Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2012 04:48:02 -0700 (PDT) From: Pete Bruno Subject: A Single Soul Chapter 10 NOTICE: This story may contain scenes of a graphical nature, which may not be legal in your area. If you are under 18, or if material of this nature is illegal in your present location, please leave now. If you continue to read, you are confirming that it is legal for you to view the material in these stories or story. This work fully protected under The United States Copyright Laws © 17 USC§§ 101, 102(a), 302(a). All Rights Reserved. The author retains all rights. No reproductions are allowed without the authors consent. (see full statement at the beginning of Chapter 1.) A Single Soul Chapter 10 Desperate, Deceptive, and Discovered The smoke thickened as they neared its source, and Jim's pulse began to race. With every mile that passed, he became more anxious. Repeatedly, he called Matty's phone; but, there was no answer. He urged Frank to drive faster. After another few frantic miles, they could both see that the smoke was becoming even denser. Then they saw the flashing lights of police cars, and a long line of brake lights that told them the traffic had come to a complete stop, probably due to a wreck. When Frank stopped their car, Jim jumped out and started running towards the scene. It appeared to be about two miles away. He ran like he had never run before. All sorts of scenarios ran through his mind, from his worst fears to maybe it was only a random collision between strangers. He ran faster. When he reached the source of the smoke, he saw something that made his heart almost stop. A van that looked like Linda's was laying on its side, engulfed in flames. Firefighters were dousing it with foam. As he neared the scene, he was grabbed and stopped by a trooper who told him he couldn't get any closer. Jim grabbed the officer's arm and flipped the trooper on to his back. He walked closer to the wreck; he could see a tractor-trailer stopped a few hundred yards from the wrecked van. He stood, transfixed, just staring at the burning van. He began to hyperventilate, thinking his son was in that blazing vehicle. At that point, the trooper whom he had flipped ran up behind Jim, grabbed him, and was trying to handcuff him. "Officer, can you give me a fucking break? Jim cried out. "My son is in that van!" "Sir is your son about eight years old?" the officer asked. "Yeah, his mother and her brother kidnapped him, and they were taking him to New Jersey in violation of a court order," he babbled. At that point Jim began to shake and tears rolled down his cheeks. The Officer placed his hand on Jim's shoulder; "It's okay, Gunner; your boy and his dog are fine. We were able to get them out before the fire started. Unfortunately," the officer added quietly, "your wife and her brother were trapped and the car burst into flames before we could get to them." It took a second to register on Jim's consciousness; the officer called him "Gunner." How could he know that? Then it dawned on Jim that he was still in his uniform. Just as the officer finished relating to Jim what had happened, Frank came running up. Jim hugged him. Jim's emotions were on a roller coaster ride. In less than a week, his wife, who had lost his baby, had asked for a divorce. Then, she and her brother had tried to kidnap their son. His wife, her brother and Jim's son had just been involved in a traffic collision. The two adults now lay dead in front of him in their burning vehicle. Their son was still alive, by the grace of God, although injured and stretched out on a nearby gurney. Jim began to shake uncontrollably and his legs refused to support him any longer. As he began to collapse, Frank grabbed him and kept him on his feet. The officer helped Frank walk Jim to an ambulance across the highway. Matty was lying on the gurney, a splint on his arm and one on a leg. While an EMT worked on a cut on Matty's forehead and a few more on his face, Jim looked at his son, and his tears began again. Ian began barking in his crate when he recognized Jim. Matty looked up to see his father standing there and tried to smile, while Ian was barking in his crate. "Dad!" cried out Jimmy. "I just knew you'd come to rescue me, just like Officer Mike did. He saved me and Ian before the car blew up!" Then his tears began to flow. "I'm really sorry, Dad; I didn't wanna go with them, but Uncle Joe grabbed me and locked me in the car," Matty sobbed. "Him and Mom kept telling me that I was going to live with them in New Jersey and that you weren't coming," he went on crying. Jim went to the boy and hugged him. All he could do to comfort Matty was kiss his son's forehead and hold his hand. "It's okay, sport. I know it wasn't your fault," Jim told him. "Mom's dead, isn't she?" Matty asked his Dad, and the crying continued. "Yeah, after they rescued you and Ian, there just wasn't enough time to get your Mom and Uncle out of the car," Jim said quietly. "How `bout you, son; how are you feeling?" Jim asked. "It hurts a little bit, Dad. My leg really hurts; but I guess I'll be okay." "You sure will big guy. Right now, I need to talk to the trooper who helped you, and then I'll be right back," Jim said. He approached the trooper and extended his hand, "Excuse me, Trooper..." "Mike Gallagher, Gunner; I spent ten years in the Corps, sir," the officer said. "Cut the sir- shit Mike. I'll never be able to repay you for what you and your partner have done for me and my son," Jim