Date: Thu, 28 Mar 2019 06:01:08 -0500 From: Rusty Slocum Subject: Because: Heteroflexible #1 - Fuckin' Ugly The Usual Disclaimers. If you're not supposed to read this for any legal or moral reason, then don't read it. The characters in this story (none of whom are based, in whole or in part, on any actual person, living or dead) are any age you want them to be, but the actors portraying them are all consenting adults. Please realize this is fantasy. The people in my tall tales have no morals, no decency, nothing to lose. Doing anything like this in real life could seriously jeopardize all parties, possibly resulting in psychiatric counseling or even legal penalties. No representation is made that the exploits in this fiction are in any manner indicative of the author's own sexual history and/or inclinations. Just because I write this shit doesn't mean I condone it. This story belongs to me ©2019 and may not be republished on any other site or situation without my express written authorization. Spit out your own dysfunctional erotica. And remember to donate to Nifty. Let's face it, without Nifty you'd be stuck with the generic porn of other sites, and who wants that crap? Author's note: "Because: Heteroflexible" is a spin-off series set in the same world and featuring a few of the same characters as in my (currently ongoing) serial "Because". The stories themselves are loosely connected in flavor and a vague overall plot arc, but each one is narrated by a different character and can be taken as a self-contained unit. If you've read the original "Because" then you'll already know that I like to play with power dynamics and coercive situations, but I promise these to be much darker in theme (if not in tone) and more nearly non-consensual. FUCKIN' UGLY; or, THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ORCS AND OGRES a "Because: Heteroflexible" story by Rusty Slocum Hey, have you ever read the Nifty serial "Because"? You have? Remember Sam, the Scrabble genius with the cool duster and no supposed sense of humor? You know, the adorable one, with black hair and eyes, round wire-frame spectacles, and a smooth and compact (some say narrow) behind? The one who never lies? Well, I'm Sam, hi there, nice to meet you. My older brother Damien wrote (is still writing) that serial, an account of this crazy weekend the two of us had with some friends and their father, and while you wait for my long-winded brother to finish (he's hard at work on 4b*, I swear!) I figured I'd spill an adventure of my own, one that happened a few months later. Rest easy, though, I write nothing like Damien, bless his heart. No meditative essays on the gender bias of shaven pubes or flowery verse waxing rhapsodic about water gods, no (ancient) pop culture references that even the narrator probably doesn't get, and no freaking angst (well, not much) about what it all means. I knew what I wanted, I figured out a way to get it, and I'm going to tell you how I did. Simple as that. And on that particular day, a gorgeous spring afternoon in the middle of the week, I wanted a blowjob. Wanted one bad. So I dropped my books at home, didn't bother changing (I wore khakis and a new yellow button-down – I looked nice), and headed back out the door, considering my options. Since none of the girls I usually played with liked (or were any good at) giving head, I shot a text to someone who did like it and was excellent in performance. Sam: "hey what are you doing?" No immediate answer. Probably blowing his older brother, the lucky idiot. My cock stirred around in my slacks as I imagined it, as I remembered the things I'd done with my own brother. For a minute I considered texting Damien to see if he wanted to meet back home and play, but we both agreed that, while we enjoyed what we'd done that weekend, any further interaction between us was permanently off the table. Damien had wanted to build a bond with me, and we'd built it up strong and thick and into a closer relationship than we'd ever known before, but from that point on we figured we'd do best to leave the brick well enough alone. Besides, that bonehead doesn't think about anything but Rudy, as we all well know. Especially after what happened between the two of them there at the end. And no, before you ask, it's their story to tell. Talk to one of them. Not that you'll ever get a straight answer. They're both boneheads. Or boner-heads. Get it? Ha! I crack myself up sometimes. Ding! Chad: "waiting on Rudy to get out of the shower so we can go the mall, why what's up?" Sam: "not much just wondering if the cracker wanted some baloney?" I snickered at my own wit. Chad: "now now you know only Rudy calls me that – BABYBOI" Ouch. Smartass. Sam: "smartass" Chad: "you started it" Sam: "but anyway want to take care of a little problem for me?" Chad: "I can't right now, maybe later?" "Damn," I said aloud. "I'm horny now." Sam: "maybe, I gotta get home soon" Chad: "come on please Sam I want to!" I snorted. As Damien put it, a cracker couldn't help himself. Sam: "maybe. I'll text you later" Chad: "ok you better lol" I closed the conversation, considered what to do next. Luckily I had a plan b. Inbred Wanda's brother Sloppy (don't call him that to his face) Joey could always be counted on to swallow my cum, even though I hadn't seen him in awhile. And he's always home. He doesn't blow as good as Chad (doesn't possess the same eagerness to please, for one thing; it's more about Joey getting off as opposed to his victim), but whenever I do let him suck me he hands over a couple of porn mags tailored to my more, shall we say, esoteric interests. So, win/win, in the grand scheme of things. Before I could text Joey, however, I was rudely interrupted. "Hey, you! Magic boy!" Such sweet words, said with such malice. I glanced up. "Yeah, you!" Ah, crap. An ugly kid stood there on the sidewalk, half a foot taller, forty pounds heavier, a year or so older. And when I say ugly I mean ugly. Capital U G L Y. Sawdust hair sanded down into a crew-cut over a long stretch of pimpled five-head and small, narrow-lobed ears. One bushy dark brown eyebrow dive-bombing angry, deep-set brown eyes. Flat, misshapen nose between high, round cheekbones, all three decorated with zits and the pockmarks of zits gone by. Thin lips stretched across a much too generous mouth. No chin to speak of, although a few whiskers sprouted there anyway, a pitiful beard to mask the backward slope. Not only ugly, this kid, but fugly, as my brother might say. Fuckin' ugly. And instantly recognizable. I'd seen him at school and around town for most of my life, but we didn't really make an impression on each other until a certain Saturday evening at Pizza Joint. Maybe you read my brother's account? That was the night Damien and I declared ourselves heteroflexible and negotiated the terms of our sexual involvement. Halfway through our pie-fest of sassy brotherly love, a fellowship of d20 gamers led by my acquaintance Todd stormed the restaurant, and Ogre (as my brother so aptly christened him then) was one of the nerds in tow. You remember, the one who kept compulsively playing with his dice, as if trying to fondle them into rolling better numbers. At one point that night, Ogre tried to snark Damien and me, and I snarked him right back, two times and twice as hard, even managing to humiliate the kid in front of his friends. One of my finer moments, if I do say so myself, but, strange as it may seem, Ogre had never seen the humor in it, and every time I turned around lately I spotted his fugly face glowering at me. "Well?" he and his uni-brow yapped, bringing me back to the present. "You gonna say anything?" I glanced down at his body while I decided how to answer. Pudgy but solid build, dressed in tight jeans and an oversize hand-me-down football jersey. A canvas DnD-decorated backpack, presumably loaded with dice and rule-books and some kind of lame porn, swung from one shoulder. Ham-hock fists opened and closed between us, fists that would hurt if I bothered to let them land. Huge feet stuffed into spiffy, brand-new black sneakers. After a long moment that had him flexing and frothing with impatience, I deigned to answer him. "Hail and well met." Ignoring the traditional greeting of d20 nerds everywhere from Icewind Dale to The Sword Coast, Ogre dropped the backpack on the sidewalk and took a step forward. "I been looking for you." "Maybe you need glasses," I sympathized in my least-convincing concerned tone. "I've seen you around a lot." So much so that I'd started to get bored with his overt glaring and to wonder if he'd ever make his move. He would have to pick a day I had plans and was dressed nice. Inconsiderate jerk. "Yeah, but we're alone this time," he said, cracking his knuckles and sneering at me. Jeez, how cliche can you get? "None of either of our friends around to stop us." He took another step, bouncing on the balls of his feet and holding his fists up in that classic stance universally known as "playground bully". Just for laughs, I took a step back, pretending he intimidated me. "Oh, oh, I get it," I said, holding up my palms. "You mean this is the first time you've seen me without my big brother around to protect me." "I'm not scared of your brother," he snarled, even though my taunt hit him directly between the eyes. "Fuck both y'all." Another step forward, and he swung. Sigh. Here we go. I danced back, easily evading the hook, and he grunted in annoyance. I flickered my gaze up over his right shoulder and exclaimed, "Hey Damien, Ogre isn't scared of you!" The stupid brute glanced back over his shoulder and I jabbed a punch into his fleshy gut. He "oof"-ed in surprise and swung his other fist, but I bounced back so it missed just as handily as the first. "Will you stand still?" he grunted, holding off his next attack. "Will you knock off the UFC auditions?" I scowled back. "Ogre, I snarked you fair and square, chalk it up as `lesson learned' and move on to a happier future. I got places to be." "I got places to be, too," he spat at me, his breath rank with the reek of peanut butter and cheap soda, "but do you know how much shit my friends still give me over what you did?" He shot a blow at my own quite masculine chin, but I swayed back, didn't even counter, not wanting to dishevel my outfit. "Not half as much shit as they'll give you when word gets out I kicked your ass for real," I warned him. Another blow, aimed where my ear would be if I didn't see the fist coming. I wasn't so lucky with the spittle of his frustration, though; that hit me dead in the cheek. Gross. "Will you please stop talking and fucking fight?" He tried an uppercut this time, but I fell back, and, tired of the whole business, I kicked high up into his inner thigh, not hard, but enough to scare him and cause him to drop his fists to clutch protectively at his crotch. "Normally this is where I finish you off, while you're open like that, but I'm feeling generous today. Get lost, Ogre. Before you really regret it." Sure that I'd made my point, and, okay, wanting to test him a little too, I turned my back. As I'd half-expected, he chose that moment to attack. I smelled his rank breath coming, so I twisted and grabbed his arm and, betraying him with his own momentum, tripped him over and threw him belly-first at the ground. He hit the sidewalk with a scraping thud and rolled away, coming to rest on his back several feet away. He started to push himself up but I shook my head and he stilled. "Stay down, Ogre," I advised, wiping his spittle off my face. "Trust me when I say I've got a much more fun event planned for the next hour than beating your fugly mug into the ground again and again." "I'll never give up," he promised, breathing hard, sweating hard, glaring hard from his position in the dirt. If he tried to stand I'd take him out, and he knew it. "When you least expect it expect it." Grudgingly impressed at his tenacity, if not his originality, I asked, "Jeez, how much crack do you have to smoke to achieve such single-minded devotion to getting your teeth kicked in?" "My, my dad calls it character," he informed me, "and overcoming obstacles is key to building character." Oh, okay, I got it. Ogre's father was embarrassed that a nerd embarrassed his own nerd son's ass and was on junior's case to get physical revenge, even though junior had zero talent in fisticuffs. I kind of felt sorry for the poor bastard, but not enough to tell him so. "And you, magic boy, you are most definitely a freaking obstacle." Thus confirming my theory. He pursed his lips, a scruffy no-chin baby making kissy-face. "I'll never stop until I get even." Goddamn it! I don't have time for this! I thought, watching his large, thin-lipped mouth make kissy-kissy at me again. I wanted to pick something up and ram it down his throat. And just like that a multi-stage idea popped, fully formed, into my mind. An idea to both shut Ogre down permanently and get my own dick sucked like I'd been craving all day. A Rudy kind of idea, I suppose. So, yeah, pretty damn idiotic, but I figured it might be fun. I had to play it my own way, though, and keep the bullshit-n-sugar to a bare minimum. Like Damien said, I never lie. Not because of my impeccable moral integrity (I have no morals, did you not read the disclaimer on your way in?) but because I'm horrible at it. Sometimes, however, if I'm lucky (or they're stupid), I can persuade people to lie to themselves. Damien would tell me not to do it. That I did not possess the necessary obfuscation skills and diversionary tactics. Well, fuck him. Never let it be said I turned down a direct imaginary challenge from my brother, or even from myself. Stage 1: Help Ogre persuade himself to accompany me to Sloppy Joey's house. I blew out a reluctant sigh, as if depressed by the vision of interminable warfare and Ogre's own inevitable victory. "I'm not looking forward to all that, now. What if I make it up to you instead?" His uni-brow furrowed. "How could you possibly?" As if I'd strangled his hamster or something instead of slinging mere creative snark. "Stand up, Ogre." I reached out a hand, and, surprised, he took it, let me pull him to his feet. "Good. I can't talk to you down on the ground like that." Ogre huffed but, still intrigued by my offer to make up for my slights, let the insult pass. He also neglected to thank me for helping him rise. Rude. "I'm listening, magic boy," he said, straightening his jersey and brushing off his flat rump. "And it better be worth it," he warned, "or I'll stop playing around and punch your lights out." How cute. I wanted to remark on his clear sense of unreality but, in the interests of getting my dick sucked and making it home before Mom or Damien started blowing up my phone (ninety or so minutes), I just nodded. "It'll be worth it," I assured him. "Only, you know Inbred Wanda?" Ogre cocked his head at me. "My dad does," he admitted. Meaning, his dad probably bought her pot and fucked her in the ass. I wondered if Ogre surmised that. "And I have a couple classes with her brother." "Well, I was just on my way over to their house, and I thought maybe you'd like to come with." "I don't get high, dork," he sneered at me. "Drugs are for losers." Ah, so he did know Wanda's reputation, half of it anyway. "I wasn't going over there to get high, either," I told him, although I probably wouldn't pass up a toke if Sloppy Joey offered, which he probably would. "Then why else?" He looked me up and down, unimpressed by my appearance. "Why would she fuck you?" Thus proving he knew the other half of Inbred Wanda's reputation. Not really a surprise, in this town. "You ain't nothing but a runt." I nodded like he spoke the truth, and he did. Kind of. I'm stronger than (and almost as smart as) I look. "Well, I'm not a runt, at least not all over," I informed him, glancing down very ostentatiously at my crotch, making Ogre snort, "but I'm not big enough to fill up the canyon between her legs, that's for sure." "I've heard she's been around," Ogre gossiped. "Fucked most of the high school, and half the town. Bound to be a canyon by now." I nodded at Ogre's sage observation. "Exactly. No way I'd want to fuck her. But Ogre my man, let me tell you, she's got a mouth that'd suck the chrome off a plastic hubcap." And then chew through the tires, from the stories I've heard. Ogre flushed. "All that experience, I guess." "All that experience," I agreed, and paused. Always, always, let the mark come to you. Took him a minute, but finally, "So you were going to her house so you could get . . . so you could . . ." I nodded again. "I was going over there right now to get some head." "Whoa. No way." "Whoa yes way. So you see why I don't have time to fight?" "I've heard worse excuses," he allowed. He paused, and I let him, giving him time to work it out in his own mind. "So, your idea about making it up to me . . . ?" I nodded for a third time. Jeez, simple as taking candy from a dead baby. "If I got you some head too, would you be willing to call it even?" He pretended to ponder it, and I knew he was pretending because his right hand unconsciously rubbed at his crotch the entire time he pretended. I have to admit I was impressed by the mound of his package. Even soft, it appeared he had a pecker to match his name stuffed in his jeans. "I guess," he said finally, then peered at me with what he thought a shrewd expression. "But I get to tell my dad I kicked your ass, too." "Done." He'd tell his dad that anyway, so the concession cost me nothing. "Grab your purse and let's go." He hefted the backpack, but I could hear the hamster wheel spinning in Ogre's head. "Hey, magic boy." "Sam." "Okay, Sam, I'm DJ." I waited, not caring. "Are you sure she's really good at that? I mean," and here Ogre looked both embarrassed and arrogant, "I got a pretty big dick. Sure she can handle it?" I deliberately looked down at his crotch, like I doubted him, even though I kind of didn't, and he flushed again. "The mouth you're about to fuck will take every inch, no matter what you're packing. And, Ogre, my friend, I guarantee it can you make you cum twice." I'd make sure of that; it was essential to my plan, and besides, the poor bastard deserved some sort of compensation for what I meant to put him through. The idea of two orgasms intrigued him, so much so that he forgot to breathe for a second. Still didn't keep him from grousing. "Stop calling me Ogre," he insisted when he could talk again. "My name is DJ, dork." Don't worry, I didn't go for the obvious. Instead, I glanced down at his crotch again, noting it had swelled some. "Looks more like Ogre to me." "Knock that shit off, man!" Not much heat, though, and again, embarrassed arrogance bloomed on his fugly face. Choosing not to fight me over anything as silly as a name or a wayward glance when a blowjob loomed on the horizon, he muttered, "I'm not playing though. I've got a big dick, almost as big as my d--, uh, I mean, I got a big dick, and I want to make sure she can handle it. Most girls can't," he boasted as an afterthought. "Must suck to be you, then," I commented. "Are you coming or not?" Ogre thought for a serious minute about backing out, long enough for me to wonder if I'd lost him. I'd have been willing to bet he was a virgin, and that the lure of easy sex terrified as much as enticed. Even toss-up, I thought, on whether or not he had the nerve. Well, he found some nerve. Somewhere. "Yeah, I'm coming," he finally huffed. "But if you're fucking with me I'll make you regret it." I nodded and pulled out my phone. "Understood," I assured him. "Just let me text over there real quick first." Sam: "wanna have some fun?" The reply dinged back immediately. No text, just an emoticon of an upraised thumb. A man of few words, our Sloppy Joey. Sam: "bringing a kid DJ from school, follow my lead" Ding! Another emoticon, a horny red devil with an evil grin. I put my away my phone and raised my eyebrow to Ogre. "Okay, all set. Ready?" He nodded and I cocked my head, indicating for him to follow. His face still looked doubtful, but his lumbering stride matched mine for eagerness. As we walked, I wondered just exactly how stupid Ogre really was. I might have been leading him to anything from being ambushed by my brother to being sold off to a fugly brothel. Doesn't it take intelligence and wisdom to play role-playing games like Dungeons and Dragons? Maybe my charisma swayed him. I mean, let's face it, not even Chad would have fallen for my scam, and Chad falls hard and willing for almost anything. Guess they mean it when they say a hard dick (such as Ogre's, or even Chad's) overrules common sense. Just like when they say that hard dick (such as mine) has no conscience. Funny how life is always on about proving cliches true. I can hear Damien in my head. "Anyhow, Sam." Anyhow, within a very few minutes we stood on Sloppy Joey's front porch. I paused before the front door and looked back at Ogre. "Ready?" He didn't answer, and I read the fear and discomfort writ large on his face. The pity I'd felt for him earlier washed back, and it made me feel small and mean to consider how easily I'd manipulated him into pushing for his own downfall. "Look, DJ, we don't have to do this, you know. Not if you don't want to." Guess he recognized my pity and didn't like it, for he lashed out with, "You trying to weasel out on me, magic boy? You either make up for what you did like you promised or I'll be coming after you again, twice as hard this time." With those calm and measured words, my pity for him