Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2011 22:04:37 -0700 (PDT) From: Kenny Vo Subject: The Choices, high school, Chapter 6 Legal Stuff: Don't read this if you're not eighteen or older. Lots of sexual male on male acts, explicit languages, and etc. The names, place and people are totally fictional. The events are based on a true story though. Also the copyrights go to myself and the story. You may not copy this story. Send me your feedback! Tell me what you think! Send at I would like to thank everyone for reading my story. Seriously, you guys are the reason I continue to write. So thanks. ALWAYS practice safe sex!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The sex scenes are just fantasized. Also, I love the support and feedback I've been getting. It's been awesome!!!! I love my readers. I promise to keep writing! Seems like everyone is on the same page about Bryan's behavior. From my character survey, Evan seems to be the most popular character. I never thought his character would be this popular! So if you didn't send me your favorite character of this story then you can send it to me by any of my emails. Keep reading!!! Chapter 6: Shedding the Light As I sat in the leather seats of Evan's BMW, the scent of Evan's cologne hit me. It smelled so intoxicating, I think my eyes rolled to the back of my head. The inside temperature of the car was kind of hot from sitting in the sun all throughout the whole game. I fitted very comfortably in the seat--probably because I wasn't too tall and was scrawny. I looked around as he got in the driver's side. The floors and backseat were clean with no signs of condom wrappers thrown around. No bras or underwear for trophies, which was strange. He's always talking about his conquests at school. Well, at least he's like Bryan in mannerism; also Bryan would never have to use that many condoms. He just has me to fuck, so there's no need for more than one condom. I laid my head on the headrest of the seat, trying to relax myself. Trying to relax for the upcoming questions pertaining to the necklace that I was so damn curious about. He revved the engine as it came to life; the cool air hitting me, making me feel a little bit more relaxed than I was before. Evan was wearing a cuffed-up white, blue striped buttoned-up shirt with dark blue True Religion jeans that hugged his ass. He really was a hot guy based on looks, but none the less an asshole. If he was gay, I would have totally picked him over Bryan, but of course he's not. He acts too straight for that, but now I'm not completely convinced because of that necklace. Plus, I love Bryan as he loves me back. As I set my bag on the ground next to my feet, Evan spoke. "Why did you have to ride with me?" I tense up, but not noticeably. "Well, I didn't know that your mom and dad had others going with them and I don't have my car because my friend borrowed it. My friends Josh and Jason left before I knew your parent's car was full. So you're the only left and it's not like you don't have space in here. You're the only one who rides in it besides those girls you sleep with." "Oh okay," was his reply. Is that all he really wanted to say? Not get mad or accuse me of anything? This was getting too unreal for me. This asshole has been torturing me being gay for three straight years. Why the sudden change? He pulled out of the parking out and turned on the stereo, playing "The Ballad of Mona Lisa" by Panic by the Disco, which was a pretty good song. I looked out the window, kind of scared to ask, but I know I have to. This is a good chance. Right now, I'm sort of nervous to ask. After five minutes of staring at passing trees and grass, I mustered up the courage to talk. I looked back at him, who was concentrated on the road. His cuffed-up sleeves revealed his big arms and the muscles he had to show. He could literally throw me through a wall if he wanted to. His strong fingers were gripping the wheel, hard. Gosh, I could imagine those fingers touching me, caressing me, fingering me. The feeling of his strong fingers... No! I needed to stop with that. I'm with Bryan and it's wrong of me to sexually fantasize about his brother. That'll be like cheating. God, I could never cheat on Bryan, which would be horrible. I mean, he gets so jealous when I talk to Jason and Josh--even though they're my friends. Well, I loved him enough to not try even try cheating, so he doesn't have anything to worry about. Like he would cheat on me, he's too faithful to me. Or at least, I think so. I reached over and lowered the volume of the music. "We need to talk." He gripped the wheels tighter than before if that were possible and replied, "talk about what?" I gulped, "About some things...concerning you." "Go ahead and I'll try to answer them the best I can. But don't ask any stupid questions though," he said in a low, calm voice. I stared down at my jeans, unable to look him directly in the eye. "Um...I just wanted to know why you don't make fun of me in school anymore. Not that I want you to, but it's just so weird how you just suddenly stopped." "Well, I just see the fun of making fun of you anymore," he answered, keeping his eyes on the road. His dirty blonde hair was spiked-up, touching the roof of the car, due to his height. "Is that all?" I got more