Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2011 18:22:45 -0700 (PDT) From: JG Subject: He's Mine: Chapter 25 The usual copyrights exist on this as well as all of my works. This story involves sexual contact between young males. If this type of story is not what you're accustomed too, fit for your liking, or for any reason forbidden where you live, please do not read any further. I also apologize for any vulgar and offensive language that may be presented. This is the way that I depict my characters and I will write them accordingly. On the other hand, if none of the above applies to you then enjoy this and many of my other works of fiction. Chapter 25 (Brandon's POV) Here I Am...Here I go I woke up with the sun beamin' down on my face from the window in my cell and thought I was in a dream. I looked around inside to see if I was dreaming the whole thing but it was true, I was still in jail. Tomorrow would be judgment day and would determine what my fate would be. "Rise and shine kid!" a guard said sliding me a tray with food for breakfast. I looked at it but didn't even bother to eat it. I felt like I was wastin' away in this place. The moment I had with Jayse yesterday was one of the best I've ever had in a long time. I stretched my body in the cot and yawned knowing that today would be another day filled with staring at the walls and waiting for tomorrow. I reached under my pillow and opened up Jayse's picture wonderin' what he was doin' right now. Knowin' him he was probably worryin' `bout me. A part of me was upset with his parents but his dad especially...kidnapping! How in the world would I be able fight this damn charge! What makes him think that I would ever compromise the protection of Jayse over anything? I got up and walked around pacing. It wasn't like I could do anything else. This wasn't prison. I couldn't go outside or meet other people. I was stuck here, alone until 10am Monday morning. "Yo guard, guard" I yelled trying to get someone to come down to my cell. "What do you want?" the man asked walking over to me. "Do you know what time it is?" I asked looking at him. "Can't you read, a clock is right over there!" the guard said pointing at a clock on the faraway wall. "I didn't know it was over there!" I said upset. "Yea uneducated punks like you are only good for two things, killing and stealing" the guard said walking up to my cell. "You don't know me man!" I said toughening up. "Don't have too, all you little punks are the same" the guard said walking closer to me as I smelled his funky breath, "every last one of you." "Let me up out of here and I'll show you how much of a punk I can really be" I said staring in his eyes angrily. "Oh yeah" the guard said reaching behind him to grab his keys and unlocked my cell, "come on, the gate is open, just try something." The guard taunted me but he knew that I couldn't do anything. The minute I did, I would be locked away for life. I saw the openness of the cell as the door was unlocked. All I had to do was run but that would be even worse than fighting the guard. I backed up to the wall behind me in my cell as the guard laughed. I wanted to punch this motherfucker so bad but he was so lucky that I was in this cell and unable to show him how much harm I could really do to him. "Hey Vinnie" Mario's uncle said walking over to us, "leave the kid alone man." "C'mon Grant" the guard said backing up, "I was just having a little fun." "Yea but c'mon he's just a kid" Grant said walking over and locking my cell door, "besides your shift is already over." "I just hate it when little punks like him think that they are better than the world" Vinnie said walking back up to my cell as I walked over slowly balling up my fists. "Easy young blood, easy" Grant said noticing me walking over to face the guard again. Man this mofo has been on my case since I got here. If I do get the chance to stay here this guy will be asking for it. "Lucky I'm off tomorrow youngin', I won't be here to tell you good bye" Vinnie said taunting me again. "Why would I want to say good bye to a punk like you" I said as Vinnie walked back over to my cell and I did the same. It was a good thing Mario's uncle, Grant, was there to stop Vinnie. "Vinnie!" Grant said holding Vinnie as he looked like he wanted to punch me so bad. I should know because the feeling was mutual. "C'mon Vinnie, go home to that lovely wife of yours and those kids" Grant said as Vinnie and I stared at each other for awhile. "C'mon man go" Grant said as Vinnie walked away down the hall. "Sorry about that young blood" Grant said walking over dapping me up. "It's cool I'm used to punks like him anyway" I