Date: Mon, 31 May 2021 01:00:00 -0700 From: John Henry Subject: Growing Up Kyle Chapter 36 (Gay/Incest) DONATION: Nifty is a not-for-profit organization that heavily relies on our donations to keep the site free and accessible. Your donations pay for web hosting fees and other day-to-day activities for the wonderful staff of editors/publishers. You can donate on the website at Every little bit counts. DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction, and contains explicit, sexual content involving adults over the age of 21 and minors under the age of 13, and scenes of incest involving step-parents/step-children. If viewing this material is illegal where you live, OR you're a minor under the age of 18, please stop reading his. If you're not sure about this legatilty, please stop reading until you have looked into your own, local laws. Any likeness or similarity between persons, places, products or concepts are purely coincidental. If you would like to leave any positive feedback, please let me know. Thank you. Chapter 36 Rick kept the boys home, giving them an extra day of their holiday. He tried talking Ry into going to the hospital, but Ry flat out refused. Rebecca said that he couldn't force Ry to go, but she did notify CPS about the abuse. Rick kept making a fuss over Ry, which outwardly annoyed the pre-teen, while secretly making him happy on the inside. Rick finalized his shopping for the next evening's dinner. Normally, Ronda took care of the entire affair. Lydia had agreed to help, but not until the tenth time Rick asked how long he should cook the turkey for. He had already invited Lydia and Terry, so she knew she was going to have to do most of the cooking anyway. The boys were told to get all of their homework done, so they spent most of that day at the dining room table. Charlie was in a mood. He kept kicking Kyle and bumping Ry's arms. Rick eventually put his youngest in a corner by himself. When the older boys were done, Rick put Charlie back at the table. It was almost 2 and Charlie wasn't close to finishing, despite having very little to do compared to his brother. "What's wrong, Little Man?" Rick said, after taking a seat next to his son. "Nothing," Charlie pouted. "Come on. Tell me what's wrong." "I said, 'Nothing'." Charlie threw down his pencil and crossed his arms. "Fine," Rick said, picking up Charlie's pencil, throwing it down on the table and crossing his own arms. He saw the glimpse of begrudged amusement play across his 6-year-old's face just before it turned stern in protest. Rick mimicked Charlie's expression in an exaggerated way. Before the boy could say a word, his dad said, "Stop mocking me." Charlie couldn't help but laugh, which also pissed him off. They went back and forth until Charlie finally caved with laughter. Rick pulled his baby boy onto his lap and said, "Are you ready to tell me what's gotten into you?" "Is Ry my brother now?" There was a sadness in the question that struck a nerve in Rick. "That's complicated, Charlie." "Why?" "Ry was hurt by his dad, so he's going to be staying here for a while." "How long?" "I don't know, Little Man. I wish I had an answer for you, but I don't." Charlie sadly nodded his head. Rick lifted his son's chin, looked into his eyes and added, "But that doesn't mean I love you any less. You're still my son, and I will always love you." "More than Ry?" Rick sighed and said, "I love you as much as I love your brother. If Ry and I ever have that kind of relationship, I will love him like I do you and Kyle, but I think you're getting ahead of the situation." "Whatever," Charlie said, jumping down from his dad's lap. "As long as you buy me all the toys I want, you can love Ry, too." "All the toys you want, huh?" Rick asked, sarcastically. "I don't have to buy your brother's love." "That's because he's not smart like me," Charlie said with a grin. "Nobody is smart like you." "Duh," Charlie exclaimed. Rick grabbed the little boy and tickled him. Once calmed, Rick told Charlie to finish his homework, while he went back to prepping food for Thanksgiving. There was a knock at the door, and Rick asked Kyle to answer it. Kyle gave a little protest but did as asked. Rick heard the door open then the quick slapping of bare feet on linoleum. "Rick!" Ry nearly shouted. "HE's here!" Rick spun around, "Your dad?" "No. Kyle's." Rick dropped the towel in his hand and rushed to the door. Will Parker had a pleasant smile on his face as he talked to Kyle. Rick snapped for Kyle to go to his room, and when Kyle began to protest, Ry practically dragged Kyle away and out of sight. "What do you want?" "My visit, of course," Parker said, as if unbothered by the exchange. "I've been trying to reach you to set up for this Friday. I know it's too soon to expect an invite to Thanksgiving, but I figured a Black Friday lunch-in would suffice." Rick wanted to get pissed, yell and deny the visit, but Rebecca assured him that the order was legal and the visit required. "Fine, Friday," Rick conceded through gritted teeth. "Great," Parker said, in what Rick was finding to be an annoying, upbeat manner. "I've already made arrangements for us to have it at Rebecca's office, so I hope you don't mind. Does 1:00 p.m. work for you?" "Yes." "I'll see you then." Will Parker walked away, but just as Rick was about to slam the door closed, Parker called out, "Oh! I almost forgot." He returned to the door, reached in his jacket and pulled out an envelope. He handed it to Rick and said, "I believe this should bring me up to current." Rick looked confused and opened the envelope. Inside was a cashier's check for $60,000. "What's this?" Was all he could get out. "Back child support. $500 a month, every month for the last 10 years, and you'll be receiving $500 a month on the first of every month, which will be sent to your attorney's office until you feel comfortable with me giving it to you directly." "I can't--" "It's child support, Rick. You'd get it whether