vanished. Not trusting myself to speak, I just nodded at him and pushed open Sloppy Joey's front door. Stage 1 complete. Stage 2: Use Sloppy Joey as backup and Inbred Wanda as bait. They won't mind. "What the hell are you doing?" my alarmed companion hissed. "Shouldn't you knock?" "Nobody would answer. Come on, Ogre." He huffed at the name but followed. Wanda and Joey's bald, skinny dad sat in a recliner in the far corner of the living room, watching television and drinking beer and chain-smoking roll-yer-owns. He didn't say anything as we entered, not that I'd expected him to, just lifted a hand in greeting and otherwise ignored us. We stepped on through into the dine-in kitchen, where a metric ton (I'm exaggerating, by a smidge) of fragrant green marijuana lay on the table, heaped up there beside a set of digital scales, a pair of scissors, and a box of store-brand baggies. "I don't know about this, Sam," Ogre muttered under his breath, his nostrils quivering at the pungent smell. "What if the police show up while we're here? My dad will kill me if I get busted in a drug house." "The police aren't going to show up here anytime soon," I placated the drama queen. "Unless they want their cut, but even then they won't fuck with us." "So you say," Ogre groused. "Just come on," I ordered him, exasperated. "The sooner we get our rocks off the sooner we can leave." "This fucking better be worth it," Ogre said for about the millionth time, but he followed me into the narrow hallway leading to the bedrooms. A door stood ajar about halfway down, light spilling out onto the worn carpet. I peered around the edge of the frame and spotted Inbred Wanda sitting on the pot, a faded yellow sundress bunched around her waist, a look of stoned complacency on her face. Even as I said, "Hi Wanda," she let go and I heard the sound of her piss streaming into the bowl. "Hi, Sam," she said, waving to me, not one bit discomfited. "And Sam's friend," she added as Ogre poked his head around his corner. His face blanched when he realized her activity, and he barely grunted out some sort of strangled greeting before he threw himself back into the hall. I saluted Wanda and took hold of Ogre's sleeve, having to yank him past the doorway to get him to follow. As he passed he looked anywhere but back in the bathroom. "Sam, this is really starting to freak me out," he muttered into my ear. "And why did you just keep on going? Aren't we here to see her anyway? Not that I wanted to see her do that," he added in a rush. I heaved out a long suffering sigh. "Will you please just relax for a minute? I promise, this will all go down, just let me set it up, mm-kay?" "I thought you already had it set up," he snapped back. Honestly, I almost wished I'd kicked his ass and been done with it. But, oh well, since we were there, I ignored Ogre's snark and dragged him and his sleeve further down the hall. The last door on the right stood half-open, and I tapped on it before stepping through into a gloomy room lit only by late afternoon sunshine dripping through a cowboys-and-horsies curtained window, the glow of a blue-screened television, and a small bendable lamp on a messy, overflowing computer desk. Sloppy Joey, an orc to Ogre's ogre, sat in a messy, overflowing lump on his bed, wearing red sweats and a loose blue t-shirt, his curly brown hair bound up in some kind of complicated man-bun that slanted his eyebrows and gave his moon-face a sumo-wrestler cast. A bottle of Mountain Dew lay at his side, a tray of weed sat in his lap, and he held a ceramic pipe in his hand. "Hola, Joey," I said, stepping on inside and dragging Ogre along with me. The room smelled of dirty laundry, Cheetos, feet, and semen. And pot. Lots of pot. Ogre hesitated, but allowed himself to be pulled in. Indicating Ogre, I continued, "You know BJ from school, don't you?" "It's Ogre," Ogre corrected me, then corrected himself, "I mean, it's DJ, not BJ. And not Ogre, either." I felt his glare somewhere on the back of my neck, not that I gave a rat's ass. Sloppy Joey nodded once to me, in greeting, nodded again that, yes, he did indeed remember Ogre/BJ/DJ from school, and nodded a third time, saying hello to the kid. Then he held out the pipe, which I accepted with a sigh of relief. Running this scam on Ogre, while easy enough, took a toll on my winning disposition. "Hiya, Joey," Ogre acknowledged before turning his guns on me. "I thought you didn't smoke weed, Sam." "I never said that," I said, taking a big ol' toke. "I said I wasn't coming over here to get high. I never said anything about not accepting a hit if my amazing friend Joey so graciously offered. It's only polite." Joey winked at me. "I'm telling you, Ogre, I never lie. I'm constitutionally unable." "Rules lawyer, then," he grumbled. "Hah!" I snorted. "Pot, meet kettle. We're both black." "Are you stoned already? Dork." "You ought to take a hit too," I advised. "Might settle your nerves some. You're a bit tetchy right now, you know." "I. Don't. Get high. I told you, remember?" I shrugged. "Your loss." I took another hit, then passed the bowl back to Sloppy Joey. "Can you please get to what you promised, Sam, before I listen to my better judgment and take a hike?" "Calm your tits, Ogre, we're getting there. Have you never heard of the social niceties?" Huff. "So Joey," I said, passing back the pipe, "I need a favor." Sloppy Joey inclined his chins, listening. "I did my buddy DJ --" "BJ!" "-- Ogre here a pretty bad turn awhile back, and I'd like to make it up to him." Joey nodded and raised an eyebrow. "Well, we got to talking about Wanda, and the subject of blowjobs came up." Ogre gasped at my crudity in speaking to her brother like that, but Joey only raised the other eyebrow, waiting for me to go on. Following my lead, like I'd asked. "So I was thinking I'd bring him over here, get him one of those special long-lasting deep-throat rod-massages for which this house is so well known." Sloppy Joey snorted, catching on to the scam and that I meant his own vacuum mouth. Everybody (except Ogre, apparently) knows that Inbred Wanda sucks dick about as well as a puppy eats pussy. In other words, full of biting and clawing and a plethora of pained whimpers. "What do you think, Joey? Could my bruddah Ogre here get a blowjob, if I asked nicely? He wants to cum twice, too. Don't you, BJ?" Ogre stood stock still and probably rock hard (I felt it imprudent to check at that moment) beside me, breathing rougher than he'd done even when he attacked. He'd stopped trying to protest my every word, at least. "Uh, yeah." He swallowed so hard he almost sucked the words back too. "So, yeah, Joey, he needs to shoot two loads. Think we can make that happen?" Joey shrugged, but a smile played on his lips. "Here's where the favor from you comes in." Sloppy Joey waited, an orcish Buddha. "You mind if we do it in your room?" I turned to Ogre and drew in a breath. This next bit might be tricky, and stretching my rules-lawyer definition of "no lies", but I needed to forestall any questions by answering them beforehand. "We can't get you head in Wanda's room for, um, reasons," I paused long enough for a few possible reasons of his own imagining to cross through his mind, "so you don't mind doing it in here either, do you?" Ogre glanced around the pigsty, took in the clothing scattered across the floor, the soda bottles and dirty dishes on every available counter, the bulk of Sloppy Joey and his nest of sweaty, likely semen-encrusted blankets on the sagging twin bed. Weighed that against the imagined depredations of Wanda's room. "Naw, I don't mind." He swallowed again. Then in a sudden burst of violence, "But nobody gets to watch Wanda suck me, neither you nor Joey, I don't care whose room it is!" "Ogre," I asked, with obvious sincerity, "why would either Joey or I want to watch his sister suck your dick?" I shuddered, and Joey did too, shaking his whole bed. "Gross." Placated, Ogre just nodded and said, "Okay then, yeah, in here is cool." I paused for a moment, relieved that he'd sold himself on what I peddled, then motioned to Joey for a celebratory toke. Hitting the bowl, I glanced down and saw that, as I'd figured earlier, Ogre sported an impressive anticipatory bulge snaking down the front of his jeans. Sloppy Joey clocked it too, and his mouth dropped open (shock, hunger, take your pick). Ogre spotted us spotting it, and he jerked to cover his excitement with those ham-hock hands, but then he let them drop and set his uni-brow and wide, thin-lipped mouth into a smirk, daring us not to look. I finished toking and handed Ogre the pipe and lighter, which he took and raised to his lips until he remembered lying to my face about how he never got high. Losing the smirk, he pushed the pipe and lighter on to Joey, then crossed his arms and glared and thrust out his hips, emphasizing that lap-log of which he was both so proud and embarrassed. I swear he pulsed it at me. I rolled my eyes and turned back to Joey. "So what do you say, Joey old pal? Can we do this in your room?" Sloppy Joey pretended to think about it while he did a hit of his own, then blew out the smoke and dipped his man-bun. "Awesome, Joey, thanks, I owe you. Hey, Ogre-man, relax. You look so much like a fugly statue I keep waiting for a fugly pigeon to crap on you." He glared. So predictable. "Seriously, drop your backpack, cop a squat, chill-ax. Joey won't mind." Joey shook his head, he didn't mind in the slightest. I pulled out the chair from the computer desk, used my knee to knock a pair of orc-sized boxers into the mess littering the carpet. "Come on, Ogre, sit." Ogre grumbled but, as directed, crossed the room and dropped down into the chair, shrugged his backpack to the floor. I hoped he'd be able to find it again when we got ready to leave. Back to Joey, "Can you keep my friend entertained while I go talk to your sister?" The orc nodded and, reaching into his nest of blankets, pulled out a tv remote. Within seconds, the high-pitched wail of a bimbo mid-orgasm blew through the television speakers, almost deafening us. Joey pinked and thumbed the volume down. I glanced over at Ogre to find his attention riveted to the fuck flick, and even as I watched him his hand drifted down to rub lightly at the snake in his jeans. I caught Joey's eye and we grinned. Like I said before, simple as taking candy from a dead baby. Simpler, even. Leaving Ogre in the capable hands of the obliging Sloppy Joey, I hurried back down the hall to the kitchen. Inbred Wanda sat at the table, cutting into buds of marijuana and smoking a blunt the size of Denver. "Hey, Wanda, can I ask you a favor?" They don't call her easy for nothin'. "Sure, Sam, what's up?" I felt not the slightest jot of embarrassment explaining the situation and what I needed from her. I'm positive she's heard weirder and done worse. Half the town supplies her weed, the other half buys it, and both halves fuck her up the ass. She's got dirt on everybody. But she never gossips – indeed, hardly seems to notice. She either a) doesn't care because she doesn't care, b) doesn't care because she's too stoned to care, or c) is saving up for a tell-all that'll send our poor burg into meltdown. My money is on option b, but I wouldn't rule out c as a long shot. After hearing my request, Wanda exhaled the toke she'd been holding through my entire recitation and nodded. "Sounds like fun, Sam." She stood up and, heedless of her father still vegetating in his chair not too many feet away, slid out of her sundress, leaving her clad in only pink granny-panties. Although Wanda's pond-shaped face and fish-water blond hair barely hit the mark for ordinary, she's got a class set of boobs and a body like a fine racehorse: strong, limber, and well-ridden. My cock twinged in my pants at the screenshots my eyes sent (first twinge I'd felt since I'd entered in on my little scam; mind-fuckery takes concentration) but I ignored it. I wasn't in the mood for pussy (right now, anyway) and Wanda would always be there should I ever decide to go slumming. So, naked (not nekkid) but for the granny-panties, Wanda followed me back down the hall to her brother's room, where we found Ogre still enraptured with the porn and Sloppy Joey still enraptured with Ogre's even-more-swollen-by-then bulge. Joey's face screamed enough hunger to give the whole game away, but Ogre paid no attention to the starving orc, instead had his uni-brow aimed at the television and Joey's ceramic bowl aimed at his lips. I'm sure he would have dropped the pipe if he'd seen me, but when he registered new movement in the room the first person he noticed wasn't me but granny-pantsed Wanda, and his entire attention snagged there. He did drop the hand holding the pipe, though, right on top of the snake in his jeans; so caught up was he in his gazing at the first almost-nude woman he'd ever seen in his virgin life that he never realized it when I slid the ceramic dick from his grip, never realized that the brush of my fingers made his actual dick pulse. He caught his breath in a strangled gasp, but he never realized. As soon as Sloppy Joey espied sister-boobs he made of moue of disgust and scrambled off the bed and out the door, surprisingly graceful and light on his feet. I wondered, for a second, if Joey were as hard as Ogre, but it was impossible to tell under his loose clothing and all that blubber. Nobody I know has ever seen Sloppy Joey either naked or nekkid, and truth be told I'd be surprised if Joey has ever even seen his own dick, no matter how many times he's held it. Not trying to be mean, but still. While I sucked up a toke or two and planned out the next bit, I listened to the sounds of tv fucking and of Sloppy Joey pissing with the bathroom door open down the hall, watched Ogre's gaze fall and rise from Wanda's bodacious boobs to her granny-panties then back to the boobs, lingering more on the panties with every pass. The ham-hock hand from which I'd stolen the pipe rubbed at his crotch as if the almost-naked woman in front of him were just another porn bimbo to wank to. Inbred Wanda stood there in his view, stoned indifference on her face, just another porn bimbo to be wanked to. The toilet flushed, the bimbo on tv reached her tenth or so orgasm in a row, and I opened my mouth. "So what do you think, Wanda?" I asked, tucking the pipe back between the ham-hock and the hard place, eliciting another uncomprehending gasp from Ogre. "His face isn't so bad once you get used to it, huh?" No, I wasn't lying; his malicious mug had started to grow on me, in a gruesome horror movie kind of way. Ogre didn't hear my back-handed compliment anyhow. His leering now loitered almost exclusively on the granny-panties, causing me to wonder if we'd planted the seed of a lifelong fetish in his sexual undergrowth. Putting that aside as a nonsensical distraction, I fed Inbred Wanda the cue I'd so carefully crafted. "Would you do him, Wanda?" Ogre did hear that, and he stopped breathing to await her answer. While we waited (and waited) for Wanda to respond, Sloppy Joey appeared in the doorway, but I held him off with a raised finger. He frowned, rubbed his belly, and stalked off to the kitchen, presumably to eat the refrigerator. Finally, finally, Wanda spoke. "I'd do him, Sam." She quoted the one line I'd given her in a stoned, serene, oh-so-serious voice that sounded, to me, like she might live or die unperturbed with or without the experience. Ogre took her at her word, however, and a blatant stroke on his snake shot a hiss through his lips and sent the pipe tumbling to the floor, where it disappeared forever from the remainder of this narrative. Perfect. I was about to dismiss Wanda when she decided on a little improvisation, bless her heart. "You wanna touch my titty, Sam's friend?" Ogre raised his uni-brow, questioning his luck, and nodded so hard his eyeballs near fell out. Wanda stepped forward, and he sucked in a breath, swallowed it whole, and lifted a trembling hand (not the ham-hock that all-but-unconsciously stroked his snake, but the other) to the underside of her boob, slid it up to rub and tweak her nipple. Wanda didn't move, although the florid nubbin swelled under his touch (habit, probably). Ogre stroked it a moment, then let his caress drop down her abdomen, across her belly-button, and just before he hit the elastic band of her panties Wanda stepped back, leaving him with hooked fingers and a betrayed whine deep in his throat. Wanda smiled at me, said again, "I'd do him, Sam," sounding a little more believable, then, winking once more at poor ensorcelled Ogre, turned and walked away. You ever heard the saying "I hate to see her go but I love to watch her leave"? Yeah, Ogre's face originated that atrocious cliche. His labored breathing competing with the squelching sounds of rut leaking from the forgotten television's speakers, Ogre rubbed at his cock like he fancied himself alone in the room, at least until Wanda closed the door behind her, when he came to and remembered he wasn't. He snatched his hands away from his pulsating denim-encased rod and glared at me and at the smug smile on my face. Stage 2 complete. Stage 3: Somehow coerce Ogre into agreeing to my insane rules. "What the fuck is going on here, where did she go?" he bullied. "There are rules --" I began. "The rules are you leave the room and shut the door, she gets me two nuts, I forgive your insults and go home!" As if of its own volition his hand drifted back down to his crotch, but he caught the movement in time to arrest it. His snake throbbed at me, displeased. "Those are the freaking rules!" "Do you want to do this or not?" I demanded. "Do you want a blowjob or do you want to just give up and jack off here and now and forever-fucking-more?" He shot me the finger, then defiantly rested his hand in its former position on his snake. Almost rid of his troublesome embarrassment. Good on him. "There are rules to this, DJ," using his real name to emphasize how serious I was, "and if you want your two orgasms you'll follow them. Got it?" A battle of glowering wills, and the person holding the blowjob keys won. "I got it, I got it," he groused. "Anybody ever tell you talk too much?" "Only if they've never met my brother. First things first. Besides right now, when's the last time you rolled the bone?" Ogre's face flushed the most interesting shade of red I'd yet seen from him. He still held some embarrassment, then. Imagine that. He yanked his ham-hock away from his hobby and spat at me, "I don't masturbate, not ever, I don't have to, and what does that have to do with stupid rules anyway?" "Because you need to be able to last awhile before you cum!" I exclaimed as if exasperated he didn't realize this. "What does it matter how long I last the first time if I'm going to get to go again?" His red face darkening steadily into maroon, his big brown uni-brow jack-knifed and sliding on his forehead. "You're fucking with me, I don't know how but I know you are!" This last statement, by far the wisest thing that had fallen from his thin lips since the first time he'd called me "magic boy", told me to watch myself and be careful. In truth, I needed him to hold off his orgasm for at least thirty or so seconds after Joey's tongue touched his cock, but I couldn't tell him why. Luckily, before I was forced to consider spouting some intelligent and creative lie (like "I'm not fucking with you") and so blowing the whole plot out of the water, inspiration struck as I heard Sloppy Joey's heavy-but-soft tread plodding up the hall. "That gorgeous cocksucker out there --" (in case Joey could hear me) "-- likes to suck for a long time before you give up the old juice. And likes big loads, too. That's why I'm asking about the last time you spanked." Glare. I sighed. "I did it myself in the shower this morning and again at lunch when I was thinking about getting blown after school. I'll be able to last awhile, at least, but the cocksucker is shit outta luck for anything more than a light snack from me." He let go the glare and admitted in a grudging mutter, "Yesterday. Only once, though." Which meant only twice. Hmm. Maybe we should just hope for the best. Ogre picked up on my pessimism. "I can last a long time, easy! And I always shoot a big load too. Trust me." Guess I'd have to. "There, was that so hard?" Glare. Moving on along, "And you have to be nekkid on the bed. Not a stitch." Ogre crossed his arms, glare intensifying to undreamt heights. His dick pulsed at me again. "Nuh-uh. Not happening." He spun in the computer chair and gazed around the pigsty with utter disgust. Not that I blamed him, but then again I thought the decor somehow added to Sloppy Joey's charm. "Not. Happening. I'll sit here and fish it out through my zipper." I shot a pointed glance at his rager. Seething, it throbbed. "You fish that whale out through your zip you'll be lucky if the teeth don't strangle and claw it to death." Ogre glanced down, smirked. "The whale will be okay." He didn't sound like he believed it, but he said it. "Nekkid or no blowjob." "Why isn't Wanda laying this shit down herself?" "Who said Wanda made the rules?" "I knew you were fucking with me!" "Of course I'm fucking with you! I'm trying to get you laid! Jeez. Show a little gratitude and cooperation! One of these blankets is bound to be marginally cleaner than the rest, find it and stretch it out on the bed. Sit on the side, lay back, spread your legs. Couldn't be easier." He studied my face, his snake still pulsing in his pants. I wondered if he got a charge out