said looking down the hall checking to make sure that Vinnie wasn't coming back. "Yea I know but just don't pay him any attention. He's only doing that because he knows you have a short temper" Grant said. "Yea I guess" I said walking away. "How you holding up?" Grant asked. "Yo Grant I gotta get outta here man, I can't do this" I said placing my hands on my head and walking around in the cell. "You gotta be strong man, you said you didn't do anything" Grant said. "Yea but" I said catching myself, "I don't know, these four walls are eating me alive, fo' real." "Well you got two visitors lined up today" Grant said as I turned around to face him. "Oh yeah who?" I asked getting excited. "Um...a RaShon Palmer" Grant said looking at the list in his hand as I started smiling walking over to him, "and your mom, Lisa Wallace." I sighed heavily and said, "that's it? No one else is coming?" "That's all I got lil homie" Grant said as I banged my head upset against the steel bars. "You lookin' for your little friend to show up again?" Grant asked smiling as I blushed, "yea I knew it!" "He's not on the list?" I asked nervously. "Naw I'm sorry" Grant said looking over his papers again as I sighed frustrated. "Fuck man!" I said kicking the bars. "You want me to make a call to Mario" Grant asked. "Naw I'm good" I said walking away to my cot. "Well it's almost time for your first visitor" Grant said looking at his watch. "Aight" I said sitting down with my head in my hands. I have got to get out of this place! "What you doing sittin' down man?" Shon said after I sat by myself for a while. "What's up man" I said getting up to dap Shon up. "I'm chillin' man" Shon said as I tried to hide back the smile of seeing a familiar face. "You aight?" Shon asked as I gave him a look like, did you really just ask me that? "My bad man" Shon said apologizing. "It's all good man" I said as a pause came between us. "So what's been going on?" I asked. "Well I know you said not to say anything but Krush has been asking about you" Shon said as I sighed out of frustration. "Fuck! What did he say?" I asked worried. "He just asked if you were ok? And what really has been going on" Shon said, "I mean this motherfucker has been tailing me and my girl since you got locked up. Now my girl thinks I'm sellin' dope and shit." "You didn't tell him anything did you?" I asked looking at Shon. "C'mon dawg I ain't no snitch" Shon said looking at me upset. "Yea, yea I know man my bad" I said walking away pacing around. "Look man I know you in love and shit, but it might be time you left shawty alone" Shon said as I turned around and gave him a look. "Fuck that man, nobody is going to make me leave Jayse!" I yelled. "Dawg look where you at, shawty is at home chillin' and you trapped in a cell" Shon said upset. "Yo Shon, chill out bruh" I said looking at Shon upset as he looked at me and calmed down, "you cool?" "I'm aight" Shon said calming down. "Jayse ain't got shit to do wit this!" I said still pacing around, "it's his punk ass dad." "Well his `punk ass dad' holds all the cards right now.' What the fuck you gonna do if he continues with this charge?" Shon asked as I sighed. "I don't know man but I gotta figure somethin' out quick" I said strokin' my chin. "You better homie" Shon said, "or you gonna turn into somebody's bitch soon." "Hey Shon, I told you once before man chill yo ass out" I said barking at him. "Yo B" Shon said still talking, "I hear you but..." "Naw fuck that" I said looking at him upset, "chill the fuck out! You worried kid and so am I but I don't need this shit right now!" "Aight I hear ya" Shon said sighing frustrated, "what you need me to do?" "Look I need for you to keep up with what I told you yesterday" I said walking over, "keep up with the lie that you don't know shit! Monday I need you to do me a favor. I got a little stash somewhere hidden. If this thing goes bad I need yo word that you will do whatever I tell you." "Aight" Shon said looking at me. "I'm serious Shon, you got me?" I asked again. "Yea man I got you" Shon said as I dapped him up. "Aight then man" I said looking at the clock. "My mom will be here in a few so you might need to go ahead and split" I said. "Yea I'm bouncin' right now" Shon said, "take care of yourself B." "No doubt man" I said smiling to assure him that I would be ok. We dapped up again and Shon left. Fuck! Now that Krush knows I can only imagine what he would do. If he found out that Jayse's dad had something to do with me being locked up...oh shit! I gotta lie to him! He can't know anything. I promised Jayse that I would protect him. I can't let anything bad happen to him...or his