Date: Sat, 23 Jun 2007 13:11:32 +0200 From: A.K. Subject: Malgre tout 08/13 (Historical) ---------------------------- MALGRE TOUT by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2007 written on October 18, 1993 translated by the author English text kindly revised by John ----------------------------- USUAL DISCLAIMER "MALGRE TOUT" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest. ----------------------------- CHAPTER 8 -- Reciprocal discovery "That one must be Sedan... Sedan." Jacques said, pointing at the distant town bordering the river. "Sedan? Houses?" "Yes, many houses, town." "Town. French or Prussians?" "I dunno, possibly Prussians. There your army has taken my Emperor prisoner. So we now have no more emperors. I don't know if it's convenient for us to proceed more with the boat. Possibly yes. If there aren't soldiers along the river, it could also be good." "French and Prussian enemies. Idiot. You and I friends. Good." "Right, a stupid war." "Yes, stupid war." Kurt nodded looking in his friends' eyes. "God, how beautiful your eyes are!" "" "Why are you so beautiful? Do you know that I love you?" "" Kurt murmured, smiling. "I would so much make love with you... make you feel how much I love you, make it feel you with all my body..." "" "If you understood me... at least I could know if... if I can hope or not. No, I know that it's absurd to hope. To you I'm just a friend, a brother." "Friend, brother." Kurt repeated, with a smile. "Yes, that's it. Just a friend, a brother..." "Friend, brother..." Kurt repeated as savoring these two words. Jacques reluctantly shook himself. He pointed to the river. "We'll take the boat and go down the river?" "Boat, river, yes. Down, down Sedan?" "Sure, let's try to go nearer Sedan, then we will see if there are Prussians or French." "Sedan no war? "I don't know, possibly yes, possibly not. There had been the war there, but now, possibly, no more." "Go?" While they were looking for the point where they had tied the boat, Jacques recalled their first encounter. Then they were unable to exchange even a word. Now their common vocabulary had widened. Not yet enough, but... Kurt had a prodigious memory. He needed just to grasp a term that he remembered it and used it. He, on the contrary, was not so able to remember German words and almost never used them. They found the boat and loaded it with their bundles, then Jacques got into it. Kurt climbed on the branch and untied the rope. Pushing with the branches, they managed to push it into the stream again. They were sitting one in front of the other and carefully scanned the banks, always afraid they would see the soldiers of one or the other army. After a while, Kurt, looking at the ring on Jacques finger, asked, "" Jacques, seeing where his friend was looking, stretched out his hand and showed him the ring, "Do you like it"? he asked. "You... , united?" Kurt asked. "?" Jacques asked, "What means ?" "Ah, ? This " the boy explained making with his hands the gesture of breasts. "Oh, girl! No, no, I and girl not united. This is from a friend. A man." "Man? So?" Kurt asked making the gesture of mustaches. "Yes, man." "Friend?" "Yes, a friend." "Ah. " Jacques didn't understand. "He was a dear friend. I was in love with him. But he didn't know, he will never know. I took his place to go to the war." "" Kurt said, putting a hand on his heart. Jacques looked at him and misinterpreted that gesture. "Are you in love with a girl, there, at your village? And do you have her in your heart?" "" The boat was rapidly going downstream and at times it was difficult to steer it. In a stretch of the river where the stream was calmer, Kurt saw a landing place with two boats. "" he shouted pointing them out to Jacques. He turned and said, "Let's go!" "Yes!" Both started to wave the branches trying to change their boat's direction. They approached the bank and were drawn beyond the landing place. But several meters further they managed to land. Jacques got out and, helped by Kurt, beached the boat. "Listen. There, many boats. Possibly houses. The possibly have oars to give us... or that we can steal." Kurt was carefully listening to him but understood only half of the words. "You and I go houses?" "Yes." "I Charles, brother idiot?" "Yes, if they are French." "Good." They took their bundles and walked upstream until they reached the little wharf. Jacques checked the boats but, as he feared, they didn't have oars and were old boats, bottomless, useless. They went up the bank on the path. When they reached the plain, they saw a building in ruin, blackened by a fire. They warily went near it. "There is nobody here anylonger. The war passed by here... Let's look amongst the ruins to see if there is something