Date: Wed, 05 Mar 2003 15:44:08 -0500 From: Stan Unknown Subject: Chapter 18 of Obsession "Look Captain, I'm going, no matter if you pay for it or not," Justyn said. The Captain stared back at Justyn. He knew Justyn was right. It sucked to have such limited funds for investigations like this. But the economy was in a downward spiral and every budget in government had been affected. "Ok. You'd better be right on this, Justyn," he answered. "I can feel it. New York is the start of everything. Once I get this information, I can present a case that we can take to the District Attorney and get a search warrant. I know we'll find enough evidence to nail this bastard. Trust me," Justyn answered. The Captain looked him in the eye for a long time. "I guess I have to. Go for it." "Thanks, Chief. You won't regret it," Justyn said as he stood up to leave. He got to the door and turned around. "Oh, one more thing." "What now?" the captain asked. "I'll have a dinner for Luke and his girlfriend on my expense report at the end of the week. I promised to take care of it after he found what he did in Detroit. Don't have a heart attack when you see the total," Justyn said grinning, as he turned and fled from the office. "WHAT? HOW MUCH ARE WE TALKING? JUSTYN? JUSTYN????" the Captain yelled. But Justyn was long gone. ************* "So I'm going up tomorrow night to talk to the Police in Yaphank. They have Bill's finger prints. I can request to have the records shipped down here. By the first of next week, I should have a case strong enough to take to the District Attorney and get a search warrant. If we find what I think we will find, we can put him away," Justyn said, as he sat at the dinner table with Mike, Brian and Rob. "Can we still go to your cabin this weekend?" Rob asked. "Yeah. We really need to get away from here for a while," Brian agreed. "What do you think, Mike?" Justyn asked. "I don't see how Bill can find them there. I'm all for it. I'll go with them," Mike answered. Justyn was looking at Mike when he saw the hint of a smile on his lips. He also saw Brian and Rob's faces drop when they heard that. "You know, maybe I could use you here. We've become kind of a team since I have been staying here with you guys. Maybe the boys should go by themselves." "Yeah Mike. Justyn could use you here. You would be much more valuable to the investigation here than at the lake with Rob and I," Brian said. "Yeah. You'd just be bored staying with us anyway," Rob added. Mike smiled at Justyn. "You get the feeling I'm not wanted?" he laughed. "No way. That must be a figment of your imagination," Justyn laughed. "Ok boys, I'll pick you up after school here. You can leave the Trans Am and I'll have everything you need in my car. You won't need a car there. How is the Trans Am, anyway?" "It's great!" Brian answered. "The stereo is much better than in the Cobra and I actually think it might be faster. I really like the color better than the bright yellow the Cobra was painted. Can we buy it and sell the Cobra, Mike?" "Yeah. I like it lots more too," Rob added. "NO!!! If you don't like the Cobra, you can buy your own car," Mike said firmly. "Ok. I guess I'll keep the Cobra then," Brian answered. Justyn just laughed at what was going on. "Look, I have a few things to check on. I'll be back in a little while, OK?" he said, as he walked out of the kitchen. Justyn walked outside and unlocked his Mustang. He got in and drove towards Bill's apartment. He was close, he could feel it. He wanted to make sure Bill didn't escape the net he was slowly spreading around him. But Bill wasn't home. He had spent the day researching property records. Jones was a very common name. He had no idea what first name to look under. All he knew was the last name and an approximate location. Bill found two different possibilities, but knew that the land could be under someone else's last name. He had decided to go ahead and scout the two properties he had found at the Department of Records and make sure he knew every square foot that he might have to travel. That was the Special Forces way. They had trained him well. ************* Justyn sat in back of Bill's apartment for three hours. It was a mind numbing task, but surveillance was never fun. It was close to midnight when he finally left. The suspect was on the move. Not a good thing. ************** "Where's Justyn? I thought he was going to be staying with us for a few days?" Brian asked. "I don't know. He said he had to check up a few things. I thought he would be back sooner than this too," Mike replied. "You really like him, don't you?" Brian asked. "Huh? Sure, I like him. He's a really nice guy. He's really going beyond the call of duty to stay here with us," Mike answered. Brian just smiled. "Rob, time for bed. Good night, Mike." "Night Mike," Rob said, as he got up and trailed after Brian. `Got up' had a double meaning. Mike stayed up a little while longer, waiting for Justyn to come back. He finally gave up and went to bed too. **************** "I'm Detective Jones. I have an appointment with Detective Corwin," Justyn told the receptionist. "He's expecting you. Take the hall way to your right, third office on your right," she answered. Justyn knocked on the open door and walked in. "Detective Corwin?" "Detective Jones?" he asked. "That's me," Justyn answered, holding out his hand. Detective Corwin shook it rigorously. His grip was very firm. "Glad to meet you, Detective Jones. I'm at your deposal. Anything you need from me, I'll provide if I can." "Thanks for doing this. And call me Justyn," he said. "I'm Dave. Thanks aren't necessary. I've already explained the circumstances. The Chief has told me to provide you with anything that will help you in your case," Detective Corwin said. "Can I ask personal questions?' Justyn asked. "You can ask anything you want," Detective Corwin said. "How did your Chief react to having a gay son?" Justyn asked. "Jimmy was his only child. He loved him, no matter what. He has said over and over that he wouldn't have cared one bit if Jimmy had told him he was gay. But Jimmy never told him," Detective Corwin