Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 22:21:38 -0700 From: Cory Radke Subject: Gay: High School: Happy Birthday to Me part 2 This story is about a gay relationship and sex between consenting gay teens, both High School Seniors. This is completely a work of fiction and is not intended to suggest or imply anything about anybody. Any similarities to actual people or places - other than the ones specifically mentioned - are purely coincidental. If it isn't legal for you to read this for any reason, please use that handy browser line and jump to a subject/site that is more appropriate. Copyright Cory Radke. Positive comments are always appreciated and welcome. Thanks to Scott, Lenard, JB, Allen and Duke for their encouragement after reading Chapter 1. You're great guys! You may email me at Happy Birthday to Me Chapter 2 Cory went through the first four periods of school without any new surprises from Trent and Troy. For which he was monster grateful. Other than some good-natured mocks over the banner from teammates he ran into in classes or the halls, every other student seemed to see it exactly the way his friends had portrayed - a great way to build school spirit. And with the first home game coming up fast on Friday that wasn't a bad thing. Walking out of his AP Social Studies class, Cory headed toward the south stairwell and a much needed - if not looked forward to - lunch from the school cafeteria. His stomach had been telling him for the last hour that an apple and some juice for breakfast just didn't cut it. Before he'd gone more than a few steps out of the door however, Cory turned around and backtracked. Rounding the corner into "frosh" hall, he saw about 20 students standing in front of their lockers doing the same thing he planned, trading out books. Cory towered over the 5'2" to 5'6" first years and a couple of them looked at him curious probably wondering what he was doing in 'their' hallway. He just smiled as he ambled over to his top row locker and ran a thumb over the biometric fingerprint padlock he used. As it dropped open, Cory heard a bang of hand against metal. "Hey, hey, hey, what's going on buddy?" As he dropped his backpack to the floor and kneeled down, Cory came face-to-face with a very frustrated 14 year old. "I can't get this fucking thing open." The kid was trying to look tough, but Cory could see he was a lot closer to tears than rage. Clearly, his first day of school was not going the best. "Let me see if I can help. Where's your locker combination?" Pulling a crumpled piece of paper out of a backpack pocket, he shoved it in Cory's hand. As Cory rotated the combination on the old style lockers that had yet to be replaced at Branson for first years, he looked into the face of the young boy that could have been him three years earlier. "I'm Cory, what's your name?" "It's Elijah. But I ask everybody to call me Jay." "Well Jay, it's great to meet you. Hope your classes are treating you a lot better than this old locker." Cory flashed a grin at the 14 year old as he finished with the combination and pulled it open. "WOOOOOOOW thanks you got it on first try!" "No problem, but here maybe I can help." Reaching up Cory pulled the fingerprint padlock off his locker. "Want to be the coolest first year at Branson?" he asked Jay. "NO WAY" Jay screamed as Cory reached into one of his own backpack pockets and pulled out the padlock's reset key. Flipping open the bottom he pushed in the key and pressed the setup button. Closing the padlock, Cory held it out to Jay. "Run your thumb over the sensor" Cory instructed. As Jay did so, Cory had him do it two more times to set the lock and confirm his thumbprint. "Okay give me one minute." He then reached into Jay's locker and disabled the combination lock. "Now press the button above the sensor." Jay stared at the lock as he pressed the button and heard it click open. Cory pulled out the reset key and handed it to Jay. "Don't lose this or you won't be able to reset the lock if something happens." "Dude you can't give me your lock. How are you going to get into your locker?" "No worries, Jay. I keep an extra just for emergencies like this." Opening his locker, Cory reached in and pulled out an identical lock, running thru the setup the same way he'd showed Jay. "See I'm all good." As he reached in and wrapped his hand around the books needed for afternoon classes, Cory heard Jay gasp in surprise. "Hey you're the guy on that HUUUUUUUGE banner in the lobby!" Kneeling down again, Cory looked Jay in the face. "Did you ever see that old movie The Wizard of Oz?" "Ya like years ago when I was a kid" "Well, remember when they made it to the Emerald City and Toto pulled back the curtain and the big giant head said 'ignore the guy behind the curtain'?" "Ya I think so" Jay looked like he was concentrating hard. "K..." Cory said smiling again as he stood up. "Ignore the guy on the big banner!" Jay laughed and Cory finished closing up his locker and stashing the new books in his backpack. "See ya Jay." "See ya Cory" Jay said in awe as the senior picked up his backpack and reversed direction down the hall toward the stairwell. As Cory rounded the corner heading toward his