Date: Sat, 5 Dec 98 00:43:41 -0600 From: Subject: MORP After much coercing on the part of certain people who hang out in certain channels on a certain IRC network...I have begun to publish my works. So...this one goes out to Eric, of course, and to Cris. :) If you're offended by the concept of two guys dancing and engaging in displays of affection, or if the word 'gay' makes you want to shout Hail Mary! and crucify something, please hit the 'back' button on your browser a whole bunch of times. If you're under 18, and have respect for things like laws and social orders, I must also ask you to leave. But then again, according to the first bunch of people I excluded, the second bunch has no respect for things like that. So read on, okay? comments/questions/praise to Tonight was MORP, a school dance. Anti-prom. Go casual, dance a lot, go stag...etc...etc....but anyways, I had nothing better to do, so I found a friend and we went as a couple. That saved us two bucks at the door. :-) We got in at about eight, and it looked like a regular school dance, with the really freakin' big stereo set up in the commons area, a cheesy light show, some bad-smelling fake smoke, and a couple people dancing. It took like an hour for the party to actually get good. Eventually there was a huge clod of people all dancing around, grinding and flailing their arms in what is locally known as the "sex dance." Now, there's this kid in my German class. His name is Eric, and he is the single most attractive human being I have ever seen. He's kinda short, with long light-brown hair and brown eyes. Suffice it to say that he's really really cute. and I'd often stop listening to the Frau explain nominative, dative, and accusative case to us so that I could stare and him and undress him in my mind. (I'm a sick little bitch.) But I was at this dance, and I was thrashing around in the fray along with everyone else, and I noticed that he kept bumping into me. I figured it was accidental...he always had like three girls hanging off him all the time. I wasn't sure if they were just his posse, or if he was having sex with all of them. All I knew was that I was probably never gonna get any. Dancing for a long time will tire a person out, and so eventually I retreated to the fringe of the sweaty, pulsing mass of human beings and made it my goal to watch Eric for the rest of the night. Everything he did, I followed him with my eyes. I was quite pleased when I discovered he was wearing a button-down t-shirt and had unbuttoned the first three buttons - eric was a fairly small guy, but man, he was *ripped.* Playing hockey is a great way to build body tone, I guess. So I continued my stalking with renewed vigor. Apparently, when you stick him in a room full of hot, sweaty people, he gets quite friendly....he ran around dancing with people left and right, no matter what gender they were, and he got lots of laughs. During one particularly fast song, he ran up to me and we lindy-hopped for like 30 seconds. I was in heaven. I was dancing with the object of one of the longest infatuations I've ever had (two years and counting...), and his shirt was half coming off. Well, the DJ stopped the jitterbuggy song and started a real slow one. November Rain. Eric took advantage of all the momentum we had and slammed himself up against me. Now, I'm like six foot one, and Eric is five-six, at best. His goal may have been to knock me down, but he just kinda stuck to me. Meanwhile, I was out of my mind with rapture. Maybe I could get a dance out of him. Then the rational side of my brain kicked in. "No. Only if he knows you're gay and wants to dance. Otherwise it would just be stupid." Don't ask me why I thought that. So we danced for all of ten seconds while his friends hooted and hollered...and then I leaned over close to him and whispered, " the way...I really AM gay.... ...and it took me about a second and a half to regret it. Eric shoved me away and gave me a look that was part hate and part fear. Whatever it was, I sure as hell didn't like it. He fixed his shirt, spun around, and went back to his group of friends and talked to them for a while. I felt awful. One of my ex-girlfriends (before my gay days) came up to me and we danced out the rest of the song. I went and sat down away from the dance floor. I'd had about enough. A little later, another girl I know dragged me out of my chair and made me dance with her. I caught a glimpse of Eric, who was also dancing...I must have stepped on my partner's foot, because she drew my attention back to her and we talked about nothing for a little while until the song morphed into something faster. I politely bowed out and headed towards the water fountain....I was really thirsty, and it was like 300 degrees in the school. My best friend Paul and his girlfriend