Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2008 20:26:36 +1000 From: Aleksander Caspian Subject: Lunchroom Fun As promised, this is the summary of chapter two for those who don't want to read it (it has no sex which some might find boring). I would encourage you to read it, however, as there could be important details missed. Summary of Chapter 2 Ben and Alex were caught having sex in the school lunchroom. The school Chaplain was enraged, and when Ben gave him attitude he struck him across the face. The rest of the students were told to wait in the Assembly hall while Ben and Alex's parents were summoned to the headmaster's office. When the news was broken to them, the parents were shocked and Ben's father in particular refused to even look at his son afterwards. Alex's mother was the only one who seemed less horrified by the events. The boys were sent home and not allowed to see each other. Notices of expulsion came, and a newspaper article was published with false information to cover the school. Alex's father no longer trusts his son, and checks in his room every night to make sure nothing untoward is happening. The end of the last chapter saw a flash of lightning illuminate Ben's face outside Alex's window: he has obviously snuck out to see his friend despite their parents.