Date: Sat, 4 Oct 2014 10:42:36 +1000 From: Addisyn Draco Batchelor Subject: Ok. Ch.8-9 This story is a work of fiction. any similarities are completely coincidental. 'Ok.' contains love and sex between teenage boys. Any mention of celebrities or characters from tv is not an assumption of their sexuality.The obvious thing if you don't like this is to go somewhere else. If it is illegal to read this where you're from please do the same. It also contains some coarse language, just coz it's hard to write naturally without writing the way I speak. Overall I'd rate it M for mature audiences, so if you're not old enough to be here, please seriously consider not being here. This is my first public submission, but please don't hold back. If you'd like to send me an email, I look forward to it - Thanks to Nifty, who do an amazing job helping writers be read. Donate if you can! Dreams. It was cold. And dark. And strangely familiar, as if I'd been here before. I definitely wasn't at Toby's house... well, our house. I try and adjust my eyes to the darkness so I could find him. "Obi? Where are you? What happened? Where are we?" Questions that I get no answers to. I rack my brain trying to remember the events of the night leading up to now. Nothing. I walk around in the dark, never running into anything. It was like there was nothing here. Like the entire universe had just ceased to exist. This was probably a dream, but even if it is, it's some dark magic. The subconscious mind rarely stays still, percieving complete black is only barely possible. Even when we close our eyes we see light. Theoretically. That idea might have to be revised. I couldn't remember anything that happened last night to cause me to be here I began to get anxious. I try every light spell I know, but total darkness prevails. Then I remember a proverb I heard once. 'The light is always lowest right beside the candle.' I don't know why it popped into my head, but it was the only idea I had. "Maybe if I conjure a candle, the light from it will make it easier to figure out where I am" I mutter to myself, not expecting an answer. "Ax?" I hear, in the distance. There was no doubt it was my Obi. I conjure a candle and light it with a click of my finger. It's not bright enough. So I do the next best thing. I conjure fire in my hand, whisper a tracking spell and set the ground alight. The flames travelled in a straight line, lighting the path to Toby. I yell, "I'm coming Obi! Stay with me!" The fire begins to form a circle, revealing Toby. He was tied to a chair, and had been beaten. His nose was bleeding and his eye and cheek were starting to bruise. I saw red. My only thoughts are about helping my boy and destroying whoever hurt him. I walk through the fire like it wasn't there, untie Obi with a wave my hand and kneel down beside him and wipe away the tears in his eyes. By now I know it's a dream, but a dream plagued by dark magic is dnagerous. "What happened babe? Who did this to you?" I demand. There's light and dark in magic, and I was channeling every ounce of dark that I could. "I don't know. I fell asleep next to you, and then I was here. Someone had tied me here and was beating me. I tried calling you, but you weren't here! I didn't see his face. He wants to keep us apart. Don't let him, please baby!" He says, in between sobs. "Never, babe, they can never tear us apart. I will not let it happen. I promise." I hold him as close as I can. When I go to kiss him, a white light begins shining between us. I stand back and watch Obi's wounds heal. Within seconds he's perfectly healthy. Healing is not generally a witch's power. That is a divine power, a witch's powers are earthly. This couldn't have come from me, or from Obi. That is the last thought I have before I wake up. Brother. When I woke up I saw that Obi was still asleep, without a scratch. I quietly whisper a protection spell over him, shielding him from most dark magic. He woke up, looking up lovingly at me. I tried to put the disturbing dream I just had into a dark corner of my mind that I'll never see again. I smile and ask, "Morning baby, how did you sleep?" I ask. "I had this weird dream." My blood turns cold. "I was tied to a chair and it was pitch black until a ring of fire showed up around me..." "Someone had beaten you up. And then I came along. Right?" I finish for him. "Yeah. How did you know?" He asks, shocked. I mean, seriously. You'd think he'd stop being so surprised after a while. "I had a similar dream, only I was stuck out in the dark. It was like reality had unravelled." "Yeah, exactly! As soon as I fell asleep someone was beating me senseless. Then there was fire circling me. And then you healed me! And your eyes were black. What was that anyway? And why did we have similar dreams?" He asks in one breath. I honestly don't know the best way to put it. "Firstly, that was incredibly dark magic. My eyes were black because I was ready to rip throats out seeing you like that. And I think we had those dreams to warn us about something. You said he