answered. "Yeah. So many kids in the same situation just can't take the chance of rejection. It's kind of sad, really. If they could just trust their parents, they would be so much happier, once everything is known," Justyn said. "True. But you of all people know about all the abuse cases when a father finds out his son is gay," Detective Corwin said. "Yeah. That's what happened to the boy that is being harassed in Atlanta. His father found some gay web sites that he had visited and starting beating him because of it. I just don't think that the average father would react that way," Justyn answered. "Nor do I. But the kids are scared. Like I told you, all the police officers watched Jimmy grow up. No one had a clue he was gay. He just seemed like any other kid. You know?" Detective Corwin asked. "Sure. Why would you think you could tell he was gay, just by looking at him or talking to him? Being gay is personal. It isn't some kind of character flaw that anyone can spot. It's more of a lifetime decision. Gays can be cops, soldiers, anything," Justyn answered, looking Detective Corwin in the eye. "I totally agree. Since Jimmy was killed, we've started a gay club for boys in the area. They meet here in one of our conference rooms. No place safer than this. The Chief started it himself. Kind of like a remembrance of his son, you know? He thought they were so close, Jimmy could tell him anything. I guess he was wrong," Detective Corwin answered. "Lots of boys don't think they can trust telling their inner secrets to their parents. I think they torment themselves because of it. They all know their relationship with their parents better than anyone else. Some kids would be lots better off keeping their sexuality a secret. But some beat themselves up needlessly. They would be lots better off getting it out in the open where they could talk to their parents and have a support network inside the family to help them deal with it," Justyn said. "Yeah. Or at least have some kind of support group to help them somewhere else. The internet is so popular with kids, maybe that would be somewhere they could talk to other kids their own age that are going through the same kind of things," Detective Corwin answered. "I'm sure there are groups like that out there already. It's a simple concept, really. All they have to do is find the right one," Justyn agreed. (This commercial has been brought to you by Stan at .. hehehe) "I agree," said Detective Corwin. "All of our eyes have been opened by what we learned about Jimmy. And now we'l do anything we can to make sure another travesty will never happen again. We've philosophized long enough. What can I help you with, Justyn?" Detective Corwin asked. "I' like to see everything you have on your case. And I'd like copies to take back with me of everything. I brought copies of everything I have. Honestly, I would just like to brainstorm with you for a little while. I don't give a shit about who gets credit for this bust. I just want to nail the son of a bitch. You know?" Justyn asked. "Yeah. I was hoping you would say that. Can I bring in a few buddies of mine? We also don't want to go over your head and take any credit. We just want justice. Maybe all of us can help you form a plan to get him, one way or another," Detective Corwin said. "The more, the merrier. Let's have a `Get Bill' party," Justyn answered. ************* Bill was walking through the woods when this conversation took place. He saw the cabin down below. It looked deserted. He couldn't take a chance. He had to make totally sure. He crept down on his hands and knees. Just like what he used to do in Special Forces. It felt like he was home again. Until the bastards kicked him out, that is. Bill got to the front door. It was locked. He crawled back to the back door and tried it too. Also locked. No big deal. He got out a set of lock picks he had bought when he first got out of the military and went to work on the lock. It didn't take but a few minutes and he was inside. He didn't carry a gun with him. He never thought he needed one. But he had his trusty knife in his hand as he went through each room. He was methodical. He checked under every bed, in each closet, in every place that the enemy could be lurking. He was ready every time he opened a new door. His knife was held high, in striking position. He was a soldier again. He had been given a mission and he would give his life gladly to accomplish it. He actually brought the knife down like he was stabbing the imaginary person in each closet as he opened each door. You couldn't be too careful when you were on a mission. Anyone in your way had to die. That was what he had been taught. Bill's version, anyway. His eyes were wild as he looked over the cabin. He was almost totally out of control. But then he saw something that brought him back into focus. He finally looked at all the pictures on the wall. He could see his favorite Detective growing up before his eyes. Baby pictures. Adolescent pictures. Teen age pictures. And one last picture. The picture of Justyn being promoted to Detective. The Detective that had dared to come to his apartment and confront him!!! His picture as on the wall right in front of him! This was the right place!!! He had found it. Brian would be here shortly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God, he could hardly wait. He decided to sleep in the same bed that Brian and his little slut boyfriend would think they would share when they got there. He couldn't sleep in the same house with a picture of that Detective that had humbled him so much in front of his apartment. That Detective had to DIE!!!!! First Brian and then HIM!!!! Bill felt his uncontrollable temper kick in again. He ran to the last photo, tore it off the wall, broke the frame into pieces, tossed them into a corner of the room, then cut the photo up and tossed it next to it. He felt better as he went back into the bedroom. He needed his rest. Tomorrow, Brian would be arriving. He would need his rest to be ready. And he was tired. VERY tired. To Be Continued Comments can be sent to Please visit these gay youth support groups: