Date: Thu, 24 Sep 2015 04:01:26 +0000 (UTC) From: Walt Michael Subject: I'll Make You Popular- Chapter 20 Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. It is about 2 teenage boys who find themselves and what not. The story involves sex between them and between other people. If this offends you then click the x button in the upper right hand corner. If it does not then enjoy the story. Don't forget to donate to the site! Keep the site free! Thank you everyone who has emailed me! It makes me happy to know people are enjoying the story! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dylan My phone started ringing... at 7 in the morning... on a Saturday.... Who the hell was calling me at 7 in the morning... on a Saturday? I moved my hand to grab my phone. Missing a few times before actually grabbing it. Moving it towards me, I lifted my head to see Logan's name on the screen. Why was Logan awake and calling me at 7 in the morning... on a Saturday? I hit the answer button and brought it to my ear. "How the hell are you awake?" I said to him. "My father is going up to our place in New York, he needs help with a few things up there and I'd figure I'd see if you want to come. It won't take long and we can go into the city and spend the day there." "Going up with your father? Thought you two didn't exactly get along." "Things have been better around here, somehow you living with us seemed to have changed things." "That's great, I hope things continue to get better." "So do I," He said, "So what do you say, wanna come up to New York?" "Sure, I'll hop in the shower and call you when I'm done?" "See ya then." We, hung up the phone and I got up from my bed and stretched. I caught myself in the mirror and smiled. Standing there in my underwear everything that is happening to me just seemed surreal. Just the idea that I actually feel happy. I thought I was going to hide my entire life, lying to myself and forcing myself to be 'straight.' But I don't have to do that, I can be me. I don't have to hide anymore, I'm out. And I'm happy with it. I never in my life thought I would be like this. Especially with an amazing boy. Logan is everything to me. I grabbed a change of underwear and walked to the bathroom and showered and got ready. After putting on new clothes I walked downstairs to find my dad sitting at the table eating. "What are you doing awake this early on a Saturday?" He said. "Logan called, he wants to take me up to his place in New York. His dad needs help getting ready for their new year's party. Can I go? We would probably spend the night there." "His dad's going to be there?" I rolled my eyes and sighed, "Yes, his father will be there the entire time." "Will you two sleep in separate rooms?" "Dad..." He just laughed and said "I don't see why it will be a problem. Have fun" "Thanks dad." I said, I quickly grabbed something to eat and texted Logan I was ready. I ran up to my room and packed an overnight bag. When I finished my phone buzzed letting me know Logan was here. I ran downstairs and hopped into Logan's car. "My father is going to meet us there." He said as I was getting in. "You ready for the drive? Should take about 2 hours. We'll stop along the way for breakfast." So we set off and just stalked talking. Nothing important. Just comfortable talking. "So Logan, I've always wanted to ask... Why did you pick me? Like out of everyone... why me?" I said. It was something that has always been on my mind. Why me specifically? I mean I'm extremely grateful. Even with everything that has happened, I wouldn't have it any other way. "Truth is... I have no idea why," He said, "The first time I ever saw you during your freshman year, I just felt something. It confused the ever living shit out of me. I knew I was gay at the time and more then accepted it. But I didn't think I would actually fall for someone." "But there you were, you were walking with Colin and joking around with him. I just felt pulled to you. Felt like there was something there. You looked up at me and our eyes connected and I felt a spark. So when it was time for us to make our choice I did. I chose you. I had no idea you were gay, but I had a feeling and I just went with it." "So you had me sweating and freaking out from the second you chose me up until the party, you had a feeling I was gay and didn't say anything?" I said. "Not my place to force it out of you," He said, "I was fine with letting you come to it on your own." Logan knew the entire time I was gay and he chose me anyway. I mean it was for his own selfish reasons. "You chose me because you wanted to get laid didn't you?" I said. "Oh totally, all you are is a piece of tail to me. I just wanted another notch in my bed post." He said. He smiled and looked over at me. I feigned hurt on my face at his comment. I couldn't keep the look long, because of his smile. It made me smile back. "So you stalked me to figure out who I was didn't you?" "Well I didn't stalk you... I had Amanda do it. She had a lot of information about you by the next day," he said, "The girl knows how to get gossip." "Really? What kind of gossip was there about me?" "Well she got your name, your year, figured out you also played hockey. Told me about your friendship with