Date: Sat, 6 Jan 2018 17:10:19 -0500 From: Farank McMe Subject: A New Start with Pain Chapter 1(Revised) Samual's Draft of Chapter 1 This story is complete fiction. Any resemblance to persons or events in real-life are purely coincidental. Please leave now if you are underage or don't like stories of a homosexual nature. Otherwise, please enjoy the story. Please make donations to Nifty as they are needed to provide these wonderful stories. Feedback is welcome as this is my very first story. A new start coming out of pain: Chapter 1 My name is Kurt. I am a sophomore in high school. I play football and I am gay. I have a boyfriend and we have been dating covertly for the last year. His name is Devon. He is on the academic debate team and is is smart as hell! You might be asking how a jock and brain got together. It is simple. We live near each other and our parents know each other so we have hung out together since probably 1st grade. He helps me with studying and I teach him about sports. The whole dating thing just happened over the summer of last year. We were in my room horsing around and I kissed when I had him pinned down. At that moment the look on his face scared the shit out me until he pushed me off and kissed me back. Well that was the best summer I have ever had. Devon and I talked about coming out but we both agreed not to just yet until we could get a gauge of the atmosphere with are friends and teammates. So here we are one year later and our sophomore year is just a few weeks away from starting. We decided that we would come out to our family, friends and teammates after the end of September. So school started and our closest friends started to ask us what was up because they thought we are acting strange. We just smiled and grinned and told them nothing was up. We were just happy to be back! The day went along great. I was walking towards the gym at the end of the day for football practice when my best friend and teammate Riley stopped me and told me that he knowns what up with me and why I am acting giddy. I looked him in the eyes and asked him to tell me why he thinks I am so happy. Well a wimp could have knocked me over when he leaned in and whispered into my ear, "You are in love with Devon!" At that second I grabbed him and dragged him into an empty room and asked him, "What the fuck!" He smiled and said, "I thought so. I had a hunch about you two and took a gamble and played you on it. I am really happy for you guys. How long have you been a couple and why did you not tell me, your best friend?" I told him that Devon and I agreed to keep our relationship secret until we scoped out whether or not we would be accepted or rejected. I explained to Riley that we had a fear of losing our friends and teammates. He looked upset but said that he understood our fears and he told me that he would have our backs. I asked him not to say anything until we took an opportunity to come out at the end of September as we had planned. He agreed and we went off to practice together. It was a good week all in all. Riley kept his word and didn't say anything to anyone. In fact he helped Devon and I get a feel from people as to where "they were at attitude wise", to help us feel more at ease. The following week I told Devon and Riley I was going to approach the coach on Wednesday after football practice. They were not thrilled but gave me support to do it. They asked if I wanted them to come with me. I thought their offer for a few seconds but then said no because I think the coach would be OK if I "manned up" as he would say. After practice I showered and waited until everyone left and knocked on the coach's office door and he called for me to come on in. Coach O'Rourke looked up and asked, "What can I do for you Kurt?" So here it went. "Coach I need to tell you something first to get your thoughts on it before I say anything to rest of the team. I am gay. I have a boyfriend and we have been dating secretly for over the last year." He looked at me with a concerned frown. He then stood up and yelled, "What the fuck is this shit! I can't believe you are gay. What are you asking me to do?" He turned his back to me. I stood up and said, "Coach, I am sorry. If me being gay is going to be an issue I will quit the team." He then turned around to face me and said, "Like hell you'll quit my team!" He had a shit eating grin on his face. He said, "Kurt, I suspected that you are gay and that you would approach me when you I felt the time was right." He then shook my hand said, "Congratulations on the boyfriend. When you are ready to tell the team I will stand by your side. If anyone has an issue with you being gay or has a problem dealing with where you are at in life, then they are off the team." After giving him my heartfelt thanks I departed his office with a few tears of joy in my eyes. I called Devon to give him the good news. He laughed his ass off on what the coach pulled. Devon was encouraged with the result of the meeting I had with the coach. So he decided he would speak to his debate coach tomorrow. I wished him good luck and told him, "I love you" and good night. I also called Riley to give him the good news. He could just not stop laughing at what the coach did and was overjoyed that my meeting with the coach worked out so well. The next day Devon also had a very positive outcome with his debate coach. We then decided to tell our families on Friday evening after dinner. He would tell his family and I would tell mine. For now we would just say we were dating someone to get the feel of their attitude. We would call each other at 10 pm after all is said and done. Friday evening came. I was a nervous wreck. I called Devon and we sort of calmed each other down. I told him I would talk to him later. Now my whole family was home, my sister from college for the weekend and my brother on leave from the Marines. After diner I told everyone that I needed to say something to the family. I was ash white and all eyes were on me. My sister could tell I was afraid so she reached over and took my hand. I looked towards her and she winked at me. At that moment I was no longer afraid and I confessed to being gay. My sister held my hand tightly and pulled me into a hug and I started to cry. At that moment my dad cleared his throat and said, "Kurt, your mother and I have suspected that you are gay. You should not be upset or afraid. We both love you and that will never change." My brother piped in and said, "Man, the way you looked a few minutes ago I thought you were getting ready to tell us you were pregnant!" With that we all had a great laugh. I was asked if I was dating anyone. I blushed and said, "Since the cat is out of the bag, yes." I was asked who and when I told them my dad got a look on his face just short of panic. He asked in a commanding tone if Devon was also gay and whether or not he had told his folks yet. I said, "We decided that tonight would be when both of us told our families." My dad immediately told me to call Devon and stop him. I took out my phone and called him. It went right to his voice mail. He never turns off his phone. So I the called the landline at his home and Devon's mom answered. I could hear in her voice something was wrong and I asked to speak to Devon. I was told that he was could not take any calls at this time. I asked her if everything was okay. She said, "No, we are dealing with a family issue." I said, "I am sorry, but I need to talk to Devon. I need information on a class project we need to complete for Monday." She told me to hold on and I could hear in the background that there was an argument going on. Devon got on the phone. I could tell something was wrong. His voice was shaky and just not right. But he played it cool. He was trying to give a hint of how things were going when he told me where to look for "our project stuff". He also told me he would not be in school all next week and was very sorry. At that point his father took the phone from Devon and yelled at me, "You are to never call here again" and hung up. I went to my dad told him everything that happened over the phone. He looked at me asked, "Why did you ask about a school project?" I explained that he and I set up a secret code that we could use to communicate in public. So I got out our little "secret code book" and found what I was looking for. The coded message he used was "Scared Help!!!" I immediately told my dad. My dad explained to me that Devon's father was homophobic and verbally abusive to anyone he felt was gay. He said, "Devon's dad told me that if his son was gay he would beat the gayness out of him and "disown him." I panicked and ran for the door when I was stopped by my dad and brother. Now a little bit about my dad. He is in his 40's, 6'-4" and very muscular. He also is the County Sheriff. With my attempt to get out of the house my dad held me and talked to me a soothing tone until I relaxed. He told me that we would drive over and see what's going on at the Preston house. With that my dad, my brother and I got in the SUV to head over to Devon's home. My dad also called one of his officers meet us there just in case. It was the longest 15 minutes of my life. As we rounded the corner onto Devon's street one of my dad's officers pulled his car behind us. Just as we pulled up my dad told me to stay in the truck no matter what. Just as the words left his mouth the front door swung open. Mr. Preston literally threw Devon out the door and down the steps. My dad, my brother and my dad's officer immediately ran over to if Devon was okay. My dad looked up at Mr. Preston and then motioned to his officer. I did not hear what was said but the officer took hold of Mr. Preston and wrestled him to the ground and restrained him. Just then two 2 more sheriff's cars pulled up. I assume to help my dad and the other officer. Devon was still on the ground and I could not just sit in the truck any longer and do nothing. I got out and ran over to Devon as fast as I could. I dropped down to him and was in tears. My dad did not say anything negative to me for getting out of the truck. My brother pulled me in towards him with a hug and told me to just continue to talk to Devon as we waited for the ambulance. Just as we heard the sirens coming from the ambulance Mrs. Preston came out swinging with a rolling pin towards the officers that were holding her husband. Just as she hit one of them my dad grabbed her and I heard as clear, "Mam, you are under arrest." The ambulance pulled up and the paramedics immediately started to take care of Devon. They loaded Devon into the ambulance to take him to the hospital. My dad rode in ambulance with Devon. But before they left dad told Ryan, my brother, to take the truck and me home and that that he would call us with information. When we got home I lost it in the driveway. Ryan came up to me as I dropped to the ground. Ryan