family, regardless of what they are thinking about me right now. I walked over to my bed to take a nap waiting for my mom to come. I pulled out Jayse's picture and stroked his face on the picture. "I love you boo" I said staring at the picture as I went to sleep. I woke up and got up to see what time it was. Only 3 more hours left before they stopped visitation. I heard footsteps and looked down the hall to see who was coming. "Sup Brandon" Krush said walking around the corner as my heart dropped. "Sup did you know I was in here" I asked wondering if Shon ratted me out. "I know everything" Krush said walking over to my cell. "Did somebody tell you where I was?" I asked worried. "No...I followed your friend after he refused to tell me where you were" Krush said as I sighed knowing that Shon wouldn't rat me out. "Nothin' goin' on Krush" I lied. "C'mon Brandon you're in jail" Krush said smiling, "don't bullshit a bullshitter." "I'm not man you know me better than that" I said looking at Krush. "Then don't lie to me Brandon" Krush said walking over to me, "you're my right hand man, I can't run my business without you." "I'm not lyin' Krush" I said, "I mean I just got into some trouble but I'll take care of it." "What kind of trouble?" Krush asked looking concerned. "Nothin" I said quickly. "You sure there is nothing that I need to worry about?" Krush asked crossing his arms. "Yea" I said quickly looking at the clock. "I mean, there isn't nothing else I should worry about?" Krush asked walking left and right in front of my cell. "Naw Krush, everything is cool man" I said. "Good because I need my hitman" Krush said, "people aren't paying me, I need them to be taken care of and I don't have you around. Either way I'm not winning and I'm used to winning." "I know and as soon as I get out of here I'm going to get back to work" I said assuring him. "It's good you mention that because, lately you have been slacking off Krush said "and well to me getting kind of soft." "Yo Krush, I'm all man over here baby, feel me" I said patting my chest smiling, "I mean it's because of school and everything too Krush, but once I get out, I'll make it up to you man, I promise" I pleaded. "I know, I know, but uh it seems like not only school and `everything' as you say it has been getting in the way" Krush said as my heart started racing, "I mean to me, and you can correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like SOMEONE has been taking your focus off the game." I looked at Krush as he looked at me and we both knew what he was talking about. I showed him no fear even though I was terrified inside. Growing up on the streets you learn to expect the unexpected and be prepared to show your true strength. "Naw Krush" I said looking at him, "like I said..." "Let me see that picture on your bed" Krush said cutting me off. "Krush man, look, please" I begged. "Let me see the picture Brandon" Krush said forcefully as I stared at him. He pointed at the picture of Jayse as I walked over slowly towards my cot and grabbed it. I walked back over and handed it to Krush as he slowly grabbed it from my hand. "Huh" Krush said stroking his chin, "he looks familiar. This is the same kat from around my way, the one I met a couple of months back at yo crib?" "Yea" I said sadly. "So this is why you have been sooo busy lately" Krush said smiling with an evil grin. "It's not what you think Krush" I pleaded. "Hey, hey, B, I'm not knocking you for getting' some" Krush said as I rolled my eyes for him thinking of Jayse like that, "I mean I would have preferred you be with a female but I learned to deal with whoever you like" Krush said still staring at Jayse's picture. I felt a little uneasy at the way he was looking at Jayse's picture too, not to mention the smile that was on his face. It made Jayse look dirty, the way he was looking at him. "Krush, just please don't hurt him, aight" I pleaded, "I will do whatever you want, just please, man, please don't hurt him, I'm begging you man, real talk." "Brandon, whoa kid, I am hurt" Krush said looking at me upset, "that you would think I would do something like that. I'm not going to hurt your little boy toy." "You promise man?" I asked ignoring the comment he just made and searching his face to make sure that he wouldn't lie to me. "You have my word B" Krush said throwing up his right hand like he was a boy scout or somethin', "I promise." I sighed with relief knowing that Jayse would be protected. "You got good taste man" Krush said handing me the picture, "not something I would do but if I was gay I would definitely go after that." I gave him a look like chill out, because I really wasn't feelin' the way he was talkin' about Jayse like he was some bitch or something.' "I'm sorry I didn't mean to say all that, I mean he looks good for a dude" Krush said cleaning up his statement. "Thanks man" I said blushin' as I looked at Jayse's picture. "Much better than the last one" Krush said referring to Kris. "Yea no doubt" I said still smiling at Jayse's pic. "So is he the reason you're in here?" Krush asked snapping me back into reality. "Huh, no, no it has nothing to do with him" I said correcting Krush. "Ok I see" Krush said pausing, "then it's his parents." I looked at Krush and was about to say something but he spoke first. "Don't lie to me Brandon, I mean come on man" Krush said hitting me against my shoulder through the cell bars, "we boys, I look to you like a son." "Yea but Krush it's cool man I mean I know why they are doing this" I said. "Why?" Krush asked as I walked over to my cot and set Jayse's picture down. "They think I'm a bad influence" I confessed. "They know what you do?" Krush asked. "Yea his dad found out" I said, "but about me, I mean, he doesn't know anything about you." "You sure?" Krush asked looking at me worried. "Yea man I'm positive" I said walking around in my cell. "Aight Brandon" Krush said, "if I find out..." "Krush, nobody knows about you" I said as his phone rang. "Excuse me" Krush said walking away as I sighed hoping that he would leave soon. I watched the clock as I hoped my mother wasn't coming in soon. "Look Brandon I have to go, but take care of this before I do" Krush said shaking my hand before he walked away. "I got it covered man" I said. "Aight...oh yeah one more thing, yo cousin Dantae, came by my house the other day" Krush said fixin' himself up without a mirror. "What did he want?" I asked getting nervous. "He wanted a job, so I gave him one" Krush said. "Yo Krush, are you serious?" I asked shocked. "Why what's wrong I thought you would be thrilled man?" Krush asked looking at me confused. "We don't get along too good bruh, I mean, if anything we are on two opposite sides of the fence" I confessed. "Are you sure? Because he said that you guys are the best of friends" Krush said. "Krush I kid you not man, we hate each other" I said shaking my head. "Damn that's too bad, because he's doing a good job selling, works quicker than you" Krush said as I scoffed. I wonder how he's doing it. "Good for him" I said unexcited as I continued to walk around upset. "Look man I gotta go that was him calling me anyway telling me that some of the lil soldiers were short a couple of stacks so I gotta go take care of this." Krush said. "Aight man" I said. "Be easy Brandon" Krush said walking around the corner. I cannot fucking believe this! I got so mad that I flipped my mattress over. I really wish I had something to hit or throw. What in the world could Dantae be up to? What's worse is that I have no idea of finding that out. I really got to get out of this place! Everything is turning upside down, and I've only been in here for two days! I was breathing hard and panting like a caged animal! I really needed to be free of this place. I looked over at my mattress and shook my head. I better clean this up before someone came in and saw what was going on. Once I was finished I laid down on my back facing the ceiling, thinking. Was all of this really worth it? The love that Jayse and I have for each other, is it going to get bad or worse now? What's going to happen now that Dantae is working for Krush? Man this is too much to think about! "Hey baby!" my mom said as I turned around and got up to hug her. "Hi ma" I said as she felt my face and fought back the tears to cry. "C'mon ma, don't do that" I said wiping her eyes as some tears started to fall. "I know, I know, but you just don't know what it does to a mother to see her child behind these things" my mother said. "I know ma, but like I told you yesterday, I didn't do anything" I said rubbing her hands and looking into her eyes. "I know and I believe you" my mother said, "I just don't see why people would do such a thing like this?" "I don't know ma, but stop worryin' about me I'm going to be fine" I said as she snapped her hands away from me. "Brandon, you're in jail, for something you didn't do, that judge is only going to see one thing tomorrow: your skin color, never mind everything else" my mother said. "Ma it's not that serious" I said as she huffed her breath, "listen to me, I need you to focus on you and Corey right now." "Brandon, I'm a mother" my mom said cutting me off, "I can focus on both of my sons at the same time! Corey is fine! You on the other hand, if these people continue with this charge