Colin, Shayne, and Bryan. Nothing too major." He said, "What did you think there was something big? You hiding something from me?" "I just thought there would be more..." "We have a massive high school, and you were a freshmen. The rumors weren't spreading about you yet. Not like they are now." "What rumors are there left to spread?" "Oh you are currently cheating on me with Cody. That's the newest one. Ummmm You also had a threeway with Rickey and Sean. Which is what caused Rickey to hate you and Sean to come to our side." "People really come up with crazy things... wait why is it that I'm cheating on you? Are there rumors of you cheating on me?" "Nah, I'm the school's golden boy, I don't do anything wrong. I'm the faithful perfect boy." Logan said. He had a smirk on his face. I just started laughing. "Why is that funny to you? What you don't think I'm the perfect and faithful boy?" He said. "Oh you totally are Logan," I said sarcastically, "totally perfect. You are walking perfection." "Your sarcasm is killing me." "Don't die, you're driving. If you die I might die." "I should leave you on the side of the road." "You would never do that. You like me too much." "Wanna bet. I'm perfect. I can get anyone I want." He said. He turned his head slightly and looked at me. Showing he was joking. "Psh, think I would get hung up on you anyway? I could easily move on to someone else." I said, "I mean come on, I apparently already banged Cody, Sean, and Rickey. Obviously I can get someone else." Logan's eyes met mine. He gave a side look. A 'really... anyone?' look. "Just because I'm not perfect like you doesn't mean I don't have guys bowing down to me." The look continued. "Ugh fine, you win." He stopped looking at me and laughed. "You are such a jerk, you know that." I said. "Oh I know, " He said. There was a silence between us. "I actually remember that moment that you first saw me." "Really? How? It was just a random hallway moment." "It was the first time I saw you up close." I said, "I saw you from afar before that, but it was the first time I saw you up close. I remember having a mini-freak out but I caught you staring at me. And as we passed each other you followed me with your head. I was freaking out inside. Colin was extremely confused." "Really? I caused you to freak out?" "Yes! You don't understand what it was like for some like me being noticed like that. You were this popular kid and I was a nobody." I said, "And stop acting like it surprises you. You know exactly how I acted when this first started." "Yea, I didn't understand how someone could blush as much as you." He said. "I had no idea how you had enough blood for the rest of your body." I rolled me eyes. "I would says it wasn't that bad, but we both know that would be a lie." "A massive lie" "it would be a massive lie." "We eventually worked that out of you though. So it ended up fine, didn't it?" "Well... yea, but mainly because we started dating. I think that's what helped me stop being as freaked out as I was." "Who knew my dick would cause you to stop blushing." "You're ridiculous." "Hey, you implied it, I just said it." "You are still ridiculous." "I try to be, it's what makes me, me." We shifted into a comfortable silence after that. With some conversation filling the ride as we made the drive to Logan's place. We arrived at the house, and by house I mean mansion. The place was HUGE. "Holy shit, I thought your house back home was big." "Yea, it's a nice house. It's the Kessler Family Estate. My father is originally from up here. Have a lot of family still up here." He said, "Wanna see the inside? You will probably be even more speechless." "I can't imagine what the inside looks like. Why does a family need that much room." "Well... we don't that's why we don't live in it. Even my parents think it's a little much." He said, "It's why we really only use it for the New Year's Party. Though we use to come up here every summer." We walked inside the house and the sight I was greeted with was amazing. Everything about it was beautiful. "I am insanely jealous of your life." I said. "Pick your jaw up, you're going to drools on everything." We walked through the house, Logan showing me around. After a bit his father showed up and we started helping stepping up. It was actually really nice, Logan and his father seemed to be getting along more now. Their relationship still has a lot of work, don't get me wrong. But it actually seems like they enjoy being in the same room with each other now. I wonder what caused the change? Did I have something to do with it? Well not me, but me living with them? Everything kind of turned around then. I guess it doesn't really matter what caused it. I'm happy they are turning it around. They was actually some jokes thrown around. We were putting up decoration around the house and having some fun. It was honestly a massive change of pace for what had been happening. Everything had been high drama and just to really turn my brain off and joke around was great. We finished up around 1 and Logan and I retreaded to the living room. The TV they had in there was MASSIVE. Like why do they need TVs that big? "So have you ever been to New York?" Logan asked me. "No, no I haven't." I said, "We've only