Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2018 15:18:17 -0400 From: Subject: Autumn Postponed - Chapter Ten - Gay>High School Autumn Postponed - Chapter 10 Author's notes: ... and then the evening after. ** As always, please remember that Nifty needs your donations to continue to provide this forum for us authors who love to write, and for you readers who love to read! ** ***************************************************** Chapter Ten As soon as my parents went to bed, I turned off the television and went downstairs. I stripped off my clothes, but instead of lying in bed, I pulled on my red basketball shorts. I didn't bother waiting, but instead went out onto the lower deck, pulling an Adirondack chair forward so that I could sit with my feet pressed flat on the wide boards of the deck railing. As a soft southerly breeze played across my body, I looked down to see that the legs of my shorts had slid down, revealing most of my long, lithe legs. I'd always thought I had great looking legs. I currently wore a 28 inch waist, but a 34 inch inseam. When I wore jeans, I preferred the skinny variety that hugged my legs from ankle to crotch. My father laughingly called them obscene, but shrugged, adding, "If you got it, flaunt it, I guess." It was only about 11:30. If Trey and Shy decided to come, I figured I'd have to wait at least two and half hours. I didn't mind, and stayed on the deck, afraid that if I went and lay in bed, I might fall asleep, or worse, be tempted to jack off. Whatever my balls had managed to manufacture since Trey and Shy had left, I wanted to save for them. Looking a bit to my right, I saw the crescent moon just beginning to rise on the horizon. It was slightly bigger and brighter than the previous evening, and its luminosity obscured the stars around it, while those more distant shone brightly in the clear sky. The way the moonlight reflected on the calm ocean, a bright road of light stretching from the horizon to the beach, reminded me of paintings I'd seen. I'd always thought such art was an idealized vision, until I'd seen the reality himself years ago on my first Outer Banks vacation. Taking a deep breath, I felt as if the night was full of magic. "What the fuck?" I thought to myself immediately after. "The night is full of magic?! What the hell is that?" I'd never been given to romanticizing... well, anything. Even all my past sexual fantasies were unsullied by thoughts of love and romance. I'd always just wanted sex, I wanted to get my rocks off, and any boy's mouth, hand or ass would do. But then I thought of Shy and Trey, and what they enjoyed together. I couldn't deny I envied them, and wondered if there was ever any chance of finding such a relationship for myself. Unexpectedly, I felt my eyes water and a tear slide down my left cheek. Wiping at it furiously, I berated myself for becoming so sappy. Still my eyes wouldn't dry, and I started sniffling a bit. After a time the moment passed, and I did my best to stop feeling sorry for myself. I focused instead on the fun I would have with the two local boys, assuming they showed up at all. Just as I felt my cock beginning to rise at the thought, I jumped, hearing someone opening the door. I turned and, looking over my shoulder, saw my father coming out onto the deck, wearing shorts and a T-shirt. He surprised me further by handing me a cold can of beer, pulling another out of his pocket for himself. "How're you doin', champ?" Dad asked, pulling another chair even with mine, and putting his bare feet on the railing as well. "Can't sleep?" "Didn't try," I shook my head. "It's too pretty out here to stay inside." Pretty? Did I actually just say pretty? "Mmmm," Dad replied in agreement, apparently not noticing my curious turn of phrase. "You mind if I ask you something, son?" If I'd been a dog, I'm sure my ears would have stood up. My father normally only called me son when he was "disappointed" by something I'd done. "Yeah, all right," I shrugged, searching my mind for anything I might have screwed up in the recent past. Surely this wasn't about that morning's coffee. "Do you ever get angry with your mother and me, for pulling you out of school?" my dad asked. I thought for a moment about how best to truthfully answer the question, while not saying anything hurtful. "I was at first," I admitted. "It made me feel like a weirdo or something. My friends all told me it was weird." I stopped a moment, feeling my breath hitch in my throat, remembering some of the more hurtful things that had been said by some boys who were longer my friends. "Some of them said it was because I was stupid or something. They said the school made you do it." "You know that's not true, though, right?" my dad asked. "Yeah, `course I do," I nodded. "You and mom explained everything. I still wasn't all that happy, but I knew you did it because..." I couldn't quite remember all that they'd told me at the time. "Because we want the best for you," Dad completed the thought. "We just didn't feel that that school would challenge you enough. We both knew you were very bright, and we wanted to give you every chance to shine." He chuckled at his obviously unintended metaphor. "But what I said earlier, to you and your friends, that's what I worry about." "What'd you say?" I asked, having no idea to what he might be referring. "About dragging you down here when all your friends are in school," he clarified. "It's just you and your doddering ole' parents, no one your own age to swim with or... anything." "I never minded," I smiled at him. "You're not that old, and you always swim and skim board with me. It's always been a fun time." "I'm glad to hear you feel that way," my father smiled back. "Anyway, I'm glad that, this year, you've found some boys your own age to spend time with." "Me too," I sat back in my chair, a warm feeling coursing through me as I thought about Shy and Trey. "They're great guys." "I'd agree," Dad said, before taking a long draw on his beer. "You do have friends at home, though, don't you, son?" "Dad!" I said unbelievingly, "You know I do! I mean, they're over the house all the time, and I'm always asking you to drive us places. Jeez, you've met them like a thousand times!" "Yeah, that's true," my father pondered. "It's just that it seems like you and your new friends here..." he paused before formulating his thought, "it's just that you all seem to have got so close in just a couple of days. I've just never noticed that you seem that close to any of your friends at home. Looking at you today, it's like the three of you have known each other all your lives." "Like I said," I shrugged again, "they're great guys. But you know what? I kinda feel like we HAVE known each other for years." "So DO you feel that close to any of your friends back home?" Dad asked. "Or maybe there's some special girl you haven't told us about?" I could feel myself blush, suddenly realizing that I would one day have to tell my mother and father that there never would be a "special girl" in my life. I'd known it for some time, but these last couple of days with Trey and Shy had made me as certain as I could be at fifteen. Still, the more important aspect of my father's question struck me suddenly and profoundly. There were boys I'd befriended as far back as the first grade, with whom I still had a good relationship. Others I'd met later, but with whom I was equally friendly. Despite all of that, I couldn't honestly say that I felt as close to any of them as I did to two boys I'd met not three days before. I didn't miss any of my friends from home, but thinking of how I'd miss Trey and Shy once we returned home made me feel sick to my stomach. Or maybe the feeling was closer to my heart. "Honestly, Dad," I replied, "I like my friends and all, but for some reason I just feel like me and Shy and Trey get along a lot better." I paused, wishing I could tell him the entire truth, but knowing it would not be wise. "Oh, and no, I don't have a girlfriend." "Good," my dad said. "Not about you not having a girlfriend, but that you met Shy and Trey. I just hope you never think we've deprived you of anything that other boys have, especially friends." He stood up and half-sat on the railing, looking down at me. "You're fifteen years old, and now is the time in your life when you should have a lot of different experiences, and all the fun you can have... within reason. There'll be plenty of time later for you to be old and boring like me." "Oh, I wouldn't call you boring," I smiled, raising my beer can in tribute, and wondering if he'd noticed my intentional omission. "Oh, so I AM old then, eh?" He'd clearly had. "Hey, you said it, not me," I chuckled. Suddenly feeling a surge of affection for my father, I set my can on the deck and stood up. Stepping forward, I wrapped my arms around him and said, "Thank you for everything." Dad did nothing for a moment, but then stepped down from the railing and wrapped his arms around me as well. "You're welcome, son," he replied. "Though I'm not really sure what I've done." "You've been my dad," I spoke into his chest. "You and mom have taken care of me, taught me almost everything I know, and done a million other things besides." Embarrassingly, I sniffed a bit before adding, "I love you, Dad." "And I love the hell outta you, kid," my dad said, his voice breaking a bit with emotion. "Yeah, I know you do," I sniffed again, relishing the comfort I felt in his arms. Taking a deep breath, I leaned back out of the hug and looked my father in the eye. Spreading my arms wide, I said, "How could you not? I mean, look at me. What's not to love?" My father congratulated my joke with a playful jab to the bicep, to which I shamelessly overreacted, clutching my arm and threatening to turn him over to the authorities. "Right," he snorted, "No jury would convict me." A minute later, as he and I leaned on the deck railing, watching the low, moonlit waves gently lap the sand, Dad said, "That was kinda fun today, hanging out with you youngsters," Dad said quietly. "Yeah, it was," I agreed. "Trey and Shy think you're pretty cool. Mom, too." "Well, I think they're pretty cool, too," my dad said, "And you can tell them I said that." After a few minutes of silence, I could hear my father chuckling. "What?" I asked, wondering what joke I'd missed. "Shy," Dad offered by way of explanation. "Never been a kid less aptly named." I'd never made that connection between the name Shy and the adjective before, but now that my dad came to mention it, I couldn't help but agree. Knowing, however, that my father had no idea just how "un-shy" Shy could be, I asked, "Why do you say that?" "I've never seen a boy running around in such a skimpy swimsuit," he explained, his chuckling growing louder. "Do you think he even knows how it almost disappears when it gets wet? He might as well have been naked." "I doubt it," I chuckled, though I knew full well it was probably the very reason Shy liked wearing it. My father was right, Shy was almost the exact opposite of shy. "Well, if you're really his friend, you might wanna give him a heads up." Catching himself, he added, "Heads up, no pun intended." We both stood laughing heartily for nearly a full minute. "Well," Dad said after draining his beer, "I should probably get to bed. Think you'll be turning in soon?" "Probably," I lied again. "I mean, I've had two beers today." "Yeah, about that," my dad said thoughtfully, "what say we keep this second one between us. I can't imagine there being any good reason to tell your mother." "Yeah, I know what you mean," I nodded. "She can be so unreasonable sometimes." Once again, I stepped up and hugged my father. "G'night, Dad. I love you." "Good night, son," my father responded, his arms around my bare torso. "I love you MORE." "Nuh uh," I shook my head, "I love YOU more." It was a game we'd played often when I was a little boy, a bit of oneupmanship, each of us claiming to love the other more, over and over again. When we were feeling particularly silly, we could trade "I love you more's" for nearly an hour, until Mom, in a fit of exasperation, told us to knock it off. I hadn't realized how much I'd missed it until that very moment. "You win, but not really," Dad said, stepping out of the embrace. "They'll never be a time when you could possibly love me more than I love you." Without waiting for an argument, my dad leaned down and kissed me on the forehead. "Don't stay up all night, son." Apparently requiring no affirmative response, he picked up his empty beer can and stepped through the door into the cottage, closing it behind him. Had it been a scene from a movie, it would have been the the perfect moment for my character to violate the fourth wall and, speaking directly into the camera, saying that it was the most bizarre vacation of my entire life. My father and I had never drifted apart or anything, but blatant signs of affection between us had greatly diminished, likely due to my struggle to navigate through my teen years. I'd never seen any of my friends embrace their fathers as I'd just done, at least not after they were maybe twelve years old. I had begun to assume it just wasn't done in most families. Now, at fifteen years old, I realized I should have ignored that particular social convention, having just been so powerfully reminded of the incredible comfort I still felt in my father's embrace. Still wrapped up in the warmness of the moment, I was shaken from my revery by the sound of my watch alarm, announcing the time, 12:30 AM. It was still an hour and a half before I expected Trey and Shy to come traipsing down the beach, nearly bare as the day they were born, but for their sandals. Or so I hoped. Picturing both boys nude, I was surprised to find that I could do so easier than I could with any of my lifelong friends back home. I reasoned that I'd never actually seen any boy back home naked, as long and as often, as I'd seen Shy and Trey in a single day. With my Pittsburgh friends, it was all fleeting glimpses, for which I'd have been ridiculed endlessly, had I'd been caught at it. I'd never seen another boy with an erection, nor had another boy ever seen mine, though it had been a terrifyingly real possibility a few times, mostly in the changing room of the local water park, when all my friends so comfortably strolled nude into the common shower. I had, more than once, been the first to nearly run out of the shower room, knowing if I lingered, everyone else would have seen my boner, and would have known it was caused by all the nude boy flesh exposed to my gaze. Such days at the water park inevitably led to a long night of self-induced multiple orgasms, during which I'd strain my memory for images of my friends' hairless cocks and smooth asses, as well as of some boys I'd seen but whom I didn't know. It was right about the same time that I'd begun fantasizing about seeing nude boys outside my bedroom window. I didn't bother with trying to formulate a scenario in which such a thing might happen. I didn't care. I simply explained to God that it shouldn't be all that difficult a thing to accomplish. After all, there were plenty of boys around, and I knew that all of them were, like me, naked under their clothes. I could only presume from the lack of nude boys walking down my street that God arbitrarily chose to deny my very reasonable, if fevered, request. I had, of course, very