now very much wanted goal of the cafeteria, he was stopped by a familiar face. "Dude you seriously have GOT to stop doing that" the brown messy haired guy said. "Hey B! What are you talking about and what are you doing here?" Brandon Lawrence was a 22 year old film student at Portland State University. He'd also been doing digital videos of every one of Cory's football games since the teen took over as Branson's starting quarterback two years ago. "I'm talking about you doing that 'Cory-thing' of effortlessly helping everyone around you without taking credit, and WITHOUT giving me the chance to record it. Exactly how do you think I'm going to finish my opus Cory-mentary absent cool scenes like that? It's just not right man" Brandon pouted. Cory laughed. "B... if you're gonna talk you gotta walk." Reaching the top of the south stairwell, he turned to again ask why Brendan was at the school when another student came running between them and caught his foot on Cory's size 13.5 shoes. A girl walking up the stairs screamed as the student started to go airborne and then stopped as he was held at a 45-degree angle nearly in her face. Brandon had a shocked look for a few seconds then buried his face in his hands. "OMG NOT AGAIN!" he moaned. With his hand gripping tight into the rip-stop fabric of the backpack the kid was wearing, Cory was easily holding the other student in mid air - preventing a certain catastrophe. Carefully, he pulled back until the taller kid was safely on his feet. "You ok?" The jade green eyes of the 6'4" golden blond looked first at Brandon and then at Cory. "Ummmmmmmmmmm... I think so" he breathed out in a shaky voice as he checked himself over. "If you're gonna run in the halls you might want to try and be more careful about where you plant your feet." "Ya" he paused speaking slowly "I'll do that" then reset his backpack and this time began to walk carefully down the stairs. Reaching out, Brandon grabbed Cory by the shoulder. "Look Cory, from now on I'm invoking the 'Peter Parker' rule with you. If you're going to pull some super-hero stuff MAKE SURE I have a cam in hand... deal?" "B... you're losing it and I'm dying of hunger. And you still haven't told me what you're even doing here. Hello? You go to classes at PSU not Branson." Heading down the stairs with Brandon on his heels, Cory pushed out the stairwell doors and into the open courtyard facing the cafeteria. "Like I can't figure that out from all the short people running around this place" Brandon rushed out as he tried to keep up with the fast walking taller teen. "I came on campus to meet with your coach and get my new pass to the coaches and press box so I can what I do great which is making digital videos for your Mom and Dad of you winning games. I was upstairs because I was gonna leave a note in your locker." Cory stopped a few steps short of the cafeteria doors and turned to look at Brandon putting a hand on the chest of the college student. "Leave a note in my locker? Serious? B... we aren't dating. You do know that whiz smart people have invented these things call 'smartphones' that allow you to call people and send emails or text messages or even IMs. Technology is an amazing thing." "Ya I know Cory, but I... ummmmmmm... dropped my phone." "B... you're ALWAYS dropping your phone that's why I bought you one of the Survivor cases for your birthday. It protects your phone against anything but a bullet." Brandon was looking down at his feet blushing. "I know you did but it couldn't really help when I dropped it this time." "Ok B... I'm obviously not getting any lunch until I hear this story so spill. And, please the faster the better. I'm hungry!" "It's like this Cory," Brandon started. "Your Dad's construction company hired me to do some footage of the support pylons for the new Columbia River Bridge as part of a project presentation they're doing for something in China. I got some mind-blowing great stuff and was going for this one shot as the sun angled just TOTALLY perfect between the exposed rebar and, well, I leaned way out over the side of the lift I was on and my phone fell out of my pocket." "B..." Cory rolled his eyes "are you telling me that you DROPPED your phone IN the Columbia River?" "Ummmmmmmmmm... ya." "And you didn't jump out of the lift and dive in after it?" Cory could barely keep himself from hysterical laughter. "Coooooooooooooory, I was like a billion feet up from the river. I couldn't go after it. My cam would have gotten trashed." "I'm completely messing with you B..." Cory dropped his backpack between his feet and pulled out his phone. He brought up email and started typing with both thumbs as he talked. "On your way back to PSU stop at the Apple store and buy a new phone. I'm emailing Dad's PA and asking her to approve the expense on an emergency basis. You'll have the money back in your account before 5PM. I'm also making sure she gives you enough to buy another Survivor case, so get that too." Cory finished his email and sent it. He put his phone back in his pack and Velcroed the pocket closed. "Now, may I PLEAAAASE go get some lunch?" "Bro you're sooooooooooooo great! Thanks tons! Now all I gotta do is grab some footage