Date: Fri, 07 Mar 2003 13:40:57 -0500 From: Stan Unknown Subject: Chapter 20 of Obsession Bill watched behind the woodpile. He saw he boys look out towards the back yard as he was coming closer to the house. He didn't want them to know he was here just yet. He wanted this to be a surprise. He stayed down low for a long time. It seemed like hours to him, but it was only a few minutes. When he finally looked back, the boys were walking away. Nice of them to turn on the overhead light. It wasn't close to being dark yet, but the light was beginning to dim. Everything was turning in his favor. EVERYTHING!!! This should be easy. And lots of fun!!! All he had to do was get into the house. And he had his full set of locks picks in his pocket. He crawled on his belly towards the door. This was just like he was on a recognizant mission when he was in Special Forces. In his mind, he still was a soldier. This was just one more mission he had to accomplish. Just two more people he had to eliminate, like he had the people in Columbia. Columbia! He hadn't thought about that in a long time. Every time he thought about going before his court marshal, it got his blood boiling. Just what he needed to give him a little extra edge in doing what had to be done to Brian and his little boyfriend. Bill finally got to the steps leading up to the back door. He quickly scanned the yard and started up the steps, crawling up one step at a time. He finally was sitting with his back to the door, looking to make sure that no one had seen him. Of course no one had. He was too good. No one was close to being as good as he was at something like this. He was where he could hear anything that was said inside the kitchen and probably in the living room too. He could clearly hear the TV playing. He got out his lock picks, turned around so he was facing the door, and went to work on the lock. He knew he should be inside in a matter of a couple of minutes. *************** Justyn was almost back to Georgia 20. He was driving fast, anxious to get back to the police station. But something was bothering him. Something was wrong in the cabin and he had no idea what it was. He remembered looking around right before he left. Nothing seemed out of place, but now he knew something was. It continued to bother him, as he made the right turn onto 20 and started towards 400. What was it? He had spent so many days and nights there, he knew the interior by heart. Something was missing. Then suddenly, he knew. The photo of him being promoted to Detective. It wasn't on the wall with the rest of his pictures. Someone had removed it. BILL!!! He had to have found the cabin!!!!! Justyn turned left into a service station, cutting right in front of oncoming traffic. He heard car horns blaring at him as he quickly turned around and forced his way back into the traffic going the opposite direction. He was back at the intersection of 20 and Peachtree Industrial Boulevard within 60 seconds. He didn't wait on the light. He started blowing his horn and flashing his lights as he went through the red light, causing cars going across the intersection to hit their brakes to avoid hitting him. Again, he heard the blaring sound of car horns showing their owners displeasure in how he was driving. He floored it towards his cabin. He barely slowed down at the first light. He didn't see any other cars so he ran the red light. He didn't have time to spare. ************* "Let me check the steaks," Brian said, as a commercial came on. He walked into the kitchen and heard a scratching sound. He stopped in his tracks and listened. He heard it again. It sounded like metal rubbing against other metal. What could it be? He looked around the room quickly and caught a slight movement out of the corner of his eye. The back door knob was moving back and forth slightly. Someone was trying to pick the back door lock!!!! IT HAD TO BE BILL!!! HE HAD FOUND THEM!!!! Brian quickly walked back into the living room, walking backwards so he could keep an eye on the door. Once there, he ran over to Rob, scaring him, and put a hand over Rob's mouth. "I think Bill might be here. We have to get out of here. Don't make any more noise than you have to. We have to get out now!!" he whispered. Rob's eyes got wide with fear, but he didn't say anything. He immediately got up and followed Brian to the front door. Brian looked outside to make sure no one was there, and carefully unlocked the front door, making as little noise as possible. He and Rob stepped out and he started to shut it. The cabin had an open interior. You could see the back door from the front door. Just as Brian was about to close the door, Bill burst through the rear door. They made eye contact and Bill charged. Brian slammed the door shut and yelled, "He's coming. Run as fast as you can towards the lake." Both boys were in great shape and they ran like Olympic sprinters. Bill opened the front door seconds after Brian had slammed it and was after them in a flash. Bill didn't sprint after them. He ran fast, but at a steady