Date: Sat, 23 Nov 2002 13:16:34 +0000 From: Jo Vincent Subject: Aladdin's Awakening: Part 16 Usual Disclaimer: If you are not of an age to read this because of the laws of your country or district please desist. If you are a bigot or prod-nosed fundamentalist of any persuasion find your monkey-spanking literature elsewhere and keep your predilections and opinions to yourself. Everyone else welcome and comments more than welcome. This is a very long tale. It unfolds over a good number of years. What is true, is true: what is not is otherwise. If you have trouble with the English educational system let me know. A dramatis personae will follow after a few installments - there are a lot of characters! ALADDIN'S AWAKENING By Joel Chapter 9 Tuesday October 25th 1943 I woke up suddenly early next morning and for a moment wondered where I was. We must have both slept very heavily as we were in almost the same positions we had been in as we went off to sleep. Roo had moved down in the bed a bit so his head was now tucked down under my chin and resting against my chest. My arm was over his shoulder and he had an arm loosely draped round my waist. I carefully extricated myself from his clutches and slipped out of bed and peered at my watch, it was just after half past six. Roo grunted and settled down on his back, still asleep. I carefully lifted the bedclothes and saw that his prick was quite stiff. Not to worry, mine wasn't very soft either, something I had recently noticed most mornings on getting out of bed. I carefully dropped the clothes back and padded off into the bathroom for a pee. All was quiet, the other bedroom door was ajar so I peeked in. It was pitch dark, they hadn't pulled the curtains back. All I could hear were two sets of regular breathing. I stealthily made my way to the bed and nearly tripped over what must have been a pair of pyjamas. In the gloom I could see Tony and Matt lying almost face to face sleeping soundly. I crept out again and quietly ran a bath - the water was lovely and warm and I luxuriated in it for about a quarter of an hour before I heard Roo give a cough and then he appeared at the door. His prick was hanging limp now. Before he had a chance to speak I put a finger to my lips. "Don't make a noise, they're still asleep. Come and have a bath!" "Oh yes, goody! Must have a pee first, though." That didn't take long and he was soon wallowing in the water beside me. "Did you sleep well, Jacko?" "Oh yes!" I stretched out and flexed my arms, "I was tired out after that cycle ride yesterday." He sniggered, "Plus a couple of good wanks, eh? You liked those, didn't you? Christ, you do shoot a lot! Has that been like that always?" "More or less, it came a lot like that soon after I started doing it." "Tony told me you did make a lot and how you shot all over his dressing table that first time. He was most impressed! I believe him now I've seen what you make." "Tony told Jim Masters too and he had to see for himself as well. I didn't get round to telling you last night we'd done it together twice last week, Thursday and Friday!" He laughed, "Old Jim's always doing it with someone or other. I think he must have tossed off most in our lot at Scouts. You know Chris Payne, in the Fifth Year, he's our Patrol Leader? He says that Jim's as thick as two short planks and all his brains are in his balls." "Yeah, Jim told me some of the ones he's whacked off, including you!" He grinned and nodded. I went on, "He also said he was worried he might get chucked out if he came near the bottom of the class again." "Well, if he spent a bit more time on his homework and shagged off a bit less he might do better!" By this time the water was cooling and we got out and dried ourselves. There was still no stirring from the other room. "Here, Jacko, let's give them a fright. Put that towel round your head and we'll go in and wake them up. They'll think we're ghosts!" We crept into the Horsebox wound round with towels and stood by the bed. Light snores from the two sleepers greeted us, but as we were just about to pounce they both sat up and laughed. "Gotcha, we heard you splashing about and knew you would be in!" Tony grinned in the gloom at us. "Pull the curtains back and open the shutters for us, will you?" Roo and I went to a window each and did as we were told. It was quite light now and on turning back I saw that the heap on the floor was Tony's pyjamas. I twitched back the bedclothes further. Both were in the nude and Matt had an enormous hardon, I couldn't resist it. "Crikey, Matt, I see Polly's perch is ready!" He laughed and Tony asked what I meant. Roo and