either of us liked it or not. Don't think of it as me giving you money. Remember that it's to help you raise our son, and from what little interaction we had, I'd say you're doing a fantastic job." With that, Will Parker turned around and left. Rick walked back into the kitchen, confused by the encounter. "That was my father?" Kyle demanded, snapping Rick back to the moment. "Yeah. Sorry," Rick said, still taken aback. "What did he want?" "He wanted to set up a Rebecca's office on Friday." "What if I don't want to go?" "We don't have a choice. A judge said you and I have to do it, or you could get taken from me if you don't." "But, he hurt Kyle!" Ry said bitterly. "How can you make him go?" Rick knew that Ry was speaking more of himself than he was about Kyle. Rick knelt down, took Ry's hands, looked him in the eyes and said, "Sometimes, adults don't have a choice. Sometimes, we get put in impossible situations where we have to do the wrong thing. Not because we want to, but because we have to. I don't want Kyle to go, but if I don't make him, I will lose him." "What if my parents come for me?" Rick choked back his tears and replied, "As much as I want to be your dad, Ry, I'm not. I can't keep your parents from taking you, unless I report them to the police for hurting you, but you have to let me take you to the hospital for that to happen. And, even then, the state could take you from us." "That's not fair," Ry said, trying to hold down his emotions. "Life isn't fair, Kiddo," Rick said softly, pulling Ry into a hug. "But I will do everything I can to protect you, like I would for my boys." Rick felt a tiny arm around his back. He looked down and saw Charlie hugging him and Ry. Charlie said, "Fine! You can be my brother." Ry let go of Rick and hugged Charlie. "I'm rich!" Kyle exclaimed. Rick looked dumbfounded before noticing that Kyle had the child support check in his hand. Rick assumed he had dropped it when he hugged Ry. "Give it here." "But it has my name on it!" "Yeah, but it's made out to me, so it's mine," Rick said, reaching for the check, but Kyle leapt out of the way. "But it says, 'For Kyle,' so that makes it for me." Rick jumped and grabbed Kyle, who began to laugh. Charlie let go of Ry and joined the fray. Not wanting his sides to hurt anymore than they were, Ry said out of the brawl but cheered on the boys. After verifying that the check was real and depositing it, Rick took the boys out to dinner and then a late movie. There had been too much sadness and pain as of late, so Rick enjoyed the evening which was filled with laughter and joy. During the movie, he looked over and saw Kyle and Ry holding hands, which made him happy for his boys. After they got home, Rick put Charlie to bed and asked the older two to meet him in the living room. Rick had them sit on the couch, while he sat in a chair across from them. "First," Rick said, "I want to thank you both for being wonderful today. Charlie was experiencing a lot of jealousy earlier, so thank you for being patient with him. Second, Ry, thank you for helping separate Kyle from Mr. Parker. It means a lot." Kyle opened his mouth, but Rick cut him off. "Third, Kyle, thank you for not putting up a fuss over the situation with your father. I can't imagine it was easy once you figured it out, but I'm glad you let me handle it." "He didn't seem like a bad guy, though," Kyle said. "Well, neither did Dan," Rick countered, to which the boys nodded their agreement. "With that said," Rick continued, "As nice as last night was, we can't keep sharing my bed, and you're both getting to be too big for Kyle's bed--" "Are you making Ry sleep out here?" "Let me finish, please," Rick admonished. "Since you two are growing quickly, you're also out growing that bed, so this weekend, I'll buy you guys a set of bunk beds for the bedroom." Ry and Kyle looked scandalized. Kyle said, "But Ry can't sleep without someone next to him!" "And I don't mind sharing the smaller bed," Ry added. "But, what if Cody wants to stay the night?" Ry narrowed his eyes, while Kyle looked incredulous. "We'd figure something out," Kyle said. "We've done it before." "I suppose Ry could sleep with Charlie on those nights," Rick suggested. "No," Both boys objected. Kyle said, "That wouldn't be fair to Charlie, and he has a much smaller bed than I have already." "Yeah," Rick said, "But Charlie is much smaller than you, so Ry would actually have more room. In fact, maybe Ry should move in with Charlie starting tonight?" Both boys began to frantically protest. Rick just sat back enjoying his handy work. He even shocked himself with how well he was holding his laughter in. When it seemed like the two had reached their crescendo, Risk simply said, "Gotcha." Apparently, he hadn't said it loud enough, because the boys were still arguing their cause. "Gotcha!" He exclaimed. "What?!" The boys said. "Gotcha! It means I was only pulling your legs. You know, a joke?" "Gawd! You're a dick!" Kyle barked. "Hey, hey, hey. Watch your language, or I'm giving your room to my new favorite kid." Ry blushed and could help but smile. "But, seriously, you guys need a new bed, so this weekend, we'll look at some bigger beds." "Thanks, Dad," Kyle said, hugging Rick. "Thanks," Ry said from the couch. "No problem," Rick said, "Besides, after getting all that money, it might as well be put to good use." Rick then told the boys to get in bed. Kyle hugged Rick one last time before heading off. Ry stayed behind. "What's up, Kiddo?" "Are you sure you can't be my dad?" Ry asked, a note of desperation in his voice. "I honestly don't know, Ry. I want to be, but that isn't my decision. That would be up to your mom and a judge." "I know that, but..." "But what, kiddo?" "Can...can I call you dad?" Rick sat next to Ry and said, "Only if you really want to." "Good night, Dad," Ry said, while hugging Rick. "Good night, Ry," Rick whispered, returning the hug and kissing Ry on the cheek. ***Coming Soon, Chapter 37***