Date: Mon, 24 Aug 2009 23:35:35 -0400 From: Subject: being a brother chapter 2 Ok thnanks to an overwelming request for me to continue this story I have decided to go on with it. Thanks to all of you that sent me supportive emails and to those who sent flamers, you can bite me. I said before the story even started that I had no spell checker to check my work so live with what I write and stop being so picky. I dont claim to be a writer and never did claim it. I write down things I think about and things that happen around me in life. If I dont write them down or something it drives me nuts thinking about it. So once again thanks for reading and I guess I will keep it going for a little while longer. Chapter 2 I walk into the kitchen to see my mom in a rare faze cooking breakfast. Already sittign at the table is Paul Sr, coach. I sit down in just a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and dont say a word. I wasnt sure if they could tell by the look on my face but I was stewing inside. Mom asked me something but I must have heard her because she asked twice. "Kayle! How many eggs do you want?" she asked sharply gettign my attention. I just held up 2 fingers and didnt speak. About that time in heard the toilet flush so I figured little Paul was awake now. I just hope he remembred to put his undies back on before leaving my room. He walked in a minute later dressedin the clothes he had on last night and smiling. "Wow so mething smells good. Oh yes I love eggs! Dad never cooks those for us he always burns them." Paul said happily sniffing at the aroma in the kitchen. He sat down to my left and looked at me and smiled with a little bit of a blush, but I didnt smile back as much as I felt like embarrassing him. Mom sat plates of eggs and toast in front of the Paul's and me and I thought little Paul was trying to inhale his food. Big Paul snapped his finger at his son and I guess it meant somethgin ebtween the two. Paul Jr stopped eating so fast and began to shew his food more. "He's got a bad habbit of eating too fast and he chokes sometimes." coach said. I finished eating in record time and put my plate in the sink before leaving the room. I went to my bedroom and just crashed on the bed staring at the ceiling. It wasnt long after that a light knock came to my door. "What?" I asked in an annoyd tone. "Oh sorry I didnt know you wanted to be alone." Little Paul said after opening the door slightly. "No it's ok you can come in." I said not really being mad at him, I was just mad period. He ccame in and gently shut the door behind him. He sat on the ground next to the bed and looked up at me. "It's really something isnt it? They're really getting married. Gu ess that means we're gonna be brothers." he said with a slight smile. "Dude please dont say shit like that around me." I said kind of snapping at him. "Sorry I didnt mean to...." he answered trailing off looking a bit sad. "Paul I'm sorry ok I'm not mad at you. It's just i'm mad at this while situation. I dont hate you or your dad it's just I still love my dad and brother." I said trying to explain to him why I was being a dick. "I know how you feel I still miss my mommy. I miss her so much." he said sniffing back tears. "I know there's nothing we can do about this, but please know now if i'm being a dick you know why now." I told him. "It's cool. Ok and about last night, um sorry." he said looking down now. I sat up in bed and looked down at him. "Sorry bout what?" I asked. "You know, being naked. Sometimes I get hot and I take them off in my sleep with out knowing it." he said with red cheeks from embarrassment. "Well it's cool. That's nothing you should have seen how you were laying when I wole up this morning." I said with a little chuckle and grin. "Uh, ok was it bad?" he asked. "Not bad, more like naughty." I said laughing now. He looked at me with a sickly mortified face then. "Dont worry dude i'm not mad or nothing. When I woke up you were like laying half on top of me and you weenie was stiching me in the thigh." I said smiling. I though the was going to throw up after I said that. He looked pale and a bit scared. I put my hand on top of his head and rubbed it a little. "Paul it's ok man really, I'm not mad at all. You got nothing to be embarrassed about. It happens sometimes when you sleep in the same bed with another person. Me and my big bro use to sleep in the same bed sometimes and we woke up laying like that sometimes." I admitted to him trying to make him feel better. "Really? You and your brother slept in the same bed sometimes? Cool! Dont think I'm a nerd for sayin this but you are the only guy I ever slept in the same bed with." paul said gettign some color back in his face. "Yeah dude my big bro was the best. He use to watch over and protect me and stuff. You know teach me things I didnt know about life and soprts and stuff." I said thinking of Chris. "Wow you must really