said sincerely. They made their way over to another officer, who was talking with a group of other troopers and sheriff's deputies. Mike introduced Jim to his partner, Tim Grant. "Tim, this is Chief Warrant Officer James Flannery. It was his boy we pulled out of the van." Jim grabbed the man's hand. "I can't thank you enough," Jim said, as he grabbed the other trooper's hand and shook it vigorously. "Can you tell me anything about all this?" Jim asked. "We just happened to be sitting for a red light at the intersection. Your wife's car had the green light and was entered the intersection when that eighteen-wheeler ran his red light, hit the van in the front of it and knocked the van into the ditch. We managed to get your son out, and he kept screaming, "Get Ian!" That's when we saw the dog crate strapped in next to where your son had been sitting; so, we grabbed it," Officer Tim said. "The front doors were too damaged to open. We were waiting for fire rescue, and then we smelled gas; so, we hustled the boy out of there just as the van went up in flames," officer Mike finished. "Holy shit," Jim said, as he looked over at the smoking vehicle. The front of the van was a mangled mess; but, by some miracle, the door in the back where Matty sitting was untouched. The sight of the smoldering vehicle and the thought that his wife and brother-in-law were lying inside, burned to death, made him queasy. Regardless of how crazy Linda had been the last couple of weeks, she was still his wife; and he honestly hoped that she hadn't suffered. But aside from that, he was angry with her for what she had done; after twenty years of marriage, she had kidnapped their son. Traffic had begun to move again, so Frank walked back and got into his car. The EMT's had already left for the hospital with Matty. The officers offered to escort Jim and Frank to the hospital; so, when Frank arrived, they loaded Ian into Jim's car and headed off, following the troopers. On the way, Jim called Matt and told him what had happened, and that they were on the way to the hospital. He asked Matt to meet him there. His next call was the difficult one; he really didn't want to call Linda's parents with the news of their daughter's death. He decided to call Linda's younger brother, Sean, instead. Out of all of Linda's family, Jim was closest to Sean. Sean's wife, Jane, answered and was surprised to be hearing from Jim in the middle of the afternoon. She seemed uncharacteristically nervous to him; and when he asked for Sean, she said he was at work and then asked Jim, with concern in her voice, if he would like his office number. Jim thanked her and scribbled down the number on a piece of paper from his wallet, said good-bye, and hung up. "Sean Butler," the voice answered on the other end of the phone. "Sean, it's Jim." "Hey, buddy," Sean replied. Like his wife, Sean sounded nervous. "How are you? I've been meaning to call; but, my mother ordered me to have no contact with you. I mean, I know about Linda wanting a divorce, but..." Sean was saying when Jim cut him off. "Sean, I need you to help me and stay calm," Jim said his voice as level as possible, under the circumstances. There's been a car wreck. There's really no good way to tell you this, Sean ... both Linda and Joe were killed in the accident," Jim quietly told his brother-in-law. Jim heard nothing but silence on the other end. "Sean, are you okay?" Jim asked. "Yeah ... Oh, my God ...," Sean answered with tears in his voice. Then, Jim heard nothing but silence for a few moments, as Sean tried manfully to absorb the news. "Shit," Sean gulped; are you all right, Jim? What about Matty!?" Sean asked, as panic entered his voice. "I'm fine, Sean; I wasn't involved in it, but Matty was. Other than a couple of broken bones and some cuts here and there, he's all right; and his dog, Ian, made it through okay, too. Just a few cuts on Matt's face and the medics think maybe a broken arm and leg; not sure, yet" Jim said, and then he told Sean the whole story leading up to the wreck. "Look, Sean, I really didn't want to just call your parents and tell them over the phone. I was hoping you would tell them in person; and maybe you could call their priest and ask him to go over with you?" "Yeah, that's a real good idea," replied Sean. Then Sean broke down. "Jim, I'm really sorry about everything... I wanted to call you... I'm so sorry... my mother...I'm so sorry, Jimmy..." Sean was crying, and Jim could barely understand him. "Sean, buddy, calm down and take a deep breath; you're not making any sense," Jim said, trying to remain calm himself. Sean went on, "When Mom told us that Linda had lost the baby, she also told me and Jane we were not to come visit her, `cause she just wasn't up to it. Then, Jane was at a yoga class with one of her friends who was a maternity nurse; and she congratulated Linda on her new nephew. Linda, of course, was floored by this; but, she played along. She ran home and called me, first thing. I went right to Mom and Dad's and confronted both of them with it. Can you believe they all knew, and were going to keep it from you until after the divorce? I mean, suddenly I don't know what's happening to my family! Sean babbled. Mom has the baby...Linda lied to you ... She was actually nine months pregnant all that time; and Joe never was in jail! It was all a made-up story to get her up here to have the baby without you knowing about it. She had her labor induced and ..." Jim was listening to what Sean was