Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 00:14:18 -0400 From: Jamie Haze Subject: Dooby rhymes with Scooby Part 12 DOOBY rhymes with Scooby Part 12 By Jamie Haze "We thought we could fly in here make the presentation, get a commitment and be on a flight back to L.A. this morning, so we didn't pack much." Ryan explained to the boys when they returned to the pool deck after raiding Tom's drawer full of Speedo racing suits. He looked down his body, "Thanks for the suit; I'll replace it as soon as I get a chance." "It's too bad we have to even wear them but you know, with the old folks around and all." Dooby swung his arm out to encompass everyone, "If we ever get out to California we'll have to go to that nude beach you mentioned. It would be so cool to surf naked." "Shit Doob' we'll have to learn how first," Cory reminded him. "Maybe some weekend we can go to the beach and learn the basics so we don't look like total assholes when we get to Florida on vacation." Ryan giggled, "I hate to burst your bubble but you won't see many nude surfers in California, not for long anyway. The water's too cold. Think wetsuits. I keep my tan by going up to the roof of my apartment building, to a sundeck." Auggie's eyes rolled over the three while they stood near him taking pulls from their beers before they got in the pool. They settled on Ryan, his new employee. He was pleased to see that a toned and darkly tanned body was hidden under the newly purchased casual clothes. He made a decision, he would make Ryan an offer, he laughed inwardly thinking of the Godfather movie, that the young man couldn't possibly refuse, but business first, the offer would wait until they got back to Georgia, "What number?" he asked cryptically. Dooby and Cory looked blank, but Ryan laughed and glanced at Charlie, "That's another thing, the hotshots thought we could steal the show, you know, an infomercial produced by a regional grocery chain," he told them the maximum number, the upper limit they were allowed to offer. "As soon as we got here and found out you were here personally and we were in for a bidding war, I knew it was all over." He had to raise his voice as Dooby and Cory's laughter increased. "Shit, Cory and I are starting our new contract negotiations there. Do your bosses think everyone's an idiot but them?" Charlie clutched his chest and rolled his eyes overly dramatically, "Better to die now while I still have a few dollars in the bank." He gulped his drink. "I think I need another. Come on Auggie let's move into some decent shade AND closer to the bar. I'll introduce you around." Tom walked into the house carrying an empty salt shaker. He froze inside the great room door. His mother was equally motionless, holding her big pan of baked beans. She was standing in front of the four grouped paintings. Tom looked around quickly, there was no one else inside at the moment. He sighed, took a deep breath and walked up behind her. "Hi Mom, welcome home, pretty good aren't they, he even makes me look good." Bernice tipped her head to the side to accept Tom's kiss on her cheek automatically. "They are beautiful," she agreed. She nodded at one, "I recognize Dooby of course, and ah, so lifelike," her head tipped down to Cory directly below her nephew, "is that the little boy who's always in the road on his bike?" She didn't wait for an answer before shifting her gaze to Christian, "Oh my, it's a good thing he wasn't around before I met your father. Who is HE?" "Christian Dunn, he's the artist, that's a self-portrait he did for me under protest. That one's my favorite," Tom said quietly, almost reverently. He took an audible breath, "Mom," he started to blurt out the truth too loudly. His mother cut him off, "I know dear, I knew first. Your father never believed it. Not you. I had hoped that when you took up a relationship with that girl," Bernice brushed the carpet with her foot, "Right about here, so many summer evening trysts right here. It's a wonder that you two didn't wear out the grass." She smiled with a little hope, "Are you one of those who can DO both?" "DO?" Tom squeaked. "Yes DO. You don't need to looked so surprised darling, I read and I'm somewhat familiar with modern slang terms like mess around, DO, things like that. Now back to my original question, do you still mess around with girls, or is this young man your one and only?" Tom lifted his hand and spread his fingers so his mother could see the gold band. "Oh my, I've been away too long I missed the ceremony," she looked hurt, "But of course I wasn't invited was I." "We didn't have anything like that Mom; we just kind of put them on each," Tom was interrupted when Christian stuck his head in the door looking for him in the kitchen, "What's the hold up with the salt Tommy?" A movement when Tom and his mother turned together caught his eye, "Oh, I, that is, I didn't know," he began to back away. "Come in young man," Bernice invited. "Here Tommy do something with these beans please. Be careful, they're hot and this time, remember I want both my pan and the potholders back." She stayed where she was and offered her hand and a smile to Christian across the room. It was like a magnet. He blinked and looked down to find his hand shaking hers. He met her eyes briefly before he began to study the floor between them. "I was just admiring your work," she told him with a smile, "you have incredible talent. Perhaps you could do a sketch of Tommy sometime for me or better yet one of you two together," she frowned slightly, "but perhaps ah, clothed?" she looked hopeful. "Ah, sure Mrs. Patterson, right away, and thanks." Christian smiled, relieved that he was going to be allowed to live, and there wasn't going to be a screaming match or a scene. "Call me Bernie, or when you feel comfortable and we become friends, Mom would be nice too." Tom looked helpless holding his mother's pan; he pushed at one of the flat cardboard boxes leaning against the wall below the paintings with his bare foot. "Here Mom, one of these is for you. I made prints, Christian signed them and I had them framed, all four of them." He rocked his head back and giggled, "God these things stink. I'll put them on the buffet outside so they don't stink up our whole house. Come on Mom, meet Christian's parents, and Aunt Betty and Uncle John are here too. You already know Laura Connor I think, sort of, she's Cory's mother. She and Charlie Spelling are engaged to be married and Charlie's adopting Cory. And did you hear that Charlie made me President and CEO of Spelling's? And Christian and I are partners in an advertising agency. We need to decide who to promote to general manager at the plant and do it so there aren't any hard feelings. Maybe we should just restructure somehow and put in profit sharing so the old timers end up making as much as George, he's only been with us three years but he's been running things when I'm not there. What do you think Mom?" Tom was running on adrenalin, words were pouring out of his mouth. They had just reached the terrace when the front door bells chimed. Christian discovered that he was clutching the empty salt shaker, "I'll get it since we still need the salt." He grinned, winked at Tom and ran across the house to pull open the door wearing a huge smile. He took a step back and his smile disappeared when he was confronted with a couple, the man looked murderous and he also filled the doorway. The woman, who held the man's arm, was diminutive in comparison, yet she seemed to be holding the giant in place. Christian saw the man's hands take on the shape of fists. "Are you the one?" the man asked and tried to take a step forward while his eyes bored into Christian's tiny bathing suit. The small woman yanked the giant back; she smiled tiredly, "We're the Martinelli's, Robert's parents, Mary and Angelo. We're sorry we're late, my husband took some wrong turns somehow and we were on the Interstate on our way to Pennsylvania before I noticed." Mrs. Martinelli looked up at her husband with a withering frown of disgust. Christian looked blank for a second, then "Oh yeah! Rob's parents, come on in, we're glad you could come on such short notice. I'm Christian Dunn," he hastened to add and wondered what would have happen if Kevin opened the door, "this way, everyone's out by the pool. You aren't late really. The boys are just finishing up the last segment of the show. Rob and Kevin were standing at the back of the small audience watching Dooby and Cory. Rob looked to the side and turned gray. The Martinelli's, father and son stared at each other. Rob moved to stand in front of Kevin to block his father's view. Christian caught his father's eye and motioned toward the newly arrived couple. Quinn touched John DuBois' arm to get his attention. John looked back and smiled brightly, "Sonofabitch," he whispered, "that's Angelo Martinelli, he's the best stone mason I ever saw. He does all of my stone work." The surprise was mutual and Angelo Martinelli managed a smile when he and John shook hands. John introduced Quinn and the three moved to the bar table after Rob's mother seemed to release her husband into John and Quinn's custody with an admonition, "Now you just behave yourself and don't you even think a threatening look at the handsome young man Robby's hiding behind his back OR ELSE. I'm going to say hello to our son and meet his friend at last." John held in his giggle until their backs were turned, "Relax Angelo, shit happens, it can't be stopped. Take me for instance, he pointed at Dooby, "That's my youngest son, and the little guy next to him is his life partner, his significant other. See the rings on their fingers? Don't wince, I know they're too young, but try and tell them that. They've got their futures all planned through college anyway, Harvard yet. Dooby's going to study architecture and when he graduates he's joining me in the business and we're going to build what he designs. Cory, that's his buddy, got him motivated and that little shit is probably going to end up running his new father's business which would be Spelling's Supermarkets. Not too shabby if I say so myself; so as of this minute both of them have the world by the tail." "Yeah I guess," Angelo admitted grudgingly, "If they stay together." "Yeah if, that's a chance we all take. Now just look at the kid with the camera, the bigger one, the blond, just look at what he's wearing as a bathing suit, that thing screams queer and he just announced that he is too. Would you believe he's my first born?" Angelo recoiled at the sight of Artie wearing a day-glow pink thong, "I don't believe I'd like the feel of that strap running up the crack of my ass." He looked at his wife, their son and his son's friend talking and smiling together. Rob was still screening Kevin with his body so Kevin was talking over Rob's shoulder. "My kid and his buddy aren't dressed much better; they all may as well go naked." Quinn laughed, "If we weren't here they would be." He pointed at Christian, "He's mine, you already met him. His partner Tom, the guy he's standing by owns this house and your boy and his friend both work for them part-time." "I did hear something about that," Angelo said grudgingly with a look at his wife who was just then pushing her giant son Rob to the side so she could see more of Kevin, "an advertising agency, right? What's Rob doin' with them anyway, he's goin' to be an accountant," he announced with pride. "He better not be starrin' in queer movies or nothin' like that." Charlie overheard the comment. He introduced himself and then introduced Auggie to the men. They all sat down around the table where Auggie was parked conveniently close to the bar. Charlie told Angelo and Auggie how the company got started by a brash phone call from Tom, their hastily arranged golf outing and how the idea of an infomercial came about. He cast a baleful stare at Quinn, "Christian tells me you pack a sod cutter and sand mover clubs in your bag too." He started laughing with Quinn. "That boy is so good he could make a nice living playing a few rounds every weekend and them he beats the shit out of want to come back for more. The thing is he's so helpful, my games' actually improving so the lessons are worth every penny. We should play a round someday soon with them two boys. Tom thinks my old law firm is nothing more than a bunch of old fogies, too complacent with our business. He might be right, them and me grew up together, I mean our businesses. He thinks maybe you might consider takin' us on, maybe doin' some stuff for us on the side and see how it goes. I got Justa Pizza to do something with too and I don't want to saddle Tom with that on top of groceries." "What about Justa Pizza?" Auggie asked, surprised, "You got that too? I knew it was privately held or I'd have it in my portfolio." He snapped his fingers after Charlie nodded and shrugged. "Man now there's one we can hype on my show; you already got them national. I can just picture them boys after a Lacrosse game, the whole rowdy team in there fillin' up. I often get a couple to bring home after work. Of course they ain't exactly on my diet, but that don't stop me from enjoyin' 'em." He saw that the men were trying hard not to laugh, "Go ahead," he laughed, "I am. I should 'a said pizza ain't on my doctor's diet, they definitely are on mine. I got me the damn gout in my thirties. I walked with a cane and did like I was told diet wise, didn't make no difference except I graduated to a wheel chair. I said fuck all diets, a mans' got to have one or two pleasures outta life so I eat what I like and enjoy a drink or three, an' my aches and pains stay the same any which way." The conversation was interrupted when Charlie and John both put a hand up behind their heads. They looked up at the sky to see if it was raining or a bird nailed them before they twisted in their chairs to look back and receive steams of water in their faces from Dooby and Cory's water cannons. Charlie laughed, "John I think the boys want to play. Are you up to teaching them some respect for their elders?" John didn't answer. He stood up already unbuttoning his shirt and threw it aside on the run, chasing Dooby to and into the pool. Cory backed up a few steps, waiting for Charlie to calmly remove his shirt and shorts, fold both neatly over his chair back and then suddenly lunge at Cory, catching him in a hug and running with him to fall into the pool. John stood up cursing, "Shit, shit, shit!" He grabbed the front of his bathing suit and looked down just below the surface at his hand. Dooby surfaced just out of reach and started laughing at his father's facial expression; "Dad?" he wondered in a soft voice, "Is that a hard on you're holding? Wow, want me to get Mom or is she the problem? Did she cut you off or what's the story?" John turned scarlet and answered through clenched teeth, "No you little asshole," he reached into his pocket and brought out his cell phone. Charlie and Cory joined Dooby in laughing. John grinned and tossed the useless phone to the deck before he leaped off the bottom and fell forward reaching for his hysterical son. He caught Dooby by an ankle, stood up and reeled him in hand over hand. Dooby fought by kicking with his free leg and kept his head above water by wind milling his arms away from his father into deeper water. John finally got his fingers hooked in the waist of Dooby's bathing suit to finish pulling him in so he could fall on him and duck him. With both legs free and both arms Dooby wriggled his agile body and swam away like a snake sheds its skin, leaving his father holding a stretchy newly vacated Speedo bathing suit. "Did you get all that?" Ryan asked Artie. When Artie nodded, holding his camera on his father's look of amazement while he studied the suit, Ryan ordered, "Swing over slowly to Dooby. He's going for that ladder. Don't zoom in on him just follow him. We can use the distance shot of his whole body." Scott walked by them quickly with his Steadicam running. He waited for Dooby to climb to the deck keeping the lens high. Dooby grinned at the camera and ran for the master bedroom door. Scott swooped in behind him and gave chase straight through the room and into Tom's closet. Dooby grinned at Scott while he pulled on another suit selected from Tom's supply. "You can't use any of this can you?" "Maybe, I stayed above your waist except when I was following you. This is reality television remember, and late night cable so the rules are different." Everyone on the deck watched the bedroom door, waiting for Dooby. A few minutes later, Scott back peddled through the great room door with Dooby following him, talking to the camera, "So anyway, that takes care of a tour of my Uncle Tommy's house; pretty tough bachelor pad isn't it. Remember if you want a print signed and numbered by the artist, give us a call. Plastic works!" He looked toward the grill. Tom and Christian were busy tending burgers and hotdogs. They looked up to see Dooby grinning at them, "Now would be a good time to meet Tom and Christian," he said to the camera smoothly. He finished introducing them by punching Christian in the shoulder, "And remember Christian's the artist so he'll be doing the signing. If you want his self-portrait, Tommy's or Cory's, same price, if you want a set of all four I guess you can get a ten percent discount." He left them with their mouths hanging open and waded into the group of family and friends, introducing everyone, in complete control of the following cameras. When he got to the Martinelli's, Angelo was being held in place by his wife Mary and actually managing a few grudging monosyllables to their son Rob while Kevin hovered nearby. Dooby arranged them in a family portrait as if they were speechless automatons and maneuvered Kevin so he stood by Angelo as if by accident, as if Kevin was just walking by them and Dooby included him because of his relationship with Rob as college students, roommates and good friends. Dooby courteously sat down between Auggie and Charlie so he wouldn't be looking down on Auggie and Auggie wouldn't be looking up at him. After a few words of introduction, Auggie looked up at Scott, "Okay, enough for now. Shut them things off. Charlie tells me you can show us the next show later after you add some stuff. Why don't you get to addin' and then see if you can wade through all this other tape and put together about fifty to fifty-five minutes just rough it out, nothin' fancy. There's probably most of a show right here. If it looks as good as I think I'll want you to direct the series." Scott was speechless and paralyzed. "Well git if you want the job, time's wastin'." Artie followed Scott to his van and helped strip him of the Steadicam paraphernalia and then case both cameras. Scott's hand shook. Artie slapped him on the back, "You can relax now you got a job as director, I'll bet there's some big bucks attached there. Congratulations." Scott looked up at Artie bashfully, "Thanks but that's not why I'm nervous all of a sudden." Artie looked a question but remained silent. "I, I'm nervous about inviting you over to my new office and studio." Artie grinned in delight and bumped his hip against Scott's, "I was nervous that you weren't going to ask and if you didn't then I was just planning to follow you anyway. You're way too hot to let you get away from me." "You think I'm hot? I think you're gorgeous hot." Scott blushed and looked away, "I, I hope you got some really good shots in your can, because half of mine is of you. I'm not what you'd call real experienced, just high school stuff mostly, what do you like to do, that is if you don't mind my asking?" It was Artie's turn to look away and add a deep blush, "I guess just about anything covers that. I'm not good at come-ons and mostly just go to the beach wearing this and guys come on to me, but then I'm too fucking scared to do anything, you know with a total stranger. To be totally truthful, there's just one guy, my next door neighbor. He's a real swishy type and strictly on the bottom," he shrugged, his blush deepened, "so I guess you know the rest of the story. But I'm game to try anything, with you that is," he added quickly. Dooby the matchmaker peeked out a front window, sighed and pulled open the front door, "Are you guys back already?" he called to them sarcastically and didn't wait for an answer. "Goddamn, if I was one of you two we'd already be fucking into next week. Get a move on guys; you don't want to piss Auggie off the first day do you?" "Fuck you little brother!" Artie gave him the finger defensively, "We were just talking." Dooby rolled his eyes, "I can see that. You just better go find a private place to finish your conversation before I go get Mom to come out here to look at you all grown up." He giggled and pointed, "Both of you! Man, talk about horny. Hey do you want me to drive you?" he asked eagerly. That question got him a four fingered response and two eager embarrassed grins but at least they hurried getting into the van before anyone else saw their painfully contorted erections barely concealed in skimpy nylon and Lycra. Artie halted their dash at the top of the stairs, he whistled his appreciation of Scott's loft, "Wow, this would make a fantastic pad, I wouldn't mind living here." "Yeah, that's what I thought too. Oh man, are we in luck, I forgot about them; Tom's crew is gone for the day. They're nearly finished with the kitchen set so I guess he gave them the afternoon and night off. The kitchen matches Tom's exactly and everything works. I had them put a shower in a bathroom and I'm going to move in. I'm going to live here." Scott announced proudly. "Too bad you haven't moved in yet," Artie looked disappointed, "no bed," he added to explain. Scott nudged Artie forward hesitantly, "Wrong, come on, behind the set, I had them sheetrock the wall so it's a finished partition." The big open space behind the kitchen was furnished as a huge ultra modern one room apartment. Scott ignored the leather sofa and matching chairs that faced an entertainment center commanded by a giant screen TV and chromed steel restaurant racks stacked with electronic components. He crossed the space to gently kick a mattress positioned on the floor beneath one of the tall windows. The mattress moved a foot. "Air mattress, one of those queen size jobs that inflate in a minute, you know, as seen on TV!" he announced proudly before he looked down at the video cassettes he held in his sweated hand. "Should we edit first or after?" he turned shy again when his erection betrayed his preference. Artie answered in part by pushing his thong down his legs and leaving it where it lay on the floor, "My vote is before AND after." Artie stood up and spread his legs slightly, "My God," Scott whispered, "Except for being filled out more because you're older, you look exactly like your brother, ah, same size and everything." Scott stared and hesitantly began pushing at his suit. Artie stopped him by rushing forward, "Let me." He went to his knees. After Scott's constraining little suit was gone his six inch cock bobbed up to a forty-five degree angle and quivered there. "Oh wow," Artie whispered, "how many times I've dreamed of you, I knew you were out there somewhere." He gobbled Scot in his mouth. Scott tapped Artie's shoulder, "Ah, do tops give head? Shouldn't I be doing you? I want to," he moaned, talking became difficult. His fingers disappeared in Artie's blond hair, not for control, just to feel its silky softness. Artie stood up on his knees; one hand went to the small of Scott's back, the other chopped at the back of his knees gently. Scott wilted to the bed and Artie's mouth followed him down. He took his mouth away, "How? Together, is that how you want it?" He refilled his mouth. "Yes, together, not on our sides, you on top. Like control me, master me, damn it, fuck me in the mouth!" Scott blurted out at last. "I don't believe I said that," he whispered. Artie walked on his knees to get in position above Scott's head. He leaned forward with his weight on his hands. Scott reached to touch