pace. He could keep up this pace for a long time. The army had made sure of that. He had been trained for circumstances like this. He was a professional. He just had to make sure that he kept the enemy in sight and cut them off when he had the advantage. He knew where they were. They would have no idea where he was. The boys cut to their right when they got close to the lake, and he ran diagonal towards where he could intercept them. His heart was racing. He should be able to corner them in no time. ************** Justyn was almost back to the cabin. He made the last turn, the Mustang's rear end fish tailing as he got it back under control. He slammed on the brakes hard before his driveway, but made the turn. He took the unpaved road to the cabin at lots faster speed than he should have. Braches whipped the windshield, obscuring his view, as he drove the final 100 yards. He saw the cabin finally and immediately knew something was wrong. The front door stood wide open and he didn't see the boys anywhere. He knew that they would never leave the front door open unless something was wrong. He skidded to a stop and jumped out of the car. He started to run into the cabin when he heard a voice in the distance yelling "You can't get away from me!" It had to be Bill. He ran as fast as he could towards the sound of the voice. Bill was gaining on the boys. He ran through briars, braches, anything in his way. Nothing was going to stop him now. He was lots stronger than they were and he could tell that they were already wearing down. He was only about 25 yards behind them now, and he was beginning to close the distance. "Split up, Rob," Brian said as he fought to get his breath. At a fork in the trail they were following, Brian ran left and Rob right. That put Rob even closer to the path that Bill had taken in order to cut them off. It only took Bill about twenty more seconds before he crashed through bushes that kept Rob from seeing him approach and he knocked Rob down. He quickly got out his knife and put it under Rob's throat. "Call him. Tell Brian he'd better come back or I'm going to slit your throat from ear to ear," he screamed. "Call him right now or you'll never speak another word!" Ro looked up into Bill's eyes. He could see the craziness and hatred in them. "BRI!!! BRI!! HE'S GOT ME!!!" Rob screamed. "If you're not over here in one minute, starting now, I'm going to skin your little boyfriend. I'm going to cut him up into little bitty pieces. You don't want that, do you?" Bill yelled. "Leave him alone," Brian yelled back. "He never did anything to you." "No, but you did. Ok, so you can hear me. I'm going to give you to the count of ten to show yourself. If you don't, all you'll hear is his screams. ONE!" Bill shouted. "Don't do it, Bri!" Rob shouted. Bill slapped him hard, and Rob screamed. "TWO! And every time I call out a number, I'm going to punish your boyfriend," Bill said, as he kicked Rob in the ribs. Rob screamed again, and Bill said "THREE!" "I'm coming. Don't do anything else to him. He doesn't have anything to do with this," Brian yelled, as he looked around for anything he could find to defend himself. All he could find was a rock slightly smaller than a baseball, but it was better than nothing. He picked it up and held it against his leg, hoping Bill wouldn't spot it. "Better hurry. I'm losing my patience," Bill said, as he stepped on Rob's hand and ground it into the ground. Rob screamed louder than ever. "Ok, I'm here," Brian said, as he stepped into the clearing. Bill took one look at him, kicked Rob once more in the head to make sure he wouldn't move until he got back, and charged Brian. Brian had played baseball since he was 8. That was the only thing his Dad had ever done with him. And it was mostly for his Dad. He had first joined a traveling team when he was 12. He was a really good pitcher. His Dad had constantly pushed him to get better and better. He had to practice constantly, even if he didn't want to. His Dad made all the decisions for him. He wound up like he was on the mound and threw his best fastball. It hit Bill in the head, but it was a glancing blow. It brought blood where it had hit, but Bill still crashed into him, knocking both of them down. Both scrambled as fast as they could to their feet, very close together. "This is the police! Drop the knife and put your hands in the air," Justyn screamed, pointing his gun at Bill. He had finally caught up to them. In a move that was surprising, considering his size, Bill dived for the ground at Brian's feet, sprang up, and had the knife at Brian's throat before Justyn could fire. "Well, if it isn't my old friend, the Detective. How good a shot are you, Detective? Do you think you can take me out before I slit Bri's throat? I don't think so. I don't think you do either. So we're at a standoff. I have nothing to lose. If I give up, they're going to fry me anyway, right? And I couldn't take ten or fifteen years on death row waiting for my execution anyway. I'd rather it ended here. As a soldier," Bill said. "You aren't a soldier any more. They kicked you out, remember?" Justyn answered. Hate sprang into Bill's eyes at the mention of his court marshal. He raised the knife up and made a shallow cut onto Brian's cheek. Brian screamed and blood started to run down his face. "That wasn't nice, Detective. So many bad memories inside my head. When I think of them, I want others to suffer, like I did. Want me to cut off Bri's ear? I think that'll be next. Wasn't there a famous composer that lost an ear?' Bill said laughing. "Let him go, Bill," Justyn answered. He could see the fear in Brian's eyes. "He's just a kid. Come use that knife on me, why don't you?" "I'd really like that, but you have a gun. I'll tell you what, you take all the bullets out of the gun and throw it to the side and I'll let Bri go. How about that for a trade?" Bill said. "How do I know you won't do anything to Brian if I do that?" Justyn asked. "Because I'll give you my word on it," Bill answered. Justyn hesitated, but he didn't have a choice. There wasn't any other way he could get Brian out of this alive. He lowered his gun and popped out the clip from the handle. He tossed the clip to the side and ejected the bullet inside the gun. He then tossed both to the side where he had tossed the clip. "I've been wanting you for a long time. Come and get me, you son of a bitch," Justyn yelled. Bill just smiled. He took the knife away from Brian's throat, held him with one hand, and kicked his left knee with the other. Brian collapsed in a scream of pain. "Ok, so I lied. I had to make sure I didn't have to chase him all over the lake after I've taken care of you. I've decided to kill all four of you. I'll find Brian's big brother after I'm finished with the three of you. But that's going to take some time. I might even keep Brian and his boyfriend alive in your house for a while before I finish it. I think I would enjoy fucking one right next to the other and make each other watch it. I haven't had a good piece of boy ass in months. I think I could get it up at least seven or eight times tonight. Too bad you won't be alive to see it," Bill said, as he crept closer and closer to Justyn, with the blade held pointing at him. Justyn had assumed a classic karate pose. He was a second degree black belt and felt sure he could take Bill out if he didn't have the knife. He had been trained in fighting someone with a knife, but Bill also had special training in the army. In any case, Justyn didn't have a choice. It was a fight to the death. Bill feinted to the left and Justyn adjusted to it. They were both feeling each other out. Bill finally rushed him and Justyn pivoted and kicked him in the stomach. Bill grunted but didn't look like it had affected him much at all. Bill just grinned. "I like that. A fitting adversary. You're good, Detective. I guess I'll just have to see how good you are." Bill rushed Justyn once more and Justyn faked one way, went the other, and landed a kick to the back of Bill's head as he went past, causing him to fall down. Justyn thought about jumping him then, but Bill was back on his feet much too quickly. And he had a large stick in his left hand he had landed on and the knife in his right. "You're good. Detective. Maybe too good to fool around with. I'm bored with this now. I have two boys I need to entertain. And I have a feeling that I'm going to have to pick both of them up and carry them back to your house. Nice house, by the way. I'll burn it down, once I'm finished. And now, it's time to finish you," Bill yelled, as he swung the branch at Justyn and followed it with a sweep of the knife. Justyn fell back, trying to find a way to get inside and strike back at Bill. But with Bill having two weapons and him none, he was overwhelmed. He finally tripped on a root and fell over. Bill was on him in seconds. He held him down with one arm with the knife held ready to strike. "Gee. Looks like you lose, Detective. See you in Hell," Bill said, as he raised the knife slightly to bury it into Justyn's throat. A shot rang out and Bill was knocked almost off his knees. He looked startled. Where had it come from? He sat back up and raised the knife once more over Justyn. A second shot rang out and Bill's head exploded. Blood and bone tissue covered Justyn as he lay on the ground. Bill was lying partially on top of him, and Justyn struggled to get out from under him. ************* It took the ambulances over thirty minutes to get there. It was more than an hour before the paramedics could load both Brian and Rob onto stretchers, walk them through the woods to where they were parked, and take them to the hospital. Brian had a dislocated knee cap. Rob had a concussion and broken ribs, plus two broken fingers. Both were lucky to have survived. Neither felt lucky. At least they would share a room in the hospital. Justyn had phoned Mike. He would meet the ambulances at the hospital. Justyn had taken the time to take a shower and change into clean clothes. His "guest" had handled keeping any reporters or other curious people