saying; but, he couldn't absorb it all. His stomach began churning. He told Sean to stop for a minute, and he would call him back. "Frank!" Jim screamed. "Pull over! Like, now!" Startled and wide-eyed with concern, Frank began screeching to a halt by the side of the road Before the car had come to a full stop, Jim threw open his door, jumped out, and began to vomit and cuss at the same time. Frank barely got the car stopped before he leapt out his door, tore around the vehicle, and immediately started rubbing Jim's back, trying to calm the young man down, but baffled by what was happening. When he finished throwing up and his dry heaves had subsided, Jim wiped his mouth and continued to shake with anger; but, he let Frank take him into his arms and comfort him. Jim tried to give Frank a quick explanation of what Sean related to him; but, he was so angry and confused that his words came tumbling out of him. Frank listened patiently and managed to piece together what had basically happened. Then, Jim's Marine training apparently began to kick in. He quickly got his anger under control so he could think more rationally, and told himself, "I'm not going to let this stand the way it is." Quickly, he put a plan together in his mind and opened his cell phone to call Sean back. When he saw that it was Jim calling, Sean immediately answered the ring with, "Jimmy, are you okay!" "Yeah, Sean thanks. Listen, I need your help, man. Please don't tell anyone what you just told me. You should still tell your parents about the accident; but nothing else. I'll be there by morning. I'm gonna fly up there, rent a car, and I'll be at their house sometime in the morning. Okay?" Jim said. "Of course, buddy," Sean replied. "Jane and I are both so sorry for what they've been doing to you; I'll do anything to make it up to you," Sean added. "Thanks, guy. But, remember; don't say anything to anyone about me coming up there. Except for Jane, of course, just make sure she doesn't say anything, either," Matt reiterated. After hanging up, and with a plan in place, Jim's mind became calmer; so, he finished telling Frank all that Sean had told him. "Call Finn, right now, before you do anything else," said a still-stunned Frank. Jim dialed Finn's number and discovered that Finn, Matt, and Jimmy were already on their way and should be at the hospital within half an hour. When Jim and Frank arrived at the hospital, they were told that Matty was doing fine, but that he was in surgery, having his leg set. It was broken in two places and needed to be pinned. Not long after the others arrived, Frank entertained Jimmy while Jim took Finn and Matt aside to fill them in on what he had learned. Finn, ever the lawyer, then took charge. He reserved seats for Jim and him on a flight out of Wilmington for Philly at 0600 hours, and arranged for them to pick up a car at the Philly airport. Matt said he would take care of Matty and Ian. Jim called Sean back and told him he would be meeting him at 1000 hours at his parent's house, and reminded Sean not to alert them about anything. After Matty came out of recovery, he was a bit groggy; but obviously happy to have his family around him. Matt said he would stay overnight with the boy, and then accompany Matty to the base hospital at Lejeune. Frank took Jimmy and Ian with him, while Jim rode with Finn so they could plan for the next day's confrontation. Finn called a friend who worked with the county Family Service division where Linda's parents lived, and she agreed to meet the two men at the Butler home. The morning flight from Wilmington to Philly was quick; the men picked up the rental and drove over to Jersey. After stopping at one of Jim's favorite diners for a quick breakfast and to discuss their plans, they made their way to the home of Linda's parents. Finn had also arranged for a local police officer to be present when they arrived. Rose Smith, from Family Services, and the policeman met them as they drove up to the Butler home. They all walked up to the door and rang the bell. Linda's mother opened the door. When she saw Jim standing there, her face registered surprise and then quickly changed to one of panic. "What do you want? You have no business here," she spat. "I'm here to meet my son and take him home," Matt said sternly. "I don't know what you're talking about. My daughter lost her baby. And now, because of you, she's dead." the woman stammered. Sean appeared behind his mother and said with sadness, "Give it up, Mom. We know all about it. Jane has a friend who is a maternity nurse. Imagine Jane's surprise when she congratulated Linda on her new nephew." "You are not taking my grandson! My daughter did not want you to have anything to do with him! My children died trying to protect him from you!" the crazed women screamed. "Mrs. Butler, my name is Rose Smith, and I'm from the county Family Services department. This is Mr. Flannery's attorney and Officer Weekly. We are here to remove Mr. Flannery's child from these premises, and if you attempt to prevent it, you will be arrested," Rose told her. Sean opened the door and let everyone in. His mother glared through her tears at him and backed away, not meeting anyone's eyes, "Sean are no longer my son, for doing this to me and your sister." "You know, Mom, I'm very sad to say I have no problem with that. What you, Linda, and Joe were going to do was just plain wrong; was evil," Sean said. The sound of a baby crying caught everyone's attention. They all looked at the stairs and saw Linda's father coming down, carrying Jim's son. He walked over to Jim and placed the baby in his father's arms, but never meeting Jim's eyes. "Jimmy, you have no idea how ashamed of myself I am for allowing this to happen. I'll make sure you never have any more problems with my wife." Jim looked at his son with tears in his eyes, raised the baby up, kissed his forehead, turned to show his new son to the others and said, "Everybody... I'd like you to meet James Kelly Flannery Jr.," Jim kissed his son again, and the baby smiled at him, "We'll call him Kelly; `cause we sure don't need another Jimmy," Jim announced, as he beamed with pride. "He already has a name on his birth certificate!" His mother-in-law screamed at him. "I won't let you get away with this, Flannery! I'll fight you until I die, you son-of-a-bitch!" Sean and his father both cringed at her outburst; but, Jim didn't react. He handed the baby to Rose and said, "Finn, you're on." "Mrs. Butler, as Mr. Flannery's attorney, I am informing you that we will be filing for an order terminating your rights as a grandparent and asking the judge to issue an order to prevent you from contacting, or attempting to contact, Mr. Flannery or his children." "Never!" "I'll fight you; I'll fight you!" she screamed, as her husband grabbed her and forced her out of the room. Sean helped Jim and Finn gather the baby's personal belongings, his car seat, and his "Sleep-and-Play." Rose Smith and the Officer left and the three men and the baby drove to Sean's house to spend the night. When they arrived, Jane met them at the door, barely able to contain herself in her excitement to meet the baby. She kissed Jim, "Hello;" but, she immediately took the baby in her arms and began to coo and kiss him. "Jim, I hope Sean has told you how sorry we are about all this. We really were trying to figure out how to let you know. That's why I was so squirrelly when you called yesterday," Jane said. "It's okay, Jane. I know you two didn't have anything to do with this craziness," Jim said. Jane put the baby down for a nap and the adults all sat down for a talk. Jim explained to them that he would drive the rental car back down to Jacksonville in the morning and that Finn would remain behind to handle the legal issues. "What are you going to do about work?" Jane asked. "Well, that's a long story; and it's all pretty amazing, actually." Over the next hour and two pots of coffee, he filled them in on everything that had transpired since moving into the new house. "So, your friend, Matt, is going to baby sit for you?" Jane asked a bit surprised. "Well, he did an exceptional job with his own son, and I think between him and his father and me; we will be fine, until I can hire a nanny, anyway. And too, you all know that Matty is already almost nine years old, so even he can help," Jim added with a laugh. "It looks like you've got it all worked out," Sean said with a smile. "I just hope you'll keep us in your life," he added with a hopeful look at his wife. "You two are welcome in our house, anytime. The boys need their aunt and uncle," Jim said with sincerity. The next morning, as Sean helped Jim load the car for the trip back to Wilmington; he looked at his brother-in-law and noticed how much Jim had changed since the last time he saw him. It seemed to Sean that Jim just kept growing muscle upon muscle. He wished that this visit could have been under different circumstances. Jim noticed the looks from his brother-in-law; but, he didn't say anything. When Jim married Linda, Sean, who was only two years younger than the couple, had a serious case of hero worship about Jim, and he wasn't shy about it. Things progressed; and, whenever Jim let his guard down and got a craving for sex with a man, Sean took Matt's place. Sean was the only other male that Jim had ever fooled around with sexually. When they finished packing the car, Jim hugged his brother-in-law and said, "Don't worry about anything, Sean, I still love you like a brother, and I hope you and Jane will stay in touch and visit soon," Jim said. Jane came out of the house carrying Kelly and handed the baby to Jim. Kelly cooed, grabbed his dad's finger, and kicked his feet with excitement as his dad strapped him into the baby seat of the car. "Will you look at that? Only one day, and he's already a daddy's boy," Jane said, and laughed as she kissed Jim goodbye. "If he's anything like Matty, and I hope he is, he'll be asleep before we make it to the corner," Jim said as he closed the car door. He kissed and hugged both Sean and Jane, saying "I really can't thank you two enough for what you've done. Make sure you get Labor Day week off; `cause I've decided that's when I'm going to have the baby Christened, and I want you both there. I thought about this last night. I wanna do something a little different; I'd like the two of you to be one set of Godparents to Kelly and my sister and Matt to be the other. Both Sean and Jane looked at Jim in amazement and with tears in their eyes. They both hugged and kissed Jim again, saying they wouldn't miss it for the world. With that, Jim slid behind the wheel of the car and headed south, to begin his new life as a single father with two boys. To be continued... Author's Note: Thanks to all of you who have written to tell how much you're enjoying the story, I hope you stay tuned. For all the readers enjoying the stories here at Nifty, remember that Nifty needs your donations help to provide these wonderful stories.