Ellis. He answered with careful thought and didn't jump into any easy fixes for the problems they suggested. I was impressed with the responses of this 'spoiled, only child', as he described himself when he first arrived. About 7:30 we all assembled in the main lounge. Brother Roger (Coach Banks) had joined the group. "Gentlemen," Chris announced, "this is 'Fraternity Friday'. As this is the first one of our school year, we are going to do something we haven't tried before. We are going over to one of the pools, which Brother Roger has secured for our use and meet Brother Brad and the House and Pledges of AGE for some recreational swimming." "Brother Brad has advised us that AGE has made some significant strides in improving their Fraternal organization and their Pledge programs." Andrew commented. "Brother Chris and I have each taught a course there and the entire House attended both of them. Their interest and renewed dedication is becoming very evident and our Executive is considering the feasibility of adopting AGE for this year to see if we can continue to support their initiative." There was general applause from everyone in support of the suggestion. DPD Brothers were again going to show their dedication and willingness to help others. We all went as a group to the Sports Complex. Brother Roger took us through to a large Dressing Room, where he suggested we all wait for a few minutes for AGE to arrive. Shortly, the Brothers and Pledges from AGE started to stream into the room, led by Dell Philips, Doby Simpkins and my brother, Brad. When everyone was in the large room, it looked sort of oppositional, with all 40+ of us on one side of the room and about 25 of them on the other. Chris and Dell stepped forward, meeting in the middle and shook hands with each other. Vince and Doby did the same. "Tick, come over here." I heard Brad silently direct me. I walked toward him and as I did, Terry Sommers stepped up beside Dell and Doby, then stretched his hand out to me. I went directly to him and shook it. Brad gave me a big smile. "Gentlemen," Vince announced, "this is what's known at DPD as 'Fraternity Friday'. We come together to renew our friendships, our relationships and our Brotherhood. We are here for recreational swimming. Everyone have a good time and remember, play safely." There was a general laugh from the DPD Brothers and the AGE group chuckled nervously. "Pledge rules are suspended." I saw Terry and the other AGE Pledges look to Doby and Brad and both of them nodded their heads vigorously, confirming what Vince had said. Everyone started to spread out to the lockers and loosen their clothing. They were still grouped mostly with one House at one end and one at the other, so I figured it would stay that way unless something was done. "No one's permitted to stand beside someone from their own year, or House." I called out as I moved down to the AGE end. At the same time, I sent the same message to as many DPD Brothers as could receive it. Chris, Vince and Andrew looked over to me as did Brad and then they each got a big grin of approval on their faces. My call started to echo throughout the Dressing Room as people started moving and mixing to find someone they didn't recognize to stand next to. People paused momentarily to introduce themselves to their new neighbour, shook hands, then got to undressing. In a few short minutes we were all a flash of naked flesh, streaming through the showers and into the pool. It was a beautiful facility, which I had never seen before. There was an Olympic size pool and diving pit and the room did not have an apparent observation area, so complete privacy was afforded. The water was warm, but not so warm as to make you sluggish after being in it a while. Brother Roger organized some water volleyball in half of the shallow end and there was no shortage of those ready to participate. The Brothers of AGE on average were significantly not in as good physical shape as the DPD Brothers. No obvious notice or comment was made by anyone and it wasn't long until everyone, even a couple of the very shy, AGE Pledges were active in some form of water activity. Among its many offerings, the pool had a large, curved slide, with an exhilarating steep drop in it, as well as another tubular one.. This particular facility had obviously been outfitted for recreation and had several activities to offer, which were not found in the average Natatorium. One of special appeal was a large, in-deck hot tub, into which at least 15 people at a time could fit comfortably. We all played and dove, swam and soaked for almost two hours. Brother Roger gave us a 15-minute warning and everyone went and did their favourite activities a couple more times, then piled into the showers to thoroughly