Date: Sat, 19 Mar 2011 15:00:12 -0600 From: Andrew Lorenzetti Subject: Lustful Revenge 15 Chapter 14 of Lustful Revenge by Andy Lake All usual disclaimers apply, if you are not supposed to be reading this then you shouldn't (but I know I can't stop you *sigh*) All the following characters are fictional, all made up by myself thanks to my twisted, yet erotic imagination. I'm the author so obviously I own the story and copyrights. It can only be spread with my permission or downloaded for personal pleasure. Recap "How do I know?? Well, let's say that Mark and Donald helped a lot since they set up the cameras in your room, I've got film of you switching costumes babe seems like your friends dont love you as much as you think" He said still smiling. My stomach and heart eached, I felt everything around me move, Mark and Donald betrayed me..?? How?? *Guys I was almost in tears with the amount of editing offers I got, it was more than overwhelming, It feels so great to know all of you are enjoying my story and well it was kind of hard to decide who was going to edit due to many offers.. thanks soo much. Thanks Steven for editing!! ************************************************ The Higher You Are Harder The Fall - Chapter 15 ************************************************ I looked up at Danny, was all this true?? Was he being honest?? I looked, and his eyes didn't lie. The satisfaction in them showed me that he was pleased to cause me pain. "Is it true?" I asked as Danny's smiled grew larger. "What, the fact that your best friends are all backstabbers. Well yeah, you see, Donald is my cousin and Mark, well he is his lover, and Sean never even hurt Donald, it was all an act" Danny stated proudly. "But... I saw it all, the blood, his pulse was low an..." Then it hit me. 2 weeks ago when I was doing the laundry there was a shirt with brown dust on it, that was the shirt that I used when I "saved" Donald, it wasn't blood, it was fake, everything was fake. "Yeah. figured it out right. Well let's see, do you recall that night, the "blood" it was fake, you see, Donald took a pill, that pill numbed his body and it's effect makes you appear dead when you are not, although you almost killed him with the electric shocks, and when they hurried him in the ambulance the "paramedic" told you, you couldn't come with, but well you see the paramedic was me. You should pay more attention Andy" Danny said looking at me with an evil smirk. It all made sense, Donald's mysterious appearance into my life, the fake blood that turned in brown dust, it didn't even stain my shirt. I looked back at that night and I remembered something worse, the policeman that took my statement, he gave me a lustful look and a pat on the butt just like... "Sheila's step dad." I said to myself. "You're not as dumb as one may think" Danny said with a little smile on his face. "So it was all a conspiracy??" I asked looking at him. "Well... yeah, Mike and Donald set up cameras in your room and right now as we speak the principal is calling an assembly due to Sean's scandal, and let's say the screen will play a video of you changing identities" He said almost laughing. "You didn't." My voice trailed away as he walked to the door and locked it. "I did, but it wasn't all me. You drove us to this Andy, it's your fault I lost Carter, it's all your fault" He said with a crazy look in his eyes. "Danny you need help, maybe some psy-" "I dont need help I'm perfect, everyone loved me, until you came along" He said walking up to me. "Danny just tell me what you want but please don't play that video" I pleaded. "Why not?? You like to tell on people through videos" Sheila said as she walked out of one of the stalls, the other stalls left opened, Mark, Donald and Sheila's dad walked in. I looked at Mark, he looked ashamed but was still smiling wide. "How could you??" I asked Mark, as tears ran down my face. "You drove us to this Andy," He stated. "How did I drive YOU to this?? Oh my God, Harry is going to be crushed" I said looking at Mike. "You ruined Danny's life and I love Donald and Danny's pain hurt him, so I had to get back at you and regarding Harry, you are not going to say a thing to him" He said the last part almost angry. I felt betrayed and backstabbed, but I noticed something and started to smile, I was screwed so what else could I lose. I looked at Mark and spoke. "You're in love with Harry aren't you" I stated. He panicked and I smiled. "N-nno, it was all an act" He said as Donald looked hurt and his eyes watered. "I understand, this was all a plan, Harry was the way to get close to me and you didnt want to but through the process, you fell in love." I said looking at him as he got red faced. "Is it true??" Donald asked as everyone remained silent. "I-I-I... yes." Mark said defeated. "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!!" Donald screamed at Mike. "Harry made me fall for him, I'm sorry but I don't love you anymore." Mark stated. Donald started crying and ran out of the room crying, I smiled, Danny looked pissed at my apparent satisfaction. "You do know Harry won't even talk to you after I tell him what you did. He will fall out of love with you, he will hate you, despise you, he won't even go near you out of disgust" I said as Mark started breaking down. "Please don't tell him... please" Mark pleaded on his knees. "Too late." I said showing him my phone, all the time since I saw Danny in the bathroom with me I called Harry and left the phone on so he could hear. I thought Danny would try to kill me or something so it was a good idea to have Harry listening. I pressed the speaker phone. "H-how could you??" Harry's voice said through the phone as he cried slowly. "Baby I'm so, so sorry, I love you please don't leave me." Mark begged to the phone. "I can't stay with you, and will never trust you again... sorry" Harry hung up and Mark wailed in pain, he looked at me with pain and hate in his eyes. How could I have loved him as a brother, I stared into his eyes and grinned. "YOU DID THIS!" He jumped at me, but I connected my foot with his stomach, he fell to the ground and moaned. "Get out!!!" Danny said motioning to Mark, he looked up at Danny and ran out of the room. "And you two... I'm just sending your video to the authorities along with your names and address, even Sheila's ID number. She is underage so you," I said pointing at Sheila's dad, "can go to jail for molesting a minor, and Sheila could go to a correctional institute for distributing illegal porn" I said grinning, Sheila's dad turned as white as a sheet. "You didn't..." Sheila said turning pale as well. I showed her my phone with the status of the message, it read SENT. "I did, now if I were you, I would run" I said looking at them, they shared a look and took off leaving me and Danny alone. "You are good..." Danny said staring at me. "I know I am, you aren't bad yourself" I said as we shared intense looks. "You know by now most of the school knows your identity.." He said with a smirk on his face, my eyes watered I know people are gonna hate me for what I've done. "I know but even if the whole school hates me, you know Carter will still love me more than he ever loved you. You see, he told me he was in love with Andy once" I said as his face burned in rage. "I'm not done with you" He walked to me. "Neither am I" I said as I walked around him and left the bathroom. I heard him sob a little as I walked out, I turned into the hallways and they were empty, I walked towards the auditorium and as soon as I entered all eyes darted to me, the video was playing and the screen filled with letters. {YOU REMEMBER ANDY?? WELL WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT HE WOULD STILL BE AMONGST US. BUT GUESS WHAT HE IS NOT A LOSER ANYMORE, ALT6HOUGH HE TRICKED EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU, HE MADE YOU BELIEVE SOMETHING UNTRUE, HE BETRAYED YOUR TRUST AND LOVE, HE IS STILL THE SAME SCARED LOSER INSIDE, WHY SHOULD ANYONE LOOK UP TO HIM? I DON'T.... AT LEAST NOT ANYMORE} The screen read. People looked at me with hate, most of them hate, one or two with pity, some understanding but mostly, full blown hate. "FUCKING LIAR!!" I heard someone in the crowd scream as a book flew to me and hit my leg. This encouraged most of the students into following and they started throwing stuff at me, I ran away from the room, tears running without control. I felt a hand on my shoulder and was spun around, there was Anthony, he looked so pissed. "I can't believe you tricked me, you fairy!" He punched me and kicked my stomach, I look up to him, the pain that his hate caused was unbearable. "Anthony, please understand, I didn't mean to-" He cut me off with another blow to my stomach. "Don't you dare, and don't get close to me again you pansy." He threw a glob of spit at me and ran off, I looked at him, how could I love that monster I said to myself as I crawled to my feet, I staggered to the bathroom and washed my face, my tummy felt soft and tender. I looked around and felt dizzy, my stomach hurled and I threw up all over the sink. I washed my mouth and walked to the parking lot, I called my driver and he took me home. I entered the house, I needed Harry, I walked to the kitchen and looked at a note. {I needed time... sorry I love you I'll be back soon} The note read, there were some wet spots on it, I knew he was going through a lot. I walked to my room and took a long dip in the tub, I brushed my teeth and changed into my pjs. I fell into bed with tears in my eyes, I felt sleep taking me over, I hated myself more than ever. I woke up in middle of the night with a stomach pain, I walked to my bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked at Andy, he looked so sad, like when I was living with my dad. "You lost, you should know you are worthless. I bet Anthony hates you for what you did to him with the video, you are a sham, you couldn't even get your plan across. You don't deserve to be alive!" He screamed at me as he faded. I looked at myself, I looked withered, less beautiful. I looked around as I washed my face and saw a Guilette blade, I stared at it.... what if?? I told myself as I walked to it and took it in my hand. I picked it up and placed it against my wrist, I applied little pressure and some bright red blood came out. There was little pain but nothing compared to my emotional strain, I was about to slide the blade and cut my wrists when the door burst open, someone tackled me to the ground. The blade fell to the ground, I looked up at my atacker and he hugged me tight. "Don't you dare leave me!" Carter's soothing voice said as he cried and hugged my head against his bulging bicep. "C-carter.. I love.." And it all went black. I looked around and found myself with my mother again, she looked at me and seemed sad. "I told you to be careful and hold on to the ones that love you baby, you tried to take your life..." She said as a silver tear ran down her face. "I'm so sorry mommy, I was just so scared and felt so lonely, I know I shouldn't have done that.. please forgive me" I said meeting her warm eyes. "I love you my baby, now go to Carter, you two have to talk" She hugged me as I nooded. "We will be with each other again" She said as she vanished. I felt myself crawling back to conciousness, I felt a hand gripping mine tight. I looked around and saw Carter there asleep with me on my bed, his hand tangled with mine. I stood up and he gripped tighter, he looked at me and sat up. "Why did you try and do that??" He said as his voice broke. "I just felt so sad and alone, I thought you were gonna hate me." I said afraid to meet his eye. "I felt betrayed when I saw the video, but I realized that a love as strong as mine wouldn't let me hate you. Besides, I knew something was wrong when the love I felt for you and Billy was so similar. I love you, besides I was your first kiss" He said with a dreamy smile, I looked at him oddly. "No, that was Anthony" I said slowly. "No, it was me, we were in kindergarden..." He trailed off. <<<<<<<<<<<<<