Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2013 20:51:05 +0000 From: Esther Alexis Subject: Benjy's Boy: Chapter Six Disclaimer: As I have been warned, I must state that this story is 100% fictitious, and is wholly from my imagination. If this resembles work by others or stories in real life, that is merely by coincidence, nothing more nor nothing less. All acts of sexual congress in this story performed by those under the age of eighteen was performed with their consent. Also, it wouldn't hurt to donate to Nifty... ;] ------------------------------------ Benjy's Boy: Chapter Six The last few days of my life, ever since I had began having sex with Benjy, were the best I could remember in a long time. I hadn't been with many people in the past, and I wasn't exactly sure what Benjy and I had, but I was certain it was something... special. Or, at least, I had hoped it was something special. I didn't want us to have some lame fooling around relationship that some kids would have and then forget about after they were married, and then become an emotionally scarred and trapped person in a relationship they know can't be real. That isn't me, I didn't want that to be me. I wanted to know that Benjy and I were... dating, a couple, together. I didn't want anything monogamous, in fact, I was happy with it being very polygamous, but I just wanted to know that what I was feeling was something we shared together. "Is Elise okay?" Victoria asked, sliding smoothly onto my couch. "Yeah, where is the prissy little bitch?" Ali continued, almost diving over Victoria and landing beside her on the couch. "She's gone off to Bermuda," I reminded them. "I told her to bring me back some pink sand from those great beaches. She's so lucky." "Why? Cos' you never get to go abroad?" Ali claimed. "I have been abroad." "Uh, no you haven't. Going from England to Scotland that one time isn't going abroad, my friend. And it wasn't even a holiday. You went to Glasgow to seem some dirty relatives of yours. Bet they were ginger and curly haired bastards in kilts and other plaid or Scottish bull." "That's just rude." "Eh, who cares? Really, though. Who honestly cares? I just need Elise to get her arse back from that ugly little island filled with those Nigerians or whatever." "What?" "Bulgaria, or wherever. It's one of those countries filled with homeless... dirty... foul... foreigners, isn't it?" Ali checked. "Uhm, no. Bermuda's British, and you're racist," Victoria said disgustedly. "Thank god Elise isn't here to hear you say stuff like that Ali. You've officially reached an all-time low." "I have? Thank you!" "Shut up." "Fuck off back to your girlfriend you filthy little lesbo," Ali whispered. "Oh, Ali, go sit on another pole, or get double plugged by my little brothers again, why don't you? Sick, twisted, racist, rude, ugly little slut. Sorry Kay, I'll just see you when... it... isn't here anymore. Call me when Elise gets back, hon," Victoria said, before embracing me in a hug, and whispering in my ear "Get her the fuck out of here, Kay. I'll be hiding in the kitchen." "Okay, see ya Victoria." "Aye, that's right, piss off, you dirty little dike. Don't forget your ego, you left it down Kayden's crotch, stupid hoe." "Bye Alison, love you too, darl." "Turrar Vicky. Vicky Vicky Vicky." I could sense that Alison was obviously trying to get Victoria angry, but Alison was seriously in over her head. Victoria was an absolute monster, when it came to fighting. She would tear the hair from Ali's head and beat her blind, and make sure to leave her black lipstick mark on her cheek when finished. Alison was a mouse climbing into the lion's mouth. "Shove off," Victoria finished, prancing towards the back door. I could almost see her, opening it, closing it, but not leaving, and then tiptoeing her way down the corridor and into the kitchen. I didn't know what she would want. Victoria was mysterious like that, and this was something she hadn't done before. "Right then, Gay Kay, looks like it's time for us to get at it," Ali joked. "No, really, whip it out and shove it in me!" "Uh, I'm okay. But, Ali, I'm proper tired so you should get going." "What? Oh, sure. Gotta meet Big-Dick Rick in half an hour, anyway. Bye, and don't forget to lube up when you go in Benjy this time. Dirty, dirty boys, the both of you," Ali said, standing up and whipping out her phone. She began texting, before she adjusted her thong and left the front door. "Shit," I whispered to myself, only hoping that Victoria hadn't heard. I waited for her to come out of the kitchen, and told her Alison had gone, when she popped her head out of the kitchen door and slid her way into the room, nesting back down in the same spot. "Why did you want Ali gone?" "What? That? Oh, I needed to speak to you alone," Victoria claimed, getting comfortable on my couch. "Why?" "Because I wanted to talk to you." "What about?" "Remember what I told you, a couple years ago?" she asked. I hadn't thought about it in so long, I could hardly remember, but I wouldn't tell that to Victoria. "Yes, I do. The day you... tried to.. um." "Yeah, that day. Right, we both know I'd gotten into my mother's alcohol stash, and couldn't handle my beer. But, I didn't mean to... you know... make a move. I just wanted to make it clear." "You already did, years ago," I reminded her. "Yeah, and you made it pretty clear that you didn't want me, which is fine, considering I'm dating Liz now. Anyway, don't ask why, but it's been getting on my nerves the past few weeks," Victoria announced. "What do you mean?" "What do I mean? Come on, Kayden. I don't want to sound vain, but I'm hot. All the guys want me, except, you know... anyw^@d ay, when you didn't want me, I know we were only thirteen and we were both virgins, but I think I know why. It's not that I want every single fella to come staring at my tits, it just came to my attention