bumped into me on my way back. Apparently I looked pretty dejected, because Paul started harassing me about what was on my mind. "Guy problems. I'm not getting any." And he nodded and went away. Yet another really slow, sad song started playing, and I watched him dance with his girlfriend. They looked so perfect together....and it made me feel so horrible to see them having the perfect time. It was about then that I felt a pair of arms grab me from behind. "You wanna dance?" I couldn't immediatley place the voice... ...but I turned around, and there was Eric, looking up at me, with his hands joined behind my back. My mouth went dry on the spot, so I nodded and we made our way into the crowd so we wouldn't be as conspicuous. I consciously forced my hands not to tremble as I slid them around his back and held him at a comfortable distance. He was wearing Tommy cologne....Paul said that men's cologne all smelled like soap, but I didn't care. It still turned me on. We danced in silence for what seemed an eternity...and all kinds of weird thoughts were racing through my head. I finally decided that the silence had to be broken, and so I looked down at him until his brown, so very brown eyes caught mine, and said, "Y'know...I'm still gay." He laughed a little, and then thought a minute before replying, "Yeah, I know. I'm ...uh...sorry I left you back there. I was having fun, and you kinda took me by surprise. Besides, what would the guys think if they knew I was dancing with a gay guy?" I thought that one over for a minute. It made sense. Eric played hockey...and hockey players had a reputation for being intolerant towards queers. "So what's a straight kid like you doing dancing with a faggot like me?" I asked. "Straight kid?" Eric snorted. "Where?" My heart started beating triple-time. "You're...." I stammered. "Yup. And you're kinda cute." he whispered before resting his head against my chest for a moment, as the song wound to a close. The rest of the world came into focus as Eric let go and stepped back a bit. "Hey...come find me in the boys' room in 10 minutes, okay?" Eric gave me a quick slap to the back before disappearing into the crowd, leaving me standing there, wondering if I really HAD just danced with the most beautiful human being in the universe. I spent all ten of the minutes before my scheduled meeting replaying the experience in my head, moment by moment. The way his hands felt against my back...the way he smelled...the way he looked...everything he said... Ten minutes later, I entered the bathroom, trying to be as cool and calm as possible. Eric wasn't there, so I unzipped my fly and stood in front of a urinal for a minute or so, just so I wouldn't look stupid. I gave up on that, went to the mirror, and poked at my hair, which was drenched with sweat, until Eric finally did show up. He handed me a tiny slip of paper, all crumpled up, and then left. I was quite thoroughly puzzled. I unrolled it and read Eric's small, rather messy scrawl: "Too crowded. Come outside." Eric was waiting just outside the front door. We started walking in no particular direction. It was a very warm night for the end of March...comfortable enough to walk around in without a coat, which is very strange in North Dakota. I looked up at the sky every so was a very starry night, and there were a few bluish-gray clouds adding their personal touches of distinction to the heavens as well. Eric was the first to speak. "'re a good dancer." I started laughing. "Um...Eric? All we did was just stand there, talking." "Hmm. Guess you're right. Fuck that, then." We continued on in silence for a few more minutes before I stopped him and turned him to face me. "Do you have any idea how long I've had a crush on you?" He shook his head, dumbly. "Almost two years, now. Freshman year, first time I saw you, I couldn't stop looking at you. And I still can't." He furrowed his brow a bit, looked into my eyes. "Freshman year, huh? Well, I just noticed that you were kinda cute, that's all. You're just lucky that I'm not straight." Capricious little bastard, I thought. Then he started walking again. I jogged a bit to catch up to him, and he threw his arm around me and leaned in close. We walked like this, around the school grounds for a while, talking about nothing. We were coming back towards the front door when Eric stopped me. "Y'know, you're pretty cool." I grinned at him and gave him a gentle punch to the stomach. "No, really, man. I like you." And then his voice .... changed. "A lot." He put his other arm around me, and then gave me the I-want-to-kiss-you look. My mind was reeling from this sudden, astounding, absolutely fabulous turn of events. And before I realized it, I leaned down and touched my lips to his. I felt his tongue slide between my lips, and I returned the favor. He pushed me backward, slowly, until I was up against the cold brick of the stone and out of the streetlight. I felt a hand slide up the back of my two shirts, a welcome change from the freezing cold building. I, myself, slid my hands under his shirt and massaged his back as we made out for what seemed like forever....and it was the greatest forever I had ever experienced. I had never imagined myself making out with the boy of my dreams at 11:30 at night, up against my school, in a dark part of the yard..but I wasn't one to complain. I felt him becoming aroused and pressing against my leg...and I considered doing something about it, but it was right about then (I think) that we heard the sounds of people leaving the dance and returning to their cars. We forced ourselves away from each other and brushed off, hoping that the smell of teenage hormones wasn't too strong on either of us. Eric looked at me. "Wow." I chuckled and gave him a quick hug. "Go back to your friends. I'll see you Monday, okay?" He shook his head. "Monday doesn't work. How about tomorrow, instead?" "Okay. Do ya wanna just meet somewhere?" Eric thought it over for a second..."Sure. Circus Arcade, in the mall. Be there at 3:00pm. Can ya do that?" "Oh, hell, yeah. I'll see you then, okay? Then we can figure...something out. Because I'm still not sure either of us knows what the hell is going on." Eric nodded his head and brushed his hair out of his eyes. "See ya." One quick kiss, and he was gone. I leaned back against the brickwork and sighed. The mental movie of the evening played in my head over and over. I started walking back to the doors of the school to grab my jacket and meet up with my ride home. I caught a glimpse of Eric, and he was with all his hockey-jock friends. I decided not to call attention to myself, got my jacket, and found Paul. I followed him to his car in silence, which elicited ANOTHER question about what was wrong. "Nothing, okay? I'm fine. In fact, I'm better than fine." Paul gave me a weird look, and that was it. I didn't say a word the whole way home...I was too busy thinking about how weird life can be sometimes. END PART 1 Hope you enjoyed it....I would like to take this time to recognize all my english teachers and friends from EFNet's #GTS/GBS that made this all you guys :) .... if you have any questions, comments, or other bits of wisdom you'd care to impart on me, you can e-mail me at see you next chapter! If you're reading this, you probably read morp.txt and were somehow disappointed that it was nothing but plot development and two guys kissing. Sorry. Hope you like this one better. :) If you're offended by the concept of two boys engaging in sexual acts going beyond a group grope, or if the word 'gay' makes you want to shout Hail Mary! and crucify something, please hit the 'back' button on your browser a whole bunch of times. If you're under 18, and have respect for things like laws and social orders, I must also ask you to leave. But then again, according to the first bunch of people I excluded, the second bunch has no respect for things like that. So read on, okay? comments/questions/praise to The deal was that Eric was supposed to meet me at the mall yesterday. That didn't happen. I was pretty pissed off at the little bastard. The last thing I need is to be led around by such a cute guy. So I made it a point to catch up to him after German class today. I was like, "Hey, what happened, man?" He apologized profusely and told me to be there after school today. I gave him an odd look and let him go to class. (I'm like five inches taller than he is, it works out nicely when I want something from him.) But anyways, I went to the mall around 3:00pm, when school got out. It was one helluva good day, too. Nothing out of the ordinary happened. I was wandering around the mall for a little while, wondering why I still had my books with me, and I saw Eric in central court. He had seen me first, though, and was already approaching. Eric did the traditional jock thing, pushed me up against one of the huge mauve tiled pillars and made like he was gonna bust me up. Instead, he hugged me, which was okay by me. Then he grabbed my arm and started dragging me in the direction of JCPenney's. I was kinda confused, said something like, "And we are going this way because...?" "I'm parked out here." Soon afterward, we were at his car. I marveled at the amount of money his parents had to throw around - he drove a nice little green Cavalier. We got in, I threw my backpack in the back seat, and we rolled out of the parking lot. I felt like a CIA agent doing something secretive and totally covert...I had to resist the urge to crank up the CD player so we couldn't be heard if his car was bugged. But I guess when you're a jock, you don't want all kinds of people