Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2002 19:38:38 +0000 From: Jo Vincent Subject: Aladdin's Awakening: Part 11 Usual Disclaimer: If you are not of an age to read this because of the laws of your country or district please desist. If you are a bigot or prod-nosed fundamentalist of any persuasion find your monkey-spanking literature elsewhere and keep your predilections and opinions to yourself. Everyone else welcome and comments more than welcome. This is a very long tale. It unfolds over a good number of years. What is true, is true: what is not is otherwise. If you have trouble with the English educational system let me know. A dramatis personae will follow after a few installments - there are a lot of characters! ALADDIN'S AWAKENING By Joel Chapter 6: Continued Sunday October 3rd 1943 I was awakened when Ma came in just after eight o'clock and pulled the black-out curtains back. "Come on, Jacko, how do you say it? No slugging today, up you get. I've got lots to do clearing up after last night and your father is still in bed saying he's got a headache! You can change the sheets on your bed for once and put the dirty ones in the laundry basket! The clean ones are in the airing cupboard. And then get your father two aspirins from the bathroom cabinet and some water. Come on, up you get!" She turned briskly and went off down the stairs. I remembered the flood of the night before and had a great sense of relief. If I changed the sheets as instructed she wouldn't see the tell-tale stains. I pulled the blankets and top sheet back a bit. The evidence was there plain to see, one large creamy irregular stain. My trouble was I didn't come in little drops and where did it all come from anyway? I felt my balls. I knew they produced the stuff from what I'd heard at school and what Tony had told me about the bull. Billy was right, they're not all that big but if my balls were as big as Billy's would I shoot even more? I got out of bed and washed and dressed then carefully took the sheets off the bed and inspected the bottom sheet again. Not only was there the big stain but some smaller ones from the other night. I would have to be more careful. Perhaps I should wear pyjama trousers. I thought of Matt and his sticky pyjamas, perhaps not. I dropped the sheet on the floor and was just folding the top one when Ma came into the bedroom again. "Here, let me help you with that, then get your father the aspirins as I have to 'phone the works to say he'll be in later as he's supposed to be there this morning at nine for something or other." She bent down and picked up the spunk-stained sheet. "Come on, grab the corners and we'll fold it up much quicker." Oh, my God, would she spot the come on the sheet? I don't think she did but I saw her eyes glance along as we folded it. She took the sheets with her and I went behind her to the bathroom to get the aspirins. I saw her open the laundry basket and dump them in and breathed a sigh of relief. The curtains were drawn in their bedroom when I took Pa the aspirins and a glass of water. His only response as I tapped him on the shoulder was a long drawn out "Ughhh". He drank the water and swallowed the tablets, "Thanks son, I think I've got a touch of the Irish flu! But I bet Joe O'Brien is worse! Tell your mother I'll be up in fifteen minutes." I reported the conversation to Ma whose only response was to laugh and say she bet the Brothers were immune and he'd better get up very soon. I went up and made my bed with the clean sheets and when I'd finished I wanted to have a shit so went out on the landing to go to the lav. As I got outside my room I heard Ma talking to Pa in their bedroom in her usual very precise way. "Come on, James, you'd better get up now. I 'phoned and one of the daughters said her father would also be late and I can guess why!" There was a slight pause. "By the way I think you need to have a little talk with Jacko." My ears pricked up at this, I stood stock still, I must have opened my door quietly so she didn't know I was there. "You know what I mean!" A mumbled response came from Pa and then I heard Ma say "On his sheets, of course!" Oh, hell, she had noticed. More mumble, then "Sooner than later, I would think! He might be worried about it. I know I would be if I were a boy and I wasn't told! Girls get told things much earlier!" Oh relief, but more mumble, then, "Well I think you ought to! This afternoon, go for a walk, it'll clear your head for one thing!" I tiptoed back to my room all thoughts of a long relieving sit forgotten. I would have to wait and see but at least I knew they knew. After a couple of minutes my insides told me I shouldn't delay much longer so I opened the door more loudly this time, went to the lav, remembered to wash my hands, scuttled downstairs and did some piano practice. After lunch, at which I excelled again in demolishing a stack of food, Pa was right on cue. "I think I'll take the car out to below Alvescott and have a walk, it'll finish clearing my head of the Brothers' potations as Joe calls them! Want to come, Jacko? Bit of fresh air?" On cue I agreed and we set off. Pa was fairly quiet driving out, grunting only when a couple of cyclists wobbled a bit in front of him. He parked the car at the side of the road and we climbed a gate and made off up the hill. "Have you had a good birthday this year?" "Oh yes, the party was a great surprise and everyone said they'd enjoyed it!" "Yes, your mother said she had a good time too and she thought all your pals were very nice. You know it was her idea to combine with the other mums for Matthew and Tony Clarke as well. Matthew's sister Julia works in our office and she told me her brother's birthday was the day after yours, so I told your mother