Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2011 04:30:57 -0600 From: rob loveboy Subject: Jack&Jill-Went-Downhill-16 I felt a prod, a poke and then a slap to my face bringing me into semi consciousness, "I'm not like that, -- and I don't go with men... so please leave me alone!" "Boy ya all better snap to it. I'm not here ta fuck ya, I promise ya that!" I heard a voice from somewhere deep within a groggy mindset and knew that I was being lifted like a bag of potatoes and into the warmth of human arms. "You're coming with me, little one." it said as I flailed my arms and kicked with such frail exhaustion that I couldn't fight off a mosquito if it was biting my neck and sucking me dry of blood. "Boy you are one sick little guy and thank God I found ya under these bushes where he told me to look for ya!" he said in a kind voice, "You are wetter and colder than a penguin, 'cept them are used to it, I do declare!" I remember being loaded into a vehicle and then lifted out and carried into a warm place and being stripped naked and placed in warm water. Someone held me against their body to prevent my drowning, sponging me all over. I regained enough energy and opened my eyes just a slit to see a large man with a huge mustache wearing a cowboy hat and sitting on the edge of the bath tub and holding a dripping sponge over my head. My eyes wandered to see familiar tattered sneakers and white jeans submerged in the tub. Straining my neck upward I saw the most wonderful face in the entire universe smiling down on me! "Wa-wa-why are you all dressed in the bath tub, Jillian?" was all I could think of to say in my confused state, thinking it to be another dream. "Because I didn't have time to get naked with you in here and besides, ya said you'd do laundry today and ya didn't get around to it like ya said ya would-- asshole!" he laughed. Things began to get clearer, the fuzziness subsided. Reality saw me being hoisted out of the tub by the cowboy; my nakedness became very evident to me as he held me at arms length in front of him like people do with babies and studied me. "Mighty fine specimen of a boy ya all is; Hoover is one lucky little fucker to be beddin' the likes of you... yee ha!" he said with a southern drawl. The man held me to his barrel chest and from over his shoulder I saw Jill stripping off his wet clothes as the cowboy carried me out of the bathroom and into a bedroom laying me down gently atop the largest bed I'd ever seen. I panicked thinking the worst but the man must have sensed my angst, "Don't worry, little one. Yer his property; much as I'd like ta, I ain't gonna fuck ya 'less he says its okay fer me ta bed ya!" he chuckled. "Good thing he loves ya so much to send me lookin' fer ya... all upset and all as he was. -- Never seen that little fuck care much 'bout anyone 'cept fer his old man Carl that he always talked about! -- Now lets get ya all dried up and a blanket 'round yer pretty-boy body. Maybe some hot soup in yer belly too! Yer all sufferin' from a mild case of hypothermia, but it'll pass soon 'nough and Hoover's big ole cock'll be up yer pretty little ass again 'fore ya know it! -- That's if ya still want him for yer boyfriend and all." I wasn't sure that I did any longer, nor was I sure that I didn't want him. Cowboy seemed to see into my confusion as he dried my body with a towel, not caring where his other hand ventured and fondled with a delicate touch. "Some things ya just don't know about Hoover... I mean Jillian, that's his nick name cuz that boy can suck a golf ball through a garden hose! But I guess ya already know that. Anyways that's why we called him Hoover, like the vacuum cleaner." he chuckled. "Well, he's been through a lot that boy. Had to do things to survive.-- His mama was one crazy bitch... bet he never told ya how she would trade his ass for dope... yessirie! Poor boy would be woken up in the middle of the night by some stranger crawlin' naked into his bed claimin' that his mama said they could bunk in with him! "If that loony cunt didn't know that they was dickin' the boy, then God strike me dead right here and now!...Course that was after she blackmailed Carl;-- as if she didn't know they was an item for a long while 'fore Carl done cut off her spendin' money, she turned a blind eye ta matters 'fore then, so she did!" I listened with great interest. The man wasn't just rambling on, he was making me aware of things he felt I should know in helping me understand Jillian better. Things that Jillian withheld only because they embarrassed him and hurt to talk about. I knew about Carl already and the emotional pain he experienced telling me that story. He labored with the act of folding and tucking the blanket around me slow and tedious that I knew was deliberate and intended to prolong our private time