been out of town a few times. Outside of traveling for hockey that is. We've only been down to the beach really." "Well you can add New York to that list. We are going to walk around the city for a bit. You can see my old stomping ground from my summer visits." "That sounds great. But how are we going to get there? Isn't traffic and parking terrible?" "Oh were are taking the train into Penn Station. Like I'm going to drive into the city. I'd rather not get hit by cab. Or almost hit a someone crossing the street when they shouldn't. Rather not deal with that shit. "I've never been on a train before either. So this is going to be great." "I'm take a lot of your firsts aren't I?" "Shut up. We going to go or not?" He shook his head and laughed. "Sure we can go." We got up and grabbed out coats. "Dad we are going into the city, we'll probably be back around 5 or 6" He hopped into Logan's car and drove to the train station, where we got tickets and boarded the train. We arrived at Penn Station and can I say I have never seen this many people ever. Like shit, there is so many of them . Like how do so many people fit into one spot? We walked through Penn Station, Logan holding my hand as we did so. I think this was the first time we really held hands in public. Even though it was just strangers around; people I would never see again. It felt great, that we weren't hiding anything. It felt freeing. I wouldn't trade the feeling of Logan's hand in mine for the world. We walked up the steps leaving Penn Station and I was greeted with MASSIVE buildings. How can buildings be this tall and this close together? Like how is this okay? And thinking that each of those buildings has probably hundreds of people working in them. New York is such a big place. We just started walking around the city, my hand in his hand. Chatting about anything and everything. There was so many people around, all of them walking around shopping for Christmas presents. Eventually we made it to Time Square, the ball already in place for its eventual drop in a few weeks. I felt like such a tourist. Gawking at everything. Logan laughing at my face made me feel like one even more so. Like shut up; I know what I look like. You should be humoring me, not making fun of me. Jerk. Stupid, sexy, jerk. But a jerk none the less. "You're going to be making fun of me all day aren't you?" "Pretty much," he said, "It's adorable honestly. How amazed you are at all of it. I was just like that when we were first in the city." "You said you use to come up here every summer right?" "Yea, my father's family is from up here. So we've kept a house up here so we don't have to make that drive back and forth in a day if we visit." "It must of been nice, to get away from home for a bit." I said, "kind of having a separate life, away from it all." "It had its perks," he said, "but a lot of the kids in the community were snobs, growing up rich really screws with a kid's entitlement." "I'm guessing it really didn't affect you?" "Not really, we grew up in a rich area yea, but not like it is up here." He said, "I have a feeling we will probably be seeing a few of my old friends sometime. They will probably be waiting for us when we get back. Which is why I wanted to come into the city. Dealing with them is tiring." "Let's just not go back until later, then we don't have to deal with them." "That's the plan, I just hope none of them are in the city." He said, "Now, where do we want to stop for lunch. We haven't eaten in awhile." "I don't know, what's around here? "I know just the place." We headed down to a burger place that was close by and got food. After eating, we just started walking around and talking. It was amazing just forgetting about everything for at least a day. Just walking around with Logan, my hand in his. Just co-existing. "Logan? Logan Kessler?" I felt Logan tense up at that. I feel like he knew the voice. He quickly let go of my hand, and turned. Before us was this blonde haired female, that even as a gay guy, I knew she must have plenty of guys wrapped around her fingers. "Oh um... Kimberly, hi. It's been awhile." "Oh Logan, my prince! It is you. What are you doing up here in New York? Don't you know you are suppose to call your girlfriend if you visit." Kim said. I looked over at Logan and caught his eye. I mouthed 'girlfriend?' "Kim... We aren't dating. I've made this clear. I broke up with you what... 5 years ago now?" Logan said. "Oh you're just playing hard to get you know. You'll come around." She said, "Who is this Logan? Never seen you hang out with him before." "Oh right, where are my manners. This is my boyfriend Dylan. Dylan this is Kim." I watched as Kim's face started twitching. "Boyfriend?" She said."Boyfriend? You aren't allowed to be gay! I won't allow it!" "Kim, it's not really up to you." He said. "But you are suppose to be with me. That's what we've planned since we were kids!" "You've planned, I've always known I was gay." "BUT YOU DATED ME." "During a time when I was in denial" The sound of discontent that Kim made, made me laugh. Which probably wasn't the best thing to do. Seeing as it was a very delicate situation. But come on this is funny. Rich kid entitlement was actually funny. I never knew. "You laugh