recently been given reason to reevaluate God's opinion, and decided instead that it was simply a question of timing. All this because of not one, but two naked boys, who had walked right up to my vacation house, and not just past my window. Still, I thought it best not to complain about it having taken so long, considering all I'd enjoyed over the last two days, and what I hoped to enjoy in just over an hour. Whatever God might think about it, I thanked him, or her, nonetheless. Not sure I could sit around without falling asleep, I slipped back inside and made my way upstairs to the kitchen. Trying my best to avoid creaking floorboards, I crept to the fridge and grabbed a Pepsi, my go-to caffeine fix. I downed a fair bit of it before heading back down the stairs. By the time I reached the doorway to my bedroom, I realized I needed a pee. I went through my room into the bathroom, holding down the front of my shorts and blasting a steam of what I presumed was mostly beer into the bowl. I shook my cock a few times, and then dabbed the tip with toilet paper to prevent any drops from ending up in my shorts or rolling down my leg, as sometimes happened when I wasn't wearing underwear. Stepping back out onto the deck, I wondered if I shouldn't simply strip off my shorts. I presumed my dad wouldn't be joining me again, nor was it likely my mother would either. Remembering the lines I'd seen on Trey's ass, I took a beach towel off the line where it had been drying and laid it on the Adirondack chair. I slid off my shorts, set them on the chair my father had pulled forward, and sat on the towel, again pressing the soles of my feet on the railing. With no thought or intention involved, my right hand began fondling my stiffening dick. Suddenly becoming aware of my actions, I slapped the offending right hand with my left. "None of that, you. We have company coming." Laughing at my own joke, I spread my legs wide, feeling the deliciously warm breeze blow across my balls and through my pubes. Resting my arms at my sides, I closed my eyes and, in my mind, revisited my morning with Shy and Trey. With my eyes still closed, I swatted at whatever bug was tickling my lips. Whatever it was refused to go away, so I swung harder, hitting something that felt much larger than mosquito, and hearing a very distinct "Ouch!" Opening my eyes, I was shocked to see a hard cock not an inch in front of my face. I looked up to see Shy kneeling on the arms of my chair, just as he'd done during his previous nocturnal visit to my beach house deck. "Well, that woke him up, anyway," I heard Trey say, and turned to my left to see the older boy, equally nude and hard as Shy. "Did I fall asleep?" I asked, knowing I must have. Otherwise I'd have been aware of the the local boys' approach, and would definitely have witnessed Shy climbing onto my chair. "Yeah, and we could hear you snoring a mile away," Shy giggled. "I don't snore," I argued, much as I'd done in the past with my parents, both of whom had informed me numerous times that I did, indeed, snore, and rather loudly at that. So loudly, in fact, that my mother had more than once suggested medical intervention. "Well, if you weren't, then there was some horrible beast up here growling," Trey laughed. "All I know is we were two houses away, and we could hear you from there." "So," I looked up, fixing a false look of worry on my face, "does that mean you don't love me anymore?" "I can deal with it," Shy said smiling, as he once more leaned forward, resting the tip of his hard dick on my lips. Just as I'd fantasized while watching Shy fucking Trey's face on the same chair, I reached up and took hold of his perfectly formed young bottom, opening my lips and pulling the hairless cock all the way into my mouth, sucking it to the root. Once more, my fantasies fell far short of the reality. Shy began, gently at first, thrusting and withdrawing, and I could feel the muscles of his ass contracting and relaxing. I slid a finger between the younger boy's buttocks and found the soft, wrinkled skin at the entrance of his tight boy pussy. Clearly stimulated by the contact, Shy began to speed his motions, pushing himself as deeply as he could. I felt Shy's sparse pubes tickling my nose, but not in an unpleasant way. He had obviously showered recently, smelling and tasting so fresh and clean. Until earlier that day I might have balked at the idea of a boy sticking his pee stick into my mouth, but now I knew I loved it. It must have been Shy's beauty, combined with my feelings for him, that made me so hungry for his four inches of irresistible dick. Shy began making those unmistakable whimpering noises he seemed to make whenever he was experiencing the pleasure of another boy's mouth or ass. It was yet another reason I so enjoyed sucking the younger boy. I knew I'd remember that sound every night for months to come, as I lay in bed bringing myself to yet another self-induced orgasm. It somehow sounded innocently cute, and yet deliciously obscene, and it lifted me to formerly unknown heights of desire. A few seconds later, I felt Shy's ass muscles tighten, and I pulled