and you go to jail, what am I going to do? I can barely sleep now as it is." "Does the rest of the family know about me?" I asked worried. "Just your uncle Phil, he told me to stop worrying too" my mom said pacing. "Well ma I'm sorry but that's what you have to do" I said as she sighed and shook her head. "How you doing?" my mom asked looking at me. "I'm makin' it" I said as she walked over and stared into my eyes. "Here you go, it's not much but I know you're not eating in here" my mom said passing me a Tupperware bowl filled with peach cobbler. "Aww ma thanks" I said smiling as I went to my cot and started chowing down. "Your grandma made that for Sunday dinner but I scooped some up and brought over for you, had to practically fight for it from your cousins" my mom said smiling as she looked at me tear up the food I had. "I bet" I said with a mouth full of cobbler. "I, uh, I called them last night" my mom said walking away from me. "Called who?" I said still eating. "I called Jayse's parents" my mom said as I stopped eating and looked her, "I know you said not to get involved but you're my child." "What did they say?" I asked setting the bowl on the bed. "Well Jayse's dad and I got into a huge argument" my mom said shaking her head as I got upset at the way he probably spoke to her, "eventually I just had to hang up the phone. I, I just couldn't deal with him. The whole time he was saying you did this and you did that, even had the nerve to insinuate that you sell drugs." My heart started racing as I knew that eventually I had to tell her the story behind that. "I asked him, what gave him that idea" my mom said still pacing, "and he said that he knows, he got it from two witnesses and one person that he knows wouldn't lie to him." "So I hung up the phone" my mom said walking over to my cell, "Jayse's mother called me back and Brandon that is a sweet lady. She apologized for the way that her husband spoke to me but she was just as hurt as he was. I asked her well, how do you think I feel? My son is in jail right now and it's nothing I can do but cry every night. You get to see your son every night" "Aw ma" I said as my mom started crying. "It's ok. She offered to meet me but one of their sons must have had a baby and she wanted to be home for that and she offered another time but I didn't have anyone that could watch Corey. She sounds like a lovely lady Brandon, but that husband of hers" my mom said shaking her head as she got upset. "Well don't worry about all of that, ma, we're going to beat this thing" I said reaching for her hand as she gave it to me and I started rubbing it to console her. "I know, ooh before I forget I got another surprise for you" my mom said walking away down the hall. My heart started beating as I wondered what it could be. "What is it ma?" I asked. "Just cover your eyes" my mom said from a distance. I followed her rules and covered my eyes as she went to get whatever the surprise was. I started smiling like a kid again waiting for my surprise as I covered them with my hands. "Walk up closer to the cell Brandon" my mom said as I started walking and bumped into the bars. I started laughing as my mom joined in and asked if I was ok. I answered her and continued covering my eyes. Somebody reached for my hands and tried to pull them away from my eyes but I knew who it was from the touch, but I didn't want my hands to be pulled away. I just wanted to be with him every second and the fact that he was here...words can't explain how I felt. He tried even harder to pull my hands away, but I still wouldn't let him. It's not that I was playin' with him, it was just that I was tryin' to hide the tears. "Brandon, move your hands" my mom said laughing. "No" I said sniffing as a tear fell from my eyes and Jayse felt it. I didn't feel his hands and I knew that he knew what was wrong. "Don't you want to see what your surprise is?" my mom asked as I heard Jayse whisper to her. I turned around and covered my eyes with one hand as I used the other to guide myself to the other side of the cell. I heard her footsteps walk away and knew what Jayse told her. "Brandon she's gone" Jayse said. "I know" I said as my voice broke. Shit man! I am such a punk! "Then why won't you turn around and look at me?" Jayse asked hurt. "Because..." I said wiping my eyes. "Because what?" Jayse asked as I looked up at the ceiling and sighed. "Because...Jayse don't make me say it!" I whined. "Brandon it's ok, you're not a punk, just because you're showing emotion" Jayse said. "Yes I am boo" I said wiping my eyes. "Well if you're such a punk like you say you are, I got news for you, I still love you" Jayse said