from coming onto the property. He had stalled the local police until Justyn could get back downstairs. He had supervised the ambulance crews. He had done a damn good job, Justyn thought. They were now sitting side by side. It was over, Both were glad. Justyn had gotten out a new bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey and had filled a bowl with ice. They each held a tall glass and toasted each other every so often. More and more, they made a sizeable dent in the bottle. "How did you know?" Justyn finally asked. "I got inside information. Information that would hurt a good friend of mine's career if it was ever disclosed," Paul Anderson answered. "Detective Martin?" Justyn asked. "Chris Martin. He was my best friend in high school. He's still my best friend. He and I married sisters. And I'm Paul, God Damnit. If I ever hear you call me Mr. Anderson again, I'm going to take you outside and kick your ass like I was about to do when we first met," he answered. Justyn got a big grin on his face. "Do you still think you can do it?" "I know damn well I can, son," Paul said with a grin on his face. "Hi. I'm Justyn. Nice to meet you, Paul," he said offering his hand to him. He shook it gladly. "I think I'm a good judge of character. I thought I saw something in you when we first met. I still think I was right," Paul said. "I still don't understand. What did Chris tell you?" Justyn asked. "He didn't want to tell me anything. I shamed him into it. He really felt bad when he had thought I was off my rocker all this time about Billy's murder. He was so sorry, I could have gotten anything out of him. But all I wanted was where the bastard lived," Paul answered. "Ok, so he told you," Justyn said. "How did you trace him?" "Son, I did a lot of things in Vietnam. I was good. Really good. We had all kinds of equipment over there. I bought a simple tracking device and attached it to his car. I think you've got one under yours. I don't see how he could find this place, otherwise," Paul answered. "You think so? Where would it be?" Justyn asked. "Check your frame. That's where I'd put it," Paul answered. Justyn got up and was back within a minute. He had a dirty knee and a tracking device in his hand. "You're pretty smart for an old man," he kidded. "And you're pretty smart for a wet behind the ears Detective," Paul laughed, reaching for the bourbon. "Another?" "Don't mind if I do," Justyn answered, grinning. "Make yourself at home. What's mine is yours." "This is a really nice place. I'm thinking of retiring. Maybe I'll find a small shop and restore one or two cars at a time to have something to do. I wouldn't mind finding something like this," Paul said, as he looked around. "You'd sell your business?" Justyn asked. "I've got a really good offer on the table right now. I don't think I'll ever get a better one. My wife passed away shortly after Billy's murder. I think she grieved herself to death. It's just me now. I think I'd do better just fishing and maybe growing a garden. Maybe tune up a car here and there," Paul answered. "Maybe we could work out a deal," Justyn said. ************* The boys finally were ready to leave the hospital. Mike rented a limo to take them home. There was no way they were ready to be in a truck or a Mustang. They had already been told the whole story. They knew Bill was dead and both of them were glad about it. They would both still have bad dreams, but the memory was fading. "Where're we going?" Brian asked, as he adjusted the cast on this leg. "We've been driving for a long time." "Home," Justyn answered. "This isn't the way home," Rob answered. "Well, we have some things to discuss," Mike answered. "What've you been keeping from us?" Brian asked loudly. "Why don't we discuss it when we get home?" Justyn said, as he made a left turn. "We're going to your cabin, aren't we?" Brian asked. "Maybe," Justyn answered. "We'll explain as soon we get there. No more questions until we're inside, Ok?" The boys weren't happy with being left out of what was going on, but they knew they didn't have a choice. They looked back and forth at each other with questions in their eyes, but waited patiently as they came closer and closer to Justyn's cabin. They finally drove down the dirt road leading to it and saw five other vehicles crowding the limited parking area. They also saw construction going on next to the cabin and also a foundation being dug on a lot close by. "What's going on?" Brian asked. "All the answers are inside," Mike answered. Both boys were bewildered. They had no idea what was going on. The parking lot looked like a muscle car show. Mike and Justyn helped Brian and Rob up the steps and they were greeted by a man with a gray beard and hair. "It's about time you got here. My stew is almost overcooked. Are you boys hungry?" he asked. "I'm starved. The hospital food sucked. Uh, who are you?" Brian asked. The older man, Justyn and Mike laughed out loud. "This is Paul Anderson, boys. He's who shot Bill. He's also your new Grandpa, and your tutor. He once gave up a