Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 17:45:03 -0700 (PDT) From: Walt Michael Subject: I'll Make You Popular- Chapter 11 (Revised) Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. It is about 2 teenage boys who find themselves and what not. The story involves sex between them and between other people. If this offends you then click the x button in the upper right hand corner. If it does not then enjoy the story. Don't forget to donate to the site! Keep the site free! I would like the thank my amazing editor Chris for sticking by me. Thank you everyone who has emailed me! It makes me happy to know people are enjoying the story! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Shit, Shit, fuck, shitty, shitty, fuck, gaaaaaaaah. Nothing could describe how I was feeling at that moment. Sean fucking Dooley, the assistant devil's best friend; quite possibly the worst person to see me and Logan outside of Ricky and Jake. What did I do to deserve this? I'm nice, I'm friendly, and I don't get into fights. Why? Can't I have happiness for more than a weekend? Can't a smile sit on my face for more than a day? Why do you hate me God? Why? Gaaaaaaaah. I don't know how I'm going to tell Logan about this. How would he react? I know he seems like he doesn't care about his popularity. But this could be the one thing that he would care about. I don't know how he's going to react to this. Sean might use this as black-mail also. Shit, what if he blackmails Logan into stepping down from the 15? He possesses knowledge that could tear this school in half. Either the half that like Logan and don't care he's gay, or the half that dislike him because of how popular he is and are just looking for an excuse to oust him. Sean has me and Logan in his pocket now. I have to take care of this without Logan knowing. He might over-react. He might also kill Sean. I wouldn't but that past him. He does care about his image. It's why he spends time to look perfect every day. This is going to be a long week. I walked into my first period class and Colin was already sitting down. Normally I would try to fix the problem between us now that I finally have him near me. But right now I can't, I don't want to talk to anyone until I get this figured out. I sat at my desk, laid my head down, and closed my eyes. How am I going to fix this? I don't want to let Logan know about this. I should be able to fix this on my own. I heard everyone around me start moving and I looked up and realized the class was over. Colin was looking at me, with what seemed like worry on his face. Not only that, but he seemed to have conflict going on in his mind. Whether to stay mad at me or let it go and ask what's wrong. "You're able to stand being this close to me for this long?" I said. I forced a slight smile to my face. Which was harder to do then I thought it would be. "It's difficult. But you seem pathetic enough to warrant it," He said. He had this playful smirk on his face. Well it seemed the fight was over like that. If only my other problem was solved that quickly. "Me? Pathetic? Nah, I think you are thinking of someone else." "Right, I'm thinking of the other guy who ditches his friends." Well I guess that fight isn't over that quickly. I stood up from my desk and the two of us started to walk towards our next class together. "Hey listen, I'm sorry for missing the movie marathon Colin. I was an idiot..." "Was...?" "I AM an idiot. Happy?" "Yes very." "Asshole." "You know you love me and missed me." "Can I get back to my apology now? I had this whole thing carefully planned out and now you're ruining it." "Was it going to make me cry with how sentimental it is?" "You just ruined it. No apology now," I said. "You know I hate apologies." "If you hate apologies, then why did you ignore me for so long? Usually when people are ignored that long it tends to warrant an apology for the ignoree" I said. "I just wanted you to get a feel for what I was feeling," He said. It really hit home. I was basically ignoring him. I was supposed to be making time for him. "So when are you going to start helping me work out?" He said. Right, I was supposed to do that. He did ask me to do that. "After school today we can go if you want," I said, "So how are you and that girl doing anyway? Any progress?" "No, no progress at all. It seems, at times, that I don't exist in their world." "Who is it if you don't mind me asking? Do you want me to talk to them to see what's up?" I said. "No, this is something I need to do on my own." "Just don't wait too long, you never know when you might miss your chance." "Yeah, I know. I just want them to notice me first though; shouldn't be that difficult right?" The way he said that hit me weird. The whole time we've been talking he hasn't used gender specific terms. I mean it's probably nothing, but it's weird. I'm just going to chalk it up to it being nothing; I have other things to worry about. When I sat down at lunch in my usual spot next to Cody, I looked over at Sean. He was staring at me with this smirk on his face. "Is something wrong?" Cody said. I looked at him, "What do you mean?" "Well you and Sean are staring at each other. You have daggers flying out of your eyes and he has a smirk on his face. Obviously something is wrong." Why couldn't Cody be one of those people that wasn't good at reading people? It would make my life a lot easier. "Are him and Ricky messing with you again?" "No, it's nothing like that." "Then what is it? I don't think I've seen you guys interact with each other at