Date: Tue, 12 Jun 2007 19:39:03 +0200 From: A.K. Subject: Malgre tout 06/13 (Historical) ---------------------------- MALGRE TOUT by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2007 written on October 18, 1993 translated by the author English text kindly revised by John ----------------------------- USUAL DISCLAIMER "MALGRE TOUT" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest. ----------------------------- CHAPTER 6 -- What means "desire"? The two boys, even though they could not understand each other, could read in the other's eyes the mutual friendship that was gradually blooming. Without being able to express it, they both had decided to remain together. Jacques, to make Kurt understand he had nothing more to fear from him, took his rifle and unloaded it. Then, pointing towards the part of the forest from which he had come, Jacques said, "There, French... boom, boom! French. Do you understand?" "" Kurt asked. Then, pointing towards the part from where he had come, added, "" " Prussians there? So then, will we go in that direction?" asked Jacques pointing in a third direction, "Jacques and Kurt there?" "" nodded the blond boy and, to be more exact, he said, "" "Yes, there Prussian, there French, and there we two!" nodded Jacques setting out with the other. They walked for a long time, in silence. From time to time Jacques stopped to gather herbs and wild fruit which he shared with his new friend. After two day's march, while they exchanged long chats, without understanding each other, but just for the pleasure of hearing the other's voice, just not to feel lonely, they reached the edge of the forest. They caught a glimpse of a farm and squatted down hiding amongst the bushes. Carefully observing, one beside the other, Jacques touched his companion's arm and pointed in one direction -- there were many clothes hung to dry. "Look! Those clothes! There are also men's clothes, you see? If we manage to steal some we could put our uniforms away and pass for two civilians, If they don't take them away from there before, when it becomes darker we can go and steal some. What do you think?" Kurt looked at the direction pointed out by his companion and, seeing the clothes, then Jacques' gestures, guessed what the other was telling him. "" he said making as to stand up. Jacques pulled him down and pointing at the sun and making the gesture it was setting, said, "Wait it becomes darker. And then, it would be better I go alone, because here we are in France and they are French like me... If they catch me, I at least I am not an enemy, right? You'll wait for me here, and rather, I will give you my rifle, loaded, so that if something bad happened me you can fire and scare them..." Kurt looked at him frowning and shook his head trying to tell him he had understood nothing. Then Jacques repeated his speech making gestures, miming the action. "House... clothes... Jacques... go, take clothes... Kurt, rifle... men from the house... scream... Jacques runs... Kurt fires, boom-boom... men scared... run back home... Jacques runs here... we change our clothes and go back there in the forest... understood?" "" "Hey, not on me boom-boom! No boom-boom on Jacques, is that clear?" "" the Prussian boy said smiling, then he added, miming, "Kurt and Jacques peace, " They smiled each other. The sun was setting. They saw a wagon pulled by oxen arriving at the farm and disappearing behind it. From the chimney a column of smoke was rising. They waited some more. It was now growing dark. Jacques entrusted his loaded rifle to Kurt. "Take it and wait here. I think they are eating, now. I go to steal the clothes. May god help me. You keep your eye on the house and shoot, if they come out and run after me. I trust you, Kurt! I'm going." The Prussian boy nodded and leveled the rifle aiming at a point half way between the hanging clothes and the house. "" He said, almost in a whisper. Jacques stood up. Moving from tree to tree, from bush to bush, went as near as he could. Then, as he reached the forest border, he carefully studied the last part of his way. He looked towards Kurt who waved a hand to tell him he was ready. Then Jacques, almost folded in two, ran towards the clothes and gathered breeches, shirts, jackets and hurriedly, ran back towards the forest with the bundled clothes. Not a sound, not a voice came from the farm. Jacques arrived out of breath near Kurt. "All went right! Let's go away at once. We will change a long way from here." He said panting. Kurt stood up and held out the rifle to Jacques. "No, keep it now. Let's go, hurry up!" Jacques said then, pointing his rucksack, said, "Take that as well." Kurt understood and took the rucksack. They again went into the forest climbing up the slope and going as far as possible from the scene of the theft. They walked for a long time, until the darkness made their march too difficult. They decided they could stop. Jacques put down the bundle of stolen clothes. He spread the blanket and made to Kurt the gesture to lie down near him. Lying in the darkness, Jacques felt the companion's body lightly touching his own. "Tomorrow morning we will put away our uniforms and hid them here in the forest. Dressed without our uniforms it would be easer to go away. Just the language problem remains ... And we have also to abandon the rifle and anything else that can show we were soldiers..." "" "For sure, I cannot go back home, at this point. And possibly you neither, as you deserted like me. Where could we go? What could we do? If only this war would end soon... Would you like staying with me? We could possibly find a job in some farm, who knows?" "" "Who knows why our emperors decided to make this war? And moreover at our expenses... I like being here near you. I... I'm feeling a strong desire to embrace you, to touch you. I never could, with a man. Anyway, neither with a woman. But I, the women... You are so beautiful. And