wanted to keep us away from eachother. And I think I know why." I say, in way of brief explanation. "And!?" He says, urging me to continue. "I didn't heal you. The power to heal is divine. A witch's powers are of the earth; fire, water, wind, earth and spirit. Healing is possible with medical treatment, but not with a blinding holy light. Unless you know anyone that can do that?" "Hahaha, I know some pop stars who think the sun shines out of their ass, but no." I can't help but giggle. Then it hits me. "Wait a minute. I don't have the power to heal, you don't have the power to heal..." "Yeah, we've established that. Rub it in, why don't you." "But that's just it. Individually, we don't have that power. But we are the greatest source of light in this dimension. Together, we possess a spark of divine. Love is the most divine of all magic. We have enough of that to bring eachother from the brink ad infinitum" "Ad what?" He asks, confused. "Ad infinitum. For infinity. It's Latin. I probably know too much of a long dead language, but it's useful. Wait. Is that all you got from that?" I ask smiling. "No. I heard you. We're the divine hand on earth, our love is as epic as Antony and Cleopatra and Romeo and Juliet combined. Anyone who wants to fuck with us will know hell on earth. I think I just reached my surprise threshold when you described my dream." As if his words were a cosmic cue, the doorbell rings. Obi jumps out of bed and goes to the intercom. He buzzes Laura and asks her to see to our guest while we get ready. We jump out of bed and Obi decides to test his powers. He dresses himself in a pair of black skinny jeans, spiked wrist cuffs and a Fall Out Boy shirt. I damn near popped a hard-on right there. I decide to wear a pair of cutoff jeans and a singlet, pulling it on as we walk down the stairs. We go into the lounge room and my heart stops. Memories flood to me. Memories that were erased from me when I was a child. My twin brother, Zayk. My mind flashes back to when I was 3 in Sweden, when Zayk and I were seperated. We couldn't be in the same place together without one of us being injured. Zayk is my exact opposite. One would think that my exact opposite would balance me and we would work well together, but in this case it is physically and metaphysically impossible. Sometimes, when a powerful witch is born they have an equally powerful sibling, usually a twin. They are the antithesis of eachother. Zayk is pure evil and loves to cause pain and damage. Any type of damage at all. When we got to a certain age, all memory was erased of eachother and we were sent to opposite sides of the world. There is no way that him turning up is a good thing. "Hello brother, it's been too long" Zayk says, a sadistic smile on his face. Now, I say he's my twin brother, but he's a fraternal twin. He has naturally black hair and dark brown eyes. Major contrast to my blonde hair and blue eyes. "Not long enough. What the fuck are you doing here?" I demand. "There's a reason you were sent to Ireland." "Nah. Too many red haired boys. Some of them were talking about Australia just before I disintegrated them. I thought, must be a sign. Ah, I see you've found yourself a little toy. Wanna share?" I raised my hand up and sent him flying across the room. Just before he crashes into a window he stops and lands softly on his feet. He puts his hand out and conjures a fireball. It takes me by surprise. I haven't seen him in 13 years, and he couldn't do that when he was 3. I mean, I can do that too, but I wasn't expecting it from Zayk. Luckily, Obi saw it coming and creates a wall of water, protecting me. Then he plunges his hand into the water-wall and pulls out a trident. He throws it and it pins Zayk to the wall, throwing him off guard. For a moment, at least. He phases through the trident and stands, laughing and taunting, "Isn't that sweet! You found yourself a pretty, rich witch. I didn't feel that last night. He just felt like a normal, pityful human. Well done bro, couldn't have done better myself." 'Last night' I think to myself. "That's where your wrong, Zayk. So, so wrong. Toby wasn't a witch when we met." I reply, waiting for the look on his face. "What! How! He summoned Poseidon's trident! He's got to be one of the most powerful sorcerers ever. Besides us, of course." I smiled smugly. He has absolutely no idea. All I had to say was 2 words. "The prophecy." The look on his face was priceless. "You mean... Fuck... You know this isn't over! I'll get you alone. You're my brother. This pathetic little human won't keep me away from you. You know we can rule the world together! Watch your back. If I can't get to you, I'll settle with your little pet." And like that, he disappeared. I look over at Obi. He's looking at me like I just turned into a duck, *It's ok babe, don't worry. That was my twin brother Zayk. I had my memory of him erased, it could only be restored if we met again. He's nothing like me* *His voice is familiar* *What do you mean? *Ax, I think that's the guy that beat me up last night*