knowing you're gay. And so we drove around and talked about stuff for a was somehow reassuring that he wasn't just interested in fucking me and then leaving me behind. Go fig. I explained to him what my 'dream' was. It was also the funniest thing I'd ever heard... an episode of Spin City, where the gay black guy is dreaming. He's over at Micheal J. Fox's character's house, and they're playing basketball....Fox's character goes, "Hey, you wanna have some pizza before the game?" So they eat pizza. Then his character goes, "We've got 45 minutes before the game starts...wanna go up to my room and have sex?" And he was just so nonchalant I laughed my head off. Because they DID have sex. It was about 4:30 when we finally pulled up to what looked like a small castle. Eric shut off the engine and got out of the car. I followed suit, bewildered. Then he punched a code into the box right by the garage door and it slid up took me about that long to make the connection. "DAMN, Eric, your house is HUGE!!" He laughed and we went inside. It was strangely quiet. "My parents won't be home until late...they went out to supper," Eric explained, reading a note on the shiny white tile counter. I followed him into the kitchen...and paused to marvel again at the size of his house. My entire living room could have fit into his foyer, with room to spare. Eric picked up the phone and turned towards me. "You got any money?" I swiftly procured a ten-dollar bill from my wallet. At least I wasn't dirt-poor. He smiled. "Great. How does pizza sound?" I nodded. We were even spared a fight about what should go on it. Eric was the third person I'd ever met that liked pepperoni and mushrooms. We ordered the pizza, and Eric took off into another room...I followed him into a very bright, very cheery living room. There was a massive picture window that let all kinds of evening light in on one side. He crashed on the couch and motioned me over. I sat down, not really caring if I landed on him or not. He flipped on the TV and channel-surfed for a little while before finally settling on Fox. We half-watched a Simpsons rerun that I'd seen three times before, but I didn't mind. I spent the other half watching Eric. God, he was cute. I had been sitting so that just my feet were resting on his on the coffee table, and I chose that point in time to move so I was leaned up against him. I inhaled deeply and was once again met with the extremely pleasurable scent of Tommy cologne. The more I saw of this kid, the more I liked him. I figured now was as good a time as any to hurry things along. I took a moment to read his shirt (it said 'Tickle THIS Elmo' and had an arrow pointing downward), and as smoothly as possible, slid a hand up his shirt and reached around, giving him a gentle back massage. He jumped. "SHIT!! Your hand is COLD!" "Give it a minute or two. It'll warm up." And it did. Pretty soon my left hand went up the other side, and I turned him more towards me while pulling him down on top of me. By the time I finished my expertly-calculated maneuver, I was prostrate on the couch, and Eric was right on top of me. And then he kissed me. Eric was an expert kisser - he didn't ram his tongue down your throat, however, he did use just enough pressure to get where he wanted to go. He slid his arms under my back and we lay like that, just making out alone on his couch, for what seemed like forever. And it was so graceful.....We lost our synergy when the doorbell rang. Eric's head shot away from mine with an audible popping sound, I heard him mutter, "Shit!!" and he fell off me and onto the hardwood floor with a thud. I would have collapsed laughing had I not already been lying down. Eric ran for the door, and then came back a couple minutes later to see me still laughing. He shot me a dirty look and said, "That was just the pizza guy. I'm not real hungry, are you?" he asked, moving towards me. "No...uh...not...really...." as he lay down on top of me again. "Now, where were we?" he asked. He was totally aroused, and generating a lot of heat from his groin. I could feel him practically setting my stomach on fire. "God, you're cold!" he whispered in my ear. I shivered as he started kissing me again, while this time trying to get my pants off me. He was having some pretty severe problems working around my belt, which was probably about as long as he was tall, and so I assisted in his pursuit of whatever was under my huge black corduroy pants for a few seconds until the going became workable. Eric leaned back on his knees for a second, and almost fell off the couch again. He stopped to glance at my boxers. "Tigger, huh?" I nodded sheepishly. "Cute." His hand was in and out of the flap in seconds, and I gasped as he wrapped his fingers around me. "And you thought...I was ... cold!" He just grinned