nervous, but I had to push on. "Ye..yeah. Uh, why did you walk into the bathroom this morning while I was taking a shower?" He tensed up even more. I was making him nervous. "Well, I wanted to get my necklace of course." "You could have got it after I was finished." "Well, I wanted to hang out with my friends, so I got it to leave early. It's not like I wanted to see you okay? What's the problem anyway?" he replied, trying to sound harsh, but didn't. It came off as something else, like he didn't want to be mean to me. Then my phone rang, sounding an incoming text. I looked at it, Bryan asking me why did I get in Evan's car. I couldn't answer it, I needed to know the answers to my questions. I clicked the lock button at the top and ignored it. I noticed how in any of Evan's sentences so far in this conversation didn't contain the word "fag". Before the change, he put that word in every sentence that came out of his mouth. What changed him? What force in the world could change Evan, the douche bag's asshole ways? I wanted to know. I was at my most important question, my heart beated faster than before. I took a big breathe before I spoke. "I have one more question Evan." He looked over a little before turning back to the road. "What?" he asked like he was waiting for this. I closed my eyes, inhaled and exhaled. "Why's my name on your necklace?" He took a long pause before saying anything. "Which necklace?" he replied, trying to act like he didn't know what I talking about. "The one you're wearing right now. The magic rice necklace. I saw it when you asked me to get it for you." "Oh, that one," he started but just stopped for a bit. "It was some girl's name. Noah isn't just a boy name you know." I rolled my eyes, it's not the answer I was exactly looking for. "So it's not about me?" "No, it's one of the girls I fucked and she was I got her name on this necklace to remind me how good of a fuck she was," he continued. He hesitated for a moment I noticed. "Well, I just wanted to know. It confused me when I saw it," I said, feeling a little bit better. Not entirely though. I was a little surprised to not see him at the least bit angry. I mean, I just cornered him into a question I wanted to know because I looked at his things without asking. Not even a flash of angry, just chilled. More like tense. "What were you doing looking at my stuff anyway?" he said in a passive voice. "When I grabbed it, I just noticed it. Sorry. I was just curious," I replied, looking out at the sky outside. It was the afternoon, but close to sunset. I also noticed that we were getting closer to the parlor as well. "Well, don't make a habit of it. It's okay though. It is strange to find your name on someone else's stuff. I would be curious too. But I'm curiosity of a lot things though," he said with a slight smile on his face. He was curious? About what? "Me too. Curiosity kills the cat and thanks for not getting mad," I responded as he turned into the parking lot at the pizza parlor. There were so many cars, it must be packed. "Your welcome, guess we go in then?" he asked as he parked the car. Did he just ask if we should go in? Strange... "Uh, yeah," I replied, opening the door to get out. Then, he suddenly grabbed me by the wrist, stopping me from getting out. I was surprised. His strong hand was wrapped around my small wrist. I turned to look at him. He was looking at me directly in the eyes. His beautiful hazel eyes pieced right through me. They were gentle and comforting. Not mean at all like I would expect. I just wanted to reach over and kiss him and move my fingers through his hair, but I can't. I had a boyfriend and it's wrong to do something like that. He's cute but I just couldn't. I loved Bryan, Evan's just something I want physically wanted in a guy. Something was compelling me to do something. I just couldn't, so we just looked at each other. He didn't let go and for a moment, I didn't fight it. "What?" I said, not moving my wrist. "I meant what I said when I don't want to make fun of you anymore. I really don't," he said, looking serious. I wanted to believe that he changed, but I can't. He let go of my wrist. "Well, make me believe it." Then I got out the car in the cool air of the noon. "Thanks for the ride here Evan," I added, smiling. I left my bag in the car purposely. He nodded, "your welcome." He smiled. When we got to the parlor's door, I took a breath then entered. Suddenly, I felt all eyes on us as we walked in. Everyone was talking among themselves, but looked us sideways while we make our way to Mr. Lane and Mrs. Lane table. The place was packed, everyone was crammed in the booths with each other. The chefs were trying to cook faster to satisfy this very large amount of people. Apparently, we were the last ones to get here. It's a strange sight probably, I thought. A totally-out gay guy and a straight guy who hates each other walk in together. I felt a little uncomfortable, but I got my answers. Or some that satisfied me a little. I saw Bryan sitting with his parents, texting on his phone. I would have expected him to come to me to ask if I was nervous or hurt, knowing Evan's ways--well, his old ways. It was strange though, Bryan rarely texted unless it was me. Bryan wasn't a text savvy like me, but then again people do text. I sat down next