at me? Do you know who I am?" "Well I kind of do. You seem to be my boyfriend's ex." I said, "outside of that I never heard of you." Her eyes went wide and her face kind of showed her astonishment that I never heard of her. That Logan never mentioned her. I am so going to make fun of Logan for this later. "The group is going to hear about this." Kim said in a huff and whipped out her phone and walked away. "If you want to run after your girlfriend, you can I don't mind" I said. Logan just looked at me and gave me this glare. Which caused me to laugh. "I'm glad you're enjoying this, because I'm not." He said. "Come on, that was hilarious" I said, "When you said they were entitled I didn't actually believe it was that bad. "She actually had a full life with you planned out." I said. Just then Logan's phone started going off. "Wow word travels fast." "Gossiping is a rich kids favorite thing to do." He said. He pulled out his phone. "Already have 6 text messages about this." "Holy shit already?" "fuck this bullshit. I don't have to explain anything." He said, "Let's get back home, it's almost 5." We headed back to the train station and hopped on the first train we could catch. We were driving down the street when I heard Logan sigh. "There is currently a car sitting outside the house." he said. "You ready for some fun?" We pulled up to the house and Logan opened his car door and walked out slamming it behind him. "hey guys, what's up?" "You heard what Kim is spreading about you right?" "Jamie, Branson, Declan, this is my boyfriend Dylan. Dylan this is Jamie, Branson, and Declan." Logan said. I walked around and he placed his arm around me. I kind of settled into him. "Oh it's true." Declan said. "Yea, you got a problem with it?" Logan said. "No we don't, don't worry. We just wanted to make sure you knew what was going on. You weren't replying to our texts." I could tell my Logan's body language that he was surprised by that. He probably in his mind had everyone here demonized. To the point where he thought it would be a problem. "We've all are very different then how you remember us Logan... Well all of us except Kim." Jamie said, "You cousin really whipped us into shape when she came back from college. Kind of woke us all up." "Really? Sam did that?" Logan said. "Yea, she said she had an eye opener when she was away and it kind of woke her up. And with it us." "Just know, if anyone has a problem with you up here, let us know. We'll take care of it. " Branson said, "Not that you couldn't yourself, you could probably take all of us if you want." "Probably? I'm pretty sure it wouldn't even be a contest." Logan said, "You rich kids need some muscle." It was nice to see Logan relaxed around someone other than JJay or I. It doesn't really happen that often. Normally we are always forced to be very aware of everything going on around us. But his smile was genuine and that made me smile. Also his attractive friends did too. The three of them were about the same height as Logan, maybe Branson was a little taller. Jamie had this dark red hair that was cut short, and these deep green eyes. He was thin, but had a build to him. Not as much as Logan or I, but you could tell there was some muscle to him. Branson had brown hair with these light brown eyes. I don't think I've ever seen a brown eyes as light as they were. He was thicker then Jamie was. In terms of muscle that is. Declan though. Declan was beautiful. Close to Logan it terms of looks. He had blond hair that was perfectly cut and looked amazing on him. His ice blue eyes seemed to be able to cut though anything. They pulled you into them. They made you pay attention to him. He also seemed to be perfectly proportioned. Again in the same level as Logan in terms of muscle. Of the three he was the one that seemed to have the most charisma also. He just made you calm. I don't think I've ever seen someone who could rival Logan like that. The boys left soon after and Logan and I went inside. Logan's dad apparently order food for us while we were outside. After eating we retreated to the room Logan had. "Don't think I didn't see you checking of Declan." He said when we settled onto his bed. He clicked on some music. Filling the silence with sound. "Can you blame me?" I said. "You're not even going to deny it?" "Why would I? Come on you know that boy is beautiful." "Oh really, maybe you should leave me for him." Logan said, "If he's mister perfect." "Oh come one. You know you're perfect too." "No no, no saving yourself now." He said, "Just go. I'll give you his address and you can be with him. His family is richer than mine is. He could buy you an island." "A whole island? Maybe I should be with him." Logan feigned hurt on his face when I replied. I smiled and leaned in and kissed him. "When you become a famous hockey player, then you can buy me an island." "You are only with me for my future money aren't you?" "Oh totally," Logan crawled on top of me. Our chests touching. My legs wrapped around him. I felt his hand cup the side of my face, he lightly traced his finger down my cheek. "Then maybe I should get my money's worth." He leaned down and kissed me. Slowly the kiss deepened. My hands traced up his back. I gripped his shirt and pulled it