miss him bad. I never had no one like that to teach me anything." Paul said sounding sad. "Well dude from the way things look you do now. Re member i'm going to be you older brother now. I'll do my best to tell you what you need or want to know, you know about sports and stuff." I said trying to be what I thought Chris would want me to be. "Really? Thanks Kayle. There's so many thing's I'd like to know about, but I guess that'll be something to think about later." he said happy now. "Ok 'small fry' glad to be of help to you." I said rubbing the top of his head again making him smile. A week later and it's now Halloween and Paul and I are getting ready to go trick or treatign with a few of my friends. I decided to keep my costume simple and go as a hobo. Paul wanted to go all out on his costume. His dad went out and bought him all the things he'd need to drees up like a Jedi knight. He had the robe, the clothes, and even the fake light saber. We met up with my friends and began going door to door filling our sacks with candy and all sorts of junk food in town. The guys and me all went back to my place so my mom could help go through our bags to make sure nothing 'evil' was slipped in there that may hurt us. My buds got their haul and went home after wards and Paul asked if he could sleep over again since we had worn him out trick or treating. Mom didnt care since she was soon to be his new mom and I really didnt care either. We took our junk food to my room and then we needed t o get our costumes off. I had make up all over my face to make it look all smudged up and dirty and Paul had some on his to make him look like an alien. I took my costume off and piled it in the corner of the room and was only in my boxers now. "Dang it." Paul said tossing his light saber on my bed. "What's wrong?" I asked. "These are the only clothes I brought." he said referring to his costume. "So what it's not like you need clothes to sleep in, and besides we already seen each other naked a bunch of times." I pointed out. "Ok I see your point. I need to wash this stuff off." he said pointing to his make up covered face. "Well I do to. You wanna just jump in the shower with me real quick anf get cleaned up so we dont have to wait on each other?" I asked hoping he'd say yes. "Ok let's go." he said happily. We went to the bathroom in our undies and I grabbed 2 towels for us. I started the water and as soon as it was warm we stripped down and stepped in. it was a good thing he was standing in front of me with his back to me because seeing his tight little buns was giving me a boner. I couldnt help but sniff the scent of the top of his head since it was at nose lvel with me. I grabbed the soap and scard hi m a bit when I started to wash his back for him. It was only a slight shock but he let me continue on washing his backside while he was washing the alien make up off his face. When I got to close to his arm pits he began to giggle. "That tickles." he said in laughter and that was all the signal I needed. I began poking him gently in the ribs and under the arms makign him squeal and giggle like a little todler. He swatted at me trying to make me quit and eventually turned around to face me. When he looked down and saw my stiffness I stopped tickling him and felt a little embarrassed. "Neat is mine going to get that big when I'm 13?" he said admiring my boner. "I dont know maybe. I might even get bigger who knows." I said shrugging my shoulders. His eyes had an almost constant lock on my cock as he washed his front side and his own little shaft started to rise. One thing was for sure he was losing any hints of being embarrassed for me to see him naked quick. I dont know if he was doing it purposely or subconciously but as he was talking to me he began to rub his little shaft. "Um, Kayle can I ask you some stuff? I mean there's a lot of things i'd like to know about that dad is to embrrassed to talk about." he asked me. "Ok sure I guess I can try to help you. What d o you need to know?" I asked. "Well you know when you wake up in the morning, is yours har...." he began to ask when mom banged on the door. "Come on guys dont use up all the hot water. Time to get out of there." she said from the other side. "K mom we'll be out in a sec." I yelled back. It was a good thing we washed the make up off when we first got in or we'd be in a pickle right now. I could only guess he was about to ask abot morning wood but i'd have to find out later. "K we better get out of here before she gets pissed." I said turning the water off. We stepped out and I grabbed a towel and gave it to Paul. He began washing his firm athletic little body off as I dried my hair. Sinc emy hair wasnt very long it didnt take long so I began to dry Paul's hair for him. I wasnt sure what it was but it felt nice to do these little things for him. It made me think if this is how Chris felt when he did these things for me. Some times we'd bathe together and he'd dry my hair for me and things like that. You know just being a big brother that was very loving. Once we was dry I took a brush and like always brushed my inch long light brown hair backwards before I went to bed. To have some fun I brushed Paul's for him but I brushed it into a mohawk. He busted a gut when he saw it in the mirror and loved it, "I look like a rooster." he said laughing. "K come on chicken boy let's go to bed." I said handing him his undies. We opened the bathroom door just as mom was about to pound on it again. She rolled her eyes when she saw us walk out in our boxers towards my room. "Night mom." I said as I walked in my room. "Night Kayle, night Paul." she replied. "Night mom." Paul replied stopping me in my tracks. He noticed I stopped and looked at me. he saw that I was thinking and wanted to know if he was wrong for saying what he just did. "Sorry Kayle. I shouldnt have said it." he said turning away. "Let's just go to bed." I said walking past him and pulling the covers down. We got in bed in silence and went to sleep. Soe time in the night I woke up with Paul once again laying half on top of me. And once again his boxers were pulled down. This time they were only half way down his legs. His limp little dick was laying on my thigh so I said why not and slid out from under him. He didnt even notice I wasnt there and didnt stir a bit when I moved. I slid my boxers off and tossed them aside and gently puled his the rest of the way off. Now that we were both naked I gen tly lifted his arm and laid back down. As soon as he felt I was there he snugged up to me. The warmth of his body against mine felt unbelieveable. My dick got hard as steel but I knew I couldnt jerk it with him laying with me, at least not now not tonight. Instead I got comfy again and dozed back off to sleep. I was woken up the next morning by Paul jerking away from me. "Man I did it again." he mumbled to his self in a dejected tone. "Huh? What? What's wrong?" I asked rubbing my eyes. "Please dont be mad, but I took my boxers off again." he said in an embarrassed tone. "It's fine I dont care." I told him. He felt around under the covers for them but couldnt find them to slide them back on. "Looking for these? Oh oops those are mine." I said holding up the boxers I had on when we went to bed. "You're naked to?" he asked in surprise. "Yeah I woke up durring the night and I was a little warm so I said why not and took mine off to." I admitted. "Well where are mine I need to go pee?" he asked. "Check under the bed." I said and he did that. He held his found undies up and smiled before putting them on. He ran out of the room and a minute later I heard the toilet flush. He came back with a relieved look on his face. I pulled the covers off me and got up with my morning flagpole showing. Paul stared a second before I slid my boxers on before going to piss to. I came back and wondered why he still wasnt getting dressed. "Why are you still in your undies?" I asked. "Duh remember I didnt bring anything to wear besides my costume." he said rolling his eyes. I went to my dresser and got out an aloder pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt I had that were too small for me. He put them on and they seemed to fit him perfect. We went to the living room to watch the ussual Saturday cartoons before anythign else, it was a nessitiy. His dad arrived soon after and immediately went to the kitchen to talk with mom. I assumed what they were talking about was grwon up business so I stayed out of it. Little Paul however was a little more nosey then I was. He intentionally over heard part of what they were saying when he walked in pretending to be thirsty. "What did you say? We're moving?" he asked the adults. "Yes son. You know being nosey isnt a good trait." his dad answered. "Where we moving to?" little Paul asked. "Well the thing is you and your father are moving, Kayle and I arent." my mom said. I he ard that part and made a point to find out what they were talking about then. "What do you mean they are moving and we arent? Is the wedding off or something?" I asked. "No honey everything is fine. Paul and Paul Jr are moving in with us." my mom told me. Heart rate rising, breahting going to rapid now, anxiety kicking in full force. I closed my eyes and tried to calm myslef before I passed out again. Once I felt calmenough I asked my question. "What did you say? Where are they going to stay?" I asked. "Well we will all just have to adjust and make room." mom replied. "So you mean we gotta share rooms right?" I asked again. "Kayle your mother and I know it's a big adjustment for you make. It's a big adjustment for all of us to make, but we have to. The apartment Paul and I live in is way too small for all of us to live in. this is only going to be temporary until your mom and me get the funds up to get a bigger house. Maybe then