Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2017 00:03:41 -0600 From: Nicky Smith Subject: The Chronicles of Trey II: Chapter 14 Disclaimer: This story is 100% fictional and may contain references and scenes of consensual sex between males. Any resemblance to real people or situations is purely coincidental. If your country or state does not allow such material to be read or you have come across this site by accident, please leave now. Important Notice: Nifty is a free site and relies on donations from authors and readers to operate. If you enjoy the site, please consider making a donation at ( ) Author's Notice: This work is copyright by the author and commercial use is prohibited without permission. Personal or private copies are permitted only if complete including the copyright notice. Written by: Nicky Smith Edited by: JD Kaster CHAPTER FOURTEEN: DEVASTATION TREY'S POV It was a dream. It had to be a bad dream. I tried to grasp at anything that would not let this be true. I was having a horrible nightmare. It was a huge colossal joke. I had somehow ended up in another world where everything is the same, but this. None of that ended up being the case though and this sickening reality of things had to be dealt with. The fact that Bear had not only slept with Alicia after we'd gotten together, but that he had done so while I was in a coma and he had knocked her up and now he was the proud papa of a baby girl. The "proud papa" part accompanied a throbbing in my head unlike anything I'd ever felt before. Then, there was the sudden realization of something that I had been feeling for a long time now. I had thought it strange that my dislike for Alicia hadn't subsided with distance from her. I would have thought that not having seen her for a long time would have curbed those feeling, especially since we'd gotten to a neutral place with our co-existence, but my unease whenever she managed to pop into my mind only grew, like some warning or something. Then came every moment that I could recall with her after I returned to school. Bear always looked at her with so much contempt and even downright malice then. I couldn't figure out why so I just put it out my mind, but I probably should have paid attention. Then there was her almost constant lateness and bathroom breaks when we had meetings and other things to do for student council. It had to be because of her pregnancy symptoms that she was hiding from everyone. Then came the graduation party and Bear's anxiousness about going out to Holden Lake. He likely didn't want me in the same place where he's cheated on me. The good memories of that night, barring the encounter with Kenji had now become tainted by the thought that Bear had slept with Alicia there. Then, like a lightning bolt striking me, I remembered something Jessica had said. The day I returned home from the hospital, she had joked that Alicia was pregnant. I'm sure she thought she was joking, but I remember that Bear had tensed up when he'd heard that. Jessica was joking then, but when she'd said it, Alicia indeed had to have been pregnant then and Bear had tensed up because he probably thought it was true and that would mean that he was the father, and that thought just brought everything down on me like a mountain and I broke down again. My mind started bringing up all the times Bear had been with girls that I'd known about and I couldn't stop it. I tried to think of all the good moments with him, both before and after we'd gotten together, but my mind was muddying it up with all this information and memories that I had worked hard to get rid of so I could be with Bear without calling his past into play. Then came the inevitable thought. What if Alicia isn't the only one? What if Bear had been with any number of girls since we'd been together? I suddenly felt stupid for abandoning my original thoughts of Bear not being gay, but just doing what he'd always done. Be there for me. This thought quelled my anger for a second. Then I thought about what had happened and it was reignited. If that was the case, he would have been better off just letting me down easy. I would have gotten over it after some time and went on to find someone else. Now, I was so hopelessly tied up in him and he probably was just trying not to hurt my feelings in an incredibly hurtful and stupid way. This line of thinking was kind of stupid, but I couldn't help all the directions my mind was going. I was simultaneously trying to find ways to defend him, find reasons to continue being furious with him, and plotting ways to hurt him in return and it was causing my head to hurt. "Did your butt buddy leave?" Drake said as he entered the room and closed the door behind him. "Back off asswipe," I snarled without bothering to look at him. "What's the matter? Did Bear break up with you?" He asked in baby talk for some reason. "No, he didn't," I said in a cold tone I didn't recognize coming from myself. "Whoa, what's up with you?" He asked sounding a bit surprised. I finally looked over at him and saw that he looked a bit surprised. "Why do you care?" I asked in that tone again. "I don't," he said but I could tell he was at least a bit interested. "Then don't fucking ask and mind your own damned business," I said not caring about my new tone anymore. "Are you- are you mad at Bear?" He asked now sounding very interested, surprised, and confused at the same time. "Why! Why are you so damned interested in my life all of a sudden?" I exploded, but at least it was different from the coldness from before. "I just, I've never seen you mad with him before, especially like this," he said and I was briefly surprised that there was no smugness or meanness coming from him. That lasted for a few seconds before I didn't care anymore. "Well then get used to it because it's gonna be me for the foreseeable future," I said in a snarl. I was starting to surprise myself with how much fury I was developing towards Bear because I never in my life expected to feel this way towards him. "What could Bear have possibly done to make you this mad with him?" Drake asked as he sat on his bed. I didn't like his new found interest in my life in this manner. "Why don't you go ask Alicia Lake, his baby mama, what he did to me," I said and just saying it out loud felt like someone had slammed me in the gut with a sledgehammer. "Whoa!" he