wash off the chemicals. Next stop was the Dressing Room to dry off with the big, fluffy towels, which had been wheeled in on a large cart. As people dried and dressed, I noticed how many conversations were being held between members of the different Houses who shared side-by-side lockers and sat on the bench with the guy across the isle from them. While the activities were ongoing in the pool area, I had tried several times to approach Andrew. I wanted very much to speak to him alone, but realizing this was not going to happen, I settled for just being near to him when I could be. He included me in the activities he was doing, putting his arm around my neck several times, but always someone seemed to need something from him and we never did get to say more than a few brief words to one another. After everyone had dried and dressed, an invitation was issued to the AGE House to return with us to the DPD House for pizza and beer. It was accepted without any hesitation. Walking back to the House, I again noted that the new relationships were holding, as individuals paired off or formed groups of three and four while we walked. When we arrived at the House, the pizza van was sitting in the back driveway waiting for us. A little impromptu party was held in the main lounge. Everyone seemed to enjoy himself, especially the Pledges from AGE, who had never been afforded an opportunity before to socialize with their Brothers. I cautioned them to remember this was a special activity and they had to be able to switch back to their role of Pledge, without expecting special treatment to be the rule, but also reminded them it was important for them to get to know their Brothers as individuals. Our Brothers kept this to an early night and the entire AGE House was gone before midnight. Brad stayed with us and was to remain until after the investiture tomorrow afternoon. People looked like they were about ready to break off and go to bed, or do other things they might have planned. Chris stood and called everyone to order. "Gentlemen, I would remind you all that the investiture of new members will be held at one o'clock tomorrow afternoon." he told everyone. "Please be sure you are ready before that time. Pledges will meet in the Pledge wing lounge at noon, for the announcement of successful candidates. The Pledge Class will then go to lunch together after that meeting. I hope everyone enjoyed our first "Fraternity Friday" for this year." There was a round of applause, hooting and general good comments to show everyone had. "Thanks for asking me to spend the night." Kirk said to Brad. "I kind of thought Joe might and I wasn't looking forward to being alone for the final night in our dorm room. I guess I could have gone over and stayed with Pete and Chuck, but I'd rather be here with you guys." "Listen to him." I teased. "That's the boy who didn't have any friends and now he can't decide whose bed he's spending the night in. He must be rich, 'cause he ain't that good looking." Before I knew it, I had a tossed pillow hit me in the face. "Just watch yourself, boy." he threatened. "Brad just might make you sleep with me tonight and then I can take my revenge in slow, antagonizing bits." "Oh please Sir," I mockingly pleaded, "don't take your vengeance out on poor, frail little me. By the way Brad, who is sleeping where tonight." "Well, seeing as Kirk tells me I may be losing my little brother to an older man, maybe you'll want to sleep with me tonight." Brad commented. I couldn't tell from his voice whether he was endorsing a relationship between Andrew and myself, or not. "That way I can explain about the birds and the bees to you." "I'm sorry, Brad." I said. "I haven't had a chance to tell you or discuss about Andrew with you yet. Are you upset ?" He came over and sat on the bed beside me, while Kirk sat on the other bed. "I won't know whether I'm upset or not," Brad told me, "until you tell me what you've decided to do." He sat back and looked to me. "I don't know what to say." I admitted. "I was so surprised, because I had never allowed myself to think of Andrew in any other way than as a good friend and older brother, much like you, Brad. Then when he spoke to me this afternoon and when Kirk told me how obvious our feelings for each other were, I realized my love for him is different than my love for you. You are my brother and we have shared each other mentally and emotionally for our whole lives. Andrew has been my brother too, but I feel there is much more I want to share with him. I want us to be together, to add to each other, to be two living as one." "Then you have my support and blessing, Tick." Brad assured me. "I love the two of you as the true brothers you both have always been to me. My becoming one with