I sat on the edge of the bed and I described Billy's scratches and the outcome when we and Nobbo got him down on the floor. Roo was all ears, "Gosh, I wish I'd been there, he sounds great fun!" As I had been talking Matt's prick softened and flopped down. He lay back on the pillows. "He is, he's a great sport. I was round there on Friday after school getting all that homework done with Nobbo and he came in after we'd finished and we had a good laugh at his jokes." He paused a moment, then chuckled, "Hey, Roo, d'you know the difference between a fresh egg and a good wank?" Roo looked a bit puzzled, "No, um.... I don't. What's the difference?" Matt grinned from ear to ear, "Come on you should know the answer. Listen. You can beat a fresh egg!..." Roo still looked puzzled, "And?..." Tony chimed in, "You clot, I know!" and collapsed in giggles. It took a moment before the penny dropped then I gave a great laugh, "I see! Don't you, Roo?" He shook his head. I put an arm round his shoulders, "Think, you great mutt, you can beat a fresh egg, but you can't..." I waited. "Oh, yes, I get it," he giggled, "It's good, I like that, I'll have to remember that one. You can't beat a good wank, eh, can you, Jacko? You should know that!" He looked over at Tony, "And the same with you, eh? And was it good last night?" "Of course, and we knew you two were enjoying yourselves 'cause we could hear you whispering for ages after you went to bed so we crept along and looked round the door, didn't we, Matt?" "Yeah," he poked Roo in the back, "Roo, you were sitting on Jacko and we saw you make him shoot. You didn't know we watched, did you?" They must have been very quiet because I hadn't been aware of anything, "So, didn't you?" "Yes, twice, didn't we, Matt? Once before we saw you and then again after!" Roo laughed, "That was our second time you watched then. And you're right, Tony, Jacko makes tons of stuff." It was getting much lighter and Tony looked at his wrist watch, "Crikey, it's after seven. We'd better get up, come on Matt, they've been in the bathroom already, race you to it." He hopped out of bed, his semi-stiff prick jiggling up and down as he hurried away from us into the bathroom. Matt lazily pulled down the bedclothes further and, watching Roo, arranged his prick so it lay up his belly. He slowly pulled his foreskin down so his fat knob was clear. "Tony says you can't do that yet, Roo. Nor can you, can you, Jacko?" His tool was getting thick and hard again. "Tony says he wishes he had one as big as this, as well!" I rolled over him as he lay on the bed, "Stop boasting, you great oaf, we're not as old as you and just 'cause you've been doing it for ages you needn't take the mick! Like Roo said, we'll get that dog after it for his breakfast if you're not careful." Roo joined me in squashing Matt who was squirming under us and laughing, "You're only jealous, you two," "Balls! Anyway, I bet Jacko shoots more than you do!" "No time to check now. Let me get up or you won't get any breakfast and the dog will have yours as well." "Only our breakfast, I hope, but you wait until we get back off the hike!" We rolled off him and tipped him on the floor in the bedclothes and scampered off swishing our towels at Tony who had just got out of the bath. Both of us put on the things we had cycled over in and I watched as Roo collected various bits and pieces together and put them in a haversack. A short sharp ring broke the silence. It was the bell, so it must be nearly time for breakfast. We quickly made the bed, I remembering to remove the wanked-upon towel which I folded neatly and put on a shelf in the cupboard. Matt came through from the bathroom, now fully dressed. "Tony's still packing his things, he says he'll be out in a moment, and I've made our bed." He looked across at Roo, "You look very smart for your country walk, Roo. Don't forget what that Land Girl said last night, it doesn't compare with sailing in the Channel!" Roo made a face at him, "You'll get whacked in the goolies if you say things like that! We've got to cover at least fifteen miles each day and that's enough for me, whatever anyone says!" Tony emerged before the battle of words could continue, "Right, let's go down, now!" "Come on Matt, we'll be coolies and carry their bags for them so they don't get too tired before they start!" Tony and Roo led the way as we pantomimed being heavy laden. Actually, the haversacks were positively light, but then I suppose they would have to carry a tent and other things as well. Breakfast was all laid out as we entered the kitchen. Mrs Crossley was already there with another quite