said. I looked over and his eyes were wide. I couldn't stand being in the same room with Drake anymore so I headed for the door. "Where're you going?" Drake asked and it startled me for a moment before I didn't care again. "Why do you wanna know?" I asked and the cold tone had returned. "I- I don't," he said but strangely, I could tell that he did wanna know, at least a little bit. Instead of examining this strangeness any further though I just left the room. ******** I needed to think and I needed not to think at the same time so I went for a run as I didn't think so much on my runs. I ran until my lungs cried out for me to stop and my legs could barely hold me up anymore. Thankfully this point happened near a park not that far from campus. I dragged myself to a picnic style table and dropped down. As I sat there catching my breath and letting my legs and lungs recover from the punishment I'd just put them through, reality started to creep back in again and I had the urge to cry again. I needed to talk to someone which had me sending my friends a group text to come and meet me. I sat there and waited for them as it would take some time for some of them to get there. Miriam of course arrived first and had the unfortunate fate of waiting for everyone else. She tried several times to get me to spill the beans but I was silent. Once they all arrived though, I couldn't bring myself to say it out loud. After beating around the bush for a few minutes they demanded to know what I had called them for. They looked serious and were likely worried about what I could have called them for the way I had. I couldn't look at them as I said what I never thought I would ever be saying. They were completely silent and I was kind of worried so I chanced a glance up at them to see them all looking at me with matching looks of shock. "Is anyone gonna say something?" I asked as I watched them. I looked at them extra hard to make sure they were still breathing. "You're joking, right?" Liberty asked being the first to speak, of course. "I would not joke about something like this," I said through gritted teeth. My ire wasn't directed at any of them though. "Oh honey," Miriam said sounding so motherly. She walked over along with Justice. They both sat on either side of me and Miriam stroked my arm while Justice rubbed my back. Their comfort was welcomed but it wasn't working to calm my rage like I wanted it to. "This is all your fault!" Liberty said loudly as she wrapped Jessica across the arm. "Ow! Also, how is this my fault?" Jessica said as she held her arm. It wasn't a soft hit so I felt for her. "That stupid ass "joke" you told the day Trey came home from the hospital after waking up from the coma," Liberty said with air quotes around joke, and while there was a way I could sympathize with what she was saying, to latch onto something that would make this make sense, I knew Liberty's blame was drastically misplaced. "I don't see what that has to do with anything," Jessica said with a scowl. "Well, in case you haven't realized it yet, when you made that joke Alicia WAS pregnant," Liberty said getting louder. Jessica looked like she'd finally realized that fact but she also looked like she wasn't taking blame. "I still don't see what I have to do with this," Jessica said matching Liberty's anger but thankfully not her voice level. "You spoke it into existence!" Liberty said almost screeching. "Liberty would you please calm down. You're giving me a splitting headache with all your screeching," Christian said. "This is calm. You should see her when she really gets going," Justice responded. "Screeching? I'm not screeching," Liberty said in kind of a screech. "Right dear," Christian replied half-heartedly which earned him a glare from Liberty. "And you, how can you sit there being all blasé after what that big ape did to our friend. I'd like to get my hands on him..." Liberty said to Justice. "And what will you do then Liberty? What will David do to Goliath?" Justice asked. "Well from what I recall from when I, you know read the bible, David slayed Goliath," Liberty said to Justice. "Yeah but he had a slingshot, which I doubt would work in this situation," Justice said. "Well then why don't you just get up off your ass and do some of that fancy ass kung fu shit of yours everyone is always going on about?" Liberty asked in a shout. "Because I would like to not go to prison for murder which is what'd happen if I saw Bear right now," Justice replied in a chilling tone. I almost defended him but then I remembered what that giant fucker had done to me. "Who cares about that? Hell, I'll make myself look like you and go to prison for you as long as that bastard hurts," Liberty seethed. I understood the feeling. "Liberty, don't you think your being a little unfair? I mean we don't even know Bear's side of this. Also, Trey isn't all that innocent when it comes to keeping secrets," Jessica said and I couldn't believe what she'd said. I couldn't even speak because I felt so betrayed by her words. "How dare you. You're supposed to be Trey's friends and yet you're here defending that motherfucker? How stupid can you be?" Liberty said and I had to struggle hard not to voice my agreement with her words. "What the hell? I am his friend," Jessica argued and I had to remember that she was, more than most anyone. "Then you need to fucking act like it," Liberty said with bared teeth and I knew she was truly pissed. Jessica though looked like she was gearing up for a fight "Okay, maybe we better calm down here," Carter said ever the voice of reason. "No, Liberty wants to do this so let's do it. Who the hell do you think you are? I am Trey's friend and unlike you I was there when he needed his friends the most. You weren't though because you were too busy running around with the jackass douchebag who outed him. Do you remember that Liberty because I do," Jessica said as she got in Liberty's face. "Okay, now it's time to stop! You two need to stop all the back biting and name calling and past slinging. Now Trey needs you, so you're gonna do something that I know you're not used to doing. You're gonna grow up and put your own issues aside to be there for him," Carter said in a commanding voice that made me look at him in admiration, and slightly turned me on. "What are you gonna do?" Sean asked as he crouched down in front