him forward, tasting his salty/sweet cum pouring onto my tongue. I sucked as hard as I could, wanting to draw out each and every drop his little hairless balls could produce. He thrust a few more times, but he'd already given me all he had to give, at least for the moment. Finally, I felt Shy pulling his cock from my mouth. I opened my eyes to watch his pubic region moving away, and his shiny, softening shaft sliding out from between my still grasping lips, and finally his beautiful acorn of a dick head glide along my tongue, dropping when there was no tongue left. "Son of a bitch," Trey said quietly. "That must have been one hell of a blowjob. I've never seen Shy get soft after getting sucked one time." I knew what Trey meant. All that morning and afternoon, after all the times we'd cum, Shy always seemed to have a boner, as if he hadn't cum at all. I smiled. "You'd never know it was my first day, huh?" "Your second, now," Shy corrected. It's Tuesday morning. I raised my arm and looked at my watch. It took a moment for my eyes to adjust enough to make out the face and hands, but once they did, I could see it was just about 1:45 AM. "Oh, you're early," I said, just as a comment, not a complaint. "Yeah, well Shy got off his leash," Trey explained, "And I couldn't keep him from jumping the fence." "Woof woof," Shy said, wiggling his ass like he was wagging his tail. "Anyway, now that we're here, it's time for your initiation, Palmer," Trey said, somewhat imperiously. "Initiation?" I asked, having not the slightest clue what he might mean. "Yep," Shy chirped, sitting in my bare lap, pressing my hard cock between my abdomen and his soft, firm butt. "Since we walked all the way over here from my house naked, you have to come back to mine the same way." Despite the very obvious and reasonable quid pro quo of the proposal, I was sure that they were joking. "Yeah, right," I scoffed. "We're serious," Trey said, without a note of humor in his voice. "Besides, you'll like it." Without looking, I knew that my cock had shriveled with the mere thought of what my two friends were suggesting. It had taken us nearly twenty minutes to walk the distance from my cottage to Shy's house the previous morning. From what I remembered, there was nowhere along the way where someone, in a cottage, a house or a car, couldn't see us. Plus there was a 24 hour convenience store lot through which we'd taken a shortcut, and which I'd seen brightly lit at night in past years. It hadn't occurred to me until that moment how huge of a risk Trey and Shy had been taking, not only having walked the entire distance a total of five in the nude, but also not carrying so much as a pair of shorts to slide on if necessary. As hot as I'd thought it was, I told them how dangerous it seemed. "That's what makes it fun," Shy answered in typical exhibitionist fashion. "C'mon," Trey prodded, "even you said we've done it five times, and no one saw us." "I did," I said, remembering my first sight of them early Sunday morning. "How do you know no one else saw you?" "If they did, no one said anything," Shy shrugged. "I wish you'd said something, though," he added, referring to that early morning when I'd first watched them suck each other off. No matter how hard they begged me, I simply refused to risk it, citing their own reluctance to skinny dip the previous afternoon. I wasn't really worried about who else might see me naked, but rather how I'd feel if my parents found out. What if we were picked up by the police, and they dragged me back to the cottage, explaining what happened while I stood there trying to cover myself with my hands? I could almost picture the looks of disgust on my parents' faces. And worst of all, they would most likely tell me I could no longer see Trey and Shy. "All right," Trey finally gave up, "How `bout this? What if you just come and walk down the beach with us?" "Yeah," Shy nodded excitedly, waving his arm vaguely to the south. "There's not even any cottages down that way, so nobody can see you." I was beginning to find Shy's zeal contagious, especially as he had once again boned solid, no doubt looking forward to at least partially sating his exhibitionism. "All right," I said, standing up, my own cock stinking up stiffly from my crotch, feeling heavy and conspicuous, at the thought of what I was about to do. "But we'll just go south for a bit, and not close to any other cottage. Deal?" "All right," Trey nodded. "But for it to count as your initiation, you have to have a boner the whole time. If it gets soft, we get to play with it to make it hard again, no matter where we are." I considered this amendment, picturing myself standing out in the moonlight while Trey and Shy fondled my equipment. I readily agreed, now actually hoping I'd lose my erection at some point. Leaving his sandals behind, Trey led the way down the stairs with me in tow and Shy following, both of us also barefoot. I experienced another moment of trepidation when I turned back to look at Shy, and saw how brightly the moon, still only two nights into it's waxing crescent phase, shone even on his tanned skin, not to mention