Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2007 12:28:07 -0500 From: Gabe Rapeyls Subject: Incomplete 2 OKAY. I made some changes, thanks to the Nifty Archivist. I knew this part wasn't so good the first time I wrote it. It was like early in the morning. So I rewrote a lot of the stuff. It's not the way I'd like it yet, but that's why I put chapter 3 up too. I still think that the story isn't going as I first thought it would. It has been 6 months since the first story. Thanks for still reading. -g Disclaimer: not 18, don't read. shoo. don't like this kinda stuff then why are u here? usual disclaimer. ty. Incomplete ch2 I finally reached the 4th floor of the freaking school, where the Arts department was located. I often think that that was the reason why there were rarely any overweight students in the Arts Dept. Great school. They do everything for you. I quickened my pace to my next class, images of Aaron still flashing across my mind. Forget him for now, or you'll die in orchestra, idiot. Ding dong ding... The bell... "Holy mother of-" And I sprinted. I got to the orchestra door and listened. They were tuning. I might just be able to slip- "Well, well, well... Welcome back Kellen. It'ss been a while hassn't it?" It was Dr. Sstone, the Orchestra director... He has that weird way of EXAGGERATING his "s" sounds. "Good, uh, afternoon Dr. Stone. It's nice meeting you too- again" I smiled nicely, too nicely. Don't send me to the Attendance office, please! "Hm. Your lucky I like you Willoughby. Now get in the class so I can start!" I quickly rushed into the room, got my cello, sat down, and tuned it, paying no attention to the prying eyes of the other students. I think I saw something in Dr. Stone's eyes when he said that I was lucky... something. It's these wrong messages I keep sending him. I hope he doesn't think I'm... can't say it. Anyway, if it's like that, I'm definitely gonna call some cops on him if he tries anything. "Okay, chair auditions starting now! Who's first?! Okay. You, the filthy looking thing in that brown sweater. Get in my office now." "Umm... I don't have anything ready... Doctor..." Rachel sheepishly told Stone. She avoided his glare. "Oh... Well, that's alright! No problem." "Really?" "Yes, because I don't have to listen to your horrible playing anymore. In addition, three zeros are always easy to average into the gradebook. Now get out of my sight." Rachel mouth hung open and her eyes began getting teary. I felt sorry for her. This is the exact reason why I practiced my butt off this summer. She ran out the door, sobbing. "Uh huh. You- yes, you- the chinese looking kid in white. Get in my office." Stone said offensively to the offended student. He may be a... butt... but he gets his job done. Time passed. Everyone practiced. A person replaced the other coming from the office either silent with a frown or smiling and proud. Since I already memorized my piece during summer break, all I did was stare at the wall and play random notes. I got some looks for that. Only about a third of the class got to audition for chairs when the bell rang. Thank God. I get to get away from the proximity of Dr. Stone. Creepy guy. I put up my instrument on the racks and power-walked out of the class. "Hey! Kellen. Geez, wait up will you?" I looked back. It was Jason from the violin section- one of the best (and best-looking) too. "Oh... I really need to be somewhere... Can it wait?" I pleaded. "Oh, sure. I just wanted to catch up you know? Last year was kinda hectic- it being Junior year and all," Jason said matter-of-factly. The light danced on the surface of Jason's gray eyes.. "Yea... sure. Hey, email me okay? I'll be sure to get back to you. See ya," I assured Jason. So high-tech these days. "Well, 'kay. See you Kellen..." Jason waved goodbye before turning around, a flash of disappointment clearly in his face.. I skipped down the stairs frantically and practically ran home from school, since the only reason why my mom brings me in the morning is because the school's on the way to work. I got home after a few minutes and the house was empty. Mom was at work and the 'lil sis was at the grandparent's, so I had the house to myself for the night! How exciting... It's not like anything too exciting was gonna happen. I looked at the time after tidying up the house. It was already exactly 4:13. Mom was definitely getting to me and Aaron wasn't at my house yet. So, I did some last minute cleaning in my room. Threw this there and this over there. Done! Sighing heavily, I turned around to exit my room and- "Holy Shi-" And I swung my arm as hard as I could. Failure. I didn't hit anything. "Whoa there horsie!!! Relax! It's me. Aaron," the intuder explained. "What the heck are you doing in my house? How'd you get in here? You scared me. Geez" Then- BAM. Aaron slammed me against my bed and ripped off all my clothes. I was in shock. He held my hands down firmly and straddled me. He intently looked down at me with a devilish look on his face. Whay was he going to do... "Don't worry Kellen. This'll feel real good," Aaron whispered softly into my ear. He bit my ear. I gasped from the surprise. He slowly ran down my neck with light kisses. I think my hands weren't getting enough blood because they started tingling. Finally, his lips were inches from mine, and the closeness of them was killing me. I could feel his warm, moist breath on my face. Closer. He came closer. So close now... Then, darkness enfolded my mind in its cold grip. ******** uh, yeah. like I said up in teh beginning, sorry. comments: just starting, so i need as much comments as possible. have to admit im an amateur. thnx, greg.