and she arranged the rest in consultation with the so-called French circle." "Yes, it was good, 'cos someone else told her it was Nobbo's - I mean Tony Clark's - birthday on Saturday and he might have been left out." "Oh, yes, you went to the pictures after the game on Saturday. What did you see?" I told him about the American cowboy epic and he expressed polite interest but I don't think cowboys and Indians really interested either of us much. I changed the subject and said I enjoyed being touch judge at the game but I wouldn't mind playing sometime but they only chose the older and bigger ones. Pa came in on cue again. "Well, you are fourteen now and by the amount you pack away at meal-times I'm certain you'll be growing soon." "Oh, I am, I've grown an inch and a half since Easter, I put a mark behind my door then and I stood against it on Thursday." "Good, I expect you'll be as tall as me very soon at that rate. In fact your mother said she thought you were beginning to get much taller when we got your new trousers." He paused and sucked on his pipe. "Your mother also said I had better talk to you about growing up and other things." I took the plunge, "Oh, if Ma saw the sheet that was an accident, it happened last night when I was asleep. I don't usually let it happen like that." Pa stopped, took his pipe out of his mouth and began to laugh. "I think, Jacko, you've said it all. I was a bit nervous about talking about all this but you're OK. No worries?" I shook my head, I took the plunge again, "Matt's dad told him it was only natural, it happened to all boys and he shouldn't worry about it and he shouldn't worry if he had to do other things." "Oh, you've discussed it with Matt? When was this?" "Oh, after school a few weeks ago, we sit together now and we're best friends. I think he was a bit worried and wanted to know if it was true things happened for others as well so I told him I hadn't had dreams like him but I did..." I paused and bit my lip, Pa put an arm round my shoulder. "Jacko, Jacko, Jacko, there's absolutely nothing to worry about, all boys do it, all the time. Growing up happens to us all, don't forget I grew up as well! But didn't you know before? You know, boys saying things at school?" Another plunge, "Oh yes and Alun explained things when he was here at Easter. He said you learn things from cousins and brothers, that's what they're for!" Pa laughed again, "True, your uncle Dick was a mine of information for both your Uncle Edward and me. Mostly inaccurate I found out later but that's experience. Your uncle Edward was a better source of information but even he told me things guaranteed to make my hair curl! That was until I realised he was teasing me unmercifully as usual." He smiled down at me, "However, Commander Ward was quite accurate in his advice to Matt, it's all quite natural and nothing to get bothered about and it doesn't worry your Ma or me, it's just that we want you to be happy. Don't forget your dad was young like you once so I don't mind if you want to ask me any questions because I'll try to answer them. I suppose I had better ask if there is anything you want to know now?" I shook my head, then thought of something which I had wondered about, "Oh, there is something," - Pa put his pipe back in his mouth still looking down at me, - "all my friends have brothers or sisters, you know, Matt has an older sister and Nobbo Clark's got his big brother Billy and cousin Alun's got two brothers, but I haven't got anybody else." Pa looked at me steadily and hugged me tighter. "It's very simple and then again it's not. When you were born your mother was very ill for a time and the doctors said she really shouldn't have any more children. Well, about three years later we thought it might be alright but your Ma was ill again and she had what's called a miscarriage, that is the baby couldn't grow properly inside her and the doctors said a final no, so, you are Jacko, one alone. A great pity, because we always wanted you to have brothers or sisters but it couldn't be helped. Do you see?" I nodded and put my arm round Pa's waist, "Shall we go to the top of the hill now?" All Pa said was "I think you're nearly there now, Jacko!" We continued up and wandered along the ridge for a while in silence. I was a bit down as I was thinking about Ma and how she had been ill. Pa broke the spell by saying that he'd had to go to work this morning for a quick meeting to plan things because they thought they had a breakthrough for the War Office. I said what was that and he said he couldn't tell me that but it was very important for their work in the next three months and he would have to go down to London soon for discussions. He then said all his headaches had gone, looking at me very meaningfully, and that we had better get home in time for tea, otherwise growing boys might starve and be stunted in their development. As soon as we got in Pa announced he was quite free of headache and that I had no worries and I had told him I'd grown an inch and a half since Easter. Ma gave me one of her all-enveloping hugs and said I'd better have a proper fitting that evening for the trousers so she could get them ready for after half-term and she would make certain there was plenty in the hems to let down later. Gosh, what a week, I cradled my rampant cock in my left hand as I drank my cocoa in bed that night and reviewed the week's events. Everything seemed to be happening so fast, but some things not fast enough. If only I was as big as Matt, or Mike, or Billy. I drank the rest of the cocoa down as quick as I could and reached out to put the mug on the bedside table. Oh crikey, there lay a neatly folded towel. Someone in my family certainly did have a sense of humour! To be continued: