THE FAMILY THAT "PLAYS" TOGETHER... (Anonymous) PART 1. Joe and Betty Williams had a "normal" family, to all intents and purposes. There were the usual occasional arguments over petty things, which quickly got forgot- ten, but theirs was a loving family, mostly doing the normal things that fami- lies in the suburbs do. Joe was an engineer, with a job in another suburb, a short distance away. Betty was a part-time receptionist, part-time so she could do some of the housewifely things like making breakfasts and dinners and so keep close to their children, and yet make a little money so they could afford that suburban house they had. Joe and Betty had been married almost 20 years, and had three children, Mark, Sharon, and Timmy. Mark was 17, getting ready to go to college; Sharon was 12, beginning to look more like a woman than a little girl; and Timmy, the nine-year-old, was still the cute kid, curious about the world but rather passive. Yes, this was a normal, almost dull, family. None of the kids ever got into serious trouble at school - sometimes one of them failed to do some homework and was criticized for that, but none was a part of the "bad crowd" that you sometimes hear about. Joe and Betty didn't worry about their marriage - they loved each other, and while sometimes they'd see these articles with titles like "Put Some Spice into Your Marriage," neither of them ever thought to try any of the things in there. But this year their lives were going to change. None of them were going to be the same after the events of this year - not Joe and Betty, not Mark, nor Sharon, nor even young Timmy. The family would soon be held together by some secrets that none of them dared spread outside the family circle, and yet all of them knew that, though outsiders would never understand, they were still a happy family, in fact happier in some sense, for all these things. PART 2. One day, after Timmy and Mark came home from school and went to their rooms, (Sharon had a friend she was visiting, Joe was still at work, and Betty was out shopping) Timmy suddenly remembered that he'd lent Mark a pen, and went to Mark's room to get it back. Although Mark had told Timmy to knock before breezing into his brother's room, Timmy was so intent on getting his pen back that he forgot. He saw Mark lying on the bed, with his pants and under- pants down to his ankles, pumping hard on himself. Mark jumped when Timmy opened the door and started to pull the covers over his half-naked body, and Timmy asked Mark, "What are you doing?" Mark answered, "Little boys like you shouldn't see this stuff!" Timmy responded, "If it's so much a secret, I really want to know. Tell me, or I'll ask Dad about what you're doing!" Mark said, "No, don't do that. OK, I'll tell you. One of my friends, Richie, showed me this neat thing a couple of years ago. If you do it right, it feels so good, I've been doing it every day since then. But I don't think little kids like you can get it to do much. But please, don't tell on me!" Timmy said, "If it feels so good, show me how!" Mark protested that it probably wouldn't work for Timmy, but between Timmy's pleading and threatening, Mark finally gave Timmy a demonstration. When he climaxed, Mark's whole body shook, and Timmy saw this white stuff come out in a big squirt that he'd never seen before. Mark explained that he'd heard in biology class in school that when this stuff got into a woman, that was how babies were made, and he'd heard that one of his classmates had gotten a girl pregnant by squirting it inside her, so he didn't ever want to try that trick, but he heard that a lot of boys and girls get so much fun doing it that way that they don't do it alone the way Mark did, but Mark had never tried anything than using his hands that way. Timmy said, "I want to try that! If it feels so good when you do it, I want to do the same thing!" Mark said it probably wouldn't be as good, but if Timmy wanted to try, he should pull down his pants and underpants and lie down on the bed next to Mark. Timmy complied, and Mark played with Timmy's organ a while. Mark never thought Timmy would enjoy it as much, but Timmy's shaft got stiff quickly, and Mark himself got pleasure just handling Timmy's hairless organ. Timmy, of course, couldn't really ejaculate, but he had such a good feeling that he told Mark "Gee! Now I can see why you do that every day!" Mark was surprised. He knew that for him, the best feel came right at the end when he squirted all that white stuff out, but Timmy never did that and he still liked it. Mark said to Timmy, "Well, you can do it to yourself, like what I was doing, but you know, I liked doing it to you. If you keep it as our big secret, we can do it to each other together. But nobody else can find out -- they might stop us. Richie told me his Dad caught him one day and really punished him." Timmy replied, "Sure -- our big secret. I don't want anybody to give us trouble, and I don't see why Richie's Dad was so upset, but I can keep a secret, especially when I know that telling it might make ME have to stop!" Timmy had forgotten all about the pen. That night, Timmy did it all by himself the first time. But whenever Mark and Timmy were alone and they had enough time together before someone was due home, they now had a secret session giving each other pleasure. Two brothers were never so close as Mark and Timmy had become on their secret. PART 3. Timmy was very careful never to talk about the pleasure sessions he had with his brother Mark. After all, he remembered Mark's warning: "Nobody else can find out -- they might stop us. Richie told me his Dad caught him one day and really punished him." So one night he was very badly shaken. He was in bed beating off when his Dad came in. Timmy has not been feeling too well that day and Joe was just in there to check on him. He actually came in the room and stayed there a few seconds to let his eyes adjust to the darkness, while Timmy was so oblivious to what was happening around him (He was getting so much pleasure from his own hand!) that he didn't see Joe come in. Since it was a cool night, he was doing it under the covers, so all Joe saw was the up and down movement of the cover, but Joe could figure out what was going on. After all, before he'd married Betty, he'd spent a lot of time doing the same thing. But Joe was faced with a problem. If he said anything then, Timmy might be so badly shocked that who knows what would happen. And as soon as Timmy was finished, he'd soon realize Joe was in the room. While Joe was trying to figure out what to do, Timmy suddenly spotted his Dad in the room and stopped abruptly, trying to make it look like he hadn't been doing what he had. He remembered Mark's story about Richie's Dad. But Joe wasn't like Richie's Dad. He told Timmy, "Well, you are obviously feeling better, In fact, you look like you've been having some fun there. You don't need to stop on my account." "I don't?!?" "No, I know all boys do it. I certainly did it myself when I was younger!" Timmy sighed a sigh of relief. But the mood was broken -- he found it hard to get back to it, and quit. Joe was a bit disturbed, but not because Timmy was doing what every boy of a certain age range does. He was disturbed because he'd developed a fabulous erection just looking at Timmy and thinking about what had been going on under the covers. But Joe wasn't gay -- he had certainly been able to make a family with three children, including the blond angelic nine-year-old in that bed in front of him. And he certainly wasn't a child molester -- he wanted no part of anything that did harm to this kid, his son, that he loved so much. Yet it could not be denied that he had an erection from watching his son play with himself, even without seeing the action itself. All he could do was say to Timmy, "You don't have to be afraid of me," and leave the room. Then he went into the bathroom and did something he hadn't done in many years, while he'd thought Betty was all he needed. But it wasn't Betty, or any other woman, that he was thinking about. It was Timmy.