held me tight and helped me up and in to the house. My mom was looking at us as Ryan took me into the family room and sat me on the couch. He went to get me a glass of water and to speak with mom. As they went out I pulled my phone out to call Riley. I asked him to come over right way. I was crying when I told him Devon had been taken to the hospital. Mom came back into the family room and sat down next to me. I leaned up against mom and she comforted me the way only a mother can. The doorbell rang and Ryan answered the door. Riley, David and Jake came running in. I saw the other two and had a panicked look on my face. Riley saw my look of fear and calmed me down right away by saying to trust him. Even though we all play on the football team together, it was strange at this moment. Mom got up and said she was going to get snacks and that we all needed to talk and with that she left. Ryan stayed with us for family support. I told in detail that Devon was beaten by his dad and what had happened as we pulled up. I also outed myself, Devon and our relationship to Jake and David. They both were very supportive and told me that they would have our backs at school and anywhere else. I asked them what they thought I should do and just then the phone rang. My mom answered. Hearing just one side of the conversation was frustrating. It was, "Yes dear. I understand. Yes I completely agree with you on that. I will make the up the guest room. I will tell Ryan. Yes dear, I will tell them we will see you shortly." With that over mom came in and spoke to all of us. She said that Ryan is to take me back to Devon's home and meet with one of the officers there and answer his questions. I was instructed to pack up Devon's clothing and school stuff and anything else he would need and then come back home. She continued to say that Devon was going to be in the Hospital for a few days and then come stay with us until all this can be sorted out. I asked about Devon's condition and she told us that dad would explain more when he got home. All she was able to share with us was that Devon had a broken arm, a concussion and broken ribs. Hearing this I started to cry again but she came over to me and held me and told me everything will be okay and that it will all get better. After I relaxed and calmed down all of us went to Devon's home and I met with the officer. We then went in to the house and I found Devon's book bag and put it by the door. We went to his bedroom and emptied the dresser and closet. I also took some of his awards from debating. Just as we finished loading up the truck a car pulled up and Devon's older brother got out with a friend form collage. He went over to the officer and asked what was going on. The officer gave him a little information about his dad beating up his brother and putting him in the hospital and that both his parents had been arrested. Devon's brother then came over towards me, yelling that he wanted answers. As he approached me, Ryan and my friends got between him and me. Ryan sternly told him to relax and calm down. Ryan told him that his dad beat and threw his brother down the steps and gave him the short list of injuries. He asked why his dad had been so mean. Ryan told him that Devon told his parents that he was gay. Once Ryan said that Devon's brother went nuts and looked me in the eyes and yelled at me saying that it was my fault. He then charged towards me. The burst was fast and sudden but thankfully Riley, David and Jake pushed me back and tackled him. Ryan also jumped on him. The officer came running over and took charge. He told Scott, Devon's brother, to back off and go into the house and lock up or do whatever else he needed to do. When we got home we unloaded all the stuff into the guest room, hung up the clothing that need to be hung and folded the rest and placed them in the dresser. I put up some of his awards to make it feel like his old bedroom. As we finished it was almost 1 am. When dad came home he sat us down to share the latest news regarding Devon. He told us that Devon has a concussion, broken nose, arm and three ribs. He also had to have his spleen removed as it had ruptured. Dad continued saying that Devon will be in the hospital for the next week or so and once he is discharged from the hospital he will come live with us. He went on to say that CPS (Child Protective Services) had given him emergency custody until they can speak to a judge on Monday. I was devastated and felt that all that had happened was my fault. My dad and mom came over to me and embraced me. My dad kept telling me it was not my fault. The next morning as soon as I got up dad and I went to hospital to see Devon. I was in tears when I saw him. He was asleep. I sat at his bed side holding his hand and talked to him even though he was sleeping. After we had been there for a few hours dad went to the nurse's station to get the latest information and to let them know that Devon's parents were not to be within 500 yards of him. While my dad was down the hall my back was to the door. All of a sudden I was yanked up and thrown out of the room. As I hit the floor Scott was in my face standing over me yelling at me to keep my faggot ass way from his brother and that he would kill me if I came near him again. Just as Scott raised his arm to hit me someone grabbed him and threw him out into the hallway. My dad and two hospital security officers were on top of him in no time at