Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2013 10:54:03 -0500 From: Odin Subject: Second Shot Chapter 35 Disclaimer: Story characters belong to the author, any resemblances to real people are entirely coincidental. Content Advisory: Adult situations, language, sexual references Copyright, 2010, Quonus10 I hope you enjoy it. Please comment to: 35. Chapter 35: Sunday Afternoon Dean left shortly after lunch. He got a text reminding him of some homework he had to finish. Jason helped him collect his stuff and gave him a hug when they said good bye. Relieved of entertaining his brother, Jason went back to stay with Peter. Walking through the front door, the hospital felt like his second home, something he wasn't happy about. Alone, he already missed his brother. Having Dean around the last two days helped Jason control his emotions. Now he only had himself. Amanda was sitting quietly, reading a magazine someone thought to bring. She smiled when he walked in. "You're back early. Where's Dean?" "He forgot he had homework due tomorrow, so he left early." Jason heard the hint of a sigh in his voice. "We were just gonna watch football anyway, so it wasn't like he missed some great event by leaving now." Sitting next to the bed, he wanted to crawl next to Peter, pull him tight and hold on until he woke up. Instead, he put a hand on top of Peter's. "Sounds like you miss him." Amanda's voice made him look up. Miss who? Peter? It took him a moment to realize she meant his brother. "Seeing him this weekend, reminded me how close we are. I was avoiding home for obvious reasons and that meant I avoided him. This was good. We're still the same as we were, only he's older than I remember, more of an adult and less of a kid." "Did that change things?" He laughed. "No and yes. No, because we were the same goofy pair we've always been. Yes, because for the first time he stepped up to be there for me when I needed someone. I don't know if he knew he was doing it at first." Amanda smiled. "He adores you. Your mother told me that on Friday when they were on their way. Watching you two together, it was easy to see it for myself." "I think a lot of him too." Jason tried not to sound too sappy. "Yes, I know you do." She put down the magazine. "Would you mind if I step out? I want to use the ladies' room, get something to drink and maybe some air." "Of course, Mrs. G, take as long as you need." Jason was kind of glad to have some time alone with Peter. When Amanda left, he flipped through the iPod's playlist before settling on REM, one of Peter's favorite groups. Switching it to shuffle mode, he put his head on Peter's pillow. Please wake up, he kept saying over and over to himself until he dozed off. Half awake half asleep, his dreams seemed to mesh with reality. One minute he was awake alone in the room; the next he dreamt it was full of people laughing and smiling with Peter sitting up as if he were never injured. During a waking moment, he heard Peter's favorite REM song begin to play. "I don't care what you say, Jase . . . that's REM's best . . . song ever," Peter whispered. Jason's head snapped up. "Pete?" Did he just imagine Peter spoke to him? "Are you awake?" "Yeah, where are we?" Peter's voice was soft and raspy. "I feel so weird." Searching frantically for the nurse's button, he pressed it several times without thinking. "County General Hospital. It's a long story, but everything's okay now." He was barely able to speak through his tears. A nurse rushed into the room. "What's wrong?" She sounded a bit miffed. Must have been all the times Jason pressed the button. "He's awake!" he told her. Realizing he was almost shouting, he lowered his voice. "He's awake." A second nurse arrived, followed by a third. "Contact Doctor Bowden. Tell him room 313 is awake," the first nurse said to no one in particular. Jason didn't take his eyes off Peter. "Good to see you awake handsome." "What happened?" Peter turned his head so he could see Jason. Jason thought he saw the ends of his lip curl upward in a smile. "What's the last thing you remember?" Peter swallowed twice before he could speak again. Speaking slowly, he said, "We had a fight . . . you left. . . . I was coming to find you when I saw Jordan. . . . I don't remember anything after that." "Young man," the nurse interrupted. "It would be best if you don't get him excited. Tell him what happened another time." Jason stared at her for a second before her words registered. "Yes ma'am. Can someone page his mom? She went to get something to eat." "Sure thing sugar," the third nurse, hovering in the background said. "Sorry, Pete, nurse said not to tell you what happened right now. But the short version is you got hurt." Holding his good hand, he kept rubbing it softly. "I promise to fill you in on everything later when they say I'm allowed. You've been out of it for a while." "How long?" "Four days," Jason whispered. "I'm so sorry about that fight." He started to cry again. Using his free hand he wiped his face. "I was wrong, really wrong. I love you. I'm not leaving you." The chance to apologize at hand, the words came rushing out. "Damn." Peter' voice was tired and thin. "I planned such a great apology for what I said. . . . Wasted." He tried to smile, but couldn't mange much. "What about your mom?" "Believe it or not, she came to the hospital to visit you." Overwhelmed by a flood of emotions, Jason started to laugh. "She's cool with us now." "I think I'm dreaming. Did you say, your mom's cool with us?" Jason sniffed and laughed again. "Yeah. Your mom talked to her." Before Peter could answer, Amanda ran into the room. "PETER!" Crying, she almost threw herself onto the bed. Jason stepped aside, so she could get closer. "Oh, Peter!" She kissed his forehead before she laid her head on the pillow next to his. "Hey, Mom." He managed a better smile this time. Jason stepped back, letting Amanda be with her son. He searched his coat for his phone, barely able to dial the phone. "Hello?" The voice on the other end said. "Mr. Gregory. This is Jason. Peter just woke up." He voice nearly cracked. "When? Just now? Is Amanda there?" Tom fired questions at him one after the other. "Yes, yes, and yes, sir. You and Betsy should come over now if you can. "Tell Amanda we're on our way." He hung up without waiting for a reply. "Tom and Betsy are on their way over, Mrs. G." Two hands unexpectedly grabbed his face. Amanda kissed his cheek. "Thank you sweetie, it was good you remembered." "I'm going to call my mom and dad." He motioned with his head for the hallway. "Jason, don't go," she told him. "Call from here. I know he wants to see you as much as you want to see him." She was still crying, but her mood was ebullient. It took him a moment to free his hand from hers to make the call. After he quickly told his mother what happened, he began a mass text to let everyone know the news. Certain he left some people the message, he asked them to text anyone he forgot. Within seconds of sending the text, his phone began to vibrate with replies. Dean, Darryl, Wendy, Blake, Davis, Eric and Matt, his Dad, other teammates, Bryce, Mr. Lee, Peter's teammates, and a dozen other people he could barely keep track of. Feeling in the way, despite what Amanda said, he tried to find an out of the way place to sit. He couldn't wait to get close again, but realized Amanda deserved the time more than anyone. "What's that sweetie?" He heard Amanda ask her son. She turned toward Jason smiling. "Yes, dear, he's still here. He's being polite, though I can see he wants to push me out of the way to get to you." She laughed and waved him over. She stepped away and let Jason sit next to the bed. "I heard you," Peter whispered. "I heard you calling me, telling me how much you loved me and you missed me. I thought it was a dream, but it was real." Lifting his right hand off the bed, Peter reached back to touch Jason. "I'm glad you're here." He turned and kissed Jason's forehead. Unable to hold back, Jason buried his head on the pillow next to Peter's and began to cry. "I missed you," he mumbled. How long they stayed like that, he didn't know. When he heard the doctor come in, he sat up, drying his eyes. "Don't go," Peter said. "I won't go far, I promise." Jason squeezed his hand. "The doctor needs to see you. I'll come back when he's done." "You better." Peter smiled again. The next couple hours were a blur of activity. First Peter's father, then friends began a constant parade of visits. Peter was stunned to see his dad, but his smile told everyone he was pleased to see him. Erin came running into the room, all but flinging herself on the bed. She kissed him repeatedly until Tom and Amanda made her stop. With only an hour break from work, people left the room, so she and her brother could talk for the few minutes she had to leave. Jason stood in the hallway, texting his brother when Tom and Amanda walked out. Betsy already went to get coffee. "If you'd been this much of an adult when we were married Tom, I wouldn't have divorced you." "Took me a while to realize what was important, Mandy." Jason hadn't heard anyone call her that before. "But it's for the best. You seem happier without me." "I was happy when we got married." She put a hand on his chest, patting him gently. "Don't worry, I don't want you back. You and Betsy are happy, and I am glad for you both." "Thank you," he said awkwardly. "No, Tom, thank you." She turned serious. "Coming here for Peter, that was a good thing. Even Erin's beginning to see you in a new light." "I know I did wrong by them and you," he said. "When Peter contacted me, I realized it was probably my last chance to have any relationship with him. I knew I couldn't blow it." "You didn't," she assured him. "Coming here will be something he will always remember. Me, too, for that matter." She kissed his cheek. "You're still the good man I married, it just took you a while to rediscover yourself." Jason's phone rang and they both realized he was there. "Hey, Mom." "Hi sweetie. I just wanted to see how you are doing." "I'm a mess right now." He laughed, so he wouldn't cry again. "Relieved, excited, angry, happy, a mess." She laughed. "It's okay dear, you're allowed. It's been a trying few days." "Thanks." He knew he had a stupid grin on his face, but he didn't care. "Is Amanda busy?" "No, she's standing in the hall with me. Did you want to speak to her?" He pointed to Amanda, who nodded back. "If she has a minute." "Mrs. G., my mom would like to speak to you." He held out the phone for her. "Hello, Barbara." Tears started to roll down her cheek as she spoke. "Thank you. I keep thanking God for this." Jason stepped away and couldn't hear what his mother was saying. "What? Of course. I would love for you to come. No, no, no, you're staying with me. Peter's room is free now that he has his apartment. No, I insist. It'll be wonderful to have adult company for a change. Perfect. See you then. Yes, he's right here, let me get him." She gave him back his phone. "Hey, Mom." "I'm going to come see Amanda later this week." Still shocked by his mom's transformation, it took him a minute to answer her. "Okay, when?" "Maybe Wednesday, around lunch time. I'm going to stay with Amanda if that's okay with you." "Me? Why would I care? Mrs. G. invited you." There was a pause before she said, "I know Jason, but I just wanted to be sure you won't be mad if I stay with her. I mean she's your . . . Peter's mother." "Mom." His smile was so big he knew he looked like a goof. "Staying with her would make me happy. She could use the company." "Will I see you?" He could hear the doubt in her voice. "Sure, but I have class til two, then practice. I won't be able to come back until around dinner." "Fine, don't have dinner. We'll get something together. Just the two of us." "Works for me." He didn't know what else to say. "Good." She paused again. "I love you, Jason. I don't think I told you that enough lately. I hope you don't hate me." "Hate you?" Now he started to cry again. "How could I hate you, Mom?" "I put you through a rough patch, I know." He could hear her crying. "But I never stopped loving you." "I love you too, Mom." "Thank you." She sounded relieved. "See you soon, dear." "Bye, Mom." When he hung up, he wiped his face and noticed Tom and Amanda watching. "You okay, Jason?" Amanda asked. "Fine, thanks to you." He walked off quickly, heading for a bathroom. Only Amanda was in the room when he returned. Music played softly, but Peter was sleeping again. "Is everything okay?" His voice started her. "What? Oh, yes dear, he just went to sleep. The doctor is very encouraged." Jason let out his breath, seeing Peter laying there, he feared the worst. "I'm glad you're back." She stood up as if she had been waiting on him. "Would you mind staying with Peter for a bit, I need to make a few calls and don't want to disturb Peter." He tried hard not to smile, she was totally finding a reason to give him some time alone with Peter. "It'll be a terrible burden to stay here, but I think I can manage." "Tough it up." She gave him a hug that lingered longer than he expected. When they broke the embrace, she left without speaking. When it was only the two of them, he put his head down next to Peter's, just as he did so many times the past four days. This time there were no silent prayers for Peter to wake up. Instead he smiled, saying thank you. Lying with his head on Peter's pillow, he resisted the urge to climb into the bed and hold him. More than anything else, that is what he couldn't wait to do again. That and kiss him until his lips were sore. Panic hit as he realized the doctors had yet to say if there would be any paralysis from the cracked vertebrae. Their preliminary observations suggested he would not suffer any loss of movement, but they were not willing to say it couldn't occur. That can't happen, he thought. How cruel would it be to Peter if he couldn't walk, much less teach martial arts? He didn't want to see Peter confined to a wheel chair. Not that he would leave him, no way that would happen, but he knew Peter would never be happy again. "Hey, Soccer Boy." When he looked over, Peter was smiling. "Nice to see you smile again, Karate Kid. I almost forgot how cute you are when you do it." "I need to use the head." Peter always used the military word for the bathroom, so why did hearing it this time make him smile wider? Jason felt like he was rediscovering all the little things about Peter that made him fall in love. When Peter made to get up, Jason stopped him. "I don't think you're allowed out of bed, Pete. Let me call the nurse." "No," his voice was still barely more than a whisper. "Just help me to the bathroom." "No chance." Jason was adamant. There was no way he was going to do anything that might cause Peter to get hurt further. "C'mon Pete, you could end up paralyzed." "What happened to me?" He appeared to let go of the idea of using the bathroom, so Jason called the nurse. "Wait until the nurse leaves," he said. "I'm not sure I'm supposed to tell you yet." "C'mon, Jase, I need to know." This time his voice was stronger. "After the nurse leaves." He gave Peter a conspiratorially wink. The nurse, an older, matronly white woman arrived almost before he finished speaking. "He wants to use the bathroom." "He's not allowed out of bed," she said as if it was foolish to suggest otherwise. "I told him that, but what does he do?" Jason vaguely knew there were things hospitals did for people stuck in bed, but he didn't know what they were exactly. Rolling her eyes, the heavy set woman picked up a bed pan. "Either you can help him with this or I will." Staring at the white plastic object in her hand he waved her on. "You can do it. I have no idea what to do with that." "Jase!" Peter protested softly. "Sorry, Pete, I really have no idea how to use that. Better her than a mess." He felt bad, but it was the truth. Shaking her head, the nurse gestured for him to step back. "Boys." She stepped to the side of the bed. "Why don't you watch so next time you can assist your friend and make him more comfortable?" she suggested. When he hesitated, she added, "You do want to help him, don't you?" "Yeah, ma'am. I'll watch." When the nurse left, Peter made a face. "That totally sucked." "Sorry, Pete, I never saw one of those before." Jason brushed his lips against Peter's. "If I'm here next time, I promise not to call her." "At least you could've called a cute male nurse." Peter sounded amazingly better already. "Then I wouldn't have minded." "Hey!" Jason feigned indignation. "After that comment, I'm going to call an even bigger scarier nurse next time." Peter smiled weakly, reminding Jason he was still weak. "You were going to tell me what happened." Nodding Jason sat back down. "From what the police told me, Jordan and five of his frat brothers ambushed you. One of them had a bat. An officer was in the area when he saw what they were doing, he immediately called for backup. After the fight started, he almost shot the kid with the bat to make them stop. Everyone was arrested." Peter didn't respond. When the silence dragged on too long, Jason asked, "You okay?" He saw his boyfriend nod slowly. "I guess I should've seen that coming." "Not sure how you could." He grabbed Peter's hand. "Who knew Jordan could do such a thing?" Holding as much of Peter as he could, the two sat together. "Pete?" Jason asked, breaking the silence. "Yeah, Jase, I'm awake." "I'm so sorry," he said before choking. "This was all my fault. If I hadn't been such a coward, we would've stayed in that night." Peter squeezed his hand. "No, it's not. I should've tried to be more understanding, less angry. We could have worked this out if I hadn't gone off on you." "I'm still sorry for what I did." Jason refused to accept Peter was to blame. "I really didn't want to go to those classes, I was being a coward, just like you said." Peter pulled Jason's hand to his lips. Kissing it softly, he said, "That was mean of me. I never should have said that. But I was angry at you." "You were right, I was afraid to piss off my parents, because I didn't want to be cut off. I am a spoiled rich kid, just like you said." His hand held against Peter's cheek, Jason could feel Peter crying. "I'm sorry I said those hateful things." "Hey, stop." He tried to wipe the tears away. "You were right. Deep down, I knew you were, when you said it. After what happened . . . " he needed a moment to get rid of the lump in his throat. "After what happened, I realized how much I love you. I'm not going to those stupid classes." "That's good. There's nothing wrong with you." Peter's smile made Jason laugh. "Will you give me a second shot?" "No," Peter's single word sent Jason's heart into his stomach. "Nothing changed between us. You don't need a second chance." Jason almost laughed with relief. "What made you think we weren't still together?" Jason wanted to choose his words carefully. "When you told me to choose, I knew you were mad I didn't choose you right away. When I stormed off, I knew you were going to be even madder. Then I didn't come back right away. I didn't know what to expect." "I never quit on us," Peter said. "I told you I was coming to find you when this happened. Well, after I thought about it, I remembered how I felt when I came out. I wanted to try to help you sort things out. But I never made it to you." "I really don't deserve you, Pete." He started to tear up again. "You're always so good to me, and I did this to you." He might have said more, but Peter put a finger to his lips. "If you're not going to those classes, how about we pretend it never happened?" Jason let out a nervous laugh. "Okay by me." He kissed Peter's hand again. "Have you told your Mom yet?" Jason nodded. "My mom called me after she saw me on TV at the vigil, and I told her I wasn't going." "Vigil?" Peter asked. "What vigil?" "Oh yeah, you don't know about that." Jason slowly explained the candle light vigil, the TV news crew, who was there, and the call with his mom. "You hung up on her?" Peter smiled, feigning shock. "Yeah, imagine that. Me, the original momma's boy." He leaned forward kissing Peter on the lips for their first real kiss since the night of their fight. "I love you." "Good," Pete said with a smirk. "Cause you know I love you and it would totally suck if you didn't love me back." Even through his nervous laugh, Jason could tell Peter was getting tired again, so he put his head back on the pillow. Peter didn't let go of his hand, so he left it where it was. From his breathing, Jason knew Peter was sleeping. Happy and relieved, he closed his eyes and smiled. Amanda gently woke Jason. "You should go get some sleep, Jason. Visiting hours are almost over." Now that Peter was recovering, the staff wouldn't be inclined to let Jason violate visiting hours. More than that, Jason knew he had class work he had been neglecting. If he didn't keep his grades up, he wouldn't be eligible to play the rest of the season. "Don't go yet." He heard Peter whisper. "He has to, Peter," Amanda told him gently. "Not only won't the hospital let him stay, he has homework I'm sure he needs to do for class tomorrow." Jason nodded, though Peter likely did not see it. "I'll come by before class tomorrow. And after practice tomorrow, I'll bring my books, so I can study here." "Promise?" "Of course." When he bent over to kiss him, Peter put his hand over Jason head and held him tight. "See you soon, handsome." He whispered in Jason's ear. "Get your sleep, so you can leave this place soon." He gave Peter a last kiss then pulled himself away, knowing he might not leave otherwise. Grabbing his coat, he said goodbye to Amanda, then practically skipped back to this car with a goofy grin on his face that stayed there all the way home.