of me. I didn't have an answer for him. "I don't know," I said, probably more aggressive than I should have to him. "If you want, I will kick his ass," Justice said and I don't know why, but I chuckled a bit. "Thanks Jus. I'll let you know if I decide to do it," I said feeling slightly better. At least I still had my friends. They all crowded around me as I sat there trying not to think but at the same time my mind was in overdrive. I had known Bear for almost all of my life and as I sat there, I couldn't think of one significant lie Bear had ever told me. In comparison to him, I had felt guilty because while I lied to him and kept secrets from him, he'd never done that to me. I guess the guilt from that had been alleviated at least as this was one big ass secret. Then my mind went to Alicia and how fake that bitch was. I had thought that at least with us working together on student council that she would have gotten that Bear and I were a couple and that she shouldn't get in the middle of us. I guess I was wrong though and she had just been biding her time waiting until Bear was vulnerable to make her move. The more I thought about her, the more I hated her. Still though, the blame wasn't entirely hers as Bear had been there too, and while I was in a fucking coma no less. I had given my heart and soul to that giant asshole and he had crushed it. In that moment I didn't see any way to forgiving him and that thought hurt almost as much as everything else. My friends had to leave after a while but told me to call them if I needed them. I told them I would and they took Miriam off and talked to her for a few minutes before they all left. I'm sure they wanted her to keep an eye on me and keep Bear away from me. I had no problems with that even if in the back of my head, and in my heart, I needed to see him, needed him. ******** Miriam stayed with me as long as she could over the next few days. This was made easier by the fact that for some weird reason, Drake was actually giving me my space. He hadn't really said anything to me and it was really starting to make me paranoid. This was just the ammunition I figured Drake would dream of having yet he wasn't utilizing it to hurt me and the anticipation was nerve wrecking. At least it was kind of distracting me from the reality of my relationship with Bear. I was currently sitting on my bed trying to make my mind focus on my work as I had a paper due, but I was being stupid thinking that I could focus and do my work. I looked over and Drake was watching me with a kind of frown on his face and at last he'd remembered that he was disgusted with me. I was about to open my mouth and let fly with some clever insult when there was a knock on the door. "I'll get it," Drake said as he hopped off the bed. It was spoken in such a normal tone directed at me that I didn't know how to process it. "Oh my precious baby," Mama said as she blazed by Drake and headed toward me. Dad walked in a second later and closed the door behind him. "Mama, Dad? What are you two doing here?" I asked as I closed my laptop to prepare for my mother to sit on my bed and pull me toward her in a crushing mom hug. "What do you think?" She said as she continued to comfort/crush me. "We came to check on you," Dad said to me, but he was also glaring at Drake. "Hello, Mrs. Healey and Mr. Healey," Drake said and he sounded so humble. It was really getting to me. "Hello, Drake," Mama said in a cold, biting tone. Dad didn't respond as he was still busy giving him a death glare. It occurred to me then that this was their first time seeing him since he'd outed me to them. "Mama," I said although I don't know why I was about to try and defend Drake. "What? I don't like him and I'm not about to be nice to him," she said and I didn't blame her. That didn't stop that urge to say something though. "Mama," I said again in what I would guess be an admonishing tone. Again I didn't know why I was doing it. "It's fine. I'll just leave," Drake said before walking over and grabbing his phone. "Good," Dad said in a gruff tone as he stood glaring at Drake with his arms folded obviously trying to intimidate him. Drake looked back at them before he left the room. "What was that?" Mama asked after he had closed the door. "I have no clue," I said as I guess she had noticed that he was acting weird too. "It doesn't matter," she said as she dismissed him quickly before pulling me into another hug. "Olivia, I thought you said you weren't gonna do that?" Dad asked her and I heard her annoyed sigh. "Well I lied," she said smartly before she went back to smothering me. "How did you two even find out?" I asked while she held me tightly against herself. "Well, Sean told Alex who told Calvin who told your mother," Dad said before he cautiously took a seat on Drake's bed. I should have known it was those two. They gossiped more than women. "We came here as soon as we could to check on you," Mama said as she gave me one last squeeze before finally releasing me from her grasp. "Well I guess you were right about me not being realistic about things with Bear," I said and admitting that hurt almost as much as what Bear had done. "No sweetie, I didn't mean it like that," Mama said but really how could she have meant it. I think she realized it though if the look on her face meant anything. "No, you were right. I was believing that Bear and I were destiny but the truth was that he wasn't really committed to me," I said and tried to ignore the pain I felt in my entire being. "Do you really believe that's true?" Dad asked and I didn't have an answer. "I don't know. He cheated on me, while I was in a coma, and that's all I can take from it," I said in a surprisingly calm tone. I guess having my parents there was helping, at least a little bit. "If you are planning on ending things with Bear over this, you need to talk to him first. You need to hear what he has to say and he needs to hear what he has done to you," Mama said and I guess I knew I had to do it eventually. We talked for a little while longer and Mama threatened to spend the night but I pleaded with her not to. The last thing I needed was my mommy spending the night with me like I was a little kid. Also, there was nowhere for her to sleep except Drake's bed, and while I'm sure she wouldn't care about taking his bed, it wasn't right so I sent her back home with Dad on the promise that I'd come home for the weekend. She gave me a kiss on the forehead before she reluctantly left the room. For all of Dad's gruffness, he did give me a hug and a kiss on the forehead too. I felt like a kid again, but I was glad that they had been there. A while after they had left, I regretted having Mama leave with Dad, but I also needed them to leave as I had to think. ******** BEAR'S POV It had been almost a week since I had heard from Trey. It was killing me not being able to see him or touch him. I couldn't sleep as every time I closed my eyes I saw that look of anger and hatred he had on his face which was directed at me. He would probably never forgive me for this, not that he should, and that's what hurt the most. An unexpected thing came of this shocking surprise. I finally realized just how much Trey actually means to me and the realization that I'd probably lost him was almost more than I could bear. The thought of living without Trey in my life was painfully reminding me about a time I didn't want to remember. Adding to my problems was Deacon being relentless about finding out what Alicia had wanted. I didn't want all of my business with Trey out there for everyone to see. The irony of feeling that way, when I'd been all too eager to broadcast our relationship, wasn't lost on me. I took it to mean I wasn't as two-dimensional as I had one time feared I was. I was a complex individual and it only took the prospect of losing the love of my life to realize it. A knock on the door pulled me out of my depressed introspection. I dragged myself to the door before I realized it could be Trey. That put an urgency in my step and I found myself flinging open the door only to see Sean and Justice looking back at my with matching pissed off looks on their faces. I guess I had been too wrapped up in wallowing in my own self-pity to think about our friends and whether Trey had told them. Now that I was thinking about it though, the answer was obvious. "Hey," I said cautiously. "That's all you have to say?" Sean asked not sparing me any of his anger. "I'm guess Trey told you," I said stupidly. "See Sean, I told you he was smart," Justice said sarcastically before rolling her eyes at me. "Do you two wanna come in? No need to do this out here," I said as I stepped back to let them in my room. "Don't mind if we do," Sean said with a bit of an edge to his voice before he entered my room with Justice in tow. She made a beeline for my couch and took a seat while Sean chose to stand and stare me down. "Well, start talking. Tell me why I shouldn't kick your ass right now," he said and even if he wouldn't be about to pull it off that well, I had no doubt he would at least try. I didn't have the luxury of feeling safe though as he wasn't alone. I took a moment to consider that he had not only not come alone, but he'd brought none other than his girlfriend who had proven that an opponent's size is of no consequence to her. "I know you two are angry, furious even-" I said before Sean held up a hand to silence me. "You know, I wanted to come and see you. I knew that if I had come over here when he told me, I would have tried to kick your ass. I might not have succeeded, but I would have given it my best shot," he said and I could relate. Hell, I wanted to kick my own ass for hurting Trey. If it were possible, I'd help him beat me up. "I would have succeeded. I still would," Justice said ominously and I took her at her word. I hadn't been there for the supposed ass kicking she'd given Zane but Jessica had talked about it so much that it made her sound like Bruce Lee or something. I sometimes wondered if it was exaggerated but the look she was giving me now was telling me to believe everything Jessica had said. There was a sharp coldness in her eyes that I'd never seen before. "You two have to believe me. I would never had hurt Trey if I could help it," I said and a new wave of anger at Alicia washed over me. "You have to believe that Trey loves you more than life itself. All he ever said about you was how he wanted to be with you but that you'd never have him. To him, you were this perfect unattainable guy and he was the undeserving worm who was unfortunate enough to be pining for you. When you two finally got together, I was shocked, even if I had started to have my suspicions about you leading up to it with how messed up you were over him cutting you out of his life. He saw you as perfect, and while foolish, he did feel that way. Now that image he had of you, along with the trust he had in you has been destroyed," he said in a mouthful that cut me to the quick. "I never said I was perfect. In fact, I told him that I wasn't," I said in a feeble attempt to defend myself. "Was this before or after you fucked that shameless, classless, two-bit whore Alicia Lake?" Justice asked in that same sharp and cold tone. "After," I muttered with my head dropped. "I'll bet you told him you weren't perfect after you cheated on him and didn't have the decency to tell him," she said and I was strangely thankful that there was more emotion in her voice this time. The way she'd been talking before was worrying me so this was a slight relief. "Look dude, out of respect for Trey and the friendship that I had with you, I came here to hear your side. That's all I'm here for. Once that's done, so are we," he said and while it hurt to hear that he was basically telling me that he would choose Trey over me, I understood. Really though, I had nobody but myself to blame. "Okay, that's fair," I said. I walked over to the chair next to the couch and took a seat facing Justice and Sean once he joined her on the sofa. I took a deep breath and told them everything. Once I was done, I felt drained, pissed off, and furious. I was pissed off with myself, and furious at Alicia. I had contributed, but she had been the instigator and she had likely cost me my future. "Okay, well I'll just say that, I didn't hear all of that," Sean said and I was definitely confused. "Hear all of what?" I asked as I looked at both of them now looking unsure of something. "The part where Alicia got you drunk," Justice said with a pissed off look on her face. It didn't look like it was directed at me though. "Yeah, I was drunk. I know I was wrong. I had given up hope and getting hammered wasn't a bad idea," I said while trying not to relive the feelings I felt at the time. "Dude, I think you need to talk to Trey again," Sean said but I didn't get it. I wanted nothing more than to talk to Trey but there was the tiny thing called my betrayal of him standing in the way. "I want to but I know he doesn't want to talk to me. The look on his face when I last saw him told me as much," I said and even now, I could feel the hatred in his eyes. It hurt almost as much as if he'd actually hit me. I think I would have preferred that. "Look, just give him time and then talk to him again. We both know that Trey can be a little stubborn about some things but I think this can be worked out," Sean said and to say I was confused by his attitude change was an understatement. "I hope you're right," I said choosing not to dwell on it though. They left after a few minutes and I was alone again with my thoughts. After a bit of torturing myself over this whole thing, I decided that I needed some time away from my room and a good workout would do me good so I grabbed my bag and headed over to the athletic center to hopefully take my mind off of my troubles. ******** TREY'S POV I was up all night thinking of what I'd say to Bear and what he could say in response. I went over many different scenarios and what my response would be. What could he say that would make me forgive him for this? I had no clue what that would be and as I found myself walking into the athletic dorm the next day, I was still clueless. As I got on the elevator, I was thankful that none of the guys that were close to Bear were around as I needed to try and work up something to say without the distraction of trying to keep myself neutral and not give anything away. The fact that I was still concerned about making sure that Bear's secret was safe wasn't lost on me as I knocked on his door. "Trey," he said excitedly with a hopeful look on his tired face. Seeing him almost broke me but I managed at the last second to hold myself back from him. "Hello Bear," I said in a stiff tone that didn't feel right directed at Bear, but I soldiered on. "What are you doing here?" He asked and looked like he immediately regretted. The hopeful look returned after a brief moment. "Can I come in?" I asked ignoring his question and that hopeful look that was getting to me. He noticed and moved back to let me in as his answer. "Trey, I want you to know that no matter what has happened, I love you. I know I messed up but I think we can get past this," he said and whatever pull I was feeling towards him faded and was replaced with anger. "Get past this? Just like that? Are you serious?" I asked a little too loudly. I didn't want anyone else to hear us as I didn't know how thin the walls were in his building. "Trey, you have to believe that I'm sorry. You have to know that," he pleaded but I wasn't hearing him at the moment. "All I know is that I came to you and told you something that was truly humiliating and degrading for me to say and you didn't tell me about this. No see, instead you had the nerve to get mad with me about the fact that I waited so long to tell you, meanwhile you had fucked Alicia and decided not to tell me," I said and tried to ignore how sad he was. "Trey, please I'm-" he started before I interrupted. "Bear, I don't think I've ever been as angry with anyone as I am with you right now. Zane beat me up, Drake outed us, your father did everything he could to keep us apart, Todd tormented and bullied me and Drake did as well, Kent raped me and then shot me and Clyde, who died from his injuries. Even with all of that, I wasn't as angry with them as I am with you right now," I said and my head was starting to hurt with how angry I was. "Baby, I'm so sorry," he tried again to appeal to my heart, but thankfully I was able to resist the pull towards him. "Don't call me that right now. Do you know how much strength, how much of my will that it's taking for me to not hate you? You are the person I loved most in the world and yet I'm in the struggle of my life to keep myself from hating you," I told him which was the truth and his face fell even more than it already had. "Loved?" he asked taking note of my use of the past tense of the word. I made the mistake of looking into his eyes and I knew it was a mistake because I saw that my words had broken him. I was able to resist comforting him yet again by remembering that his actions had broken me too. "You heard me," I told him. I had no idea that it would be this hard to have this conversation with him. "Please ba... Trey. Please believe me when I say I'm so sorry. Please tell me what I have to do for us to move past this," he said and at that moment my gargantuan sized anger made room for Alicia Lake. "Bear, I have no idea how we move past this, or even if I want to," I told him and I didn't think it was possible for him to break anymore but he did. I had to leave before I caved and tried to comfort him so that's what I did. I turned without another word and left his room. I had to get out of that building before I started to cry so when I reached the lobby I started to walk fast. I saw Deacon coming in and he looked like he was about to speak to me so I moved around him as fast as I could because I couldn't be deterred from getting away from there. I exited the building and started running as fast as I could until I found an area that was secluded and private enough. I went there and broke down and cried yet again at the fact that the guy I loved most in the world, the person I trusted most in the world had betrayed me and kept the fact a secret for almost 2 years. ******** BEAR'S POV I stared after the door for what seemed like forever before I finally looked away and dropped down on the couch. I held my head to try and fend off the splitting headache that was forming and tried not to think about the fact that Trey had implied that he didn't want to forgive me. I couldn't let this be the end of our relationship. I had slept with so many girls and while it was good and fun, there was also something about it that was empty once I thought about it. I had never felt that emptiness once when I was with Trey. It was like he was what I had been looking for and I had finally found him. I couldn't lose him because of a drunken tryst. "Yo dude," Deacon said as he closed the door. I had been so out of it that I didn't hear him open the door. "Hey," I mumbled half heartedly as I sat back and rested my head against the back of the couch. "I just saw Trey. Dude completely ignored me," Deacon said and I wasn't surprised. He probably wanted to get as far away from me as possible. "Yeah, I'm sure he did," I said while rubbing my temples trying to chase away the headache that didn't seem to wanna go anywhere. "Look dude, I don't wanna get in your business or anything-". "Then don't," I said cutting him off. I didn't feel like talking anymore. "Bear, I know that something is going on between you and Trey. Does it have anything to do with that Alicia girl that came by before?" He asked and I knew then that he wasn't gonna just let this go anymore. He wasn't take no for an answer anymore. "You don't know the half of it," I said before I got up and got a couple of Aspirin and a glass of water. I downed them and the glass of water before returning to my seat on the couch. Deacon watched me for a few seconds before he sat down next to me and looked at me intently. "Bear, I know that you probably don't want to share your personal business with me but, I can see something is eating at you. I promise whatever you say is just between us," he said and at that point, I was just tired. I decided to just trust him and tell him what was going on. "That girl, Alicia, I got her pregnant," I said and his eyebrows shot up and his eyes opened wide. "What? When?" He asked sounding shocked and maybe a hint of pissed. It was weird since he hadn't known about me and Trey for long, well not for sure known. I guess that was a part of Trey's charm. He could draw you in and endear himself to you quickly, unless you were a jackass like Drake. "In high school," I said and his look of surprised turned to confusion. "But, the last time you were in high school was like almost a year and a half ago? You didn't know she was pregnant then?" He asked and that made me think that maybe I should have noticed something was up with Alicia in the final weeks of high school. Thinking back on it, Trey had talked about her lateness to meetings, her bathroom breaks interrupting meetings, and her face looked fuller and she wore looser fitting clothes, which should have stuck out more in late spring. Thinking back on it now made me realize that everyone who interacted with Alicia had been blind to a lot of signs that she was pregnant. "Bear!, Are you in there?" I heard Deacon said. When I paid attention he was waving a hand in front of my face. "Sorry, I guess I zoned out," I said, feeling slightly embarrassed. "Don't worry about it. I was asking if you wouldn't mind telling me what exactly happened that day," he said and since I had told him as much as I had already, I didn't see any harm of telling him the rest. I told him everything that I could remember, which was all of it, that had happened from when he left to when he came back to the room and I was sitting alone in the dark room staring at the wall going over and over again in my head how I had fucked up the best thing in my life. When I was done, I didn't feel better like I thought I would. I felt worse and hated life in general. "Wow," was all he said and really, what could he say. "Yeah, I know," I said before letting my head fall back onto the back of the couch. "Why would she show up now, out of the blue, to tell you about this?" He asked and that was a good question. "That's the million dollar question that I don't have the answer to. I do know though that Alicia really wanted me in high school and she was not subtle about me knowing it. I'm sure she was not happy that the day after our first and only date was the day that Trey and I got together," I said and it was slightly funny how his eyebrows hiked up at that. The truth was though that I didn't think Alicia knew the exact date that Trey and I got together, just that it happened after my date with her where nothing sexual happened between us. "You think maybe she's a gold digger? You know, trying to trap you with a baby since she figures you'll go pro? After all, what better way to lockdown a soon-to-be rich and famous athlete than with a baby," he said, and while it was possible, I didn't think that was Alicia's main goal. I think it was just about me and not any potential money I would have in the future. After all, I already came from a wealthy family. "I don't know, maybe," I chose to say as this whole thing was pissing me off more and more. "I don't really know what to say other than the fact that I can see that you two have something special and no amount of women from your past is gonna come between that for long," he said and I really hoped he was right. I didn't think I could live my life without Trey in it. It wouldn't be worth it in my opinion. "I hope you're right," I said before I let out a deep sigh to try a relieve some of the pressure on me. Deacon gave me a pat on the shoulder before he got up and headed to the kitchenette to grab some of the leftover Chinese takeout from the fridge while I tried to calm my mind to ease this headache. I had to hope that Trey and I would weather this storm as we had done so for storms in the past. It's what we did. ******** TREY'S POV After recovering from my breakdown, I walked around for a while. At first my mind was blank and I appreciated it but then the thoughts started flowing. I remembered the first time Bear had played football, he had hugged me after and I remember feeling so good then. I remembered the time we had found our tree, the one I would subsequently fall from after befriending Liberty. I remember the dream that changed everything and the years of longing and hiding. I remembered the day I told him the truth about me and everything changed again when he held me close to him and kissed me. It was like I had truly come alive at that moment. Now though, I hated everything and I was starting to wish that day had never happened. Before I got too far down that path though, I decided to go back to my room and busy myself with some work. When I walked into the room, Drake was there at his desk typing something on his laptop. I briefly wondered what he was doing before I decided I didn't care. I walked over to my bed and pulled out my laptop. I looked through some thing I needed to review before starting on a paper I had due soon. After about 20 minutes I became aware of something that hadn't registered to me before. Drake didn't greet me with his usual scowl and grunt of disapproval. In fact, he didn't do anything other than briefly look up before looking back at his laptop. I looked up and he was watching me. "What?" I said and I tried to ignore that it's how he usually sounded when he spoke to me. "Nothing," he said before turning back to his computer. Something in me though wanted a fight and there was no better person at the moment than Drake to get what I wanted. "What are you waiting for?" I asked not holding back how pissed I was and not caring that it was misplaced on Drake. "What are you talking about?" He asked looking confused but just that. It surprised me with the way I had spoken to him but I pushed that aside as I had other things to deal with. "Why aren't you saying anything about this? I would have thought you would be dying to say "I told you so" about Bear," I said and him sighing and rolling his eyes served to piss me off even more. "I don't have time to spend on thinking about your life," he said before turning around toward his computer. "Bullshit," I said as I got off my bed and stalked toward him. "You seemed to have plenty of time to be all up in my business in high school," I said and he rolled his eyes again. I was getting dangerously close to driving my fist into his nose and I didn't even care that I was being irrational. "That was a long time ago," he said like he expected that to be an excuse. "It was less than two years ago," I hissed near his face. "The point is that time has passed," he said not getting riled up like I wanted him to. "Oh, so the passage of a little time has magically made you a better person? Bullshit! Did you forget about how you reacted when you saw me a couple of months ago, or the weeks afterward cause I didn't," I said and somehow I was satisfied when he looked to be getting seriously pissed off. My hopes were dashed though when he took a deep breath and seemed to calm himself. "Look, I'm not doing this with you," he said before he tried to turn his chair back around. I wasn't having it though. "Doing what?" I asked through gritted teeth. "I'm not doing your dirty work for you," he said before he did turn around this time. "What?" I said, the wind kind of taken out of my sails a bit. "You want me to tell you how stupid you were for believing that Bear magically turned gay for you," he said and that finished taking the wind out my sails. "No I don't," I said in a small voice that I hated. I also hated the dark thought that he was right. "Yes you do. You were stupid enough to get involved with the guy and chose to blindly ignore that Bear was a pussy hound of the highest order before you because you were so happy that you had finally gotten what you wanted," he said and what he was saying was making me feel worse. The fact that I wanted him to keep going really made me think I was crazy. "No I didn't," I said in a feeble attempt to defend myself. "You wanted him so bad and he finally gave you what you wanted. You just overlooked the most obvious thing," he said. A sane person would have backed off, but I think it's been established I'm not all that sane. "What would that be?" I asked with a slight edge. "That Bear would do anything for you," he said and that was when I decided to finally fight back. "You think that includes having sex with a man," I said and I kind of enjoyed the grimace on his face, likely at the image my words created in his head. "I think Bear cares about you so much he'd allow himself to be used by you to satisfy your sexual urges," he said making what we'd shared sound like some perverted thing. "You're wrong. Bear wouldn't do that. What we had was special and wonderful. It wasn't disgusting and perverted like you're making it sound," I said strongly as I stared him down. "If that's true then why are you in the situation you're in now? If you believe Bear is such a wonderful guy who loves you and wants you like you say, then why not just forgive him? The truth is you don't really believe what you just said, not anymore anyway," he said and I was speechless. He shook his head at how pathetic I was before turning back to his computer. His words played over and over in my head and I tried to forget them but they wouldn't go away. I closed my eyes and tried to will them away but I couldn't. I grabbed my jacket off the chair next to my bed and rushed out of the room cause I needed some air. ******** I walked around aimlessly for a long time trying to clear my head but try as I might I was unsuccessful. Every time I was close to doing so that baby picture would pop up in my mind. Then there were the times when my mind would conjure up a torturous image of Alicia and Bear walking down a random street each holding a hand of the child who was older and could walk. As much as I hated this situation, I had to admit that Bear and Alicia would make a nice looking couple and that's one of the major things that I was fighting. A small part of me was telling me to just let Alicia have him and they could raise their child together. A bigger part of me though was selfish and didn't wanna do that. Then there was the biggest part that was still so furious with him that I wanted him to suffer. It was at a particular moment when this thought pattern was playing through my mind that I saw Hoyt walking across the street headed somewhere. I looked at my watch and saw that it was 12:32 am. After briefly wondering what he was doing out at that time of night, I realized that I was out too. Then that thought to make Bear suffer returned and I found myself on autopilot walking towards Hoyt. He was walking kind of fast and with my distance from him I had to sprint to catch up with him. I did and called his name which startled him. Once he turned around, I saw that he was dressed really well and I wondered if he was on his way to find some guy to hook up with. The thought that I could be that guy became too much to ignore. "Trey dude, don't walk up on a guy like that," he said as he held a hand to his chest. "Sorry," I said but it came out weird, likely because I was in a mental war with myself over if I was really gonna do this. "So, what's up? What are you doing out at this time of night?" He asked. I could ask him the same question but I didn't, mainly because I had made up my mind. I lunged at him and