Date: Sun, 11 Jun 2000 01:46:01 GMT From: blue dude Subject: Feelings VI Okay, I know it's been ages since I submitted Chapter V. Mostly I've been very busy these past few months (and I've also been away from home for a while), but I still managed to write a few chapters, I just never got around to the checking and submitting part. Number 6 is pretty uneventful, but I know that the next few chapters will be much more interesting :-) So please bear with me. As usual, I'd like to thank you guys for your support. It really means a lot to me. Okay, you can read it now :-) If you're over 18, that is. Feelings VI. VI. Sprained The bell rang, signaling the end of my lunch period. The loud chatter that had ensued the cake incident died down quickly as most students headed for class. Depressed, I reluctantly walked back to Tommy's table and looked at his tray; his unfinished lunch made me sad, as I knew he was probably still hungry. Sighing, I grabbed the sandwich and a can of pepsi off the tray. I also bought him a brownie, knowing I shouldn't be doing that for him, not after seeing him with Kim. As I hurried towards class, I glanced at the sandwich. Cheese and pickles. Yuck. So Tommy isn't all perfect after all, I thought, and managed a small smile. The halls were deserted as I walked to room #52, where Tommy had English Lit. "Well, almost deserted," I thought dejectedly as I spotted Sam Newton jogging towards me, a gleeful look on his face. He was in charge of "Scoop Zone", the gossip column of the school newspaper. His biggest dream was to become a writer for a serious Washington D.C newspaper, and write groundbreaking exposes on dirty politics. I disliked him intensely, resenting his undying eagerness to fill the entire student body's minds with stupid crap. Sam and I had never gotten along, but we tried to be civil to each other. "Hi man," he panted as he neared me. Sam was slightly overweight, and he always seemed to be in a hurry. He was partial towards baseball caps and wire-rimmed glasses, even though he didn't need them. However, his somewhat weird personality didn't seem to stop him from getting just about any girl he wanted; obviously, he had a way with words, and most of the girls fell for him as soon as he opened his mouth. His favorite activity was dating a naive girl for a few weeks, dumping her, and then downright squashing her in his column. Everyone found this funny, minus his exes of course. He didn't restrict his writing to girls though, and he had earned himself more than a few enemies among the guys. I knew what he was after. "Hi," I said neutrally. He didn't mince words. "Tell me all about Nevers," he demanded. "Tommy? What about him?" I asked calmly. He immediately began scribbling on a notebook. "So his nickname is Tommy..." he muttered, still writing feverishly. "Funny, I don't think I've ever seen him." "Tall, blond, quiet type," I offered before biting my tongue. "The best looking guy alive," I added to myself. "Oh, and also, he's been seeing Kim Beckett. He broke my heart. How's that for a story? "Gay orphan senior loses stud to his cake-hurling friend."" Sam wasn't too interested in descriptions "Okay, tell me about the cake thing," he demanded impatiently. "Cake? What cake?" I played dumb as best I could. "Ya know, the cafeteria scene. Everyone is talking about it. I missed it because I was in the Editorial room," he added mournfully. "Sorry, can't help you there..." I smiled innocently. He sighed with irritation and wrinkled his nose. I tried to change the subject. "Tell me, any new juicy scoops coming up this week?" "Yeah," he replied absently, "Janet Lewis." Surprise, surprise. His latest victim. "Really? What about her?" I feigned interest. Sam could never resist spilling his trash on anybody willing to listen. "Well..." he said, smiling secretively. He leaned closer to me and whispered in my ear (drum roll): "She wears brown socks to bed." Good grief. "No!" I gasped, clapping a hand over my mouth. Sam smiled in satisfaction and said: "Read about this and more in... The Scoop Zone!!!" Yeah, whatever. "You bet your ass," I exclaimed, feeling slightly sick. He smiled some more, basking in my fake attention. "So anyways, if you get anything on Nevers, you know where to spill it," he focused on his hot topic once again. Yeah, up your ass, I thought in disgust. I didn't get a chance to reply, though, as a silky, deadly voice cut into the conversation. "And what, exactly, would you like to know about him?" Karen's voice was pure poison. She emerged from behind of me. I wondered how much of our conversation she'd heard. Sam wasn't intimidated. "Butt off. I wasn't talking to you," he told her. He obviously wasn't aware of Karen and Tommy's blood ties. "I don't need your permission to talk," she said in disdain. "And, believe me, I'm concerned if a scumbag like you is trying to dig up shit on my cousin," she added with cold blue eyes. "Your.... cousin?" Sam gulped. "Yes. Do your research before chasing the story," Karen said. "I...didn't...know..." Everyone was afraid of an angry Karen. "Well, you do now. So I'm warning you: not a word of this in your pathetic excuse for a newspaper. Am I making myself clear?" "Yes ma'm," Sam muttered. "Good. Now fuck off," she ended the conversation. "See ya Jeremy," he said before shuffling off. "Bye Sam," I said, feeling mildly sorry for him. Karen stared angrily at his back for a minute before turning to me. She smiled. "Thanks," she said simply. "What for?" I asked, surprised. "For protecting Tommy," she said gratefully. "I wasn't protecting him, I just didn't want to treat Sam to a field day. I don't like him much" Karen smiled and said: "Okay, whatever. I'm glad you didn't elaborate on the lunch scene. Tommy needs a break right now, and this isn't going to help. I just hope that Sam doesn't make it any worse." "What are you going to do about Kimmy? She did start this whole mess," I pointed out reluctantly. Karen sighed before replying: "Nothing. I understand the problem, and I can't say I blame her for doing it. I would have done the same thing, if not worse." My interest piqued immediately, but she didn't give me a chance to question her. "Hungry?" she enquired, staring at the food I carried. I blushed. "Uhmm.. yeah.." She raised an eyebrow. "I never knew you liked pickles and cheese. It's a gross combination, but it's also Tommy's favorite..." "Really? Wow, I guess that's one thing we have in common," I said innocently. She just smiled. "He likes you, you know..." she said. "Who?" I asked, my heart racing. "Tommy. He told me you were a cool guy. Not that I didn't know that." "Yeah, well..." I trailed off, blushing. I realized that was the first time she'd said something nice to me. "Shit, I'm late for class," Karen exclaimed. "Yeah, I'd better get going. See ya..." I hurried to the classroom, replaying the conversation in my mind. He "liked" me? It sure didn't seem that way to me. Also, I had to admit that Karen wasn't all that bad after all, for a girl anyway. Funny how people change once you get to know them, I mused. I just hoped that my perception of Tommy wouldn't change if I ever got to know him better. Deep down I knew it would, though. He wasn't in class, and I wasn't surprised. I decided to skip my own class and look for him; I guess that, despite the whole party thing, I just needed a friend as much as he did. The library was empty, and so was the gym; after unsuccessfully checking out the spot near the back parking lot, I wondered if maybe he'd ditched class. Discouraged, I decided to try the old restrooms at the far end of campus. These were rarely used, as they were situated behind the football stadium; they were off-limits to students except during football games and other special occasions. I doubted Tommy knew about the place. The door to the men's room was open, as the lock had been broken by a bunch of students a long while ago, and no one had ever bothered to fix it. No lights were on, and the place seemed empty. I bent down and began checking out the closed stalls. Sure enough, I found someone sitting in the last stall. Once again, he broke my heart. "Tommy?" I asked softly, knocking the door. No answer. "Man, is that you?" I tried again, gently. "Go away, Jeremy," an unmistakable voice answered finally answered. "Hey..." I said, trying to force a smile into my voice. Silence. "I brought you some lunch..." I said, sliding the stuff underneath the door. "Thanks..." he said. "Look, if you want to talk...." "No, I don't want to talk to you. Leave me alone." I bit my lip. "You know where to find me if you change your mind," I said. I love you, I miserably added to myself as I walked outside **************************************************************************************** "Kim, wait up," I yelled as I chased after my friend. She kept walking, ignoring me. "KIM!!" I hollered at the top of my lungs, just as the Principal walked out of a classroom. He gave me a look again, but said nothing. I wasn't surprised: half the faculty had shown up to my parents' funeral and they all treated me like I was made out of glass or something. I smiled at him innocently and began sprinting down the hall. I finally caught up with my friend. "Not now, Jeremy. I'm very late for class. We'll talk later, okay?" "Please tell me. You have everyone and their dog talking, and I'm curious, " I pleaded. "Curious" was a way of putting it. Kim looked at me suspiciously. "You really don't know?" she finally asked. "No, how could I know? I mean, it must something be big, if you got so worked up about it." I tried to suppress a frown as I remembered Tommy's even more delicious face. The boy's literally good enough to eat. "Okay, I'll tell you later." She eyed me doubtfully before walking off. "Shit!" I complained. I turned to find Jason standing right behind of me. Groan. I'd managed to avoid Mr. Gestapo all morning, but he'd finally found me. "Hey dude," he said brightly. "Hello," I mumbled, already losing my patience. He didn't seem to mind though. He just smiled. "You look pissed, man. What's wrong?" "Nothing," I barked, feeling like a volcano ready to explode. He blinked, and then tried again. "Why don't you and I have a little talk?" he offered. "No. Leave me alone," I growled as images of the lunchroom blowup came to my mind. "Fine. Have it your way," he sighed in resignation. I felt bad about not telling him about my feelings towards Tommy, but I really didn't feel ready to do so. I had trouble understanding the whole situation myself. However, I promised to myself that I'd share with Jase as soon as the time was right. "What's your next class?" I asked in a more pacific tone of voice. "Fucking algebra, man," he moaned. I smiled to myself. I'd heard that same line many times. "What about you?" he asked. "Fucking gym, man," I tried to mimic his whiny tone. He smiled at me and jabbed me on the side. I smiled back. "Go guys, go. Only 14 minutes more," dear Coach Steven yelled. I mentally cursed him as my lungs screamed for extra oxygen. His idea of a gentle "warm-up" jog was having us gallop around the track like runaway rabbits for twenty long minutes. The last time I'd done any real exercise was when I'd pushed my way out of my mother's body, almost eighteen years before. My long gone trips to the gym counted for nothing, as they had responded to a more esthetic issue; not that I gave a shit about my appearance these days. I felt completely out of breath and exhausted after a few minutes, so I slowed down. He soon spotted me of course. "C'mon Marks, move your ass," he hollered. "Are you running or sightseeing?" I ignored him and allowed my decrepit lungs to relax a bit. I'd chosen what I thought was the weakest gym class available, "General phys ed. and Health". Of course, at the time I hadn't been aware that this drill sergeant had been assigned to the class. I paced up a bit, until he finally blew the damn whistle that signaled the end of the jog. We all walked towards him like cattle. "Okay guys, stretch those muscles now," he instructed. I drifted towards the back of the pack and began elongating my legs, wishing the class would end already. "I have news for you guys," he announced while we cooled down. "Coach Joe and I have decided to get our classes together today, so we can compare your performance and athletic abilities." I stifled a snicker. If anything, you had to give the guy credit for trying, although no one would be offering anyone in this class a sports scholarship any time soon. "Coach Joe's class will be joining us shortly, and each of you will be paired up with a student from the other class with whom you'll work," he continued. "This is *not * a competition, it's just a little exercise for us to assess your strengths and weaknesses as a group. We both hope to learn from this experience and get a few pointers on how to improve our Physical Education class. Understood?" Yeah chorus. "Good," he said. "Here they come now." "Oh, goodie," I thought to myself. I plopped down on the grass and was soon lost in thought. Everything was getting more complicated by the second and all I really wanted was to be able to love Tommy without having to worry about Kim smashing Tommy's head in, or Jason jumping off a cliff. I knew I'd never have Tommy. I also knew that I should get away from him, but even that seemed impossible; I kept getting involved in outrageous situations that were totally beyond me. What the hell was wrong with these people? Was I the only sane person around? And what with all of these strange secrets: everyone seemed to know what was going on except me. And why the hell wouldn't he talk to me? "Jeremy, are you planning on participating or not?" Coach Steven inquired impatiently. "Yeah, if I have to," I answered unenthusiastically, looking towards the ocean. "Good. This is your workout companion. Seems like you two are the only ones who aren't paired up." I sighed in exasperation and looked up. My eyes bulged as I saw Coach Steven holding Tommy's arm up like a trophy. Tommy didn't look any happier than I felt. Shit, I couldn't believe my bad luck, this whole setting was just what I needed to top off my day. "Do you guys know each other?" Coach Steven asked. No answer. "Well, do you or don't you? ..." he prodded. Still no answer. Tommy peered at me with uncertain eyes. I glared back, annoyed. Coach Steven sighed impatiently and stalked off to the center of the track. I continued to look at Tommy through slit eyes, and he finally turned and followed the coach. I tagged along behind him, ready to rip someone's arms off. "Okay guys, our first exercise is a very simple race. One member of the team has to run along the oval track carrying a football; the other member runs along the track but in the opposite direction. When you meet, the member carrying the ball must pass it to the other. Both then continue running in their respective directions. The race consists of two laps, which means each one of you passes the ball once and receives it once. The one who gets to the finishing line first is the winner." I almost burst out laughing right then and there. What the hell was wrong with this person? Tommy was still looking at me unnervingly. I met his stare and smiled dangerously, before snatching a ball and marching to the starting line. Coach Steven blew the whistle and I began my jog down the track, considering what to do as I spotted Tommy. My heart ached for just a second, before I shut it out completely. This was war. I ran towards him and he extended his hands. "Catch," I called before hurling the ball, aiming for his face. He ducked and the ball sailed over his body harmlessly. "Sorry," I called out innocently as I scrambled down the track. I was enjoying this very much. I looked over my shoulder and discovered that Tommy was fishing for the ball outside the track. I ran along leisurely. Tommy came into view again soon, carrying the ball and looking like some Greek Myth god as he ran. "Here goes," he called. I extended my arms, determined to catch the ball. Tommy dropped the ball on the floor and kicked it lightly, and I watched in horror as the damn thing rolled under my feet before I could react. I tripped clumsily and crashed on to the ground heavily, a mess on the grass. I felt my cheeks burn in embarrassment as I stood up awkwardly and inspected the damage. Not much, just a few scrapes on my knees. I narrowed my eyes and completed the lap, coming in dead last. "Sorry about that, man," Tommy apologized fakely. "Are you okay?" "I'm fine," I answered through gritted teeth, seething. "That was good, guys, except for a few exceptions," Coach Steven said, looking at us pointedly. I sensed Tommy's eyes on me, but I ignored them. "Next exercise is easier," the coach babbled on enthusiastically "All you have to do is run with your pair and kick a soccer ball between you. Freestyle. Let's get going, stop when I blow the whistle." He clapped his hands twice. Tommy and I began running together, kicking the ball back and forth. I tried to concentrate on the ball, but images of the party invaded my mind. My kicks grew accordingly more vicious, and I eventually had to run to the parking lot to retrieve the ball, just as the coach blew his whistle. My anger boiled as I watched Tommy trot towards the class lazily. The coach had already begun the next exercise by the time I had scampered back to the class. "Glad you could join us Jeremy," Coach Steven said sternly as I glared at Tommy. He smiled innocently and said: "Sorry. I've never been good with balls." "You've got chocolate on your chin," I snapped, sneering. Tommy looked away with a wounded expression. It was Coach Joe's turn: "Next comes a strength exercise. Brian, Tim, help me out," he mentioned two guys I barely knew. "Okay, Tim, lie down on your back. That's right. Now lift your feet straight up, shaping your body like an "L". Okay, Brian, on your toes, rest your chest on Tim's feet. That's great boys. Now Brian, slowly push your body down on Tim's feet. Tim, flex your legs slightly but try to fight Brian. Fine boys, you're doing great. "He clapped his hands. "I want everyone doing this exercise." God, was this guy for real? I marched over to Tommy and told him to lie on the grass. He didn't argue. He wore black shorts and a tight white t-shirt, which was slightly dampened with sweat, clinging to his chest erotically. He slowly lowered himself to the ground as the sun glinted off his yellow hair, making it look like a swirl of dirty golden trails; the arm he extended to steady himself was a little muscular, lightly powdered with blond hair. His faced looked slightly red from the exercise, and his eyes contrasted as they sparkled their blue beauty, breaking through the barrier I'd tried to build up like a hot knife through butter. I tried not to think about kissing the pink lips that looked so soft and full; they reminded me of the skin of a sweet cherry. A very light dusting of unshaven hair gleamed above the upper lip, his face an indecisive transition between unspoiled youth and the most knowing and sexual maturity. Tommy seemed to lose the innocence that had bathed him for just one second as my eyes traveled down his long, tanned legs, as I took in their solid shape and manly curves. I looked at his face once again, and he peered at me through his long dark eyelashes. I held his stare for a few moments, and all the pain of the last couple of days seemed to vaporize in its warmth. I almost smiled at him then. He suddenly looked away, and I followed his gaze. Kim was sitting on a bleacher, frowning at us. My heart sank, and the moment was destroyed. Dark cloud gathered in my mind. "Are you going to do this, or am I supposed to lay here all day," he barked. I tried to hide my stung feelings. "So raise your legs already, you idiot," I hissed back. He raised his feet into the air, and I glanced at his shorts casually. The lining of his white briefs peeked out as the legs of his shorts slid down, hugging his butt tightly. I tried to calm my breath as I slowly leaned on to his feet and began pressing down on him. "Harder," Tommy said. I complied. "Harder," he repeated. I pressed down with all of my weight, feeling his strong legs flex. "Harder!" he said. I hesitatingly placed my hands on his calves: he didn't object. They felt unbelievably firm and smooth, lightly covered with a bit of fine hair; my hands slid over the hot, sweaty skin, so I gripped them tightly, trying to ignore the stirring in my crotch. My knees bumped against the back of his legs. I looked down at Tommy as I pressed down on him, inhaling the sweet scent of his perspiration as he grew increasingly hot. He'd placed his hands behind the back of his head, and I stared at the wet patches forming on his shirt over the armpit areas. He closed his eyes and gritted his teeth as I pressed down heavily; I began worrying about hurting him. Something else happened though. Tommy suddenly grunted loudly, and I felt his legs buckle sharply beneath me as his feet dropped to the ground. I quickly lost my balance and, before I knew it, I'd toppled right on top of him. My chin bashed against his shoulder as I lay on top of him, and I was all too aware of our sweaty, entangled limbs as my crotch rubbed against his right leg. I blushed furiously and scrambled to my feet, feeling up his chest in the process. Some kids snickered, and I heard a few hoots of laughter as I tried to regain balance, feeling intoxicated with lust. I took a deep breath and looked down at Tommy, narrowing my eyes. "You asshole, why the fuck did you do that," I snarled, desperately trying to stifle a rampant rush of hormones. "Hey, it was an accident. I didn't mean to let you fall like that," he muttered, sitting up clumsily. "Accident my ass. You've been on my case all afternoon," I snapped accusingly. "That's not true, you're the one who's been bugging me," he said. "And, sorry, man, I never saw this coming." Saw what coming, I thought. I pushed the thought away. "Yeah, well, the next time you want to fool around, get yourself a rubber doll," I hissed. Tommy didn't answer right away. I could hardly make out his words when he finally spoke. "Christ, Jeremy, why do you hate me so much?" he whispered, staring at the ground. My heart broke again when I heard those words. Did he really think that? Didn't he understand anything at all?? I didn't know what to say and, feeling my heart soften, I placed a hand on his shoulder. He looked at me intently, and something happened between us, as I felt the previous week dissolve in my memory, only remembering his shy look that day in the cafe. But then it was gone. The coach began yelling, ordering us to run a few laps around the track. The spell was broken. "Just stay away from me," Tommy spat as he shook my hand off his shoulder. He turned around and jogged towards the track. I winced and followed him, losing any shred of dignity and self-respect I could have had. "Hey!" I called, wanting to beat the shit out of him and smother him with kisses at the same time. "Hey!" He ignored me, quickening his pace; I, in turn, began running faster, until we were speeding down the track like two maniacs. I couldn't catch him though, as every time I neared him he seemed to have a fresh burst of energy. All the other guys had already headed to the showers, so it was only the two of us on the track. The coaches cheered happily as we tore down the track, thinking we were involved in some kind of friendly race. "Go Jeremy, go!" Coach Steven yelled hysterically, practically peeing his pants. "I knew you could do it! GOOOOOO". The other coach cheered for Tommy of course. Just as I was ready to give up, Tommy tripped and tumbled to the ground right in front of me, hitting his leg hard on the grass. He balled up, clutching his leg and swearing loudly. I dropped to my knees next to him. "Are you okay?" I demanded worriedly, feeling incredibly guilty. "Fuck off," he moaned, writhing in pain. The coaches reached us before I could answer. "Lord, that was some fall Thomas," Steven said. "Here, let me take a look. Quit whining." I stood there stupidly, feeling very jealous as Steven ran his hand over Tommy's body, feeling his chest and legs. Tommy yelped when the Coach felt his right ankle. "Seems to me you've sprained it, boy," the Coach announced. He looked at me and instructed: "Jeremy, help Thomas to his feet and take him to the infirmary. It's probably nothing serious but I don't want an angry parent suing the school over this. That was some race," he added, barely containing his delight. "I just wish you worked this hard more often. You could even join the team if you set your mind to it". He beamed happily, and I stared at him incredulously. Coach Joe simply ruffled Tommy's hair before walking off with Coach Steven. I reached down and took Tommy's hands, helping him stand. He winced slightly as he stepped on his right foot. "Easy, easy," I told him. "Don't stand on that foot man." Tommy said nothing and began hopping towards the infirmary. "Here, let me help," I offered, taking his arm. He glared at me. "I can manage, thank you," he said. I was beginning to feel *very * irritated. "Have it your way," I muttered and marched ahead of him towards the infirmary. "It's only a sprained ankle, cutie," the fat nurse crooned as Tommy slowly got to his feet. She handed him a bottle. "Rub some of this stuff in three times a day. You'll be back on your feet in no time," she added with a radiant smile as she squeezed his smooth cheeks. I smirked. Tommy had a new admirer and he looked mortified. "Uhmm... Thanks," he said bashfully, turning to leave. "My pleasure, pretty boy," the nurse beamed at him and giving me a nasty look. I glared right back. "Someone's blushing," I commented as we stepped outside. He said nothing and I sighed. "You could at least thank me for coming here, you know. I mean, playing Florence Nightingale for an ingrate little shit is not my idea of fun." He stopped dead in his tracks and turned to me, until his face was just inches away from mine. "This is your fault," he said accusingly. "I told you to keep away from me". I tried to ignore his sweet breath and defended myself: "Yeah, well, maybe none of this would have happened if you'd listened to what I had to say." "I don't care about anything you have to say to me. Now get lost," he finished the conversation. I sighed in frustration, watching him limp towards the locker room. What the hell was wrong with me? I was supposed to be avoiding him, and here I was, practically begging to help him. To hell with him, I decided, stomping out of the building. I drove to the Blue Cafe, craving a hot cup of coffee and a little relaxation. Maybe I would be able to calm down slightly and get a grip. I'd just finished my drink when Tommy dragged himself into the store. I briefly remembered the first time I saw him; it had been in this very place, only a week ago. I could not quite believe only seven days had passed since the first time I'd laid eyes on him. I watched him struggle with cans of food and other stuff, wondering what he wanted them for. More importantly, how the hell was he going to carry all of that stuff? He finally spotted me as the guy at the counter rang up his purchases and put them into paper bags: his eyes were unreadable. He looked away and I stared incredulously as he juggled with the bags, trying to make it to the door. I'd heard of pride, but this was ridiculous. I walked towards Tommy slowly and, without saying a thing, opened the door for him. He reluctantly walked outside, and I followed. "Thank you," he said quietly. "You're welcome," I answered coolly, walking towards my car. "Need a ride home?" He hesitated before saying: "No, I'm fine. Thanks for the offer though." Talk about stubborn. "Don't be stupid, I can take you home. You're injured." I said, as if he'd just fallen off a mountain or something. "I'll live," he repeated obstinately. "C'mon, Tommy, you've just sprained your ankle for Christ's sake. Let me drive you home." It occurred to me that I'd never called him by his name until then. "Listen, quit worrying. It's just a short walk." I narrowed my eyes as something inside of me snapped. This was fucking ridiculous. I reached out suddenly and snatched his bags, dumping them into my car. I ignored his protests as I unlocked the passenger seat and shoved him inside. "What the hell do you think you're doing," he demanded angrily as I took the driver's seat. "Shut up," I snapped as I backed out of the parking space. "Let me out," he cried childishly, fooling with the door. I smiled in spite of myself. He was so sweet. I let him whine himself out. When he finally shut up, I turned to him with a smile. "Done?" I asked. "I guess," he sulked. "Good. Where do you live?" No answer. "You're coming to my place then," I announced, exasperated. "Buckle your seatbelt please." He didn't protest. Chapter VII VII. Going inside. Tbc SOON Hope you enjoyed it. I'll submit no. VII very soon. If you're interested in a short FAQ I've written, please send me an email with FAQ as the subject line. I'm addressing a few questions that pop up very often and that concern me. Comments welcome and very much appreciated.