softly as I smiled. I turned around and looked at him as he stared deep into my eyes. "You really need to stop coming here" I said walking over to him slowly. "What and miss you, I can't do it" Jayse said as I planted a deep kiss on his lips. His lips felt so soft that I never wanted to let them go. We continued kissing as I tried breaking his lips with my tongue. He started to open his mouth as I darted my tongue inside trying to feel his. Once I did we glided our tongues against each other as we started moaning in each other's mouth. Jayse grabbed my face and pulled me into him more as our front teeth bumped into each other and we laughed while we were still kissing. "Somebody's been missing daddy!" I said as we broke our long kiss session and Jayse started blushing. "So did you" Jayse said laughing as I started blushing, "uh huh I knew it!" "Of course only an idiot would ignore someone as beautiful as you" I said as Jayse smiled. He looked so gorgeous today. I mean he looks that way every day but today he looked extra cute. I got a hard on just looking at him and licked my lips at him as he blushed. "Hey Jayse turn around" I said. "What?" Jayse asked confused. "Turn around" I said again as Jayse laughed and did what I said. "Come back here" I said. "Why?" Jayse said looking at me over his shoulder as I gave him a look like stop playing. Jayse backed up against the cell as I rubbed my dick against his ass. Man that felt good! Plus the fact that I was trapped in here with blue balls, I needed to feel him right now. "You like that" I said licking his neck. "Yea" Jayse moaned throwing his head over my shoulder as I felt up under his shirt all over his chest. As usual he smelled good, like vanilla and cocoa butter. I sucked on his neck as I grinded my dick between his ass cheeks wanting more and more of my dick inside of him. I reached down and spread his legs with one hand while I held his waist with the other. "Ooh" Jayse said moaning as he felt more of my dick. I reached around and grabbed his dick as he was just as hard as me. "You been saving that baby milk for me?" I asked as Jayse didn't answer me, "huh?" I asked giving his dick a little squeeze. "It's been hard baby" Jayse said. "When was the last time you nutted?" I asked nibbling on his ear. "This morning" Jayse said as I laughed. "You lil freak" I said as we both laughed. "I want you so bad" I said as Jayse threw his butt back against my dick. "I want you too" Jayse whined as I continued to nibble on his ear. Jayse reached back and rubbed his hands in my hair as I moved back down to his neck and sucked on it. I reached around and unbuckled his pants as Jayse stopped me. "Brandon, wait did you forget where we are?" Jayse asked laughing and pulling away from me. "Shit...I did" I said as my dick jumped in my pants. "Me too" Jayse said as I looked down at the bulge he had in front of his pants. I blushed knowing that my baby was packin'...not as much as me but he had a lil somethin'. Jayse turned his back to me and fixed himself up as I stared at his butt the whole time grabbing my dick. Jayse looked over in the corner of the hall to make sure no one was around and walked back over to me. "Stop lookin' at me like that" Jayse said hitting me on my chest. "Like what?" I asked licking my lips. "Like that" Jayse said pointing at my face as I blushed. "Can't help it baby...I'm going to wait for you but you never think about what our first time will be like?" I asked as Jayse looked up at the ceiling thinking and smiling. "Yea all the time" Jayse confessed looking down to the ground. "All the time!" I screamed as Jayse looked around the corner. "Shhh" Jayse said looking up trying to quiet me down. "My baby is a lil freak fo' real!" I said blushing, "don't worry I ain't gonna tell nobody." "Thank you" Jayse said rubbing my chest. "You like the way that feel huh?" I asked as Jayse blushed. "Ok let's change the subject" Jayse said walking away from me as I tried to grab at his shirt as he laughed, "how are you doing?" "I'm good, now that you're here" I said as Jayse blushed. "Are you eating?" Jayse asked. "Yea my mom brought me some cobbler" I said wiping my mouth. "No wonder I tasted peaches when I was kissing you" Jayse said laughing as I blushed. "Yea ol' moms holdin' it down" I said walking away to grab the bowl, "you want some?" "No I'm fine thank you" Jayse said as I put a spoonful in my mouth. "C'mon it's still warm" I stated. "I'm ok thanks baby" Jayse said smiling. "Oh, so you too good to eat my family's cookin' is that it?" I teased. "No...I already ate baby" Jayse said looking at me put another spoonful in my mouth, "don't forget to