elderly woman who was introduced as Mrs Brown who helped out round the house with Dora, who we were told in a stage whisper was a bit simple. Bran was lying by the back door and eyed us as we sat down. Aunt Mary and Mrs Brown went out of the room saying we would be able to start once the boiled eggs were ready. I nudged Matt. "I wonder if Bran has had his breakfast yet?" He elbowed me and snorted, "You wait!" I saw Roo, sitting the other side of Matt, put his hand on Matt's rather hairy thigh and stroke it. "I think doggie wants a nice fat sausage. Come on Matt, let him have it!" "Shut up you two,.." he began, but stopped as Mrs Brown came in bearing a basket of eggs. "Look, boys, nice fresh eggs, straight from the hens!" I don't know how I didn't collapse and how the others kept straight faces was a mystery. Matt gurgled and Tony just went "Urff". "That's right, Tony!" I said, "'Oeufs', that's what the French call eggs!" There was a suppressed giggle from Roo, "What's 'fresh egg' in French, Jacko?" I was about to answer when Mrs Crossley reappeared with two loaves which soon became a pile of thick slices. She went over to a pan on the Aga and fished out a wire basket with eggs already in it. "Right, these are boiled now. Two each?" We all nodded and egg cups were filled and passed along. I was starving hungry and my eggs and three slices of bread went in no time. The others were no slouches either and I was on my second slice of bread and honey when Tony who'd eaten quite a lot and fairly fast said he was full and that he and Roo, who was still stuffing bread into his face, would get ready and be off by nine to get a good start. Roo's face fell as I was certain he would have liked more to eat but the boss was boss and what he said was law! Aunt Mary did ask Roo if he would like more and he did have another slice while Tony fidgeted with his cup and for once was silent. Matt and I also took Aunt Mary's offer of more as something we could accept and accompanied Roo who was obviously going to take his time. As we were finishing Mrs Brown came in from the pantry with two large packets. Aunt Mary took them from her and said they were rations for two days and on Wednesday at twelve they had to check in at the village shop somewhere or other to collect the rest to last them until they arrived back on Thursday. Tony's eyes widened. "Gosh, Aunt, I was wondering what we were going to eat. Mum said I wasn't to worry because it was all being arranged, but she wouldn't tell me." Roo was nodding and was also looking rather relieved. I guess his stuffing with food was because he thought he might not get anything until they arrived back. Matt and I exchanged glances - we'd both eaten a good deal and we weren't going anywhere. "Right, you two, you're in plenty of time to get going by nine o'clock. You'd better go and get the tent packed now and you know you have to take turns carrying it. And, Rupert, don't let him bully you into carrying it more than your share!" Aunt Mary obviously had the measure of Tony who grinned weakly. They got up and went out in the direction of the stable where we'd parked our bikes. After they went out Aunt Mary turned to us. "Now, you have to earn your keep, at least that's what your mothers have said, so I have some jobs for you." We stared blankly at her as she continued, "Nothing too strenuous today. You can sort out the apples and lay them out in the trays in the apple loft." She smiled, "It's a nice quiet job and after that you are free for the day. I'll show you what's to be done once those two are off. You can help clear up breakfast first." We cleared the table and carried the things through to the scullery where Dora was up to her elbows in a sink of water with Mrs Brown putting things back on shelves. We were ushered out before we could offer to dry up and went out to await the appearance of the intrepid trekkers. They hove into view at exactly nine o'clock looking sufficiently laden and we waved them off down the drive. We then followed Aunt Mary round to the apple store and spent the rest of the morning sorting the apples from baskets into trays. That is, as well as eating about half a dozen each. We finished doing all this in time for lunch and after that Aunt Mary said we could explore the house and there would be a cup of tea at four o'clock in the kitchen. The exploration was really interesting. We started in the cellars but couldn't explore much as there were several small rooms partitioned off and the doors were all securely locked. There was a lot of old furniture and loads of boxes piled on one another but we thought we hadn't