so close to me, now, that it is difficult for me not to touch you. If I kiss you now... you possibly won't be my friend any more... who knows?" "" "Who knows why you and I speak different languages? Who knows why we are from different lands? A little like those of Chaumont who prefer to be different from those of Boulogne, even though they all speak French. It's all bullshit! We are all the same but we all want to feel different. Good Lord what a desire I feel to touch you, to kiss you... to make love with you!" "" "If we could just communicate, you and I... I like the sound of your voice. I like feeling your body near mine. I'm telling you so, but you can't understand me..." "" "But... who knows? You soul could possibly understand what my soul would like telling you..." "" "Should I take the risk and made you understand what I'm feeling for you?" "" "But if I did it... I'll risk losing you... now that I have just found you." "" "But who are you, in reality? What unites us, besides running away?" "" "When I gave you my loaded rifle, I thought that I would have known if you really accepted me, if we were no more enemies." "" "Yes, at least in part, you have accepted me." "" "Could you really accept me one day?" "" "Will we have a future, you and I?" ", Jacques." "You have a beautiful name, Kurt. Everything about you is beautiful." "" "I desire you..." Jacques murmured. They fell asleep. The first to wake up was Kurt. He looked at the French youth, still sleeping deeply. He gently shook him, until Jacques opened his eyes. "" He greeted him with a smile. The Frenchman answered with a smile, "You are still here... it wasn't a dream, then." "" Kurt said stretching out an arm to take the bundle of clothes and starting to examine them. Making gestures, each chose the clothes he intended to wear. Jacques had stolen more than they needed. He had also taken a square cloth, so they folded it and put in it the clothes that they didn't wear. Then Jacques added the remaining food, the jack-knife and the bear statuette carved by Michel. He closed the cloth tying the four corners in a knot thus making a bundle. Then, taking the bayonet from the rifle, he looked for a good branch and cut it to hang the bundle on it. Finally he started to take off his uniform, and Kurt at once followed suit. Jacques looked at the boy's body revealing little by little. Kurt had a beautiful body, sweet but muscled, hairless and slender but strong. When Kurt pulled off his trousers, he turned his back in an instinctive gesture of modesty. Totally naked, their feet on the blanket, they started to put on the civilian clothes. Jacques admired his friend's back, his small, firm buttocks, and his slender and strong legs. When they were dressed again, they gathered their two uniforms on the blanket, Jacques added the rucksack and the boots, then hid the bundle inside a thick bush, also adding several branches he had cut. Then with the bayonet Jacques dug a furrow in the soft ground and deposited in it the rifle, the bayonet, the gunpowder and bullet pouches and then they carefully covered everything up again. When all was done, Kurt looked with a satisfied expression at his friend, "" He said. "I will keep the canteen, for the moment. We will throw it away only if we meet somebody, but now we need it for water." "" "The spare clothes will be useful when it grows colder. It's a pity we had to leave the blanket, but it was a military blanket. Of the emperor's army. We would not be able to explain why we have it." "" Kurt asked pointing his arm. Jacques understood the gesture more than the words and said, "Let's hope this direction will take us far from both our armies..." and they set out. Jacques' eyes were still full of the vision of his friend's beautiful nakedness. From the way Kurt was walking barefoot, he understood that he too must have been used to doing so, somewhat like all country boys. This made him feel even closer, more like the Prussian boy. "You too are a country boy like me..." he said, smiling. "" "You were so beautiful, all naked, that I regret we had to put on these clothes!" "" "You didn't even glance at me. It's obvious that you don't dig boys." When they stopped to eat, Kurt said, "Jacques? " "Our food is almost finished... we have to get out of here, and go to some inhabited place..." "Jacques, " "Yes, you could seem to be French." "" Kurt said matching his words with gestures. "To speak?" Jacques asked, repeating the gesture with his hand. "Yes, to speak. I no to speak French." "Right, you don't speak French... You hidden, I go?" Jacques asked miming and clearly pronouncing the words. "I hidden you go? I not Jacques. Kurt and Jacques always so!" the Prussian boy said, making the gesture with the fingers to be united. "You united with me forever?" "I united with you forever!" Kurt said, " I no to speak French." "Ah, I've understood! You silent. You dumb... I speak, you dumb..." Jacques said brightening and he repeated the words matching them with appropriate gestures. "I dumb? Mm... mmm... mmm dumb?" "Yes, you dumb and I speak, agreed?" "Yes, I dumb and you speak. Good. I dumb." "You are my brother. You and I... *fratres... orate fratres...* you and I *fratres...