chew". "Hmmm this is good" I said taunting Jayse as he rolled his eyes. "Ok" Jayse said giving up, "let me have a bite please?" "I knew you couldn't resist" I said putting a spoonful of cobbler in his mouth. I must admit it was a turn on feeding Jayse and seeing his sexy lips wrap around that spoon. "Good shit right?" I said as Jayse was chewing his food then he hit me on my chest. "What?" I asked putting another spoonful of cobbler in my mouth. "Your mom is right down the hall" Jayse said still chewing his food. "She's in there talking to Mario's uncle, they're classmates, so it's cool" I said with a mouthful and grabbing another spoonful, "want some more?" "Brandon your mom brought that for you" Jayse said smiling. "I know baby but c'mon one more bite please" I begged chewing as Jayse sighed. "Ok" Jayse said as I fed him one last time. "You are the cutest thing ever" I said. "No you are" Jayse said wiping his mouth. "No you are" I said eating one more spoonful before placing the bowl on my bed. "No you are" Jayse teased as I smiled knowing that I was not going to win this argument. "All right Jayse I give up" I said swallowing my food and walking back over to him, "give me your hands." "What do you want to do now nasty?" Jayse asked laughing as I blushed. "No baby it's time to be serious" I said as Jayse stop laughing. "Regardless of what happens tomorrow" I said as Jayse shook his head no, "c'mon Jayse don't act like that right now, I'm trying to be serious!" "I know that Brandon but no trial talk right now" Jayse said. "But baby let me just say this" I started saying. "Brandon the more we talk about it the more upset I get" Jayse said cutting me off as his voice broke, "I just want to forget about it, for at least 5 minutes. Let's just talk about something else please." I sighed and looked down to the ground but he was right, so we did. For the next 30 minutes we stood there and talked about nothing in general. First we started talking about favorite artists then we moved to food and I don't know how we got on politics and shit. I don't know but it was great. Jayse completely took my mind off the trial. "All right love birds it's time to go" my mom said walking back in with Mario's uncle. "You take care of my baby Grant!" my mom said walking over to me kissing my face. "Lisa he'll be in good hands, don't worry about him. Go home and get some sleep" Grant said as my mom nodded her head in agreement. "I know, I know, it's just that" my mom started saying. "Go ahead ma, Corey's waiting" I said staring into her eyes. "You're right I'm going, I'll see you in the morning" my mom said kissing my cheek again as I fought back the tears. "You gonna be good for me?" I asked as Jayse walked up to my cell after my mom walked away. "I'm always good" Jayse said as I gave him a look like yea right. Jayse then smacked me on my chest and pulled me closer to him, whispering in my ear. He said "don't show off in front of your mom." I had to laugh at him because he was so cute when he made threats. "Aight" I said as he pulled away. We stared into each other's eyes and saw the pain that each one was going through. "I love you" Jayse said. "I love you too" I said staring at him. I knew he wanted to cry and so did I but we couldn't. We both had to be strong for the other one. As Grant walked away, my mom blew me a kiss and walked behind him followed by Jayse but I grabbed his arm. "Don't you worry about me out there" I said. "Brandon, what am I supposed to..." Jayse started out saying. "Jayse, now is not the time to be stubborn listen to me, please baby" I said staring in his eyes, "you hear me?" Jayse didn't respond and he also wasn't looking at me so I grabbed his face and turned his head towards me. "Jayse you hear me?" I asked again. "Yes Brandon" Jayse said stroking my hand. "And don't come tomorrow neither" I said as Jayse sighed upset. "But Brandon..." Jayse whined. "Jayse come on now, please do this for me, I'm serious" I said looking at his face. "Why not?" Jayse said still whining, "I want to be there for you." "Jayse it may get real serious tomorrow and I don't want you exposed to all of that" I said as he rolled his eyes, "I know you're not a kid and you know what you can handle but I don't want you to witness all of that, ok?" "Ok" Jayse said not liking what I told him. "Now give me a kiss" I said as he moved slowly towards me. We tongue kissed for a couple of minutes until Grant and my mom called after Jayse. "And smile baby" I said as Jayse pulled from me and started to walk away. Jayse gave me a small smile until I told him to do better than that and he gave me the biggest smile in the world. I had to