you boys can have your own rooms again." Pual Sr explained. That was a hell of a bombshell to have dropped on you when you're trying to watch your cartoons. I had no say so in the matter so I just bit my tongue and went back to the livign room. Little Paul on the other hand was totally psyched about what we=2 0were just told. "Really dad we're moing in here? Cool! You hear that Kayle we're gonna be room mates." he said gettign hyper. "Ok son settle down. Like I said it's just till we get enough money to get a bigger place. And we got something else to tell you boys. We decided the wedding date." Paul Sr said. "That's right, its going to be November 29th. And we want you boys to be in it." mom said. Great as if them gettign married wasnt bad enough now I have to share a room with Paul and lose all of my privacy, Paul Sr was going to be around all the time in my business, and we have to be in the wedding to? Just fucking great. Could my day get any worse? Were the thougths running through my mind. Just when I thought it couldnt get any worse it did. "Guys get your gear together we got a exhibition today dont you remember?" the coach told us. "Oh man I forgot dad, I didnt bring my gear with me." little Paul said. "I know son that's why I brought it with me." his dad answered. "Go out to the car and get it and you and Kayle go get fitted up we wont have time for you two to change when we get there. We'll be running late when we show up." coach said. I rolled my eyes and groaned when I heard all of this. Paul ran out a nd got his stuff and waited on me to go to my room to change. He quickly stripped off the clothes I loaned hum when we got in there and got his singlet and under shorts out of his bag. I got mine out of my gym bag and laid it on the bed. Paul stripped anked again and pulled on his tight fitting under shorts. We wore them under our singlets so our junk wasnt showing as bad in the tight fitting singlets. When he got his pulled up he reached inside to adjust his pecker so it was pointing in the comfy upward position. I could see a bit of the outline of his shaft and head but not as bad as it would show with just the singlet on. I followed his lead and stripped to and pulled my unders on and got my own dick in position. He stepped into his singlet and got it up about half way and had a problem when he got it a little twisted in the back area. I stepped behind him and helped him out with the tangle and so he could finish. Now that he was good to go I slid into my own tight singlet and squeezed it over my body. We put the same clothes we had on before back on and went out to the car where mom and his dad were waiting. The exhibition went rather well for once. Paul and I both won our matches and we felt pretty good about it. I wasnt sure but I figured my being so mad earlier my have something to do with why I won mine so easily. Paul tried a new technique this time and wrestled with no shoes on and20it worked for him. After my last match I felt happy for winning but a little bad because I hurt the kid I was wrestling. I suplexed him with a belly to back and he landed on the back of his head. I made a point to go up to him to appologize for hurting him before we left. He had tears in his eyes and an ice pack on the back of his head but he was cool about it and shook my hand. Mom and big Paul took us out for pizza as an early dinner for doing so good. Eating out was a rare luxury for mom and me since we didnt have much money so we ate at home most of the time. Half way through dinner I had no idea what brough the point up but I was taking a drink of coke and little Paul asked a question. "Dad when will my weenie start growing like Kayle's?" he asked. I dont know which hole it came out of more, but I blew pop out of my nose and mouth at the same tiem and started laughing. I wasnt sure if it was from being embarrassed over what he asked or if it was just funny. "Paul this isnt the time or place to ask things like that son." his dad scolded him quietly. "Sorry sir." Paul moped looking down. Paul looked sad then and looked down at the table because he knew he was in trouble. Mom rolled her eyes and half smiled at what he asked. I felt kinda good to have him think of me in the way he was, as a pers on to compare himself to. Kind of like I use to do with Chris. I figured I better say somehting to him so I got up to go take a leak. "I gotta pee. You need to Paul?" I asked the lil guy kind of hinting to him to say yes. He got up and followed me to the bathroom. When we got in there I had to pull my singlet down after pulling my shorts down some to get to my dick to piss, if you ever wrestled before you know it's and involved process. "Dont feel bad dude. It was funny. I dont think your dad is too mad at you, you just picked a bad time to ask that. Besides all you had to do was ask me." I told him. "Well I wasnt sure how to. And I thought you might get mad at