of that banner in the lobby." Brandon set off away from Cory, but was stopped by the teen's hand around his bicep. "B... no footage of the banner and no telling Mom and Dad about it." "Cory it would be the ideal opening shot for the vid of this Friday's game." "B..." "Ok ok ok... no banner. I promise. Ohhhh hey, do you need me to pick up Jaxson like regular and bring him to the stadium?" "Please. I'll leave his carrier just inside the side gate. The gate code is the same as before. And thanks for picking Jaxson up for me. BTW... you don't need to bribe him with a ton of treats to get him into the carrier. Jaxson likes you. He's just playing with you." "I know Cory, but it's Jaxson's and my game" Brandon smiled. "Alright, just not so many. He must have added 3 pounds last year during season even with all our running." "Ok Cory, deal. Now go get some lunch, you really look hungry" Brandon chuckled. "UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Go, go now!" Brandon finally headed off as Cory turned and walked to the cafeteria doors and went inside. Dodging at least a half dozen other students, Cory walked down the food line picking up a ham and cheese sandwich, a grilled chicken Caesar salad, two bananas and two nectarines. He waited as the cashier rang him up and then ran his school pay card to finish the transaction. Grabbing the tray in one hand, he headed off to his regular table. Sitting down opposite Trent, Troy and both their girlfriends, Cory started shoveling food into his mouth. The twins looked at each other and then at their friend. "Hungry QB?" "No bweakfust" Cory mumbled between bites of sandwich and salad. "Well, please don't choke. We got an important practice today. Though if you do start gasping for air I think Amy would be glad to give you the Heimlich" Troy looked at his girlfriend smiling. "Ha ha ha ha ha" Cory mumbled back. The twins and their girlfriends talked about plans for an after game party at Nathan's house as Cory plowed through his lunch. As he peeled his second banana, the warning bell went off. Pushing the banana into his mouth as he kept chewing, Cory grabbed his backpack and along with the others headed to the final two class periods of the day. ---------------------------- With first day classes finally over, Cory was walking between Trent and Troy talking about their Friday opponent - Ravensville - as they headed into the locker-room to change out for practice. "RADKE!" Cory looked at the twins with murder in his eyes as he walked with confidence he didn't feel into Coach Thompson's office. "Look Coach the banner wasn't my idea. I was as surprised..." "Oh get over it Radke" Thompson grinned at him. "If you'd thought about it for more than two seconds, you would have figured out that the Administration would never have allowed the banner to go up without my say so. Besides it took 10 people and 3 hi-lifts to get that monster on the wall. I think its hilarious how your little twin gang included me on the banner. Now go get changed out." 'Almost knocked off by Jaxson' Coach muttered to himself. 'That kills me.' Cory sighed and headed out of the Coach's office toward his locker. Looking over his shoulder at the equipment area, he caught Aaron waiting to catch his eye. The Branson football equipment manager gave him a thumb up then went back to organizing the gear Coach Thompson wanted available for practice. Only the Coach, Aaron and maybe Trent and Troy knew exactly how much personal gear Cory had in the equipment room. Between ten pairs of Nike Vapor Talon Elites with different cleat patterns and enough cups, socks, compression shirts, shorts, uni pants, pads and jerseys, Cory could have probably outfitted half the team just from the section that Aaron had built to hold his stuff. Like most football players, Cory had superstitions about what could be worn when and he wasn't going to mess with the school's current winning record by putting it at risk. That didn't mean that what he wore on the field made him stand out any more than the regular clothes he wore at school. Cory made sure that the Booster Club had the resources to outfit all of Branson's quarterbacks in the same gear he wore - if not in the same quantity. To help both players and coaches alike, the Booster Club had also contracted with the same professional laundry that handled the Portland area college football teams. So nobody had to take gear home to wash. It made things easier for everyone and took one hassle, and cost, off the backs of every team member's family. The thumb up that Aaron had given to Cory told him that the gear he needed for practice had already been loaded into his locker. Other than Cory, only Aaron had fingerprint access. Bracketed between Trent and Troy, Cory opened his locker and stripped off, folding and storing his street clothes in two locker cubbys. It had always been Coach's practice to do a light workout on the first day back at school as a reward for working hard during pre school start camp. So today it was upper pads only, not full. Reaching in, Cory grabbed his Shock Doctor supporter and carbon flex cup. Pulling it up his legs and sliding in the cup, Cory followed it with Shockskin 5-pad compression shorts and a 7-pad Shockskin compression shirt. He then put on team shorts and sat down to pull on his two pairs of Nike socks - first regular dri-fit socks and then Nike Vapor Crew socks - before sliding on and double lacing his cleats. Next to go on were his nested shoulder pads and red practice jersey, tightening the pad straps before pulling down his jersey for a snug fit. And last were his wrist bands and skull cap. Cory grabbed his mouthguard out of its keeper and started looking for his helmet. "Missing something QB?" he heard Troy say in a sly voice behind him. Turning around, Cory eyed the twin suspiciously as he saw his #8 helmet in Troy's hand. "How the hell did you get in my locker Troy?" "Life is full of mysteries QB" Troy smiled as he handed Cory his helmet and the two of them walked out of the locker-room and on to the practice field. Over the next two hours, Coach Thompson focused most of his time on the defensive team since that was where Branson had most of its new varsity players. Under the watchful eye of the QB/Receiver Coach, Cory ran the offensive squad through its usual tough workout flipping plays between the run game and air game to ensure that every player not only got the time he needed to maximize his skills, but also cold locked the playbook the coaches had put together for Friday's game. As he walked off the field with the guys around him, Cory was feeling good about their prospects for the year. He drained the last of the water bottle he was drinking from and effortlessly threw it into a garbage can about 20 feet away. "You do that with each pass you send my way Cory, and we'll be State Champions again this year." "Just catch em, Trent" Cory said shoulder bumping the twin. Reversing the process from when he suited up, Cory stripped out of his now very sweaty gear and headed into the shower room for a much needed clean up. ---------------------------- Forty-five minutes later, he was pulling into the garage at home. Pressing the opener button to bring the door down, Cory grabbed his backpack and headed inside - to be greeted by a Jaxson who was sitting on his haunches staring at him and frowning. "Hey buddy and yes I know I'm late, but Coach ran practice long." Jaxson clearly wasn't happy at being left waiting, but it also wasn't a protracted feeling as he hopped up and walked by Cory's side as the teen headed into the kitchen and dropped his backpack on one of the stools at the island. There on the counter was a handwritten note. Looking at Jaxson, Cory smirked and picked up the note to read it. "Jaxson? Were you mean to Maria and Stephanie today?" The Weimaraner froze and looked at his master like he'd just accused the puppy of peeing inside the house. Kneeling down, Cory wrapped his arms around Jaxson and pulled his dog into a tight hug. "Awwwwwwwwww... don't look at me like that Jaxson, I was just joking. I know you're always my PERFECT puppy!" Jaxson licked Cory's face letting him know that he was forgiven for both the false accusation and for being late. But whimpered to let him know there was a price. "Alright I give. We'll go outside and play catch until Aaron gets here." Jaxson gave a happy woof and started to wildly lick his buddy's face until Cory stood up to read the note. Cory: Hope you had a great first day at school. Stephanie and I are looking forward to watching you play on Friday. Since I know you won't want to cook tonight, I made both your, and Jaxson's, favorite dinners and left them in the upper warming drawer. Love... Maria "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" Cory whooped as Jaxson looked around on high alert wondering if his master was in danger. "Come look at what Maria left us, Jaxson!" Cory said as he put down the note and walked around the kitchen island. Pulling open the warming drawer, he took a deep breath as the smell of Maria's three- meat, five-cheese homemade lasagna filled his nose. Lifting up the five inch deep ceramic baking dish that was also there, Cory knelt down and showed his dog what she had left for Jaxson - his favorite doggie only organic beef & vegetable stew. The puppy gave three happy woofs and licked Cory's face again. Putting the stew back in the warming drawer next to the lasagna, Cory smiled at Jaxson. "We're two lucky guys, aren't we?" Heading out the side door to the fully fenced backyard, Cory lifted the lid on a weatherproof storage box and pulled out two of Jaxson's favorite Nerf Sports Weather Blitz footballs. For the next forty-five minutes the two pals played catch as Cory threw to an excited Jaxson scampering all over the backyard as passes went different places and different distances. Cory didn't need to check the time when at what he knew was exactly 6PM, Jaxson looked up from dropping one of the footballs at his feet and growled then took off sprinting into the house. Picking up the footballs and dropping them back in their storage box, Cory followed Jaxson inside. Closing the door, he turned around and called out "Hey Aaron!" before he'd even left the kitchen. "And just how did you know it was me and not someone breaking into the house?" Much like Brandon's game with Jaxson, this was a game that was