laugh at his silliness; he was so cute to me. He walked away slowly and looked back at me. "I love you Jayse!" I said. "I love you too Brandon" Jayse said and turned around the corner. I sighed and looked at the clock. Might as well get some sleep, tomorrow will be here before you know it! I laid down and just tossed a ball that Grant gave me up in the air for an hour or so until Grant called out to me. "Hey Brandon, you got another visitor" Grant said as I got up and looked at him. "But I thought visiting hours were over?" I asked looking at the clock. "I told him that I'll only be a minute" Jayse's dad said walking around the corner, "I told him that he could even stay." I felt the blood boiling in my veins but I played it cool knowing that he was just confused at what he thought love was. I knew that I loved Jayse, but him I wasn't sure. "What do you want?" I asked. "No need to get upset with me" Jayse's dad said walking over to me, "you're the one that brought this on yourself." "Mr. Grier I didn't kidnap your son" I stated calmly looking into his eyes as he faced me. "You took him without my permission, in this country, that's called kidnapping." Mr. Grier said. "Sir with all due respect" I said, "I apologize but don't let this thing go any further please." "Too late son" Mr. Grier said. "But you can fix it!" I begged. "Glad you brought that up son" Mr. Grier said because I wanted to give you a proposition, "I am willing to drop all charges if you leave my son... forever." As he said that I looked at him shocked and knew that he didn't have a bone to pick with me but he just wanted to protect his son. I was blown away and all I could do was stare at him. "I mean son, you can keep doing what you want, pretend like my son never even came into your life" Mr. Grier said, "I'll keep your little secret and you never have to worry about me ever again." I thought about what he was saying but a future without Jayse just wasn't worth it. "And I guess if I say no then I will suffer the rest of my life in prison?" I asked. "The choice is yours Brandon" Mr. Grier said, "you're smart boy, I know that because you got the whole town, even your mom blind to the fact that you are selling drugs." As he said that I looked back at Grant who looked just as shock as I was a minute ago. I guess he didn't know my secret until just know. "Sorry about that" Mr. Grier said referring to Grant as I shook my head, "as a courtesy I'll even give you until tomorrow to make a decision or you can make a decision now. Just like I said nobody ever has to know." I looked at his hand as he extended it for me to shake it and looked back at Grant as my heart started racing. My eyes went left and right really fast like people do in movies and all I could do was panic. I took a deep breath and looked back towards my bed at Jayse's picture as I looked down to the ground. "What will happen to Jayse if I do this?" I asked worried. "My son will be ok, but Brandon remember if you love my son like you say you do, you will make the right choice" Mr. Grier said with his right hand still extended. "But Mr. Grier with all due respect sir your son is my world" I pleaded, "regardless of what you may think I will always have his best interest at heart. I will always protect him." "You think I don't have the exact same intentions?" Mr. Grier asked. "I don't know" I said truthfully. "Brandon, Jayse is sensitive" Mr. Grier said. "Out of all of my sons, he's the sensitive one and I've always felt the need to protect him the most" Mr. Grier said as his voice cracked. "I understand that sir, but let me help, we can take care of Jayse together" I said. "You're a thug Brandon, I told you when we first met that my family meant the world to me" Mr. Grier said sternly, "you don't understand what it feels like to see your kids in pain." "You mean like Daniel?" I asked as Mr. Grier looked down trying to hold back the tears. He must have remembered right then what it was like to see Jayse hurt. Now I see why he was fighting so hard to get rid of me. It wasn't about me it was Daniel! In his eyes I was ten times worse than Daniel. "Sir I love your son more than anything" I said. "Then do the right thing Brandon, take the deal son, don't let Jayse hurt any more than he already has" Mr. Grier said as I looked back at Jayse's picture one last time. I saw his smile on the picture and I mouthed "I love you" as I looked out my cell towards the clock. I remember staring at it. It was 7:35 p.m. exactly when I made the choice to... Please feel free to email comments and suggestions at Special thanks to all the fans so far. Thank You for reading my story. Peace and Love.