Date: Tue, 10 Mar 2015 15:42:52 +1000 From: Addisyn Draco Batchelor Subject: Ok. Chapter 27 Ch. 27. T This story is a work of fiction. any similarities are completely coincidental. 'Ok.' contains love and sex between teenage boys. Any mention of celebrities or characters from tv is not an assumption of their sexuality.The obvious thing if you don't like this is to go somewhere else. If it is illegal to read this where you're from please do the same. It also contains some coarse language, just coz it's hard to write naturally without writing the way I speak. Overall I'd rate it M for mature audiences, so if you're not old enough to be here, please seriously consider not being here. This is my first public submission, but please don't hold back. If you'd like to send me an email, I look forward to it - Thanks to Nifty, who do an amazing job helping writers be read. Donate if you can! This is a short chapter, because it has given me so much trouble I want to be done with it. This is the longest it has taken me to write anything, so if you've got anything bad to say about, I've probably already said it myself. Thanks for sticking with me and I hope you enjoy chapter 27. Aftermath. "So. What about this dragon you promised me?" Dyl pipes up, killing the mopey, mournful mood perfectly. Thank god. "Can I choose the colour?" "Yes, of course, but let me adjust to the fact that our arch-enemy is 8 feet from me and being nice. It might take an hour or so." The look on his face was pained and unbearable. I almost gave in, when I heard two loud crashes. I look over at Ax, and he's passed out on the floor. Zayk is too. I ran over to Ax, trying to wake him up, but he wouldn't. His breathing was laboured and he had a high fever. I was freaking out. "Ax? Ax!? What's wrong?" I cry out. Dyl cautiously approached Zayk, checking his breathing and pulse. "Zayk is barely breathing, and he's got a very weak pulse. What's wrong with them?" "I don't know. I'll try and heal them." I started with Axyl, hoping to God that it would work. I don't know how I woud continue to live without my sweet, magical boy. I placed my left hand over his heart and attempted to transfer as much life force into him as I could. A bright, brilliant white light surrounded us both, and five minutes later... nothing happened. My head dropped, defeated, but I sucked it up and repeated the process with Zayk. Once again, no results. If it's possible to feel totally defeated twice in less than 15 minutes, then I did it. I was lost for an explanation, I had no idea what had happened. It broke my heart to look at Dyl, because he was desperately trying everything he could to resuscitate Zayk. I sensed a level of urgency in his attempts. It was the same desperation that I felt when trying to bring Axyl back. Could it be possible that he had feelings for Zayk? He's only ever seen him a handful of times, and they've never spoken before. My thoughts were interrupted by Ax making an odd, otherwordly gurgling sound. I was shocked, so much so that I didn't notice Zayk making the same sound. "What's wrong, baby? Are you ok? What should I do?" I asked, futily. He didn't, couldn't answer. He just continued to gargle, his face reddening a bit. "What's going on?" Dyl demanded. "I don't know, but I'm going to figure it out." I replied, but I still had no idea how I'd even go about trying to find out. I'm kind of in the dark here, without a flashlight. How could I lose this amazing boy? We've barely been together a week! "Why does this always happen to me!?" Dyl cried. "As soon as I fall in love, they die! Why am I so cursed?" "What do you mean? Vlad was your first, wasn't he? One death does not a curse make." I replied, slightly bewildered. "And Ax and Zayk aren't dead. Well, not really." "Yeah, but they could die! And Vlad wasn't my first. I've fallen in love before, and it's always ended the same way!" He balled, tears ran from his eyes onto Zayk's face. I decided to offer some words of wisdom, by way of a mindless ramble, "Sometimes, life gives you someone and they go. For better or worse, it was meant to be that way. Sometimes it gives you someone and they stay for ever. For better or worse, it's meant to be that way. You did not cause those boys to die, but you were with them when they did. That means that they saw the face of someone they loved , and who loved them back, before they went whereverer we go when we die. I don't think I know everything about the universe we live in, but I do know that death is not what we think it is. The world is always recycling itself, as is the universe. And I know that terrible things must happen for beautiful, amazing things to follow them. There is no light without the dark, no up without down, no good without evil, no life without death. Don't beat yourself up for being in the wrong place at the right time. Besides, you've got a dragon to look after, and he'll know if you're sad..." I must have said the right thing, because I was gifted with the smile of a 12 year old at Christmas. "WHAT!! I thought you were joking when you said you'd give me a dragon!" He exclaimed. "Why would I joke about that? You're like a brother to me, to us. If we've got dragons, I don't see any reason why you shouldn't. That would just be mean." At that, I raised my hands to the window and the clouds began swirling. Smerg and Seto came flying through the window, followed by a small red dragon. It was unbelievably cute, like Dyl. "OMG! Is the red one mine? How did you know I wanted a red one? Did you read my mind? He's so cute! What should I name him?" Dyl blurted, going a mile a minute. "Woah boy, slow down. Yes, I read your mind, and it's up to you to name him. Anything you want." "Hmmm, I think I'll name you... Silas." Dyl says, gesturing for Silas to give him a cuddle. Silas jumped right up into Dyl's arms and licked his face. At that moment, a bright light started to shine over in Ax and Zayk's direction. We look over at them, and see that they are glowing. I rush to Ax's side and, in a panic ask him what's happening. When I don't get an answer, my heart sinks lower than it has ever been before. I start randomly quoting and mixing Shakespeare, knowing that Ax likes it. "It is my soul that calls upon your name; How silver-sweet sound lovers' tongues by night, like softest music to attending ears. Tis not to me it sowaks, two of the fairest stars in all heaven, having some business do entreat your eyes..." Before I could finish, we heard a voice in our heads. *Do not fear. We will return. It takes a while to search the entire universe and learn about it and shit. Kinda the reward for being the 'lynch pin' in stopping a world apocalypse. If we hadn't stopped that, it would trigger the next natural disaster, and the next, until nothing lives. So we have to go find something, and bring it back. We'll be fine. And Toby? Thanks for quotin Shakespeare to my almost lifeless body. I'll tease you for that later* and the voice was gone. But I didn't feel sad, and I looked at Dyl and he didn't look sad either. "Did you hear that?" Dyl asked. How could I not? "Yep. Finally, some good news. I wonder what he's bringing?" I say. "Or who..."