regularly played out between Cory and Aaron. "First, you are always exactly on time and its 6PM. Second, nobody could get through that vault door you put on the entrance without the lock code. And third, I didn't hear screams as Jaxson ripped flesh off a burglar's body" Cory recited as he held up a finger for each point in turn. Jaxson was on the floor on his back with his tongue hanging out as his master talked to Aaron wondering why nobody was rubbing his tummy. He wiggled around on the floor trying to attract Aaron's attention. Cory laughed. "Now get back to rubbing Jaxson's tummy or he's gonna get as mad at you as he was at me for arriving home late." Aaron Rocha was a powerfully muscled 36 year old 6'2" 228# almost naturally golden brown tanned Brazilian whose family had immigrated to the U.S. after the end of World War II. He was a former Navy Seal who had served in places he never talked about, and was Chief of Security for Cory's Dad. "Ooooooooooooooh maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan" Cory sighed. "What's up?" "I forgot to ask Coach Thompson about sideline passes for the twins before practice today. Sorry Aaron, I'll take care of it tomorrow. I kind of got distracted when Coach called me into his office." Adrian and Declan Rocha were identical 11 year old twins and formed the second half of what the Coach called Cory's twin gang. Both were young football players and had set making the Branson team when they got to high school a personal goal. Since Cory had made varsity, they had been fixtures on the sideline the same as Jaxson. "The banner hit you that hard?" Cory looked stunned. "How did you find out about the banner? And please don't tell Dad about it." "Life is full of mysteries, Cory" Aaron smiled. "Oh man, not you too." "Well, I think Jaxson is all rubbed out" Aaron said standing up though to Cory's eyes Jaxson looked like he'd be happy to endure the tummy rubs for the next two or three months. "Ready for a workout?" "Sure let's go downstairs" With Jaxson following close behind, Cory and Aaron headed down to the full workout room that his Dad had built when the house had been bought. After changing clothes in the small locker-room set into the foundation on one side, Aaron put Cory through a lift circuit that was focused on toughening up his body against any potential game hits and on adding to the shoulder, arm and leg strength he needed to excel on the field. Jaxson took position facing the workout room's doorway lying on his stomach with his head between his paws. After ninety minutes, Cory was again drenched in sweat. Taking the towel that was offered he looked up at Aaron from the leg press. "So Coach Rocha... am I ready?" Aaron laughed. "We'll do another workout on Wednesday and then skip Friday because of the game. Next week, we'll flip to a Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday schedule for the season with the twins joining us on Saturdays. But, yes, you're ready for Friday." Over the last four years, Cory had become like a third son to Aaron and an older brother to the twins. He looked over at Jaxson and knew that they were both committed to the same thing - keeping Cory safe, happy and loved. Following Aaron back to the locker area, Cory again stripped down and took his third shower of the day. After toweling dry, he changed into the clean tee, AE performance trunks, Branson team shorts and sandals that Maria had left in the locker-room for Cory earlier that day. Aaron changed back into the clothes he had on when he walked into the house. "See you on Friday with the twins" Aaron said as he headed up the stairs and out the front door. Cory looked over at Jaxson "Hungry for some dinner boy?" That question got four happy woofs as the two tore upstairs to the kitchen. Opening the refrigerator door, Cory pulled out pre-washed arugula and Ziploc bags of fresh cut veggies that he always kept on hand. Mixing together a quick salad paired with a light vinaigrette dressing in a stainless steel bowl, Cory dumped it out on a plate and added a large wedge of Maria's lasagna. Leaning over he put his plate along with a napkin, fork, glass and a pitcher full of iced filtered water in front of a stool on the other side of the island. He then walked over and picked up Jaxson's food and water bowls. Emptying, rinsing out and refilling the water bowl, Cory then spooned out a generous portion of Maria's tasty Doggie Beef Stew into the food bowl before putting both back on the floor. Jaxson almost pushed Cory back his butt in his rush to get to his food bowl. "You're like I was at lunch, Jaxson." Standing up and walking over to where his dinner waited, Cory dug in as eagerly as his puppy. ---------------------------- At 10PM, Cory was shutting down his tablet after completing and emailing off to Branson's server all homework due through Friday when a beeping sound started going off in the house. Jaxson looked up from where he had been lying next to the stool Cory was sitting on in the kitchen and dashed ahead of his master to the media room downstairs. Hitting the bottom control button on the touch panel just inside the door turned on the lights and full-wall projection screen, Cory