someone lies beyond our relationship; so if the two of you can share that with each other, go for it, Bro. I know in my heart Andrew loves you more than anyone or anything else. He would never harm you. I believe the two of you are true mates." "Amen to that." Kirk added. It must have been almost two o'clock. I hadn't been able to sleep. I kept tossing and turning and every time I lay still, Andrew's face filled my mind and I thought about being with him. I finally realized I was so agitated I was never going to go to sleep and I was just going to keep disturbing Brad. I carefully climbed over him and out of the bed we had been sharing. The next thing I knew, I was walking down the seniors' corridor, approaching Andrew's room. I'd wrapped a towel around myself, but other than that, I had come with nothing. I stood before the door to his bedroom and tried to decide whether to knock or not. I silently opened the door and slid into the room. Hogan was in the spare bed sound asleep and lightly snoring. I moved over beside Andrew's bed. "I wondered if you were ever going to show up." Andrew's voice spoke into my mind. "May I sleep with you ?" I asked him silently. "Have you decided for how long ?" he asked back, raising the covers for me to climb in, making it clear to me that staying did not hinge on my answer. "Forever." I said aloud, quietly as I let the towel around my waist drop onto the floor, before sliding into the bed and facing him. "That's what I hoped for." he told me as I snuggled up tightly against him. I placed my forehead against his furry chest with my head lying on his arm, as he encircled me lightly with his other arm and kissed the top of my head. I was sound asleep in a matter of seconds, wrapped in and cushioned by Andrew's love. I opened my eyes and immediately realized two things. It was daylight and for the first time I could remember, Andrew was still in bed with me when I awakened. He was just lying there quietly looking at me. I raised my head from where it still lay on his arm and repositioned it so we were looking directly at each other. He was smiling and his eyes sparkled. "What are you grinning about ? I whispered to him. "I'm just happy." he answered. "Having you here with me is something I've wished about for a long time and now I don't have to wish anymore." I don't think I had ever felt more wanted in my entire life. "Andrew," I spoke hesitantly, "will you open your mind to me ?" He didn't even hesitate before he agreed. We lay together quietly for a couple more minutes. "Well, I'm open." he declared. "Are you going to read me ?" "No," I replied, "I just wanted to know if you would do it." I smiled. "You don't need to test me, Tick." he commented. "I will never hold back from you. We are to be partners and I am now only half. You are the other half and only together are we complete." I was falling into his eyes, feeling his warmth and strength. I understood completely what he meant. He moved the few inches between us and kissed me gently with all the love I was already feeling. "This is so nice." I commented. "I don't ever want to be anywhere else. Can we stay here, together forever ?" Without thinking about it, I had been rubbing my hand lightly up and down Andrew's side, from his waist to his thigh, feeling the contrast between the area with bare skin and that covered with curly, wiry hair. He reached down and took my hand in his. 'Shit', I thought, becoming instantly aware of my hard dick pressing against Andrew's abdomen and his next to it, pressuring me. I knew I would be leaking precum. "Don't be upset." Andrew softly counselled me. "We will have time for all of this later. We are going away after the ceremony to somewhere quiet and secluded that we can be together alone. Then we can share everything at our own pace, taking our time to enjoy each other." Somehow his assurance took away the need of the moment and I felt satisfied we could wait until later to consummate our relationship. I twisted to look at the clock on the bedside table and found I had slept until 10:a.m., something I almost never did. Enjoying another loving kiss, we left the warmth of the bed we had shared and together went for a hot, morning shower. Two hours later, I was seated in the Pledge wing lounge with my Pledge brothers. President Chris led a small group comprised of Pledge Master Vince, senior Advisor Andrew, Vice-President Steve and Brother Roger (Coach Banks) into the room, telling us to be seated as he entered. "I have news." he announced. We had all been dreading this moment, knowing that three of our Pledge Brothers had yet to be excluded from our ranks and the investiture ceremony. "This letter was hand-delivered to me within the past quarter hour. I think we will ask Pledge Master Vince to read it, seeing as he is the initiator of its content." He handed the sheet of paper to Vince. "It's addressed to Brother Chris Service, President, Delta Phi Delta Fraternity Chapter, etc., etc.," Vince spoke as he scanned the letter. "Consideration has been given to your request and a review of the exceptional scores recorded for the Pledge Class of your Chapter. It is my extreme pleasure to inform you the National Board of DPD," his voice began to rise in tone and volume, "has approved your request to invest 13 candidates to Brotherhood as this year's Pledge Class." There was a roar from our Pledge Class as we realized all our brothers would be remaining with us. The Brothers also were clapping and cheering. Vince held up his hand and the noise died off. "Signed by Brother Michael, National DPD Chairperson." Another cheer and round of clapping broke loose as we danced around hugging, shaking hands and patting each other on the back. "All right, Gentlemen." Chris spoke out and quiet settled. "Congratulations to you all. This Chapter has never before taken more than 10 new Brothers in any one year. This Class is truly extraordinary. I commend you all on behalf of this House." The entire Pledge Class went to lunch together, without any of the Brothers. They had preparations to make and were likely glad to have us out of the way. By five minutes to one, we were back in the Pledge wing lounge. "Pledges, prepare yourselves." Vince announced as he entered the room. "You will be taken one at a time to the Investiture Room. I am passing out to you the Vow, which you will be called upon to recite. Read it over; memorize what you can of it. Your 'big Brother' will be with you and will help to prompt you if you need it. Congratulations to you all." Vince then passed among us, shaking hands with each Pledge. I was the last and when he came to me, he stopped, looked directly at me and then hugged me firmly. "Andrew is a far luckier man than I will ever hope to be again." he told me. "I believe the two of you honestly deserved to find each other. You both have my deepest respect and best wishes." He left the room. "What was that all about ?" RAT asked. I thought it was the time to deal with my Classmates, so I asked them to gather around me. "I have an announcement." I told them. "I know we are all suppose to be tolerant of diversity, but now you get a chance to see just how that works. I'm gay." There was a slight ripple throughout the group. "That's no news, to me." Gary stated. "Anyway, it doesn't really matter if you're blue cheese. You're still Joe, our friend, our classmate and our Leader." I looked to RAT. There was a look of surprise on his face. "You little rat." he growled at me. "You led me down the path when we were twinned." He started to laugh. "Here I am asking you if you thought anyone in the Pledge Class was gay and you're telling me, 'nope, everyone looks good to me'. I'll just bet they did." "There's more." I stated. The buzz in the room died away. "Brother Andrew, who I have known for a long time is also gay and we are going to be a couple." "A couple of gays ?" Pete spoke out, trying to lighten the mood. "Or a gay couple ? "Both actually." I stated. A chuckle ran through the group. "Like Gary said," James commented, "you're still the Joe who was here yesterday and will be tomorrow. So what ? Congratulations to you Joe. We all hope both you and Brother Andrew are really happy." His sentiment was repeated over and over by all those present. "Thank you to each of you. Your support is very much appreciated." I told them. Andrew appeared in the doorway and I went over to him. He was wearing a dark blue cassock, which resembled the robes of a monk. It had a cowl-type hood, which lay flat around his shoulders and from his neck hung a gold chain with a medallion about the size of a fist, which hung just about at his sternum. When the other Pledges saw him, they all stood at alert and applauded. He gave them a smile as he came over to me. "It's time, Joe. You are to be the first." he declared. Over his arm, he carried a cassock of the same design as his, only it was white. He told the others to pay attention as he showed me how to put it on. He raised the cowl in the back, so it formed a hood, which he placed around my head, covering it so that only my face was visible. "Your 'big Brother' will bring each of you in turn a novice robe, which you will don in this manner." he instructed. "Do you know the Vow " he asked me and smiled when I told him I did. With an arm draped around my shoulder, he guided me out of our wing and into the Library. Closing the doors, he pointed me to a section of panelling on one of the walls and turning a piece of moulding, a doorway opened in the wall. This was an area of the House I had never known about. I followed him through the doorway and down the stairs it led us to. The pathway and stairs were lit with lanterns and when we reached the bottom of the stairs, we passed into another room. This was the old part of the House and had to be part of the original basement structure. The room we passed into was large and lighted by racks of candles along the walls and in stands. It was so quiet here that I was startled when I moved out from behind Andrew to see the entire membership of the House was present, sitting in tiers at the far end of the room. Each Class of Brothers had their own coloured robes. Second year were a light tan, not unlike the dress tuxedos worn at the Rush Week Ball. Third year were rust coloured and fourth year were the dark blue Andrew wore. There were others present, robed in scarlet red and I realized seeing Coach Banks, Chancellor Pritchard and my Dad that they were the robes of Graduate Brothers. "Who comes forth to apply for membership in the Delta Phi Delta Fraternity ?" Brother Steve Ruston called out. "I, Joseph Andrew Collins, do herein make application." I responded, trying not to let my voice tremble. "Does the Pledge Master certify this Pledge has successfully completed the Trials to membership ?" Brother Steve asked. "I do so certify." Vince called out. "Who here is prepared to sponsor this Pledge ?" Steve asked. "I will sponsor this Pledge." Andrew announced. He put his hand on my shoulder and propelled me forward until we stood within the arc formed by the seated Brothers. "I will sponsor this Pledge." Brad announced, standing and moving into a position behind me. "I will sponsor this Pledge." my Dad announced, also standing and moving to my open side. "I wish to sponsor this Pledge." Brother Sandy Urich announced and joined the grouping. "I wish to sponsor this Pledge." Pledge Master Vince Willows joined in. "I wish to sponsor this Pledge." Brother Nathan offered. "Brothers." President Chris Service stood and addressed the House. "I should have foreseen this happening. Is there anyone here who does not intend to sponsor Joe Collins ?" There was absolute silence. "Right then. Let me suggest that it be recorded, Joseph Andrew Collins is sponsored by all in attendance at this Investiture and that Brothers Andrew, Michael and Brad stood to represent the House." "All in favour ?" Brother Steve called out. "Aye." was the singular response. The other Brothers went back and sat down, leaving Andrew, Brad and Dad standing with me. "Pledge Joe," Brother Chris addressed me now, "will you please at this time make your vow before those assembled." Andrew reached up and peeled back the cowl from my head. "With these hands, I vow to build, rather than destroy. I will fashion my dreams and those of others, to shape a better future and world for mankind. With my heart, I vow to love, rather than hate. I will cherish my family and my Brothers, trying always to let love guide my actions and be the center of my sense of family. With this head, I vow to use the mind and abilities I have been given to solve the problems, which cause distress for others, so the world will be a better place for us all. I vow to never forget the meaning of, 'Becoming a Brother, by being a brother'. "Joseph Andrew Collins, as President of this Delta Phi Delta Chapter, I declare you to be a member of this Fraternity and Brother in this House." There was applause from all the Brothers. Andrew, Dad and Brad, somehow removed the white cassock from me and replaced it with one of a rich, dark green colour, like the forest after a summer rain. I was the first to wear the colour designated for our first year Class. Next, I was taken to my seat in the assembly from where I watched12 more investitures. The pleasure I was receiving from Andrew's activities were unbelievable as he slowly and gently made love with me. I had never imagined this would be so much more intense than the sexual stimulations I had experienced previously. Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew I had been told that love would make it so much more and it seemed to me it had been Andrew who had told me that. 'More', just didn't describe it adequately. We had attended the reception following the investiture long enough to receive my father's congratulations and blessing. He, like Brad, had been aware of Andrew's dedication toward me and of my repression of reciprocal feelings and now he seemed very pleased we had finally expressed ourselves to each other. The trip to Andrew's family cabin took about two hours. Since arriving, we'd had a light meal, lounged in the hot tub and come inside to a blanket on the floor in front of the crackling fireplace. Andrew had smoothed warm scented oil on me. His touch had been gentle and electrical as he massaged the oils into my tired muscles. He lay down next to me and held me close to him as we kissed and stroked each other. "I want you to make love with me, Andrew." I told him. "I need you to enter me and to make me a part of you. Claim me as yours and allow me to join with you." I knew Andrew had planned on going very slow and guiding me a little at a time, but I was ready for him, ready with all my heart. "Hurting you would break my heart, Tick." he replied. "I don't want to do anything which will cause you pain." "I know," I assured him, "but I have a need to satisfy you as much as you want to satisfy me. A little pain in a lifetime of pleasure isn't going to matter very long." I saw his eyes reflect his resolve to grant my request. With slow caring caresses he used the oil to prepare me and himself, then lay on his back and guided me over him to straddle either side of his hips. Holding his rigid staff at the slick entry of my tunnel, he encouraged me to settle onto it, while pushing outward. His preparations had been gentle, but determined, so the initial entry was more one of pleasurable stimulation, than of pain. Following his counsel, I paused and let myself adjust to the entry of his plump, helmet-like cock head. With Andrew's sturdy hands firmly planted on my hips, I descended onto the 7" stake a little at a time, lifting slightly and then moving downward, over and over again. When my perineum sat firmly on his tight, curly pubic mound, I rested. I tried to move upward and downward in short movements, but the intensity of the sensations were so strong, I would quickly lose track of any rhythm I started. Andrew guided me to slide slowly up the entire length of his tool and then slide down again and that was more effective until again, the sensations overcame my sense of rhythm. Following Andrew's instructions, I bent forward and laid my head on his muscular chest. He rolled and I found myself on my back with my lover over me on his forearms and knees. Andrew started to slowly move his thick, solid dick back and forth in me and I very quickly felt wave after wave of sensual pleasure course through my body. I looked up to his handsome, smiling face and deep into those dark, brown eyes and knew I was the centre of his universe, as he rapidly was becoming mine. His pace quickened as he came down to me and our lips joined, exploring a kiss of passion as our bodies vibrated together. A climax was upon me before I even realized it was happening and I felt my dick ejaculate, spraying my lava between us, as Andrew continued to ride in and out of my hot, slippery tunnel. Sweat formed on both our brows. We were staring into each other's eyes again, exchanging mental messages of love and assurances. Very quickly I felt the tingle in my groin again as Andrew's ram butted against my tender prostate repeatedly. I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck as the surge again carried me over the brink and this time Andrew's mighty thrust into my deepest regions and tensed body indicated he was joining me is absolute rapture as we soared together to a fantastic height, spilling our loads with mighty cries. We had become as one. -------------------------------------------------- The End (?) I've heard tell that in addition to the four years Joe and his Brothers will spend together seeking a higher education, exploring and improving their mental skills and fulfilling their vows, they will encounter and participate in many adventures of life and learn many more lessons. Possibly in the future, we will visit them again and see how these things come about. When Andrew and Joe returned to the House after their short time on their own, there was a Congratulations Card waiting for Joe. It said: Dear Brother Joe, My brothers and I wish to extend to you and your fellow Brothers, our heartfelt congratulations on your investiture into the fold of Delta Phi Delta. I look forward to the day, two years from now, when my best friend Gary and I may possibly Pledge this terrific Fraternity and you, as our Pledge Master, Brother Gary Davis as Chapter President and Brother Sandy Urich as senior Advisor will teach us the Trials to membership. Best wishes on your special day. It was signed by Kevin Tanner. No one in the frat had any idea who the writer was. ---------------------------------------------- For those who have asked about other stories I would recommend, I offer the following, if you have not already discovered them: Family Instincts / Paternal Instincts / Thicker than Water (sequential) Author -- Nick Archer The Foley-Mashburn Saga (Originally titled -- Tim) Author -- Brew Maxwell Working it Out Author -- Don Hanratty /nifty/gay/college/working-it-out/