of sexual conflict, like a couple other people I knew. At last he sighed and rolled his eyes. "Fine. But can we do this now? I need to be home before supper or my dad'll roast my ass." "I'm not finished," I told him, and he groaned. "You can't watch. Put a pillow on your face or something." Out all my seemingly whimsical rules (I had my reasons; just wait) I'd expected this to be the one that truly sent Ogre into berserk mode. Instead, all I got was a dark stare, a long pause, and then, finally, "Oh. It's like that, huh?" He suddenly appeared on the verge of tears. "What?" I asked, honestly confused. "Like what?" Avoiding my eyes, Ogre rose from the chair, bent down and grabbed the straps of his backpack. "Look, maybe we should just forget this. Best thing for everybody." Even his pecker drooped in his pants. "What are you talking about?" He swung the pack onto his shoulders. "I'm not stupid, you know." He paused, as if waiting for me to contradict him. I didn't, wondering where he was going with this. "I know . . . I mean, I'm well aware I got a face only a blind mother could love. But for Wanda to want me to actually cover it up while she, while she, you know, does that . . ." He trailed off, looking anywhere but at me or at the porn. "So I'll go ahead and go, Sam. And don't worry. We're even. I'll leave you alone." Defeated, still not looking at me, he turned towards the door. What the hell? I'd hurt his feelings! "You mean to tell me, after everything I've said to you today, after every insult and put-down, THAT bothers you?" He scowled. "I'm not stupid," he said again. "Telling me I can't watch really means so she doesn't have to watch me. I don't blame her, either." At last he glared at me. "But I'm not gonna be anybody's pity fuck." For the first time in our entire encounter I felt out of my depth. So easy for me to deal with insulted anger or outraged disbelief or hostile confusion, but wounded pride? I didn't even know where to start. "Look, Ogre --" "See!" he cried out, anguished. "That's what I'm talking about! I'm so ugly you can't even remember my real name!" "DJ." He didn't respond. I said it again. "DJ! Do you think I call you Ogre because of your face?" No answer. "My brother's the one named you Ogre, that very first night in Pizza Joint. Yeah, your face was part of it, and your size, because you're a big kid and you even loom over people taller than you. But Damien wasn't talking about your looks so much as he was your attitude, your truculence, your all-around Felcher Of The Year vibe." "That supposed to make me feel better? Not working!" "I'm not about making anybody feel better," I answered sharply. "I told you, I don't lie, and I'm not going to bullshit you and claim your face will launch a thousand ships when you'd be lucky to float a leaky rowboat." "Hey! Harsh much?" "You know what might help your looks? Invest in some tweezers. Some acne cream. You've got good cheekbones, pretty eyes. Emphasize them. Grow out your hair. It's your hair, not your father's, wear it how you want." He flinched, and I saw I'd struck a nerve, so I hurried on. "But mostly? Stop squinting like a near-sighted rottweiler and furrowing that one brow at people like they were less than shit on your sneakers. And try on a smile every so often. You'd be surprised how much beauty that might add." A long pause, then, shooting me a shy glance that suddenly gave him a vulnerability, a humanity, that I later wished I'd never seen, he asked, "Really?" Had nobody ever told him that before? How sad. "Really." No reaction to my affirmation. He merely stood there, pondering my words, his backpack on his shoulders and his humongous feet still aimed at the door. Maybe I should just let him go, I thought. Push him off the hook. Although Joey would be disappointed, he'd get over it and blow me anyway. Hopefully. But I had a sneaking suspicion that if DJ walked out that door right then, with his confidence shattered and without his promised two orgasms, he'd likely be a virgin until death, or at least until college. Considering the situation in that light, I'd be committing a greater disservice by dismissing him than if I just followed on through with my plan. Besides, I still wanted to show him that his actions had consequences. That he should know better than to mess with Sam. Maybe, though, if I played it just right, maybe I could make sure he left the room not with the defeated posture and thin-lipped tremble he sported now but, instead, with a little sand in his box o' self-esteem. I could show him with my flimflam that he'd affected me enough for me to take the time and effort to fuck back with him, instead of just flicking him away like a bothersome fly or, worse, ignoring him. Dammit, Damien, get out of my head! He blew a heavy sigh and took a step toward the door. Before I could second- and third-guess myself, I touched his sleeve. "Hang on a sec. Please." I figured he'd pull away, but no, he stopped and waited while I gathered my thoughts. "Listen, DJ, if you believe nothing else I tell you, today or ever again, believe me now. None of this, not that night in the restaurant, not this afternoon on the sidewalk, not five minutes ago with the rules, none of this ever has been about your looks. I didn't offer you a chance to get your dick sucked because I pitied you, or because I thought it would be funny to get the ugly kid laid." He took a deep breath and finally, finally looked at me. "Truth?" "Nothing but." "Then why the pillow on my face?" "Like I told you, so you can't watch." "Why can't I watch?" His old belligerence coming back, I'm sorry to report. "Because you can't." I couldn't think of any obfuscations, so I just laid it out there, along with the last of the rules. "And you can't touch, either. No grabbing hair or forcing yourself deeper." Sloppy Joey didn't like that. "Keep your hands above your head." He waved away the no-touching bit like it didn't matter. "You won't be watching her suck me, will you?" That statement totted another point to my growing opinion that Ogre was an exhibitionist in denial, but who was I to kink shame? "I promise. I won't be watching Wanda suck you." After a long minute, "Okay." "Okay?" He scrubbed his face with his ham-hocks, dropped the pack back to the floor. "Okay." He paused. "I don't care about the not touching, and I'll use the pillow. I don't have to watch. Might be better that way, so I don't, you know, too fast." Tone uneasy and unhappy, as if admitting weakness to an enemy. "At least at first." See, that's what I was afraid of, that his curiosity would get the better of him and he'd peek before that all-important first nut. After he came once (aren't I generous?) Ogre would know full well whose mouth held his cock, and why. "Are we done now?" Ogre begged me. "With these insane rules and, and, and elaborate setup, are we done? Can I just please my get blowjobs now?" Oh, the desperation in those words, that he tried to cover up with a growl. How like honey to my ears. "You may," I graciously conceded. "So I'll leave you alone to get ready." I ignored his sarcastic sigh of relief. "And remember, nekkid, eyes covered, legs spread, arms above your head. Just holler when you're in position, and I'll send the cocksucker on in." He nodded. "And DJ? I'm still going to call you Ogre." He flinched. "It's a compliment, in a way." He regarded me as if I were nuts. "Own it, Ogre," I advised. "Own it." Stage 3, somehow complete. I slipped out into the hall and closed the door behind me. Soon as I heard the snick! of its tongue catch, I collapsed against the wall, suddenly so overcome with adrenaline I might need to run a few laps around Sloppy Joey to burn it all off. The orc himself watched me from his own position against the opposite wall, hints of impatience in his posture and of annoyance in the twitch of his ridiculous man-bun, but he held a huge sandwich in one hand and a liter-size soda in the other, so I figured he'd be just peachy for a few minutes while I enjoyed my hard-earned satisfaction. Yeah, I said it, satisfaction. My plot steamed ahead as planned, barring the occasional and quickly repaired hitch, and that made me glow; I'm so freaking awesome! Between that, the few tokes of weed I'd taken and the adrenaline dump, I buzzed along like a tourist plane to bliss-ville. I almost forgot the whole point of this shenanigan (one of the points, anyway) was to get my physical rocks off as well as my intellectual and competitive ones. The amazing Sloppy Joey was kind enough to remind me of my full priorities. In the middle of raising the sandwich to his mouth he threw it aside (to land mayo side down on the carpet . . . yuck) and crashed to his knees in front of me, shaking the whole house. The liter soda went flying too, but I have no idea if any spilled; all my attention was on the hands scrabbling at the placket of my khakis. I tensed up, glancing at the closed door to Joey's room and, by extension, the bumfuzzled ogre behind it, but as Sloppy Joey snaked his fingers inside my boxers and curled them around my flaccid cock (my attention had been on mind-fuckery, remember) I figured Ogre to likely be stuck in his own head and would take his sweet time setting up a clean spot and building the balls to strip nekkid. True, there was a chance that, left alone, Ogre might chicken out and cluck and flutter between us on his way to the front door, but I figured that chance negligible. I had time to enjoy a brief break for fellatio. Joey fished out my dick (not whale-sized, more like dolphin – did you think I was going to say minnow? – so therefore in no danger from strangling zipper teeth) and it boinged from a soft two point five inches to its fully erect five point eight in the time it took to slide from Joey's sloppy lips to the back of his throat. All the cocksucker's frustration at being forced to wait to blow Ogre zeroed in on me, not that I complained. The wet heat of his mouth, the slow tide of his vacuum breath, the slickery slip of his tongue caressing high to low on my poignantly up-curved undershaft . . . . . . aaaahhhhh. I let my own mouth loll open, cast away the drool as good riddance, watched Sloppy Joey work his magic. He didn't care that a truculent ogre wrestled with self-esteem and adolescent horniness behind the nearest closed door, didn't care that his sister conversed with a new customer in the kitchen down the hall, didn't even care that his own father sat covered in dust and beer-farts in the living room. Sloppy Joey didn't care, and neither did I. His blowjob felt smooth and amazing. Where Chad attacks a cock like throwing his mouth on a grenade, with a startling eagerness and need to for it to explode, Sloppy Joey sucks with the slow assurance of a demolitionist at the top of his trade. He may be a fat, orcish fucker (I think it's fair to speculate on an oral fixation) but there's a serenity and professionalism to his vacuum skills that any high-class whore might envy. In style and rhythm his method most resembles Mr Q's, but there's a pull, an undertow, to Joey's suction, almost like a sexual black hole, that's a galaxy away from Mr Q; with Joey, you feel that, if you aren't very, very careful, you'll lose your ship inside and be twisted into eternity's fabric before you can jump to hyperspace. "Okay, Sam, Wanda, I'm ready!" The call from inside Sloppy Joey's room could not have come at a more welcome moment, as I'd somehow managed to spook myself; who says I don't have an imagination? I pushed Joey away (not without a certain amount of disappointed sighs on both our parts) and stepped back, but I didn't bother holstering my erection. Putting my dolphin back into my khaki's without destroying it on zipper teeth would be akin to trying to squeeze toothpaste back into the tube. Mixed metaphor, I know. Get over it, Damien! "Hey! I said I'm ready! Can we get this shit going please? I got to get home to supper soon!" Stage 4: Surprise Ogre during his first orgasm, then blackmail him into sucking my dick. "That's our cue, Joey," I whispered, and he nodded, lapping spit and a little dab of my pre-cum off a spindly mustache I'd never before noticed. I gave him his sucking orders ("don't let Ogre cum until I say") and he nodded again, although he looked put out at my additional request that he not take the first load in his mouth. Then I eased open the bedroom door, peered inside. In compliance with his orders, Ogre had stripped down (clothing folded neatly atop his backpack), cleaned a spot on Sloppy Joey's bed, and lay back, legs spread, on the edge of the mattress. He'd covered his eyes not with one of Joey's pillows (and who could blame him?) but, instead, with the oversize football jersey (his dad's, betcha) he'd been wearing, and which he'd folded in half and draped over his entire head. I felt a sudden irrational tug of dissatisfaction at that; I wondered what expression his one-of-a-kind face wore while he waited for a phantom mouth on his cock. Shaking off my uncharacteristic fancy, I held the door for Sloppy Joey, who tiptoed through with an eerie grace and total silence despite his heft, and then I slipped inside after, my unzippered erection bouncing ahead in merry anticipation. Contrary to his orders, Ogre had only one hand behind his head. Apparently having not heard the sound of the door opening over the fuck sounds from the still-playing porn or over his own excited panting, he'd lowered his other hand to wank mercilessly on his lap-log, one in perfect proportion to his stroking ham-hock and truly as large and magnificent as advertised. A good nine inches long, at least, maybe half that in circumference, with a blunt circumcised head and lined with veins like a primitive language left behind on stone, Ogre's penis was most certainly his best feature. The thing left me in awe. Sloppy Joey felt the same. Instead of pouncing, the orc froze in the middle of the floor, his gaze locked on that monolith with a delight that lit up his moon-face and caused his ridiculous man-bun to quiver like even his hair had a hard-on. I closed the door with a firm click, a sound that managed to penetrate Ogre's lust-clogged ears. With a muffled gasp he tore his ham-hock from his champion rager and threw it above his head. "Wuh-wuh-Wanda, is that you? Were you watchin' me? Are you, uh, are you lookin' at me now?" His furious erection, still quivering with both excitement and from the exertions only recently ceased, burbled out a thick stream of juice, and Ogre gasped and reached back down to wipe his piss-slit clean. He sucked the cum from his fingers (blowing my mind) then threw his arm back above his head and waited, chest heaving, to be touched. As if he'd been waiting for that very signal, Sloppy Joey dropped to his knees (again with that eerie, almost silent grace) and shuffled around Ogre's large feet and right between his legs. Ogre sensed a presence there, and whimpered, and how he didn't realize the bulk belonged to Joey instead of the more diminutive Wanda is something we'll never know. Regardless, he spread his knees further apart and hunched up his erection and opened and closed those ham-hock fists above his head, fists he once used to threaten and which now only displayed his helpless, misinformed arousal. He'd positioned himself so his balls and the cheeks of his ass lay on the very edge of the mattress, and Sloppy Joey, rather than go directly Ogre's cock, surprised us all by bending further to lap at Ogre's taint, like an appetizer before the entree. Ogre jumped, and his hands clutched at empty air as his legs widened and even raised a fraction of an inch. "What are you doing, Wanda, what are you doing and where, where are you going now and oh oh OH!" Seems Sloppy Joey had taken Ogre's elevated thighs as an invitation, and, putting his own meaty, not-very-Wanda-like hands under Ogre's cheeks, lifted them up further from the mattress. Joey's tongue slathered at Ogre's taint, slipping further and further down, to Ogre's aroused consternation (and yes, I meant that both ways). Although he kept babbling denials along the line of "hey, don't do that, don't put your tongue there!" and "isn't that unsanitary?" he did nothing to stop the invasion, merely thrashed his head back and forth under the jersey and fisted and unfisted his ham-hocks behind his head. If he really wanted to stop the action all he had to do was drop the soles of his feet to the floor instead of raising them higher into the air. If he really felt that disgusted all he need do was disobey instructions and reach down to push the offending tongue away. But he did neither. Make no mistake, I did not instruct Sloppy Joey to rim Ogre, but seeing it send the big bonehead into such paroxysms of confused joy made me all too happy to give my blessing. Sometimes, as with Inbred Wanda earlier, a timely ad lib is a flourish in the best direction. Plus, the lack of direct stimulation on the ogre's monolith ensured he didn't cum until I was ready. Taking advantage of Ogre's distraction and the soft noise of the still-playing porn, I slipped out of my clothes as quietly as possible, although I probably could have climbed out of a suit of plate armor for all the attention anyone paid me. I pulled my phone from my pocket, and, after placing my folded clothing on the relative safety of the computer chair, called up the video app, moved myself into position behind Sloppy Joey, aimed the camera at Ogre's heaving body. Before I could hit the red icon and start recording, however, something climbed up out of my recent memory and paused my finger. Got any clue what? Yeah, that's right. That short, shy glance Ogre had given me when I pointed out how he might fix, or at least present to best advantage, his unfortunate face. That tiny glimpse of humanity in this lumbering, graceless mass of pomposity and vulnerability, of arrogance and secret shame, that tiny glimpse, as I say, pierced something in me. Suddenly he wasn't an obnoxious and fugly ogre with annoying tenacity and questionable intelligence, he was Ogre, a gullible innocent with limited social skills (read: none) and a teenage boy's lust for experience (read: yes, please). Ogre, a young punk with daddy issues and self-esteem issues and issues with his issues. Again, Ogre, also known as DJ, and how much you want to bet that that stood for D-something Junior? DJ, somebody's child, maybe somebody's sibling. DJ. A human being, not an ogre. Ugh. I couldn't do it. Contrary to that blasted disclaimer at the top of this narrative, I'm a decent person. Kinky, yes, and dominant, indubitably so, but decent at heart. Or at least I like to think I am. So despite standing right there over an unknowing Ogre, framing his blinded, lust-stricken body in the eye of my phone, I couldn't force myself to record, even if I did plan to delete the video no matter the outcome of this situation. Blackmail, suddenly, seemed distasteful. A hollow victory, if it could be called victory at all. And too easy, too. I'd gotten this far in my scam with only my wits and willing accomplices; somehow it felt cheap and lazy to shove Ogre the last few stages by force and humiliation. I made up my mind and tossed the phone atop my folded clothing. I'd accomplish the next stage of the plan with intelligence, creativity, and my natural bloody-minded ability to push until I get what I want. So. Damien's imaginary (my own personal) challenge just doubled down. Gentlemen, place your bets! Stage 4, amended: Surprise Ogre during his first orgasm, then push him into sucking my dick. Grabbing my stiffy and giving it a few superfluous but necessary wanks (oh, how inadequate my hand after Sloppy Joey's vacuum!) I took in the scene before me with satisfaction. Both of Ogre's legs were high in the air by now, his monstrous pecker laid flat against his upper belly, spooge flowing liberally from its angry red head. His hands opened and closed, opened and closed above his thrashing skull. He'd stopped protesting, stopped talking at all, but his tortured breaths had sucked a spit-darkened circle on the fabric of his dad's football jersey. If a mere rim-job turned him into this crazy exposed nerve, I couldn't wait to witness him come apart. As I'd noticed when he approached me on the sidewalk, his build was pudgy but solid. Wide shoulders and long, thick arms. Fleshy chest with large brown nipples and a smattering of pimples. The last of his prepubescent baby-fat jiggled around his waist, not a lot, but enough to pinch an inch or three. A few whorls of hair the color of his sawdust crew-cut swirled in his armpits and around the flats of his nipples, but a line of brown curls the same shade as his uni-brow trailed under his deep-set belly-button and flared into a jungle of pubes around the base of his uncovered monolith, spread down his legs in a lush canopy of growth. Smooth, normal-sized balls that looked tiny in comparison to his giant cock huddled beneath it as if seeking shelter in the shade; under his taunt scrotum, on his taint, more brown fur, now wet with saliva, led inexorably to his tiny fringed asshole, currently under attack by an orc fanatic. Thick, heavy thighs lined with tufts of brown hair and decorated with goosebumps, fuckflowers in the jungle. Tense, muscular calves and ankles, then those clown's feet, clenching and unclenching like the hands above his head. So much power in that body. So much clumsy, graceless power, restrained only by his own imagination and my own smooth, non-lying wits. Standing there watching, wanking my much-smaller cock in my much-smaller hands and feeling the jolts of much-more than sexual energy, I marveled at the writhing submissive strength on display and thought, "I did that!" Me, a runt half the Ogre's size! Well, me and Sloppy Joey and (to an extent) Inbred Wanda, but I did most of the work to get Ogre there. Might as well get this party started. Since I didn't have to worry about timing or focus or anything like that, Ogre was free to cum at will. I nodded at Sloppy Joey, who nodded back, and abandoning Ogre's slick, vulnerable asshole, Joey licked up Ogre's taint and onto his balls. Ogre gasped, sucking the wet spot on the football jersey so deep into his mouth I expected him to choke, and dropped his trembling legs fast and hard enough to shake the floor. As I moved into position above Ogre's grasping hands, Joey continued his tongue-bath up the shaft of Ogre's monolith. He paused at the top, long enough for me to hear Ogre whispering "please please please" under the shirt, then Joey ovaled his lips around the crown of Ogre's cock and sucked it inside. Ogre gasped again. "Oh oh oh oh . . ." Sloppy Joey kept going, taking more and more of that monster into his gullet, more and more and unbelievably more, until his fat face was buried in Ogre's dark brown pubes and his ridiculous man-bun quivered in snide pride atop his orcish head. Ogre stopped breathing. Joey didn't move, kept that lap log buried deep in his throat. Ogre resumed breathing, groaned from somewhere deep down in his balls. And came. Remembering my request, Sloppy Joey forced himself off that pulsing rager, and the first spurt of Ogre's semen jetted out of his cock in a long, continuous stream that only barely missed Joey's rounded chin. At the same moment I dropped down atop Ogre's helpless open fists (my kneecaps fit perfectly, one in each of those huge palms) then ground my cock and balls into his prickly sawdust-colored hair and ripped the jersey from his gnarled, nut-stricken, upside-down face. "Hey Ogre! Having fun yet?" "Urng!" His brown eyes, cloudy with orgasm, pupils completely blown, stared up at me with astonished dismay. "Urng! Urng!" Ropes of jizz drawn from his bouncing, jerking balls fountained from his throbbing cock, painted thick stripes of white across his body. "Urng! Urng!" A particularly strong stream arced over his chest and splattered against his thin lower lip, and I don't think he realized it when he snaked his tongue out and tasted the fluid. "Urng!" His orgasm rocked his entire body, made it writhe and spasm, and the contortions of his pissed-off, blissed-out, unforgettable face gave him a pugnacious glamour both savage and spectacular. "Urng!" Boy didn't lie. Well, he did, with every other breath, but he didn't lie about his testicular capacity. He shot a large load, that's for sure. Joey watched the cum-geyser with a look of heartfelt regret, glowered at me in annoyance for forcing him to miss such a treat. When the jets of semen began to dribble off into rivulets, I nodded to the orc, who, rolling his eyes, opened his mouth and sucked that quivering monolith all the way back down his throat, vacuuming up any stray cum-drops left behind. Ogre gasped again at the sudden pressure on his post-orgasm sensitive cock, but Sloppy Joey didn't let up. The whole time he wallowed in physical abandon, Ogre glared at my adorable upside-down smile. When he regained control of his quaking, cum-streaked body he tried to yank his hands free of my kneecaps, and, failing that, tried to roll away from the vacuum at his crotch. Having none of it, Joey grunted and threw his elbows over Ogre's thighs, using his considerable bulk to hold Ogre in place. Ogre took his eyes off me to glance down, and astonishment and horror warred on his fugly face when he took in the brother who sucked instead of the sister he thought he'd been promised. I'd expected panic to set in, or at least abject humiliation, but no, just anger, lots of it, and rather than do the smart thing and yell for help he fought us with every once of strength in that clumsy, graceless body. Deathly silent now, enraged that he'd spent his ecstasy on counterfeit services, Ogre struggled and strove to pull his hands free, to wriggle away from Joey's relentless mouth, but he failed to find the leverage to throw us off. Good thing, too; he wore murder and damnation in his eyes like a pair of brand-new factory-reject contact lenses. I waited. Joey sucked. At last, tiring fast and coming hard to the realization that he was in quite the pickle, Ogre settled down. Ignoring Sloppy Joey as a distraction best dealt with later (and possibly, just possibly, enjoying the suction of that relentless mouth) Ogre returned his gaze to me. I waited. Joey sucked. It took Ogre a long time to figure out what to say, and when he did speak, he said the wrong thing. "I don't know what y'all faggots – ow! Hey! Watch that shit!" He glared down at Joey. Joey glared right back, his man-bun quivering in indignation on top of his head. "You watch your fucking language!" And then, ovaling his mouth, Sloppy Joey dropped back down on that slick, glimmering monolith. "Urng! That fuckin' hurt, you got some sharp-ass fuckin' teeth! Will you, oh, oh, will you please get off me? And you!" He switched his gaze to me. I'd lost my smile at his slur and now simply stared down at him. Sweat beaded on his forehead. "What, you got something to say?" I did. I had a few things to say. But I could wait to say them until I implemented the newest stage to my plan. Instead, "I'm wondering what the hell you think you're doing, behaving like this after such a dramatic nut?" I'd never seen anyone's eyes actually bug out before. "What I'm doing? What the hell I think I'm doing?" He yanked on his hands some more, wriggled his torso around on the bed. All he succeeded in doing was shoving his cock even further down Sloppy Joey's throat, not that either of them seemed, deep down and down deep, to mind. "Question is, what the FUCK do you think you're doing?" I cocked my head at him. "Why, getting your dick sucked, like I told you I would." His eyes keep that up, they're going to explode. "No you're not!" I raised my eyebrow. "Well, okay, you did get my dick sucked, but you're not supposed to be watching! And that's supposed to be Wanda down there, too! You lied to me!" I savored them greedily, those words which I'd longed to hear since setting out on my mission. "I never lied to you." "What? Fucking WHAT? You told me Wanda would suck me off, not, not, not SLOPPY JOEY! OW! Watch the teeth!" Told you Joey didn't like to be called the S-word. "I believe our amazing friend Joey asked you, very nicely in my opinion, to not be so obnoxious in your tone and language. And please quiet down. Would you like Wanda or the guy she's probably fucking in the kitchen to come in and see you like this?" Utter disbelief on his priceless face, Ogre stared up at me, glanced down at Joey, back up at me. I waited. Joey sucked. Finally, after a long, grudging minute, Ogre said, very distinctly, "I'm sorry, Joey, I apologize." Joey nodded, and Ogre hissed through his teeth at the sensation. "Are you happy now, Sam?" "Not really." "Yeah? Well guess what, me neither." I affected surprise. "You're not happy? Looks like your cock hasn't gone down for a split second. Hey Joey, has Ogre here lost even one drop of blood in his hard-on since he nutted?" Sloppy Joey shook his head, and Ogre hissed again, rolled his hips up into the black hole. "Looks like you're enjoying Joey's mouth well enough. Doesn't that make you happy?" "Yes! No! I mean, yes, I mean, it would make me happy if it was Wanda's mouth, not, uh, not, not another guy's!" "Wanda gives terrible head, from what I've heard. Trust me, you're better off with the amazing Joey here." "He may be amazing, but he's still another guy!" Like I failed to comprehend the distinction. "Bah, you're just being picky." I huffed and rolled my rager against the top of his head. Now, don't get me wrong, I have a slight (okay, not-so-slight) masochistic bent, but the prickly tickle against my undershaft left me less than enthused. Still, never one try something only once, I hunched in again. Meh. I caught Ogre's eye, realized that he'd realized that, based on my head's current upside-down position over him and my hands planted on the mattress to either side, something other than opportunity knocked at his scalp. "Sam," he said, eyes wide in disbelief, "Sam, is that your . . . on my . . . " "Lemme check." I hunched in again; I do, after all, have a certain image to maintain. "You know, I think it is." Ogre blinked, blinked again. "Dreaming," he muttered. "Only explanation. I'm dreaming. Or magic boy slipped me a moldy date-rape drug." Irritated at the suggestion that Sloppy Joey and I were raping him (although we kind of were) I shifted my weight and, bending over his face – "Ow, fuck, Sam, you're killing my hands!" – I tea-bagged my considerable balls into his surprised eyes and smacked my cock sharply on his confounded lips, leaving a drop of excitement behind. When I came up off his face he watched my pecker bounce away, confused, irritated, and oddly fascinated. "Awake now?" I asked, saying nothing about the date-rape comment, although that had been the reason I dick-slapped him. "Or still dreaming?" No answer. He touched out a tongue and lapped at the souvenir I'd left on the corner of his mouth, but, again, I don't think he realized it. He seemed to have resigned himself to the situation, but a dangerous tension bracketed his thin lips and wrinkled his flat nose. And he watched me, his eyes tracking my face, his chin inclining as he followed my movements. Pretending to be unaware of his scrutiny, I busied myself reaching for a pillow, sliding it between my knobby knees and his bound-to-be cramping hands. He didn't even try to escape, not that he could have made it far with Joey's bulk trapping the lower half of his body. After I resettled my weight on Ogre's now pillow-buffered hands, I looked back down at him. Smiled. To my surprise, he smiled back, but it was cold, and failed to beautify his unique face. "You got to let me up from here sometime, magic boy." Sweat poured freely from his body, diluting the streaks of cum that still decorated his chest and abdomen. "You can't keep me here forever." He grunted and fluttered his eyelids as Sloppy Joey did something to dispute that claim. "You can't," he insisted. "You're right, we can't," I agreed. I checked the digital clock on Joey's bedside table. "But I don't especially have to be home for almost an hour. And I bet you don't either." He furrowed his brow and groaned, confirming my guess. "You do know, though, don't you, that when I do get up and even if I'm late for supper, your ass is mine, Sam. MINE." I glanced from his face to his monolith and back to his face. "With that thing? I don't think so." I spoke lightly, deliberately misunderstanding Ogre, but I knew without a shred of doubt that if I couldn't pull this off and make him happy doing it, I'd be looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life, and it wouldn't be his penis I worried about. Continuing with my misinterpretation, I simpered, "You'd tear my poor little twat in twain." The twat in question clenched, but it might have been in interest. No. No way. "In twain," I insisted. Ogre sighed, but not in surrender, not yet. Still, Joey bobbed on his cock, and still, that monolith stood straight and tall and glistening with saliva, and, though he fought it, Ogre began to hunch up into Joey's mouth. We did only have about thirty to forty minutes to play, though. Time to move things along and get back to the conversation featuring the pernicious awesomeness that is Sam. I rubbed my ballsack against Ogre's scalp (that, now, that did feel interesting) and prompted, "We were talking about something else though, weren't we? Before you were rude to the amazing Joey here." "Huh?" Ogre scrunched his face into his thinking expression, or at least I assumed that's what it meant, as I'd never seen him wear it before. Let's give him the benefit of the doubt, though, on his efforts; it takes a helluva lot of concentration to think logically when you've a hoover attached to your crotch. "Oh yeah, I remember." He blinked away some of the lust building in his eyes and glared up at me. "You lied to me!" Those words, combined with the prickle/tickle on my shaven balls, almost sent me over the edge, thus aborting a need for the final stages of my plot. Heroically, I controlled myself. "I never lied to you." The flex of his fingers under the pillow counted off. "You said Wanda gave great head and that you were coming oh, oh, over here so she could blow you. You said you could, uh, yeah, oh, you could talk her into blowing me too." He paused, eyes rolling back in his head before he regained vocal capacity. In a rush, "You got Wanda in here half-naked and got her to agree to do it and you said that you wouldn't freakin' watch!" He paused again, then, in a voice miles removed from sexual concerns, said, "And you said you weren't doing it to make fun of the ugly kid." I stroked my balls against his crew-cut, wanting to purr at the tiny stabs and scratches and, as unconsciously as he'd licked away his own semen (and mine) earlier, he rubbed his head against me, enjoying the massage. "Let's take those in order, shall we?" "Yes, let's. Oh, oh fuck, this shit is torture." Ogre didn't sound particularly distressed, at the physical carnage anyway. "Yeah, let's hear you explain how you didn't lie when you, oh fuck, oh fuck, when you LIED WITH EVERY FREAKING BREATH." I enjoyed the frisson his sarcastic emphasis gave me and began. "When did I say Wanda gave great head?" He fought to think. "You said, you said, oh fuck, you said she could suck the chrome off a plastic hubcap! Aaaaah," he added as Sloppy Joey giggled around his cock. I wrinkled my nose and frowned down at Ogre. "You think that would feel good? Ow." "Well, you said you were coming over here to, oh fuck, fuck, to get sucked anyway. Fuck." "Yes, I did, but when did I say I wanted it from Wanda?" Again with the fighting, the thinking. "You said you were coming over to her . . . fuck fuck fuck . . ." (at himself, more than the blowjob, probably) ". . . to their house." Fresh perspiration oozed from his pores. "Not to her house, but to their house. Dammit." Before the sweat diluted the splatters of jizz even further, I leaned forward, hunching against Ogre's scalp, and scooped some up. Apparently ticklish, Ogre squirmed at the touch. "To their house," I agreed. "To Wanda and Joey's house." Grinding even harder against those tiny prickles, rubbing my stiffy against Ogre's uni-brow, I wiped Ogre's cum against the undershaft of his cock and watched Joey slurp it up. Sloppy Joey shot me two raised thumbs from the hands hanging over Ogre's thighs. He disdains using them in his oral performances, and trust me, you'll never feel the lack. Swiping another spurt and enjoying Ogre's shudder, I continued, "And you were standing right there when I asked Joey to blow you." Unable to resist, I mocked, "Did you not understand me?" Ogre frowned at my sarcasm, watched me feed Joey his cum with hooded, hungry eyes, but he permitted no distractions from his accusations. "What about when you got Wanda in here? You asked her point-blank if she'd do me. Dammit, Joey, it's hard to think when you do that!" Man-bun preening on his orcish head, Joey snorted in acknowledgment, causing Ogre to gasp again. Another hunch, another finger of cum. This time, instead of feeding to Joey, I slurped it off my own finger. Cold and gelid, but worth it to watch Ogre's eyes roll back in his head. When he came back around, I said, "Ogre? Buddy? Inbred Wanda will do anybody." Yup, anybody, dear reader, including you. Joey nodded, affirming my statement. Ogre gurgled, glared. "That's . . . that's . . . oh fuck . . . cheating!" I shrugged, hunched, dragged my stiffy through his crew-cut again, enjoying it more this time; he twisted his head against my scrotum and shaft, but if he felt the precum bubble out of my slit and coat his bristles, he said nothing about it. "You're the one called me a rules lawyer. Speaking of which . . ." He groaned. "You said you wouldn't watch Wanda suck me." "I said I wouldn't watch Wanda suck you," I agreed. More cum, but none for Joey or me. Instead I straightened back up and rubbed the jizz around Ogre's thin-lipped mouth. He widened his eyes but didn't jerk away, just let me do it. This time, when he lapped it up, he knew full well what he did, and he did it with his trademark look of defiance on his face. Enjoying the expression, I continued, "But that's not Wanda between your legs, is it?" Sloppy Joey shook his head. "No, it's not Wanda," Ogre admitted when he could speak again. His already blood-infused cheeks shot up to a more intense shade of crimson. "But when you explained why we couldn't do it in her room --" Ha. Good catch. I'd forgotten that one. "I didn't explain anything. You explained it to yourself. Hell, I even told you I was fucking with you, remember?" "Oh fuck. Fuckity-fuck-fuck. When I asked about what I thought were Wanda's rules." "You didn't even realize I never answered you, huh?" "Okay, I get it, I'm an idiot." Ogre groaned, rolled his hips up into Joey's mouth despite the weight on his thighs. "Rub it in, why don't you?" Hunch. "That's what I'm doing now, isn't it?" "But what about making fun of the ugly kid?" he burst out. "You can't deny you're making fun of me now!" His ham-hocks clenched under the pillow, as if he were trying to roll them into fists. The anguish in his entire body dominated, for a moment, the sexual currents running through him. "I trusted you, Sam, and you bullshitted me into this bizarre situation that'll probably cost my dad thousands in therapy. You ready to laugh at me now? Go on, it's funny, isn't it? The gay kids tricking the ugly straight kid into sex? I think it's abso-fucking-lutely hysterical!" Oh, great, NOW here comes the panic. "Number one, Ogre," I said, sharpening my tone in an effort to cut through it, "number one I'm not gay. Joey might be --" the orc shrugged; he just liked to suck dick "-- but I'm not. I'm heteroflexible." "Heteroflexible." I think if he hadn't been on the verge of tears and/or orgasm, Ogre might have laughed. I hunched, he rubbed. "Heteroflexible," I affirmed. "And number two," here I paused to lean over and tongue up a few splotches of the remaining cum on his torso, an action designed to reinforce my next words, "number two, like I told you before, none of this has ever been about your looks." I leaned further down, dragging my stiffy across his forehead and cheek, and no, he didn't jerk his head away. His uni-brow furrowed and tickled at my shaft, sweat pored down his face, and he giggled and moaned at all the differing sensations on his body. He did not jerk his head away. I rose back off his face, leaving a trail of spooge behind, and he watched my rager retreat over the ridge of his brow. When I'd disappeared he remembered the cum I'd left behind, and he crossed his eyes trying to spot the dribbles on his face. "If we were making fun of you, would we be trying to make you feel this good?" Always eager to be helpful, I stroked up the jizz and fed it to him, drop by drop. Ogre lapped it down, a trembling baby animal taking milk from a dangerous stranger. His body had surrendered to us, to Sloppy Joey's mouth and my own siren's tongue, but his mind, poor fellow, his mind struggled to make sense of it all. "But, but, oh, ooooh, fuck, you're still only doing it because you feel sorry for me." The last of his arguments about how this sort of thing would never, could never happen to a guy like him, a homely ogre with an overbearing dad and a chip on his shoulder the size of a monolith. The last, yes, and possibly the hardest of them all to counter. "Joey, come up off him for a minute," I ordered, wanting Ogre's full and undivided attention for this next bit. Sloppy Joey grunted but complied, and Ogre whimpered in disappointment at the loss of that wet heat, although he quickly caught himself and shot me an admittedly half-hearted glare. Underneath knees and covering pillow, his hands clenched and unclenched, reminding me that I needed to hurry this along before I completely cut off his circulation and we were forced to amputate. "Ogre, this little situation right here, you know, the having sex situation? For the absolute last time, it's not about your looks, not about pity. Never has been." Ogre gasped, and his monolith twitched and oozed; bored with conversation, Joey had moved in on Ogre's hairless balls, showing, in his own sloppy way, that he couldn't care less about Ogre's stellar mug. I chose not to intervene. The activity kept the orc occupied and Ogre worked up without clouding his comprehension too much. Hopefully. "I gotta admit I pitied how easily you fell into my scam, but me tricking you into sex was never because I felt sorry for you. If I felt that, or even if I'd just wanted to make fun of you, I'd have handed you off to Wanda and been on my merry way." His ogre-brown eyes (yes, they were pretty) searched out my own black ones, as if trying to see around my spectacles. "Truth?" Sigh. Why was this so hard for him to comprehend? "Nothing but." "Then why?" Ogre wailed. "Why are you doing this to meeeee?" Bleating it. For the first time all afternoon, Ogre's habitual defiance and control truly broke. "Make me understand, Sam!" I hesitated before I