Date: Mon, 23 May 2016 01:50:47 +0000 From: kuragari 129 Subject: Life's Little Lies - Chapter 40b "Life's Little Lies" belongs to the pen name Kuragari129. Posting this on another site must be done with the permission of the author. Even though some events and characters in this story are from my memory, this is a work of fiction. Any similarities to real life events have been altered to keep the actual names private or are completely fictional in every aspect of the word. If you are not legal age in your area to view this, then please leave now. This story holds sex between two males and your delicate minds might not be able to handle it. (Without jacking off of course.) If you like Nifty and want it to continue running and posting stories then Donate to this lovely site that lets you view 4.6 Gigs, and increasing, of stories for free. Go to and donate today!! Thank you for choosing to read my story. LLL is a sequel story to Life's Expectations, but I will attempt to make it as good of a stand alone story as I can. Thank you for reading LLL, and I hope you enjoy this story! LLL – Chapter 40b – A Future Together Part 2 – Torches Nikolai Tavenor's POV I ran up to the door and knocked fiercely and kept knocking until someone answered the door. Soon enough Tyson and Taylor answered the door. "Hey!" I smiled at my boyfriend and his best friend. "I'm happy you could come for dinner. We just finished up in the kitchen; just got to wait for the oven to finish up!" Tyson returned my smile and welcomed everyone inside. Like always their house seemed so huge, intimidating even. It helps when you're high up in the company. Before too long of me being in the house, Mr. Jackson came into the room. "Nikolai, may I have a word?" I looked towards everyone in the room. Tyson shrugged, so I got up and followed him into his office. When I got in his office, he was already sitting in his chair. It's VERY VERY intimidating. Taking a seat, I swallowed the saliva my mouth deciding it was going to make. "Yes, sir?" He loosened up instantly. "I just wanted to say you are making my son very happy. I realize you two are young, and who knows what's in your future, but I wish you both an amazing time together." Wow... I honestly never seen that coming. I saw protective dad mode coming but not this. "Thank you, sir," was the only thing I could think so say. What do you say after something like this? I don't know! This is so weird to me. "I plan on doing everything possible to keep us happy together." "Why don't we have dinner now?" "Yes sir, I'm very hungry." We shared a laugh, and we went back to everyone. Dinner was amazing, Mrs. Jackson's lasagna is simply the best. Tyson and I played footsie the entire time and giggled. Taylor knew and rolled his eyes every time we accidentally brought him into the game. I ended up falling asleep on the couch. I woke up to Tyson sleeping beside me with me resting on his shoulder. My watch said it was close to midnight, mom and Travis must have left by now. I guess I'm staying the night... Mrs. Jackson came into the room. "Oh hey, You're awake Nikolai. The guest bedroom is made up for you if you want to sleep on a bed." "Thank you ma'am." I grabbed Tyson's shoulder and shook him awake. "It's time for bed silly." "Okay..." Tyson walked slowly to his room. I made sure he made it to his room okay. "Good night..." he looked like he was about to pass out right then and there. "Nighty night." Yep, I'll do anything for us to make us happy together. That won't ever change, as long as we're together. Lucas Bear's POV "You're ruining my life you asshole!" Rita wasn't very happy with me. My dad told her mom it's either she accepts Blake and me, or they're done. It turned into a fight really fast, and now they have moved out. I just shrugged. "Dad did that of his own free will. I had no part of that decision." Rita went to slap me, but I grabbed her wrist. "Let go of me you asshole!" "Are you going to try and slap me again." "OF COURSE, I AM!" She struggled to get out of my grip. When she did, she managed to get a good slap on me. Nick stepped between us. "Feel any better? Does that make you feel any better than before you smacked him?" She gave off a frustrated growl and walked down the hallway. "I'll take that as a no..." "I've had worse. How's my face?" "A little red, but overall not to bad." Nick got very close to inspect it. I snuck in a kiss