The Athletic Supporter CH 4
The following is a work of fiction. Although based upon real characters, the events depicted are fictional. This story depicts sexual acts between a minor male and a young adult, and if reading such is illegal where you reside or you are not at least 18, read at your own risk. This work is the property of the author Kewl Dad and should not be reposted or reproduced without his permission. Copyright ©2020/2021 Kewl Dad.

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~The Athletic Supporter~
Chapter 4

by: Kewl Dad

A boy's first kiss

Ricky called me Sunday night and we talked for about thirty minutes, but that was enough to revive my spirits. Saturday had been wonderful, even if we couldn't discuss it on the phone, but we both knew that something special had happened that night.

I'd thought long and hard about what we could do to seal our commitment to one another, and at long last I came up with what I thought was a good alternative to rings. I didn't mention anything to Ricky though, because first I wanted to make sure what I had in mind was available and practical.

I had a buddy who worked at a jewelry store, and I planned on paying him a little visit on my lunch hour Monday, and if I found what I was looking for, I'd run the idea past Ricky next time we talked.

We talked about the Church thing Ricky had to go to, and he said his new shoes really looked good with his dark brown suit, and that his mom said, for boys we both had good taste. We laughed about that, and suddenly Ricky said, "My mom really likes you."

"She does?" I said, not knowing if that was a good thing or a bad thing considering I was planning on fucking her son the next time we had some privacy.

"Yeah, she said we should invite you over sometime for dinner. She said she talked to one of the ladies at the store, and she said you lived alone, and I guess she figured you might be lonely or something," he chuckled.

"What did you say?"

"Well, my first impulse was to jump up and down and scream, "YES!" at the top of my lungs, but I figured that might look suspicious, so I just played it cool. At first I told her that you were probably busy and stuff, but she said we should at least ask you. Then she said I should be the one to ask you since I knew you best. I tried to tell her I didn't really know you, but she  kept insisting, and I finally just let her win," he chuckled.

"So, did she tell you to ask me?"

"Sort of. She said next time I saw you that I should tell you that you were welcome to have dinner with us, and to just let me know when was good for you." he chuckled, "honestly, if I didn't really, really know you, I'd be freaked out doing what she asked me to do."

"Yeah, your mom is sort of different," I said, "but she seems really nice, and your little brother too. I didn't really get a chance to talk to your dad though, he was kind of quiet."

"My dad is okay, he's pretty quiet most of the time, he sort of lets mom make most of the decisions about me and Mikey. He's really busy with his job and stuff, and says he doesn't like to have to deal with problems at home. He says he'd rather just have fun, and spend time with us, and not have to worry about things."

"Well, that sort of explains your mom," I chuckled.

"Yeah, she's in charge, that's for sure."

"So, do you think I should come to dinner at your house?"

"Yes, definitely," he said sounding excited, "so does Mikey. I don't know what you did to win him over that day, but he talks about you a lot, says you're super cool."

I frowned, trying to remember exactly what I had said or did that day he and his mom were in the store, but I couldn't think of anything that would cause the kid to develop a case of hero worship for me. Oh well, he was a kid, and my experience with boys his age was that you couldn't predict how they'd behave or what stuck with them. If Mikey really did think I was super cool, that was fine by me, and truthfully I felt the same about him. He was the spitting image of his older brother, my boyfriend, and I liked his sense of humor and his feistiness.

"So, are you inviting me over?"

"Yes," he said laughing, "will you come for dinner Friday night?"

"I don't know if I'm free," I teased, "let me check with my boyfriend and I'll get back to you."

"You better not have another boyfriend," he said with mock anger, "or I'll cut his nuts off."

"Ouch, that would be painful..." I laughed, "I think my boyfriend will be okay with me coming to see you and your folks. What time, or do you have to talk to good ole' mom first?"

"She said 7, but I was thinking, maybe you could come earlier and I could show you around and stuff." I could hear the blush in his voice and I could imagine him squirming on the other end of the phone.

"I get off at 5, I'll need to shower first, so how about 6 or 6:15?"

"Yeah, that's fine. Hold on," he said. I heard him lay the phone down and I could hear voices at a distance but I couldn't make out what they were saying. After a couple of minutes he returned, but he didn't sound upset or anything, "my mom wanted to know who I was talking to for so long."

"What did you tell her?" my  hackles rising.

"I told her it was someone from school. She wanted to know if it was a girl," he giggled, and I could imagine him rolling his eyes, "I told her no, it was a dumb old boy, and she laughed."

"Do you need to go?"

"Probably, but I might call you tomorrow night."

"Please do, I might have something to tell you."

"What?" he asked chuckling, "is it good or bad?"

"Everything will be good as long as I can help it," I assured him, "I just want to check something out before I talk to you about it."

"Aww, well...okay, then I will definitely call you tomorrow."

"Okay, great. Well, thanks for calling, I'm really glad you did. And, thanks for the invite. Hey, by the way, when are you supposed to have asked me this?"

"Oh, never thought of that. Wait, I gotta great idea. I'll drop by after school tomorrow, how's that?  Only this time I'll bring a message from my mom about dinner."

"Even better, I'll get to see your pretty face," I said happily.

"Okay, then be looking for me around 3:30 or 3:45."

"I will have my nose pressed against the front window waiting for you," I joked.

"Good, so I'll see ya tomorrow. Goodnight," he said softly, then there was a pause, and a second later he whispered, "Love ya."

"I love you too, goodnight boyfriend," I said beaming.

He hung up then, but that was okay. I knew he couldn't speak as freely as I could, and I figured that little pause was him making sure the coast was clear, but even then he'd whispered just to make sure. It was sad that we couldn't be totally open, but then I was used to sneaking around and hiding my true feelings from the world. However, I was too happy to let those negative thoughts drag me down. I had a beautiful sexy boyfriend that I loved very much, and he loved me, and we'd do what we had to do to make things work.

I was in a great mood the rest of the evening, and even turned in early so I'd be rested when I saw my baby the next day. 

Monday was slow business wise, but I had plenty to do, writing some orders and checking in a few goods that arrived that morning. I skipped lunch and went down to Ivan's Jewelry Store, and as luck would have it, my friend Ron was running the store that day. His uncle Ivan owned the store and Ron had become sort of and apprentice, learning the jewelry business with the goal of opening his own store in a few years.

I'd first met Ron when we were about nine years old and he and his folks and little sister moved in next door to us. We'd become fast friends, if for no other reason than convenience. After all what was better than having a friend who lived next door? It was the closest thing to having a brother as far as I was concerned, and during the course of our friendship, we'd done just about everything two friends could do together, including fool around.

Our fooling around was nothing serious though, some show and tell, touching, and eventually mutual masturbation, but in some ways it brought us closer. Unfortunately, after two years of having Ron there practically every waking minute, his dad took a job in a nearby town and they moved.

They came back to visit only once, but Ron and I picked up right where we'd left off, including the fooling around. We were twelve by then, and both had a little hair down there, though I don't think we could shoot yet. It was actually Ron who started the fooling around, and I was a little surprised considering it had been a while since we'd done anything like that, but somehow it was even more fun now that we were older.

I don't even think we got off, but we played with each other's pecker for the first time, and he was mesmerized by my foreskin. We didn't have a lot of time that day, but we spent almost the whole visit with our pants around our ankles in the shed out back. When it was time for them to go, I felt sad all over again. I felt like I was losing my best friend twice, and it took me a while to get over the loss.

"Hey Rob, what you up to?" Ron said,  surprising me by coming out from behind the counter to give me a hug. 

"I'm actually on my lunch, but I wanted to check on something," I said, then went on to explain what I was looking for. Without going into too much detail I outlined what I had in mind and he said he had just the thing. 

When I left a short time later I was grinning like that big ole' cat in Alice and Wonderland. My idea had turned out to be a good one, now all I had to do was convince Ricky, but I was almost positive he was going to love it as much as I did.

The afternoon dragged on, but eventually it was time to wander up front and wait for my boyfriend to appear. I had Verlie and Anna Mae busy with a project, re-stacking all the jeans on the tables, and I figured that would keep them out of my hair for a while.

I decided to do one better and told the ladies I was going to walk up the street to the drugstore to get a Cherry Limeade, and promised to bring them one back as well. They thanked me and Verlie offered to pay, but I told her I had it this time and she could pay next time.

I hightailed it out just in time to see Ricky coming down the sidewalk in the next block. I waved at him to get his attention and hurried across the street to meet him in front of the bank.

"Hi, what are you doing?" he said happily, "did you come to meet me?"

"No, I came to meet my boyfriend," I teased, "have you seen him? Brown hair, sexy butt, and the prettiest grey eyes you've ever seen. Oh, and his name is Ricky."

He giggled, and I had the most powerful urge to grab him right there on the street and kiss him hard and long, but I quickly regained my senses.

"Are you thirsty?" I said getting as close to him as I dared.

"Yeah, why?" 

"Come on, I promised the girls a Cherry limeade, and I'll buy you one too."

I ordered two drinks, and we went back outside and stood talking as we drank them. I'd get two to go for the ladies, but not till we'd visited and drank ours.

"How was school?"

"Fine, I like PE, it's fun and...I get to see lots of naked boys in the showers," he chuckled.

"Now, you're making me jealous," I pouted, "but seriously, if you find someone who wants to mess around, I understand."

"Hey, I wouldn't cheat on you," he said seriously, "I love you, and I love what we do together. Why would I ruin that by getting with some boy who probably doesn't know the first thing about sex or love?"

"I just don't want to stand in your way if you find someone your own age."

"I don't want anyone my own age, they're all little boys who don't know anything. I like you cause you're older, and experienced, and I'm learning so much."

"Okay, I'll drop it, but I just wanted you to know if it did happen, I'd understand."

"Not gonna happen. So, what was it you wanted to talk to me about?"

"Oh yeah, I'm glad you reminded me," I said excitedly, "I have a friend who works at a jewelry store and..."

I quickly explained my idea of swapping ankle bracelets instead of rings, and Ricky got so excited by the idea I thought he was going to pee himself, "We can wear them and no one will know except us, that will be so cool. When can we get them? Oh, and I want to pay for yours," he insisted, "otherwise it won't seem right, okay?"

It did make sense in a way, and they really weren't that expensive, so I gave in easily. He agreed that having them engraved was a good idea, but he had another idea about what the inscription should be.

"What if we had one engraved with Rob, and one engraved with Ricky, and we swapped them?"

"I think that's very romantic, but what if your folks sees yours?"

"They won't, it will be on my ankle all the time."

"Which is fine for now, but what about this summer when you wear shorts?"

"I can put it inside my sock."

"And if you go swimming or barefooted?

"Well...I guess I didn't think it through, did I?"

"Aww...look Ricky, I'd like nothing better than to wear your name around my ankle, could have your name engraved on the one you buy."

"Yeah, that makes sense. Then I can give it to you, and you can give me the one you buy...with whatever you have engraved on it."

"Now I feel bad," I admitted, "I'll be wearing your name and all you get is some initials."

"No,'s okay. We'll know what it means, and that's what counts, right?"

"Yeah, but I definitely want your name on mine."

"Yeah, okay. So, when can we get them?"

"I told Ron I'd call him today or tomorrow and tell him what I decided."

"Cool, let me know when I need to pick mine up."

"I was thinking, if you can come over Saturday night, we could have dinner and exchange bracelets and make an evening of it."

"And do that one thing," he said grinning.

"Yes, definitely that one thing," I said smiling.

We finished our drinks and I said I really needed to get back to the store, and Ricky said he needed to get home anyway, that he had a ton of homework.

"Gee, glad that's you with the homework and not me," I teased, "only good thing about working is: once you get off work, there's no homework."

"Rub it in," he moaned, "thanks for the Cherry limeade. I can't wait till Saturday to exchange bracelets, oh and remember, dinner Friday."

"Yeah, dinner Friday and fun Saturday, it's gonna be a great weekend. Call me tomorrow night and I'll let you know when they'll be ready. Ron said it only took a few minutes to engrave them, and he has the bracelets in stock. Oh, I forgot, gold or silver?"

"Silver, I think..."

"I think so too," I said, glad we could agree on the color so easily.

"Well...I might not call you tonight, but I'll definitely call you tomorrow. So, bye for now," he said looking at me as if there was more on his mind, "I wish we know...?"

"Yeah, me too, but it was nice just being with you."

"Yeah, I agree," he sighed, "I should go. Don't forget to get those ladies their Cherry limeades," he chuckled, "otherwise they might get suspicious."

"Yeah, I won't. Well, goodbye. Have fun with your homework," I teased.

He shook his head and rolled his eyes, then gave me a little wave as he started back up the sidewalk. I watched till he turned the corner, then went inside the drugstore and ordered three more Cherry limeades. I didn't want the ladies to know I'd already drank mine with Ricky, so I'd have to swallow down another one to keep up appearances.

Nothing was said about my taking so long to get the drinks, and I took mine to the back room where I had some work that I needed to do. I was making a sign for some new shoes that we'd gotten that day, when the manager came in and said he needed to talk to me.

At first I was a little worried, but I knew I hadn't done anything wrong, and the manager and I got along really well. He was always complimenting me on the way I took charge and could run the store in his absence, and he took advantage of it by being gone as much as he was there. I didn't mind though. I liked being in charge, but I was never bossy or demanding. The clerks all liked me and treated me with respect, despite my being so young, and we were a happy family.

