Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2008 20:58:32 -0700 (PDT) From: E Walk Subject: The Doctor Gets A Visitor Book II Chapter 35 The Doctor Gets a Visitor II By E Walk (Copyrighted by the author) Edited by Radio Rancher Chapter 35 -- Beau's Sire Is Murdered The next thing I remember was when I was awakened by a young voice. "Doctor Dad, you have to get up so you can take me to school. Here is your coffee. Uncle Jeff says to put the pedal to the metal." He bounced out of the room. I took a shower and got dressed. I went down and sat down and Jeff placed a plate of eggs and ham and hash browns in front of me. I had hardly finished, when Jason yanked my plate away and rinsed it. "Okay Doctor Dad, I'm ready to go to school." Jason announced, as he came back with his coat and a backpack. I looked at him and said, "Jason, the school isn't even open yet, and Davey's not here." Jeff left with Beau, and Eric took Sammy and Chris, and Mickey left with Anita. Jason started pacing and watching out the back door. Finally Davey came in and said, "Okay Doctor Wilson, I'm ready." Teddy and I got ready, and away we went. I parked and went in with the guys. We got Jason his lunch tickets for the rest of the year, and then I walked the guys to their room. Davey introduced us, and Miss Tomlinson looked at me and said, "Hi Doctor." "Howdy Liz. This is my young friend, Jason. He is a grandson of a friend. Here are his lunch tickets. You call me if he gives you one bit of trouble." I said. Jason glared at me as I left. I went into the hall and ran into the four musketeers. "Guys, don't forget to take Jason to Gigi's with you." Spencer looked at me and said, "Doctor Dad, don't worry, we'll take good care of him." Jeff's day was routine, but I gather Mrs. Tillison's was anything but, She arranged for Jason's mother and step father to be cremated in Colorado and then have remains shipped to a funeral home in Peoria, Illinois. She arranged for a memorial service at 2:00 on Saturday. She hired a plane to take us to Peoria on Friday night, and made reservations for two suites of rooms at a Peoria hotel. She also reserved two rental cars to meet us. She had just finished the calls, when she received a phone call, "Hello Mr. Everett ...He what? ... What about his property and bank accounts? ... Thanks Mr. Everett. Send me the bill, and I'll be in touch if we need anything else." she said as she hung up. She called Norman and asked, "Norm, do you know a good lawyer in Peoria, Illinois?" "I had a classmate in law school who lives in Peoria. Let me get you her phone number." Norm said. He came back on and said her name is Andrea Cleary and here is her phone number." "Thanks Norm, I want you to cancel all of your appointments for next Tuesday. We are going to Oakland, to take care of some business." She explained what was going to be happening this weekend and next Tuesday. She called my office and asked that I call at my first opportunity. I called her over lunch, and she told me our plans for the weekend and for next Tuesday morning. "I'll explain more tonight. I have a lot of phone calls to make." she said, as she hung up. I went and grabbed a sandwich and went back to work. Finally at 5:10 I left and stopped at the Baxter house. I went in and took off my shoes and said hi to Gigi and then Spencer cornered me and complained, "Beau has dinner all ready, and I have to do is put the rolls in to heat. I'm surprised he hasn't hired someone to come and do the dishes." Beau kissed Spencer on the lips and said, "Go have some fun, or visit with Gigi." I left with my charges. All the way home, Jason went on about school. As we were pulling into the driveway, he said, "Please call Davey's parents and ask them if Davey can walk home with us to Gigi's and then we can have our own homework club." Jeff wasn't home. The guys went and changed their clothes and came down and helped Linda with dinner. Jeff came in just as Sammy and Eric arrived. We finished eating and then the dam broke. Beau was helping Sammy with the dishes when Mrs. T. and Josh arrived. "Jack, get Beau, Jason, and Jeff, and meet us in the dining room." Mrs. T. ordered. The six of us assembled in the dining room. "Guys, we are flying out Friday evening for Peoria, at 5:30. Jason, there will a memorial service for your mother and stepfather at the funeral home on Saturday, and they will be buried beside your father." "Do we have to put my stepfather there? He doesn't belong there. He didn't know my Daddy, and I don't think he really loved my Mother. He just wanted her money." Mrs. Tillison said, "Jason, let me work on that." "Is Granddad going with us? Jason asked. "He is." Mrs. T. answered. "Now, why don't you call your Grandma Ginny?" Jason took off and Mrs. T Turned to Beau and said, "Beau, your father is dead." "You mean the man that sired me, don't you? He stopped being my father when he raped me. How did he die?" Beau asked, without any emotion. "He was killed in prison. He was raped and beaten to death. Evidently the other prisoners don't like people who do what he did to you. It seemed that the person that squealed on him received the same treatment, since he had used your body too." Mrs. Tillison said. Next Tuesday, you Norman, Josh, Doctor Wilson and I are going to Oakland to tie up the loose ends." Mrs. Tillison said. Before anyone could say anything, Beau said, "I can't go. I have to stay and take care of Chip and Gigi, and if Uncle Josh hires either Mrs. Cross or Mrs. Sanders or both then I will have four five year olds to take care of, and besides what can I do in Oakland? I am only a 13 year old kid." "We will need you Beau, and we have an entire week to solve the problem of having someone to care for the boys." Mrs. T. answered. Jason came back and said, "Grams, Grandma Ginny wants to talk to you." He handed her the mobile phone. "Hi Ginny, yes, everything has been arranged, but Jason doesn't want his stepfather buried beside his mother and father. ... Good ... Can you call the funeral home and make the arrangements for a separate plot? I have classes until 2:00 tomorrow afternoon; I'll call you tomorrow night or Thursday morning." She handed the phone back to Jason. She turned to Jeff and said, "Jeff, let's go get ready for tomorrow, and then might as well get ready for Friday and Monday while we are at." Josh said, "Jason, I'd like to give you a test. Could we go somewhere where it will be quiet?" "Let's go up to Beau's and my bedroom, and we can work at the study table." Jason said. He turned to me and said, "Doctor Dad, please talk to the Montgomery's like we talked about. Why don't you take Beau with you and he can explain the rules to Davey and his parents?" Jason took Josh's hand and led him upstairs. Jeff and Mrs. T. looked at each other, as they started to leave. The doorbell rang and Beau answered it. A young man was standing there and he introduced himself. "I'm Roger Fowler. I'd like to talk to Jeff, Mickey and Chris if they are here." Beau said, "Jeff's right here, but let me check on Mickey and Chris. Uncle Eric and Aunt Linda are Mickey and Chris here?" "Yes, they're downstairs with Denny, Teddy and Toby." Eric answered. Beau said, "I'll go get the guys." He came back with Chris, Mickey and Denny. Mickey and Chris said, "Hi Rog." "Roger, can you sit down?" Jeff asked. "No, I can't stay. I told my parents that I would be right back, and I still have some homework to do. I just wanted to apologize again, and thank you for shaking some sense into me. I put my car up on blocks and have even stated to make some friends at school. On Thursday, I'm going to start working at the restaurant on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 5:00 until 9:00. Thanks again for helping me get my head screwed on right." He turned to leave and Jeff hugged him and said, "Good luck, dude." Chris and Mickey shook his hand said, "Good luck man. We'll see you around." Roger left and Mrs. Tillison asked, "What was that about?" "Oh nothing much, and we're not going to say anymore about it. Let's go Grams before anyone else comes over." Jeff answered. I went to the phone can called the Montgomery's. ""This is Jack, again. May Beau and I come over?" "Beau, let's go." I called. We went through the backyards and Davey was waiting for us. We took off our shoes and went in. I explained to the Montgomery's what Jason wanted. "I'll keep taking Davey to school in the morning and then he can walk to the Baxter's with the rest of the guys and join the homework club, Beau will explain the ground rules." Beau ran through the rules and ended by saying. "If Davey is going to join us on a regular basis, we would ask that you pay $10.00 a week to help cover the cost of the snacks. I try to make sure the snacks are healthy but fun." "What time do the guys leave?" asked Mrs. Montgomery. "Davey could come home with Teddy, Jason and me." Beau said. Doctor Dad usually picks up about 5:15." "Mom and Dad, may I go?" asked Davey. "We'll try it this week." said Mrs. Montgomery. Could I come and observe some afternoon?" "Sure, any time." answered Beau. We went back to the house and Mickey said, "Beau, you are to call Mr. Sanders and Mr. Cross. Here are their numbers." Beau made the calls. He came back and said, "It looks like Mrs. Cross and Mrs. Sanders have interviews with Uncle Josh, tomorrow. Guess I'll be taking care of four five year old boys in the morning. I think I had better get some help. Denny, you got yanked from school today, right?" "Yep." he responded. "Good, can you get someone to drop you off at the Baxter's before 9:00 tomorrow, so I have some help with the boys?" Beau asked. "Yes, I'll get Dad to drop me off just like I was going to school, so I should be there by 8:00." Denny answered. "Beau, there is some apple crisp on the counter. It is good served with a dab of cool whip." Linda said. "Four taker's here. Denny go get Teddy and Toby. Mick you go get Sammy, and Chris, you take drink orders." Beau ordered. Beau went to the kitchen and set the table for twelve and began to dish up the desserts and put a dab of cool whip on them. Sammy came down and everyone started to eat, and when Jeff came in, he set his dessert in front of him and said, "Here's your beer. Now eat your dessert and drink your beer." Jeff looked at the beer and said, "Beer doesn't go with apple crisp. I smell a rat." Jeff poured the beer into a glass that Beau had given him and milk came out. Everyone laughed and Jeff got up and hugged Beau. Josh and Jason came down and Jason said, "That was fun, Uncle Josh." When Jason saw the dessert, he sat down and Beau served him his dessert and milk. Beau asked, "Uncle Josh, would you like some dessert?" "Not tonight Beau. I have to go back to Mother's and make some phone calls. Jeff, I'll call you later." Josh answered as he left. The young guys finished and rinsed their dishes and put them in the dishwasher as Beau put everything away. Jason went to get ready for bed and Greg came for Toby and Maria came for Denny. Chris walked home with Mickey watching. Sammy said, "This house is like a three ring circus, Doctor Dad. I'll bet the neighbors are having a field day." I looked at him and laughed, "Sammy, it feels like I've been picked up by a tornado and put down on another planet and it's all Jeff's fault." Jeff came back and said, "Don't blame me. It's not my fault that I was conceived." Everyone laughed as the guys finished cleaning up and Beau, Mickey and Sammy went upstairs. Jeff said, "I need to finish getting ready for tomorrow." He left. I started to lock up. Eric and Linda helped before they went to their room. I went upstairs and Jeff was frantically writing something. I started to read. We both jumped when the phone rang. I answered, "Oh hi Josh ... Okay I'll tell him ... Talk to you tomorrow," I turned to Jeff and said, "Josh says to tell you he got a score of 142. Now I'm going to bed." I went into the bathroom and was quickly joined by Jeff. We crawled into the shower and soaped each other and had a mutual ejaculation session where we did each other with our hands. We finished and Jeff fell against me and kissed me deep and long." We finished our shower and climbed into bed. Jeff looked at me and said, "I love you." and was gone. Author's Note: If you want to read more of this storyand other interesting stories, please check ot Editor's notes: Let's see, Jason is smart too. Why doesn't that surprise me? Darryl AKA The Radio Rancher