how brightly it illuminated his phantom speedo. I hadn't noticed it earlier, as both boys had been standing in front of me, silhouetted by the moonlight. Since I had only arrived on Saturday, and since the three of us had spent most of the previous day enjoying... "indoor" activities, I only had the slightest hint of tan lines. I knew that my entire body probably glowed like Shy's crotch. Of the three, I would no doubt be the most obvious to anyone who might witness our erotic parade down the beach. I thought I must have been glowing like a florescent light bulb as we began walking south. Trey led us all the way to the water line. Having not checked the tide chart, as I was in the habit of doing while on vacation, but apparently having been distracted on this trip, I could only guess that it was very near to low tide. The sand looked very much like a snowy landscape in the bright white light. "Awesome, huh?" Shy asked, stepping up to walk next to me. I was about to disagree until I turned to look at him, remembering how I'd felt the first time I saw him and Trey walking nude on the beach. My mind quickly created a fantasy wherein it had been Trey and Shy staying at the cottage, and I'd been the one they'd seen on nude the beach, my boner bouncing as I walked along. Like them, I would have sat on the cottage stairs, but only to beat my meat. In my fantasy, however, I knew they were there, watching me. After blasting a load onto the sand, I would have looked up and said, "Why don't you join me?" With my mind devising such elaborate scenarios, I knew I wouldn't be enjoying having my cock handled, since it was bound to remain as stiff as Shy's. With such thoughts playing like a pornographic film in my mind, I soon forgot my earlier inhibitions, realizing that I now totally agreed with Shy's assessment. It was awesome! It was absolutely, totally, freakin' awesome to traipse along the beach, wearing nothing but my watch, which I then began wishing I'd left at the cottage, leaving me as bare as bare could possibly be. I'd become what I had so wanted to see outside my bedroom window: a naked boy, just walking along, baring his body for the pleasure of any horny gay boy who'd like to look. As inexplicable as such a thing would be in my neighborhood back home, here it seemed like the most natural thing in the world, on that magical strip of land known as the Outer Banks. I looked in turn at Trey and Shy, who were walking on either side of me, and I dwelt on everything I had enjoyed due to their quickly and easily shared friendship. I could feel my eyes water, thinking of how much I'd come to love them in less than three short days. In the past, I normally had no problem going home after two weeks, feeling as if I'd drained as much fun as I could out of a fortnight on the beach. I knew, however, that such would not be the case this year, and I'd spend the entire ten hour drive home either sullen and sulky, or simply trying to hide my tears. The plea that I used to offer up to God, concerning a nude boy walking down the sidewalk outside my bedroom window, was now permanently deleted from my mind. In it's place I began to suggest that it wouldn't be all that difficult for me to suddenly find myself living in North Carolina, perhaps even in a house on the beach, very near the 5.5 mile marker. Though it seemed very specific, it was necessary so as to easily be able to visit, and to be visited by, two very special friends. Surely, I reasoned, moving three people a few hundred miles south should pose no serious challenge for a being who managed to create an entire universe! "Look!" Shy said loudly, drawing me back into the moment. My long-haired friend had turned and was pointing to the north, and then he spun on his heel and pointed to the south. "Bet you didn't notice we already walked halfway." Since the only parameter I had imposed on our nude little promenade was that we not walk near any other cottages, I knew what Shy meant. We'd covered half the distance between my cottage and the next group of cottages to the south, meaning we'd walked only about a quarter mile. Still, I felt a bit more exposed, knowing I was equally distant from any possible shelter should we be observed. "Lemme see," Trey said, stepping in front of me. "Oh, you naughty boy," he opined, looking into my crotch. I had not noticed that my waning inhibitions had led to a waning erection. I wasn't completely flaccid, but I was no where near fully erect, either. "You know the rules," Trey grinned at me rather lecherously, "We have to get you hard again." I stood naked, the warm ocean water lapping over my feet, as Trey and Shy molested me, their hands touching every part of my "swimsuit area," as it had been called during that uncomfortable class when all the sixth grade boys, separated from the girls for obvious reasons, were taught just what sort of things we should report, if any adult touched us in an "inappropriate way." I was reasonably sure I wouldn't be reporting either Shy or Trey, as I could hardly claim to be an involuntary participant. Once I had been stimulated back to a full boner, Trey asked, "You O.K.? You wanna go back?" I thought for a moment, then answered, "No. I wanna go farther down, maybe till we get to those cottages." I pointed to the first cottage after the empty stretch of dunes along Rt. 12, also known as Virginia Dare Trail, or simply "the beach road." "Maybe there's a horny boy jacking off on his deck," I suggested. "Oh c'mon," Shy snickered, "Who would do somethin' like that?" "I think I heard about someone doing that once," Trey piped in. "Wish I'd been there to see it." "Me, too," I teased. "So let's go see if we can find one." We walked along, me looking down and, for the first time, noticing just how small Shy's feet were. Wearing a US size nine myself, I estimated Shy couldn't wear anything larger than an eight. Just like the rest of the younger boy, I found those small feet, with their widely spaced toes, charming. I'd never paid much attention to feet before, but for some reason I decided that, given the chance, I was going to find out if Shy's were ticklish. "Shit." I turned to Trey, who had quietly uttered the expletive and stopped walking. "What's wrong?" He simply stared and pointed. Drawing a line from the end of his finger further down the beach, I saw what had captured Trey's attention. Two small lights were bobbing about, sweeping the sand and moving slowly towards us. I estimated they were probably about three hundred yards distant. I couldn't make out the people who were handling the flashlights, but I knew it was only a matter of time before they'd see our nude bodies glowing in the moonlight. "Whadda we do?" I whispered, though there was probably little chance of the light wielding persons hearing me unless I spoke very loudly. "We should run back," Shy whispered back. "No, they'll see us," Trey replied. "So what?" I asked. "All they'll see are our bums. They won't be able to tell who we are." "Yeah, but they might see us run up to your cottage," Trey reasoned. "C'mon," he added, moving towards the dunes on our right. We followed him until our feet began getting stung by the long beach grass that grew on the higher parts of the dunes. Though it was uncomfortable doing so naked, he led us deep into the grass, instructing us to crouch down. "Ouch," Shy said. "These weeds are sticking my ass." Still, there we crouched, none of us daring to sit on the sharp blades of grass. We watched as the lights drew closer. Whoever was out so early in the morning were apparently looking for whatever shells or other treasures the waves had washed up onto the beach as the tide receded. As they got closer, I thought I could make out two figures, clad only in what I'd always thought of as gym shorts, the kind with white piping along the seams and hems, much shorter than board shorts or regular swim jams. It was almost certainly a pair of boys. Even in the moonlight I could tell that they were more deeply tanned than Shy and Trey, and much more than me. The closer they got the more I could see that they couldn't have been much older than Trey and me, nor much younger than Shy. I began to wonder if they might be brothers. "Over there, Prem," the taller of the two boys said, pointing with his light to a spot from where a small wave had just flowed back into the sea. The shorter boy ran to the spot, picked something up and showed it to the other. "That is just an oyster shell," the taller boy said, clearly disappointed. "Throw it back in." The shorter boy flung the shell into the water, watching the small splash it made. In another few moments, the two boys stood between us and the ocean. Because of the street light on the beach road behind us, I could clearly see their features. I was pretty sure they were of Indian descent, if not actually from India. I suspected the latter, having clearly heard the taller boy's accent. "I am tired, Dev," the shorter boy complained. "Can we go back?" "Yes, I suppose," Dev replied, shining his flashlight into the plastic pail he was carrying. "But wait a bit." The taller boy walked down to the water. He slid down his shorts, his light brown ass now shining in the light of the street lamp. I assumed he was peeing into the ocean. Apparently thinking it a good idea, the shorter boy stood beside him and did the same, though his shorts slipped down and pooled around his ankles. I guessed they were both young teens, maybe 13 and 14 years old. Perhaps they were visiting the US from India, on a vacation with their parents who for some reason, had chosen the Outer Banks as a destination. That being the case, I arrogantly decided that there was no reason for us to hide. They weren't adults, and so, I reasoned, they posed no threat. If they were visitors to the US, perhaps they wouldn't realize that boys didn't always walk around naked on the beach at night. "Let's go say hi," I leaned over to bump against Trey. "What?" I heard both boys whisper back. "Yeah," I shrugged. "What are they gonna do? Let's just go see if they freak out." Not waiting for an answer, I stood up and began walking down off the dune toward the water. "But we're naked!" I heard Shy whisper loudly, finally earning his name for the first time since I'd met him.