all." He also needs to be the type of person that doesn't remember who interacts with who. That would also make my life easier. "It's nothing I can't handle on my own. It's not a big deal." "Okay, but if you need me I'm here for you dude." The two tables we sat at started to fill. The whole time though I felt Sean's eyes on me. I kept looking over at him to see if he was telling anyone, but the whole time he was just smirking at me. He must love watching me sweat. He was enjoying this. God fucking damn it. Why were we so careless? Other people besides Sean could have seen us. They could be plotting right now also. I can't handle everyone. Especially if I don't know who also knows! God there could be pictures circling right now for all I know. It could already be out... Why didn't I think this through! I still can't tell Logan though until I've at least taken care of Sean. Yeah, after I take care of that I'll tell Logan everything! Ha, I don't even believe myself for a second and if you can't lie to yourself, then who can you lie to? This is going to be a looooooong day. I looked up and caught Logan staring at me. He had this questioned look on his face. Kind of like he was saying `Why are you looking at Sean so much?' He then smirked and raised one of his eyebrows. Like he was saying, `Am I not enough anymore?' I just rolled my eyes. If only he knew what I was battling now, he wouldn't be making stupid jokes. Though he might to make me feel better. That is, before he leaves town for murder. Though, with how smart he is, he could make it look like an accident. Like a bucket falling on his head as he's holding a knife and walking over glass. Or he could have been knocked off a cliff. There are lots of cliffs here in Pennsylvania right? Totally believable situation... right? Guess I'm not going to be making things look like an accident. Looks like I'm using my words. I met up with Colin after school. Hopefully a day of working out can clear my mind about the whole Sean situation. I mean, I can hope right? When we walked into the gym Colin look completely lost looking at all the machines. He didn't know where to start. It was honestly very adorable. "The first thing you want to do is stretch dude," I said with a smirk, "Don't want to hurt ourselves now." "Yeah, I knew that." "Uh-huh, sure you did," I said, "Follow me." We walked over to the mats they had set up and started stretching. When that was finished I started with my pre-lifting/running workout which consisted of combinations of: push-ups, crunches, 6-inches, and bridges. While I had no problem with them, Colin was breathing hard afterwards. Maybe I should have taken it easy on him for his first work out. I don't want him to be THAT sore afterwards. "You okay dude?" I said, "Getting tired?" I HAD to poke fun at him now. It's been too long since I last did. "Shut up, I haven't moved this much in a while." "If you get tired from the warm-ups how are you going to deal with the cardio?" "We aren't lifting?" "You can lift if you want, I'll teach you the machines, but today is my cardio day. You don't mess your routine up. You might hurt yourself" "What does your workout consist of?" "Alternating Upper body, cardio, Lower body, cardio followed by a day or two of rest. Depending on when my games fall." "I guess I'll hop on your workout with you." "Just don't push yourself. You won't be able to keep up with me. Just go at your own pace and ease into the workout." "Right, let's do this." So we started working out. At the beginning Colin tried to keep up with my running, but he was out of shape, so he had to slow down. While he was running I couldn't help but steal glances at him. His brown hair was dripping with sweat, his face flushed. He was trying really hard to keep up. It made me look at him in a different light. I've never actually noticed Colin before. I mean I noticed him; he's my best friend. But I never NOITCED him like I am right now. He was actually looking really cute. It was a really weird experience. I mean I always thought Colin was cute, but in an adorable brother kind of way; never in a potential date kind of way. I mean he will never take the place of Logan in my eyes. But the way I'm looking at him makes me wonder how he's never had a girlfriend. After our work out ended we left the gym and Colin drove me home. We caught up on everything that happened in the past few weeks. It made me miss him. I have to remember to never ignore him again. So now I lay in my bed looking up at the ceiling. I have one part of my life fixed and perfect. But another part just fell apart. I don't know what I'm going to do about that. But I will figure it out. This I swear. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cody Something is going wrong in the 15. It seems that the power is shifting away. Hopefully it doesn't have anything to do with Dylan. He was keeping something secret and it had something to do with Sean. If Sean knew something, Rickey probably knew something. Which means Jake would know something. Shit is getting fucked up now. God damn it, why wouldn't Dylan tell me? Is it so bad he couldn't speak? Did it have something to do with Logan? That must be it. It has something to do with him or Logan and he doesn't want it to get out. He might be trying to deal with it on his own. It's not like he can't fix whatever it is. He just doesn't have the manipulation skills that Logan or I have, or even Jjay can dabble in it. Plus Jjay and Logan want me to `watch' him. They don't seem to think he can handle the darker