better be too nosey on our first visit. Then we decided we would look in the other bedrooms upstairs. Most just had bedroom furniture but in one was a whole collection of African spears, animal skins, wooden statues and several drums which we decided to examine carefully another time. The great reward was in the attics. Here there were more boxes and chests and all manner of old things. We couldn't resist having a snoop here! In one chest we found several old uniforms and in another trunk marked PAGC there were riding clothes, jodhpurs, boots and so on. We thought at first they had been Ann's but from the size and shape they must have belonged to Piers. We went down to tea dusty and full of questions. We didn't ask what was behind the locked doors but found out that the African things were inherited by the General from his father and both had been in the South African Wars. Aunt Mary was interested to hear that Matt had been born in Cape Town as she had been there years before when she was first married. The riding clothes had belonged to Piers and apparently there were lots of other boxes of his things about as she had never thrown anything away. We chatted on till after five when she reminded us dinner would be ready at half past six. We beetled off upstairs, washed and changed and came down again just after six. I followed Matt into the drawing room and as he went to look at some pictures on the wall I went down the room to the grand piano. I opened it carefully and saw it was a Bechstein. Mrs Tring had a Bechstein, but that was an upright. I sat down and played through the first of my exam pieces. It was a lovely piano. I continued and played through all the pieces from memory and I think I did pretty well. When I'd finished I turned round and saw Mrs Crossley, Miss P and Matt standing just inside the door but what really took me aback was that sitting looking at me just behind the piano seat was Bran. The two ladies came across the room with Mrs Crossley holding Matt's hand and I saw that she had been crying. I wondered what would happen next, but I needn't have worried. "Jacko, that was lovely! No one has played that piano since Piers died in the last War. He was a good player and it was his piano and he always played just like that before dinner. I've kept the piano tuned but that's all." A wet nose nudged my knee. It was Bran who sat down and put his paw over my leg. I stroked it and he gave a sort of growl. It wasn't an angry growl, he had obviously also liked my playing. Miss P burst out, "Just look at Bran! He never comes in here but as soon as you started playing he went to the kitchen door and we followed him. Piers' dog use to sit and listen to him. He was Bran's grandfather, you know? It's quite uncanny!" Bran nudged me again. I stroked his head as he looked straight up at me. "I think he wants me to play again. Shall I?" Both Aunt Mary and Miss P chorused, "Oh, yes, please!" I turned back and played through the longest piece again. I think I did even better than before. Matt came over when I finished. "I didn't know you could play as well as that! It sounded very good." Well, after that we had dinner and Aunt Mary told us a lot more about Piers and what he had been like. Bran sat by my chair all through dinner as nobody had the heart to turf him out back to the kitchen. When Mrs Crossley went to the kitchen to fetch something Miss P whispered that she had never talked about Piers so much and that it was good as she was still affected by his death even though it was so many years ago. When she came back in she said she had news of a first sighting of Tony and Roo. They had been entertained to afternoon tea by the vicar's wife in the village where they were to set up camp. Matt and I looked at each other, knowing how Tony would be laying on the charm. After dinner the ladies settled down to cards and we went through to the library. Bran followed us and curled up on the rug. "I think you've made a friend, Jacko." "Yes, it's a bit spooky, he never took any notice of us before." We spent the next hour or so looking at the books we had picked out the night before until Miss P came in and said they were off to bed and would we put the lights out when we were ready. We decided to go up soon after and as we were going upstairs realised that Bran was following. Not knowing what to do we let him but when we got to the door of our bedroom and opened it he just lay down outside as we went in. I looked down at him as he lazily cocked at eye at us. "I suppose it's OK for him to be there all night." "It'll be too bad if he wants to go out, you know,..." Matt