off him; throwing it to the floor. I really need this. My shirt soon followed his. As did our pants. We were lying there on the bed. My legs wrapped around his torso, my arms above my head. His one hand holding them there, his other was holding him up. His body was grinding into mine. I could feel his underwear clad hard-on, pushing against me. I needed him in me. His hand moved down to my red briefs and slipped under them. The feeling of him holding me; that was something I was never going to get use too. His mouth on my neck and his hand in my underwear. I felt like I was going to bust right then and there. It left me so hot. He started to slide down, taking a hold of the waistband of my underwear and pulled them down. I sprung free. Logan licked my length. A moan left my lips as I looked down. Our eyes connected, as he went down on me. The sight of his Brown-green eyes looking at me as I slide into his mouth was beautiful. Up and down, up and done he went, I felt myself getting closer and closer . He pulled off me with a pop, seemingly sensing that I was close. He gave me this smile. It's hard to describe. It was a mixture of a loving smile, and a devilish smirk. It was so fucking hot. He crawled up and kissed me. Pure passion and lust, that's what that kiss felt like. Rocking his groin into me. I was ready, I needed him in me. "Come one Logan, don't make me beg." He pulled back, and chuckled a little. "Someone's horny." "Shut up." He leaned in a kissed me again. He stood up and dropped his orange boxer-briefs, and leaned over and started digging though his bag pulling out some lube. Rubbing some onto his dick, he got back onto the bed placed some on his finger and my hole. Slowly he pushed his finger in, a little bit after a second one enter. He started to scissor with his fingers. When the third one went in. I needed him. It felt like he knew. He can read me so well. He pulled his fingers out and positioned himself at my entrance. Looking at me, meeting my eyes, that smiles on his face. He wants me to beg. I wanted to hold out. I didn't want to beg. But I needed him. "Please Logan." "As you wish" He started pushing in, and I felt complete. Slowly he entered me until he was all the way in. His face right above mine, our stomachs touching, my legs wrapped around him, and my hands on his neck. I leaned up and our lips met. The animal in both of us took over. He started to hump in and out of me as our tongues danced back and forth. My hands gripped his back and dug in and he went harder and fast. We every thrust a moan shot out of my mouth. You don't understand how hard it was trying to keep quiet, even with the music there was a chance I was going to be too loud. The kissing probably stifled some of the sound... hopefully. Logan reached back and grabbed my hands and pinned them above my head. He started going slow and hard. Each thrust had the purpose of making me moan. I looked straight up into his eyes as he thrust. Then his thrusting started to pick up, which was when he started to hit that spot and everything intensified. More and more, hard and hard, he went. I felt myself getting close. He was going to literally fuck the cum out of me. I felt it though, both of us reaching that point. He just kept going. Then my orgasm hit and I started shooting. All up my chest, some even getting of my face. Then he started, pulling out just at the last second and shooting all over my stomach, mixing our seeds together. Logan collapsed next to me, his hand on top of mine. Both of us out of breathe. As our breathing returned to normal. I turned my head and looked at him. My brown haired, brown-hazel eyed angel turned his head and looked back at me. Reaching his hand over, he cupped my cheek gently sliding his thumb across it. He leaned in and kissed me. The loved was there. When he pulled back he smiled. "I guess we should clean you up." "You mean I don't get to cover your bed in sperm." "And now by we should clean you up, I mean you." He said, reaching into his bag he pulled out a rag and threw it at me, hitting me in the face. "Ugh, you hit me with your cum rag." "Just clean yourself up." He said in a mocking tone. I used it to wipe myself down and threw it back at him. He threw it to the ground and pulled the covers over us and pulled me close to him. "Thanks for coming up, I don't think I would have had this much fun without you here." "Probably would have just gotten Declan to sleep with you and had just as much fun." "Probably would have been hotter to fuck him." I turned towards him and feigned hurt. "How dare you." "You're perfect for me." He said leaning in and kissing me again. "You're lucky you're hot" I said. "It's how I plan on getting away with everything." I turned back over and Logan pulled me close to him again. I felt him place his head on the back of mine. I felt so protected, like nothing would ever happen to us. "Good night Dylan." "Good Night Logan." Everything was perfect, everything was finally perfect. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well there is the 20th chapter of 'I'll Make you Popular' I hope you enjoyed it! This first part will be coming to a close soon! I think you guys will like it! If you have any criticism I would love to hear it.