that if I did that to a... straight guy, he wouldn't think twice. I'm bisexual and hot, and the only explanation to why you didn't that day... and what I just heard Alison talking about... I just don't know." "Wait. Victoria. Are you outing me?" I asked, a little astonished. "So I'm right? You're in the closet?" I didn't reply. "Kay, I want a straight - wait, god! I meant, I want a... simple - answer from you. Are you gay?" "N-no,2 I stuttered, entirely unbelievable. "So why did Alison say that you and Benjy were... doing it, and why didn't you want me that day?" "I just, I just didn't." "No, don't lie to me Kay. I won't judge you, like Alison, but I want to know. You tell Alison, of all people, what you're up to, and you didn't think to tell me or Liz, or even Elise? Elise is your best friend." "Well, she's been in Bermuda for months now, and I only just found out..." I worded, barely mumbling. "Kay, a straight answer. Gay or straight, boys or girls, cock or pussy?" "I don't know what to say." "So say what you feel!" "Gay! Okay, Victoria, I'm gay!" I said. The word 'gay' sounded like a taboo, a curse, a swear, leaving my mouth, but once I had said it out loud, I felt relieved. I hadn't said it out loud before. "And... that's fine. I'm not judging you, Kay. I think it's great. Your gay. So what. So's Liz. But, wait, what is it that's going on with you and Benjy then?" "We're... I don't... we've... had sex." My voice was broken and my breath seemed cold. I didn't know what it was we had, but I wanted to know. "You mean... Benjy is... and you are...? Fuck. All the good ones are always on the wrong end of the table." "You think I'm a good one?" I asked, astounded, just slightly. "Oh, come on, Kay. Your fit. Live with it. Benjy is too. It's just a shame, really. Well, I'm sorry I... outed you, but I'll keep your secret. I need to meet Liz, so I think I better go, but we'll speak soon. I think you should talk to Benjy, by the way. Figure it out. You didn't seem to know what it was you were doing." I decided that I ought to, I ought to walk over to his house and demand to know what our relationship was. Whether or not it was a relationship, or whether it was just sex for him. I knew one thing. It wasn't sex for me. I didn't know how to explain it, other than love. I was starting to fall for Benjamin. I wouldn't say I was entirely in love with him, not after only a few days of knowing him, but I knew that I was falling for him the more time I spent with him, and I wanted to know whether he felt the same. I wanted him to be my boyfriend. So, after Victoria had left, I sneaked over the street to Benjamin's house, where I knocked on the door, and await his presence. I was still trying to fathom what to say, when his mother answered the door in her most snobby tone. "Yes? Oh, Kayden from across the street. Dear Benjamin is just up in his room. Do come in, go up and see him. I'll bring up fresh lemonade, dear. Off you go!" his mother said, grabbing me by the wrist and pulling me into the hallway. I found my way up the stairs, while watching her go off into the kitchen. When I got to the door of his room, I stood there for a while, contemplating. I didn't know what to do, what to say, but I knew I had to do something, so stormed my way into his room and stood still, looking at what I saw. "Oh, hey babe," he answered, lying on top of his bed. Once more, he was in his underwear. His body was completely expose to me, even through his Hulk panties. His hair was styled as usual, with the blue tips of his hair spiky that day. He was lying on his stomach, too, with his legs in the air, watching TV in his bedroom. "Wanna come lie with me?" "No, I need to talk." "What about then, babe?" "What is this? What are we doing, I mean?" "Well, we aren't doing anything... yet," he answered promiscuously. "No, that's not what I meant. I meant is, what are we?" "I don't know. What do you want us to be?" "I just want to know what this is. Are we... together?" "Hmm. Kayden, are you asking me out?" he answered. "I guess I am." "Then, I guess we are together." "As... boyfriends?" "Is there any other way, babe? This isn't just a sex thing, you know. I like you. Now close the door and come bring that tight ass of yours over here!" I strutted over to his bed and lay down beside him, watching the TV with him. When I lay in the same position as Benjy, he spanked my ass, and began snuggling with me. "What about your mum?" "It's just cuddling, Kay. She'll think nothing of it. Besides, she'll be getting ready for her date tonight, anyway," he reassured me, as he tapped my button nose and pressed his lips against mine. He turned me over onto my back, and mounted me like a horse. Then, he unzipped my jeans and pulled them down to my knees, revealing to him my tightly packed crotch. I placed my hands through his hair while he kissed me, and pulled them down his back and into his un^@d derwear, squeezing his cheeks and running my finger across his crack. Then, moving to the front of his underwear, I clasped his dick, and he clasped mine, when we heard the noise of someone ascending the stairwell. "Shit!" "Fuck!" "Oh, fuck! We're screwed,2 Benjy noted, as he packed my cock back up and pulled up my jeans. I put his back away and zipped back up, before spanking his ass and managing one last kiss before he dived under the covers and his mother waled through the door, nonethewiser about our little detour down south of each other. I left the house later, full of homemade lemonade and a thrill that wouldn't soon wear off. Not the thrill of being caught, the thrill that I was in a relationship. I was Benjy's Boy. Thanks for reading part six! Email, comment, jack off, whatever tickles your peach. Thanks for reading, don't forget to donate to, especially if you're one of them rich bastards that never seem to have no money. Thanks again, part seven will be out soon, bye!