walked down and across to the center of the third row where the installed high-def video conference cam would show him best. It took about 30 seconds for the picture to stabilize. On a split screen view were his Mom and Dad. "C¨®ng b¨§ij¨©ng d¨£zh¨¡oh¨±, Cory" his Dad said. Cory smiled broadly as he looked at his parents. "N¨« h¨¤o hu¨¢n g¨§i n¨«, Dad. Mom where are you?" At the bottom of the screen under both their images, the local time for his Mom and Dad were displayed along with the time in Portland. The readouts listed 10:04PM Monday Portland USA, 08:04AM Tuesday Beijing, PRC and 01:04PM ---------. "I'm somewhere near Darfur, baby," his Mom said. "The Foundation was having logistical problems with delivery of humanitarian relief supplies to the camps so I flew out from London to help. But this call isn't about us. How are you doing, Cory?" Knowing the call would only last as long as whatever satellite connections his Dad had set up to make it remained in range, Cory tried to keep to the point. "First day of school went great, Mom. The football team is coming together really fast. I did my workout with Aaron and Maria made lasagna and beef stew for me and Jaxson." While his Mom and Dad couldn't see him they heard two happy woofs from Jaxson who was sitting next to Cory's feet. "That's fantastic, Cory. Your Mom and I are looking forward to seeing the video of this Friday's game. I saw in my daily update from Grace that Brandon lost another phone, but he did a great job on the footage of the Columbia River bridge support pylons" his dad smirked in a way that was a mirror image of the one people regularly saw on Cory's face "and the picture of the lobby banner Grace included was amazing!" "I'll tell him for you Dad. And how did she find out about the lobby banner? I've been swearing everyone to secrecy." "Life is full of mysteries, Cory." "DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD, not you too." "Baby, don't forget you need to make an appointment with Steven. He has some papers you need to sign before your 18th birthday." "I will, Mom. Don't worry." "You always make us proud, Cory" his Mom said as the connection started to break up. "Take care of yourself, Mom, that's not a great place in the world to be right now. I love you both so much." "We love you, Cory" his Mom and Dad said almost simultaneously. His dad barely got out "Good luck at Friday's game" before the transmission broke up entirely and the screen went to code bars. Cory stared at the projection for a minute before he went down on his knees and started hugging Jaxson. The puppy leaned into his master and put his paw on Cory's shoulder as he felt the wet from silent tears sink into his fur. After about five minutes, Cory stood up wiped his eyes on the back of his hand and walked out of the media room turning off the lights and projection system. "Come on Jaxson, let's go to bed. Wake up time gets here fast." Walking back into the kitchen, Cory grabbed his backpack and with Jaxson walking at his side headed upstairs to his bedroom. He knew that the sensors feeding information to the house's computer system would register that he had gone to bed and turn out the lights and fully set the alarm system. ---------------------------- Author's Notes: (climbs into a safe room for protection from disappointed readers) I know this was one dead long chapter and still no sex, but if you were reading carefully you recognize that Cory has met the "one" even though neither of them knows it... yet. Told you this story was going to be a series of reveals. :-) And, while this chapter has answered a couple of mysteries it also included a few new ones. Hey, I got to keep your interest somehow! Probably, the biggest 'unhappy' a reader might have is that Cory has progressed through two more strip downs and showers and still no word on what he's packing. So, here's my personal reveal. I don't even know how "big" he is... but think you now have enough information on him to help me out with a suggestion (if you want). Just email a description, dimensions, or pic of how you're seeing that part of Cory to the addy below. I'll even give you credit in the notes if your suggestion turns out to be the one behind door #8 (and that's not a hint... hahahahaha). If you're interested in my concept of what the story Cory looks like, it is a combo of 20 year old Jeffrey Branson when he was a gay porn newbie in 2009 (ya ya ya, I was a sick bad teen on the net) and how Marcus Mojo looks in 2013. Cory definitely has Jeffrey Branson's smile. The one reveal you're not getting is how close that is to the REAL Cory. lol Chapter 3 is going to include Friday night's game, a few more reveals and at least one more mystery... so stay locked in to Nifty. And, please, consider supporting the site by making a donation at: Positive and constructive comments are always welcome. You may email me at Finally, if you'd like to see what every high school football player would dream to have in his team facility, check out this link... unique-amenities-in-oregons-new-football-facility-hatfield-dowlin- complex/2606223/ It's a definite "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!" to borrow a line from Jay.