together. "When I met Hoover he was eatin' out of garbage cans, sleepin' in dumpsters to avoid goin' home when he sensed danger there. He'd hustle his ass on the boy stroll once in a while in the hopes that some man would rent him for the whole night just so he'd have a warm place to sleep when it got real cold or rainy. "Well to make a long sad story short, I rented his ass fer a night just ta try em out cuz... I had a kinda business ya see. A placement agency ya might say. I had a string of boys that worked fer me, -- if ya all know what I mean. My boy's didn't work the boy stroll though, they were all hand picked and trained man-pleasers. Rich and powerful men who paid a good fortune to enjoy a boy's company fer a night or two in the strictest of discretion money can buy. Boys who kept their mouths shut when they wasn't usin' it for pleasurable purposes, if ya know what I mean. "So anyways, I liked Hoover and offered him work. I paid my boys well and the regular men would buy real nice presents for their favorites, always asking for the same boy each time. I set up Hoover with a few gentlemen clients and they loved him. He was makin' good money, even helpin' out that cow of a mother who never questioned how a boy who was barely thirteen managed to pay the rent every month. "He was goin' to school regular cuz I insisted all my boys got their education; it was a condition of employment so to speak. I told em that they wouldn't always be pretty boys after a certain age, they'd be washed up by sixteen and givin' twenty dollar blow jobs ta fat old men in a cars! Yessiree, so I'd thought it best that they stayed in school and fimished it. "Well, that's kinda what happened to Hoover. He done got to old for the preferences of my clientele. The market for boys was shiftn' too! The demand for tweens was growing. Boy's nearin' puberty age between ten and twelve were preferred over the fourteen year olds. I guessed it to be that children were growin' up sooner than ever before and no doubt in my mind that boys were goin' through puberty at a younger age. All those growth hormones they feed the animals now a'days started havin' an affect on their natural development is what I figure! "So I was faced with a business dilemma. My inventory was getting older by the day. I had the client base; God only knows how many men there are in the world who wanted the 'Forbidden Fruit," but I couldn't supply the demand and that's what business is all about; supply and demand! "Men didn't wanna have to go to them there Asian countries fer it, where it was plentiful. They wanted it right here at home at their disposal whenever they felt the urge and were willin' to pay a king's ransom ta get it! Even average Joe's would scrimp and save for a whole year to pay for one night in a motel with a boy that young! "Some want them even younger, but I wasn't runnin' no day care service, although on occasion I have supplied young-uns for a price... special order, but them's way to high maintenance to keep in stock and aren't as resourceful at getting out of their homes for a night. They're only available for a couple of hours when they wouldn't be missed fer too long, and that's a pain in the arsehole ta manage if ya ask me!" I dozed and came to, then dozed again however, every word he said registered as clear as the morning sun! He folded and tucked, folded and tucked until I was nestled in a warm cocoon and unable to move a muscle. I liked him when I supposed I shouldn't have. What he was telling me was beyond comprehension, but his frankness persevered I surmised. He really didn't have to tell me all those things, but they had a hidden meaning, for that I was sure. Despite all else, he seemed to love and care about Jillian, or "Hoover!" I secretly snickered. "So that's where Hoover saved my ass. He had a way with boys, -- they liked him in an instant. No secret that he had a thing for them too! He used to tell me about his conquests seducin' them. He had this strange sixth sense! He could read a boy from a distance; their loneliness and human need for a friend, an older friend ta look up to then he'd get into their pants without much effort! I wondered if I was just such a boy that his keen radar detected the very first day we met and the seduction process that followed. I was in fact lonely but never really knew it then. He did win me over without much effort! His words convincing if not hypnotic, his enchanting character captivating. His sense of adventure that I found intriguing when it all came down to it. I had never been happier and I grew to love him in a matter of weeks as he took me along and showed me a weird kind of perspective on life. The cowboy went on, "Hoover had access to the boys I needed in order to rebuild my business. He became my recruiter and did one fuck of a job at grooming them... I do declare! I was takin' orders from men on specific attributes of boys they desired... ya know, looks wise; blonds; brunettes; red heads; even dick size and cut or uncut for the men that wanted a regular, ongoin' covert sexual relationship with a boy. Most didn't care none 'bout that though, they just wanted em young! "So Hoover would tantalize then with all his spendin' money and nice possessions. They'd become envious of him and he'd slowly divulge his secret of success; the virtues of men and their money! He'd introduce them to me and we'd seduce them into a three-way. I lavished them with money and gifts for a while until they were hooked and used ta bein' with a man. I'd take over from Hoover and teach them how to be a real man pleaser and put them to work. "Hoover never failed to find 'em on our shoppin' list. Not all at once mind ya, but my client's were patient and had faith that I'd deliver the goods as ordered! Some even gave me a retainer in good faith to find their ideal boy! All I had to do was deliver and pickup: hotels, motels, mansions or condos, wherever they wanted and all were over night of course, none of that hourly bullshit that's much too time consumin' fer the return on investment! "Anyways, I have a tendency to ramble on and I'll finish by sayin' that Hoover prospered mighty fine then! He went on to pay his mama's rent cause ya know what, little one?... A boy loves his mama no matter what... it's unconditional love as one sided as it may seem! He loved his mama regardless of how mean she was to him and he was helpless to help her 'cept only to ensure they had a roof over their heads and food in their bellies! "So don't pass judgement on him for what he's done tonight... and be assured, I knows all 'bout it cuz he told me all! He loves ya, little one. As I said before, never seen him so upset and cryin' and all. Just God's will that I happened upon him tonight after so long of not seein' him. We lost contact after he went to that place and in the interim I had to close up shop fer a while and high-tail it out of here! Both incidents non related... a story for another time, okay?" "Yes sir... and- and thank you!" I offered, "I love him but it's all so confusing to me anymore!" I whimpered. "Ya just go where yer heart leads ya, young-un. Makes no never mind who ya decide to love in life as long as ya have someone to love and loves ya back! Don't throw it away... you'll regret it later. He has a bit of a temper, I do declare!... I do declare indeed, son! But he only shows his ugliness when he's pissed off cuz a some asshole's gettin' in his way and doin' things they shouldn't! -- Understand?" I Understood alright, I seen him at his worst plenty of times and nodded by acknowledgement. "That's why I come ta find ya and not him, cuz I wouldn't let him. He was all in a furious state when he done called yer granny -- the dear ole lady, God bless her soul... just ta make sure that you was home safe and sound. "Guess she checked yer room lookin' fer ya and told him ya wasn't home yet. Well, he got real freaked out thinkin' that some a those crack head whores mighta got to ya cuz they is a might territorial on the stroll, let me tell ya! They don't want fresh meat competin' with em on their turf, and a pretty young-un like you... well, anything could happen! "So he goes all nuts; takes my old Babe Ruth autographed baseball bat off the freakin' wall and wants ta go out to look for ya and bashin' a few heads 'long the way cuz he's sure you been a victim of them fucks! He don't care at that point who's skull he smashes ta find out if they know anythin' at all 'bout yer where 'bouts or not! He was a mad man like I'd never seen him before, young-un! "I refused him ta go lookin' for ya and told him ta stay put and that I'd go try ta find ya cause I got a little more respect on the stroll ya see; -- I got a 3-5-7 magnum that makes people listen and talk, but luckily he was right where he said he left ya many hours ago; all freezin' cold and delirious... thank the Good Lord fer that mercy on yer soul! "Yer lucky I found ya with yer clothes still on, never mind alive! Cuz as sure as my mama was Catholic, someone would have stumbled upon ya eventually not carin' if you was sick and, -- well, never mind now, I guess! "Yer call now, young-un; but I gotta tell ya one thing fer sure is that ya better accept him as he is -- or not at all. Your choice ta make!" I was becoming more and more lucid with every breath it seemed, but I felt so tired. His words didn't escape me however, Jillian loved me and the man felt the need to convey that to me in all of its harsh reality and for me to decide the final outcome. Let me take ya to him now. He's probably sittin' on pins and needles worried sick 'bout ya! be continued....