pushed him up against a wall. Even though I was obviously out of my mind, I did have the forethought to look around and make sure we were alone. Once I was sure we were alone, I looked back at him and he had a shocked but curious look on his face. I answered whatever question he had by grabbing his collar and pulling him towards me and my waiting lips. He let out a surprised yelp against my lips and I took advantage of his shock by pressing him against the wall and pressing my body against his. I licked his lips and that seemed to flip the switch as he allowed me access and our tongues dueled. As we kissed I realized that while he wasn't Bear, he was turning me on in a big way. When his arms came up around me and pulled me against him, Bear flashed briefly in my head before I pushed it away and focused on Hoyt. While he wasn't Bear, his body felt very similar pressed against mine as we continued to tongue wrestle. A few minutes into the kiss I felt him stiffen up and at first I thought he had cum just that quick but it was followed by him pulling back from our kiss. "Trey, we have to stop," he said in a desperate plea. "Why?" I asked before I tried to dive back in on his lips. "Cause Bear is my teammate and I don't wanna do this to him," he said and I found myself sighing and rolling my eyes at him. "You didn't have a problem with all that last year," I said in a huff as I pushed away from him. He had pissed me off by deciding to be moral, and thus stoking my own morality. "That was different," he said defensively. "How?" I asked him with much attitude. "We weren't that close then and I also didn't know you two were even together then," he said making sense which wasn't what I needed. "Yeah, whatever," I grumbled. I realized that I was acting like a child who couldn't get what he wanted but I didn't care. "Trey, what happened? What's up with you and Bear?" Hoyt asked while obviously trying to remain patient in response to my childish behavior. "Why do you care?" I asked and that time I couldn't stop the wince at how stubborn I was being. "Well, I think that if I'm gonna be used like this that I deserve to know why," he said with a slight smile and that made me feel like an ass cause I was about to use him. "I didn't mean to make you feel that way. I'm sorry," I said, finally behaving like a person. "It's fine," he said as he brushed it off. I decided to give him a basic explanation for why I attacked him. "I found out Bear cheated on me with someone I really don't like," I said and he looked shocked to hear that. "That don't sound like Bear," he said now looking confused. "Yeah well it is," I snapped then immediately regretted doing so. I started to apologize but he held up a hand to stop me. "It's fine. Look, if you really are looking to even the score against Bear, I can't be the one who you do it with. However, I have a friend that might be willing to help you out," he said but I was already regretting my decision to do this. "That's alright. I think I'm over it," I said, feeling really guilty now that the reality of what I was thinking of doing dawned on me. "Well, if you change your mind, I'll give you his number," he said and I don't know why but I found myself giving him my phone so he could add this guy's number to it. I told him to add his too and he tried to hide a smile as he did so. He handed me back my phone and I looked at the number to see the guy's name was Jamal. I also saw that he added his name as "Hotty Hoyt". I had to laugh at that which made him blush a little. I apologized again and told him I had to get back to my room. He told me it was no problem and that what had happened was just between us. I thanked him and before I embarrassed myself anymore I left him to go wherever he was headed. As I lay in bed about an hour later, I looked at the number in my phone for the mystery friend Jamal. I started to delete the contact as I was almost sure I wasn't gonna call this guy, but I decided that I'd hold off on that for the time being. Before I drifted off I thought of Bear and what he was doing. Then without warning my mind conjured an image of Alicia with her baby. I made up my mind that I needed to see her and hopefully not kill her before I told her how much I hated her. That could wait though as I figured out what to do about Bear. ******** Author's Note: Hello all and welcome back for a new chapter of The CHronicles of Trey. This chapter sees the aftermath of Bear's revelation in the last chapter that when he was in a coma, he got drunk and ended up having sex with Alicia which had produced a child that Alicia waited until now to tell Bear about. In this chapter Trey deals with all the emotions associated with the betrayal. The sadness, anger, and the feeling that he shouldn't have gotten involved with Bear in the first place plague him After telling his friends, a visit from his parents, and some weird behavior from Drake, Trey finds himself out at night and a run-in with Hoyt almost leads to him evening the score with Bear. Will Trey do so? Find out in the next chapter... Hello all of you who are still reading the story. I'm sorry for the extreme delay in this chapter. After some computer problems that still haven't been resolved, I finally mnaged to get this chapter out. I'm in the process of borrowing a computer until I can get a new one so please bear with me. I hope you all enjoy this chapter and please forgive the delay. Contact me at Until next time... Nicky ******** Editor's Note: Hey guys, and welcome to another chapter. Hope you all had an amazing holiday, and hope you all have a safe Happy New Year (if this is posted after New Years then, HAPPY NEW YEAR). We see the fallout from the last chapter going on, with Trey with all his thinking, talking with his friends, and even his Mama finding out. And Bear is all moppy, though he did do this himself, he was drunk. Hopefully something can happen that can fix our boys. Drake seems to be trying to grow up, but what could have brought on this change in him. Is it like he said and it was the past, or could something more be going on. Hope you guys continue to read and please bear with any delays that may happen Nicky and myself will try getting these chapters to you guys as soon as possible. Please send any feedback to Nicky at the email above, and you can reach me at Until the next chapter guys, JDK