his cock for the first time. He didn't know what to do first. He wanted to study the perfect seven inches with its proportionally larger head. He wanted to feel and weigh Artie's nut sack that depended inches from his eyes. He noted a small patch of stubble Artie missed when he shaved them and wondered when he shaved, probably that morning. He blinked when he saw a drop of precum form and reached out with his tongue to capture it, at the same time trying to smile when he realized he was still wearing his glasses, the reason he could see small details so clearly. Artie felt Scott's tongue, assumed it was a signal and lowered his body. Scott's mouth filled, then his throat. Everything went out of focus until Artie withdrew. Scott stopped him with his lips. He just refocused on Artie's nut sack again before Artie thrust down again until the balls rested briefly on his nose and his lenses. Then he felt Artie working his cock expertly, exquisitely. He gave up trying to watch, closed his eyes and began using his hands to control the beautiful cock, Artie's cock, fucking his mouth. Scott exploded into Artie's mouth too quickly and with no warning, even to himself. No apology was possible or practical just then when he felt Artie grow still bigger in his mouth, stretching his throat muscles further. Artie continued to hold him in his mouth, but stopped stroking him, bobbing his head. He was concentrating, trying vainly not to come just yet, he wanted to fuck the oh so willing eager mouth forever. He started to clench his teeth together forgetting there was an appendage in the way. Scott bucked and shivered closing his mouth at the feel of Artie's bite. That was when Artie lost it; he opened his mouth wide to scream his pleasure and buried himself in Scott's throat. Everyone who was wearing one looked at their watch when Scott and Artie reappeared suddenly from inside the house. "Right on time," Auggie mumbled to Charlie with a grin. "Huh?" Charlie questioned. "I was thinking they're an hour late." Auggie slapped Charlie on the back and giggled, "You would, you ain't queer. They up and used that hour, well, ya'll can use your imagination. That's why I sent 'em off when I did else it would be dark before they got back here with them tapes. Come on let's us find a television. Auggie drove his scooter at the tardy couple piling plates at the buffet. He blocked their progress, "You boys missed lunch, ya'll can eat later after you start the show tape." He eyed their plates and judged Artie's to be the fullest, "I'll just take that off your hands there son, I ain't tasted better beans since my mamma passed. Just set it in my basket." When Artie did as he was told, Auggie frowned up at him, "A fork an' a napkin might come in handy please. I'm fat but I ain't no pig." After Artie added a fork and napkin to the wire basket mounted on the scooter's handle bars, Auggie sent him off to the Lacrosse field to call the boys from the game in progress and herded Scott into the great room. "Come on in," he bellowed over his shoulder, "it's SHOW TIME!" The show was in progress by the time the eight boys playing Lacrosse reached the pool deck and shed their protective equipment and shoes to take a swim the length of the pool and then each receive a towel from Christian before they could get inside the house. By then parents already occupied all the chairs and the sofa so they congregated on the carpet, sitting or laying on the towels. Dooby and Cory managed to fit themselves on one towel directly in front of the big coffee table. They lay on their sides with their heads propped up on their hands. Dooby was behind Cory and there was very little discernable space between them maintained only because Cory moved forward each time he felt Dooby wiggle just enough so his body touched Cory's. They whispered comments back and forth that appeared to be concerning the show. Dooby moved so his bathing suit covered cock touched Cory's bathing suit protected ass, "Man it's been a long day." "Yeah, and stop that." Cory moved away. Dooby moved again to complain, "But I'm hot from looking at too much skin." Dooby casually rested his free hand on Cory's hip. Cory moved forward an inch and just as casually picked up Dooby's limp hand and dropped it on Dooby's own thigh, "I know and please don't do that again." A few minutes elapsed, Dooby moved and whispered, "Okay I won't, but you should know I think Lane is hot to trot with us." Cory looked back at Dooby, "He is? What about Jennifer?" he adjusted his body again. Dooby stayed put but leaned forward so his mouth was an inch from Cory's ear, "She'd watch us of course while you drilled her. She wants your jamoke really bad." Dooby's snaked his tongue out to drill Cory's ear, then wasn't fast enough and got a bump on the back of his head from hitting the edge of the table when Cory pushed him away. Cory giggled nervously, timed to some joke Dooby told him on the television. "Are you sure? I wouldn't mind. If you can do it I can but I don't want to come across as an asshole if you're wrong." Their conversation was interrupted when both looked at the TV. The camera was trained on the wall oven. Neither of them was in the shot until Dooby appeared from the right wearing oven mittens. Dooby on the screen carefully scanned the room before he opened the oven, pulled out the rack holding the roast and quickly hacked a small wedge from the defenseless and undefended roast. He then used the special meat testing fork to get the chunk to his mouth after looking at the meat, not the digital readout myopically. He shook his head, returned the rack to the oven and closed the door, before quickly disappearing from the camera's view. Cory joined the room in laughing. Dooby was not as amused. He sat up and scanned the room. Scott and his brother were standing together so their shoulders touched, they were in the kitchen eating and watching the others while they watched the show to gauge their reactions to the hasty editing job. "Scott, you sonofabitch, you left that damn camera on!" Scott giggled, "Yup, I wanted one shot of you testing the meat with the fork you're supposed to be hyping." Dooby grinned, "Oh, well that's all right then, you got it. That fork isn't as sharp as it looks, very safe for eating." He lay back down giggling with Cory. "I sure did, three more times, watch." The time between tests shrank to nothing until the last when Dooby on the screen fanned his mouth, chewed, swallowed and nodded in satisfaction. He returned the roast to the oven before he called Cory and the others back to the kitchen to resume taping the show. Laughter in the room intensified when Dooby, acting like the ultimate innocent removed the roast from the oven a final time. Scott swooped in for close ups of surprised faces that quickly turned accusatory with finger pointing and laughter before Cory shouted cut. The screen blinked and Dooby removed another roast, the second one unmolested, and the scene concluded as if nothing untoward occurred earlier. The rotisserie scene started normally. Dooby saw Cory's body tense as he looked at the difference in heights. He leaned back into Dooby seeking comfort and reassurance. Dooby pulled him in tighter with a flat hand on his chest and whispered, "Remember tall hog." His lips moved closer, "I love you just the way you are." Cory looked back and was surprised to see Dooby's facial expression. Dooby wasn't joking, Cory saw total unabashed adoration. "I love you too," he answered, and then moved his hips imperceptibly, snuggling his butt even further into Dooby's loins. They both realized what was happening at the same time and pushed away from each other simultaneously. Their attention went back to the screen after Dooby called for a cut, because Scott followed them as they pulled off their Spelling jerseys and executed a synchronized dive. Scott faded the dive into them once again standing behind the grill shirtless with their shoulders and chests glistening and glittering from the combination of tanning oil and droplets of water to finish the very brief outdoor segment and close the show. "Goddamn boys," Auggie rumbled while he used his napkin to wipe tears from his cheeks, "that there was priceless." He was parked behind the sofa and looked at the top of the coffee table. Dooby's head appeared slowly, then Cory's. "That whole bit couldn't be scripted to work in a million years." Charlie and Laura were sitting on the sofa. Auggie thumped Charlie's shoulder, "Ya'll need to build you a mess of stores in every state so we can put that show on my cookin' channel. I'd shit can one of them limp wristed asshole chefs in a second to make a spot. Don't any of 'em hardly speaks the king's English anyways so they're understandable. I'll bet you sell a million o' them forks in your limited market and more' an some to teeny bopper girls after watchin' ole Doob' lickin' that fork, plus both of 'em looked to be butt nekked behind that grill, I'm smellin' a huge fan club here somewhere." Jennifer protested Auggie's comment unseen, "Well I certainly wouldn't buy one of those forks just because HE licked it," she stated archly before she peeked around the arm of a chair grinning at Cory, "On the other hand I would take a hard look at it if Cory licked one." "Hey what about me?" Lane asked petulantly stretching to look over the chair arm to frown at Cory. His frown turned red before he could disappear again when Dooby winked at him suggestively. The young couple was seated halfway behind a chair so they were out of John DuBois' line of sight but could still see the TV if they kissed with their eyes open. "She's already has your tongue duffus," Dooby answered for his sister. He winked, nodded and looked down on Cory's blushing but smiling countenance as a signal to her that all systems were go for a get together. "Follow my lead," he whispered to Cory. All they needed to conclude the brother sister conspiracy was a place. He sat up and pulled Cory up to look at their parents hopefully. "Hey while you guys look at this other tape, can Cory and I take Jennifer and Lane to show them the house? We kind of promised them this morning." Both boys looked at Charlie for permission. He and Laura nodded agreeably. Betty smiled her approval while John hesitated before agreeing. He couldn't imagine Jennifer and Lane getting together with Dooby and Cory along to watch them and Dooby would act protectively of his sister's tarnished virtues, plus someone else older had to drive them. Dooby looked pathetically hopeful at Christian since he was the youngest of the old timers and he was also on Jennifer's target list and Lane seemed overly interested in Christian's body the whole day as well after Dooby's offer that morning. "Okay, I'll take you I guess," Christian agreed apparently reluctantly, but he'd been watching the looks and winks and blushes and he knew Dooby. Dooby had plans and those probably involved Lane if Dooby could separate Lane from Jennifer long enough. The tour of Charlie's home should prove interesting. "The keys are in ours, take it, we have your truck blocked," Charlie told Christian and then watched the young man's chest swell with pride at the recognition that he and Tom were a couple and everything each owned was community property; their truck, Vet, Honda and home. They stood up to leave, John stopped them all, "Hold it, if you're going out in public, at least put on tee shirts by God. What if you had an accident? The cops would think it was because you were having an orgy or something." Dooby turned wise ass, "You mean like always wear clean underwear and socks with no holes in them, just in case. If we wear shirts, they'll just have to take them off to see where the blood's coming from." John hoisted one eyebrow, "You know there's no law that says you have to live here this summer, OR go to that fancy private school in the fall. Maybe you should just stay here and spend the time getting packed." "Hold up guys, we really need to put on tee shirts before we go out in public," Dooby capitulated smoothly. He eyed his sister and Lane carefully standing behind her before he ran behind Cory to find shirts. Jennifer pushed Lane into the back seat of Charlie's truck. Dooby started to join Cory in the front but changed his mind and got in the back with the passionate young couple who were already making out before Christian could start the engine so Lane found himself sitting in the middle between brother and sister. Jennifer and Lane decided that wearing tee shirts was an excellent idea since the shirts concealed freely wandering hands and at least one erection between them. Lane felt Jennifer's hand considerately delve into the front of his suit and gently straighten him so his cock was held upright against his taught belly by the stretchy suit. She continued to stroke him after he was freed while she twisted her little body and hugged him tight, grinding her small breasts into his chest. They were halfway to their destination when it occurred to Lane that Jennifer somehow had grown an additional hand. Two alternated between his back and his neck, the third expertly stroked his cock. Too expertly, he freed one of his hands tangled in Jennifer's shirt, rather from Dooby's shirt that Jennifer borrowed. He moved to push the third hand away before he suffered an untimely explosion. He opened his eyes and looked down when his fingers locked on Dooby's wrist. Dooby was very close to lowering his head the additional inches needed to prevent a sticky accident in Charlie's truck. He looked up at Lane wearing his most charming and innocent made for television smile, "Hi there! I was just helping my little sister out, kind of giving her a hand." Jennifer broke her lip lock and looked down, "Dooby! You are such a lecher! I mean really! You could have asked me first, he IS my boyfriend after all." She pulled Lane's shirt up on his chest so she could see clearly. "Damn he's too far along to even move," she scolded. "Well okay, since you started it you may as well finish him, but I'm going to watch and you can't stop me." "Don't I get a say in this?" Lane squeaked out breathlessly. Jennifer was right he couldn't move and Dooby was licking his lips in anticipation. Cory was leaning halfway through the front seats watching, while Christian was looking in the rearview mirror after he'd tilted it down. Dooby frowned at Lane while he thought quickly, "Absolutely not, you caused this problem. I'm gay, Cory's gay and Christian's gay, you knew that before you got in this truck and you promptly got a hard on anyway. You are way too oversexed that's your problem," Dooby grinned, "AND that's exactly what our problem is too." Cory and Christian were laughing nervously while Christian was having difficulty in watching the road evident by his erratic steering when the truck tires kept finding the center line reflector bumps and his sporadic acceleration. Jennifer was smiling encouragement occasionally while making goo-goo eyes with Cory directly and Christian in the rearview mirror. A hint of a grin crossed Lane's lips; he looked down on Jennifer hopefully, "Maybe you could do me?" Jennifer turned haughty, "I WILL NOT, not in front of THEM, not unless they're doing something too. No free shows!" she declared. She saw her brother's shirt moving and his hands seemed to be missing. "Dooby, you stop that this instant! You just use your hands to take off that shirt. Lane will feel more comfortable if he sees that you're as excited as he is," she ordered imperiously. Dooby was naked in less than three seconds. He leaned back in the seat and stretched, arching his body, "Scratch excuse number one." He grinned at Jennifer, "You didn't think I'd do it did you?" The conspiracy continued, "You've seen me naked lots of times, just not with a hard on, now you know the rest of the story." Lane's eyes were like marbles, glassed and fixed on Dooby's cock when Dooby resumed his seat. He rubbed a sweaty hand on his thigh. Jennifer rolled hers, "Well get it over with, touch him if you want to." Lane hesitated, Dooby didn't. He took Lane's hand and moved it accordingly. When he felt Lane close his fingers he moved his to Lane's bathing suit that was already pushed down in the front. "Lift your butt a sec.; you may as well be comfortable too." Lane mustered just enough power in his legs. Dooby dragged Lane's suit to his ankles, and then had him lean forward and lift his arms to remove his tee shirt. After he was as naked as Dooby, Lane's hand found its own way back to Dooby's straining cock. The time for further discussion and negotiations ended, Dooby twisted in his seat and leaned down. Lane's cock disappeared. The only sound in the truck was Lane's giant intake of air. Cory discovered a new benefit in being small and agile. He stripped in a heart beat. Jennifer saw a flash of his giant erection before he stretched out jammed between the front seats to claim Dooby's cock for his mouth while Lane continued to hold it. Christian turned into the Spelling driveway, stopped just inside the open gates and quickly stripped himself while his eyes were glued to the three contorted bodies. Jennifer stood up and leaned forward to run her hands over his face, chest and down as far as she could reach, which wasn't far enough until she allowed her body to fall on top of Cory and slither forward. "JENNIFER!" he expressed his shock when she began licking her way down his belly. He started to push her away until her mouth found him. Then he just held up his bent arms like a plucked water bird drying its wings. She took her mouth away and cocked her head to look up at him with one eye, "Drive," she ordered, "No more until we can get out of this damned truck," she grinned, "and then you are going to be my first gay boy." She snaked a hand under Cory, "Oh my, and here's my second. Until then, I think I better leave you alone," she added primly and sat back down to bend down almost double to watch Lane's cock slipping in and out of her brother's mouth as he bobbed his head. Lane let out a strangled scream and grabbed Dooby's head, holding it tight against his body. Dooby struggled to pull back until it didn't matter when Lane began doing rapid deep breathing exercises. Dooby shrugged mentally, swallowing was not an option for Lane's first time. Lane released his head in time for Dooby to curl his body around Cory's. He groaned in exquisite satisfaction. Cory and Dooby both sat up in time to point excitedly, "Turn into this little gravel path," Cory directed. "It goes all the way back down to the tennis courts." He grinned, "We better start, I mean continue this tour in the pool cabana." Dooby agreed with a snicker, "Yeah, there's a big bed in the side room for some reason." He pulled Lane from the truck by the hand before Christian had time to stop completely, "Come on bi-boy show me what you got." Lane pulled back, "I'm not," "Okay you aren't," Dooby agreed grabbing Lane's hand again, "but I didn't notice you fighting me off just now, so I'll give you another chance. Now just come on in here and show me why Jennifer has the chronic hots for you." He pulled Lane's hand more insistently toward the cabana's rear door. Cory claimed Lane's other hand. He tossed a thumb back to the truck. Jennifer's tee shirt was gone and she was backed against Christian. She ordered him to untie the string that held her top in place while she wiggled her butt against his erection. Christian moved his hands woodenly until the top was gone and she took his hands to surround her small body and caress her breasts. His hands turned sensual, "I guess just once won't hurt," he admitted, picking her up suddenly to follow the three boys into the cabana. Dooby looked at Cory, "So, start the tour, it is your house." Cory looked around, "Oh yeah, right," he continued helping Dooby hustle Lane along. "This is the pool cabana, its more like a little house; kitchen area with a big gas grill, bar, lounge, and in here are the dressing rooms, there's towels, some old toys and even older bathing suits, you know for guests that didn't bring their own and this is the bedroom, actually more like a passion pit although we haven't had time to use it yet." They stopped at the wide doorway, Lane and Jennifer's eyes widened. The room was decorated like a set used to film a harem scene. The ceiling and three walls were hidden by hangings of sheer pastel cloth. The room was lighted by closely spaced floor to ceiling French doors that looked out to the pool on the fourth wall. The low king size bed was all but hidden by pillows with a hundred more pillows scattered and stacked everywhere. Cory opened all the French doors while Dooby got behind Lane and pushed him to the bed. One final push caused Lane to fall forward. Dooby followed, and began pushing pillows aside to create enough space for him to lie down in. Lane watched from his knees. "So much for the cabana tour, now on to try out the passion pit part." He spread his legs and motioned Lane forward, "Well, you've toured the sister enough, now for the brother, then you can compare us. Too bad Jennifer, but I'm sure he'll say he's sorry you lose like a gentleman." He received a pillow in the face when Jennifer did some quick housekeeping on the other side of the bed as Christian lowered her as if she was made of china. "We'll just see about that won't we? I have plans to straighten out your two friends like you wouldn't believe." Dooby giggled, "It looks to me like mission accomplished." He pointed to Christian's erection and then Cory's as he methodically walked on his knees up the bed between brother and sister clearing the space by tossing pillows in both directions. Lane sat on his knees looking appropriately befuddled while he stared between Dooby's body and Jennifer's until hers disappeared when she used Christian's cock to pull him down on top of her. Dooby rolled his eyes, "Come on Lane, this is a race and they're already ahead of us." Adding the spirit of competition served to get Lane moving, at least as far as to kneel between Dooby's legs. Cory helped by pushing on Lane's back until Lane leaned forward, braced himself over Dooby, stretched out finally and looked down at his bobbing dribbling cock. "Do we need lube or something?" Lane mumbled between short nervous, excited breaths. "Duh, what do you think precum's for? That is as soon as Sprout spreads it around for us a little." Dooby watched Cory and Lane's body braced over him. "You know you've got a fantastic body. It looks just like someone else's I love to look at too." Cory giggled, Lane had to ask, "Oh yeah, who?" "Mine!" Dooby tried to look modest. Lane accepted the compliment, "Really? Hey, thanks." He looked over at Christian in time to watch him enter Jennifer, "I'm hoping to work out enough so mine looks like his. He is so buffed." Dooby glanced to the side, "He's also ahead of you." Cory pushed on Lane's butt until he sagged. Dooby lifted his legs quickly and Cory steered and pushed. Lane collapsed. Dooby grunted in surprise and locked Lane in place using his legs. "Now you can just close your eyes and make believe I'm Jennifer." Dooby whispered. Lane began thrusting and leaned in close to Dooby's ear. "Not when I'm fucking you." He lifted his upper body and smiled down before he dropped his lips to Dooby's and his tongue sought Dooby's tonsils. He made love to Dooby with all the passion he showed Jennifer and added surprised delight to his repertoire by pausing occasionally to lift his body enough so they could both look down between their bodies to look at the base of his shaft over Dooby's excited erection and tightened nut sack and then up to touch Dooby's eyes and smile his pleasure. Lane looked sorrowful after he climaxed. Dooby pulled Lane's head down to kiss his delight, "That was fantastic; I wouldn't have lasted any longer." Lane arched his body to pull out and at the same time wrap Dooby in his arms to pull him along while he rolled until Dooby grinned down on him. "Are you sure? I mean I want to and all but," Lane struggled to spread his legs, "I'm sure. I've gone this far." The bed moved suddenly, Lane and Dooby looked at Jennifer and Christian in time to see Christian get bucked up off Jennifer and off the bed. "OOPS!" he laughed, "Remember Jennifer, poor Christian doesn't know our system," he scolded. Dooby looked puzzled, Lane explained in a whisper, "She likes to get eaten as soon as I finish. She likes that as much as getting it." "You whisper like a foghorn big mouth," Jennifer retorted with a giggle as she reached for Cory to replace Christian. Cory yelped and scampered into position on his knees when Jennifer grabbed him and pulled. "It just so happens that I'm saving everything for you after Cory finishes, so you just better be finished over there. OH!" she said in total surprise at seeing Dooby raise his body and use one hand to milk his cock for lubricant and then to probe between Lanes's spread legs. Christian's head appeared above their bodies, he'd crawled around the bed. "Your sister is rough," he grinned, "when she says get off, she means get off now!" He saw that Dooby was having difficulty. His hand replaced Dooby's, a steering committee of one, "Relax Lane, you're as tensed up as a pipe cutter down there. It's too bad we didn't take the time to get ready, but who knew you wanted to." "Ready?" Lane wondered. Dooby explained douching in Lane's ear, keeping his voice low so Jennifer couldn't overhear. Lane's eyes expanded to saucers. He was careful to really whisper, "When I come over for Lacrosse practice you'll have to show me." Jennifer installed Cory's cock like a chef stuffing a cream puff, but her eyes stayed on Lane and Dooby, "What are you two whispering about?" she asked suspiciously. "Guy talk, sports, Lacrosse practice. Actually none of your business you little busybody'" Dooby retorted. He finally penetrated the tense virgin sphincter with Christian's assistance, got busy and ignored his sister's disbelieving frown with additional whispering in Lane's ear. "If you were clean I'd eat you after. We like to do that too, but not today, none of us. We did it early this morning, but it's too late now." His breathing increased with his thrusts. Lane turned into a willing animal in rut. His hands went everywhere from holding Dooby's head, to massaging his back, to squeezing Dooby's hard ass cheeks to pull him in further. Christian knelt between Dooby's legs ready to replace him but after getting hit in the head twice by Lane's flailing feet, he opted to back away out of range. Jennifer was disappointed that Cory couldn't fit himself all the way into her body. She looked down. Cory held his body above hers balanced on his knees and elbows uncomfortably and allowed his cock to sink halfway and no further after the first probe resulted in pain on Jennifer's face. "Can Dooby, I mean do you get in all the way with him? And the others can they do it too?" she whispered her wonder, because when it came to a rare supercock girls were definitely at a disadvantage. Cory nodded, "Yeah, everyone, all of them, but I'm still always careful. Dooby gets all pissed off at me for going so slow, but I never want to hurt him or anyone. Being a little bigger has its drawbacks." "A little bigger?" Jennifer giggled at Cory's understatement. Cory grinned and shrugged, "You know what I mean; maybe that's why I was born gay. I don't have to be this careful with them, except at first of course," he added quickly as his pace increased. Jennifer hugged him close and kissed him deeply at the last moment when she felt him fight the natural impulse to plunge in all the way. He won by straight arming the bed, and pulling away from her embrace. Jennifer moaned when he began filling her with a long day's accumulation of his seed, and Cory's oranges were very seedy. Jennifer heard her brother moan and saw his facial expression. Lane reacted as if he'd been electrocuted, but his heaving chest indicated he was still alive. She allowed Cory a minute to rest before she pushed him away gently so he was able to get his feet under him before he hit the floor. "Okay sweetie, get over here. Dooby you just get off him this second. Don't even think about taking a nap. Lane has work to do." Dooby groaned as he withdrew. He ended kneeling near Christian at the foot of the bed staring at the vacant side where Lane lay a second earlier. "Pussy whipped." Dooby declared watching Lane stretch out on his belly between Jennifer's spread legs. "Hey, what am I, furniture?" Christian asked and looked down at his erection sorrowfully. Dooby elbowed him and nodded toward Lane's butt. "Your room moved, get in there and furnish it where it is, at least you'll get him all nice and slippery," he grinned, "thank you very much DOOBY!" He sniffed and wrinkled his nose, "I'm going to take a shower. Come on Sprout, wash my back." The five of them ran through the house naked forty-five minutes later. They dressed near the truck after swimming the length of the pool first hoping the residual moisture would explain their extended absence. Only Lane and Jennifer appeared on the terrace holding hands. Tom was waiting for them in the kitchen and dragooned the guys to help him get dinner. John DuBois, feeling happy from an afternoon of beer and friendship, nudged Angelo and nodded toward Jennifer. "Here comes my normal daughter and her boyfriend. I wonder if Dooby was watching them?" he mused. He grinned, "Let's find out. Lane's a good kid basically, but he's kind of innocent still, but Jennifer will get him straightened out. Hey boy!" he called out wearing a serious face. Lane and Jennifer just tossed their tee shirts and were about to jump in the pool. Both turned at the summons. "Yes Sir?" Lane asked walking slowly to the table where all the men were congregated. John frowned at Lane's bathing suit, "Explain how that happened," he pointed at the suit. Lane looked down. Jennifer looked down. Both looked guilty before they looked mystified and questioning, "What Sir?" Lane backed up one step, just to be safely out of immediate reach. "I believe you have your bathing suit on backwards. How'd that happen?" Lane frantically delved into the suit feeling for the string tie. He went from blushing to pale when he couldn't find it immediately. Jennifer realized that her father was joking and that their guilt was showing clearly from the question. "DADDY!" Her father cut her protest off with a giggle, "Gotcha! You're both lucky I'm in such a good mood. Just run along and play, but stay where I can see you. Where's your brother, he's the one I really want to talk to. DOOBY!" he roared. "WHAT?" Dooby shouted back before he appeared in the doorway carrying a platter piled with T-bone steaks. He saw his father wagging his finger at him. He sighed, "What did I do now?" "You were supposed to watch them, watch your sister and you didn't." John made it a statement. "I did so watch them," a smile began to form, Dooby squelched it. It was not an occasion to be flippant. He still couldn't quite believe the enthusiasm Lane demonstrated when he ate Jennifer out; he was like an Orrick vacuum cleaner as advertised on TV. Not one of Christian or Cory's sperm escaped those powerful young lips and lungs. Lane perfected a unique method of birth control, but he couldn't say that, instead he was truthful, "I watched them the whole time except for a few minutes when Cory and Christian ganged up on me in the pool. I got busy defending myself and when we called a truce, I looked up and there they were coming out of the cabana looking kind of satisfied, but I really was with them the whole rest of the time honestly." John nodded. He was satisfied that Dooby did his best, "That's okay son, I know how fast they can be. One slip up today, the whole day isn't bad." Dooby noted the tone of camaraderie and commiseration in his father's voice and decided to capitalize on it, "You'll be off guard duty next weekend Dad; Lane's coming over here for our first team practice." He giggled, "All you have to do is let the air out of Jennifer's bicycle tires." Auggie's eyes were fixed on the steaks, "You gonna get them on the grill anytime soon or we just gonna dig in as is? They're a mite rare for my taste but I'll manage." Christian agreed from behind a growing cloud of wood smoke at the grill, "Yeah Doob' anytime before the mesquite wood burns off." The married men and Charlie joined their women at other tables for dinner. Small mountains of red lobster shell mixed with steak bones grew in the center of each. Mary Martinelli maneuvered their son Rob and Kevin to sit with them. Angelo remained quiet the whole time, his choice, and he didn't frown at the young men once per Mary's orders. Angelo was amazed to hear them talking business at first; how to allocate the new windfall from Auggie, before they discussed learning to play Lacrosse. Tom wanted them on the Spelling team because while they were athletes both were rank amateurs like Tom and Cory. He wanted the team to look good and play well, just not win the championship in the interest of good public relations. The one subject they didn't mention was sex. The gay couple looked and talked like two normal young men. He looked around the terrace and watched the others in the group, even the youngest, Dooby and Cory; they talked and joked and laughed just like any group of boys at a poolside party. They all appeared to be normal maybe because they were normal as he defined the word and perhaps he should just start thinking of his son and all his friends as an unfortunate minority. As Rob argued at first before they stopped talking entirely; they didn't just wake up one morning and decide they were queers. He cleared his throat and looked at his wife, "Do we have any plans for dinner next Friday?" When Mary said they didn't, he looked at Rob and Kevin hopefully, "Maybe if you guys aren't busy, you could come over, we'll have a real old time Italian feast?" He raised an eyebrow at Kevin and almost smiled, "Since you'll be around Rob, we may as well turn you into an Italian by feeding you." Then to Rob, "As for you," Rob wilted visibly, Angelo grinned, "if you can keep the books for a big company, maybe it's time you took care of mine, if you have the time of course." Scott leaned into Artie, "Can you maybe stay over tonight?" he whispered. Artie grinned, "That was the plan, as long as I'm on the job by seven sharp tomorrow morning," he nodded at his father, "my boss doesn't kick ass and take names if we're late, he takes no prisoners." He grinned at Lane, "Does he Personal Assistant?" Lane looked up from studying Jennifer's breasts and shrugged, "I don't know I've never dared to find out." "If you're staying over, how are we going to get home?" Jennifer asked petulantly. "You kids can ride with Mom and Dad." "You just better stop calling us kids Arthur, or you'll regret it. I'll get you back somehow. Do you know he makes us sit with our seat belts fastened?" "Tisk, tisk, how horrible and you with such short arms too." Even Jennifer had to laugh at her brother's unsympathetic retort. "Do you have to work for your father? I mean the tape you shot today was really good. You saw how much of it I used; you could work for me as my camera man." Artie didn't hesitate to offer his hand and giggle, "When do I start boss? I work for Dad because he can always use an extra pair of hands, but carpentry's not my field and this summer he has a new personal assistant." Lane rolled his eyes but wasn't all together displeased with the compliment. "What is your major?" "PROFESSIONAL GRAVE ROBBERY!" Dooby answered for his brother from his table nearby. Artie laughed while he rubbed his nose with his middle finger in Dooby's direction. "That's what my infant brother calls archeology." After Christian finished eating, he disappeared inside to return with a big sketch pad and a fist full of pencils. He stayed on his feet and walked around doing quick sketches of everyone. He ignored self-conscious and embarrassed looks substituting natural expressions he'd seen during the day. As soon as he finished one he tore the sheet off and handed it to the subject before he moved on. He spent more time on Jennifer and Lane. He sketched them with their heads together first except he styled Jennifer's hair and combed Lane's tangled mop. The second sheet was Jennifer alone at age of seventeen or eighteen and extraordinarily beautiful. While she sputtered her thanks, he turned his attention to Lane. Dooby rested his chin on Christian's shoulder to watch, his smile quickly matured into laughter, "OOPS! You better leave his bathing suit on for this one if he's going to take it home," he suggested and continued, "but of course the one for your rogue's gallery, clothes are illegal. Hey show him what he'll look like when he's older, like you did for me." Christian lifted his shoulder suddenly snapping Dooby's jaw closed with a click of his teeth. He ignored Dooby's ouch, "Get away from me," he mumbled from his artistic trance. Dooby continued to watch Christian's hand move from his vantage point but he was careful not to touch. His grin returned as his eyes traveled back and forth between paper and subject. Christian scrawled his signature tore the sheet off and handed it over. Lane and Jennifer stared at a developed body still wearing Dooby's bathing suit which appeared smaller and rode lower on Lane's hips. Dooby waited a minute before he made a grumbling sound and frowned at them both, "Damn you guys are dense, put yours next to Lane's Jennifer," he instructed. Jennifer and Lane giggled in pleased surprise when they touched their drawings. "Now hold them up so everyone can see them. DUH, trade or it doesn't work." After they shuffled the two matured likenesses and held them up again there was a ripple of ah's and compliments on Christian's talent. He'd drawn them looking at each other radiating love with their right and left arms extended, about to hold hands across the two sheets of paper. When Christian reached the table where Auggie sat looking like a Buddha wearing a napkin tucked in his shirt collar, Auggie motioned him closer, "You just be careful what you draw boy." He whispered the warning through clenched teeth wearing an obvious artificial smile. Christian nodded, "For the record, I don't do offensive." He held his pencil above the blank sheet for a full minute studying Auggie. Auggie held his smile and didn't blink once. His eyes bored into Christian's. The drawing took longer and Christian paused to frown anyone away if they got too close. Auggie's smile turned genuine as he studied the finished work, "Goddamn me boy, you're good. I vaguely remember lookin' like this though not quite as pretty, but I really was this skinny back in the olden days as you boys would say. If'n you slap some oil paint on this whenever you get time I'll pay you for it. Here Charlie check this out, share cropper turned businessman, radio to plasma screen." Charlie took the drawing, studied it and held it up for everyone to see while Auggie rocked back and laughed his pleasure. Christian put a young vibrant Auggie in an executive's office wearing a business suit. Auggie in the sketch that was almost a portrait was standing up leaning an elbow on the top of an antique floor model radio while he watched a giant plasma screen sitting in its stand on the top of a modern credenza. Dooby studied the picture from a distance. He frowned and squinted his eyes before he took Cory's hand and dragged him closer. "Hey Sprout, look, Christian put us on the screen! That's our show!" Auggie took the drawing back and looked closer, "Damn if it ain't you two. Don't that beat all! Christian my boy, I thank you kindly for this, I'll send you somethin' nice in return as soon as I get home." He looked at his watch, "Speakin' of which we best be gettin' on outta here. Come on Ryan let's say our goodbyes and git. We're meetin' Charlie, Tom and the boys for a business breakfast tomorrow at seven sharp." He braked in the great room to eye the leftover cake and look up at Tom like a little boy. Tom laughed, "You don't even have to ask. Of course you'll need a bedtime snack."