me if I asked stuff like that." he replied. "No way dude. When ever you need to know stuff like that ask me if you want and I'll try to answer. I might not have the right answer for you but i'll do my best." I told him shaking the last drops odd my weiner tip. It looked like he felt a little better now because that sad face was gone now. I could tell he had lots to ask so I had to let him know now wasnt the time or place. "Not now though wait till we get home at least." I said laughing then I rubbed the top of his head. He seemed to like it when I did that for some reaso n but I wasnt sure why. It always brought a smile to his face when I did it. We walked back out to our parents and they were just finishing up dinner. We all piled in the car and rode home. On the way Paul fell asleep and was leaning against me in the back seat of the car with his head laying on my shoulder. I dont know what it was but I felt content for some reason and the next thign I knew I was asleep to. When we got home mom and big Paul got out of the car and looked back at us. "Ah look at them honey that is so cute." mom said looking in the window at us leaning on each other and his head on my shoulder and my head laing on his both of us snoozing away. "I know. I havent seen Paul as happy as he is when he's around you and Kayle in a long time. He askes when we're coming back over at least 5 times a day when we're at home." big paul said. "I'm no sure how Kayle is taking it. He seems so angry about most things lately. Do you think he is ok with Paul hanging around him so much?" mom asked. "Yes dear I think he is fine with Pauly being around him. It's me I'm not to sure about him being happy about." big Paul told her. "Well I think he just needs to warm up to you. He really did love his father and brother dearly. Maybe we are rusing things a bit. Do you think we sho uld hold off on our plans till he's ok with things?" mom asked. "No dear. We have already made arrangements that cant be changed and we cant afford to lose the money we have already spent. I think he will loosen up some after we're all together. At least I hope so." Paul said. Mom opened the door and gently shook my shoulder to wake me up. "Kayle we're home honey." she said as I opened my eyes. I slid out from uder Paul gently and let him slide down my body until he was laying on the seat. He didnt miss a wink as he slept right through the whole thing. His dad came through the other door and lifted him out of the car and carried him still sleeping inside. "Where does he sleep when he's here?" his dad asked. "Just lay him on my bed." I told him. He carried him up to my room and laid him down still in his singet and clothes and Paul never stirred. His dad pulled his shoes off and covered him up. Since it was now night and I was tired myself I took a quick shower and a wrnt to my room wearing only a towel. When I got inside I locked the door and dropped the towel on the floor and just went naked like I did after I got out of the shower. I uncovered Paul then and began stripping the layers of clothes off him. I got him down to his singlet and under shorts and he finally woke. "Hey sleepy head. Wanna help me out here? I was trying to get you ready for bed. You anna leave the under shorts on or not?" I asked him. He sat up and runned his eyes for a second. Then he noticed I was totally naked and I could see his lil buddy begin to wake up as well. He had a small but i'm sure painful tent going in the singlet now. He pulled his arms out of the singlet and pulled it down to his hips before laying back down. I pulled his singlet off and tossed it over by mine in the floor. "These to?" I asked him then about his tight under shorts. He yawned big and nodded so I hooked my fingers in the waist band and began to peel them off him. These things didnt just pull down like normal shorts, you had to peel them off like a banana peel since they were so tight. Once they were past him pecker it could stand at about half mast and breaht freely. Being so close to it wanted to just bend down and lick on it some but knew I better not. "You really sleepy? Or you wanna ask me some of them questions I know you wanna ask?" I asked him as I scooted in bed next to him. He yawned again and half sat up then. "Questions please." he whispered. I reached and turned the light off only leaving the room lit by the light of the tv20now. I pulled the covers over our nakedness and sat up with him. I prepared myself for what I could only imagine what he qwas going to ask me. "So, when will mine be as big as your?" he asked me about his dick size. "I dunno. Maybe next week maybe in a few year. You cant ever tell about things like that. My brother told me all guys are different and grow at different times." I explained to him. "Do you have any hairs yet?" he whispered then. "Nope not the last time I checked. I could start gettign them tonight or in a year I dont