"Almost done," I said showing him the sign and grinning.

"Perfect as always," he chuckled.

"So, what's up?" I said hanging the sign up to dry. We printed our signs on a removable type sign printer, and this was just one of my many duties.

"Before you came to work here we used to have a part time school boy to sweep the floors and empty the trash. He also went to the post office each afternoon, and on the weekends we'd use him for sales as well. Our last boy, Jimmy, found a job with more hours and quit just before you started. When you started, we just divided up the chores and didn't fill that position, but Lou (our big boss) said he wanted us to hire someone to fill that position again and to keep it filled. So, my question is: do you know anyone who would be interested, or know anyone who might help us find a nice young high school boy who's interested in making a little money?"

Boy do I? I thought, Could it really be this easy? I knew the perfect boy,  a boy who would not only do a great job, but make everyone love him after the first day. The question was, would he be interested? I mean, I was sure his folks gave him an allowance and bought him everything he needed. It wasn't hard work, but it would take up an hour or two of  his time every day, and longer on Saturdays. As far as I knew, Ricky didn't play any organized sports, but even if he did we could work around his practice days and game days. It wasn't like we couldn't spare him a day or two a week, but it was still a big commitment for a kid his age.

"I might know someone," I said, trying not to sound as excited as I felt, "I'll check with him and let you know tomorrow."

"Fine, fine...if he's someone you trust, and he wants the job, go ahead and hire him. Just have him come in tomorrow or the next day and fill out the forms and we'll start him right away."

"Okay, thanks. I'll do that," I said smiling, "and thanks for trusting my judgment."

He waved his hand dismissively, "We both know who really runs this store," he laughed, "I'm just here to draw a paycheck till I retire. Well, I'm going to head out, see you tomorrow Rob."

"Goodnight Leroy," I said smiling. He might not be a fireball anymore, but Leroy had taught me everything I needed to know to be successful in the business, and I owed him a lot. When some managers might have treated me like a wet-nosed kid, he'd treated me as an equal, trusting me with more and more responsibility until I'd reached the level I was at now. What's more, when I was looking to buy my car, he'd put in a good word for me at the bank and I'd gotten the loan without any problem.  I loved my job, and I loved the people I worked with, and I loved Ricky, so adding him to the crew would be a big plus.

Of course, there was a possible downside to having the boy I loved and lusted after near me everyday. We would have to be extra careful not to let anyone know we knew each other outside of work, and it might be frustrating to be so close and not be able to do anything about it. Yes, I would have to give it some more thought, but damn, it sure sounded like the Gods, or fate, or whatever was throwing me a bone.

I finished the rest of the day thinking about the pros and cons of having Ricky come to work for us, and by the time I'd made it home that evening I still wasn't sure if his working there would be a blessing or a curse.

I fixed myself a sandwich and a bowl of soup and sat down at the table as I  thought about it some more, and finally decided that this shouldn't be my decision alone. After all, Ricky and I had made a commitment to one another and this affected us both.

I would ask him tomorrow when he called about the bracelet, but what I really wanted was to talk to him in person. It was then that I remembered that I hadn't called Ron about the bracelets, and I made a mental note to do it first thing in the morning.

I'd finished dinner and was listening to a new album I'd received from my record club and reading a book when the phone rang. I rushed to pick up, hoping it was Ricky, but to my surprise it was Ron, my old friend from the jewelry store.

"Hey, feel like hanging out for a while?" he asked once the greetings were done.

"Well, heck yeah...want to come here, or meet somewhere?"

"Actually I'm at the shop, I had some engraving to do and I stayed late to get caught up. You still live behind the bank?"

After confirming that he knew where I lived, he agreed to come by in about half an hour. I rushed around tidying up the place a little, but I was sort of a neat freak so it didn't take long. I checked the fridge to insure I had sodas for us and waited impatiently for him to arrive.

When I heard him clumping up the stairs, I rushed over and met him at the door, and he surprised me by hugging me as he had in the shop earlier. I invited him in, took  his coat and hung it on the back of one of the dining room chairs and offered him a seat on the couch.

After getting us a bottle of Coke, I settled in beside him and we talked and got reacquainted again. It had been a couple months since we'd talked, but we did see each other at the Junior Chamber of Commerce meeting held the first Wednesday of each month. He'd been the one to convince me to join, and there were a number of cool guys in it, though all of them were older than Ron and I.

"Oh, by the way. I was going to call you this afternoon but I forgot. About those bracelets, I wanted you to go ahead and engrave them for me."

"Sure, before I go, write down what you want engraved on them and I'll take care of it first thing tomorrow."

I thought about how it might look to Ron if I told him everything, so I made up a little story to take the heat off me.

"This kid I know named Ricky is going to come pick up one of the bracelets, and I'll buy the other one. It's sort of a gift for him and his girlfriend. I'm going to pick up the one she's giving him because she's too embarrassed to pick it up herself," I laughed.

"Ah, helping out the two lovers, huh?"

"Yeah, the kid wanted to pick up both, but I told him she'd kill him if he didn't get to do it her way. They're supposed to go on a date and exchange them this Saturday night."

"Sounds romantic and fun," he said chuckling.

"Yeah, I guess...never been one for romance myself," I lied.

"No, you were always more of an action type of guy," he laughed, "I remember you going with that one girl forever...what was her name? Evelyn, right?"

"Yes, Evelyn and I were friends for a long time. She finally got pregnant when she was 17 while visiting her mom in Chicago, and then moved there permanently. I have to admit, I felt kind of hurt that she never put out for me," I joked.

"You're bad. But I bet you got some pussy anyway...right?"

"Well, you know..." I said vaguely. In fact I'd never gotten any pussy, ever, but I'd had plenty of ass.

"Yeah, me too. I did okay. When we moved away,  I was messed up for a long time, then I made a few friends and met some girls. I never had a steady for very long, but I had my share of fun."

"You were always a good looking guy, still are," I said grinning. "So, how about now, anyone special in your life?"

"Nah, just broke up with Pam about two months ago, and not eager to get back on that horse," he laughed, "but I do miss the sex."

"Yeah, shame a guy can't just have sex without all the other bullshit." 

"Like we used to have when we were kids?" he laughed, "we had some fun, didn't we? Remember that time I came back to visit?"

I was shocked that he would bring our sexy past up, but then he'd always been a very horny boy. Although it had been six or seven years since we'd last messed around, I could still remember how exciting it had been.

"Yeah, we were what, 12, 13 then?" 

"13, I was thirteen, my birthday was that month, remember? I showed you the watch my dad gave me?"

"Oh  yeah," I said as my mind wandered back to that day, "and you took it off and I tried it on."

"Yeah, remember, I tackled you and we wound up on the floor rolling around and grabbing each other," he said looking past me as if he were seeing the scene unfolding just over my shoulder.

"Yeah, now that I think about it, you seemed really horny that day. Did one of your girlfriends have you all worked up?" I chuckled.

"Nah, I was just glad to be there with you. I missed you a lot, and I remember how excited I was when mom and dad said we were going to visit you guys."

"Yeah, I was pretty excited too, but I really didn't know what to expect. I mean, you'd been gone a year or so by then and I figured you had new friends and might not even remember me."

"Are you kidding, I wrote you like every week, remember?"

"Yeah," I said smiling, remembering the sloppy hand written letters I'd received each week for the first couple of years. Eventually they'd stopped coming, and I think it was at that point that I decided he'd moved on, and I tried to do the same.

"Remember that time when we were about ten, we snuck off to the railroad tracks and found  those wine bottles and lined them up and threw rocks at them?"

"Yeah," I said grinning, then I suddenly remembered something else that had happened when we were ten. Was it that day? Maybe, it was hard to remember the exact date, but what had happened that day was etched in my mind forever. After all, it was my first kiss.

"And that bum got after us and chased us down the tracks," he laughed.

"Yeah, and we hid in that old beat up pickup truck till  he went away. It was getting dark by then and..."

Suddenly I think Ron remembered the rest, and I saw him blush a little. He looked away then, and took a sip of his Coke before continuing, "I got in trouble for being out so late," he chuckled, "but it was worth it," he added softly.

I didn't know what to say. We were just two little kids, scared and alone, and comforting each other. We'd clung to each other the whole time, so close we could smell each other's fear, and it just happened. I don't know which one of us initiated it, maybe it was instinctual and we both leaned in at once. I don't know, but for a moment we forgot all about that raving idiot who had run us off, and we shared a moment as our lips met. 

Now as far as kisses go, it wasn't really all that spectacular. At first we kind of missed the mark, and it took us a minute to get it right, but when we did it was very nice. It was sweet and tender, and while I don't remember being aroused in any way, I felt butterflies in my tummy, and I felt so close to my best friend at that moment.

I could tell Ron was reliving that moment in his mind too, and suddenly a smile crossed his lips. "I'm glad you were my first," he whispered.

"I feel the same way," I said reaching out to touch his arm gently, "I hadn't thought of that day in years. Thanks for reminding me of one of the most special days of my life."

He looked near tears as he stared into my eyes, and when he leaned toward me I was so surprised that I pulled back too quickly.

"Oh, sorry," he said blushing and jerking his head back, "guess I got carried away. I guess I miss Pam more than I thought," he laughed nervously.

"Hey, no problem, it's just that...well...I'm kind of seeing someone..."

"Oh, I thought you said..." then  his eyes lit up and he blushed even deeper, "OH," he said as he figured things out in his head, "Cool, that's really cool."

"I know I can trust you," I said softly, "but it's not something I can go around talking about."

"Got it, buddy. Your secret is safe with me, I swear. I can't say I'm really surprised though."

"Oh, am I that obvious?"

"No, not at all...but we were really close, even if we were just kids then."

"Yeah, I always hoped that..." I said blushing, "but you were this big stud, and all the girls were crazy about you."

"I won't lie, I've had my share of girls over the years, but not as much pussy as you might think," he laughed, "some girls won't give it up at all."

"Well, I'll be honest, I have never been with a girl that way. Kissing is as far as I ever got."

"Really? What about guys? Have you been with a lot of guys?"

"No, not a like that, not romantically I mean.  It's mostly sex," I said blushing. I couldn't believe I was telling Ron this stuff, but even after all this time I still felt very close to him. After all, he'd been my first kiss, and first sex.

"Probably more sex than I got," he chuckled, "so, this guy you're with it serious?"

"I think so, at least I hope so."

He nodded, "Well, I'm not gonna pry into your private life, but I'm happy for you. I hope it works out."

"Thanks," I said, "if it got out it could cause us both some problems." For instance sending me to jail, I thought.

"Oh, man...look at the time," he said looking at his watch, "I should go. You want to give me that info for the engraving now?"

"Yeah," I said hopping up and grabbing a pencil and paper. I sat at the dining room table and wrote down what Ricky and I had decided on, then made sure Ron understood what to do.

"I don't get it, why didn't he have the girl's name put on the other one?"

"Uh, first they were going to, but the boy didn't want his folks to know who the girl was just yet." It was a lame excuse, but Ron didn't question it, and after pocketing the piece of paper he said he should go.

I walked him to the door, and this time I initiated the hug and we held it a long time. I closed my eyes and pictured those two mop haired ten year olds sharing a sweet kiss, and I smiled. Life was sweet sometimes and that was a memory that I would carry with me forever. 

When we pulled apart, Ron gave me a sad smile and I sensed he wanted to say something more, but whatever it was he kept it to himself...for the time being.

"Well, thanks for having me over. We need to go get some dinner or something sometime."

"Yeah, that would be great. Just let me know when the bracelets are ready and I'll tell my friend."

"Oh, they'll be ready tomorrow afternoon. I'll take care of it first thing tomorrow, silver, right?"

"Yes, silver. Thanks again Ron. I appreciate it."

"No problem, well...see ya tomorrow I guess."

"Yes, definitely, I'll call first to make sure."

"Great, that works. Well, goodnight Rob"

"Night Ron."

I watched till he headed down the stairs, then went back inside and sat down on the couch and thought about what had just happened.  Ron hadn't been freaked out to learn that I liked guys and not girls, and that made me wonder if he liked both. I supposed that was possible, after all, he'd certainly seemed to enjoy the stuff he and I had done all those times. Then there was what had happened tonight, had he been about to kiss me? Why hadn't I let him? I wondered, was it because I felt like I'd be cheating on Ricky? I mean, it was just a kiss, right? I was a little confused by the whole affair, but the more I thought about it, the more I decided it was no big deal. 

I wondered what Ron would think if he knew that my boyfriend was only 15? Would he be as incensed as the rest of society, or would he accept that as easily as the fact that I was gay? I worried that he might put two and two together when Ricky came to pick up the bracelet, but I would just have to hope my flimsy story held up.

I took a shower and hopped into bed naked, but I couldn't sleep right away. I tried reading, but finally wound up jerking off. At first my thoughts were of Ricky, but suddenly my thoughts drifted to two young boys sharing their first kiss. I blew so hard that I nearly passed out just thinking how hot it would be to actually witness something like that, and I felt a little weird as I finally came down from my orgasm. I wondered what would have happened with Ron and I if he hadn't moved. Would we have eventually became lovers, or was Ron destined to try girls? It was with these thoughts in my head that I finally drifted off to sleep.


The next day I kept busy until lunch time, then called Ron about the bracelets and he said they were ready to go.  I walked over to the jewelry store and Ron showed me both the bracelets and I tried not to react when I saw my boyfriend's name on one of them. To think I'd be wearing that bracelet around my ankle, a reminder of the love we shared, nearly brought me to tears. I quickly paid for the bracelet for Ricky's imaginary girlfriend, and headed out before I let the cat out of the bag.

At my apartment, I ate a quick lunch, brushed my teeth and headed back to work hoping the rest of the day went as smooth as the morning had. I couldn't wait to talk to Ricky tonight, but I still wished I could see him in person instead of talking to him on the phone. 

I guess my Fairy God Mother or someone must've read my thoughts, because that afternoon around 3:30 I just happened to be out on the floor when Ricky came in the front door, a big smile on his face.

"Hi," he said, "I needed some new socks. Got any?" he added laughing.

"At home," I teased.

"Oh, okay, can I borrow some?" he teased back.

"Sure, but right now I have something I want to talk to you about. Come to the back room with me, okay?"

"Uh, okay. What's going on?" he said smiling. 

"I just want to talk to you about something," I said mysteriously.

"Oh, okay," he said following me to the back room, still looking a bit confused.

"Hop up there and let's talk." I said, indicating the long counter where we sat the goods while checking them in. 

Once he was seated I looked at him and smiled. What I wanted to talk to you about was this. "We're looking for a part timer to help out around here, do stuff like empty the trash, sweep the floor, clean the bathrooms, go to the post office, that sort of thing..." I could see I had his full attention and interest, but I decided to play a little trick on him.

"You mean, work here...with you?" he said excitedly.

"Yeah, and my boss asked me if I knew anyone. Well, I told him I didn't really know anyone, but that I did know someone who might be able to help us find someone."

He looked ready to bust now, but I continued before he could speak, "So, I was you know of any guys from school that might be interested?" I said trying not to laugh.

"Hey, what about me?" he said looking hurt, "don't you want me to work here...with you?"

"Hmm," I said trying to keep my cool, "interesting idea, but are you sure? You'd have to give up a couple hours each day and longer on Saturdays."

"I don't care. I'd work everyday if I could be here with you," he said excitedly.

I finally laughed, "I was just teasing, you were who I had in mind from the beginning. I told the manager I'd talk to you and I was going to bring it up when you called tonight. But this is even better, now we can talk about it in person."

"What's to talk about? I want the job. It would be rad to work here with you, and don't you see? would give us a reason to spend time together."

"Yeah, I thought of that too, but have you considered what it would be like being around each other and not being able know?"

"But we could find time, right? Maybe I could stop by your apartment after work, and if you took me home, we'd have even more time together."

I laughed, "Yeah, I thought of that too. I'll admit it all sounds pretty nice, but I just felt like we needed to discuss it before you decided. You'll need your folks permission too, don't forget that. Because you're only 15. Do you think they will approve of you taking on a job?"

"Are you kidding, my dad keeps saying how I should get a paper route or something, and how he had one when he was a kid and it taught him responsibility and stuff. He'll be thrilled that I found a job, and mom...well, mom won't care as long as I keep my grades up."

"Well, then I guess it's decided. If you want the job, and your folks approve, come in tomorrow and we'll fill out the paperwork. I'll give you the form your folks need to sign and you can give it to them when you talk to them."

"Okay, cool," he said excitedly, "Oh, wait...I almost forgot why I came by. Are the bracelets ready?"

"Yes, I forgot too. I picked the one for you up on my lunch hour. If you hurry you can still make it before Ivan's closes. Ask for Ron, he's expecting you. Oh, and be cool around him. If he asks, be sure to say it's for your girlfriend," I chuckled.

"Oh, okay..." he said grinning, "is that what you told him?"

"I had to think up some kind of story, otherwise he might have gotten suspicious. Look, I've known Ron a long time and we shared some stuff when we were younger. He's cool, but I'm not sure he'd understand about you and me."

"What kind of stuff?" Ricky said picking up on that above all the rest.

I laughed, "Don't be jealous, we were just kids then. Maybe sometime I'll tell you about it, and my first kiss."

"Oh, you gotta tell me now," he insisted, "it's a good thing I need to go pick up the bracelet or I'd want to hear about it now."

"Saturday, okay?"

"Okay, I'm gonna go straight home after I get the bracelet, okay?"

"Yeah, that's probably best, but you'll call me later, right?"

"Definitely, after I talk to my folks about the job, and if they say yes, I can even tell them who I'm calling. I'll say you gave me your number so you could get the paper work ready tomorrow."

"Okay, that's fine. You know, this might be a good thing after all. I can take you home after work, and your folks will get used to seeing us together, and maybe we can ease into being friends around them."

"Yeah, that's what I'm thinking too. Plus, you're coming to dinner Friday, so this will be great."

"Yeah, I'd forgotten about that. I'm kind of nervous about it."

"Don't be, it will be fine. Hey, I gotta go. I don't want to miss getting the bracelet today."

"You sure you have enough money?"

"Yeah, I have 20 bucks, don't worry."

"Okay, remember, ask for Ron."

"Got it," he said hopping down from the counter, then looking to make sure the coast was clear, he gave me a quick hug, "talk to you tonight, and I bet I have good news."

"I hope so, be careful. I'll be expecting your call."

I grabbed the form he needed to have his parent's sign, then walked him to the front and we said our goodbyes.  When he was gone, Verlie stopped me and asked me if Ricky was coming to work with us. I don't know how she knew we were looking for someone, or how she knew I was going to ask Ricky, but I guess it was no big secret.

"I hope so, but he has to ask his folks. I think he'll fit in here just fine, what do you think?"

"Oh heaven's yes. He's a sweet boy, and his folks are really nice people. I'm sure he'll do just fine."

By closing time I was convinced that we'd made the right decision for Ricky to come to work for us, now it was up to his folks. Ricky was pretty sure they'd be fine with it, and I accepted that he knew them well enough to know how they'd react to his news. If everything worked out like we hoped, Ricky and I could soon move our relationship to the next level, hanging out with his folks approval, but we'd have to wait and see.

Ricky's folks not only approved of his taking the job, but Mrs. Williams insisted on thanking me while Ricky had me on the phone that night. I assured her that it was no big deal, but I said that Ricky had impressed me as being mature for his age, and I figured he'd do a good job. She said he was very excited about working with me, and I explained that though I'd be training him, eventually he would be working on his own for the most part. We discussed what his duties would be, and what hours he would work, and I think she was as excited as he was about  his new job. By the time she gave the phone back to Ricky I felt even better about our decision. If Ricky's folks were this happy about his working with me, surely they'd eventually accept that we'd become friends as well.

Ricky said he'd picked up the bracelet and that Ron hadn't said much at all. He'd shown Ricky the engraving and then rang up the sale and Ricky was on his way. Ricky said he was kind of jealous when he saw  how handsome Ron was, but I assured him we were just old friends and that there had never been anything serious between us, and that I'd explain everything on Saturday.

Ricky came in the next day and filled out the paper work and I showed him what his basic duties would be, but he wouldn't officially start till the next day, which was Thursday. 

When he showed up on Thursday I walked with him to the post office, which was his first duty each day. He would be taking any packages we needed to mail, as well as picking up the day's mail from the post office box. I had him write down the combination, but he memorized it right away and easily opened the door with out referring to it.

On the way we talked about Friday night's dinner and Saturday night's fun, and by the time we got back to the store we were both a little aroused. I got him started on his other duties, but he was a fast learner, and after a while I just left him alone to do things his way.

He soon had all the clerks eating out of his hand, and I had to smile. He was such a sweety and all the ladies loved him. He seemed to genuinely like them too, and by the second day he'd memorized most of their names.

By closing time Ricky had everything done and was helping the ladies straighten up the racks and tables. I locked up, and after letting all the ladies out I took Ricky with me to the office so I could do the bookwork. I'd explained to the others that I'd be taking Ricky home after work, which explained his hanging around, and no one questioned the arrangement.

"So, we're all alone here," he said, leaning over the desk from where he sat at the other desk.

"Yes, but don't get any ideas," I chuckled, "we'll stop by my apartment if you want, but we really don't have that much time."

"I know, but we can at least kiss," he said giving me a lewd smile.

"Yeah, and you know what kissing leads to?" I said grinning.

"Oh, did it lead to that when you had your first kiss?"

"No, my first kiss was pure and chaste. No, we were just two young boys expressing our feelings for one another I guess."

"How young?" he asked.

"10, why?" I chuckled, "please tell me you're not jealous of something that happened when I was a little kid."

"No, just curious, that's all."

"I'll tell you all about it on Saturday, if we aren't too busy making love," I chuckled.

"Oh, we'll find time," he assured me.

I finished the paperwork and deposit, then let us out the front door and we made the night drop before going to my apartment. We'd just reached the top of the stairs when Ricky suddenly grabbed me and threw himself against me. Our lips met and we began kissing and pawing at each other right there in the hallway. Again I was glad I was the only one living there at the moment, because we were making a fair amount of noise as we made out.

Ricky seemed extra horny, and I had to wonder what was going on with him. I liked to think it was just being around me that made him that way, but I remembered him mentioning the naked boys in the shower at school, and I wondered if that hadn't fueled his fire today.

"Whoa, slow down," I chuckled, "what's got into you?"

"Don't you like it?" he whined, "you said we didn't have much time."

"Of course I like it, but let's go inside where we can be more comfortable."

He allowed me to open the door and we piled down on the couch where we picked up where we'd left off, but now it was me who was extra horny. I knew we were limited in time and I really wanted to taste my boyfriend and give him something to think about later.

I tugged at his belt, and it came free easily, then unbuttoned his jeans and he raised his hips and allowed me to slide them down to his knees. He was wearing white briefs that looked practically brand new and they really looked sexy on him. I admired him a moment before tugging his briefs down to let his hard teenage pecker spring up, then grabbed hold of it and began working it in my hand. He was already wet with precum and I couldn't resist licking a little off my hand before I continued. 

Since we didn't have much time, after a couple of minutes of working his cock by hand, I took it in my mouth and began giving him an intense blow job. He must've been really worked up because after only a few minutes he began moaning and thrusting and I could feel his balls pull up as I held them in my hand.

"" he gasped, and he stiffened as his pecker began to fire off into my mouth. I gobbled him down greedily, then licked him clean before leaning in to kiss him. I knew he could taste his own flavor on my lips and tongue and that excited me. My pecker was throbbing as we kissed, and when Ricky reached down to rub it through my pants, I almost came right then.

"Now you," he said breaking the kiss and immediately tugging at my belt and top button.

To save time I helped him get my pants and underwear down, and I sat back on the couch and relaxed as he dropped to his knees before me and gave me a most enjoyable blow job. His skill had improved immensely since the first time he'd done this, and I sat back and enjoyed every minute of it. After a few minutes of bobbing up and down on my shaft, he began licking that sensitive spot just below the head, and I couldn't believe how good it felt. If he continued that much longer I was sure I would come, and Ricky seemed to sense that I was close, for suddenly he took me back in his mouth again and swallowed my pecker completely. 

This time he didn't gag at all, though he didn't maintain that position long, it was enough to push me over the edge. As he resumed bobbing up and down on my cock, it didn't take more than a minute or so for me to cry out and begin filling his mouth with my hot spunk.

He swallowed every drop then licked me clean as I had done for him, and once again we shared a kiss. It would have been nice to have some time to cuddle and bask in our afterglow, but we both agreed that it was time for me to take him home now that we'd got our rocks off.

After cleaning up a little in the bathroom, we headed downstairs and climbed into my Nova and I drove him home, exceeding the speed limit when possible. As I pulled into the driveway, Mikey came bounding out of the house and up to the driver's side window. I rolled it down and we exchanged greetings while Ricky climbed out and came around to join his brother.

"No fair, I wish I was working with you," the younger boy said, cuffing his older brother playfully.

"Well, maybe when you're Ricky's age you can take over for him."

"Yeah, that would be rad. I can't wait. Ricky will be going to college and I can have his job.'

I didn't let the mention of Ricky going off to college bother me. It was something I'd considered, but 3 years was a long time, and who knew if we'd last a  year, let along three. No, we had to live for the moment and not let the future interfere with the present.

"Come on squirt, let's go. Rob has things to do. Thanks for bringing me home Rob," he said from behind Mikey. He gave me a wink then and mouthed the word, I love you, and I smiled.

"Are you really coming to have dinner with us Friday?" Mikey asked, ignoring Ricky.

"Yep, I sure am. And I get your dessert, right?" I teased.

"Maybe," he said grinning, "but you gotta play a game with me if I give it to ya."

"What kind of game?" I asked curiously.

"Heck, I don't care. We got lots of games, Monopoly, Clue, The Game of Life, checkers, chess..."

"Okay, okay, got it. Sure, if we have time I'd be glad to play."

"Come on Mikey," Ricky said again, "we need to let Rob go."

"Okay, bye Rob, see ya tomorrow night for dinner."

"You bet buddy. Well, I'll see you guys," I said putting the car in reverse. 

I watched as Ricky led Mikey away, then turned to give me a little wave as I backed out onto the street. I was smiling all the way home. It just seemed like things got better and better every day, and I couldn't wait for tomorrow.

Friday was busier than usual, and when Ricky came he went right to work without any prompting on my part. I had one package going out and he grabbed that and logged it in the book, then stopped by on his way out to tell me he was going to the post office. I asked if he still had the combination to the PO Box and he said yeah, in here, as he pointed to his head.

I got busy and forgot about him for a while till I saw him emptying the trash a while later. Later I went back to use the bathroom and I noticed it had been cleaned. Ricky was doing a great job so far, and I wasn't the only one impressed by his work. He was fast becoming a member of our little work family.

At closing time I did the bookwork quickly, then we made the deposit and headed to my apartment, not to mess around this time, but for me to shower and change for my dinner with Ricky and his family.

Ricky sat on the toilet as I showered and we talked,  and when I got out he insisted on helping me dry off. Of course having my sexy boyfriend putting his hands all over me caused me to pop a boner, but I managed to keep from dragging him off to the bedroom for some sexy fun.

I was so nervous I doubted I'd be able to eat anything, or worse puke, but Ricky seemed calm and unconcerned, and his mood had a bit of a calming effect on me. I parked in the drive behind a nearly new Cadillac and my nervous butterflies returned.

"Come on," after you say hello to my folks I'll show you around.

"Yeah, okay...just hope I don't puke," I moaned.

"Don't worry, it will be fine. My mom's a really good cook and I'm sure she fixed something special."

I followed Ricky up to the door, and we entered a short hallway with a staircase on one side and an open doorway leading into what looked like a living room. The hall led back to a dining area, and beyond it I could see a sunken family room. To the left of the dining room was a large modern kitchen, and a breakfast nook with a bay window.

Mrs. Williams was stirring something on the stove and when we appeared she laid down the spoon and greeted us.

"Hi boys," she said cheerfully, "I hope you're hungry, I made a nice pot roast, and I'm creaming some peas. Do you like peas Rob?  our family loves them."

"Yes ma'am, my mom used to make creamed peas for me, and I'd always eat a lot."

"How was your day at work?" she said, directing her question at Ricky.

"It was great, the store was really busy and I did everything by myself today, then I helped the ladies straighten up the shelves and stuff."

"He did a great job today," I said sincerely, "he's really catching on quick. Tomorrow I'm going to start training him on the register, so if he has a button up shirt and a tie he should wear them."

"Oh, of course. He has his church clothes. I'll make sure he dresses up." Then to Ricky, she said, "What time do you go in tomorrow?"

"Noon," Ricky said grinning, "I get a whole 5 hours tomorrow."

"That's wonderful honey. At least you don't have to get up early on your day off."

"I wouldn't care even if I did, but Rob says it doesn't get busy till 11 or so."

"Dinner will be in about a half hour, why don't you show Rob around and I'll call you when it's ready."

"Where's dad and Mikey?" Ricky said then.

"I sent your father to the store for some bread, and Mikey went with him, they should be back soon."

"Okay, come on Rob, I'll show you around."

He started downstairs, as he pointed out each room, then he led me upstairs to a long hallway lined with doors. He led me to the closest door and inside and I knew immediately this must be his bedroom. There was a full size bed beneath a set of double windows, with a nightstand on the right which held a lamp. The bed was made up with a blue gingham bedspread, and I wondered if Ricky had done that or his mom.

There was the usual bedroom furniture, upright chest and dresser, plus a desk and chair and a bookcase. The walls were white and adorned with posters and a couple of framed pictures. It was definitely a boy's room, with blue being the predominant color, including the carpet.

"Wow, nice," I said looking around, "so this is where all the action takes place," I said in a lower voice intended just for him."

"Yeah, right there," he said pointing at the bed and snickering.

"What's in there?" I said, pointing to a door to the right of the entrance.

"The bathroom, come on, I'll show you."

The door led into a shared bath, and beyond it another bedroom, which I assumed was Mikey's. The bathroom was done in blue as well, with ceramic tile surrounding the tub and above the vanity, and a white ceramic tile floor. It was tidy with fresh towels on the towel bars, and smelled like lilac, no doubt thanks to Mrs. Williams.

"That's Mikey's room in there, we share the bathroom, but at least we have our own rooms now. We used to share a room at our old house. We had bunk beds and I slept on top. When we moved here we got our own rooms."

"Oh, I thought you'd always lived here," I said, realizing that there were still some things about Ricky I didn't know.

"Nah, we moved here when I was about 11, and Mikey was 9,"

"This is a nice house," I said, "you're lucky to live in a place like this."

"I like your apartment better," he said giving me a lewd smile.

"I like my apartment just fine too," I said letting it rest. I didn't really want to get into my past or childhood, especially the financial part.

We heard feet on the stairs then and we walked out in time to meet Mikey who greeted us happily.

"You came?" he said sounding excited, "Yay..."

"Yeah, I couldn't pass up a free meal," I teased.

"Really? You can come eat with us every day if you want," Mikey said giving me a big smile. Looks weren't the only thing he and Ricky shared, they were both sweethearts, and it was easy to like this feisty little kid.

So far I hadn't seen Mr. Williams, and he was the one that made me most nervous, but I knew I'd eventually have to face him. I just hoped he didn't ask me a lot of embarrassing questions or put me on the spot.

Mikey insisted on showing me his room, grabbed my hand and drug me down the hall and into his room. It was about the same size as Ricky's, but his bed was twin size with a cartoon print. The walls were done in light blue and adorned with colorful posters and drawings that appeared to be done by a kid, probably Mikey. The furniture was colorful as well, with a blue metal desk and matching chair, and matching bookcase. His bed had a blue metal frame as well, and matching night stand.

The room was as tidy as Ricky's, and again I figured Mrs. Williams had a hand in that. Mikey excitedly showed me a road race on a board that neatly fit under his bed and opened his closet to show me his stash of toys. He confessed that his room wasn't this neat most of the time, but his mom made him clean it up for company.

"Well, next time I come over, you don't have to do any special cleaning, okay?"

"Okay, I'll tell mom," he laughed.

"Boys, dinner!" I heard a deep voice say from the bottom of the stairs. 

This was it, I thought, time to face the music.

Ricky gave me a reassuring smile and we followed Mikey down the stairs. Mr. Williams had already returned to the dining room, and when we arrived he was helping Mrs. Williams get things ready in the kitchen. The table was set with matching floral China and shiny silverware, and again I felt out of place here. At home we seldom had two plates that matched and our silverware was cheap metal from the dime store. 

"Sit down boys," Mrs. Williams said, "I'm just taking the roast out of the oven. What would you like to drink Rob? We had tea, lemonade, or soda."

"Tea is fine ma'am," I said giving her a little smile.

Mr. Williams grabbed a pitcher of tea and began filling iced glasses. He poured four glasses of tea, then grabbed another pitcher of what I assumed was lemonade and filled another glass about 3/4 full. He picked up the tray holding the glasses and brought it to the table, then began distributing them. 

"Thank you sir," I said when he sat mine before me.

"Sir is a little formal Rob, how about  you call me Max?"

"Oh, okay," I said blushing a little. It made sense, technically I was an adult too, an equal in some way, but I still felt like a kid sometimes outside of work. At work, I was confident and professional, and sometimes I was called Sir. I knew I shouldn't be intimidated by Mr. Williams, but after all, he was the father of the boy I loved, the boy I was having sex with.

We finally got everyone on the table, and after joining hands for grace, the dishes were passed around. Everything was delicious and I forgot my nervousness as I enjoyed a home cooked meal for a change. The peas weren't as good as the ones my mom used to make, but close and I enjoyed them just the same.

Dessert was little chocolate cakes with hot fudge in the middle, and they too were delicious. I teased Mikey and reminded him that he owed me his dessert, but I waited till he was half done so he'd know I wasn't serious. He giggled and scooted his half eaten cake toward me, but I said that it was okay, and he could pay me next time.

While we ate we chatted, but thankfully most of the talk was about work and Ricky's new job. I did learn what Mr. Williams did, he was president of one of the two banks in town, but not the one where the store banked. I was glad he didn't mention the fact that we used the rival bank, but after all I had nothing to do with that, and I supposed it was just a matter of location as to why the store had chose the bank we  used. 

Mr. Williams wasn't at all as stuffy as I'd feared and he had a wicked sense of humor and was very personable once you got to know him. I began to relax more and more as we talked and by the time the meal was over, I felt closer to the whole family.

I offered to help clean up, but Mr. and Mrs. Williams wouldn't hear of it, though they did enlist Mikey's help. They sent me and Ricky off to the family room and we watched TV till they were done. 

Mikey reminded me of my promise to play a board game, and he drug out a chess board and we sat in the floor and played a game on the coffee table while everyone watched TV and us. Ricky warned me that Mikey was really good, but so was I. I'd even been a member of a chess club when I was a young teen and was one of the top players.

I caught on to Mikey's strategy pretty quick, and I had to admit it was a good one. I let him capture my queen, then took his two moves later, and I could see in his eyes that he wasn't expecting that. In the end it was a close game, but I finally won, though I was careful not to rub it in. I complimented him on his playing and promised to play again if I was invited back, and the Williams assured me that they would look forward to my visiting again.

I moved up to the couch by Ricky and watched TV for a while as we talked, and I got to know the family better. Mikey was a chatter box as he sat at our feet, leaning back into both Ricky's and my legs. He felt warm and firm, and I felt a little tingle at his touch, especially when he reached back and grabbed my ankle as he looked up to talk to me.

Around 9, I decided it was time to say goodnight and Ricky and Mikey walked me to the door. I wished it had been just Ricky and me, but in a way this was better. It took the pressure off us to do anything risky, although I would have liked to at least told him, I love you, before I left.

However, the opportunity to do just that presented itself when Mr. Williams yelled for Mikey to come back to the family room. I suggested Ricky walk me to my car, and once we were there I dared take his hand in mine and drop the L word on  him. Of course what I really wanted to do was kiss him, but even in the dark, I wasn't that bold. 

I finally climbed in my car, and through the open window we talked for a few minutes before confessing our love and saying goodnight once more. I asked him if he had a ride to work and he said his mom was bringing him, but that I could take him home.

"So, are you going to be able to come over tomorrow night?" I said, hoping he'd worked something out.

"Yeah, I'm going to spend the night at Russell's,"' he chuckled, "his dad works nights, and he's all alone, so once I get there I'll call you and you can come pick me up."

"Whoa, what does Russell think you're doing?"

"He doesn't care, his brother is having a party, and he's hoping to get lucky," he chuckled.

"'Does your mom know that Russell's home alone?"

"Not alone, his bro is 17, so it's not like he's unsupervised. Of course his brother is a bad influence," he laughed.

"So your folks trust you, huh?"

"Yeah, I've known Russ forever, and he's not really that bad a kid. He's just gotten kind of wild the last year or so. His brother is pretty cool, he's not into any bad stuff, but he likes to have fun."

"Okay, you know the situation better than I do. I'll just have to trust your judgment. Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Yeah, see you at 12, night Rob," he said touching my hand through the open window.

"Night boyfriend," I said grinning.

I finally managed to pull myself away and Ricky watched till I backed out on the road. I waved one last time, then slowly drove away. It only took about 5 minutes to get to my apartment and by 10:00 I was in bed. I was tired, but tomorrow was a big day, and it took me a while to get to sleep. Fortunately I slept like a baby and was refreshed the next morning and eager to face the world.

End Chapter 4

Next time: Rob and Ricky exchange bracelets and Ricky gets his V-card punched. Thanks for all your emails, keep em' coming, I love hearing how brilliant I

A special thanks to Michael in NY for his encouragement and help with ideas and editing. Oh, and thanks for the pic buddy. Get well soon, love ya...


I have updated my story list if you see any missing please let me know.

Other stories by Kewl Dad

* Denotes Series, rest are short stories

  1. A Christmas for Joey

  2. A Christmas With Nick

  3. Accidental Dad*

  4. Adolescent

  5. Alex and Aidan*

  6. Andy Tastes Like Candy

  7. At the Dike*

  8. Black Cock

  9. Boy Glory Hole

  10. Bullied

  11. Christmas Boy

  12. Christmas on the Street

  13. CL Cock Sucker

  14. Cory*

  15. Corey's Scent

  16. Cody's Christmas Wish

  17. Dirt Bikes and Blowjobs

  18. DMV Boy

  19. Dougie's Story #Part 3 of a series

  20. Emoji  (The Story of Joe)

  21. The Family*

  22. The Ginger and the Chub

  23. Hair Salon Boys

  24. Happy Valentine's Day Toby Grayson

  25. I Heart You

  26. Little Brother's Feet*

  27. Lost in Fear*

  28. Mars

  29. McChicken

  30. My Best Friend's Dad *Related story to My Son's Best Friends

  31. My Not so Miserable Life

  32. My Little Runaway #Part 1 of a series

  33. My Son's Best Friends *Related series to My Best Friend's Dad

  34. My 11th Summer*

  35. One Night

  36. Poindexter Files*

  37. Pride-Pride

  38. Rabbit: A Christmas Story

  39. Rolo

  40. Second Chance for Love

  41. Six Black Boys*

  42. Skateboard Boy*

  43. Skateboard Christmas

  44. Stranded on Christmas Eve

  45. Sudden Family*

  46. Taking a Chance on Love

  47. The Year I Learned to Love my Brother (TYILTLMB)*

  48. The Reynolds Twins*

  49. Tommy Boy #Part two of a series

  50. To the Max

  51. Tracy*

  52. Trailer Park Christmas

  53. Trick or Treet Dress Up

  54. Tween to Teen*

  55. What a Dollar Will Buy

  56. Wild Wild West Again

  57. It's Amazing What Sex Can do for a Guy (as smoothoperator52)