Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2007 20:11:09 -0800 (PST) From: E Walk Subject: The Doctor Gets a Visitor Book II Chapter 18 The Doctor Gets a Visitor II By E Walk (Copyrighted by the author) Edited by Radio Rancher Chapter 18 - Sammy Gets Exposed I was awakened on Sunday morning by two voices. "General, we better check to see if this patient has made any progress. Look, it looks like he has something that is about ready to explode. We'd better get him to the emergency room. Them vitamins you prescribed done fixed this one. Too bad they didn't do the same for Boss man." said Mickey. I pushed them away and said, "I'm going to the bathroom." Beau jumped on Teddy and kissed him and said, "Wake up Sleeping Beauty. Breakfast will be ready in 25 minutes." "Stop slobbering on me and get off of me or I'm going to pee all over you if you don't let me go to the bathroom." Teddy yelled. "Is that all you can do ^Ö go to the bathroom?" laughed Beau. Teddy came into the bathroom and said, "Move over Doctor Dad. I have to go really bad." He pulled down his briefs and started to relieve himself. When he finished, he looked up at me and asked, "Doctor Dad, you sure are beautiful. Do you think I'll ever look that good?" "Teddy, you'll probably look better." I answered. He crawled into the shower with me and we took a quick shower. He went and dressed. He came back and jumped on me and said, "Doctor Dad, I love you. He got off of me and dashed to the door saying, "I have to go, before the Boss man yells at me." When I got to the kitchen Beau replenished my coffee and handed me the paper. Linda and Eric came in and Mickey served them their coffee. We were reading the paper when Sammy came storming in. "How come you creeps left the bathroom in such a mess?" Mickey wheeled around and looked him in the face and said, "Pea brain, neither of us has used that bathroom, since we cleaned it yesterday afternoon. Whatever mess there is in there is yours." Sammy was seething and started. "How come nobody's ready for church? We'll never make it by 8:30. How soon is breakfast?" "Sit down Samuel. We're going to 11:00 service, and you will be sitting between your mother and me. Since you don't seem to be helping fix breakfast, stop complaining." Eric said, sternly. Sammy got up and said, "I have to call Dana and tell her I won't be at the eight thirty service." "Sit down. You have no phone privileges until further notice. Everyone needs to know that Sammy is not to make any phone calls, or received any incoming calls, until further notice." Linda said. "Okay, breakfast is ready. Mother, how many pancakes?" Jeff asked. "Two please." Linda answered. "Pop?" Jeff asked. "Two." Eric answered. The guys served the three of us our plates and then fixed their own plates and sat at the bar. Sammy asked, "How come they are sitting at the bar? We always have to eat at the table." "I said they could. Do you have a problem with that?" I answered. Jeff sat down with his plate, and Sammy asked, "Where's mine?" "Get your own, like the other guys did." Eric barked at Sammy. "Well this sure isn't a five star restaurant or hotel." mumbled Sammy, as he got his breakfast." Sammy started to eat and Mickey turned around and asked, "Sammy, we want to know if you just put Jeff's briefs back on or did you turn them inside out? My guess is that you are free wheeling." "Shut up, punk." Sammy snarled. "You shut up Samuel." Eric said, as he pointed at him. The three guys were finished eating and suddenly they started laughing. Mickey turned around and asked, "Doctor Dad, did you really sell your car before you knew it was for sale?" "Yep." I answered, Sammy perked up and asked, "If you sold your car, what am I going to drive to school?" "You won't be driving Jeff's car or Mrs. Tillison's. Your Mother or I will be driving you to and from school, until further notice." Eric said. Everyone had finished eating and I said, "Linda and Eric, I would like to visit you in the dining room. I would like Sammy and Jeff to be there as well. I turned to the guys and asked, "Would you gentlemen please take care of the dishes?" "We can do that sir, as soon as you get pea brain out of here. The guys don't even want to look at him." Mickey answered. I got up and the others followed me into the dining room. I quickly told what had happened last night. When I got to the part about what Sammy said to Jeff, Linda asked, "He said that?" Jeff nodded, but didn't say anything. I then told them exactly what I had told Sammy, and Eric and Linda just glared at Sammy. Eric turned to Jeff and asked, "Jeff, would you please ask Mickey to come in?" Jeff went to the door and announced, "Mickey, Pop and Mother would like to talk to you. Don't worry you two, if Sammy leaves the room, either Dad or I will be here." Mickey came in and asked, "What do you need, Dad and Mother? "Mickey, why didn't you tell us what was happening?" Eric asked. "Mother, Dad, stop. This is not my doing! Let's talk about what has happened since we arrived here. We have met many of the important people in town, and Dad got a new job. We found a house to buy, and slam bang and you were out of here headed back to Minneapolis. Let's see, you called two times. The first time was to tell us you had sold the house, and the second was to tell us you would be back Friday night. We even had to call you about Aunt Nancy's dinner party last night. I wasn't here when you got back on Friday night, and you weren't waiting up for me when I got in Then yesterday, you went and did whatever you did, and you want to know why I haven't told you?" Mickey took a deep breath. "Ever since we have been here, it's like you have decided Jeff and Doctor Dad can handle everything. Honestly, Sammy doesn't do anything here, unless some of his cronies are around. He eats, sleeps, talks on the phone and throws his clothes around all over the place, expecting someone else to take care of them. He always says he's too busy with his homework." Mickey stopped and glared. "Doctor Dad and Jeff have gone out of their way to make sure that we all had nothing but the best." Before Mickey could say anything else, Jeff tried to stop him, but Mickey turned to him and said, "Jeff, I'm not finished yet. It's like Sammy is a spoiled rich kid. He waits to see which car he is driving each morning, and then complains to me about driving the Camry if he doesn't get to take the T bird. He complains about having to drop me off at school. " "He has been spending money like its water. Doctor Dad gave him his allowance on Monday, which I think was $25.00 and then I heard him ask on at least two mornings if he could have money for lunch. "On Friday night, he came to me and asked if he could borrow $25.00. I gave it to him and told him I wanted it back as soon as he got the money. I knew he got paid yesterday like the rest of us. When he finally got home, I asked him for my money and he told me he had already spent the money Jeff had paid him and wanted to know if he could borrow another $20.00." Mickey stopped to breathe again. "I told him no way. He yelled at me and said, `Then I'll get it from Teddy.' I got to Teddy first, and we both hid our money in a place where no one will ever find it." he laughed and continued. "I have one other thing I would like to add. Teddy and I have been biding our time, waiting until you got back. We decided it shouldn't be Doctor Dad's problem, and if we told Jeff, someone would probably get hurt. I have no idea what pea brain said to upset Jeff and Beau so much, but I can tell you this, it was probably totally unjustified. If you don't need me anymore, I need to go make sure Beau and Teddy are okay." I was watching Sammy and his parents, and it was becoming apparent that he realized his goose had been cooked. Jeff asked, "Mick, would you please ask Teddy to bring my book bag from the hall closet, also one of the invitations to his birthday party?" "Got it, Man." said Mickey. "Mother and Pop, I would like to say some things, but I'm not going to do it now, because I might say something that I would be sorry for later." Jeff said, as there was a knock on the door. "Come in Teddy." Jeff called out. Teddy handed Jeff his book bag and said, "Here you go Boss." Teddy looked up and said, "Mother, Dad and Doctor Dad, may I say a few things?" I nodded and Eric said, "Go ahead, son." "I don't know exactly where to begin. So I'll start when Sammy started high school and struggled to be as good as Jeff. There was no way he could be. Don't get me wrong, Sammy is good, but he had to work at it, where it was easy for Jeff." "Sammy started to get frustrated and was complaining about Jeff constantly. He was so jealous of him. He was like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. When he was around adults and Jeff, he acted like everything was hunky dory, but when he just with us, he was constantly complaining to Mickey and me and heavens know what he might have said to his friends." Teddy stopped and collected his thoughts. "When Jeff told you he was gay, and you didn't throw him out, Sammy came storming in like he was one of those homophobic somethings." "When Sammy turned 16, it was like all of his hormones, neurons and whatever went whacko. He acted like he was king of the house. He would parade around in our bedroom without any clothes on telling us we were seeing what a real man looked like." Teddy laughed. He continued, "When he got his driver's license, he just couldn't understand why he couldn't get a car. Then when you gave Jeff the Thunderbird, he about lost any cool he had left. When Jeff wouldn't drive it to school, he told us Jeff wasn't normal." He glared at Sammy. "When it was decided that Jeff would be leaving as soon as he was graduated, Sammy was thrilled. Sammy told us that Jeff had lost contract with reality when he didn't accept the scholarships to Stanford and all those other fancy schools. He said Jeff was thinking with his dick instead of his brain, when he chose to go to the Podunk College in Fremont. When Jeff left, Sammy came bouncing in and announced. I am the boss now, so you guys better do what I want." Teddy stopped and looked around. "When Christmas came, he was just positive he was going to get a car and when he didn't, he said you were the meanest parents on the Earth." "When Dad announced, he had a job interview in Nebraska, Mickey and I thought he was going to jump out of the window. He came in shouting. I'm doomed to live in his shadow forever. I hope Dad doesn't get the job. When we got here, Doctor Dad and Jeff introduced us to some really nice people, some of whom just happened to be some of the most popular in his class, and so it wasn't so bad." Teddy stopped and stared daggers at Sammy. "Dad and Mother, when you left, he was in his glory because not only were Jeff and Doctor Dad taking care of us, but also Tyler and Spencer too who were always working. Well, the slob went overboard last night, as far as I am concerned. I have no idea what trash mouth said to anyone else, but I do know that I meant what I said about not putting up with his clutter and garbage anymore." Teddy stopped and turned to me and asked, "Doctor Dad, can we put some sort of lock on our doors, so sticky fingers can't come into our room looking for our money. Last night, when I went to get ready for bed, I opened the drawer to get some clean briefs out. The drawer was all messed up and I checked the other drawers and all of my and Mickey's things were messed up." "It's a good thing Mickey and I had moved our money to somewhere where no one will ever find it." "Oh yes, Spencer asked the other day, if Sammy was always so lazy. If Spencer noticed it; you can bet that Tyler, Kevin, Drew and Kenny probably have noticed it too. Heck, Kenny and Drew even came yesterday to help Jeff get ready for the party, even though they weren't even going to be here while you were out doing whatever you were doing, and who knows what Sammy was doing." Teddy turned to Jeff and said, "Okay Jeff, why did you ask me to come in here, now that I've probably gotten myself grounded?" "Teddy, I asked you to come in here so you could show Pop and Mother the invitation to your class birthday party." Jeff said, "You should have told me before I dug myself into such a deep hole." Teddy said, as he handed the invitation to his parents. Linda and Eric read it and Linda said, "Absolutely no gifts. I can't believe you guys agreed to this. It says if any gifts are brought, they will be given to the Home for Homeless Children." "Spencer wouldn't agree to a party, until Jeff came up with the idea of no gifts. The people in the class are excited to be going to a swim party in February" Teddy answered. Jeff said, "Tell Pop and Mother what you said." "I told Jeff I felt funny about asking people I had just met to a party, since I really didn't know them and they didn't know me." Teddy answered. "What did Toby and Bobby say?" Jeff asked. "They agreed to go along, as long we didn't tell their parents about no gifts. But you know what? Their parents were so impressed that the guys wish it had been their idea." Teddy answered. Jeff looked at me and said, "Dad, take this mouthy 10 year old upstairs along with those two grungy thirteen year olds in the kitchen and get them ready for church. I'll be there in five minutes, and they had better be out of the shower so I can get ready for church." I left with Teddy, and Jeff said, "Mother and Pop, I am sorry this had to happen. Just remember that the four of us are all very different, and that we have our own unique talents. I don't expect or want the guys to be like me. Now as far as next weekend. What the birthday boys don't know, is that there is going to be a second party after the swim party, for family and friends. We are still working on the details. I really haven't got past the first party yet." Jeff got up to leave and realized that he had his backpack. He pulled out his tape recorder and said, "Mother and Pop, I want you to make sure that Sammy somehow listens to this tape without Mickey or Teddy hearing it. Pop, Mother may not be able to listen to the entire tape, but please make sure that Sammy does." Jeff came into the bedroom and the three guys ambushed him. They quickly undressed him and Teddy said, Okay, we saw these two studs completely naked. We sure don't have to worry. We know we can compete with them anytime." Mickey took over and said, "Okay men, a two minute shower, let's go." Jeff and I went in and took a quick shower and came out drying our hair. We quickly got dressed and the three guys were sitting on the bed which they had made, waiting for us. Mickey said, "These two don't want to go downstairs without you." If you want to read more of this story and other interesting stories, you might want to visit Editor's notes: My goodness, I think Sammy is going to be in deep do do, don't you? I can't believe how bad he has been acting. He is not on my list of favorite people right now. Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher