Date: Wed, 18 Apr 2007 22:32:55 +1000 (EST) From: Dane Isaac Subject: What happened in Highschool Chapter 6 Hey guys! Here's the next one, hope you like it! Its a bit more serious than the rest, i didnt mean it to be but it sort of happened that way. Anyway i love getting emails so any comments or suggestions please write and i will try to write back! Dane What Happened in Highschool Chapter 6 Yaz, Abby, Jay and Kurt came over to where we were all standing. Kurt's face was entirely expressionless. That freaked me out a bit because Kurt was an emotional kind of guy and he never tried to curtail it. "Hey guys!" Yaz exclaimed as she smiled at everyone. Abby looked between me and Aaron and then over at Kyle with raised eyebrows. I did not want to know what was going on in that mind of hers. "Hey!" Kyle grinned at everyone. There was a weird pause for a moment then everyone started chatting. It was a good day just hanging out with my friends. I kept catching glances from both Aaron and Kurt. At one point Aaron whispered in my ear about how sexy he thought my tattoo looked and I almost grabbed him. It was lunch time when Kyle mentioned he better be making a move. Everyone was feeling a bit peckish so we decided to head off. After dropping Kyle off at his place I turned to Aaron with a sultry smile. At least I hoped it was sultry. "Your place or mine?" "Yours." He was rather quick with his answer and I paused for a moment wondering but just grinned. Reaching over I gripped his thigh, moving my hand back and forth. He moaned quietly and gave me a look so filled with lust that I was tempted to suggest that we just pull over rather than wait to get to my place. Mum was home when we got there and I sighed. We should have found somewhere quiet to pull over. I made us sandwiches instead and we retreated to my room. Aaron wrapped his arms around me and instead of jumping each other madly we lay down on my bed and watched a movie together. It was nice. It was the next Saturday that things with Kurt reached boiling point. Aaron had to stay at home that night because his mum and dad insisted. He wasn't too pleased with that and apologized profusely on the phone. I was watching a movie with mum when my phone rang. It was Kurt. An upset sounding Kurt and despite the tension between us lately when he asked me to come around to his place, I put that aside. The thing about Kurt was that he had a shit home life. He usually spent a lot of time at my place and lately he hadn't been doing that so I felt a bit guilty. I told mum I was going to see Kurt and she smiled faintly. "Try not to hurt him too much Matt. Despite what he says to the contrary, he is just looking for love and acceptance that those sorry excuses for parents he has can't give him." Instead of making a flippant reply like I would have in the past I nodded. "Yeah, I'm starting to realize that." Kurt was the only one home when I got there. He looked worse for wear and passed me a bottle of Bacardi when I came in. Unsure, I took a swig and held back from wincing. I hoped he had something to mix it with. "Where are your parents?" "Fuck if I know." Was the short reply and it occurred to me that a quarter of the bottle was missing already. Kurt went and got some orange juice and we sat drinking together in silence. In the past this sort of silence wouldn't have been uncomfortable and I wondered if I was the only one to feel the strain. Finally Kurt started talking. "Mum started using again." I winced. Shit. His mum had gone off the rails a few years ago when she found out Kurt's dad was cheating on her. It had started with alcohol but quickly progressed towards not so legal substances. She had been forced into rehab after she had totaled her car. "What happened?" I asked carefully. Kurt picked up the bottle of spirits and took a massive swig. "Dad's been fucking his secretary." "Shit." Kurt turned and stared at me, a haunted look in his eyes. "She should just leave him but she can't! She's gunna get fired. What's worse is that its ice, man. That shit is fucking deadly. She's been doing it for awhile too but its starting to show." I felt sick for him. There was a major ice craze in Melbourne. Ice is crystal methamphetamine and it is low-grade gunk sold at cheap prices but it had been killing quite a few people. The media had been drowning recently in reports, documentaries and inquiries into the drug. I didn't suggest talking to her because he had tried that before and got slapped about. We drank again in silence. I was starting to feel a bit drunk so I slowed down but Kurt was swigging straight from the bottle. Suddenly Kurt changed the topic. "You're my best friend Matt. You were there when she did that shit before. I never told anyone else but you. I love you" Fuck. My heart started pounding and I had the urge to run. I didn't want to have to deal with this. Carefully I said. "You're my best friend too." He smiled at me then suddenly burst out crying and sobbing. "What am I going to do? She's gunna fucking kill herself!" I hugged him and whispered softly to him as I had in the past. I'd be there. His sobbing finally subsided and he looked up into my eyes. The next thing I knew his lips were pressed against mine. He pushed my lips open and started kissing me. He tasted salty like tears. The kiss was nice but that was it. When he pulled away to gage my reaction I gave him a sad smile. He knew then. Yanking back from me he jumped up. "Why?" I stood up too. "I'm so sorry Kurt! I just don't love you in that way." His pain hurt me and I knew nothing I could say would make him feel better but I wasn't going to leave it like this. "You love Aaron don't you?!" He screamed at me. "What?" I was shocked. Did everyone know? "I see the way you look at him! Why can't you love me?" He started throwing the cushions off the couch at me and I figured I better grab him before he started throwing things a bit more solid. I jumped at him and wrestled him to the ground. Luckily we were similar in size and he was a bit more drunk than me or it would have been a lot harder. I had him pinned under me. "Kurt! You can't make someone love you like that. It would be fake." He stopped fighting and collapsed beneath me. "You're the only one who really knows me. I just want you to love me." I fought back tears. "I do, just not like that. Please Kurt, you're my best friend. I don't want to lose you." Kurt stared at me for a long time and I kept quiet. "I need you. Promise you won't leave me?" I nodded. "I promise. I'm sorry I haven't been around much lately but I swear I'll take more time. I like hanging out." Kurt smiled sadly. "Can we forget about this and still be friends?" "Yes." I called mum and said I would be staying the night. The next morning I woke up on the couch to the sound of the front door opening. Kurt's mum stood there squinting at me. She looked like hell. Her face was sallow and pasty and she had dark circles under her eyes. Fuck. Kurt was right, she looked like a junkie. "Hi Mrs. Mitchell." I said as I sat up. She just staggered past me towards the rooms at the back of the house. It was then that I decided that Kurt really needed to talk with someone who knew what they were doing. I had to convince him to go and see a youth worker or something. My phone started ringing soon after. It was Aaron. "Hey Aaron." "Hey^Åso your mum told me you were at Kurt's last night?" Uhoh. "Yeah. He's going through some shit at the moment and needed to talk." There was a silence. Then "So am I going to see you today?" I winced. "I've been a really bad friend to him recently so^Å" "Right. Fine." "No, don't be like that. Kurt knows about us ok? I'm his best friend, I have been for years and I need to be there for him ok?" I waited holding my breath. There was a sigh. "I know. I'm being stupid and jealous. I just want to spend time together." I smiled. "Yeah. How about we go to your place after school tomorrow?" "Not my place! I like yours better!" I agreed and hung up soon after. Kurt and me spent the day together watching movies and hanging out at the shopping centre. It was good to spend time together and I forgot how much I missed his quirky sense of humour. The tension between us was almost non-existent and we didn't mention what was said again. We did talk about his mum though and I very subtly brought up the idea that he could see a youth councilor or something. As I knew he would, Kurt dismissed the idea instantly. I knew I was going to have to try and convince him. I went to bed that night feeling better than I had in awhile. I hadn't realized how much a rift between Kurt and me had plagued me.