while he was there. "You're a brat." I wrapped my arms around him and lifted him up. "I'm your brat, though." "Put me down, put me down, put me down!" Nick flailed about while I held him. "Lucas please put me down." "I don't know; you're adorable when you struggle." Nick rolled his eyes. "Ready to go to dinner with my dad?" Ya, we're going to dinner with my dad. Should be a good time. "Put me down, and I'll be ready." So I did. Nick dusted himself off before he glared at me. "Okay, now let's go, I'm starving!" When we got outside dad was already out there waiting for us. We hopped into the car and headed off. We didn't go straight to dinner, but we spent the afternoon with him. The three of us hung out going around the mall mostly window shopping. It was a good afternoon. When we finally got to dinner, we ordered and got out drinks. Everything was going pretty good; the mood was bright. Then dad put his serious face on. "Nick, I would like to apologize for the way I acted when I first found you guys. It was unacceptable and immature of me." Nick smiled at dad. "It's fine; you've changed for the better. Can we go back to having a good dinner without this awkwardness?" "Please and thank you!" I added in. Dad shook his head and laughed. "The fact that you two can forgive me so easily, you two are very mature. Thank you boys." "Anytime." We said in unison. It's so great that everything is going so well now. I'm no longer lying to myself; I have my boyfriend again. Things couldn't get any better than this... wait, yes it could, I could be 100% sure I was graduating. Nick is here to help out, so I should be fine. Antoine Rieu's POV Izzy was sitting on my bed; I was on the floor playing around with our new husky puppy. At least he's in the same room as the puppy; it's a good first step. We haven't decided on a name for the new puppy, just playing with it for now. "It doesn't look like a monster..." Izzy spoke as it came up and licked my face. "I take it back; it's a slobber monster." I laughed at both Izzy and the puppy. "Give him a chance Izzy!" It bounced around the room before stopping right in front of Izzy. It tried it's best to get onto the bed, but couldn't. Izzy had backed away slightly when it tried. "She won't hurt you." "You say that, but I don't believe you." He kept his eyes on the pup the entire time. The puppy barked at him, causing Izzy to jump. It only moved away from the bed when my bedroom door opened up. "There she is!" Emile came rushing into my room exciting the dog into playing with him. "You were hiding her from me!" "You can take her!" Izzy shouted a bit too loudly. Emile picked up the puppy and bolted out of my room before anyone could say anything else. That little brat of a brother. "Let's go upstairs?" Izzy asked me. I shrugged and got up, and followed him upstairs. Emile had the puppy in the living room. Very quickly Izzy was up on the couch out of reach of it. The whole family was infatuated with the little girl. Mom and dad were even playing with it when it came over to them. "Que devrions-nous son nom?" Mom spoke clearly from across the room. A name for her? I guess she does need a name. "Cookie!" Emile shouted out. Mattieu and I looked at each other. "Non!" Mom and Dad laughed at us. We went around the room; no one knew really what to name her. There were plenty of names thrown around, but none seemed to fit her. That is, until Izzy suggested, "Argent" Silver... yes!! Her fur had gray in it, but it was under her white fur, and it looked more silver from above. It seems dumb that no one thought of it. I guess it's so simple, though, why wouldn't you think of it? It also means money, so I mean vet bills are expensive. No one in the room rebutted it. Dad clapped his hands. "It's official then. Argent is her name." like that Argent had a name! "Even though you're scared of her, you named her." I leaned in to snuggle him. "Maybe you'll get over it sooner than you thought." "Doubtful." His arm wrapped around me. "But with you here, it might just happen." It's a simple thing, but I think it's a good step. We're here to help each other along the way, and I can't live without some kind of pet. So in his own time, Izzy will come to terms with his fears, and when he does, I hope I'm there with him. He is my Izzy after all. Blake Bear's POV We are both naked, in Mattieu's bed. I had cum leaking out of my ass, but neither one of us cared. We just had the most amazing sex, and I was still hard as a rock. "Mattieu, please help me out..." I panted. He grinned before taking my cock and swallowing all of it. Mattieu's become great at deep throating. Within a minute, I was bucking my hips sending my seed down his throat. I held his head as close to me as I could. Fuck man, such a good feeling. I continued to pant for a few minutes, just laying there. Mattieu massaged every part of me he could. Fuck man, this guy is so good. "So what happens when you graduate? Are we going to do what Kale and Isaac did?" I asked him out of nowhere. It's been bugging me. He's graduating, and I'm not even halfway through high school. Mattieu shook his head. "I don't want to break up with you. I want you to be mine forever Blake." "That's good; that's what I want too." "I'm not even heading off to school right away." Mattieu continued. I sprung up from my position. "I'm not holding you back am I?" He giggled and smiled. "No, it was my plan before I met you. Don't worry Blake, any decision I make is mine alone. Though you will be considered in many of them." "Okay..." We repositioned ourselves and snuggled up. I fell asleep and was awoken to my phone going off. My phone was going off. 11:21pm Mom- I'm guessing you're not home tonight? Lucas- Where are you? Mattieu's? Dad- You should tell your mother when you're staying out late. Where are you son? I sent the same message to all three of them. Fell asleep at Mattieu's sorry. With one more for mom. I'll be here for the night... okay? She messaged back pretty quickly. Fine with me, just tell me sooner than almost midnight next time. Me- Yes ma'am. In the midst of my messaging Mattieu woke up. "What's going on?" "Family wanted to know where I was. It's fine now; let's go back to sleep." Mattieu pulled me back down as he went back to his pillow. "Okay..." And he was out like a light again. This doofus... what do I do with him? At least I know he's not going anywhere. When the morning came, Emile came barging into the room. "WAKE UP BLAKE AND MATTIEU!" "Why!?" Matteiu shouted at him. Emile had a smile to his tone of voice; I hid my face into the pillow when he turned on the light, though. "Mom and dad are taking us out to brunch! Izzy and Blake are coming too!" "Isaac stayed the night too?" Mattieu asked. "Yep, now get up, and let's go eat!" And he bolted his way out of the room. Mattieu laughed. "Is food enough to get you out of bed?" I groaned. "Barely... It better be good food..." Mattieu rubbed my back a bit. "I'll be there; it'll be good food." That doesn't make it good food, just good. But I'll take what I can get. "I'll even lend you a hoodie." And like that, I was up in an instant. "My choice!?" "After I pick mine, yes." His hoodies are bigger and comfier than mine. I steal his all the time. Oh Mattieu, who knows what we're getting ourselves into, but I'm in it for the long run. Lets face this thing called life together!! Chapter End. Two shortish chapters, but overall it's a long one considering. Thank you for reading Life's Little Lies, I hope you enjoyed it. I certainly enjoyed writing it, even if it did take two years and two months. The Longest lasting story I've ever had by the way. Now it's just the epilogue. But before that, one last thing. What story is replacing LLL? It's not Nikolai's Life Expectations; that's a side project. The Story replacing LLL in my rotation of stories is Life's Unexpected Surprises, and this is the first any of you will have heard of it. LUS is connected to LE, CLE, LLL and NLE but it's not as you might think. This story will be set in the future, and will feature the kids of some of the characters of the stories above. I will reveal one of the main characters now, and another in the epilogue of LLL. The first character is named Taxon Jewels. He is Isaac's Nephew. So he's been mentioned in LLL, at least sort of. Stay tuned for the Epilogue where you'll get more info on another character. I guess I'll give you his name now... Hunter Brooks. I also have other stories that I have completed or are being worked on. For a full list of stories on Nifty just follow the link below!. You can contact me at, and I will do my best to get back to you in a timely manner. You can also follow my Social media pages to get regular updates and more information on my stories and their progress Facebook: Twitter: Thanks for reading!