Rhodes Scholarship to go fight for his country in Vietnam. He's going to home school you here. You'll have your own bedroom and he'll have the other, until his house gets built next door" Justyn answered. "HUH? What the fuck is going on here? Mike is going to live in our old house and we're going to live here? What about Rob? His parents won't let him live here," Brian yelled. "After everything you boys have been through together, Rob's parents don't want to split you apart. They've agreed for you both to be home schooled here by Mr. Anderson. And they'll be up almost every weekend once his house is finished," Mike answered. "Ok.... But where are you going to stay?" Brian asked. "Well......" Mike started to say. "Mike and I are going to try and see if we can make it as a couple," Justyn answered. "He's really hard headed, but I think I can turn him around." "Fuck you," Mike answered, grinning. Brian was dumb founded. "You and Justyn? But you're Bi." "So's Justyn. We have no idea if this will work. But we're going to try," Mike answered. "That's totally cool," Rob said, smiling. "I've got a cop for a brother-in-law?" Brian asked. "Awesome! You can fix any tickets I get!" "No way, little bro," Justyn smiled. "Do you see anything different in the living room?" The boys walked slowly around and looked. One whole new section of the wall was pictures of Paul, his wife, and Billy. The picture of Justyn had been carefully taped back together and re-framed. "That's how you knew, didn't you? That picture?" Brian asked. Justyn just nodded. "That's why I kept it. It really looks bad, doesn't it?" "No way," Rob answered. "Enough of this sentimental bullshit. Do you boys want to see what that son of a bitch Justyn made me pay him to sell me the lot next door? He got my prize Shelby Cobra. It isn't a pussy car like your piss yellow Cobra. It's a 1966 real deal 427 cubic inch Mother Fucker! It'll blow the doors off anything in this lot! Yes sir, that's one fine machine. He's building a garage to make sure my baby isn't kept out in the rain. And I also had to kick in a 1967 Corvette convertible. That's yours, son," he said, handing the keys to Rob. "Brian has the piss yellow Cobra. Mike has his half assed truck. Justyn won't part with his Mustang. I think I can add a couple of hundred horses to it. He said I could do what I want. I kept a vintage 1953 Corvette convertible for myself. I sold the rest of the cars. Now, you boys are going to have to study your asses off. I won't stand for anything but excellent work. You're going to learn all kind of new things. And I am going to start a new business here restoring new cars and you both are going to be a big part in that. You both are going to help me start it. You'll work for me. I'm going to teach you both to speak other languages too. I was an expert in languages in Vietnam. Have any of you ever eaten squirrel? That's what we're having for dinner. Squirrel stew. It's wonderful. I shot the little bastards today while I was waiting for you to get here. 22 rifle. I'm a great shot. I'll teach you boys to shoot too. I can win any turkey shoot they have in these parts. Do any of you know when he next turkey shoot is around here?" Paul asked. They boys looked at Mike and Justyn, perplexed. They wanted to run away. "Hey, you have to take the good with the bad," Justyn kidded. "Meet your new Grandpa." "Grandpa, Hell," Paul said. "Excuse me sir. Are you comfortable with all of us being gay and you're not?" Brian asked hopefully. He was hoping that "Grandpa from Hell" would run away. "Gay? I couldn't care less. My wife is dead, and I don't care about anything you do. Why should I? Just don't make lots of noise. If you do, I'll come in and beat all of your butts. That includes both of you too," he said motioning to Justyn and Mike. "You just keep what you do in the bedroom private. That's what I always did. I won't give a shit what you do. Ok, all of you are gay. Why should I care? I'm old. All I know is have me a new family now. I can feed us just by having squirrel stew if you guys can't bring in any money. I have no idea what a Detective makes, but it can't be much. And a baby doctor really isn't a real doctor, so he can't make much either," Paul said. The boys both looked at Mike and Justyn and shuddered. Both looked back at them and laughed. "Oh, I can't be gay. I don't have the equipment anymore. Did I tell you what caused me to get out of Vietnam? I had a sight on this one sniper. He saw me at the last instant. I shot him right between the eyes. His finger was on the trigger. When I shot him, it made him jerk up. It should have, the son of a bitch. His brains were blown out. But he got off one last round. Caught me right in the balls. Ended all my love making. You boys want to see the scar?" ************* Hehehehehe Will Bri and Rob ever escape their new prison? Who knows what Paul will teach them? I never thought about a sequel until now. You want one? Hope you enjoyed the ride. Stan Comments can be sent to Please visit these gay youth support groups: