Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2019 07:52:13 -0400 From: RJ Subject: Closer than Ever, Chapter 8 Closer than Ever by RJ This story is about the love been a father and his son and contains sexual activity between the two of them. If such themes offend you, do not read. If you have any questions or comments about this piece, want to know about any of my other works, or just want to reach out, please don't hesitate to email me. A list of my works, including links and descriptions, can be found here: If you would like to be added to a mailing list to receive emails when my stories are updated, let me know which stories (if not all) you would like to receive emails for. Please also consider donating to Nifty if you can: ~ Chapter 8 (Dad's POV) ~ I chuckle slightly when I notice his hands are shaking a bit when we walk towards the front entrance of the hospital. "Relax, will you?" He looks up at me before sighing. "I'm just nervous. I wanna do well." I put an arm around Jo, leaning over to kiss the top of his head. "You'll be fine." He's been stressing about this internship for the past couple of days. After a fair bit of relaxing once school actually let out, it's now time for him to buckle down again. But I keep assuring him of the same thing: he'll be fine. I'm not worried at all, and even if he does struggle, who cares? This is for his benefit, no matter the outcome. If he completely fails, or finds out that he hates what he's doing, that's just as important a lesson as it is if he were head-over-heels for this internship. It's an investment in his future. And it's a solid investment at that: an eight-week program of ten high school juniors and seniors circulating through different projects throughout the hospital. They'll be split up into pairs and placed under the general supervision and mentorship of a doctor. I'm actually getting a pair myself -- just don't know who yet. I'm fairly excited about it. If these kids are anything like Jo (who actually earned his spot here rather than me pulling strings), then I know it'll be a good summer. When we head inside, we head up to the second floor and I direct him the way to where the orientation will be held. "Third door on your right," I tell him, pointing down the hallway. "Okay," he says, looking down the hallway skeptically. I can't help but laugh, and he turns to me. "What's so funny?" "Loosen up, will ya?" I say, stroking his arms. "Why are you so stressed out?" "I don't know," he says, clearly trying (and failing) to relax. "I've just been thinking a lot about 'the future'," he says, using air-quotes. "Ah," I say with a smile. "Intimidating, isn't it?" He grimaces and nods. "I just wanna be like you," he says. "Find something I love." "You know that took me years, right?" I remind him. "I didn't know what the hell I was doing after high school. Not even in college." "Yeah, but--" "But nothing," I say. "You have time. Relax. I want you to have fun with this. Take it seriously, of course, but enjoy yourself. This is an opportunity to learn. Just take it as that." He sighs heavily through his nose, nodding. "I'll try." I smile at him. "If it makes you feel better, we can talk about your future tonight." "Yeah?" he says, smiling a little. "Of course. But for now..." I point to the room down the hallway. "Go. Make some friends or something." "Yes sir," he says, grinning before turning on his heels. He pauses though, rethinking his decision and then quickly turning back around to hug me and say "Love you." I watch him hurrying down the hallway looking reinvigorated. I smile before I head up to the lockers to change, all the while thinking about Jo. It's understandable that he's starting to give his future some serious thought. Only one more year of high school and then (I'm assuming) college. But I don't know what he wants to do as far as a career goes. He's always been pretty well-rounded, so I don't see an issue with him tackling whatever he chooses to pursue. I just want him to be happy. The first day goes by smoothly with my BIs ("baby interns", so as to not to be confused with our actual med-school interns). I get assigned a boy and a girl, a junior and senior respectively, who are both unafraid to ask questions. After all the BIs take a tour of the hospital, these two come bustling up to me to introduce themselves, all bright-eyed and eager to observe. I almost chuckle at the sight of them, though. Jo is pretty smart, but these kids are on another level. Everything they're wearing just comes off as incredibly geeky. I wonder what the rest of the new BIs look like. And how Jo compares. Since neuro is my specialty, I spend the first day just showing them around, introducing them to people I work regularly with, and I give them a general run-down of how a typical surgery goes. The boy is evidently squeamish at the prospect of observing brain surgery up-close, but the girl is completely ready for some first-hand experience. I'll have to make sure I give her plenty of opportunity. The first day is little more than a big tour and explanation session in order to gauge the high schoolers' individual interests so that the mentors can figure out appropriate projects for each of them. I don't want them to hate what they're doing for the summer -- which means I'll be having the boy doing things more behind-the-scenes, rather than anything surgical. Thinking about their projects makes me wonder what Jo's mentor has in store for him. As it gets closer to 5pm, when the BIs leave for the day, I want to catch Jo before he walks back to the apartment on his own. I'm curious to get an idea of how his first day went, and I have at least a few hours left before I can even think about heading home. The last thing I do with the BIs is have them observe some minor stitching techniques up close before I clean up and escort them back to where they had their orientation so that they can check out for the day. Once we get to the door, I run into Dr. Michalski. "Mark!" he says, looking up at me with those beady eyes of his. "I was hoping to run into you." "Am I in trouble?" I ask, chuckling slightly. Unfortunately Richard is pretty humorless, so he doesn't even crack a smile. "I wanted to talk about your son. Jonah, right?" My smile falters and I immediately fear that my kid fucked up today. Richard is not known for his leniency, nor general kindness. He is extremely critical. So I'm surprised when he says "Quite a smart kid you have." I feel myself warming up with pride. "Oh! Thank you." "He's one of the only baby interns that proved they are here to learn. Really took initiative." He nods a bit in the way he does whenever he runs through an evaluation. "I'm impressed with him thus far." "Guess I raised him right," I say with a grin. Unsurprisingly, Richard just gives me a tight-lipped smile. That's as much of a laugh as I'll get out of him. "Just figured you'd like to know," he says before bowing his head down and brushing past me. "Thanks, Richard," I say as he walks away, chuckling slightly to myself before searching for Jo. I poke my head into the meeting room, but only a handful of BIs are still here. Maybe he's running around somewhere? "Taking initiative," as Richard said? Chances are he went home though, so I shoot him a quick text saying I'll be back by 7 or 8 before heading back upstairs for my last consult of the day. "Knock knock," I say, heading inside my apartment. I'm exhausted after work, but as always, I'm looking forward to kicking back with my boy. At the sound of me walking in, he pokes his head out from behind the couch and smiles at me. "Hey." "I brought pizza," I add, holding up the large cardboard box as I set my keys down and kick off my shoes. "Seriously?" Jo asks, and when I see him pointing at the coffee table, I almost laugh. Turns out he had a similar idea, because there's a fresh pizza waiting for us. "Maybe we should've communicated a little better," I say, coming over to him. "Tell me you at least didn't get a margherita pizza," he says. I grin and hold open the box. "Meat lovers, baby," I say. He laughs. "Well at least we've got some variety," he says before patting the spot next to him. I set the pizza box down before collapsing on the couch with a heavy sigh. Jo chuckles, resting his hand on my thigh. "Tired?" "Beat," I tell him, closing my eyes for a moment before putting my hand on his and looking at him. "So! How was your first day?" "It was awesome," he says with a bright smile. His eyes get all wide with excitement. "I think we're kind of dabbling in a bunch of different stuff throughout the summer but me and this girl are mainly doing some HIV/AIDS research with Dr. Michalski." "So I heard," I say, rubbing the back of his hand with my thumb. "He went out of his way to tell me that he's impressed with you." "Really?" Jo asks, looking surprised. "He's impressed with me?" I nod. "I thought he hated me," he says with a laugh. "That's just how Richard is," I assure him, smiling. "Thanks for making me look good, though." Jo chuckles. "I think you meant to say 'I'm so proud of you, Jo'." "That too," I add, and he gives me a warm smile in response. "So AIDS research? That's exciting." "Yeah, it's super interesting," he says. "I think we're starting off with diagnostics first, but I'm excited to learn more. I almost want to be a doctor now." I perk up. "Really?" "Well... no," he says, and we both laugh. "I don't know. That's a lot to consider." I nod a couple times, understanding. You really have to commit and put in the work and be passionate about all of it if you want to be a doctor. "Do you still wanna talk about your future?" I ask. He considers this. "Yeah. But you just got home." "I don't mind," I say, leaning forward and lifting the lid off of one of the pizza boxes. I grab myself the biggest slice of the meat lover's pie before leaning back, taking a bite, and then glancing at Jo. "Have you decided on anything yet?" He purses his lips in thought, thinking. "Like...?" I try not to chew and talk but in the interest of keeping the conversation flowing, I do it anyway. "What you want to do after graduation, for starters." "Well I definitely wanna do college," he says. "Okay, great," I say, secretly pleased that he's going for a degree. "Any place in mind?" He looks nervous before saying "No". "Okay. Well you have plenty of options. But I guess it's a matter of what you want to go to school for." I give him a look that says he should fill in the blank. "That's the question of the year," he says, rolling his eyes. "Could be anything," I say, continuing to eat. "I don't know. Can it? I mean, how do I balance something that's interesting with something that actually makes money?" I can't help but laugh. "Fair question." I grab a napkin off the table and dab at my lips. "Let's focus on one thing at a time, though," I say, giving him less-divided attention. "Start with what you're interested in." "Uhhh..." He laughs a bit. "I don't know." "C'mon. Anything. Doesn't have to be a career," I say. "What excites you?" He snorts. "Excites me?" "I'm being serious." He clears his throat. "Fine. Um..." He thinks about it for a moment. "I don't know. I like helping people." "That's a start," I say, patting his leg. "What about it do you like?" "I don't know. I like feeling like people can come to me about shit. My friends do all the time. I'm like the group therapist at this point," he says with a laugh. "Like with advice and whatnot?" "I guess," he says. "It's just nice to feel like I matter. And that I'm actually helping someone, even if it's something as stupid as 'My boyfriend doesn't like me anymore'." I smile a little. Jo's always been a good-natured boy, but it's nice to see how kind he really is. "I don't know about a therapist, but I'm sensing there's a bit of a social worker in you." "A social worker?" he asks curiously. "Yeah. I know how you get. Therapy would be far too idle for you." "You think you know me?" he asks teasingly. "I like to think so," I say, chuckling. Jo joins me digging into the pizzas as we discuss social work. I'm by no means an expert, but I've come into contact with more than my fair share of social workers via the hospital, so I know a fair few ins and outs. And as we discuss it, Jo seems to agree more and more that this could be a good fit for him. Of course, we won't know until he actually has some experience dabbling in the grand field of social work, but he seems less stressed about the idea of his future now that he has something to fall back on. We also discuss college in general as well. Paying for it seems to be the biggest stressor (understandably so), but he also makes a weird face when I say "if you live on campus, that is." "What?" I ask. He shrugs. "I don't know." "Do you not want to live on campus?" "Kinda," he says. "So live on campus," I say, confused by how upset he looks. When he doesn't respond, I ask another question. "Why do you look so distressed?" He gives me another little shrug before speaking. "Brett and I were kind of flirting with the idea of living with his aunt. In Boston." That little tidbit of information reminds me of Brett's aunt. I met her the one time we all took a trip to Boston (Brett, included). She has quite a snazzy apartment, if she still lives there. "Flirting with it?" I ask. "Yeah, like... He mentioned it in passing, but the more I think about it, the more I want to do it. Live in the city, either on campus or off. I loved Boston when we went. And it's a college town, plenty of good schools there. I don't know," he says, glancing at me. "It'd be a good experience, right?" "Yeah, absolutely," I say, surprised that he seems so hesitant on this idea. "If you want to go, you should go." "But what about you?" He looks up at me and suddenly I understand what he's saying. He doesn't want to be separated. Boston is a whole state away, and with him focused on school and me on my job, we wouldn't see much of each other. I feel touched by him still