to him and kissed him on the cheek. He looked up, surprised. "Oh baby, I didn't notice you got here," he said, putting away his phone. He kissed me on the cheek, I got butterflies every time he did that. "Well, I'm here, so who were you texting?" He hugged me, his strong arms wrapped around me. "Just one of my cousins," he replied, letting go now. "Oh okay. So you're not worried about me riding in Evan's car?" I asked, grabbing a pizza. His parents were talking to the other parents of the players on the team. They were very social people. He looked like he were in a trance, I waved at my hand in his face to get his attention. "Hello? Earth to Bryan, this is the day of victory for you and you're zoned out?" He shook his head, "oh what did you ask me?" "Well, I asked if you were okay with me riding with Evan." I said again. "Oh yeah, totally. As long as he didn't hurt you," Bryan replied, as if half-heartedly. "Okay so I'll ride with him later, cause I need to get my bag and also I don't wanna be in tight spaces in your parents car," I said, trying to see if he would say yes. I was pretty sure he wouldn't let. "Yeah, sure," he answered, surprisingly. That was a first. Bryan trusting his brother? Did something change Bryan too? Maybe, he just didn't care. I wanted to leave with Evan, wanted to see if he would do something again like that wrist-grabbing-thing. I was so curious about him when I shouldn't be. "Okay thanks babe," I replied, kissing him on the head. "Your welcome babe," kissing me on the lips. After some pizza slices, I laid back, feeling bloated. Bryan was tearing the pizzas up, tray after tray. Seems like everyone else on the baseball team was starving because they were doing the same. I only ate about three slices before my stomach refused to eat more. Hey, I was a small guy. I got up and went over to Josh and Jason, who were in a deep conversation until I stepped in. Squeezing in next to Josh, trying not in between them. "So guys how's the pizza?" Josh was the first to say, "I feel like a damn bloated fish." Jason laughed to that, "I know! We need to watch our figures. We should go work out together" "We should," I said, looking over to see that dark haired pitcher of the other team sitting with his team, eating their pizzas and socializing with each other. He looked hard at me and then turned away. Weird. I turned back to hear Josh say, "Yeah, we should get your fine ass in shape!" Jason blushed, but not enough for Josh to notice. "Yeah, you're starting to get fat Josh!" he replied, touching Josh's stomach, which probably was a damn good reason to touch his abs. I winked at Jason, letting him that he's doing a great job. He responded by smiling back. Then the dark-haired kid got up and walked to the bathroom, eyeing something. I tried to follow his gaze but Josh asked something. "So you're going to the movies right?" he asked, distracted me for a moment, causing me to look away from the dark-haired kid. "Uh, yeah of course," I answered and turned back to see he's gone. Oh well, whatever it's not like he knows me or anything. I turn back to Jason and Josh. "So, yeah we're going to watch Water For Elephants," I said striking up a conversation. "Yeah, that sounds great. Can't wait till you start crying your ass off when the sad part comes," Josh said, being sarcastic. I rolled my eyes, pretending to be pissed. "I do not. I only cried when the movie is like Titanic or The Notebook." He smiled, "Okay don't cry on my shoulder then." "Fine, I'll cry on Jason." We laughed at the subject of the conversation. * Bryan's Point of View I'm staring at Leo's ass moves across the room and go into the bathroom, looking at me directly in the eyes. I'm getting so turned on right now. I just wanna fuck his ass over and over. Like I do with Noah, but he's starting to get boring and rather talk about love and future plans. Bullshit. I just wanna stick my cock in his mouth to shut his ass up, which he'll probably enjoy. I can't listen to any of that "we're going to be married" and "you're the only one" crap, because frankly, I don't give a fuck. One of the reasons I was with Noah to begin with was that he had a nice ass that I wanted very much. Then when we fucked, I couldn't stop wanting to fuck him. So he just considered us a couple after a couple of times of fucking, I didn't even consider him anything to me besides a great fuck. But whatever, he's just hot piece of ass that I can just throw away at any second. He's not that hot. He keeps trying to tie me down when I don't what to be. Can't he understand that I hate being exclusive to just him. I want to fuck around, like an open relationship or share boyfriends with other couples. Once I had a threesome with two guys after I dropped Noah off at his house from our first date. So what if I'm leading him on. If he gets hurt, then he can pick up himself and move on. That's what therapy is for. As Leo entered the bathroom, I looked around to see if anyone was looking. Noah's over there with Josh's fucking fine ass and whatever-the-fuck-his-name-is, all distracted. The others were talking to each other. I got up slowly and walked down the long hall, away from the noisy chattering of people and into the bathroom. As I enter, there was no one in the bathroom from what I saw-- good. He was taking a piss at one of the urinals, so I walked up to a urinal and took a piss next to him, I really needed to take a piss. As we were finishing up, we looked at each other's cocks, getting a good look. We immediately got hard from just looking. He was uncut and probably eight inches like me. He smiled when he saw mine. He walked behind me and grabbed my cock and softly stroked it a little, which felt some fucking good. I was rock hard from him doing that. "So this is what your boyfriend's been getting?" he said, stroking it a little faster. I moaned to this. I swear, I was about to fucking blow all over the urinal. But I held myself back. "Noah? Yeah and he enjoys it. Bet you'd like it too," I said back, turning over to him. I placed my cock with his and measured our dicks together. It was pretty much the same, except his uncut part. He closed his eyes and moaned softly. "Hell yeah I will. Don't worry, I don't care that you have a boyfriend. I think it's attractive. Aren't you scared that somebody might walk in?" he asked, opening his eyes again. "Exactly. You understand me. Don't worry, I'll just lock the door," I replied, walking over and locked the bathroom door. "Let's get in a stall just in case," Leo said, going inside the large stall. I followed him in, and he grabbed my face and stuck his tongue down my throat. Holy shit! Damn, he was a great kisser! Better than Noah. We made out for another minute before he got on his knees. Man, he got on his fucking knees! He held my cock in his hands and looked at it and marveled at it. "Bryan, this is a pretty big dick," he said and gave the head a lick. I shivered from this, he was good. I was about to fucking shoot all over his pretty face. "Thanks, you too. Please, suck it or I'll cum all over your face." He smiled, licking the head a couple more times and went down. My eyes rolled to the back of my head. No one I've ever fucked is this fucking good. He bobbed and deepthroated, which put me in pure heaven. I was so close to cumming, I can fucking feel it. I grabbed his head and shoved my dick all the way in his fucking hot mouth. I squirted I don't know how many times in his mouth. I was in complete ecstasy. This was better than when Noah do it. Fuck Noah, Leo's way better. He took his mouth off me, "that was so fucking hot." "I know you have a cock-sucking mouth. You're better than my boyfriend you know?" I replied. "Now's it your turn," I added. He immediately stood up and leaned against the wall, "come get it then. If you can handle it." "Hell yes I am," I answered, getting on my knees and did what he did to me. I pulled back the foreskin and licked the sensitive head. He stuttered at this but moaned in pleasure. He was practically lost in lust. I kept bobbing and sucking on his hard dick. After a couple of minutes, he squirted in mouth as I took down the load he had to offer, which was a lot. I stood up happy and satisfied. "Well, we should definitely see each other more." "We should, how bout you schedule it and call me kay?" he said, putting his dick back in his pant as I was doing the same. "Kay, see you then babe," I said, kissing him. "You get out first and I'll get out second," Leo said, washing his hands while I was doing the same. "Alright hottie," I said and slapped his ass, then walked back to the table. I sat down and Noah didn't notice a fucking thing. He's stupid for that, but it worked for me. * Back to Noah's Point of View. After the discussion of the movie and other inane thing, I turn around to see Bryan sitting there looking at me. I smiled, god I loved him. He had the biggest smile on his face, which was cute. Then the dark-haired kid came back and had a big smile on his face too. He just smiled at me. I tried to smile back, but I felt like I couldn't. I don't know why. I shook it off. Bryan went back to texting and then I looked to see Ali and Mikey talking to each other like always, Bryan's parents still talking, the players were telling each other jokes and then there was Evan. He was sitting the table with his parents and just stared at his pizza slice while they talked. He looked so sad or depression. I just wanted to go over there and comfort him, even though he was my ex-enemy. I just had the feeling. I kept staring at him till he looked up and found my eyes. I wanted to look away, but his hazel eyes just looked at me. Sad and confused, like I should help. We kept staring till everyone decided it was getting late and it was time to leave. I got up and walked outside with Josh and Jason. It was dark out, and pretty chilly. "Bye, see you tomorrow guys," I said, hugging them each. "You too," they said and got in their car. I said goodbye to Ali and Mikey, letting them know that I needed my car tomorrow. "You know I'll begin it back," Ali said and they got in the car and left. Bryan walked up to me, "I'll see you home okay?" "Yeah," and we kissed. I walked to Evan's car with him leaning on the other side. "Hey Evan, can you drive me to your house? I'm staying over tonight," I asked, crossing my arms nervously. He made me uneasy. He just looked off to the side and nodded. "Kay." I didn't have to say my bag was in there. He just let me. Maybe he really changed. As I got in the car, I saw a note wedged in the cup holder. I grabbed it and looked at it. It said, "N.J.W." which was my full whole name. Noah John Waters. What is it doing here? More importantly, why did he have something like this? This is evidence that he was lying about the necklace. Why would I have to do with these things he was doing. Then I heard him open the door, I quickly stuffed the note into my bag and leaned against the window as if I was tired, which I was. He just looked at me and started the car. "Tired?" he asked, pulling out and onto the road. "Yeah, long day," I replied yawning. Guess I'm tired from racking my brain for answers that can be answer later. We left while the others were still talking and saying goodbyes. I looked out the window and saw that Bryan's parents were talking the parents of the others. I smiled and drifted to sleep. * Evan's Point of View. As I was driving, I noticed that Noah fell asleep. He looked so tired. I turned the music and let him get some sleep. I don't why I was being so fucking nice to him when I'm usually not. That day when I saw him in my house with Bryan he looked at me, something just clicked. I just wasn't the same anymore. I didn't make fun of him at home or at school, but I always do that. The guys on the football team even asked why I haven't pushed Noah into a locker lately. I don't know why. I don't feel like it anymore. It's not fun and I think it's mean to do that. I've been distant lately, thinking about things that I've never of thought of before. Like, guys and girls. I haven't found girls attractive lately either. They just don't seem appealing to me. I was thinking about...guys. I don't know why I am, but I am. I've been thinking about them and can't get them out my mind. I'm straight and I don't like dudes. But these feelings or whatever you call them are so strange that I can't even act right. I even let Noah ride with me today, normally I would have beat him. But I just don't. He seems like a cool dude. He wasn't bad-looking either, I thought. No!!! I had to stop this! I'm not gay and I like girls. I know I'm straight, I know I'm straight. I don't know why gay people are so bad, they're just guys who like other guys. There's nothing wrong with that. Why can't two guys be together? I mean, I would be with a gay guy if I was gay. They're so understanding, gentle, kind, and knowing how to treat you. Girl are cool but they can be really pushy. I just find gay guys have it easier than straight people. They get relationships better than straight people do. Maybe if I was gay...who knows? If I was gay, then so it be. I don't want to, but these feelings. What are these feelings? I used get these feelings so much when I'm around Noah. Every time he comes by, my heart skips a beat for some reason. I don't know why this is happening to me. I just want it to stop, because it's getting worse every day. I just get more images of Noah in my head and I don't know why. I want to stop feeling like this, so how do I stop it? How can I get rid of these feelings? I know one thing for sure, I feel something for Noah. Something strong. Every time I'm around him I get the feeling of completeness I even got a magic rice necklace with his name on it! I'm not even sure why. I even wrote a note to him somewhere. I wrote it because it helps me gets those feeling under control. I have a couple more in my room. I just want to sit down and talk to Noah about these feelings but I can't, because I so nervous when I see him. I don't have anyone else to go to. I'll have to do it eventually. Maybe it'll solve the problem. I pulled in the driveway of my house and stop the engine. Noah was still sleeping peaceful. I wanted to reach over and hold him in my arms some reason. Well, I had to, because I didn't want to just leave him here. My parents and brother hasn't gotten home yet. I guess I had to carry him inside then. I got out and went over to the passenger side and opened it slowly, scared that he might fall out. I successfully grab him and his bag. I was a tall guy with a big built so it was pretty easy. Plus, Noah wasn't really a big guy anyway. He was a heavy-sleeper and was still sleeping in my arms. It felt nice and warm. I really liked this feeling. As I got to the door, I look at Noah under the porch lights. He was so beautiful. His dark brown hair, his slightly tanned skin, his smile, the way he smiles, everything. I felt...weird inside. For some sudden reason I lowered my face to his face and kissed his forehead. I don't know why I just did that, but it felt so good. Maybe, maybe, Noah was the something I needed in my life. I'm really starting to think on new perspectives, new feelings, new way of doing things. Did Noah make me realize that? I don't know, but I felt really good, so I kissed him one more time on the forehead and open the door to the house. * Back to Noah's Point of View I woke up and it was still night, I was on an unusually soft bed. It didn't feel like Bryan's bed. I looked around in the dark and saw that it didn't look like his room from the given light coming through the window. I thought nothing of it and turned around, hugging Bryan. It didn't feel like Bryan's arms, I immediately sat up, but silently. I leaned over to see who it was. I had to rub my eyes a little to clearly see the person who I was sleeping next to. Only then do I realize who it was. It was Evan.