Date: Fri, 03 Aug 2007 14:58:57 -0400 From: Subject: High School Hell chapter 3 his story is copyright 2007 by Aaron, and is protected by copyright law. Please do not copy to distribute, or post this story to other sites without the author's permission. This is a fictional story. Any similarities to actual people or events are purely coincidental. This story contains sexual situations between teen males. If this subject offends you, or you should not be reading this type of story, you assume all responsibility for continuing, please send any comments to Chapter 3 When Eric woke up that morning he felt like he had had the worst dream then he saw Jamie right beside him and he knew it was real. He got up and walked into his mothers room to find his brother and his grandmother awake talking quietly. "hey little bro how are you this morning." Asked Doug. "Im ok I think I know moms in a better place." Said Eric. "Wow dude that's really strong and brave of you" said Doug. "how's your friend Jamie who I take it by watching you last night is your boyfriend." Said Doug. "I don't know he's still sleeping and how did you know oh and grandma im really sorry that you had to find out this way." Said Eric "honey its ok Doug and I have been talking most of the night." Said his grandma. Just at that moment Jamie walked in. "good morning Hun." Said Eric his grandmother smiled. "Morning" said Jamie. "how are you feeling?" asked clarice. "im ok but im really really sad." Said Jamie. Eric looked at him and gave him a very loving hug and said "everything's going to be ok." At around noon after everyone had a small lunch and jenny had called her parents to tell them about everything the child welfare agent came. "Are you Eric's only family?" asked the agent. After they were introduced. "no Eric's father lives up in Minnesota." Stated Doug. After a while of questions the agent said "well since the boys father is still alive he will automatically be given full custody and about Jamie if Eric's father will take him in then he will be given guardianship. "Wait does that mean that Jamie and I wont have to split up and I wont go anywhere with out him I love him with all my heart." Said Eric. "yes there is the possibility" said the worker. When Doug called there father and told him what had happened he said that he would be on the first jet out to Columbus. Later that day Eric's father arrived father George arrived and then he apologized for everything. And then Eric said "dad I would like to introduce Jamie, he's my boyfriend the love of my life and his parents were behind mom and killed to, Dad can he come and live with me because I don't want to be separated from him" as a few tears came down his cheek "I'll think about it." Said George The next day was Sunday and when the Agent came back and talked to Eric's father and she asked him "will you also be taking Jamie with you if not I will have to arrange foster care. He has no other family." "I have decided that I am going to take Jamie." Said George. When Eric and Jamie heard him say that they both jumped up and gave him a hug then shared a long passionate kiss with each other and they lost track of time and broke the kiss when Eric's dad cleared his throat. Both of the boys smiled and George smiled back. The next day when they went to school to turn there books in and tell everyone what had happened and promised to come back and see everyone in the summer. They all cried at the end of the day and everyone made sure that everyone had everyone's email address. When they got back home they dressed in black and went to the evening funeral for there parents. When they got back to the house George told them that tomorrow they needed to pack because they were going to leave in the day after that. They were all up early in the morning Eric packed everything in boxes very quickly and Doug could see Eric crying so he said "don't worry little bro I will come up and see you after I get done selling Jamie's house." Then they all sat down to a quiet lunch and George said "when were done were going to go over to Jamie's house and pack then load all of the boxes onto the truck." After they had gone through everything in Jamie's house they set off back to the house to go to bed. The next morning Eric woke up next to Jamie and then stared at him until Jamie opened his eyes. "morning sleeping beauty." Said Eric Jamie chuckled a little. Then George started to come up the stairs as the boys started to make out when he turned the light on it scared both of the boys. "Morning sorry to scare you. But we need to get ready to go now I let you sleep in as long as I could we have 50 minutes to get there and then our flight leaves in about an hour and a half. Once They were all ready Eric said good bye to the house and got into the back seat with Jamie. They arrived at the airport with about 40 minutes and once they got through security the announcement to start boarding came on. _____________________________________________________________________________ Well everyone that chapter three and four will be out soon hopefully i can maybe submit it tonight and im about ready to finish six so thanks for the comments and i hope to get more.