This is a work of fiction. Any similarities between the characters in this story and real people (appearances, names, etc.) are purely coincidental.
This story may contain homosexual material, including love and sex, so if material like this is illegal in your region or if it discomforts you, please leave.

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Some You Give Away

Part IX

27 October 2017
New York, New York, United States of America

Warren stepped out of the elevator to the main lobby of John Jay Hall with Karen and Chad. Waiting for them were Christian, Porter, Carter, Lynn, Vivian, and Misha.

Carter said excitedly, "Warren, you look sick!"

Warren grinned and dragged his fingers through the blonde wig that had the hair sticking right up.

Porter teased, "I'm surprised you didn't make Goku wear heels."

"Har har," Warren said with a smile and the sticking out of his tongue. "We ready? Oooh la laaa! Chris!"

Warren winked at the topless firefighter. Christian smiled shyly and looked down to the floor for a moment.

While the group was walking to the Zega Beta Tau fraternity for the Halloween party, Christian asked Warren, "You going home for Thanksgiving?"

"Yeah," Warren answered cheerily. "I missed Canada's Thanksgiving, so I'm using the long weekend as an excuse to see my family and friends. Are you going home?"

"Sadly, no," Christian replied, clutching at his chest dramatically. "I can't afford a flight and it's too long a drive. I'm flying home right after finals, though. I'll be home for Christmas for almost 3 weeks so..."

Warren hooked his arm around Christian's and said, "Aww, I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Christian replied nonchalantly. "My brother Isaiah is coming for my birthday anyway."

"He is?" Warren asked. "When is your birthday anyway?"

"November 12th."

"Well, we have to do something big for your 19th birthday!"

"I'll be 18," Christian corrected.

"You're fucking 17!?" Warren practically screamed. "I am. So. Jealous. Of your beard game. Your beard game is strong."

Christian blushed very hotly as Warren stroked his finger along his cheek on his beard stubble. Though his beard was a little, tiny bit patchy, Christian did have a beard that helped make him look older.

At the fraternity, Warren was greeted by many for his stellar costume. The orange shirt was torn excessively, and had red stains. It was so bare that you could see the blonde trail of hair leading down into Warren's orange pants. Warren had also applied purple and blue makeup to various spots on his neck, arms, and torso as bruises.

While a fraternity pledge was filling a cup of beer for Warren, and a guy said from his left, "Hey. I think I've seen you around campus a bit. You're the guy who wears high heels, right?"

"Yeah," Warren said proudly, presenting his hand. "Warren."

"Julian. How'd you hear about this shindig?"

Warren laughed before he replied, "'Shindig'? Who even still says that?"

Smiling softly and tucking a lock of his long, brown hair behind his ear, Julian responded, "A guy who is desperately behind the times?"

Warren laughed, and Julian laughed a second later.

Just then, Lynn hooked her arm in Warren's and cried with excitement, "Billy Hunter is in the backyard!"

Warren and Lynn excitedly walked out of the house. Billy Hunter, the college senior double majoring in sound art and music production, the tall and dark sexy man, the super nice guy, was sitting on the patio steps. His acoustic guitar was resting on his knee, his fingers strummed chords elegantly. His angelic voice was singing the lyrics to 'Saving All My Love' acoustically yet emotionally powerful.

For 4 hours, Warren and Christian drank with their friends, and danced, and bought and smoked some joints, and played drinking games. Both were very drunk, but not so much that they couldn't function.

After coming out of a bathroom, Warren was met with the sight of Christian. They greeted each other with a smile and a hand clap.

Warren then told the brunette, "I'm gonna- gonna call a cab."

"L-let's share," Christian suggested, having to work his eyes to focus.

After hailing a taxi using the Yellowcab application on his phone, Warren flashed a joint in front of Christian and asked if he'd like to share while they waited.

Sitting out on the sidewalk side by side, and both blinking to unblur their drunk goggles, Warren sparked the joint.

"No g-guys tonight?" Christian asked.

After inhaling and while holding the the smoke in, Warren asked, "Nope."

"Why not?" Christian asked, accepting the joint.

Warren exhaled, and answered, "Just didn't fill like it. Met someone... umm... Justin. Hot, good dancer, but dry... dry persnality. Oh'm god, I'm so combo'd right now."

28 October 2017
New York, New York, United States of America

"Chris," Warren's groggy voice said.

Christian, feeling like death, groaned. He opened his eyes, and saw orange and blue thread on a body that was lying fully on top of him. The room was dark, which meant that it was still night.

"Chris!" Warren said more forcefully. "Move over. Make room."

Christian didn't move, but he said, "Think I'm still drunk."

Warren laughed softly and replied, "So'm I. Now move over and go back to sleep."

Sleepily, Christian shuffled sideways with Warren still lying on top of him. Had he not been so drunk still, Christian would have either freaked out by such sweet cuddles with the guy that he was head-over-heels for, or assumed he died and went to heaven. But he turned onto his side, which deposited the blonde down on the tiny twin mattress.

"'Hanks," Warren mumbled as he turned onto his side.

Christian toed off his black boots and kicked them down onto the floor. And the two promptly fell back into their drunken slumbers, despite Christian being cramped against the wall.

Warren woke suddenly but did not move. He feared that any little movement would upset his stomach more than it already was. Through his close eyes, he could see red, which meant that the Saturday morning sun was illuminating his room.

Warren opened his eyes. Yep. The sunlight shone on the wall behind his desk. He could feel a foreign foot behind his own, which meant that it was not a drunk dream that Christian was sleeping in his bed.

So Warren closed his eyes, content and safe. He knew that he wouldn't be able to sleep any more, he just wanted to rest and relax.

After minutes, Warren couldn't stand not knowing what time it was. He touched his hands to his costume pants, but felt no cell phone in the pockets. So he leaned over the bed and picked up his phone off the floor.

"M'rning," Christian said very groggily. "What happened last night?"

After seeing that the time was 9:08am, Warren laid back down and answered, "Dunno. Last thing I remember was waiting for a cab with you and a blunt."

"Mm. Blacked out about there, too. I asked you what 'combo' means when you said it. What's it mean?"

"Drunk and stoned."

Christian sort of giggled, and responded, "We call that 'cross-faded'. You C'nadians are weird. I'll get out of your hair. Sorry for falling asleep here."

Before Christian could move a single muscle, Warren told him, "I don't mind if you stay."

Christian froze for a moment. His brown eyes connected with Warren's green ones. Christian's displayed uncertainty, while Warren's displayed meaning and hope.

When Christian did not move, Warren sidled up to him. He laid his head on Christian's big, muscular, warm bicep. He then scoffed, because he was still wearing the blonde Saiyan wig. Warren tore the wig off and threw it wherever.

Christian, with a huge knot formed in his stomach, shifted his body down the bed so he was face to face with Warren. Because Warren was using his arm as a pillow, their noses were mere inches apart. Their eyes acquainted, and shone with excitement.

"You're warmer than I expected," Christian whispered.

"I'm a professional snuggle bunny," Warren whispered back.

"I meant here," Christian replied softly, lifting Warren's tattered costume.

"My heart?"

"No," Christian shook his head softly. "Your heart, your soul. All of you."

Christian could fight the urge no longer. He pressed forward and touched his lips to Warren's. Warren's lips were perfectly soft, and pliant, and firm, and smooth. Best of all, it felt right kissing him. Though the kiss lasted all of 2 seconds, to Christian it was a minute.

After the kiss, Warren gently asked, "How was that?"

"That was awesome," Christian whispered back, smiling softly.

Warren leaned in for another kiss. It was a brief kiss, but sweet all the same. Christian couldn't help but to smile afterward, and Warren saw a mistiness in his brown eyes.

Slightly concerned, Warren asked, "You sure this is okay?"

Christian swiped a lock of blonde hair from Warren's forehead and answered, "Yeah. It's great. A little scary, and new. So new. If you'll have me, I'd like to kiss you every single day."

Warren happily slid his knee between Christian's legs, and sat his hand on the brunette's hip.

After about a minute of snuggles, Christian shifted his legs and said, "My arms and chest are cold but my legs are a little hot."

Tentative, Warren suggested, "Take off your pants and we can cuddle in the blanket."

"You just wanna see me in my briefs," Christian teased.

"I've seen you in your birthday suit, dumbass," Warren replied with a gentle laugh. "I've seen your chest hair, your neat bush, and your hairy ass."

"I knew you were checking me out."

"How could I not?" Warren asked rhetorically. "You are pretty much the hottest guy I've ever seen. And you're impressively hairy for a 17-year-old."

With a fierce blush, Christian pled, "Stop, or you'll make me hard."

Warren simply giggled. He then laid on his back, lifted his hips, and slid his costume pants down. Christian followed suit, and removed his firefighter pants as well. Warren laid in bed wearing nothing but his rainbow print boxer-briefs, and Christian in his black briefs.

After Warren pulled the blanket from the foot of the bed over them, Christian splayed his left arm out. Warren laid his head upon it, practically burying his face in Christian's chest. Christian wrapped his right arm around Warren's middle, and kissed his forehead.

Warren kissed the hair in the middle of Christian's sculpted chest, and asked, "How long've you liked me?"

Smiling, and blushing, Christian answered, "Since September the 1st. The time was 3:47pm Eastern Daylight Time."

"When I moved into John Jay?"

"You were wearing grey wedge shoes. Your dark wash skinny jeans were basically painted on your legs. Your red tee was 2 sizes too small but it made you look so damn hot."

Warren smiled shyly to himself, and planted another kiss to Christian's chest. Warren then rolled no stood from his bed. He went over his refrigerator, bent over, and grabbed a bottle of apple juice. Back at his bed, he asked Christian to sit up. When the brunette did, Warren sat behind him and leaned his back against the headboard.

For hours and hours and hours, Warren and Christian cuddled, snuggled, talked, laughed, smooched, and enjoyed their shared warmth. They also shared the bottle of apple juice, and a carton of strawberries, and a bag of potato chips.

At 6:00pm, they finally got out of bed. They showered, after which, Christian went back to his own room to dress up. They met out in the parking lot where they got into Christian's truck and went out to dinner at a nice, quiet restaurant called Jacob's Ladder.

Throughout dinner, they held hands. Their demeanours were happy, though Christian was still feeling that basketball-sized lump deep within his core.

30 October 2017
New York, New York, United States of America

Warren jolted awake from the shrill, blaring noise of his cell phone alarm clock. Even before his shot open, his arm reached out for his phone.

After turning off the 6:15am alarm, Warren turned in bed. He laid back down with his nose just an inch from Christian's. Though Christian's eyes remained closed, he was obviously awake as told by his hand pulling Warren flush against him.

Warren kissed him and said, "Good morning."

"Mm," Christian responded with a sleepy yet fond smile. "Can't believe I get to wake up like this whenever I want."

"We should get going," Warren said, gliding his finger along Christian's side and grey briefs. "We've been cuddling basically all weekend. We've been sleeping for almost 9 hours. I'm pretty sure we get the most sleep for any college student in the whole world."

Warren saw the hesitation and fear etch itself onto Christian's chiseled, perfect face. He wrapped his arm around the brunette's waist and just waited.

Christian finally asked, with unease very much lacing his voice, "What- what's going to happen out there? What are we going to do? What are we going to say?"

"It's all up to you," Warren whispered. "We can keep going about same as last week, making it look like we're just friends, if you want. It's your choice."

Visibly ashamed, Christian asked, "You wouldn't m-mind if we just looked like- like friends?"

"No, of course not," Warren whispered meaningfully. "I will support pretty much any decision you make. But if you search for a beard, I will never forgive you."

With a soft shake of his head, Christian replied, "No beards. I promise. Just- just be patient with me?"

Warren smiled minutely. He gazed deeply into Christian's eyes, conveying his reassurances. He then kissed Christian again.

Christian remained lying in Warren's bed when the blonde got up. Christian watched with a smile as the blonde, clad in a pair of red polka-dotted boxer-briefs, went to his dresser and picked out a pair of jeans. Christian appreciated the view of Warren's toned muscles encased in his fair skin, and particularly ogled the plump, firm ass hidden in the underwear.

Christian went to his own dorm room to gather his things to shower when Warren went to the bathroom.

While Christian walked to school with Warren, Porter, and Vivian, he wanted so badly to grasp Warren's hand and display their new relationship to everybody. He didn't, though. He was too scared. That fear caused shame to wash over him, despite Warren's understanding. He felt that Warren shouldn't have had to hide or keep secrets.

"Did you even hear what I said?" Porter asked with a laugh.

Christian turned to Porter. His mouth opened to reply, but he realized that he actually hadn't heard Porter's inquiry.

Porter laughed again before he said, "Man, what you checking Vivian out for? She is so far out of your league."

"Whatever, dude," Christian responded and pushed Porter to the side. "What were you talking about?"

"You and Warren were lucky to duck out of the Halloween party when you did, man," Porter said with disbelief. "Some old lady called the cops about a noise complaint and underage drinkers. It was a fucking frenzy! Something like 4 people under 21 were arrested and the frat is meeting with the Columbia president. It was insane! Hey, where'd you go anyway? Barry and I went to your room to check on you on Saturday morning but you weren't there. You were gone for pretty much the whole weekend. What, got a new girl?"

"No," Christian answered, which wasn't a lie. "I woke up on Saturday in Warren's room but don't remember what happened. He thinks I was helping him to bed and he fell on me, and I passed out."

"Yeah, he's not as skinny as he used to be but doesn't hold his liquor as well. Awesome guy, though."

"What? Why do you say that?" Christian asked before he could stop himself.

With his blonde brows knitted in confusion, Porters replied, "'Cause he's chill, and hilarious. Do you dislike him or something? Look, if you just ignore his sexuality, he's a cool guy."

"No, no, no," Christian responded, almost panicking. "That's not- Warren is cool. I like hanging out with him. You've seen us chilling."

"Yeah. See ya later, man."

Vivian and Porter turned left for their own respective departments while Christian ran 3 steps to catch up with Warren. Warren looked up from his Pokemon Go phone game and offered the brunette a smile.

Nervously, Christian asked, "Vo... Voulez-vous m'accompagner au cinema ce soir?"
(Would you like to accompany me to the cinema this evening?)

Warren turned off his cell phone, a little surprised, and stated, "Nous sommes alles une date avant."
(We went on a date before.)

Amused, Christian replied, "Je connais. J'etais la."
(I know. I was there.)

Warren smiled at the cheekiness and asked, "Que voulez-vous faire d'autre?"
(What else do you want to do?)

"Nous aurons un diner tot a Saint Laurent. Et puis nous marcherons a travers Central Park. Et nous finirons la soiree au cinema."
(We will have an early dinner at Saint Laurent. We will then walk through Central Park. And we will finish the evening at the cinema.)

While trying to conceal his smile of impress and excitement, Warren said, "Je ne peux pas attendre."
(I can't wait.)

"Alors habillez-vous bien."
(So dress well.)

"Voulez-vous dire pas de talons hauts?" Warren asked before he stepped up to the Starbucks register. "Morning. May I please have a venti soy salted caramel mocha with just 1 pump of mocha? And whatever he's having."
(Do you mean no high heels?)

Wearing a smirk, Christian asked, "Ne connais-tu pas ma commande de cafe?"
(Do you not know my coffee order?)

Warren affectionately rolled his green eyes at the brunette, and told the cashier, "He would like a venti half-sweet toffeenut latte please."

"That'll be $9.98 please," the cashier responded, to which Warren paid using the Starbucks application on his cell phone.

While waiting for their drinks, Christian finally answered, "Portez ce que vous voulez. Je pense que tu as l'air sexy en hauts talons. Je porterai un costume gris."
(Wear what you want. I think you look sexy in high heels. I'll wear a grey suit.)

Warren didn't get a chance to reply. Christian walked forward, gently pushing he blonde against the counter and pinning him. In his 5.5-inch heels, Warren stood just an inch shorter. Christian leaned forward slowly, and before he knew it, their lips touched. It was just a chaste kiss, but Christian reattached their lips a millisecond later. He summoned every ounce of courage he could in order to dart his tongue out. His tongue swiped along Warren's bottom lip, and he felt Warren smile against his lips.

"I have a venti soy 1-pump mocha salted caramel mocha for Warren!" the barista called. "And a venti half-sweet toffeenut latte for Chris!"

Neither Warren nor Christian moved their bodies but their arms to grab their drinks. Christian remained flush against Warren for a moment.

"This okay?" Warren asked quietly, both concerned for Christkan and happy for the contact.

Christian pressed their foreheads together affectionately before he answered, "It's a little bit really scary."

Warren planted a sweet kiss to Christian's cheek before he whispered, "You just keep surprising me, Bubba."

Smiling with immense amusement, Christian smacked Warren's ass and said, "Don't call me that, Blondie."

"You like my blonde hair," Warren replied seductively quiet. "You imagine carding your fingers in it and fucking my throat so--"

"--Sshhh!" Christian shushed with a quiet laugh. "I'm practically a gay virgin."

"And you are positively blushing."

"Could you please stop?" Christian asked softly. "I don't mean to be an asshole. This is just a bit much for me."

"Yeah," Warren whispered back, apologetic, and pulling Christian in by his letterman jacket. "Sorry. I'll meet you downstairs at 3:00?"

Christian offered a small yet adored smile in response.

Christian didn't know whether to stick his wallet in his suit jacket's inside pocket or not because he didn't want there to be a square bulge on his chest. He also didn't find it comfortable to stow his wallet in his dress pants pockets.

And then he elevator doors slid open. So Christian slid the wallet into the inside pocket of his grey suit jacket as he walked out.

Christian could not fight the smile that formed as he walked toward his date. Warren was balancing his weight on his left foot with the other jutting out with the heel of the 6-inch stiletto touching the floor. Warren was dressed beautifully in a pair of dark grey skinny jeans, a cobalt blue polo shirt, and a brown leather jacket that was way too tight yet incredibly sexy.

"Hey," Christian said affectionately and pulled the white rose from behind himself.

"Awww," Warren gushed.

Warren removed his hands from his back as well. With his left hand he accepted the white rose, but in his right was a pink rose. Warren handed the pink rose to Christian, who accepted it with a bashful smile and pretty blush.

Christian said quietly, "I've- uh- I've never been given flowers before."

"Well, a man as gorgeous as you deserves it," Warren told the brunette.

Christian blushed much harder, and responded, "I think you are the gorgeous one of us."

"Agree to disagree, then," Warren said with a small smile. "Shall we? Whose vehicle are we taking?"

"I was hoping we could walk. Unless you think your feet can't handle it."

"A walk sounds romantic," Warren replied after he hooked his arm through Christian's. "Surprising, but romantic."

While walking the streets of Manhattan, Christian smelled his rose, and asked, "So tell me about Hamilton?"

"Do you mean from Shakespeare's Hamlet?"

"No. Your hometown."

Warren laughed. "I know, Chris."

Christian, smiling, swung his leg up and swatted Warren's ass.

"Sorry," Warren conceded. "My friends and I liked to play video games, go shopping at C.F. Lime Ridge, snowboarding at Glen Eden, drive to Toronto on weekends."

"How far a drive is that?" Christian asked.

"'Bout 45 minutes or so. Niagara Falls is about 55 minutes away, but I've seen it, like, a million times."

"Well," Christian nervously said, "maybe you can show me some day."

Warren planted a kiss to Christian's shoulder mid stride, then replied, "Are we already planning your first summer visit?"

"I guess we are," Christian answered softly while coming to a halt. "If- if that's okay?"

Warren simply smiled warmly in response. They both leaned forward, and a passionate kiss was initiated. Warren held onto Christian's forearm, and Christian held onto the blonde's waist.

To Be Continued...

Thank you for checking out this series. If you are enjoying it, feel free to check out my other works.