answered, wanting to get this just right. Only Ogre's tortured breaths and Sloppy Joey's slow, deliberate laps around Ogre's scrotum broke the silence; the porn nobody had ever paid attention to, except Ogre in the beginning, had switched off, returning the television to blue screen once again. "At first, Ogre, it was because you pissed me off, and I wanted to show you the error of your ways." "Wuh-wuh, what?" "You heard me. You pissed me off." "You mean all this," and he rolled his head (the only truly mobile part of his body) around on the bed to indicate "all this", "is because I made you mad?" I said it a third time. "You pissed me off, Ogre. You couldn't accept that you'd been beaten, neither that night nor right then. All I wanted was to get some head before doing my homework, and you wouldn't even let me do that. You were like an annoying Great Dane puppy nipping at my khakis." Ogre flinched like a beaten Great Dane puppy and, remembering that I was supposed to be making him feel better and not worse, I threw him a bone. "I've got to admit that, as much as it annoyed me, your stubbornness impressed me too." "Really?" Again, that glimpse of humanity that had so undone me before. "Yeah, really. So much so I knew it'd take some pretty creative thinking to shut you up. And since I was horny anyway, I decided to take care of two problems at once. Getting a nut, and --" I paused, willing him to finish the sentence for himself. Bless his heart, Ogre did, although he phrased it differently that I would. "And showing the fugly ogre not to fuck with Sam." "And showing Ogre not to fuck with Sam," I agreed, and his blinking, grateful eyes showed that he noticed my edit. "Well," Ogre allowed, rubbing the top of his head into my crotch, "you showed me, Sam. Happy?" Oh yeah. Those words made me almost happy enough to jump to the most anticipated stage of my plan (spoiler alert: to give him his second orgasm and then spooge all over his interesting face) but luckily I came to my senses. "Mostly," I answered him. "But it was only at first I felt that way. Then, I don't know, it changed." "It changed. How did it change? When?" Sounding like he dreaded all the answers. No one would do this to him, for him, unless they ultimately intended to betray him, right? "I'm not sure," I replied. "A little when you got so upset because I wanted you to cover your eyes. You get why I wanted you do that now, don't you?" "So I wouldn't see who was really down there," he muttered. "Stop rubbing it in, I get it." "So, yeah, it changed a little bit then, in that I wanted to do it without hurting you, if I could." Ogre snorted. "Well, I had good intentions, okay? But when it really changed, I think, was when I came in here and saw you laying there on the bed, spanking like mad and waiting for your blowjob." "Bet I looked ridiculous, huh." Flat statement, not even a question. Time to bring back the positive reinforcement. Nodding to Joey, "No, not at all ridiculous. You looked tense, and horny, and hot." Joey slipped his mouth back onto Ogre's rager, and both of them sighed at the re-acquaintance. "In your clothes you look a little pudgy, but nekkid? You're big and powerful, as ready to fuck as to fight." He moaned at my words, at Sloppy Joey's tongue caressing his monolith. I leaned forward again, using my fingers to slide my stiffy down his forehead and across his brow and cheeks again, leaving pecker-tracks in my wake. "Vital, and raw, and contained only by the need sweating out of your body. When I saw you like that, laying there ready to be serviced, deserving of it, I couldn't help but think how sexy you were, and then everything was less about revenge and victory and more about wanting to see you come apart." "Really?" Eating my words whole, savoring them and swallowing them down, like the jizz I stroked up and wiped on his thin lips. "Really. Tell you what, Ogre, I may only be heteroflexible, but even I can see that someday you'll be come into your own. You may never be conventionally handsome, but with your hair grown out and a full beard, your face cleared up and a few hours spent in the gym, the girls will be all over you. Guys, too, if you want them or even if you don't. Especially once word gets out about that monolith you barely keep hidden in your pants. You'll be beating them off with it." Brown eyes watching me. Wanting to believe me. Needing to. "You could be in porn, Ogre my man." He convulsed on the bed, writhed under Sloppy Joey's ministrations and my praise. "That big dick, that powerful body, rutting on camera for anybody and everybody to see. Straight porn, gay, bi, whatever, you could star in anything you wanted." Yes, I was laying it on a bit thick, I know that, but I meant everything I said. And Ogre ate it up, especially the part about making porn; told you he was a closet exhibitionist. If I'd gone ahead and filmed him getting off, I'd have had no need for blackmail, because Ogre would whore himself out just for a copy. I leaned forward, hunched against his scalp, reached down to tweak his nipples, to tickle their rubbery hardness and tease the strands of sawdust colored hair surrounding them. "Imagine it, the whole world wanting you, watching you cum." "Ooooohhhh oh oh oh fuck." Underneath the pillow, his hands clenching and unclenching. "So no matter how I got you here, or why I wanted it, I'm glad you're here now. Are you?" His body gave me my answer, but his mouth only said, "So okay, Sam, okay, you got me here. You tricked me and I fell for it, you got to watch me come apart, are we done? Can you let me up now, let me go home?" Fear in his voice, not fear that I wouldn't let him up, but fear that I would. "Please?" So close to surrender. So close. "Not quite yet, Ogre," I answered softly, tweaking his nipples, and he moaned. "I believe I promised you something else, and I'd hate to be known as a welsher. Or, worse, as a liar." His thin lips widened in relief, knowing better. "Two nuts. You promised me two nuts." He fucked up into Sloppy Joey's mouth as if ready to grab that second orgasm now. I nodded. "Two nuts." "And then you'll let me go home?" I hunched. Tweaked. He moaned, writhed. "Well, there's the matter of my own orgasm. I did originally plan to get my dick sucked too, after all." Ogre frowned, even as he rolled his hips into the black hole. "When I'm done, Sam, when I'm done I'm sure Joey will do you too. Won't you, Joey?" Joey nodded, and Ogre groaned. I smiled and winked at him. "Ah, but it's not Joey I want to blow me. Not this time." Sloppy Joey stopped mid-suck, halfway down Ogre's shaft, and the both of them glared at me in reproach. "Not this time," I reiterated, "although you do an amazing job, Joey, and I'm sure I'll be over all the time in future to enjoy your exceptional talents." Mollified, the orc resumed his duties. While I waited for Ogre's expressive eyes to roll back around to the front of his head, I hunched and tweaked and relished the view of his sweaty, pudgy body all a-tremble with sexual tension and the desire to cum. Well on his way to coming apart again. "No," I continued when Ogre refocused on me, "I had someone else in mind." Now that he was wise to my bullshit, Ogre caught on immediately, and his vocal face reset itself back into that stubbornness that so annoyed and gratified me. "Nuh-uh. Not happening. I'm not gay, or heteroflexible, I'm, you know, straight." Interesting. He stared at my dick every time I waved it around in his field of view, he rubbed the top of his head against it, didn't flinch away when I pushed it down his face, even lapped up drops of my precum, but actually taking me into his mouth would be the action that made him gay, or heteroflexible, you know, not straight. As the British say (and isn't it a gorgeous phrase?), "there's naught so queer as folk". In case I hadn't gotten his message, he glared at me and repeated, "Not. Happening." Remembering what happened after the last time he said those words, I merely nodded and said, "Okay, Ogre." He appeared suspicious at my easy capitulation (he was learning, wasn't he?) and, yes, it may seem uncharacteristic, but my gut told me the time had come to put away both stick and carrot and let him plow the last few yards on his own. Changing the subject completely, I asked him, "If I get off your hands, Ogre, will you behave and not go berserk on us?" He swallowed, and I thought I saw a gleam of defiance in his eye, but it disappeared when Sloppy Joey did something with his tongue that made Ogre's whole body shiver. "I, I'll be good," he vowed. Huh. Intriguing choice of words. Ogre here kept surprising me with his reactions. Somehow I held back the words "good ogre" and, keeping an eye on him in case he reneged on his promise, eased off the pillow to kneel beside him on the bed. Moving slowly, he stuffed the pillow under his head then stretched his arms out wide, flexing his ham-hocks, shaking the numbness out. Then, keeping his eyes on me, he laid back them back above his head again. Noticing the way my gaze traveled up and down his sweaty torso, from the quiver of his meaty pecs to the tremble of his belly to the gleaming, saliva-streaked, now-you-see-it-now-you-don't monolith being worshiped by an orc fanatic, he stretched and writhed in a languid and blatant play to my attention. "So hot, Ogre," I murmured. "So big and powerful and fucking hot. Getting that huge dick sucked, throbbing like you're gonna blow cum all over us." I resumed tweaking on his nipples, to his unfeigned joy. "You deserve it, Ogre, you deserve a mouth on that sexy body every day." Yeah, I'm not much of a dirty talker, in general, but Ogre drank in my filthy praise, rutting into Sloppy Joey's throat in rhythm to the compliments, such strong thrusts that they threatened to topple heavy orcish elbows from over his thighs. Ogre got off on the words, and I discovered, to my surprise, that I got off on getting him off. I kept mumbling to him until I ran out things to say, but that didn't matter, because I found something better to do with my tongue. When I licked under his arm he gasped and giggled and tried to roll away and towards me at the same time. A faint trace of deodorant remained around the roots of his straggly pit hair, but the slick, dry taste was overpowered by the tang of Ogre's fresher sweat. When I took his right nipple between my lips and tweaked the other with my fingers, he unraveled and came off his back, slamming back down so hard the wooden bed creaked and the cardboard covering the support planks screamed in protest; this, from a frame that regularly held Sloppy Joey's dead weight. Joey shifted his balance but, apart from a couple of sharp grunts – "hold still!" – didn't miss a beat in his vacuum job. Ogre shivered at the sensation of a mouth on his dick and another mouth licking back and forth between his nipples, sucking on one while fingers tweaked the other. In a move so slow I completely missed it, Ogre's arm drifted down, his ham-hock hand slid under my kneeling body, and cautiously, carefully, he curled his fingers around my balls, cradled them like precious eggs in his palm. "Holy moly, Sam, the size of these things!" he marveled, rolling them around and sending warm pulses of almost-pain and total pleasure through my lower abdomen. I gurgled around his nip. "You know, your ginormous nuts explain so much about you." Yeah, like I've never heard that before. I growled and nipped at his nipple with my teeth, and he grunted, not sure if he liked that or not. To give another fair sample, I moved to the other nipple and bit it too. He grunted again, still unsure. Figuring that a good point to segue off his chest, I tongued my way down his torso, slurping up sweat and salt and any stray dabs of cum still left lying around. At the same time, I stretched out beside him, my lower legs hanging off the mattress beside his head and remaining hand, my crotch angling closer towards his face. He kept his grip on my balls the whole time, fumbling them in his fingers the way he'd done his dice the first night I paid attention to him, and he let go only when the steadily increasing pressure on the bend in his arm forced him. No worries, though, he just slipped that ham-hock back behind his head and brought the other around to take its place. My cock waved like a big pink flag in his face, but he ignored it, only kept cradling my balls and, when I stabbed my tongue into the deep recesses of his belly-button, he squeezed them tight enough that I was the one to come off the bed this time, squealing at the pressure and drooling all down his wrist. When I could breathe again I left his bellybutton behind and followed the happy trail down until it disappeared into the jungle of his pubes. Ogre sucked in a breath and giggled at my tickling tongue and rolled his hips under us. Sloppy Joey saw me dropping down to pay my respects, and he obligingly came up off the shaft so the two of us might share. We tongued it high to low, this monolith, we traced the veins of primitive language and licked at the precum that dripped like hints for translation from the weeping piss-slit atop. A pressure on my nut-sack, pulling me closer to Ogre's face, closer still. My stiffy danced around his cheekbones, leaving spooge behind to mark its passage. More pressure on my scrote, Ogre using it to pull my cock-head down to the level of his thin lips. His tongue meandered out, lapped at the precum dripping from my own piss-slit, tasted and tested the juice, found the flavor satisfactory. And slowly, so slowly, like a heavy city-gate being lifted at the end of a siege, Ogre spread his lips. Then, still without touching me with his fingers, he drew half of my invader flesh into his own conquered mouth. He'd considered the diplomacy of my words and my praise, and, whether because of curiosity or reciprocity (does it really matter?), he surrendered. Without blackmail, without force, Ogre sucked my dick. Not well, mind you. Due to our positioning, perhaps (certainly not due to my negligible size – I'm still growing, remember?), he failed to take more than half my shaft in his mouth, and the half he did take he sucked on much too hard. He'd figured out to shield his teeth, but the pressure of his suction was such I could feel their outline under the flesh of his thin lips. Although he showed no reluctance for his task, he showed no enthusiasm for it either. If anything, he might have been pursuing a scientific experiment to confirm something he already suspected. But he tried, bless his heart, he tried, and between that and the squeezing cup of his fingers around my balls, I enjoyed every second of his attentions. Stage 4, complete. Still, I reminded myself, the clock was ticking, so I paused in licking Ogre's monolith to glance up. Fifteen minutes, maybe, until my phone started dinging. So maybe thirty until I was forced to answer. Returning my attention to cock, I traced my tongue up on the head, lapped at and dug into the piss-slit. Opened my mouth, wide as ever I could. Huh. Due entirely to his size, I couldn't fit more than the first couple inches inside, not without scraping, damaging that flawless marble skin. Below me, from where he tickled the spot at which Ogre's shaft joined his scrotum, Sloppy Joey snorted at my failure, causing Ogre to writhe and squeeze almost too hard on my balls. I uncrossed my eyes and winked at Joey, acknowledging his superiority in cocksucking skills. Of course, we all know about me and challenges, so despite not having the chops to take not even half of Ogre's monolith, I lavished what I could take with the best of my technique and flourishes, leaving Sloppy Joey to love on the rest, to lick at the bottom of the shaft and to lap at the hairless balls underneath, balls which contracted and expanded in their scrotal sack at the touch. I couldn't but notice that every time Sloppy Joey's mouth and tongue dropped anywhere close to his taint Ogre attempted to lift and spread his thighs, despite the orc's heavy weight draped there. Between that and the annoyed, disparaging-of-my-technique glares that Sloppy Joey kept throwing my way, I intuited the moment had arrived to move along my grand design. Originally, as spoiled above, I'd planned to give Ogre his second nut and then paint his interesting face with my spooge as the next stage. I had, after all, only been craving a blowjob that day. And at that particular moment, with Ogre's mouth clamped around my cock and his tongue swirling all over my head and shaft, it still seemed a viable strategy. But remember a few minutes ago, when Ogre called Sloppy Joey and me that nasty f-word? As soon as that fugly slur came out of his mouth, I kicked the facial down a notch and added a new stage. One designed to showcase to Ogre the truth about faggots. Stage 5 (new): Fuck Ogre. No, seriously, fuck him. Up his flat ass. I came up off the monolith, rubbing my jaws, and Sloppy Joey slurped his way to the top and swallowed the whole thing. Show-off. With a mix of relief and regret I freed my stiffy from Ogre's mouth, and he let go with more of the first and less of the latter, although he did lick the spooge from his lips and hold on to my balls until I pulled too far away, then he laid that ham-hock, gently, back above his head. We savored each other a few minutes, Ogre and I, him getting his dick sucked and me wanking on mine, and I wondered if my eyes were as pupil-blown and lust-hungry as his, if the need scrawled on his expression twinned the want scrawled on mine, and if the thoughts behind our faces were as inscrutable between us. "Hey Joey," I said when I could talk again, though I didn't look away from Ogre. "Change places with me, huh?" "What are you up to, Sam?" Ogre questioned suspiciously. "Where you going now?" As if he didn't want me to go away. Or, more specifically, as if he didn't trust me out of his sight. Tough. "Oh, I just want a little taste of what the amazing Joey sampled earlier." "I don't like that," Ogre announced, but I ignored him, jumped up off the bed, making way for the orc to take my spot. Somehow Sloppy Joey maneuvered his bulky body over and around Ogre's thighs to plop up on the bed and lay his cheek against Ogre's belly, all without letting go of the monolith. As soon as Joey cleared his weight away, Ogre raised his legs, stretched them out, wiggled his huge feet in the air; he did not, as I'd half expected, take the sudden freedom as an excuse to roll away and make a bid for escape. As I slid in between his knees, he spread them out again and even hunched up, driving his cock deeper into Joey's mouth from this new angle and exposing his furry taint (wet from the orc fanatic's sloppy dripping drool) and the tiny, pinkish, down-fringed recess in the crack of his flat ass. "I don't like that," Ogre said again, fisting and unfisting his ham-hocks above his head as I blew a puff of air at the spit-soaked fur of his perineum. Raising his knees higher and spreading them wider, he insisted, "I don't like that, Sam!" I put my small palms against his thick upper thighs, gave him a little push to get his snapping hole closer to my tongue. One of his legs bumped against the immovable object of Sloppy Joey's head, but I kept pushing the other until Ogre was twisted into an angle and the furry crack of his ass was spread open for my delight and edification. A fragrant, earthy aroma, not shitty but musky-clean, rose to meet me, and my mouth watered. "I said I don't like that!" But as my tongue touched his taint and then swirled down to lap at his hairy hole, he added a phrase to his litany. "Oh, oh, feels so good, but I don't like that!" I licked a thick, wet line up his crack, knelt up on my knees, gazed at him across the quivering tip of Sloppy Joey's ridiculous man-bun. "Tough." Fisting. Unfisting. Fisting. No other reply. Satisfied, I sank back to a crouch, arrowed the tip of my tongue, and penetrated his hole as deeply as I could push. "Oh! OH! Fuck!" Wriggling my tongue, painting it around the lips of his asshole, digging digging digging. Tasting the musk, inhaling it. Getting this tiny indention ready for fingers. For cock. "Feels . . . oh oh oh . . . don't like it but feels . . . oh oh oh . . ." The distressed creak of the bed's wooden frame and support slats. The squelching of Sloppy Joey's mouth sliding up and down the monolith. The tortured babble of dismayed need dripping from Ogre's lips. The crinkling rustle of my chin skimming through the forest of crack-fur. The wet slurp of my tongue eating out Ogre's virgin hole. And: The clench of that hole quivering and pulsing and slowly giving way beneath my mouth's continued caress. The softness of butt-hair on my cheeks and taint-hair on my nose. The humid wash of Ogre's scrotum fogging up the lenses of my spectacles. The steamed-over vision of goosebumps, fuckflowers, budding and fading in the undergrowth of furry thighs and ass-cheeks. The electric sizzle of greed and desire and want rippling from my wanking hand all the way through my body. And: The musk, the sweat, the arousal that poured off all three of us, that drowned us in pheromone colors. And: And nothing. Nothing and no one but me and Ogre and Sloppy Joey and this circus of obscenity we'd somehow flashed into life around us. I slid a finger in beside my tongue, traveling as far the first knuckle before Ogre's sphincter clenched around me in protest. "Sam . . . don't do that . . . oh fuck . . . I don't . . . fuck . . . I don't like it . . ." Ignoring him, I slid it in further, to the second