Date: Thu, 20 Feb 2020 09:49:22 +0000 From: AP Webb Subject: D'n'M Part 2 Chapter 1 This is the second part of the story of Dan Reed and Milo de Beer -- D'n'M. As before, it includes scenes of sex between teenage boys and, in one instance, involving a boy and an adult man. However, sex is not the main driver of this story and often there is none at all. Part 2 consists of 21 chapters, all of which are written and which will appear on this platform twice each week. It will make more sense if you read Part 1 before starting on this second instalment. All the characters and events in the story are fictitious. Any resemblance to real people, either living or dead, is entirely unintentional. The story is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any way without the express permission of the author who can be contacted at D'n'M Part 2 Chapter 1 No matter how hard he tried (and he did try, really he did), Milo de Beer could not get his head around the fact of Dan Reed's fixation with Bethany Harper. D was his best friend, had been since they were both four years old, so he felt as if they knew each other inside out, but this obsession was way beyond his comprehension. Maybe it was because Milo, having recently recognised and accepted that he liked boys (he still wasn't entirely at ease with the G word), found it pretty much impossible to appreciate the attractions of any girl. Or maybe it was down to the fact that he, Milo, was jealous of anyone who threatened to come between him and his closest friend. To the rest of the world, and for as long as he could remember, Dan Reed and Milo de Beer were, quite simply, D'n'M. Where one went, the other was sure to be within touching distance. What one thought, the other automatically knew without being told. Whatever sentence one started, the other was likely to finish. That's just how it was, how it had always been. But now there was Beth Harper, and D had it fixed in his head that he was going to convince her to go on a date with him. Recently turned fourteen, awash with hormones and unfamiliar desires, he was absolutely sure that they were destined to be together, maybe forever. Unfortunately, he was less sure just how to achieve this objective and he had precisely zero dating experience to help him. He knew, of course (who didn't?) that she was extremely popular with the older boys and had, in fact, dated her way through most of the sports teams, including the cross country guys, and they barely counted as athletes, being at least a couple of rungs lower in the pecking order, even, than the swimmers. Seeing the senior boys when he shared a locker room with them at the school gym or the local pool, Dan had convinced himself that it must be their physicality that allowed them access to Beth's heart (and various other body parts too, if all the rumours were true). Jeez, their strong biceps, solid pecs and sculpted abs made a strong impression on him, another guy, so he could only imagine the effect they must have on a pretty and fun-loving girl. So, having decided it was their strong, imposing bodies that proved to be the irresistible draw, Dan's next problem in search of a solution was just how to put himself in the same physical league as these older boys. He knew his big brother, Tom, would be only too happy to help, but he was away at university. He knew, too, that he could turn to his dad for advice, but Dan was keen to impress Roger Reed with his growing maturity and independence and the ability to work things out for himself. The one person he knew he could turn to for support and understanding was his best friend, Milo. Things didn't turn out quite as he hoped or expected. "But why Beth Harper?" Milo couldn't disguise the notes of incredulity and distaste in his voice. "I mean, D, she's been with so many guys she gives a whole new meaning to the idea of second hand goods. You could do way better." "There isn't any better. And even if there was, I wouldn't want it. Beth's the girl for me. Besides, I don't think a gay boy is the best judge of what guys look for in girls." "I may be ... I may like boys but that doesn't stop me from having common sense and good taste. And at least I've had some experience." "Jerking off your cousin and having him cum in your mouth doesn't add up to experience. You were just being used by him when he was horny with no girl available, and you know it." Yes, what D said was true, and Milo did know it. He also knew that his friend's infatuation with the easiest girl in the school wasn't going to disappear any time soon, so the best thing he could do was go along with it and provide as much support as he could until it blew itself out. "What about Mr. Roberts? Couldn't he help?" "How's the soccer coach going to help me get a girlfriend?" "He isn't, but he could definitely give you advice on how to beef up that puny body of yours," Milo replied with a teasing laugh in his voice. And that's why the two of them found themselves walking into the soccer coach's office after school the following day. "Yes boys, what can I do for you? If you've come to tell me, Reed, that you're not available for the match on Friday, I don't want to hear it." Mr. Roberts could be intimidating at the best of times, but when things looked as if they might not be going his way, he was positively scary. "Oh no sir, it's nothing like that. I'm looking forward to it." "That's good to hear. So what is it? Spit it out, I haven't got all day to waste." Suddenly Dan was lost for words. A combination of fear of his teacher and embarrassment over the reason why he was standing in the man's office in the first place made his voice desert him. Silence filled the room. "Well sir, it's like this," began Milo, realising that D was too nervous to speak. "Dan, I mean Reed, is keen to be an even better player and he'd like your advice on how he could build up his muscles so he'd be stronger and tougher on the field." Dan could only stare at his friend in thanks and admiration. What a brilliant lie. "Oh yes sir, that's right. I really want to be a better player but I'm just so skinny and weak compared to most others. They take me down too easily." Mr. Roberts was impressed by Dan's apparent dedication to the team and his determination to be a better player and, more importantly, completely taken in by Milo's invention. "Well, that's a very creditable attitude, Reed, and I'd be happy to give you some pointers in the right direction." Dan couldn't help but smile, M's idea seemed to be paying off even more successfully than he ever expected, and Mr. Roberts was being unexpectedly reasonable, even pleasant. However, the happy expression on his face was short-lived and was soon replaced by something resembling astonished panic when the teacher continued speaking. "So first I need to see what we're dealing with. Take your clothes off boy." "What?!" D's voice hadn't squeaked so high for months. "I mean, sir, can't you just give me some general pointers? Or tell me which are the best websites to look up?" "I'll do both of those things, but before I can help you get to where you want to be, first I have to see where you're starting from. Clothes off." "But sir," chipped in Milo, "Surely you must have a good idea of Dan's, I mean Reed's, body from seeing him in the locker room or taking a shower after a game." Milo was only trying to help D who, he could see, was completely taken aback by the unexpected direction this meeting had taken. Unfortunately, however, his intervention had exactly the opposite effect. "What are you still doing here de Beer?" Mr. Roberts demanded, in a deeply unfriendly tone of voice. "This conversation has nothing to do with you and it is time you weren't here." Milo turned towards the door, knowing that trying to stay to support D was just going to make the situation even more uncomfortable for his friend. "And for your information," Mr. Roberts continued, his voice now positively antagonistic, "I do not stand round watching the boys in my teams or my classes dressing, undressing or showering. Do I make myself clear?" "Yes sir. Of course, sir." With that breathless answer, Milo left the room, leaving behind just a swift, reassuring glance at D and a feeling of relief that he hadn't found himself with a detention for disrespecting a teacher. Mr. Roberts turned back to Dan. "Still dressed, Reed? Get a move on, boy. I've got 1st team practice to get to." Dan realised he was trapped and he wasn't going to get out of the office without obeying the teacher's totally unexpected command. `Oh shit,' he thought, `The sooner I do this the sooner it'll be over.' With that he rapidly stripped off until he was down to just his socks and underwear. Standing there, in the middle of the room, he felt completely exposed to the teacher's relentless gaze. He desperately wanted to bring his hands in front of his thinly-clad genitals, but instinctively knew that this would not be acceptable -- not sufficiently manly -- to Mr. Roberts. So he stood, tense to the point of rigidity, waiting for his teacher's verdict. "Right, let's see what we're dealing with here. Turn around." Dan made a 360 degree turn. "Ok. Well, it's not all bad. From what I can see your legs, arms and body all have good proportions in relation to each other. Of course, you're still growing so there's no guarantee that things will stay that way, but it's a case of so far, so good." Dan allowed a small smile to creep onto his face and for his body to relax, ever so slightly. `Ok, so this isn't so bad,' he thought. Unfortunately, his relief was short-lived. "Now, hold your arms out to the side and stand with your feet further apart." Dan did as he was instructed, while Mr. Rogers walked round behind him. The next thing Dan knew, strong hands were travelling along his arms, squeezing as they went. This unexpected contact was bad enough, but seconds later exactly the same thing was happening to his legs, with the hands starting at his ankles and working their way inexorably up his calves, over his knees, across his thighs and ever-closer to the no-go area at the top. All the while Mr. Roberts was muttering out loud about muscle tone and definition. "Spread your legs wider, boy." Dan stopped breathing when