Date: Fri, 2 May 2003 15:30:59 EDT From: Subject: Camping Capers With My Grandpa (Installment 8)(by KissAndCuddleGem) This story is purely a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons living or dead, or to events that may have occurred, is purely coincidental. Moreover, none of the actions of the characters in this story is presented with the intent to condone, approve, or sanction their behavior. The above-expressed disclaimer also does apply to any and all installments of this story, including those preceding and following this installment. All questions and/or comments are welcome; and, if you wish to contact me, please feel free to email me at: KissAndCuddleGem@AOL.COM; and I will most definitely respond to email, as appropriate. About six years had passed since the time of Jeff's surprise visit. Things had been pretty much fine between Kenny, Sr. and Kenny, Jr. for the first four to five years of this period. But in the past year, things had definitely taken a downward turn in terms of the harmony in their relationship. It is difficult to say exactly what happened; but for the most part it had to do with Kenny, Sr. finding it very hard to strike a balance in his roles as lover and as disciplinarian and parent. Kenny, Jr. being as mischievous as ever and keeping odd hours with regard to his social life, at times coming home obviously stoned after participating in orgies with other guys his age, certainly did nothing to help the situation. Well, anyway, as fate would have it, another individual had come to the forefront and soon would be playing a most prominent role in family affairs: specifically, Kenny, Jr.'s paternal grandfather, "Grandpa Steve", now a widower and recently relocated to California to get to know his grandsom better. Kenny, Jr. liked Grandpa Steve; and hoped that one day Grandpa Steve would share with him the "juicy details" of his sexual relationship with his "grandpappy". Every time he looked at his grandpa, Kenny, Jr. would recall thestories that he had told his dad of "incidents", as his grandpa had in explanation put it, between his grandpappy and him from when he was twelve and until he was nineteen. These stories, which Kenny, Jr. had of course learned of through his dad's journal, while containing some detail, did not really convey what it was like for him being with his grandpappy, what his grandpappy was like, and the details of how it all began and ended up continuing for seven years. Grandpa Steve was a husky gentleman, about 6'3" with broad shoulders, and chiseled facial features that made him look like a cross between ventriloquist dummy Howdy Doody and country singer Glen Campbell. The bright blonde hair marking his youth was now mostly dulled out and almost completely grey, but he still had a full head of hair; and his bright-blue eyes and healthy tan still very much enhanced the vim and vigor he usually exuded. Though in his mid-sixties, he more closely resembled the classic mid-life-crisis gent: he liked to take early-more 3-hour jogs to help stay fit; was health-conscious as to diet, even eating almost all organic stuff now; and had a flashy hippie-suitable red sports car and did his best to keep up with the latest music and dance crazes. Kenny, Jr. sometimes would sneak peeks at Grandpa Steve while he was showering. But most of the time Grandpa Steve was either turned in such a way that only a side view or a partial rear view was shown; at other times, the bathroom was pretty steamy from his hot shower, so visibility was limited. Still, when he did get a good look at Grandpa Steve, Kenny, Jr. was impressed by his mmuscular chest and hot, beefy, rounded ass cheeks. He spent much of his spare time at Grandpa Steve's nearby villa; and sometimes Grandpa Steve would look after Kenny, Jr. and housesit for Kenny, Sr. when Kenny, Sr. had to be away on business trips. Grandpa Steve, though he adored both his son and his grandson, could not help but notice the increasingly-strained relationship between the two of them. His instincts had told him to stay out of things. But this was not always easy; and, strangely enough, it was once again Jeff who played a role in the direction the family relations would go. Kenny, Jr. was reading the letter out loud while having a savory Sunday dinner with his dad and his grandpa. Kenny, Sr. finally said after Kenny Jr.'s lengthy recitation: "Well, as I understand it, your Uncle Jeff wants you to go out there for the summer and assist him with fixing up the family home inherited from our grandfather." "Yes, well, that is it in a nutshell.", Kenny, Jr. replied. "It is a very busy time for me, with what I have scheduled for work assignments then. I really think it would be unwise to just send you there without anyone accompanying you and leaving it all on Jeff's head to look after you." That's when Grandpa Steve, sitting stoically, interrupted: "Ah, Kenny, come on, I will accompany him, if it makes you feel any better. Besides, I am just getting to really know my grandson; and with your brother travelling so much on his various vacation trips, I don't recall even when it was I last saw him. So, if it is all right by you, son, could I sort of make the trip in your place?" Kenny, Sr. was within moments apologizing profusely: "Dad, I meant you no disrespect I just thought with you just settling down here in your new home and your comfortable lifestyle here, you just would be the least likely to want to head back east. Yet now I see that it would be a great idea for all concerned, so, yes, you may go in my stead." Kenny, Sr., after dinner went outside on the porch; and spent the evening in the cool air alone, sipping a glass of his usual: ice-cold lemonade. He reflected on the events of the past few weeks; and how he himself realized that there was tension between him and Kenny, Jr. that was making each considerably uncomfortable. Then a thought occurred to him: Cherry Hill Meadows, that quaint yet endearing New England town where he had spent a good part of his early youth, was once again beckoning to him once again, though doing so indirectly through his still-impressionable son Kenny, Jr. He wondered to himself if Jeff had shared with their dad about the love relationship between him and Kenny, Jr. He realized that he would have confided himself in Grandpa Steve about him and Kenny, Jr. being lovers; but, afraid of rejection from his own father because of being misunderstood by him as a "perv", or, worse yet, a molester, he held his tongue. Then a huge smile came upon his lips when he conjured up in his mind an image of his dear Aunt Charlotte pounding him on top of the head with the family Bible and shouting: "Release us from all temptation, heal this pitiful sinner!" Kenny, Sr. knew that this was not a good time to just drift off into the past, absorbed in one of his reveries. He feared that he was losing his son. Yet he also hoped that their being apart a bit would relieve the tension and give them each quiet time to think things through. What Kenny, Sr. did not know, however, is that Kenny, Jr. was already considering going out there and making a fresh start with his grandfather, Uncle Jeff, and any other family he had out there: cousins he never yet met, etc. He never breathed a word of what he was thinking of to anyone, not even Grandpa Steve. He wondered as he was packing up his second suitcase, whether Grandpa Steve knew at all about the once- completely secret relationship between his dad and his great-grandfather. Before departing from home, he got permission from his dad to take the extra-large sleeping bag that Uncle Jeff had surprised his dad with along on the trip. The smell of tobacco from Grandpa's pipe was still slightly present in the sack; and as Kenny, Jr. purposefully inhaled in its aroma deeply, he wondered if he had had a big loss by never himself knowing this great-grandfather, long since gone. As their plane touched down in the center of John F. Kennedy, Jr. Memorial Airport, thoughts of his great granddad's "camping capers" at nearby Forest Grove were flooding the channels of his mind. Kenny, Jr. began to lick his lips, excited about the promise of a brand-new start, a fresh beginning. Grandpa Steve was discreetly eying and admiring the fine physique of Kenny, Jr. , who was totally unaware that his grandpa had some plans of his own. The question now was whether history would indeed repeat itself.