and began an all-star job of jacking me off, somehow managing to get us both on our sides, facing each other, so that we could continue making out as he continued his handjob. I didn't dare try to get my hands down there, too, so I was content just to run my hands all over the back side of his body...up his shirt, down his legs, and everywhere in between. I held out as long as I possibly could, because it was evident that Eric was very, very good at masturbation (wonder why...?), but eventually I gave up and passed the threshold, teeth gritted, eyes closed, and breath held. A few seconds later, I opened my eyes. "Oh my fucking mother of God." I rasped. "No shit. Look what ya did to my pants!!" Apparently nobody had thought far enough ahead to find a place for me to ejaculate, and, well, Eric's pants caught 99.9 percent of it. I laughed a bit and sat up, replacing all my various out-of-shape body parts. "Don't worry. Take 'em off, I'll wash 'em for ya." He stripped out of his pants willingly, and I got a chance to scope HIM out through his red flannel boxers. I took the crumple of fabric and headed in the direction that Eric pointed me. As soon as I was out of sight, I stopped, held the garment to my nose, and inhaled the scent of a day's worth of 15 year old gay guy. It restored my libido in a flash. I threw the pants in the wash, added a little detergent, and started them up. I walked back to the living room and found Eric, in t-shirt and boxers, watching TV. He was still fully aroused, and I was impressed by the smaller guy's staying power. I sat down next to him, turned his face towards mine, and gave him a quick kiss. "Thanks." I then motioned towards his (probably quite painful) boner. "You want me to do something about that?" "Sure, why not? I'm all yours." he replied, shifting his body to give me better access. I whipped him out, marveled at the perfect shape of his boyhood, and proceeded to give him the best blowjob of his life. He flinched a few times in the first few seconds, and I stopped long enough to reassure him, "Don't worry, I'm a semi-professional." I went back down and gave him what could be classified as Really Good Head, working my tongue around and finding all the sensitive spots, one after another. His orgasm came and went, and he didn't make a sound, other than the cessation of his previously quick breathing. I swallowed his entire load (which wasn't too impressive, but it tasted good) and poked his already-shrinking dick back into his boxers. He lay there, eyes closed, for a LONG time. then he opened them, looked at me, and whispered something so softly I couldn't hear it the first time. I leaned closer and asked him to repeat...and he said, "God. I am SO glad I'm gay." I grinned at him and ruffled his hair. He playfully swatted at my hand and I pushed him backward over the couch. He landed on the floor with a thud. "You stupid bitch! I'll get you next time. C'mon, sex always makes me hungry." We partook in the pizza and I moved his pants from the washer to the dryer. I looked at the clock. 6:45. "SHIT! I gotta get home." "Sure, I can give you a ride. Lemme go...uh...put some pants on first." Eric smiled. I started laughing; that was probably one of the last things I had ever expected to hear from anyone, much less this amazingly beautiful boy. "Yeah, okay, but can you take me back to my car? I left it at the mall." We hopped into Eric's car and he drove at breakneck speed, making it to the mall in record time. "Hey, thanks, man. I had a blast. Let's do it again sometime." Eric gave me a quick hug. "Yeah, sure, no problem. It was my pleasure. Here's my number. Call me. Nobody else will answer, I promise." I scribbled the number to my personal phone line on his hand and gave him a kiss before opening the door and getting out as quickly as I could, before I had any second thoughts. I drove home slowly and thoughtfully, and almost ran a stop sign in the process. Not only was I fast becoming best friends with the most attractive boy at my school, he was gay. and I had just been lucky enough to give him head. I smiled and parked my car on the street in front of the house. I walked into the house and my mom greeted me at the door. "Some short kid left these here." She held up my school books. I had left them in Eric's car. Mom looked me over. "Check your fly." Then she left me standing there, in the hall, with books in hand and fly undone. I retreated to my room, dropped my books in my computer chair, fixed my fly, and flopped back on my bed. Yes, life was weird, but god, did it ever kick ass. END PART 2 Thanks for reading...once again, greetz and mad credz to all you guys from #GTS/GBS...I love all of you and thank you for your inspiration...but I still don't get why you love my stories so much :). See you next time...