giggled, "...Dogs need to!" I was a bit flummoxed, "If he makes a noise I expect Mrs Crossley or Miss P would hear and let him out." We went in and closed the door and, checking that the curtains were drawn, switched the lights on. There was no noise outside the door so we got ready for bed. I did my usual double-quick strip and was in and out of the bathroom while Matt was still removing his togs. I thought I'd better check on Bran and opened the door very carefully and peered out into the darkness. There was no sign of him and the house was very quiet so I assumed he must have gone downstairs again. I closed the door silently and turned just as Matt came through from the bathroom already sporting a very large erection. We faced each other as he quickly came over to me putting his arms round me and pressing his thick cock against me. I went erect immediately so I was also pressing into him. He was almost panting as he steered me to the bed. "Oh, Jacko, let's lie down." "Leave go a tick, I'll get the towel!" He released me and as he pulled down the covers I retrieved the towel from the cupboard and put it in the bed. He grinned at me. "You think of everything, eh, Jacko?" "Come on then, don't do anything yet." We got into bed and clung closely face to face. I dug my fingers into the base of his spine and began the gentle rhythmic movement of my hips as I had done with Roo the night before. Matt was murmuring softly and began to do the same to me. Suddenly he turned his face up and stuck his tongue into my half open mouth. It was gorgeous. I sucked his tongue and then pushed it out and put my tongue into his mouth which he also sucked and caressed with his tongue. We did this a few times and by this time my thighs were jerking uncontrollably. Matt felt down and clasped my prick and as I put my hand under his arm to find his he began to pull mine up and down. I squeezed his thick cock then gripped it hard as I pushed his skin down as far as I could. A few moments later I knew both of us were going to come because there were massive surges at the base of my cock and he was beginning to jerk about even more than me. We shot all over each other seconds apart and then held each other tight until we began to relax. It was an even more intense repetition of the night before because then Roo and I hadn't used our tongues like that. It was marvellous. We disentangled ourselves and I lay back. Matt stayed on his side looking down at me and then drew his finger across the patch of spunk on my stomach. "Did you like that, Jacko?" he whispered. I was still breathless and just smiled and nodded. I looked at him and he had an identical splodge of sticky come. He grinned and pulled the towel out and wiped us down. "Shall I put the light out now, Jacko?" "Um, yes," I was still rather overcome by the suddenness and intensity of the last few minutes. He got out of bed, put the light out and pulled the curtains back. A pale moon lit the gloom as he got back in beside me. I turned and put my arms round him as he pulled the covers up and snuggled down beside me. "Thanks, Matt, that was wonderful." I touched his lips with the tip of my tongue. "Where did you learn that?" "We did it last night. Tony showed me. Hasn't he done that to you?" I shook my head, "We haven't been in bed like this, we've only jacked off during the day. And Roo didn't do it like that last night though it was ever so good." "Well, Tony did it and I copied him. It's great, eh?" "Yes, did you do anything else 'cos Roo told me about what his cousin had described and he said he and Tony had tried things out?" He nodded, "Yes, Tony told me too but we didn't do it but I'll tell you about it soon. Anyway, I know something you haven't told me." "What's that?" I snuggled closer and put a hand down and held his balls. He snickered, "Well, Saturday I was in our front garden and Jim Masters came along on his bike..." I gave his balls a gentle squeeze, "I know Jim Masters..." "Yeah, I know you do! Anyway we were chatting and I said he might as well come in as my Mum and Julia were out. I was telling him about the trip and that you and I would be staying while the others went off and he said he liked you and then he said you were very horny and he felt horny too..." I giggled, "I didn't think he would take long in sorting you out..." I gave his balls another little squeeze. "Hey, Jacko, he said you'd done it two days running with him, Thursday and Friday, is that so?" "Yes, and I suppose you made up for two days and did it twice on Saturday!" "No, we only did it once, so there! Anyway, I'd done it twice on Friday with Billy and Nobbo, so we're both horny sods!" He stuck his tongue out and licked the end of my nose. "Jim kept on about how big my cock was and how much you shot so we were both complimented, eh?" "Yeah, you've got a big cock, we all know that, so don't keep on about it or Tony and Roo'll do something to you, I'm sure, when they get back. You remember what Roo said yesterday morning?" I gave his balls another little squeeze, "Anyway, d'you think they've jacked off tonight?" "You can bet on that. Tony said he and Roo like tossing each other off and they often do it. Oh, yeah, and he said he didn't know why but Cleggy wouldn't do it last time he was round at Tony's. Tony says he seems worried about something or other but wouldn't say what it was. He seemed to think the main reason Cleggy didn't want to come on the hike 'cos he didn't want to toss off, but he wasn't sure." All this was getting rather complicated. I couldn't imagine why Cleggy wouldn't want to considering the number of times I'd been told he'd shot his load at camp. Anyway, by this time my prick was going hard again. I ran my tongue along his top lip, "Will you do it to me again, Matt, please?" He grinned at me, "You are a horny little sod. Let me do it slowly, then." He reached down as I rolled on my back and pulled the bedclothes off me. "Let's see if we can get your skin right back, shall we?" He unrolled my foreskin as far as it would go over my knob. Just about half was visible. He licked a finger and gently began to massage the skin very slowly down and a bit more pink peeped out. "Not much to go! Let me try a bit more!" I felt my skin stretching, then a sharp pain and quite suddenly my knob was free. "There you are, Jacko. Just look at that!" I peered down as he held my erect prick straight up. My naked knob was very pink and the skin at the base of the rim felt very tight. I lay back and he pulled up and down very slowly for two or three minutes as I breathed in and out very heavily through my open mouth. As soon as I felt I was beginning to come I looked down again and saw a small fountain of come shoot up into the air. The throbbings in my prick were very intense. I grabbed his hand to stop him. "Oh, Matt, thanks!" I panted. He put his mouth near my ear and whispered very throatily, "You must have a real spunk factory in there somewhere, Jacko!" He began to pant as well, "Come on, I want it now, as fast as you like!" I rolled over with the towel between us. His shaft was rock hard and I yanked his skin down and beat his meat for all I was worth. His balls were tight against the base of his prick as he shot and he produced a goodly amount as well. He was breathing hard through his teeth and murmuring, "Hunh, hunh, hunh, Oh, Jacko, hunh, just hold my prick, oh, please!". He turned suddenly and grabbed me and held me very tightly, his warm spunk spread between us. He whispered urgently in my ear, "Oh, Jacko, I just want it all the time, don't you? I'll want it again soon." I was still holding his cock which remained pretty hard and showed no sign of softening. It felt hot and I could feel a vein vibrating against my palm. I pulled down very slowly and he lay back on the bed, hands by his side, his mouth open wide. I began to toss him off again very slowly as his prick got harder and harder and seem to swell and lengthen even more than before. I must have done it slowly for getting on for ten minutes when with a great whoosh a flood of thin spunk shot from his end. He groaned as it happened and although his prick was still firm in my hand he went very drowsy and within a minute or so was fast asleep. I felt a proper clot, kneeling against him, still holding his slowly softening dick, with him all peaceful and content. Of course, my rampant dong was upright again and no-one to help me. Poor lonely me beat my own meat and dribbled a miserable portion of come over his belly after several minutes of heavy pounding. I winced as I wiped the end of my naked knob with the corner of the towel. I tried to get the skin back over but it refused to move. Ah well, I'll have to leave it. There was no response from Matt as I laid the towel across his recumbent form in case the mingled come got on the sheets. I slid down beside him and pulled the covers up and joined him in deep sleep. To be continued. Previous stories of mine have been published on Nifty. Spying on My Brothers: (45k: Incest Section: Apr 15 2000) Easter Rugger Tours (Dir: HS Section: Jun 10 2000) Jordan's Story (84k: HS Section: Jul 23 2000) Flip's Tale (Dir: HS Section: Apr 17 2002) Taming the 'Phobes (Dir: HS; Military: August 04 2002) Read and Enjoy.