useful..." Jacques slipped amongst the blackened ruins. The roof had crumbled inside. He looked around for a while but could see nothing of use or interest. He tried to move the debris but soon realized it was not worth the effort. Behind the burnt house there was an oven for the bread, intact. Jacques searched also around there hoping to find a backer's peel that they could use as a helm for their little boat, but they found nothing and returned to the road again. Jacques, disappointed, said to his friend, "Here there is nothing. Let's go back to our boat." "Yes. Here nothing good." The boy nodded shrugging his shoulders and followed his friend towards the river. They were about going down to the bank when they heard rifle shots coming from the river. Instinctively they ran to find a shelter between the bushes. The shooting was going on. They moved amongst the bushes, bending down, trying to draw nearer the river to understand what was happening and from where the shots came. On the opposite bank there were dozens of Prussian soldiers, their backs towards the river, who were shooting in front of them. "War!" Kurt whispered, gripping Jacques' arm. "Yes. It's better to wait here." "" They saw several men drop. Then they heard bugle calls and more shooting, further away. Some French soldiers appeared who were proceeding warily. Always on the other bank, but more downhill and sheltered by the trees, they moved towards the point where the Prussian soldiers were. Jacques seized Kurt's hand, "Let's go away." "And boat?" "We can't go down to take it now. And those there, who knows how long will go on fighting..." Jacques answered and at his friend's questioning glance, added, "Boat, leave. Walk land." "Wait here night?" "No, walk land, now. Good." Jacques said in the approximate French his friend could understand. "Good, Jacques. I understood." They went back onto the dirt road and decided to follow it, as it was leading away from the river. After a few hours of walking, they were in front of another river. It was really more a stream than a river. "Front river, back river." Kurt said. "The road ends here but continues on the other side. This possibly is a ford. You wait here, I go to check. You wait here, understand?" "Yes, Kurt here, wait." Jacques left his bundle on the ground near Kurt, rolled up his trousers over his knees, and waded into the stream carefully testing the riverbed with his stick. He went on slowly, cautiously. The water lapped at his knees. He felt out in front of him and the bed was still lowering. He thought that even if he wet his clothes, he had a change; therefore he moved on, more. Now the water was at his crotch. He checked the depth again. It was still going down. He turned to look back and saw that he was a little past the center of the stream. He then waded on some more and the water was at his navel. One more hesitant pace and felt that the bed was rising. "Good!" he exclaimed. He went back, took his bundle and placed it on his head, carefully balancing it. Kurt followed suit. Keeping the bundle still with one hand and testing the bed with the branch in the other hand, the two boys started to cross the stream. Very carefully, step after step, they were able to wade to the other side where they went up the low bank where the dirt road continued. Jacques let his bundle fall on the grass. "Good, it's done!" he exclaimed with a sigh. "We wet. Cold. Other clothes." Kurt said starting to pull away his shirt, soaked to the armpits. They both undressed. The sun, low on the mountains was giving very little warmth. When they were naked, shivering for the cold air, wringed out their clothes then wore the dry ones. They were now undressing one in front of the other without any more shyness and Jacques profited by briefly admiring the sweet nakedness of his friend. They put on their clothes; Jacques pointed at the sun that was disappearing behind the mountains, "Let's find a place to sleep." "Yes, good place and sleep." Kurt assented. Keeping their wet clothes in one hand, the rod with the bundle on the shoulder in the other, they went towards a wide thicket of bushes. At the last light of the day they carefully explored, until they located a spot good for lying down. They gathered there several armfuls of withered leaves, then spread their blanket on them and sat on it. "Eat food?" Kurt asked. "Yes, alright. I'm feeling hungry too." Jacques merrily answered. While his friend was cutting their helpings, he spread their wet clothes on the almost bare branches. Then he sat again and they started to eat. They were looking at each other at the more and more faint light of the dying day, and from time to time they smiled. After they ate, Jacques asked, "We sleep, now?" "Sleep, yes." His friend nodded. They laid down, side by side. The moon was already high in the sky. "Jacques? Kurt cold..." "Yes, it's cold and tonight it would get colder..." "Night very colder. You and I near, good? So warm." Kurt suggested and without waiting for his answer, pushed himself against Jacques in a half embrace. Jacques felt the sweet warmth of his friend's body and unavoidably got aroused and felt his erection strongly pushing against the cloth of his trousers. Kurt leaned further against him, "Mmhh, good warm, yes?" he murmured happily. "Yes..." Jacques answered uncertain and hesitant, but almost instinctively he embraced him. Then Kurt embraced him too and crossed his legs with his friend's. And he pushed against Jacques so that he became aware that he was now no longer able to conceal his erection from him. But Kurt, although he couldn't possibly not feel it, seemed not to care. Jacques was still, tense, almost holding back his breath. "Come here... if more near, blanket over us also..." Kurt suggested in a low voice. Pulling his friend's body almost onto himself, he turned the part of the now freed blanket over Jacques. This one was rigid, but their legs were intertwined and his pelvis was pressed against Kurt's, and he felt that his friend's member was getting hard too and pushing, with little throbs, against him. Jacques felt his brain in turmoil, his body in fire and trembled slightly. His check brushed Kurt's. His member throbbed against the boy's body. His friend's member palpitated also, almost as an answer. And Jacques was no more able to control himself. His hands slipped away from under his friend's body and moved up to the sides of his head, and then rested on Kurt's cheeks in a sort of shy, tender caress. He raised his head to look at the boy's face. "Kurt... you understand?" "Yes..." his friend answered with a mere hint of a voice. "You really understand?" "Yes..." Then Jacques lowered his face and his lips gently brushed those of the boy, who slightly parted them. Jacques, on instinct, pushed out the tip of his tongue and Kurt received it in his mouth, gently sucking it. The blond boy's hands moved to caress his companion's back. "Kurt, I desire you..." "Ah... this is desire." Kurt answered serene, "You often say desire to Kurt but I not understand... before." "You... do you want... this?" "Yes. We much friends, yes? I want desire." "Good Lord, Kurt! How much I do love you!" Jacques murmured, deeply moved, caressing him. "" "Do you want now to make love with me?" "" "I love you Kurt! And I want to make love with you... at last!" Jacques murmured again, and again kissed him. The two boys couldn't understand each other's words but could feel the sweetness in the other's voice and this gave them pleasure. Kurt recognized that tone of voice, those inflexions... it was the same of when he and his girlfriend were touching each other and desired so strongly to make love. And he liked that. Jacques wanted to make love with him, and he was feeling strangely ready. Through the clothes his hands explored his friend's body. "" "Good Lord, how much I do want you! Can you feel it? Can you feel my desire? Oh, my love, how long did I wait for you? How long have I waited for this moment... this magic moment?" They were touching, searching for each other, saying a thousand things, each in his language, careless not to understand, to be understood, as they were feeling anyway that their bodies were communicating at a different level where words were no longer needed. A world so long time dreamed of, was opening to Jacques, a world until a little before still forbidden, and that he now was discovering to be more wonderful than the most wonderful of his dreams. And a new world was being unveiled to Kurt, unknown and never imagined, in which with grateful amazement he was discovering unsuspected beauty. The two boys were entering in that world almost shyly, with trembling anticipation, with emotion. They wanted each other, they searched for each other, but neither of them found the courage to surpass the feeble barrier of their clothes. They were attracted by each other's throbbing erection, but neither of them dared to feel the other there with his hand. Jacques knew very well where he would arrive -- to penetrate Kurt or be penetrated by him, or both; but he didn't know how to handle doing it. He just felt he could not simply start doing it. He felt that it was something that had to happen spontaneously, even though he still didn't know how to do it. Kurt, on his side, was waiting for his friend, who he believed to be more expert as he was two years older, to guide him in this new, agreeable and fascinating experience. He was feeling ready to follow him wherever his friend would lead him, because he totally trusted him. They kissed again, caressing, shuddering, and pressing against each other. Their tongues searched each other's, played, and mutually suckled. Kurt had already kissed with girls, so he knew how to do it, and Jacques was quickly learning from him. And Kurt thought that kissing Jacques was not at all less agreeable than kissing a girl. For the first time, he was under a body, and he liked this sensation as well. For the first time his hands were exploring a sound and smooth body, muscled and strong, a virile body, and this excited him. For the first time he was feeling a virile erection palpitate against him, and this also moved him... "Oh, Jacques, you desire Kurt?" "Yes, I love you." "I love... what I love?" "This..." Jacques answered kissing him, "then this..." murmured caressing and feeling him, "and... this," he whispered pushing his turgidity against that of the boy... "and also more!" "Ah, this I love? Then also I love!" Kurt sighed happily and it was he who, instinctively, first lowered his hand to test the throbbing erection of his friend through the cloth of the trousers. "So, good, Jacques? So like?" "Yes... so it is very good and I like..." the French boy sighed, finding at last the courage to lower his hand to intimately caress his friend's hardness. It was Kurt again who took the second step. "If Jacques and Kurt no clothe, more good, yes?" "Yes, my love." "So you do Kurt and Kurt do Jacques." The boy proposed in a gentle murmur, trying to undress his friend. "Yes, love." Jacques glided onto one side to allow his friend to unbutton his shirt and trousers, while he was doing the same for Kurt. Both boys' hands were shaking with emotion. When their bodies were half exposed, from chest to genitals, their hands moved trembling, to explore each other. Their hands seemed to burn for that intimate and sensual contact. Kurt laid on Jacques, bare chest on bare chest, tense belly on tense belly, the turgid member brushing against the friend's turgid member. Jacques hands slipped under Kurt's open shirt and caressed his back, following the gentle curves of his loins, then pushed down the trousers and glided to caress the two small and firm globes of his buttocks. "I love you, Kurt." "Yes, Jacques, yes..." Kurt raised his hands on his friend's chest and gently brushed his nipples that at once became hard. "Jacques moaned, "Oh yes, like that..." "Good, so?" "Yes, it's very good!" Then, thinking that girls liked it, Kurt slipped a little lower, until he could lean his lips on one of the nipples of his companion and gently squeezed between his teeth, suckling it. "Oh, yes..." Jacques murmured, shaking for the pleasure. "Also so good?" "Oh yes, Kurt, it's wonderful." Then Jacques turned on one side so that also Kurt's body was at his side, and then he slid down to suckle a nipple of his friend who shuddered strongly. Girls had never done it to him, and Kurt closed his eyes to fully enjoy those emotions, so new and so intense. He lowered his hands and held in them the quivering erection of his companion, and caressed it, handled it for a long while. Jacques went upwards passing his lips on his friend's chest and neck, until he again reached his mouth and kissed him. He moved his hands to feel Kurt's throbbing member, finally touching, titillating it, feeling it warm and strong, palpitating against the naked skin of his hands. They caressed, touched, kissed, explored and fingered each other for a long while, lost in the mutual discovery. Each of them was feeling overwhelmed by the emotions that the other was stirring up, and each of them was happy for the pleasure he was giving to the other. In spite of their half nakedness, and even though the blanket had fallen away from them, they didn't feel the cold any more, so much heat was emanating from their bodies burning with passion for each other. They kissed, nibbled, licked, and sucked each other's nipples, they kissed again. Jacques started to masturbate his companion and at once Kurt followed sit. They shuddered. Their youth and strong bodies, full of life and passion, became tense, arched up. Kurt reached his orgasm in Jacques hands, pushing against him, and soon Jacques too reached the summit of pleasure, spurting against Kurt's groin. Tightly enlaced, they united in a long kiss, shaking with strong quivers. They then relaxed, sated for the moment, tenderly embracing, careless of the warm and sticky liquid that was mixing and oozing between their tense bellies, still pressed against each other. "" "I didn't think a day like this would really come. And with a boy as beautiful as you are! Even though we didn't yet enter one into the other, it has been wonderful! And I so love you, Kurt!" "Yes, I love you, Jacques..." the boy repeated as in an echo. "You will never abandon me, isn't it so? You will be with me forever?" "" "Now that I have found the boy of my dreams, or rather, better than in my dreams, I don't want to lose you any more! I would like now for it to be daytime; there was the sun to look at you, to admire you... I would like to have you forever in my arms... I would like..." Jacques couldn't find the right words to express his joy, the intensity of his feelings, the greatness and beauty of his feelings... the love he was feeling -- he felt, deeply touched, moved, overwhelmed. But now the cold was again starting to bite them. They tidied their clothes, wrapped themselves in the blanket once more, embraced tightly, happy to feel the other's body, that body that they were now beginning to feel less strange, less "of the other". Sleep was late coming but both of them were feeling so good that they didn't care. They were enjoying that new, extraordinary closeness that had just bloomed and that was anyway already so strong. "Kurt?" "Yes?" "You and I are united, now, aren't we?" "United, yes." "Forever?" "Forever, yes." "I love you..." "I love you." They both went silent, each of them lost in his thoughts. Thoughts of sweetness, of joy, of safety. The war, the desertion, the flight didn't exist any more. Neither did the night, the solitude, the cold. Only they existed, their tender embrace, the mutual warmth. They slipped into sleep without being aware. The following morning, the first to wake up was Jacques. He looked at his friend's face and found it to be wonderful, so sweetly abandoned in a serene sleep. He didn't want to wake him up, so that he could enjoy the expression of that face longer, to steal it, to absorb it. He felt the impulse to kiss him but restrained himself. A thick forelock of golden hair covered his forehead. Kurt's arms were still around Jacques torso, his legs intertwined to his own. He looked at his sensual lips and felt a shudder thinking he now knew them, as he had tasted them intimately. With a hand he lightly caressed Kurt's nape of the neck, enjoying the contact with his soft, silky hair. With the other hand he gently underlined his friend's spine, up and down, slowly. Kurt moaned in his sleep and pushed stronger against him. Jacques felt Kurt's erection waking up and at once his own arose too, in answer. Kurt shuddered slightly, then his eyes opened, met his friend's eyes, closed slightly in a smile. "Oh, Jacques!" he whispered. Their lips met, brushed, opened and each of them breathed the other's sweet breath. They finally united in a deep kiss filled with passion. "Oh, Jacques! How you say this?" "This?" Jacques asked, kissing him again. "Yes, this." "A kiss, Kurt." "Oh, very good your kiss. Jacques do much kiss to Kurt." "Yes, my love!" "You happy, Jacques?" "Yes, sure, I'm very happy!" "I too very happy. Very good this love. Very good desire." Kurt stretched out his face towards his friend's and they kissed again, for a long time, feeding each other's arousal. But after a while, almost in a silent agreement, they slowly parted. Then stood up. Kurt took their blanket, shook it and folded it. Jacques went to touch their clothes, but they were still damp. He gathered them all the same and kept them in his hand, then picked up his bundle. Kurt also took his bundle. Then went near Jacques and gave him a fleeting kiss on the lips. "Go?" he asked with a smile. "Yes, let's go." "Good. Let's go." Kurt corrected himself and they set out. They walked side by side, their damp clothes in their hands, looking and smiling at each other every now and then. Differently from usual, for a long time they didn't talk. They didn't need it, now. When the sun was high in the sky, Jacques proposed his boy to stop near a brook to eat. They spread their damp clothes on the grass, under the sun, and sat down. Jacques cut two helpings of food and offered one to his friend. "Thank you, my Jacques!" Kurt said and vigorously bit into his food. While eating, they were looking at each other, happily. Now they didn't seem to be two fugitives any more, but just two friends on vacation. After eating, chewing everything carefully, Jacques went to turn their clothes in the sun, and then went with Kurt to the brook to fill the flask and to drink. After they drank, Jacques looked at his friend's lips, glossy with water, and dried them with a light gesture of his fingers. ----------------------------- CONTINUES IN CHAPTER 9 ----------------------------- In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is If you want to send me feed-back, or desire to help revising my English translations, so that I can put on-line more of my stories in English please e-mail at ---------------------------