he felt the backs of the teacher's hands accidentally pushing up against his ball sack. At least, he thought it was accidental until it happened again. Twice. This was starting to get creepy as well as uncomfortable. Dan wished the floor would open up to swallow him. But things were about to get worse, impossible though that seemed. Seconds after the ball sack massage, Dan's butt cheeks were being vigorously manipulated, first up and down, then from side to side. Dan could feel Mr. Roberts' thumbs close to his butt hole. Just what was going on here? And how much more embarrassing could this get? This was much worse, even than his annual soccer team medical. Dan could feel the goose bumps rising on pretty much all of his exposed skin. And where was M when he was needed? Seeking the teacher's advice had been his idea after all. Wait till he got out of there. M would be sorry. The answer to the embarrassment question came soon enough when the soccer coach, still behind Dan and out of his sight, brought his arms around Dan's body and began to rub his hands up and down over the boy's flat and pretty much featureless chest, seeming to linger for an age over his nipples, which instantly began to harden. Dan was aware of movement inside his boxer briefs -- one of the pairs he'd inherited from his brother Tom nearly a year ago after his first wet dream. Surely he couldn't be getting hard. Not now. Death would be a blessed relief. From Dan's chest, the hands slipped down to his flat stomach, seemingly searching for any sign of development there. But the only development at that moment was further down, where Dan's dick was rapidly approaching full hardness. Mr. Robert's wandering hands were dangerously near the waist band of Dan's underwear. `Don't start leaking now,' he silently pleaded with his wayward boyhood. "Right Reed, turn round to face me," ordered Mr. Roberts. `Oh holy shit,' wailed Dan in his head, `This is way worse than death. He's gonna see how hard I am and think I'm some sort of teenage pervert.' Not for one naïve minute did he think that the pervert boot might be on the other foot. Dan made no move. "Come on Reed, I said turn around. I haven't got time to waste while you try to get your penis under control. I very much doubt you've got anything at all surprising or impressive down there." How did he know? Wishing he could be anywhere else on the planet at that moment, Dan slowly turned, his arms hanging limply at his sides and his dick anything but limp, but just as hot and red as his face. "Just as I thought," commented the teacher, "You've got nothing there to be troubling the Guinness Book of World Records with any time soon." Dan thought he'd spontaneously combust. He wished he could. Finally, Mr. Reed announced his verdict on what he had seen --and felt. "Well, I've seen worse. As I said, you're well-proportioned and you're not carrying any excess fat." Well, that was good news. "The main areas of concern are your lack of bulk and tone." "Thank you, sir. Can I get dressed now, Mr. Roberts? Sir." Dan was desperate to cover up and get out. At least his dick was going down. "Not so fast boy. You said you wanted my advice on building up your strength and that's what you're going to get." For the next ten minutes Dan stood, nearly naked and almost as embarrassed as he'd been after that first wet dream, while Mr. Roberts explained about exercise and diet and healthy living, singling out various parts of his unclothed anatomy and variously prodding (his thighs), pinching (his biceps) or stroking (his chest). Dan began to understand how it would feel to be a piece of meat on the butcher's slab. What he couldn't understand was just how touchy feely this whole experience had become. And even more worrying, why was his dick reacting like an excited puppy to all this unwanted attention. Was there something a bit off about the soccer coach that he'd never had reason to suspect before? He realised that the teacher was still speaking. "But be careful," the soccer coach was saying. "You're only fourteen and clearly still developing, in all areas of your body," he added with a quiet smile on his face, looking straight down at Dan's newly-reinflated bulge. "And if you do everything I've suggested," he concluded, "You'll be even more of an asset to the team than you already are. Now then boy, I've got to go. Get yourself dressed and close the door behind you as you leave. Oh, and Daniel." Daniel? No-one ever called him Daniel. "Yes sir?" "Come back and see me in a few weeks' time. So I can check on how your body is, er, progressing." And with that he was gone. Dan had never dressed so fast. Within a couple of minutes he was out of the office and running down the corridor in search of Milo. He couldn't wait to explain to him how weird that whole encounter had become but, much more importantly to a hormone-flushed and horny fourteen year old, just how much closer he was to being Beth Harper's next boyfriend. Yay! ********** Many thanks to those readers who take the trouble to contact me about this story. 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