know. My guess its going to be some time in the bext year though cus my brother started growing his right around when he turned 14." I told him. "Does your mom ever see yours? Like when you are changing or anyhting?" he asked in that curious tone. "Nope mom at least gives me enough privacy to be naked. I dont care if she sees me in my undies but no way do I want her to see it all." I said with a little giggle. "Daddy sees me naked all the time. I'm allowed to walk naked in our appartment like when i'm going to my room to the shower and stuff. He use to bath me a couple years ago. I miss that." he said with a sigh. I wasnt crazy about the thought of his "daddy" seeing me naked. I didnt even like it when he saw when I changed in the locker rooms. It just weirded me out to have a grown man seeing my junk for some reason. I guess it was one of those kind of embarrassing things some guys my age go through. Paul didnt seem to mind one bit about any one seeing his pecker. I bet if she'd let him he'd walk around naked in front of my mom. "You liked it when some one else bathed you to huh? My brother use to do it for me. We use to takes showers and baths together all the time." I said with a sorrowful breath. "He tought me everything I know about being a guy." I said referring to how my dick worked. Paul yawned really big and long then and slumped down in bed. I slid down next to him and got comfy myself. I knew "HE" was also staying over with mom and I could only figure they'd be doing the horrizontal mombo again tonight so I left the tv on just incase to try and drown out the noise. Before I fell asleep I felt Paul snuggle against me a bit in his sleep. He laid his head against my shoulder on my pillow and softly snoozed away. I couldnt put my finger on it but I was starting to get attached to the little guy. He was going to be my step brother, but I felt it was something more to it then that. I dont know if it was being in love with him, because I loved seeing him naked and sleeing naked with him. Or if it was some other kind of connection t hat was occurring between us. 3 weeks have went by and mom and big Paul's wedding is very close. The adults found us a new house that they could afford, but there was one catch. It was only a single bed room with a big fully finished basement. Mom and Paul Sr would of course get the bedroom and though that me and little Paul could share the basement and make one big nice bedroom of it, minus the space for the utility and wash room. I was bumbed out over it at first but after they took us to see it I kinda liked it. It had lots of room and was big enough for me and Paul both to have space to for oursleves. Once the four of us decided as a group it would be ok for us we decided to buy it. We began moving in right away and got the place set up in less than a week. Mom and Paul Sr order little Paul a new set of bunk beds so incase we had a frined stay over theyd have some where to sleep. His old bed was worn out so they decided to scrap it when we moved. In the mean time while we waited for his new bed to come in he'd be sleeping with me, nothing new I was quite use to it by now. Our room was nice I thought and Paul was totally thrilled to have it. He got on my nerves sometimes because I didnt have the privacy for certain "Necissary" functions I had to do, you know like having a daily orgasm. I had to make dew with taking an extra long shower every day to get my relief. T hat in its self also sucked because it meant I could only "get off" once a day when I was use to doing it at least 3 times a day before. A couple days before the wedding the Paul's and my mom went to visit big Paul's mom in a retirement home a few towns away wich left me home alone, Yay! The only thing on my mond was getting naked, getting onmy computer, and finding some boy pics to look at. I was in luch because an internet friend I talked to was online. He and I loved to cyber and jack off watching each other on web cams. He was a 12 yo blond kid from Germany that I chatted with and I though the was totally hot, apparently he thought the same about me. I asked if he was ready and he said no he couldnt yet because his dad was home. His computer was in his living room so he couldnt exactly git naked and jack off in front of his dad looking at me. We chatted for a few hours about how things have been going, with out turning my webcam on at least since I was naked. I loved seeing his smile, among other things on him, and he always seemed happy. He had sandy blonde hair and dark green eyes, just beautiful. He being from Europe had an uncut cock that was about the same size as mine, but he could shoot a healthy stream of juice out of it when he orgasmed. It was mostly clear and he loved to eat it, but he could shoot it nearly a foot away from his dick into the air. When I ever I saw him d o that my own orgasm wasnt too far behind. Being that I was naked and rock hard I jerked my smooth shaft off in record time looking at some boy pics I had saved of boy actors and models I liked. He asked if I was doing it and I gave him a smiley face icon in return and he laughed. My body tensed up and my dick pulsated in my fingers as the first orgasm of hoepfully many today rocked my body. After a few hours of chattign with him and waiting his dad finally left for work and his clothes also flew off. I turned my cam on then and gave him a close up eye full of my hardness. He smiled and then moved his cam to show me his stuff, uncut, hairless shaft. He tilted his cam back up to his face and asked if I was ready. I nodded and we adjusted our cams so we could see each other from the dick up, wich meant we could watch each other jerk off and see the look on the others face. I was pounding away at my meat and loving it when I heard some one gasp. I opened my eyes and looked over to see little Paul standing in the door way to our room with his mouth wide open and staring at my dick. "Shut the fuckin door!" I told him firmly after grabbing my undies off the floor to cover my boner. He stepped in and shut the door behind him with his mouth wide open. He just stood there gawking at me with an open mouth and those bright blue eyes locked on my body. I turned to see the screen then and remembered that my friend was still visible and it was a full screen of him still jerking away on his cock. I grabbed the mouse and quickly closed the web cam down so he Paul couldnt see what I was watching. My frined asked my what happened and I typed that Paul walked in on me with one hand and still covered my boner with the other. He typed lol over and over making fun of me for getting caught in the act. "I thought you guys were gonna be gone till like 6!" I snapped at Paul. "It's after 6." he replied with the same shocked look on his face. "please lock the dam door so no one else walks in here." I requested. He locked the door and then walked over to me. "Was you playing with it?" he asked quietly. "What the hell do you think I was doing?" I snapped back a little angry that he cought me and I didnt git to finish. "Will you show me how to do it?" he asked then totally shocking me. "What? You want me to show you how to do what?" I asked a little dumbfounded. "Will you show me how to do what you was doing." he asked again being dead serious. "You mean you dont know how to wack off?" I asked him very quietly. He shook his head no then. "I on ly know how to tickle it sometimes." he admitted. "Hold on a sec ok." I said then told my frined what was going on and that i'd talk to him later. He of course typed I beeter teach him how to before we signed off from each other. I couldnt believe my future step brother was asking me to teach him how to jerk off, and that he caught me in the process myself. I thought for a minute and decided to answer him. "Look dude I dont know if I should. I mean what if mom or your dad finds out?" I said quietly. "Please?! Mom and dad wont find out please show me Kayle." he begged then. I couldnt belive he was begging me to teah him to masterbate and it was in a way turning me on, A LOT. I thought for a second and wondered what Chris would do in this situation. It was then that I was in this same situation with my brother years ago. It was me asking him to teach me how to do it and he happily agreed. It was then that I decided to do it. "Ok I'll show you but it's gotta be our secret ok. You cant tell ANY ONE about what we do in here got it?" I said to him. "Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a needle in my eye." he said crossing his heart with his finger. "Ok go ahead and strip then." I told him uncovering my boner again. 0A He smiled big and in a flash his clothes were laying in a pile next to our dirty clothes basket. His little cock was rock hard and pointing ahead at me now. I was sitting in the chair by my computer and he was now standing naked next to me. The anticipation of what was gettign ready to happen was exilerating me to the point of sweating and I was going to love being the teacher. Ok sorry to tease you guys up to a frenzy like that but I figured it's best to stop now and let your imaginations run wild with the possibilities of what the boys do until you find out in the next chapter what really happened. I appriciate all of the supportive emails you readers have sent me since I started this story. I have a count of well over 100 emails since the 1st chapter was posted. I Appologize for not responding to most of you because of the huge number I have received. If I havent responded it's not because I dont want to it's just theres too many to reply to. As always let me know if you liked it and should it keep going. I have a distinct feeling I'm going to be swamped with requests to keep going. and also check out my other popular story "Apocalypse" in the gay male / young friends section of nifty.