aspects of being up here; the intimidation factor that you need. He is a little too soft at this point in time, so I need to act. After school ended I followed Sean. He lived close to the school, so he walked home and I followed him. He cut through the woods that were near the school, I waited 'til we were far enough from the edge of the woods before I moved in. I grabbed him and shoved him up against a tree. Sean gave a surprised yelp and tried to fight me off. But after he was against the tree and realized who I was, he stopped fighting. "What's going on between you and Dylan?" I said. I refuse to beat around the bush with this. "I have no idea what you're talking about," He said. I slammed him against the tree again. He made a noise that obviously showed it hurt. "Fine, just put me down," He said. I let him go and he landed on his feet. He seemed to be wrestling with actually telling me, but he resigned. "I saw Dylan kissing a boy over the weekend. I'm guessing it was his boyfriend," he said, "I said something about it this morning to him and he freaked out." Dylan's gay? What? If this gets out, it might destroy him if people don't accept him. I don't know if he can handle that. "I haven't told anyone and I don't plan on it. I actually like Dylan. He's really nice; I don't know what Rickey has against him. Besides that, he feels that he needs to be just like Jake. He has nothing to fear from me telling people. His secret is safe," He said, "Plus if he wanted to come out, it would give us the ability to overthrow Jake and Rickey." "What do you mean? Give us the ability?" I said. This was... different. Sean is not as bad as it seems. He might just be Rickey's friend to keep him in check; like I heard Logan use to do for Jake. "I'm listening." "Think about it. Jake and Rickey would torment Dylan because of it. That's just who they are. This would give reason for Logan to retake his spot as number one and can call a meeting if we get 15 of the 30 of us. Logan would obviously throw his hat behind Dylan, and I'd suspect Amanda and Victoria, and you and Jjay would also. I know the twins would get behind Dylan; they have a lesbian aunt that I believe they like. They could also probably get their mentors with them, because they don't follow Jake. Then there is Mexy, who is rumored to be lesbian herself and her mentor would probably jump in with her. Of the 30 of us, that is 13 of us that are almost guaranteed. You need at least half to get the meeting called. We would only need to campaign for 2 more people. With Logan and Jjay's influence and everyone's general hatred of Jake, we would get that," He said. "That idea is crazy enough to work. I mean if Dylan wants to come out, that is. We can't tell him this or he might feel pressured into doing it." I said, "Should we let Jjay and Logan know about this?" "NO... I mean no, we don't want to out Dylan to more people; even if they would be on his side. It's bad enough I told you. I don't want to tell more people. It might scare him away from coming out." He said. The way he jumped to say no... it seems like there is something he isn't telling me. It might be who the boyfriend is though. Didn't Logan and Dylan hang out this entire weekend? I know I saw Dylan at the hockey game on Saturday. Him and Logan were going to the concert that night. Unless it was on Sunday... could Logan be gay also? "What day did you say you saw Dylan and his boyfriend?" I said. "I didn't..." He said. But he noticed his mistake. The look that went across his face was definitely one of fright. He knew I connected the dots. "Don't tell me it was..." He looked down, not being able to look me in the eye. Shit it was Logan. This changes everything. "Dylan's not going to want to come out if Logan is involved," I said. "I know, that's the problem with this plan," He said, "Logan makes Dylan weak and I suspect it works vice versa. Logan's biggest weakness is Dylan." "If people don't see that they are together if Dylan comes out," I said, "They will when Logan freaks out if people go after Dylan." "We would have to tell Logan about this, if Dylan comes out." "I'll tell him if Dylan decides to come out. You have to keep up the appearance of hating us so that you can stay on the other side." With that we parted ways. This meeting changed everything and it wasn't what I expected at all... Dylan AND Logan are gay? I didn't see that coming at all. I knew this was going to be a crazy year... but now it got worse. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well there is the chapter of 11th 'I'll Make you Popular' I hope you enjoyed it. I also ask you to be patient in how long it will take me to update. I'm really bad at focusing. If you have any criticism I would love to hear it. Editor's Note: Hey guys! Sorry if I missed any grammatical errors, as usual I did my best to catch everything! If you see me repeatedly missing anything, email me at: How awesome is Walt doing with this story? And what about that twist at the end with Cody finding out? Do you think Sean was telling the whole truth when he said he likes Dylan and wants to overthrow Jake? Or do you think he is still hiding something from Cody? I'm not kidding when I say the story is quite enticing and I have trouble stopping reading when I start. (Don't worry, I read through it twice to try and catch all the grammar/spelling). Be sure to email Walt and tell him how fantastic the story is and to keep writing! And, preaching to the choir, DONATE TO NIFTY!! KEEP THE SITE FREE!! Peace and Love People! -Chris