Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2023 06:47:14 +0000 (UTC) From: Justin Balancier Subject: "Who's Your Daddy" Part 2 "Who's Your Daddy" Part 2 ****** Attraction to one's gender is stirring desire leading to sex followed by lust, gratification, and worthwhile memories. Danny wasn't a man of lust, but had a strong desire for Roberto floating around in his mind. Roberto had been lying on Danny's bed for the last ten minutes. They were kissing like teenagers on prom night. I know you are going to say this is not right; but I have had enough of not right." Roberto mumbled in Danny's ear. "Man, I have to give myself credit," exclaimed Roberto stripping off his own clothing, one item at a time. The clothes he tossed on the floor and the underwear left for last. That was something he wanted Danny to remove like opening a birthday gift. Roberto stretch out asked Danny to remove his underwear. "C'mon buddy, pull them off, so you can get to know me. Don't be shocked, I talk that way, but I am a decent person. Admittedly, I'm decent, but a little slutty, every now and then. "I can do that," said Danny. "See, I am as foul thinking, as you are verbal. As spoken in `ALL ABOUT EVE,' "it's going to be a bumpy night." – "You can thank Bette Davis for that one." "Who's Bette Davis? Roberto asked. "Good grief – A waitress at the airport terminal!" declared Danny changing the subject immediately. "I bet he never heard of Audie Murphy either," he thought to himself. It was the sign of the times. Danny, always seeming proper, had no inhibitions what so ever. He rubbed against Roberto's cheek like a teen-age boy playing with his friend in grandpa's barn. It's only a guess, but Danny treasured touching Roberto's flesh from his face, over his stomach, into his crotch and straight to the buffet. "Take the first inch, and you will get six more," joked Roberto as Danny slobbered lovingly between Roberto's hairy legs. There wasn't a single sin, he hadn't committed at least once. They were both too mature for "love at first sight," thinking that was nonsense; but sex at first sight, was different. Right now, they only cared about being different, and it was obvious the way hands and faces explored the luxury of the flesh - sex, not love, mattered. Age was nothing, and they believed that. Danny was solid with a hard body and a stern handsome face, to be sure. Nobody paid attention to time, being together these two men appeared happy. An aura clung to them like rays of sunlight, "How do you feel," asked Roberto. "I can't afford to have feelings, just living is hard enough." Danny replied. "Was it that bad," Roberto asked. "BAD! – you're the best, and living will be hard for me once you are gone." Danny confessed. "I'm returning, I have a few more sins yet to do." Roberto admitted keeping the flame alive. "Do you want to see other men? Danny asked. "Not today." "Ha ha-ha, great answer," giggled Daniel licking Roberto's neck. "Not today, – that's a good one." Moments later, they showered together soaping and playing with each other dropping soap and giggling. Danny rubbed Roberto's butt with soap and fingered him just for a reaction. "Is that what you want to do?" mumbled Roberto. "Not today." "Copycat, how about next time, and the time after that. Anyway, I am going to paint the room for you," agreed Roberto. "I was kidding about painting!" "I'm not! I am going to paint the room." The water ran down over Roberto's face trickling through his unshaven copper colored reddish whiskers. He stuck out his tongue and Danny caught the water on his whiskers with his mouth and sucked on Roberto's tongue. They clicked together so well, it was frightening. "I don't know what is happening any more, do you?" Danny asked. "I know you like me, and we don't need a speech." "That's a safe answer." ""I thought so." Roberto replied. ****** They dressed and sat in the family room, which had a fireplace and entertainment center for listening to music. The room, somewhat out dated, however, Danny was a bit retro, and Roberto liked that about him. He had a big screen TV and his computer in the room. A second laptop was in his bedroom, where he would watch gay porn on lonely nights. No, the keys were not stuck together. They talked seriously about their lives from the younger years beginning with high school and the first time they had gay sex. Topic after topic was broadening like a biography confession of two nerds stretching the truth to sound popular. The talking went well and the stories were mostly truthful. Then it came to past sexual experiences, and the stories poured out like lying to congress. It was fantasy in the making. "Who is the best story teller here?" asked Roberto. "You mean the most convincing liar?" Danny replied. "Something like that!" "I was a scrawny dufus and class nerd," began Roberto. The only place I shinned was in French class (great accent) and the locker room in High school. I hated sports, however, my body, was better than most of the so-called jocks, who thought they were `hot stuff' with cheerleaders for girlfriends. The disparity was I liked boys, and they liked the girls. Pretty cool, huh?" "How about you," asked Roberto? "Tell me a story!" "It is pretty much the same for me, with the name calling. I was in middle school and I didn't like hearing sissy, but faggot didn't bother me so much." "How come?" "The name callers were dumb as rocks. Big deal, most of the time, I didn't know what they were talking about. I never went along with the crowd anyway. You cannot negotiate with morons trying to impress girls. Do we have to talk about this stuff?" "Of course not, just one more thought," said Roberto. "Okay" "You are a fine looking man. I bet when you were twenty, you had a lot of boyfriends." "Yeah pretty much..." "Me too," - Roberto snuggled closer wrapping Danny's arm around his shoulder. It didn't take a genius to see that Roberto wanted affection, as much, if not more, than sex. Danny kissed him and called Roberto his `conquest of the month.' "Who's your daddy?" he asked. It was a silly yet stirring moment where Roberto reacted by pulling at Danny's pant leg with his teeth, playing with him like a puppy. Danny was confused, however, Roberto was as happy as a pig snorting in mud. He was funny, and good at so many different things. ****** Time can change a man, and sometimes a person can do it. There seemed to be a change happening for Danny. He was secure and too wise to have romantic feelings for another person, it never lasted for very long; and then Roberto comes along to rock his private little world. When sweating over a willing stranger, Daniel was a top, a master fucker, and had the perfect tool for drilling a needy butt. He was comfortable now, and recognized that Roberto was the pony he wanted to ride. There is no mistaking that butt is the perfect cavern, to plug with a never better fuck! Roberto rested his head on Danny's legs, blowing warm breath air on his crotch. He was so playful, that Danny was feeling like a kid again. He slid his hand down the back of Roberto's jeans and held this flesh, giving it an occasional squeeze. "I should be going," mumbled Roberto. "I hate to always be saying that, but I live with my brother Kevin, and his wife, Jennifer. They have two kids, (both young ladies in middle school) and they adore their Uncle Roberto, (that's me)" he bragged but not overdoing it. "Why not stay for supper? I can toss something on the grill." "Thanks, but got to run, and if I leave now, I can make it back in time without saying, I had to worked late." "Is it far?" "Not bad, I live on Rossi Court. Do you know `Rossi Court' in the North End of town?" Roberto asked. That is where I keep my landscaping equipment, riding mower and tools. Did I mention, I am also a handy man?" "Yes you did!" "Oh good, then I did mention it!." I have a full schedule doing landscaping. Can we paint next week? Roberto asked. "Paint? - Oh paint! - Sure-sure, no rush doing that!" Roberto left for the second time in one day, and Danny wondered what tomorrow would bring. He picked up the damp towels tossing them into the hamper. "Nice butt on that man – great hair, cool copper red and muscles - sweet hard muscles, furry legs, robust skin and a good kisser. Long smooth dick with balanced balls big, round and - STOP, just STOP," damn, here I go again." "Maybe I should join a book club, or take up knitting, that would sap the thoughts out of me for licking flesh. Gaud, I'm a slut." "Yeah, like a book club, packed with losers, would ever happen! Who the fuck am I kidding!" ****** Nifty Erotic Stories Archive Please contribute, (you decide) to the Nifty story fund, Thank you!