* brothers." ", *fratres*, brothers!" Kurt said brightening, "You Jacques brothers speak, I Kurt brothers dumb." "No, Kurt is a Prussian name. You are Charles, not Kurt. Charles, the dumb brother." "I Charles dumb brothers?" "Yes, you are Charles my dumb brother, so you have not to speak." "Understood. Good. I not understand if French men speak me." "You dumb and... idiot!" Jacques immediately answered laughing and mimed the expression of an idiot. Kurt laughed, "I Charles idiot and dumb!" he repeated and at his turn he made the expression of an idiot saying, "Mm... mmmm... mmm..." "Yes, good, so!" Jacques said clapping his hands. ", Jacques..." "I have a brother who is wonderful and idiot!" the French boy smiled lightly caressing his friend's hand. "" "Friend... brother... I would rather like having you as a lover." "You and I friend and brother. You and I peace. Thank you." Kurt murmured holding his hand tightly and looking in his eyes. "I would like making love with you, Kurt." "I no Kurt! I Charles, brother idiot and dumb!" the Prussian boy said, smiling. "You are so beautiful, and I desire you to die for, I desire you, yes..." Jacques murmured as an answer. "Desire?" Kurt asked, made curious, ", desire?" "Nothing. I would like explaining you, but I can't." "" "It gives me a weird feeling being able to say to you -- I would like making love with you. And to know that you cannot understand me. Telling you that I would like to kiss you, and only because you still don't know these words' meaning." "" "I would like seeing you naked again, and touch you all over and show you how much you turn me on... and kiss you!" "" "Your eyes are so sweetly smiling to me... who knows what are you thinking, now, what are you telling me?" "" "Should I, all my life long, just dream of impossible relationships? First with Sylvestre, then with Michel, and now with you?" "" "Those two, there, in the bushes were doing it... who knows how they managed to understand each other, how they found each other? Lucky them!" "" "Possibly... simply one of them found the courage to tell the other..." "" "If I now touched you, caressed you, how would you react?" " friend, brother... " "You think of me just like a friend, a brother... therefore I cannot." "Friend and brother. Yes, good!" "It's good, alright. Even though it's not enough for me. But I have to content myself and keep my desire hidden from you." "Desire? desire?" Jacques didn't answer. They went on walking in silence, each of them immersed in his thoughts. Until they came out of the forest again, into fields. Far away, they saw some farms. They stopped to look. Jacques, pointing at them, said, "Let's go down there. I can possibly do some jobs and ask for some food... you now have to act as Charles, my dumb and idiot brother, alright?" "Yes, understood, I Charles dumb and idiot. You Jacques speak, I dumb." "Good, let's go, then." Jacques said setting out, their bundle on his shoulder. Kurt went alongside and seized his hand. Jacques looked at him and Kurt made the face of an idiot. Jacques smiled him and said, "Good." And at a fast pace they walked towards the far farms, hand in hand. When they were near the first of the farms, they met a man in his forties coming from the opposite direction, his hoe on his shoulder. The man looked them up and down from far. Jacques squeezed Kurt's hand. When they came near to the man, Jacques greeted him. "Good day." "Who are you? Were do you come from?" "We... from Epinal." Jacques answered. "And what are you doing here?" "Prussians destroyed our farm, and only we two survived... my brother and I... and we ran away." "The Prussians? They passed here too, and they stole more than half of our harvest from us, the bastards." "But at least you're alive... and your houses still standing." Jacques answered back. "What's up with that one?" the man asked pointing with his chin towards Kurt. Jacques looked at Kurt -- he had his mouth half opened, his eyes dull with a look lost into space. "He's my brother Charles. He's dumb and... and he's idiot, the poor boy." "Ha, because of the war?" "No, he's so since his childhood." "But, can't he understand anything?" "No. When our house was under the shelling, he laughed and clapped his hands..." "Well, he's lucky, if he can't understand. But how it comes he is so blond? You don't even seem brothers." "Our poor Mum was blond like gold. He took from the poor Mum. I, instead, from Dad..." Jacques answered with a sad expression, feeling somewhat tense, and asking himself if the man would have swallowed it. "She died under the house?" the man dryly asked. "Yes, with two sisters and the grand parents." "And your father?" "He was conscripted. He's at war." "I see..." "And we now... we need food." "Very little remained to us." "I could do some jobs for you... in exchange for some food..." "Not for me. But come. Master Renard could possibly need good arms..." "My brother Charles... if I get him understand what he has to do, he can also do some work. He's strong... He gave a hand, at home..." "So much the better. Come on, I'll see you to Master Renard's." The man showed them the way and they followed him. When they were in front of a farm bigger that the others, the man called out master Renard and told him about the two boys, telling him they were looking for work. "Did you lose everything in this damned war, then?" the man, who was in his fifties, asked in a rude tone. "Yes, house, family, everything." "And you want to work for me." "If possible... to earn food..." "I've wood to chop, but then I have nothing more for you to do." "Well... if you let us chop it, in exchange for a food supply, we then can try elsewhere..." "And where do you think you'll go? Sedan fell into Prussian hands, and even the Emperor is their prisoner. In Paris it was proclaimed the republic... bah... and Prussians are moving forward, they are beyond here and... I fear that we are now subjects of Willhelm the bastard! Bazaire shut himself up in Metz, but only god knows if and how long he can hold out... I would not even be able to tell you where you had better to go. Anyway, for now, come and I'll show you where the wood is. Are you sure your brother can do it? I wouldn't him to harm himself with the axe." "Oh, yes, he always did it at home, before each winter." "So much the better. I'll give you supplies of food in exchange..." "And a blanket? But an old one... It's starting to get cold..." "Yes, a blanket as well." ----------------------------- CONTINUES IN CHAPTER 7 ----------------------------- In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at ---------------------------