knuckle. Nibbling, sucking at the lips of his hole as the adit gave under my plunging finger. No words, just a strangled groan. He tried to drop his legs and force me out, but I caught his thigh and pushed it back up. Then he tried to roll away, with no more success than the first time he attempted it, as Sloppy Joey reacted the same way he'd reacted then, by throwing a meaty arm over Ogre's heaving abdomen. Soon as he was pinned Ogre settled down, though token objections still dribbled from his lips as I drilled all the way inside. ". . . don't like this stop it Sam I really don't like this . . . WHAT THE --" I twisted my finger around his tight channel, knuckling his prostate again and sending him into a paroxysm of confused bliss. "Oh! Oh! Oh oh OH! Sam it feels weird feels like I gotta crap but somehow good but I don't like it!" Having reached a point in the penetration that my tongue proved superfluous down there, I came back up on my knees to use it in a more needful area. "That's your prostate, Ogre, and it's big, just like the rest of you." "It's, it's, oh god, Sam, it's, I don't know but --" His heavy, hooded eyes watched me over Sloppy Joey's head. He winced with each stroke of my fuck-finger, and his legs trembled, one under my palm and the other brushing against Joey's ridiculous man-bun. But he kept his hands above his head, as he'd promised way back when discussing the rules, as he'd done the entire time except for the few minutes he cradled my balls, and as I've told you so often I'm sick in the telling. So if you're picturing this in your imagination, keep that one detail always in your sketch. He kept his hands above his head until I absolutely needed him to move them, and I'll fill you in on that at the appropriate moment. "I think I gotta crap." "You don't have to crap," I assured him, keeping my gaze steady on his face even as my free hand pushed up under Sloppy Joey's mattress. "Your body just doesn't know how to interpret that feeling yet." Ah, just there! Teenage boys are so predictable. "Relax, Ogre, think about that vacuum on your cock, the sparks when I brush your prostate." I poured a thin stream of Sloppy Joey's jerk-gel onto my finger and Ogre's mildly-stretched hole, and he blew out a strangled hiss and twitched his flat rump at the chill but he didn't try to roll away. "Breathe, Ogre, it'll get better. Have I steered you wrong yet?" Correctly recognizing my question as rhetorical, or at least not worth debating, Ogre broke the circuit between us by closing his eyes and concentrating on sensation rather than discomfort. Watching him writhe under Sloppy Joey's mouth and my own fingerbang touch, watching him roll his head back and forth and somehow miss tickling his nose on the man-bun Joey thrust into the area with every upward stroke, watching Ogre claw steadily and surely towards his promised second come-apart, and knowing my own wiles had brought him here? Seeing him withstand the discomfort of my invasion of his nether regions pretty much just because I'd asked him to? That warmed me as sweetly as Joey's wet heat when he'd first sucked me in the hallway. More sweetly, truth be known. For the first time I understood the dangers of megalomania. After a few strokes of my finger against his prostate he relaxed some, enough for me to slide a second digit alongside the first. He twitched, and hissed at the burn, but he said nothing, just clenched and unclenched his hole (ha!) around my fuck. When the stress-lines on his unique face eased, I slowed my thrusts and pulled my fingers free. Time for something else to penetrate that tight heat. "Hey Joey, take five, `kay?" My sloppy orc friend nodded and, after a last full-swallow and a twitch from his man-bun at Ogre's strangled gasp, came up off the monolith, leaving it to quiver and flinch in all its shiny, spit-washed glory. Breathing hard, his moon-face glistening with sweat and exertion, Joey removed his arm from across Ogre's middle and sat up on his knees, watched me lube myself up. Ogre huffed at the chill on his shiny monolith but made no move to roll away, just resettled onto his back from where I'd pushed him awry and watched me warily as I pulled a pillow from the bed, slid it under my knees to give me better height, and lined my cock up with his asshole. He realized my intention, and tensed, twitched as if to jerk away, but Sloppy Joey laid one gentle hand upon Ogre's belly, and he stilled. "No no no, Sam, don't do this . . ." Head rolling back and forth, slowly, his needful brown eyes staring at me. Body trembling. Trembling. "I'm going to fuck you," I said in a firm, clear voice. He whimpered. Remembering an old whores' trick I'd read about once (on Nifty, where else? Remember to donate!), I taunted, "Squeeze that hole, Ogre. Clamp down tight. See if you can keep me out." He closed his eyes and furrowed in uni-brow and tensed his whole body. Forced his sphincter, only moments ago open enough for two fingers, into a tight little button. When I rubbed my cockhead against it, he grunted with effort and clenched down harder. Holding, holding, trying to hold. Sloppy Joey leaned over to watch, eyes eager and rounded at the spectacle. His opening tried to hold, tried to hold, slipped, began to fail . . . . . . and gave, widened around the pressure of my weeping cockhead as I slid inside, bragging. Ogre hissed, and grunted, and thrashed, scratching and clawing at the blanket we lay on. Further in I slid, past the mushroom ring of my head, past the upward curve, sinking deeper and deeper into this gripping, throbbing, protesting tunnel. Ogre caught his breath, but he didn't scream, he didn't wail, he didn't fight, he just laid there and whined way at the back of his throat, and only when my bone was buried so far inside him that my shaven crotch pressed against his flat ass, only then did he speak, and only one word, at that. "Sam . . ." A strangled sigh, my name on his thin lips. He didn't like what I'd done, I could tell by the wince of his brown eyes, but he gave in to me, and endured. For a minute I forgot my intentions, simply reveled in the grip of Ogre's plundered velvet vise. I'd only ever fucked one person in the ass before, and that felt amazing, but this felt beyond that. I took the first because it was owed; I took this one because it was earned. The difference stunned me. He spoke again, interrupting my reverie. "Sam?" His tone tormented this time. He needed me to move. I did so, sliding back and forth and inch at a time, gently rounding out his grip. He moaned under me, and Sloppy Joey moaned too, watching us. The orc's meaty hand, the one not pretending to hold Ogre down, rubbed at the crotch of his red sweats. The sight thrilled me, as I'd never seen Joey so worked up before, and knowing that I'd (indirectly) brought him to such a state only sweetened my ego's continued bliss. Remembering my time constraints, I hastened back to my script. "This is what faggots do, isn't it, Ogre?" He groaned, both at my words and my insistent, increasingly active penetration. "Faggots get fucked in the ass, right? So that makes them weak." "Come on, Sam," he pleaded, although neither of us knew exactly for what. "Come on." I winked at Joey, and he nodded, wiped the orc-sweat from his face, and bent back over Ogre's belly. Licked at the monolith's dripping head. Ogre groaned as if on the verge of orgasm but I took his ordinary nuts in my hand and squeezed like he'd squeezed mine earlier. He writhed under the pressure but didn't cum when Sloppy Joey sucked half his shaft into that hot mouth. "Burns, Sam, it burns . . ." Choosing to say nothing about his aborted nut or my own hand, ha ha, in preventing it. "Stabbing into me, burning." "But somebody weak couldn't do this, could they? You're not weak, are you, Ogre?" "Not weak," he growled, narrowing his eyes at me. "Not weak." "No, you're not weak," I soothed. By now I was sliding back and forth almost the full length of my Sam-sized prick. Ogre's grip had eased some, enough to make my ride smoother, but it still rippled around my shaft, milked it, sucked it in until my ginormous balls bounced against his flat ass cheeks. "It takes strength to endure a cock in your ass, and you're strong, Ogre. You're ogre-strong, aren't you?" "Strong," he agreed, loosening up another sliver. "And big," he boasted. "And big," I agreed. "You're not a faggot, are you? That's why I wanted to fuck you, Ogre. To teach you about faggots." "Not a faggot," he insisted. And, without prompting, he grunted out, "And you're not a faggot either, Sam. You're not and neither is Joey. I'm sorry I said that." Easy enough to apologize, I reckon, when you're being punish-fucked, but he meant the words, admitted fault and remorse from more than mere chagrin and a desire to make the penis go away. He understood my point. "So can you stop now, Sam, please, can you pull it out?" "In a minute, Ogre, in a minute." Huff. And a gasp at something Sloppy Joey did with his tongue. "I wanted to show you something else too." "What, Sam, what else did you want to show me, can you hurry up please?" I grabbed a fistful of man-bun, knowing Joey didn't like that but not caring, pulled the orc as far down Ogre's shaft as was possible to swallow, given our positioning, while at the same time I changed my fuck-angle and ground my cock against Ogre's prostate. "Ah, ah, ah, Sam, ah . . ." "That feels good, doesn't it, Ogre?" "Feels, ah, ah, I'm full, so full, it hurts but when you hit that spot feels good feels good but I don't like it Sam I don't." His balls throbbed in my clutch. Continuing my aggressive assault on Ogre's joy-buzzer and letting go Sloppy Joey's (now straggly) man-bun before he killed me, I glanced up at the clock. The first text from Mom would likely ding my phone any minute now. Time to move on. Stage 5 complete. Stage 6 (deferred): Give Ogre his promised second nut, then spooge all over his interesting face. I increased my rut speed, watched my cock pinion in and out of Ogre's reluctant tunnel. "You should see this, Ogre," I announced. "Your hole open, ass-lips clutching at my shiny cock. Wish I'd filmed this, I do." He whimpered, head thrashing back and forth. "That be something you'd like to see, Ogre? Your own butt being plundered like this?" "No, no," he grunted, but he didn't sound very sure to me. "Sam, it's . . . you . . ." "You're damn right it's me," I told him, and he groaned. I ground in against him, rotated my cock against his fluttering prostate. His wide, thin-lipped mouth flew open in a silent protest and his nuts pulsed in my grip. "It's me, Sam, pounding in and out of you, and it's Joey slurping on your huge dick, and we're going to make you cum, aren't we?" "Don't want to, Sam, don't want to, don't!" His body quaking, his fleshy chest and belly rippling from the force of my thrusts. From the force of his own unwelcome hunger. I kicked my fuck up another gear. My own orgasm simmered way down deep in my balls, ready to spurt out and spray Ogre's steadily darkening complexion. "Don't want to come, Ogre? That's a little extreme, don't you think?" "Not like this, Sam, don't want to cum like this, but you hitting that spot and Joey sucking and drooling all over me I can't stop it Sam I can't stop it!" Bed screeching. Ogre babbling. Me fucking. Sloppy Joey bobbing, bobbing, bobbing, taking only half because that's all he could reach. I stretched out my free hand and wrapped it around the base of that monolith. Thick, so thick my fingers barely closed around it. I wondered . . . But no. NO. "I don't want you to stop it," I told Ogre, piercing him with a gaze so pointed it stopped the thrashing of his head and aimed his brown eyes at my face. So much need swimming around in them, so much need and confusion and something else, very far back, that might have been incredulous determination. My ginormous balls tightened in their sack, and I let go my grip on his own ordinary sized ones, to his sighed relief. "I want you to let it go, let Joey suck your nut right out of you." "When Sam when?" he begged. "When, this is killing me when do you want me to --" Ding! "Now!" I ordered him, my voice sharp, and he nodded, and furrowed his uni-brow, and wrinkled his flat nose, and panted and whimpered through his thin-lipped mouth, and the beauty in his unmaking spilled from his expressive face like his cock spilled spooge in Sloppy Joey's suctioning mouth. He howled at the sensation, not loud but quiet and haunted and a howl all the same, and his tight tunnel clenched and milked my cock with the force of his nut. The base of his monolith pulsed in my fist like it would pulse inside me if I were to allow it, and I wondered how that would feel, and that thought pushed me over the top too, over the top and under the bottom and out the fucking sides. I yanked myself free of Ogre, both of us whimpering at the sudden loss of flesh, and, squeezing my own testicles in a desperate attempt to stave off the shooting, I scrambled to my feet and lunged to clear Sloppy Joey's bobbing man-bun, but – No no no no no no no! – Sloppy Joey reached out one meaty hand, clamped it to my narrow ass, and pulled me down until my straining stiffy slid against Ogre's jerking monolith, then the cock-blocking Sloppy Joey yanked me up it, so our two slick shafts strained against each other, bounced and ground and jousted together. The orgasm I'd tried to keep at bay long enough to get to Ogre's interesting face roared up inside me, refusing to be contained any longer, and the first stream of jizz boiled up from my balls and bubbled through my cock and rocketed from my slit just as Joey opened his mouth impossibly further and sucked me in alongside Ogre, pressing us together as we shot our loads into the seductive black hole of Joey's throat. Ogre's blunt cockhead throbbed against my own, I felt each jolt of his ecstasy splashing and mixing with mine. So good, so strong, like lightning, or thunder, the kind that precedes a storm and raise the hairs on your arms and legs with ozonic premonitions. But wrong. Because – Dammit! I really wanted to paint his face. Stage 6, incomplete. But as I lay there, shivering against him in the warmth of Joey's mouth, feeling the thickness of his shaft as it spilled the last of his second nut, I wondered again how it would feel inside me. I glanced at my phone. It had only dinged once, probably Mom telling me to get home soon for supper. I had a few minutes before it dinged again. I hoped. Risks assessed, decision made, I resolved to try again. Stage 6, reset and revised: Give Ogre a third nut, then spooge all over his interesting face. When my orgasm slunk away, shamed at the loss of self-control, I pulled myself from Sloppy Joey's black hole, wincing at the sensory overload of my skin sliding all over Ogre's, and he groaned right along with me. Joey let us both go at once, sat up on the bed, his man-bun shot to hell and a large wet spot darkening the front of his red sweatpants, his full orcish face so smug and sated I hadn't the heart to scold him for sabotaging my artistic endeavors. I slid backwards, dropped my trembling legs to the floor. Ogre didn't move, just lay there, panting heavy, satiated breaths, brown eyes regarding me with an emotion I couldn't identify. "Are we done, Sam?" he asked softly, still not moving. "We all got our nuts, is this over?" Sounding like he wasn't sure if he wanted it to be over or not. "Not yet, Ogre," I said grimly, and he closed his eyes, groaned, but didn't deny me. I searched out the bottle of lube, picked it up, poured an ungodly amount in my hand. Sloppy Joey's jaw dropped as he caught on, and Ogre's eyes flew open as I grasped that monolith in my greasy grasp. He'd started to soften but as I gripped and stroked him with the gel it perked right back up. "Today's your lucky day, Ogre my friend." "Yuh, yeah?" "Yeah," I breathed. "I know I only promised you two nuts, but what if we make it three?" He winced, said, "I don't know, Sam, we both have to be home soon, remember?" Very soon, yes, I knew that, I remembered. But dammit, I meant to do this! Needed to! My cock, still hard despite the orgasm, throbbed and cheered my defiance. "It'll have to be fast," I advised him grimly, still stroking. Though Ogre had voiced a doubt regarding a third orgasm, his cock appeared intrigued by the idea, and pulsed, rock-hard again, in my grip. "How fast can you cum, Ogre?" He sneered, and I wanted to cheer at the return of his more accustomed facial expressions. "From a handjob? Not very." I let go his rager, and it twitched at me, showed no signs of softening. "I'm not talking about a handjob." Raising my legs over his, I climbed atop him, placed a knee on either side of his abdomen. Ogre's eyes widened, and Sloppy Joey put a meaty hand back at his own crotch. "How fast?" I demanded. He swallowed, staring at me with those wide brown eyes, making me shiver with the force of his attention. "Like, like that? Fast, I think." "Good." I poured half the remaining gel in the bottle into my hand, leaned forward, reached around to pry my narrow ass cheeks apart, jammed a finger against my not-quite-sure hole. Steeled myself. Shoved it inside, far as I could reach. I hissed at the burn, winced as a nail scraped tender skin. "Sam, if just your finger hurts you that much," Ogre began, but I shook my head at him, and he quieted. Still looked doubtful, though. Not happy with the intrusion, my hole clenched as I added another digit. I don't have time for this, I thought yet again that day. Scissoring then yanking out my fingers, grunting at the jagged slide, I grabbed him and settled that huge cockhead at my sphincter. "Sam, I'm too big, we don't have to --" "We do," I corrected him. "I do." Then, holding my gaze steady on his brown eyes, I clenched my jaw and pushed down hard, bore down hard, straining as if I were constipated. Tears leaked from my eyes at the pressure as I ground my hole against the monolith, pushed it against my adit, willed it to slip inside. Just as I began to despair of ever being breached, the genius Sloppy Joey reached over and grabbed both my nipples in his meaty hands, grabbed them and yanked them and pinched them and twisted them as if trying to rip them from my chest. I blew out a tortured half-scream and – "Sam!" – while my nerves were still preoccupied with the searing pain from my chest I forced my hips down, I pushed my hole down onto the blunt top of his cock like a too-small hat, and somehow, someway, my sphincter gave, and the entire head popped in at once, ripping my attention from my stinging nipples back down to the invader trying to split me apart. "Sam, don't, don't . . ." His concerned eyes holding mine. I gritted my teeth, forced myself backward, forced more and more of that monolith inside me, trying to concentrate on Joey's fingers still on my nips and Ogre's gorgeous and beseeching brown eyes still on mine because if I thought about the skin of my hole spreading splitting ripping I'd stop, I'd climb up off Ogre's cock because I couldn't take it, but if I couldn't take it I was weak, I was a faggot, and I'm not a faggot even though I may be heteroflexible so I slid more and more and more of that monster thing inside, splitting me in two, in twain, tearing my twat in twain, pressing up into my intestines, my poor sloshing bladder, and the heavy thick weight of it on my prostate spat fire throughout me, liquid fire that said yes, yes, come on, keep going, it'll be worth it, I swear! And then, at last, at long last, I had the whole thing stuffed up inside me, Ogre's copious brown curls tickling my rump, and I worried that if his prick throbbed just once I'd split from head to hole. The pain, ah fuck! the agony of Ogre's monolith crammed up there! I may have mentioned my masochistic tendencies, but this threatened to overwhelm them completely. I moaned, a high-pitched warble that promised to get louder and louder until I caught myself and bit it back. I'm pretty sure nobody from the front of the house would have bothered to investigate (nobody had come as yet, anyway, and we hadn't been exactly quiet) but I didn't want to risk it. And I didn't want to scare Ogre any more than I had already, either. He'd never once let go my gaze, though his unique face twitched and convulsed with the clutching pleasure my sheath gave his weapon. He never let go my gaze, and that gave me the strength to finish what I'd started. "Sam, if this is hurting you then please please --" I interrupted his concern. "How fast?" I demanded. I pushed Sloppy Joey's fingers from my throbbing nipples as no longer necessary and by now downright irritating, but I winked at him to soften the action, and he nodded as if he understood. I ground down harder on that monolith inside me and demanded again, "How fast, Ogre!" "Very, uh, very fast," he panted. "Oh fuck Sam, so tight, so hot, you're squeezing me with every breath you take!" I leaned back, pushing my rump as far down into his crotch as I could, and my own rager, undaunted by all the discomfort, throbbed in the air, weeping copiously all over Ogre's hairy lower belly. Sloppy Joey's face lit up, and he moved as if to dive on me, but I held him off. "No, Joey, please, you put that vacuum on me it'll all be over." Besides, I needed him out of the way for my next attempt at face-painting. At his hurt expression, I suggested, "Go around and suck Ogre's balls, or see if I left any cum in his hole." Sloppy Joey brightened again and bounced off the bed and shuffled around behind us. "So nasty," Ogre said, admiration and lust in his tone. "So nasty." "Yeah, nasty," I agreed, then gasped as Ogre suddenly babbled and shoved his cock around inside me, prompting a new blaze of fire and pain. I felt his thighs rubbing against mine and the tickle of a man-bun tip against my tailbone and figured out that, as suggested, Sloppy Joey had settled between Ogre's spread legs and attacked his hole again, triggering that mad thrust. When I could talk without yelping, I continued, "Only, only nasty if you, if you do it right, though." Ogre's breath quickened, and he writhed on the bed underneath me, as if the sensational music Joey and I produced inside his body forced him to dance to the rhythms. "Getting close, Sam," he warned. Ding! "Can you, can you give me five strokes, Ogre? It's the most we got time for." He set his face in determination, even as his eyes rolled back in his head, he set his thin lips into a line and nodded. Wincing, I pulled myself up off his trembling monolith, the tip of Sloppy Joey's ridiculous man-bun tracing across my narrow ass-cheeks as his tongue followed me up that thick shaft. Ogre groaned, eyelids fluttering, uni-brow furrowing. When I reached the top, I hesitated, then, holding my breath, dropped back down, shoving the monster thing back up into my punched-out guts, grinding it against my prostate so liquid fire melted through me and spilled from me as precum. "Wuh, one," Ogre breathed. "One," I agreed, wriggling around on the impalement. The pain had begun to recede some, not much maybe, but enough to stop overshadowing the pleasure. The pleasure, yeah, and the pride that shimmered through me at my accomplishment. I pushed myself up again, breathing in short, panting gasps, locking eyes once and forever again with Ogre. I could see the orgasm building on his perfectly imperfect face, but he held it off. Held it off, just for me. When I reached the top again I paused, but before I could summon the nerve to plunge back down he pumped up into me, hard, gasping something about Joey's tongue in his ass. "Two!" Raising myself, this time reaching out to grab my rage-strained erection, to squeeze it and caress it as I slid back down, stretch and burn and squeeze and stroke, all these tendrils from different fires feeding the blaze and sneaking new lines between my flesh and my skin. "Th-th-three." I came up almost all the way off the monolith the next stroke, so far that I could feel my gaping ass-lips closing over his head, pushing him out. Back down, hard, fast, Ogre rising off the bed to meet me halfway, to grind into me and rotate his cock inside me. Full, so full, no room left for air or identity, only his monolith and my ego. I felt the pressure of him in my belly, in my throat, coming out my ears, but also and mostly in my own stiffy, thrums of electricity hastening me towards the truly apocalyptic nut that roiled, restless, in my belly. "Four, oh!" Savoring it, the slide of Ogre's flesh pressing against me, the primitive language of veins at last translated by the gripping walls of my most intimate skin. Sweating now, both of us, all three of us, the sex-infused humidity binding us all to the last few seconds of stolen bliss. "Five!" "Do it Ogre do it now!" "Now now now it's cumming I'm cumming oh god Sam!" Grinding into me, his face open and wondering and striking like fire. "About to shoot, Sam, gonna fill you up! Urng!" "Me too, gonna cum too," the tortured massage on my captive prostate pushing me higher, high enough that even the pain of invasion, the heavy, full, reaming pain of a monolith inside my ass, even that pain becoming pleasure. Time to move, I thought, tried to think, time to paint – And as if in answer to my muddy wishes, the greedy Sloppy Joey planted his hands on my backside and, eager to get the cum boiling up from Ogre's balls, pushed me up and off Ogre's monolith with such force I only felt the first spurt of Ogre's spunk – "Urng!" – splashing my gaped hole before I hurtled into the air, soaring and tumbling and unable to slow my roll even as jizz began to surge up out my balls. No, no, no, gonna miss, gonna fly over him and off the bed, no, no, gotta paint, gotta paint – Ogre's hands, which he'd kept behind his head all this time, throughout both the ass-fucking I'd given him and the one he'd given me, yes, those hands, those ham-hocks raised with grace and assurance and caught me as I flew over his head, they clamped down tight on my hips, arresting my headlong flight to land me, crotch first, against the strength of his cheekbone. "Urng!" Somehow I managed to hook my flailing hands on the edge of the bed and catch my balance before I poked his eye out, and then I was cumming, shooting, that first spurt splattering up his flat nose and across his uni-brow. I tightened my grip on the mattress, hunched against Ogre's flesh, more cum bubbling out to streak his cheek. He tightened one hand on my flank and loosed the other to grab onto my cock, the first time he'd laid fingers on it. Grasping it firmly, still grunting with the force of his own orgasm down Sloppy Joey's throat, he directed my aim so I spooged all over his strong face, on his lips and no-chin and cheeks and nose and uni-brow and that long stretch of five-head, and he rubbed my cum into his skin with my dick and then, finally, began to drag it through the spurts, to scoop them up and deposit them into his wide, cooing mouth. Just about the time I thought I'd given him all I had to give, Sloppy Joey climbed up Ogre's torso and, seeking any stray drops of semen that monolith may have left behind, rammed his tongue into my stretched, wrecked hole, stuffing with such force and passion that more drops of my own jizz dribbled in panic from my cock and into Ogre's suckling mouth. Then, at last, he let me go, and with my legs trembling and my body quaking and my motor control unable to decide which way to fall, I collapsed atop Ogre, slid down his sweaty, fleshy torso, shivering at the wet friction on my traumatized stiffy-no-longer. As I passed his mottled, exhausted face, our sated gazes caught and held until I noticed a spurt of my semen he'd somehow missed on the side of his nose. Without thinking about it I lapped it up and then, holding my tongue out, paused over his panting mouth, which no longer stank of peanut butter and cheap soda but instead reeked of Sam. After a beat he opened his lips and extended his own tongue and touched it to mine, taking what I'd retrieved for him. Then, closing my eyes against the questions in his, I slid further down his body, slicked by the sweat between us and unable to stop until I felt man-bun tickling my taint and heard the annoyed snort of an orc still sniffing out spunk in the playground. I smiled and dropped my head onto Ogre's shoulder, and he tensed and then relaxed and I think one ham-hock stroked me, lightly, at the base of my spine. Stage 6, finally, gloriously, complete. A few seconds passed; seconds, decades, who's counting? I don't know how long I lay there, insensible, atop Ogre's sturdy build, but when I came to and realized my location I panicked and pushed myself up to standing so fast my head swam with the mother of all head rushes. "I'm," I started to say but suddenly – Suddenly I'm on the floor, all twisted up in pretzel logic and dirty laundry, staring up in bemusement at two Ogres and two Sloppy Joeys, both of them propped on their elbows on the edge of the bed and staring back down at me in concern. Two? And two? What the – Oh, right. I straightened my spectacles and the twin Ogres and Sloppy Joeys merged back into their normal number of selves. Whew. "Sam? Are you okay?" I shook my head, straightened my body, pushed myself up on one elbow. "What the hell?" Ogre breathed a sigh of relief. "You stood up too fast and toppled over before I could catch you." He squinted an ogre-glare to the two ham-hocks in question, flexed them in vexation. That's cool, I didn't say, you caught me when I needed you to. Instead, "Sorry if I scared you." "I thought you'd broken your neck." I blew out a shaky laugh. "Might have been worth it. That was some seriously amazing sex." Yeah, that's right, blame the sex for your shakiness and your attempt to become airborne. Again. Coward. "I know, right?" Ogre groaned, rolled back over on his back, scrubbed his face with his hands, rolled over onto his belly again. "Seriously amazing." Sloppy Joey snorted, and, popping up to his knees, pointed two meaty thumbs at the wet spread that darkened the crotch his red sweats, then held up two fingers in a v-for-victory sign. "Twice, huh?" He nodded vigorously, almost dislodging himself off the mattress. "Yeah, Joey, me too." He shot me two thumbs up, one for each of us, then crawled off the bed and, grabbing a new set of sweats from a pile on the edge of the computer desk, departed the room, his bedraggled man-bun limping along above. Leaving me alone with Ogre. He didn't say anything, and I didn't either, but after a sec he braced one elbow on the bed and extended his other arm out to me. I grasped it and pulled myself up, slowly this time, and sat down, very gingerly, on the mattress beside him. I didn't thank him for helping me rise. Rude, I know. But I didn't want to break the silence between us, not yet. He didn't either, it appeared, and we sat quiet like that until I figured out how to ask what I wanted to ask. "Seriously amazing, huh?" Probing, trying to ascertain his state of mind. But, "Yeah," was all he gave me. Growing bolder, "So how are you feeling now?" In all my planning, somehow I'd not considered the potential for heteroflexible remorse or, ogre-deity forbid, violent reprisals. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna freak out in a homophobic panic or anything." Ogre scrubbed his face with his ham-hocks again and blew a rubbery sigh through his wide, thin lips, then answered the question. "Tired. Sore. Good. Maybe a little mad." "What are you mad about?" I figured I knew, but he surprised me. "Mostly at my own idiocy," he admitted. "My dad's always going on about how if something sounds too good to be true it probably is." "He's also probably always going on about how the little head shouldn't rule the big one." Ogre snorted. "I see you've met the man." "I just know the type." He angled to face me. "I'm mad at you a little bit, too." I squared my shoulders, faced him head on. "What if I apologized?" A sound somewhere between a snort and a laugh erupted out. "Would you mean it?" I shrugged. "I figured." He paused. "After I got over my shock, I liked most of it. Joey has an amazing mouth, and you don't do too bad yourself." "Gee thanks." "Hey, I'm a lot to handle, it's okay." And there was that arrogance, but the embarrassment had faded. About time. "I didn't even mind, you know, sucking you. Didn't really like it, but I'd always wondered and thought, what the hell." Then another ogre-glare, at me this time. "But you fucked me in the ass, Sam. Fucked me even thought I asked you, told you, not to do it." Despite the anger on his magnificent face, I said, "I can't apologize for that either." He blew out a not-very-surprised huff. "Made you cum, at least. And pretty hard, too." "That's why I didn't like it," he shot back. "I never thought there was a such a thing as bad good orgasm." At my snicker, "You know what I mean." I know what I thought, and you probably know too. What's the line from Shakespeare? Methinks the ogre doth protest too much? For once in my life I decided to let something juicy go. Instead, "I am sorry I couldn't make it easier for you, if that helps." He thought about it. "Not really, no." "Then why did you let me? You could have stopped me, you know. If you'd really resisted I wouldn't have done it." I hoped. "I know." He brooded. "That's why, I think. That, and . . ." "And?" Drawing in a deep breath, he admitted, "That, and because you wanted me too. That's pretty much why I did everything, Sam. Because you wanted me to." I let one thing go, I refused to make it two. "You ate cum, Ogre, your own and then mine, way before you ever gave in." Oh, the warmth of that ogre-glare, before it cooled, softened. "I always taste my own," he muttered. "Wanted to see if yours tasted any different. It didn't, not really," he hastened to add. "But I still probably wouldn't have done it if you hadn't pushed. And there at the end, I knew you wanted to cum all over my face and that you'd enjoy seeing me swallow it. Not like I could read your mind or anything, I just knew." "And so you made sure I got what I wanted." "You won, Sam," he said simply. "You beat me at a game I didn't even know I was playing, but you still deserved your prize. I gave it up to you." The words sent a thrill through me, not an electric sizzle this time, more of a steady and spreading warm glow. "Yeah," I agreed. "I won. But that doesn't mean you lost." "No, I suppose it doesn't." Another long pause. "I really liked fucking you. I never thought anything could be that tight." More of that warm glow, tempered this time with a throbbing ache from my abused hole. "I don't think I'm tight anymore." Ogre glanced up at me, his brow furrowed in amusement, and snickered. "I don't think I am either." And suddenly, though it wasn't really funny, we found it hysterical, both of us bursting into roars of laughter, and I was amazed at the transformation hilarity gave his usually dour face. When we sobered, he shook his head. "I can't believe this whole conversation. Why am I not dying of embarrassment?" I shrugged. "My tongue's been in your ass, Ogre. Shame would be kind of pointless now, right?" "Hah. I guess so." "You're okay though, aren't you?" I asked him point-blank. He'd eased my fears of violent retribution, but I still worried about he how viewed his own actions. "Not feeling guilty, or regretful, or anything like that?" His expressive brown eyes widened in comic surprise. "Why in hell would I feel guilty? I was the victim here. You're the one should be feeling guilty." Was Ogre teasing me? "Guilt is a waste of will and emotion." My voice just as light, although I meant every word. "Either fix the situation, learn from it, or forget about it, then move on." "No, no guilt," he assured me. "Nothing to fix, I learned a lot, and although I'll probably never forget it, I can move on." The words caused a pang in my chest, oddly enough. Unaware, Ogre continued, "It was an interesting experience, so, no, no real regrets either. But," and here he fixed me with an apologetic uni-brow furrow, "it didn't turn me gay, or even, you know, heteroflexible, like you. I'm still straight." I blew that off like it was no big deal. "Of course you are. This was just, what, an adventure?" Dying, for some reason, dying inside. What the freak? He seized on my words like a plausible Wikipedia entry. "Yeah, an adventure. I'll probably never do anything this crazy again." Giving me that apologetic furrow once more, as if afraid he'd hurt my feelings with his prediction. "Nobody ever said you had to do it again," I soothed, although I think he did hurt my feelings, a little. Not that I'd ever admit it. He hesitated, then said, "Although," and he paused, which for some reason made my heart pound, but right as he opened his wide mouth to finish the thought – Ding! – and he snapped it back closed. Probably for the best, I decided, and went ahead, reluctantly, to change the subject. "That's got to be my mom," I said, referring to the ding. "If I don't text her back tonight's dinner special will be rack of Sam." Gingerly, very gingerly, I stood up and wobbled around the bed. Ogre scrubbed his face with his ham-hocks, twisted around to sit up, and reached for his own phone from the stack of clothing on top of his backpack. "I'm surprised I haven't heard from my dad yet. I better check in anyway." Two innocuous messages from my mother – Mom: "start moseying on back to the ranch, dinner's almost done" Mom: "Sam?" – and then the third and most recent, which confirmed that I'd picked the right one to answer. Mom: "wonder if any of the starving children at the orphanage would like a slightly-used cellphone?" I started to reply that they'd probably rather have a cheeseburger, but I wisely restrained myself. Sam: "sorry Mom didn't have my phone on me and lost track of time, be home in a few" Mom: "who and where?" Sam: "out with my buddy DJ. Damien knows him" Mom: "hurry up it's your night to set the table" Sam: "will do" There, that should buy me a few minutes. Long enough to clean up, at least. I tossed the phone back atop my clothing and glanced up and caught my breath. Ogre had finished texting his dad and now stood there in front of me, still nude, with his head thrown back in a yawn and his sweaty, sex-streaked body spread out in a long stretch, and all the differing sources of light, from the television's blue screen to the late afternoon sunshine filtering brown through the drawn cowboy-and-horsie curtains to the dim yellow glow from the small lamp on the desk, all of it diffused together in psychedelic abandon to illuminate not only the powerful youth of today but also the future adult hiding under his skin. Soon, he'd lose his physical awkwardness and the final remnants of his childhood chubbiness. Soon, he'd shed his ill-fitting adolescence to fit himself with the strength and grace of a man. He'd never be pretty, but he would be magnificent. I think, in that moment, I adored him, and, just for that single moment, I allowed it. Don't think Ogre failed to pick up on it, either. He felt my yearning gaze on him, and he preened, holding the pose far longer than necessary, and his cock, still huge even in repose, swelled at the attention. Only when Sloppy Joey opened the door did he let the posture drop, with a smirk that, strangely enough, didn't irritate me. Joey had rebuilt his man-bun and swapped sweatpants, this time to a black pair decorated with ducks. He let the soiled red ones drop to the floor with studied indifference and collapsed back onto the bed, patting the mattress around him as if looking for something. Muttering that he needed to pee, Ogre took a giant step over Sloppy Joey's discarded clothing and threw open the door, strode out of the room as if in his own house. Jeez, give someone a little self-confidence . . . I dropped my spectacles on my pile of clothing, threw a wink at Joey, and followed, so enjoying the sight of Ogre's flat, bare ass flexing with each step that I almost ran into him when he stopped in the middle of the hall. He stood statue-still for a moment, listening to the soft feminine sighs and the lower masculine rumbles of Inbred Wanda and someone having sex in the kitchen, then he shook his head and continued on into the bathroom. He gave the door a cursory push as he passed, but I caught it and slipped inside behind him and shut it myself, the long disused hinges squealing in protest at the treatment. Ogre flipped up the toilet seat and stood above the bowl and let go, his penis large and heavy enough that he didn't even have to take it in hand to aim. I slipped up behind him and laid my cheek on his shoulder and reached around to take his heaviness between my fingers so as to feel the river running through, and I wondered if he'd startle; he didn't, he just let me hold him as he pissed and leaned his head back against mine and said not a damned word. When he finished, I shook the last drops off and backed away, and he moved to let me have a turn. His eyebrows shot up when, instead of straddling the bowl as he'd done, I dropped the seat and sat down. "Just making sure Joey didn't miss any," I explained, letting go my piss and pushing against my hole. Wincing, I continued, "Feels like every organ in my body wants to fall right out." None of my organs did, of course, and neither did any stray drops of semen; Sloppy Joey is nothing if not thorough. "Gonna feel you up in me for a few days, at least." Ogre smirked, then groaned. "Yeah, same here, I think." I glanced pointedly at his cock, and then down at my own. Catching on, Ogre burst out laughing. Even though the features of his face remained the same, a single true smile on his wide mouth took away infinite amounts of fugly. I smiled back and reached for the toilet paper, did a quick wipe (thankful to see no blood), flushed. But as I stood Ogre suddenly reached out and grabbed me, one ham-hock on each shoulder, and drew me closer to him, closer still. Then, angling his lips to align with mine, he dove down and captured them. What the fuck is up with people wanting to kiss me in bathrooms? I spluttered for a sec, because that's what I do, but I gave in. Didn't have any choice in the matter anyway. His mouth moved on mine with a clumsy tenderness, not grasping, not demanding, merely asking, but when I sighed and opened up to him, his tongue licked in and tangled with my own. Gentle, but firm. Strong, but pliable. Not an ogre's kiss, but a lover's. Drawing away, still not letting go my shoulders, he blushed and furrowed his uni-brow but looked me directly in the eye. "I always figured I'd get my first kiss before I got my first fuck." Then, giving me a devastating shy grin, he continued, "As long as I get it in before we get dressed, that still counts, right?" "It still counts, Ogre," I assured him, and I surprised myself by putting my own hands on either side of his head and pulling him back down, where I kissed him this time, I took control, and he whimpered and stopped breathing when I invaded his mouth and explored it top to bottom. As I pulled away I scratched my fingers through his crew-cut, grinning