wanting him to stay with me, but... "Buddy, that's a year from now." "I know, but it's still part of 'my future', is it not?" "I suppose." I look at him for a moment. "I guess I've just had it in my head that you'd jump at the idea to leave home." "That was you, remember?" he says with a little grin, reminding me that that's how I was when I was his age: eager to leave home. "I mean, I'd love to have the full college experience or whatever," he says, "maybe even live on campus or something. But I can't act like I won't miss the hell out of you." I smile slightly. "I'll miss you too," I say, stroking his thigh with my fingers gently. "But wherever you go, even if it's across the damn country, I think it'll be good for you." "I guess," he says, shrugging slightly as he looks down. I lift his chin up with my knuckles. "Don't let me hold you back, okay?" I say. He smiles sadly. "It's just hard to think about. You're the most important person to me." My heart swells a bit. "You'll get used to not seeing me all the time," I tell him with a laugh. "Trust me." He just looks at me for a few moments in silence. "At least tell me you'll consider it. Really consider it, and take me out of the equation when you do." His lip quivers a bit before he nods. "I'll consider it." "Good boy," I tease, patting his cheek playfully. Then I sit back with a sigh. It would be pretty sad not seeing him so regularly, that's without a doubt. But leaving home was the best decision I ever made for myself. I learned so much by being on my own. Of course, our childhoods were vastly different, but still, it's important for Jo to get out into the "real world" without so much of my guidance. I glance over at the pizzas, both of which are a little over half-finished. "All done?" Jo asks when he sees me looking. I nod a bit before groaning and laughing slightly. "I don't wanna get up." Jo chuckles. "Lazy," he says before sliding off the couch. "I'll get these." "Thanks," I say, watching him clean up the mess and head into the kitchen. I close my eyes and rest, just listening to Jo wrap up the leftover pizzas and tear down the cardboard boxes before he comes back into the living room. "Don't fall asleep on me," I hear him say. I open one eye and glance at him. "I'm just resting my eyes." "Why does every old geezer say that?" he teases, coming over to straddle me. "Geezer?" I say, laughing. "Don't be disrespectful." "Me? Never," he says with a grin, getting cozy in my lap. He has me put his hands on his hips before he rests his on my shoulders, gently playing with my hair in the back. I scoff. "I shoulda beat you as a kid," I mutter, grinning and giving his side a squeeze. He laughs. "Set me straight?" "Something like that," I say, but I can't say much more because Jo leans in and kisses me on the lips. I hum a bit, snaking my hands around him a little more to pull him closer to me as the kiss very gradually deepens. I feel my body relaxing a bit, sinking more into the couch as Jo's hands rest on my shoulders. About a minute into the kiss, he gives my shoulders a gentle squeeze before he pulls away suddenly, looking at me with a confused expression. "How are you always so full of knots?" he asks, rubbing my shoulders more. I laugh slightly. "Sorry," I say apologetically. He just sighs, smiling. "Want another massage?" "You don't have to do that," I say, rubbing his sides. "But I want to," he says insistently. "I can even make it... special." I cock my eyebrow. "Special?" He chuckles. "Yeah. I bought massage oil a couple weeks ago but haven't used it yet." I give him a stern look. "That's gonna be so messy." "Just lie some towels down and you'll be fine," he says before hopping off my lap and then grabbing my hands to pull me to my feet. "C'mon. It'll be fun." "But--" "Come on!" I sigh and let him tug me up to my feet, stretching lightly before following him to the bedroom. "Why do I feel like this is a bad idea," I say with a slight grin, standing by the bed. "Just shut up and take your clothes off," he says, heading to my closet to pull out a few towels. I just chuckle slightly as I strip down slowly, tossing my shirt and pants into the hamper and watching him lay out a few towels on the bed. After Jo rummages through his bag for the massage oil, he turns and eyes me up and down. "Um. ALL your clothes," he says, gesturing to my underwear. "Seriously?" He grins. "Why so shy all of a sudden?" "Don't think it's too late for me to start beating your ass," I threaten playfully, stripping out of my underwear and tossing it away. Jo ogles me playfully before patting the bed. "Hop on, big guy." I can't help but feel like this'll get messy and I'll be doing some laundry right after this, but regardless, it'll be nice to get a massage. Jo's awfully good with his hands, I've noticed. So I crawl onto the bed and lie down on my stomach, glancing over at him. "Happy?" "Very," Jo says, undressing slightly too. He only takes off his pants though, leaving on his underwear and shirt as he climbs onto the bed, oil in hand. I grunt when he straddles me and nudges my side with his knee a little too hard. "Be gentle with me," I tell him. "Sorry, sorry," he says. I hear the cap of the bottle pop open and then feel that strangely warm liquid run down my spine when he squirts some on. Then, he gets to work. I let out a long, low, deep moan as he starts rubbing the oil in with his hands. Guess massage oil really does the trick. It allows him to glide across my back a little more smoothly. Even him working out the tougher knots hurts less with the oil, so the overall experience is heightened a bit. Jo starts to slide down, resting on my thighs as he works his hands into my lower back. Fuck, that's the spot. He works his thumbs right into the center and I feel myself loosening up when he works me over with his knuckles. I rest with a soft smile on my face. This must be what a spa feels like. Fuck social work. He should be a masseuse. Then I feel his hands on my ass and my eyes open. He squeezes my cheeks a bit as if exploring curiously. It's playful at first... but then his thumb grazes against my hole and I let out a little moan before chuckling and looking back at him. "Is this what you meant by special?" "Shhh," he says, snickering. "Let me do my thing." He grabs both cheeks in each hand, prying them apart repeatedly as he squeezes them as if kneading my glutes. His fingers get a little more exploratory, pressing more insistently against my hole a few times before a well-oiled thumb pops right in. I grunt. "I don't think I ordered this." He pulls his finger away and nudges my ass with his boner, still trapped in his underwear. "So you're saying you DON'T want one of those deep-tissue massages?" he says as he grinds into me playfully. There's a pause before suddenly, we both laugh. "Jesus, you're cornier than I am," I tell him. "It's genetic," he says, working his hands back up my sides. He gets a little more comfortable -- which means his crotch is nestled in the middle of my ass. Feeling him so turned on is giving me a similar effect... "Feeling relaxed?" he asks me suddenly. "Oh yeah," I say, practically melting into the bed. I haven't felt this relaxed in a while. "I can feel it," he says, running his hands in broader strokes along my back. Then he chuckles. "I could easily fuck you right now." I grin slightly. "So do it." He pauses his movements for a second. "Really?" "Only if you get naked--" I start to say, but I barely finish my sentence before he hops off of me and hurries to get the rest of his clothes off. I laugh, watching him toss his shirt and underwear to the floor before climbing back on top of me. "Someone's eager." "I like to take advantage of my opportunities," he says with a smile in his voice. I don't blame him. I don't bottom often -- I really have to be in the mood for it. But right now, I wouldn't mind one of Jo's "deep-tissue massages." "Just keep rubbing my back while you do it," I say. "Feels nice." "I can't do it all, Dad," he says as he rubs his hard-on between my cheeks. "Sure you can," I say. "I believe in you." He chuckles slightly before starting to grind, working his rod back and forth. He moans softly and I bite my lip in anticipation, grabbing the pillow and hugging it to make myself more comfortable. I look back slightly as Jo reaches between us, lubes himself up with the oil, and then starts to ease his way into me. When he first penetrates me, I close one eye, wincing quietly from the stretch. Jo is a little more vocal, though. Swearing under his breath, he sinks in a little deeper. I clutch onto the pillow more tightly, grunting as the feeling starts to intensify. But he keeps it nice and easy, giving me some time to get used to the intrusion. His hands slide up my back and rest on my shoulder blades as he starts to thrust, daring to give me more and more of his cock until he's bottoming out every time he pushes forward. I clench my teeth tightly, letting out a little grunt each time his hips press gently against my ass. "Damn, Dad," I hear him say as he digs his fingers into my back a little more. He starts to push his cock in extra-deep whenever he gives me a full stride, and I moan out, resting my face into the pillow. I'm torn between wanting him to slow down and wanting him to speed up and just wear me out. It's a strange mix of moods right now. But damn, it's feeling pretty good. The boy learns well. And then he starts to add in the massage with his hands. He slows down his thrusts a bit so that he can work his palms, fingers, and knuckles in consistent motions all along my backside. I moan out more, arching my back just a hair as I feel both relaxed and sexually charged. I can feel my cock trying desperately hard to get erect underneath me, but I let Jo continue this position, licking my lips as he rides me out. "Can I cum in you?" he asks me suddenly. "Go for it." He adjusts his legs a little, making me push my ass out more as he starts to thrust a bit harder. My eyes almost roll back from feeling how deep he's getting. He's picked up the pace significantly as his only goal is to cum. And cum he does. He keeps good form as he gets closer to his climax, tensing and trying hard to hold back his moans. They come out in tiny bursts as his hips twitch with every shot of his load. I let out a low groan, staying still and letting him slowly come back down from his orgasm. He pants heavily, hovering over me as he catches his breath. Then he very slowly pulls his cock out of me. I moan when he's fully gone, feeling that tingling sore sensation before I relax myself. Jo gives my ass a slap and says "Nice." I laugh. "You done?" "No," he says before nudging my leg. "Turn over." Turn over? Well alright. I grunt as I roll onto my back, making sure to stay on the towels and not get oil everywhere. Jo helps me move my legs so that he can get in between them. His hands run up and down my thighs slowly, inching teasingly closer to my groin. I know exactly what he's going to do, so the simple anticipation of it is making my semi stiffen more and more. We both watch it grow until it's fully hard, and Jo slowly works his fingers to my balls before gently stroking up the shaft with just his fingertips. "You have such a nice dick," he says as he leans over to grab the massage oil. I laugh. "It's genetic," I tease, mocking him from earlier. "Fuck off," he says, smiling as he works the oil into his hands. Then he reaches down, wraps his fingers tightly around me, and starts stroking slowly. Fuck... Now THIS is a massage. My hips raise slightly as he works me with two hands, starting off what is sure to be the handjob of a lifetime. He speaks up though. "Have you ever seen your dad's dick?" I'm surprised he asked that. "Um. Yeah," I say after thinking about it for a moment. "Like, hard and everything?" he says, focusing on the head for a moment. I moan before nodding. "It was an accident, though," I say, remembering how I walked in on him masturbating once. However, he was on the phone and didn't notice me. "Don't get too excited." He laughs. "I'm just curious." He bites his lip a bit as he uses one hand to work over each inch of me. "Yours is just so... perfect," he says, pausing his stroking to just admire my manhood for a moment. I appreciate the love, but I'm desperate to cum. "You gonna just stare at it, or...?" He blushes before laughing. "Sorry." Then he gets right back to work, jerking me off with both of his hands now and working it faster. I moan as he varies his movements, introducing these nice twisting motions that massage me in both directions. My toes are curling from how good it feels. He even gives my balls some love, and I close my eyes as he gives me the full treatment. When I notice that he's been only using one hand for a while, I open my eyes and look down to see Jo stroking me with one hand and fingering himself with the other as he stares intently at my cock. Then, without so much of a glance up at me, he slides forward to straddle me, hold my cock up, and sit right down on it. Both of us moan a bit when the head slides so nicely into him, assisted by the oil. In fact, he sinks down on it fully in no time. "Christ," he mutters, letting go of my dick and putting both hands on my chest as he starts to move his hips in slow motions. I close my eyes again for a moment, licking my lips. God, why does my son feel so good inside? So right? I hum a little as he starts to bounce slightly in my lap, taking a few inches at a time. When I open my eyes and look up at him, he's staring right down at me. The eye contact is intense. We both feel the connection we have. Something unmatched and unseverable. "Dad--" he starts to say, but I reach up, grab the back of his head, and pull him down to lock lips with me. The spark ignites, and I wrap my arm around his body as the kiss intensifies. Peak passion, it feels like. Tongues slashing against each other and grips getting tighter. I slide my hand down to his ass as he works my cock over and give it a firm squeeze, making him moan into my mouth. Fuck, I love it when he moans. And if he's on his back with me in control, I can make him moan even more. So I roll us over. However, I underestimate how close the edge of the bed is, and we both slip off the side. I roll off and hit the carpet hard on my back, grunting as the air is knocked out of me. For a moment, I can do nothing but blink before I glance at Jo, who basically fell on top of me. "You okay?" he asks. "Yeah, I think so," I say, groaning slightly. He clearly tries not to laugh, but as soon as one little snort escapes, he's letting it all out. I can't help but laugh along with him before saying "Shut up" and pulling him down for more kisses. He keeps giggling softly against my lips, but as my hands start to wander his body more, (especially the few fingers sliding between his cheeks) his chuckles turn to moans. Guess we'll finish on the floor. I clutch onto him and roll us over again, maneuvering between his thighs and wrapping his legs around my hips before I reach between us, grasp my cock, and sink it into him all the way with one quick thrust. He gasps out, grabbing my shoulders, and I hold myself balls-deep into him. "Jerk," he pants, laughing slightly. "Couldn't resist," I say, grabbing his hands and pinning them over his head. He looks up at me with a fiery excitement in his eyes as I hold him down and then start to work my hips. He keeps his legs tight around me as I thrust hard into him, pounding him into the carpeted floor and making him moan the way I like to hear him moan. Him trying to hold back his noises and failing to do so always gets my cock throbbing. I hover over him as I keep his wrists pinned above him, looking down at his face with a passionate mix of love and lust. I lean down and kiss him hard on the mouth and he distractedly kisses back before I start to move around to his neck. That gets him whimpering and whining even louder. Right in my ear, too. I suck hard on his neck as if my only goal is to leave a solid bruise for him to wear to his internship tomorrow. Me marking my boy, and no one will know it's my doing. I let go of his wrists and he immediately brings his hands around me, digging his nails into my back in a desperate attempt to hold onto something. I moan out against his neck before biting on his shoulder, shifting gears a bit and giving him harder, shorter thrusts. I reach under him with one arm as I hover over him again, holding the small of his back and lifting his ass to have him meet my motions at a better angle. In response, Jo tries to grip the carpet. I hear his nails scratching at the fabric. But I'm totally focused on him and that flawless hole of his that's so sensually milking my cock. I lick my lips, feeling my orgasm fast approaching. And I know exactly where I want my load to go. I move a hand to his neck, keeping his face forward. "Look at me," I tell him in a low, stern voice, and his eyes immediately focus on mine. He keeps his mouth slightly open as he pants in time with my thrusts, resting one hand on my wrist as I lightly restrict blood flow. Who would have thought Jo loved to be choked? But the past few times we've slept together, he's requested it. I watch as his free hand goes between us to hurriedly stroke himself as if racing against the clock. His eyes never leave mine, though. And I maintain that eye contact as best as I can until finally, I reach my climax. I grunt, my thrusts faltering as cum surges through my shaft and into my son. I swear, giving Jo short bursting thrusts, my whole body tingling from the orgasm. When I look down at the penetration, watching my cock bury deep inside him, Jo starts to cum a moment later. My eyes flicker to his hand rapidly stroking himself and spilling his second load on his stomach. I grin a bit, lightly grinding into him as I look up at his face and slowly remove my fingers from around his neck. He takes a breath, blinking several times before completely relaxing. I chuckle, watching his chest heave a bit. For once, he's more winded than I am. I lean over him and kiss his forehead before pulling out and rolling onto my back next to him. We just lie there on the floor as our orgasms slowly wear off. After a minute or so, I sense Jo looking over at me, and when I don't turn to face him, he says "Hey." I look over and smile. "Hi." "That was hot," he says. I burst out laughing. "Yeah, I enjoyed myself." He grins a bit, looking me over for a second before asking "Do you think you'll start dating again anytime soon?" I arch my eyebrow. Dating? Where'd that come from. "I don't know," I say, scratching my chest. "I haven't sought anything out, if that's what you're asking... Why?" He shrugs. "I'm just always wondering when it'll be our last time." I scoff. "Our last time?" "Yeah. Once you meet someone, we kinda have to put ourselves on hold a bit," he says. I know what he's referring to specifically. Max. "I'm not saying it like it's a bad thing," he adds. "I know this isn't forever. I just wanna see you all happy with someone like you were before." "I know," I say with a little nod, getting that weird flutter in my chest when I think about Max. But then I smile. "Maybe I'll start dating after you go off to college," I tease. He laughs. "Guess I'm going to Boston then," he says, nudging me with his elbow. "What about you?" I ask. "Thinking about dating at all?" He shakes his head. "Same old, same old." "No new developments with Brett?" I ask. I've been curious ever since that kiss happened. And Brett's been gone for a week, but Jo hasn't mentioned him once. "Nope," he says. "At least, I don't think so." He rolls onto his side to face me as he talks. "I don't know. We talked things over before school ended. About the kiss and everything." "And?" "Well..." He clears his throat a bit. "I came out to him, for one thing." I blink. "Came out?" "I told him I think I'm gay." I can't say I'm surprised, because I'm not. Maybe just caught off guard. I didn't expect him to face his sexuality, especially considering how he reacted the last time I brought it up. "Wow," I say simply, unsure what else to add. "I know what you're thinking," he says, which is a surprise to me because I'm not entirely sure what I'm thinking, "but that kiss kind of threw me for a loop. So now I'm just trying to be really honest with myself." I smile slightly, happy that he's being self-reflective. "How'd he react?" "Pretty much as I expected him to," he says. "He's always said he wouldn't care if I was gay. Which I think has been his way of saying 'I think you're gay'," Jo says with a laugh. "Maybe he knew before I did but just didn't say anything." "I mean..." I laugh slightly. "We all knew." Jo hits me in the chest. "Shut up." I wince. "What? It's not a bad thing." He sighs, looking at the floor. "I know. Sorry." I rub my chest lightly, looking at him. "So you came out to him, and then what?" His eyes flicker up towards me again. "I just wanted to see where his head was at," he explains. "So we talked a little bit more. He said he's thought about me." I squint. "Like, sexually?" "I guess so." "Huh," I say, pondering that for a moment. "So is he--?" But Jo knows where I'm going with this. "I believe him when he says he's not gay." I wait for him to continue, because I'm sensing his thought isn't finished. "But..." "But... I don't know. Is it possible to be 'gay' for one person?" I shrug. "Sure," I say. Attraction is a fickle, unpredictable thing. "Things happen." "That's what I told him," Jo says. "I told him how you said sometimes things shift between people who've been so close for so long." I'm glad he's taking what I say to heart. "So do you think something has shifted?" He rolls onto his back again. "Everything seemed fine before he left. It felt normal, at least. But I can't help but wonder, you know?" he asks, and I nod. "But I'm trying not to be bothered too much about it. I think I've adopted this 'Come what may' mentality lately." "I've taught you well, then," I say with a grin, and he smiles at me. I don't completely know where Jo stands on this, but I for one am crossing my fingers for the both of them. Brett has been such a staple in Jo's life, and there's no one else I'd trust to love and care for my boy properly. Besides me, of course. "Maybe a thing or two," he teases before he sits up and stretches. "Wanna shower?" "God, yes," I say, laughing. After rolling around on the floor, I'm sure we both have various bits of lint and debris sticking to the oil on our bodies. It'll be nice to clean up. I stand up and lead the way into the bathroom where we both hop into the shower and rinse ourselves off. We share the space in silence, quietly taking turns rinsing off under the spray before passing the soap back and forth. As I'm standing under the spray and washing the suds off of my front, I feel Jo come up behind me and wrap his arms around my midriff, pressing the side of his face against my back and hugging me tightly. I chuckle slightly, glancing back towards him. "What?" I ask. "Nothin'," he says. "I just love you." I smile and rest my hands on his, stroking them lightly with my thumbs. "Love you too, kiddo," I say, closing my eyes and, as I feel myself relax more than I did during that entire massage, I relish this tender moment.