all. My dad put him in handcuffs and told him he was under arrest. Then my dad and a nurse came over to me to see if I was okay. I got up a little bruised but nothing aspirin could not fix. I went back over to Devon's side. I have no clue as to how long I had been there. But dad came in and said that it was time, we had to go home. As we walked out I saw a security officer standing at the Devon's hospital room's door. I looked up at my dad. He said, "Kurt, he is there as a precautionary measure after the incident with Scott. I spent all day Sunday at the hospital. When we left for home I asked about school. Dad told me he will take me to speak with the principal and the resource officer and that I would also need to speak to with the coach since I missed practice this weekend. I completely forgot about football practice. I hoped Riley told coach about my situation so I would not be in trouble for missing practice. Monday morning came. I was not happy to be going to school but the world keeps on going even when bad things happen. Dad arrived at the office and asked to speak to Mr. Fielding, Officer Moore and Coach O'Rourke. The receptionist made a call and Mr. Fielding came out greeted my dad and told the receptionist to page the others. As we waited they made small talk. Dad and Mr. Fielding go way back and are good friends. A few minutes pasted and the resource Officer and coach came in. Dad explained what happened Friday evening and over the weekend. Shock and disbelieving looks appeared on all their faces. Dad also told them about the restraining order and the 500 yards distance and that he as of now had emergency custody. I told the coach I was sorry for not calling him and missing practice. He just looked at me trying to look mad but couldn't. He did say Riley did tell him some of what happened. The coach did ask if I wanted to tell the team. I looked up at dad. He said, "Kurt, it is entirely up to you." I looked at the coach and said, "Yes, it is best to say something now, otherwise false rumors will start to go around. Let's head those rumors off." With that out of the way I got a pass to my next class. The first half of the day went fast but at lunch things started to get strange. I saw Riley, David and Jake at a lunch table with the other guys from the team so I went over to sit with them. Most of the guys got up and closed in on me. Riley, David and Jake were there as I started to panic. The rest of the team huddled in. Kevin, the Co-captain of the football team, spoke up and said, "Hey Kurt, I hear that you are gay." I stood up and looked straight at him and said, "Where did you hear that from." Kevin said, "My older brother is friend of Scott Preston. My brother told me all about you and Devon Preston being boyfriends." At that moment Riley, David and Jake all stood up next to me waiting on my next move. I looked at my teammates and told them I was not going to have this talk in the cafeteria and that we will talk later. I grabbed my lunch tray and started to walk away when Kevin grabbed my arm. With anger I looked at him in the eyes and he let go. Riley, David, Jake and I walked out. I was a bundle of nerves the rest of the day. Riley asked me if I was okay as we walked to the locker room. I said, "No, but I need to get this over with and behind me and move on." As we walked into the locker room David and Jake were waiting for us so we could all go in together. Everyone that was there geared up and I waited as the rest of the team arrived. The coach called everyone together and spoke first. He said, "I have been hearing rumors and innuendos and it is time to a stop to it. If any of you don't have the facts and listen to false rumors as though they are true you are a fool. Kurt, you come up here to the front. I want everyone to listen to what Kurt has to say and not say anything until he is completely finished." As I spoke I looked right at Kevin and said, "Kevin, you have part of the truth but confronting me like you did was wrong." I went on to tell all my teammates, the water boys and all the other helpers all the truth about me and Devon and what his dad did to him Friday evening and what Scott did to me at the hospital. I told them that it was not right and that no one deserves that kind of abuse. I did say I understood the reason why Kevin confronted me but said it should have been handled in a better manner. When I finished I sat down on the bench and remained silent. Kevin raised his hand and coach called on him. He stood up and looked around the room and said, "Kurt, until now I did not know about Devon being beat up and him being in the hospital. I apologize for my actions in the cafeteria. You are right. The way I confronted you was wrong. Please forgive me. I want you to know that we as a team will stand by you and Devon. We will be your shields if you ever need protection. This team will be there for Devon when he gets out of the hospital." When Kevin was done speaking the room erupted with cheers. But sorrow was also expressed for the pain that Devon was experiencing just because he had spoken the truth about him being gay. To be continued with Chapter 2. Thank you for reading Chapter 1 of my very 1st story. A thank you to Samual Blake for his assistance with editing and proofreading. Your feedback will be greatly appreciated. You can send your comments, whether positive or negative, to Frank McMee . May you be blessed with an incredibly enjoyable 2018.