at the dried and flaky areas on the top of his head. Dropping the subject of kisses completely, I cuffed him, gently, on his ear. "You need to clean up. Hell, we both do." He kept his lips pursed for a sec, but at my words he groaned and let them resume their more usual scowl. "That bad?" With a pointed glance around to remind me in whose bathroom we stood, he asked, "Can't it wait `til I get home?" "You've got so much dried cum on your scalp it looks like a fatal case of dandruff." Glancing down at both our bodies, I continued, "We've got sex spunked all over us, Ogre. Our parents would clock it the instant we walked in. I know my mom would. Would your father?" "You think Wanda and Joey's dad would mind if we showered here?" "Long as they're drunk or stoned or full, I don't think they care what we do." "That's mean, Sam." I grimaced. "You're right, I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry. But no, to answer your question, I doubt they'd mind at all." "I'll go first. Find me a towel?" I grabbed two from a stash under the sink and tossed them over the curtain railing while Ogre started the water. He stepped into the tub and started to yank the curtain closed but I grabbed it and climbed in behind. "Really, Sam, you have to do this with me too? Am I that irresistible?" I ignored that remark. "We have to hurry. My tongue's been in your ass, remember? This is nothing." He might have huffed in annoyance but he ducked his head under the spray so I couldn't be sure, then, when he was slick, he moved away to give me a go. "Watch my hair," I warned him. "Me showing up with a wet head would send my mom into bloodhound mode." It was going to be hard enough explaining why I walked and sat like I had a signpost up my ass. "One advantage to having a crew-cut, it'll be dry before I even leave." He handed me the soap and we lathered in silence for a moment. While we didn't talk I examined the sudden closeness I seemed to feel for him. The sudden concern. In only a little over an hour he'd gone from annoying ogre to valued Ogre, like I nursed a crush on him, and I wasn't sure why. Endorphins, maybe? Oxytocin? Whatever it was, I just needed it to fade. This crush sure crushed the fuck outta me. As he slid around me to rinse, Ogre broke the quiet. "You were gonna blackmail me, weren't you?" Shit. "Only into sex. Wasn't going to be an ongoing thing." Like that made my intentions any nobler. I expected him to ask why I changed my mind, but he didn't. He'd mentioned his lack of stupidity a few times, and maybe now that the testosterone fight-or-fuck haze had faded from his brain he could think intelligently again, because instead of insisting on clarification he just nodded like he already understood. Then, "Thank you." Um, what? I stopped in the middle of gently soaping my violated hole and squinted at him. "Um, what?" Yeah, the human Scrabble dictionary out of vocabulary words. Go figure. He blew a sigh and gave me an annoyed ogre-glare. "For not blackmailing me. Duh." Softening, "And for seeing me, I guess. Nobody ever sees me, except my dad, maybe my brother. And my dad doesn't like what he does see." No bitterness to the words, only truth. I felt a screw of anger in my belly at Ogre's overbearing asshole sire. Sometimes I think I'd give anything for a father, and then I see most of my friends' dads and realize how lucky I am. Even though he'd figured it out, I went ahead and clarified, "That's why I didn't blackmail you, you know. Because I did see you." He smiled, and again I felt my insides squirm, and when the fuck does this oxytocin shit wear off? "And thank you, Ogre." The uni-brow furrowed. "For what?" "For not panicking, or freaking out. For just rolling with it." "Like I had a choice," he muttered, blushing, moving aside for me to rinse. "You did," I replied. "You had a choice, and you were brave enough to make the right one." "Full of yourself much?" he asked, but I could see the praise warmed him, so I didn't riposte, just finished rinsing and turned off the shower. As we stepped out onto a threadbare shag bathmat and toweled off, I could feel the distance already growing between us, as if by cleansing ourselves of each other's fluids we'd diluted our intimacy, and maybe we had. Because I could see his face drawing back into his more habitual dour expression and feel my own growing smoother and more calculated. I welcomed the coolness even as I mourned it. I know, right? I threw my wet towel back over the railing and checked my reflection in the mirror. Lips still too red, cheeks too flushed, but those would fade. Curly edges of my hair damp, but should dry before I got home. Couldn't do anything about the sparkle in my eye; I had a feeling it would be there for a good minute. I made way for Ogre to check his own reflection (no, the glass didn't shatter, shame on you!) and cracked open the door. The sounds of grunting in the kitchen had intensified some, but the hallway was otherwise empty, so I scurried to Joey's room and darted inside, Ogre following along behind. And snickering under his breath. Joey looked up from his knees on the floor, where he'd been going through the soiled clothing and other detritus of sloppy living looking for orc-god knows what. I held the door for Ogre, who broke into a full guffaw as he passed. I slammed the door and gave him my best attempt at an ogre-glare. "You shut the fuck up! It's your fault I'm walking this way!" Catching on, Joey cracked up too, and I glared at the both of them. When he could talk again, Ogre pointed out, "Even a rules lawyer like you should be able to admit that I'm NOT the one who forced you down on my, what did you call it, monolith?" "Boom!" Joey said from his place on the floor, then chortled some more. I huffed. "Seriously," Ogre said, rummaging through the mess for his dad's discarded football jersey, "you're worried about wet hair? I'd like to hide and watch while you try to explain to your mom why you're walking like you've got a two by four shoved up in you, mister I-never-lie." "I'll figure something out," I muttered, skinning up my boxers. "I always do." Ogre snorted in amusement but let the subject drop. "I just hope whoever is in the kitchen with Wanda gets off soon. I don't want to know who that is but I need to go." A tension to his voice when he said that, yes, a certain tension and complete lack of humor. As if he suspected – Nah. "I hope they're done soon too," I agreed. "I've got about five minutes before Mom texts again, and I'd like to --" Ding! "Dammit," I muttered, and buttoned my shirt so fast I had to redo it. We quit with the conversation and concentrated on dressing. Sloppy Joey abandoned his fruitless search for whatever he mislaid and pulled a box from under the bed. "Thanks, Joey, but not necessary today," I said, examining myself in the mirror. Not bad, if I do say so myself. Clean-cut teenager again, shirt tucked in, belt buckle squared. "Nowhere to put them." Joey nodded and proffered a couple of the mid-70's bdsm magazines to Ogre, who contemplated them for a long moment before slowly accepting and then stuffing them into his backpack alongside his rule-books and dice. "Maybe, uh, maybe I'll bring these back sometime." Sloppy Joey broke into a huge smile, and his man-bun broke into an orcish tribal dance on his head. I shook my head. "Although?" I questioned, referring to the conversation my mom's text had interrupted earlier. Ogre caught the reference, and grinned, a little abashed, maybe, but not ashamed or embarrassed. "Although." He hesitated, "And I'm not ruling out the possibility of enjoying another taste of your, ah --" "My charms?" I suggested blandly. "Yeah, those things." He snickered. "When they've recovered, of course. And, uh, if you're willing?" Despite the firm negation and anguished clenching of my violated charm at the very idea, I thought I might be willing, sometime in the far, far future, for that to happen. Not that I'd say that. "What if I wanted another taste of YOUR charms?" Uni-brow furrowed, he muttered, "THAT will never happen again, with you or anybody. I swear that." Huh. Even I know better than to throw fate a temptation like that. As if reading the skepticism on my face, he hefted his pack up onto his shoulders and raised his uni-brow. "What?" "Nothing, Ogre, nothing at all." "That's what I thought. Ready to go?" "Not quite." I'd almost forgotten, but luckily I didn't. Stage 7: Make sure Ogre understands, our little feud or whatever it was is OVER. "You and me?" I asked, gesturing between us. "We're even now, right?" "Oh hell no," he snorted. "Not by a long shot." "Ogre." "You won, Sam," he said again. "There is no getting even, not from me. You beat me and I accept that. It's over. That what you wanted to hear?" At my nod, he sneered. "But only on one condition." "Name it." I figured I already knew, and I was right. "What happened here stays here. This doesn't become gossip." Joey mimed locking his lips together and tossing the key over his shoulder, where it would likely molder in the crap on the floor before the orc opened his mouth. Figuratively speaking, of course. "We're not even on Wanda's radar of shit to blab," I told Ogre, and Joey nodded in agreement. "Wanda never gossips about anybody. And neither does Joey, in case you were wondering." "I wasn't," Ogre said shortly. "I was mainly referring to you." Dammit. I'd hoped I'd skirted that. "I tell my brother everything." Ogre groaned. I held up my hands. "Don't worry. He won't repeat it. We've got so much shit on each other we know better than to ever try to use any of it. You ever heard of the concept M-A-D? Mutual assured destruction?" Ogre looked skeptical. "Other than Damien, though," I paused, trying to figure out how to phrase it just right, "yeah, I swear to never speak of this to any other person." After all, you guys out there in Nifty-land have never heard my voice, right? "That do ya?" "Guess it'll have to," he huffed. "There's a rules-lawyer catch in there somewhere, but as long as it don't come back to bite me in the ass I don't care. I'm done, it's over, you win. Happy now?" "Yeah. Very happy." Stage 7, complete. Only one left, one that didn't involve his active participation at all. "Good," he proclaimed. "Can we go now?" "You're the one blocking the door." Huff. Both of us waved bye to Sloppy Joey, but he'd resumed excavating the floor and so paid no attention as Ogre opened the door and stepped out into the hall. And froze. Nope, the couple in the kitchen had not yet finished; as a matter of fact, their moans had increased in volume. Wanda's hollers sounded indifferent, even fake, to me, but the guy's grunts were chock full of conviction. I started to make a quick joke about that but before I could Ogre squared his backpack on his shoulders and took off down the hall at a measured, determined pace. No hint in his stride that he'd just survived a good fucking. Dammit. I myself still felt like my insides were about to fall out, but I clenched my aching hole tight as I could and hurried after Ogre. I had a feeling some shit was about to go down. He didn't even hesitate at the end of the hall, just strode on through the door like he owned the joint then stopped in the middle of the room, stopped so suddenly I almost ran into him. Again. Nobody noticed. Inbred Wanda, still wearing the sundress but minus her panties, knelt on all fours on the floor while a handsome guy in his thirties, dressed in pushed down shorts and a pushed up t-shirt, railed into her from behind. The man only looked vaguely familiar at first, but as Ogre pushed out his thin lower lip and wrinkled his uni-brow the resemblance became clear. Same high forehead, same small ears, same lack of chin cowering under a thick, blondish-silver goatee. Oddly enough, the look worked on Ogre's dad, as if something about the willful set of his face forced the dimensions to work together. Same huge cock as his son, too, what I could see from the quick glimpses of it pumping into Wanda's ass. "Dad." Idiot! I thought, groaning to myself. We probably could have sneaked on through without either Wanda or his dad being any the wiser, but the truculent ogre would have to force the issue. The man startled, stopped mid-stroke, and Wanda, apparently out of habit, took over the fuck, riding it back and forth and drooling clearly fake moans from her lips. "Dickie Junior?" Ha! Told you he was a Junior! But Dickie? Yuck, I'd go by DJ too. "What are you --" "Question is, what are you?" Ogre shot back. Dickie Senior grabbed Wanda's hips, stilling them. "I'm, I'm," he spluttered, and took a deep breath. "I'm an adult is what I am," he sneered at his son. "So I doesn't matter what I'm doing. What the fuck are you doing? Were you down the hall in Joey's room? Was that you --" he paused. Wanda waited patiently, though how she managed to do it without wiggling in agony on that adult-sized ogre pecker is quite beyond me. "That was you fucking in there, wasn't it? Wasn't it, Dickie Junior?" Ogre's face paled. "I, I," and then my stubborn, obnoxious, annoyingly tenacious ogre friend did something I never thought he'd do. He ran. Out of the room, past the statue of Wanda and Joey's dad, through the front door. Slam! Ogre's dad cursed, pulled his cock free of Wanda's ass. Holy shit, it was BIGGER than Ogre's. Thicker. Longer. Uncut. He noticed me staring and he smirked and sneered as he slid his shorts up over it. If anything, that only emphasized the hugeness. "Don't go after him," I said, surprising myself. Surprising him too, from the dark look he shot me. "Let Ogre alone." "Who the fuck are you, you little fucking runt, to call my son names? He's not THAT grotesque." Huh. Willfully handsome, yet twice as fugly as his son. Go figure. "You're an asshole," I said before I could stop myself, and he bristled. Wanda stood up and smoothed her dress down, went back to cutting up pot, not even caring about the confrontation in her kitchen. Long as it didn't harm the cash crop on the table, she didn't care. "You don't even care how much you hurt him, do you?" He ignored my comments on his relationship with his son. "Who did you say you were?" Eyes narrowing, "And what were you doing to my son back there? We heard moaning and groaning and fuck noises but you don't look big enough to take a baby dick, much less what my son's packing." Eyes narrowing further; can he see anything out of those slits? "Unless . . ." Ding! "Um, gotta go! See ya, Wanda, thanks again!" "See ya, Rudy, no problem!" she called, and I could've kissed her but I was too busy dodging her father's feet in the living room. As I opened the door to dart through I heard her holler, "Hey, Dickie, don't you want your weed?" Ogre's dad chased me for about half a block before giving up, but I kept running for at least two, propelled by a strange elation at my own defiance and escape from Senior and a growing disquiet for what awaited Junior at home. No matter what, I vowed, I'd keep an eye on the big guy, and I'd do my best to help him out of any trouble he landed in. It was, after all, my fault he'd been in that house to begin with. Ding! I stopped, panting, and rested my hands on my knees for a moment, trying to ignore my throbbing butthole's complaints about jarring its tender flesh, then checked my phone. Mom: "5" Mom: "4" Mom: "3" Sam: "I'm 10 minutes away Mom I swear" Mom: "you have 7 and you owe your brother 2 table settings" Sam: "understood and omw" I brought up another contact even as I trotted for home. Sam: "please call me" A couple minutes passed while he found a safe spot, then my phone rang. "You have about two minutes before Mom activates the phone locator app and if you're where I think you are --" "Chill, Damien, I'm on my way home as we speak. Couple blocks away, that's all." "Then who the hell is DJ? I don't know any DJ --" "Yes, you do, Damien, I swear you do, and I'll tell you all about it, you know I will, but I need a favor." "I've already done it and you have to set the table for me two times in return. Mom said." "I'll set it the next three, okay, just listen a sec, please?" "Well? I'm listening? Are you talking?" "You're such a bonehead." "Good start to asking for a favor. Don't change a thing." I counted to five. "Look, you may or may not notice when I get there but I'm walking a little funny and I need you to --" "You got fucked, didn't you?" The jerk burst into laughter. "This DJ guy wore it out, didn't he?" I counted to ten. "When Mom asks and you know she will I'll mention that I was rough-housing with DJ and --" "Oh, right, because that'll be so believable. Especially coming from you." Fifteen. "Look, Damien, bro, I just need you to jump in and explain it happens all the time and that I'll be fine. Mom should take that as bait and start nagging about taking me to the ER. I can handle all that, I really will be fine in a day or two, but I need you to divert her attention from how I got wounded in the first place. It's not really a lie, just a distraction, and nobody else I know is as good at that stuff as you are." Total silence for at least ten seconds. "You're a manipulative little fuck." No clue if his voice held admiration or censure; I couldn't tell without being able to read his face. "Please, Damien. Please." "Fine, okay, fine. But you owe me. You owe me big-big." I winced. "You'll have to wait awhile." He howled with laughter. "Don't worry, been there done that." Bonehead, I thought, but somehow managed to keep from saying. "No, I was thinking more along the lines of some hummus from Pizza Joint. And maybe a bowl or two." "Done." "And I want to hear every fucked-up word about how you got `wounded' when you were `rough-housing' with your `friend DJ'." Making air quotes with his voice. Annoying. "Every fucked-up word of it," I promised, then cutting short both the conversation and his irritating chortles with a single touch to my screen, I checked the time. Four minutes left. Pushing it, but doable. I shoved my phone back into my pocket and, ignoring the complaints of my abused butthole, resumed my uncomfortable trot home while contemplating the final, and arguably the most enjoyable, stage of my plan. Stage 8: Gloat to Damien about the scam I'd pulled off, then document it for our fans on Nifty. That night, after dinner and a tricky but ultimately convincing conversation with my mother, I bragged to a suitably impressed Damien about my picaresque adventure, then went to my room and called up my trusty word-processor. So. Stage 8, complete. * * * * * Thanks for reading my story, I hope you liked it and both came and laughed lots. The next in the series, tentatively titled "Ogre Unobtrusive?" will be out at some point in the future, ogre-deity willing, but first I need to finish the original "Because" (speaking of which, stay tuned for a sneak peak at 4b below, and look for the full version to be posted soon!). If you enjoyed my work please shoot a message to, I'd love to hear from you. If you didn't enjoy it, you can still write but I won't be as interested, unless you can come up with some neat new insults. * * * * * *Excerpt from "Because: The Fourth Orgasm, Section Two: You Put The Hummus On The Pita And You Slurp It All Up" (I think I was stoned when I came up with that mouthful, but what the hell, it works): Rudy pushed himself up, groaned, fell back against the couch. "Just a sec." Muttering to himself, "How am I the last one nekkid in any orgy ever?" he unbuttoned and pushed down his jeans. Having gone commando his hard prick popped up into the light like a pink puppy eager to play. As he wrestled his pants off I felt an urge to reach over and grab it. So I did. Rudy sucked in a breath, kicked his feet clear of the jeans, and settled back, thrusting himself through my fingers like he'd done last night. I stroked him a few times, marveling at the stone underneath all that tender silk, watching the head of his cock appear and disappear beneath the covering flesh. His wiry blond pubes tickled the inside of my wrist. After a moment his own hand reached over, grasped me in a grip almost too tight. I glanced up at the tv and saw that Chad had the two of us centered on that screen like a real-life professional pantyhosed cameraman. Sam watched me and Rudy wank each other as avidly as any live audience, and I wondered if he'd applaud if we came. The thought pushed some precum out to drip over Rudy's hand. "Oh, my bruddah," Rudy drawled, his tone tense behind that honey voice. "I could do this all night." "Yeah," I agreed, unable to take my eyes off the tv. "We look hot." "We feel hot, too." "Yeah." We watched the boys on the tv for a long minute, watched them pound each others' puds and think thoughts they couldn't say aloud, no matter how badly they wanted or needed to say them. Because if a simple tandem jerk looked this hot, felt this hot, how much hotter would it be if they could admit they wanted to do more? Because if they could use their fingers on each other to this much effect, how much more effective would it be to use lips and tongues? Because which is scarier, desire or denial? Honesty or hope? Rivers, or rain? We decided not to think about it right now. With a sigh of obvious reluctance, Rudy let go my rager, pushed me off his own. Good thing, too. I don't think I could've been the one to do it. I felt the loss of his fingers, and, well aware my own touch could never measure up, I blew out a sigh and dropped my hands to my sides, leaving my cock to quiver there, abandoned, in close-up on the screen. * * * * * Coming soon!